So yesterday I put up the video of an insane MSNBC host. Today comes the deranged Harry Reid in all his Kochiopath:
I like how Allah puts it:
Mentally ill man can’t stop talking about the monsters under his bed
And he wonders why Reid continues with this derangement:
You’ll be tempted to bail here after 10 seconds thinking you’ve got the point and thus there’s no need to watch it all. Wrong: The point is to watch it all, to absorb the extent of this guy’s demagoguery. You know, one of the theories for why Reid’s babbling about the Kochs every day is that it’s a shot across the bow to other Republican billionaires, to warn them of what’ll happen to them if they start throwing money at libertarian/conservative causes like the Kochs do. Does that make … any sense, though? After watching this, I understand it less than ever. Given the egos that populate America’s donor class, I bet there are people who’d kill for the kind of publicity the Kochs are getting from Reid.
But I’m pretty sure this is calculated derangement. He’s feeding red meat to the far left so that when the midterm massacre happens they can all blame those monsters under the bed.

See author page
My brother worked several years in Nevada in an important casino law enforcement position. He knew Harry well. Harry is not demented or deranged. He is a pure political creature with no regard for truth in any form that diminishes his power and his acquisition of personal wealth.
The National Socialist Democrats have not one policy success upon which to run this year. Not one.
Hence the Big Lie.
Living in Nevada, it never fails to amaze me that the embarrassment that is Harry Reid is so embraced here as a respected elected official. The idiocy that emanates from his backers here is every bit as asinine as is the bull crap the supporters of Comrades Obama and Holder spew, sheer Anti-American ideals garbage.
How sad to watch the so called Senate Majority leader (and while we’re on this subject, the Pelosis, Durbins, Boenhers, Rinos and the rest of the entrenched political hacks) openly demean everything we stand for as a country as well as tell the electorate to Fu.. off openly. The fact the the “people” have allowed the halls of government to turn into what is almost a third world dictatorship is a sad commentary on what we have become.
Think about this. Reid openly lies! Obama is doing everything in his power to emasculate the united States and in turn solidify his dictatorship. Holder, leftist scum Democrats and establishment Republican scum join together to subvert and ignore the laws of the land. The MSM openly spews lying propaganda for the administration and the Anti-American leftist scum that has infested the seats of government. The establishment Republicans, openly debase those of us who believe in the basic principles of this country. And of course, let’s not forget the vilification of the Tea Party by both sides and the MSM! Those of us who love this country are in their eyes pariahs and referred to as enemies of the state! Good God, can this be any closer to a Stalinist Soviet Union?
I repeat something below (I’ve actually updated it a bit) I know I’ve put here more than once, Harry Reid, Obama and the rest be damned, but it is still my steadfast belief as to not only the Tea Party, but to our country and it’s future. We either stand up and fight the cancer that has infested this government and the brain washed part of the electorate that has come to idolize the Harry Reids and Obamas of this country, or we as a country will be relegated to the trash heaps of history. And make no mistake about it. This country is hanging over the edge of the precipice.
” We the people sometimes do not pay attention to all that is going on, but once we open our eyes, we act. The hateful noise coming from the hard left as well as the establishment Republican scum at this time leads me to the following. I am hopeful this is the start of a second revolution that will restore our country’s soul. I’ve said before that we need a revolution but we are the only country that can have one that is done peacefully through that ballot box. As to the Tea Party, my feelings are well known but apparently need repeating!
It is apparent beyond all doubt that the establishment on both sides (at this time, I for one am completely dumbstruck by the open hatred being shown by the establishment Republicans) are deathly afraid of the so called Tea Party (and thus the electorate in general) and they well should be! For those of you who prefer to live in a cave, the Tea Party from my view is not just about returning to conservative principles. The people who are aligning themselves behind this movement are looking for so much more. We are looking for men and women of principle! We want representatives that obey the will of the people, not their leaders or their own power lust! We want a return to the bedrock principles this country was founded on! We sure as hell do not want to be told we are racists, hate mongers or all the other names we are called just because we disagree with the direction this country is being taken. We believe in free speech, not hate speech!
The Tea Party movement is not a fight for the heart and soul of the Republican party! A co-opted media led by a hard core left wing wanna be dictatorship government would want you to believe that it is in fact all about the Republicans. And they would be dead wrong! The Tea Party movement is a fight for the heart and soul of our country! It is a fight to return us to what made us the greatest country in the world! How sad that entrenched politicians on the right along with the tone deaf clowns on the left cannot or refuse to understand such a basic tenet!
Freedom comes at a price kids! Sit on your hands and take, take, take, you’ll lose everything! Take responsibility, work and earn your way, respect the rights of others to pursue those same goals and live as true Americans! Those who fought and died to make this melting pot the greatest country this world has ever known deserve that from all of us and if we act now, there is a chance to save it all. But time is running out and the fact that even now most of the current political class would rather punt and destroy our grandkid’s future is disheartening to say the least. Add the hate we now see and we are in free fall! “
I was being polite. My brother said exactly what you said: “Harry Reid lies.”
I realize you were being polite. :-). My problem, as most on this site know is that I have a disdain for the Harry Reids of this nation that just drives me over the edge. And i’ll go one step further on this. I was first here in 1980 for a year (I was at the running the tote system at the MGM Jai Alai when it burned). At that time I remember Harry Reid as a respected, honorable and what seemed to be a good man. Could it be the old axiom that absolute power corrupts absolutely or is it my thought that so many go into politics with good intentions but are in fact to weak to stick to their ideals. All I know for sure is that Harry Reid as well as so many on both sides of the aisle, but especially the left with their commie Bastard leader are in fact destroying this country.
Reports that theBLM force pulling out of Bundy ranch stand-off. Could it be that the light of day was too bright for Harry Reid. The rats run when a light is shined on them,.
Seems Harry is doing damage control all by himself…DEFLECTING…..that is… the BLM Land Grab..he is now so very closely associated with.
Diverting the ‘conversation’ away from HIM and onto the Koch Brothers….got to keep the ‘attention’ off of himself…because the ‘true’ colors cannot by any means be seen by those who just might be starting to ‘pay attention’….
@joetote: #3
Well said.
@joetote: #5
My philosophy is that all of us have a line of income that as long as we can pay our bill and put some away for retirement, we are content at a certain level of income. Each person’s line is at a different level. When a person’s income goes over THEIR line, they start seeing what they can now afford, and start thinking that if they can earn a certain amount more, then they can afford more stuff. They then turn into a money driven person. I hope I never reach MY level. Being retired, I probably won’t.
This reminds me of a story. It is kind of long, but it is one that I saved:
A lady in a faded gingham dress and her husband, dressed in a homespun threadbare suit, stepped off the train in Boston, and walked timidly without an appointment into the Harvard University President’s outer office. The secretary could tell in a moment that such backwoods, country hicks had no business at Harvard & probably didn’t even deserve to be in Cambridge.
“We’d like to see the president,” the man said softly. “He’ll be busy all day,” the secretary snapped. “We’ll wait,” the lady replied. For hours the secretary ignored them, hoping that the couple would finally become discouraged and go away. They didn’t, and the secretary grew frustrated and finally decided to disturb the president, even though it was a chore she always regretted.
“Maybe if you see them for a few minutes, they’ll leave,” she said to him! He sighed in exasperation and nodded. Someone of his importance obviously didn’t have the time to spend with them, and he detested gingham dresses and homespun suits cluttering up his outer office. The president, stern faced and with dignity, strutted toward the couple.
The lady told him, “We had a son who attended Harvard for one year. He loved Harvard. He was happy here. But about a year ago, he was accidentally killed. My husband and I would like to erect a memorial to him, somewhere on campus.” The president wasn’t touched. He was shocked. “Madam,” he said, gruffly, “we can’t put up a statue for every person who attended Harvard and died. If we did, this place would look like a cemetery.”
“Oh, no,” the lady explained quickly. “We don’t want to erect a statue. We thought we would like to give a building to Harvard.” The president rolled his eyes. He glanced at the gingham dress and homespun suit, then exclaimed, “A building! Do you have any earthly idea how much a building costs? We have over seven and a half million dollars in the physical buildings here at Harvard.”
For a moment the lady was silent. The president was pleased. Maybe he could get rid of them now. The lady turned to her husband and said quietly, “Is that all it cost to start a university? Why don’t we just start our own? “Her husband nodded. The president’s face wilted in confusion and bewilderment.
Mr. and Mrs. Leland Stanford got up and walked away, traveling to Palo Alto, California where they established the university that bears their name, Stanford University, a memorial to a son that Harvard no longer cared about. You can easily judge the character of others by how they treat those who they think can do nothing for them.
— A TRUE STORY By Malcolm Forbes
Reid needs to be committed to a mental institution. Any police or enforcement agency can “pink slip” him to a 72 hr. holding facility for evaluation and treatment. He mental compromise is compromising this country. People like reid, polosi, hagel, kerry, clapper, closet trash, gay hillary, a big piece of lying garbage sebellius, and the two big idiots and puppets-the fool and the drunk (opie-also gay, and biden) is that the future of this country’s history and its influence on the world will depend ultimately on our own behavior. Trashy behavior appears to be the new motto for this country.
When one is analyzing Un-American Domestic Terrorists like the Koch Brothers, it’s hard to put things more sensibly than Harry Reid just did. Discussing the Koch Brothers is like discussing “Mein Kampf”. How much more needs to be said?
@Chuck Prentiss: #11
Please give a link to some of the terrorist acts the Koch brothers have done. I just learned about them recently, thanks to the democrats complaining about them. When I learn something new, I don’t make up my mind until I get a lot more info about it or them.
Smorgasbord #12
Still waiting?
Smorgasbord and Makaya:
You should educate yourselves about the Koch Brothers. Don’t depend on others to do the heavy lifting.
They are two of the Deadliest Enemies you could possibly have.
If the Koch Brothers have their way, you and your families will have no financial future whatsoever.
They are strictly advocates for billionaires. If you and your family are not already billionaires, you can look forward to a very bleak future if the Koch Brothers and their chosen representatives take over this country.
Since your future depends on it, do some research on the Koch Brothers and find out for yourselves.
Good Luck.
@MAKAYA: #13
Still waiting?
I immediately put the question in my, “Never will be answered” file. I don’t like waiting for things I know will never come.
@Chuck Prentiss: #14
….you can look forward to a very bleak future if the Koch Brothers and their chosen representatives take over this country.
It appears you are still waiting.
@MAKAYA: #17
I never wait for answers to questions like that to liberals. They either NEVER ANSWER THEM, or they make something up, or they link to a known liberal web site that said something negative.
Responding to Conservatives is a waste of time and effort. If they are dumb enough to be Conservatives, they are usually brain-damaged beyond repair. It’s enough that the rest of us know how brain-dead they are. Conservatives don’t have the mind capacity ever to see the light. Don’t compare Soros to the Koch Brothers. Soros doesn’t want to take over this country and economically enslave most of its citizens. That’s exactly what the Koch Brothers are trying to do. Harry Reid was eloquent beyond words in his description of those two Koch Disasters.
@Chuck Prentiss: #19
As you already know, george soros is an admitted socialist, and has said he wants the USA to be a socialist country. I didn’t save the article about that.
Smorgasbord #20
How typical. Mister Prentiss injected the Hitler card into the discussion at 11. He deflected your request for a single example at #12 with #14, saying it is our duty to look up all the awful things about the Koch brothers rather than trouble himself with answering you.
Then with great intellectual rigor and uncharacteristic patience for a lefty, he waited all the way until #19 to start calling names. Such restraint. In the same palsied strophe, he defends Soros, the billionaire sonderkommando as someone Mister Prentiss apparently admires, or at least, excuses.
P. J. O’ Rourke wrote somewhere that liberalism is the philosophy of the immature. How about, the philosophy of the tantrum.
But, I’ll play along: Mister Prentiss, please answer Smorgasbord @ #12. We wish heartily to be enlightened.
And, permit me to humbly ask for the links to the Koch bother’s “chosen representatives,” their qualifications as “Deadliest Enemies,” and, please, as civilization hangs in the balance, exactly how they plan to “take over the country and economically enslave most of its citizens.”
We know your responses will fully reflect the maturity and originality of thought you have so far exhibited.
@Chuck Prentiss:
You do realize of course Chuck, that Harry Reid accepted Koch donations, and that Adolf Hitler was aleftist socialist, right?
@Chuck Prentiss:
Chuck, did you ever fart in a bottle?
Chuck Prentiss is another ignorant with a foul stinking mouth trying to look important here,
the indoctrination from this administration has change the one with weak minds like the CHUCK PRENTISS
@MAKAYA: #21
NEVER EXPECT A DIRECT ANSWER from a liberal when the question makes sense. They have to analyze the possible answers, then pick the one that they think will best spread their agenda.
Since Soros is an admitted socialist, anyone who defends him is also a socialist who wants the USA to turn socialist. NOBODY who wants to keep a free America will defend ANYBODY who has ANY thought of turning MY America from a REPUBLIC to anything else. We are not a democracy.
You can’t rush a liberal. You have to give them one question at a time. Remember, they have to make up something that they think will sound believable to conservatives. Chuck knows that most of the readers of FA are military, or former military, and that most have seen combat, and they CHOSE to go “over there” to keep the USA free, and Chuck needs to come up with something that sounds believable to people who know when someone is attacking THEIR country.
As with most liberals, when they can’t come up with an answer that sounds even a little believable to a group like that, they find it best to retreat and reform. Just like in war, if you have charged the front lines, and find the enemy is much too strong to warrant another charge, you retreat and try to come up with another plan. Sometimes the order comes to withdraw and try to attack somewhere else. Chuck is probably in that mode right now.
One of the Fox News reporters mentioned that nobody had ever heard of the Koch Brothers until Harry started condemning them. As with obama telling us who not to listen to, and ALL of them getting large increases in listeners, so it will happen with the Koch Brothers. People like me who have never heard of them are now interested in them, and might try to help them in their business ventures.
Thank you Bee, Kraken, Smorgasbord et al.
I was going to reply to Mr. Prentiss on Sunday, but I felt it would be inappropriate on such a sacred day.
I hope you all had a blessed Easter, and that includes Mr. Prentiss.
That’s all. Signing off this thread.
thank you and the wish is back at you,
check back with us , we need your input,
to heal our anger at the trolls,
keep FLOPPING ACES open,
@MAKAYA: #26
Anyone who attacks any of us, attacks all of us. Attack–meaning our values, ideals, conservatism, etc.