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@Richard Wheeler:

Not so with a Black man. You do see the difference??

Yes, the black person would likely be a racist, looking for something to be offended by. The white guy would likely not be a racist looking for something to be offended by.
You and Ron H are not making a very good case for black people not being racist. Need to try a different angle/perspective, perhaps. If a black person does not object to being referred to as a Nword by anyone unless they are a different color than he, then it is because he is a racist. There can be no other explanation.

@Redteam: That’s ridiculous RT and you know it. I call a Black man a nigger and he get’s offended, he must be a racist? Tell me you don’t REALLY believe that RT.
“not making a good case for Black people not being racist.”You think Blacks are racists?
Exit question Why would the White guy (not you of course) call the Black guy a nigger? Just for the hell of it?

@Richard Wheeler:
Wow. I give you a lot of credit for continually coming on here and debating these nut jobs. No wonder most of the original authors and commenters abandoned this website (remember Larry?). I don’t know if you read Mata’s post a while back about why she no longer wanted to be an author on here but it summed up my feelings perfectly. This site is nothing more than a echo chamber for ignorant unaware conservatives to get together and jerk each other off. It’s quite sad really. I mean after reading the back and forth between you and Redteam, I needed to take a shower. I give up on trying to talk to irrational people. I have to deal with enough of them in the real world so why torture myself by debating them in the virtual world. Beside it’s always easy to be assertive and self righteous when you’re sitting at home or work on your computer.

Oh well at least there are still plenty of other conservative websites to look at on the interwebs.

Take care and good luck.

Ron H.

@Ron H.: Yeah a lot of the good guys are gone–Aye,Mata,John Galt,Larry. Even Skooks is rarely heard from. Still enjoy hearing what Word and Aqua have to add. From the left, Tom is outstanding.
You can’t really debate folks like 05 and RT. I read em for what it is. Actually, it helps confirm why I’m a Dem.
What’s a Consevative site you like?

@Richard Wheeler:

You can’t really debate folks like 05 and RT.

Really? Perhaps this is the reason:

Just askin

You don’t debate, RW. You ask questions, expect answers but when questions are asked of you, you dodge them and refuse to answer them. Questions like: what race are the majority of Mexicans?

You can’t debate with someone who wants the conversation to be one-sided as you do. That, RW, is why you are a Democrat. And like most Democrats, you pick and choose those you label as “conservative” only if they meet with your approval due to their less than conservative view points.

And you can’t debate with someone who refuses to actually state their political position, as you do. I am up front and clear about my political philosophy. You are not. Basically, I think you have no foundation, you just seem to go as the wind blows, supporting some (few) things that could be considered conservative, and opposing all others. You seem to be rudderless, actually.

So if it is debate you are interested in, you can start by answering the question that I posed to you more than once:

What race are the majority of Mexicans?

@retire05:” Conversation one -sided” Pot Kettle
Let me be crystal clear
I think you are a loud mouthed, classless old hag.You’ve driven good people away from this site.
Mexicans are classified as white race. Calling a Mexican a wetback is a slur, be it ethnic or racial.
Calling a Black person a nigger is a slur, be it ethnic or racial.

@Richard Wheeler:

Let me be crystal clear
I think you are a loud mouthed, classless old hag


And you are an agenda driven POS that has spent most of you civilian days crapping on the uniform you claim to have once worn with pride. So I guess our distaste for each other is, at least, mutual.

You’ve driven good people away from site.

Wow! I was unaware that I am in possession of such power as to drive anyone away. Think I could use that power on other statists, as well?

Mexicans are classified as white race. Calling a Mexican a wetback is a slur, be it ethnic or racial.

So, in reality, calling a Mexican a “wet back” is actually a slur against white people.

BTW, since you seem to suffer from the disease of age bigotry, why don’t you tell us how old you are?

Richard Wheeler
you are an offensive minion coming here to side with opponant of what conservatives stand for
you have been given respect which you do not deserve,
and your accusations are lies, filthy lies,
no one drive any one away here, except people like you,
which we have to demolish their crooked tongue every time you all show up ,
spitting negative and lies accusing our CONSERVATIVES,

@Richard Wheeler:

I call a Black man a nigger and he get’s offended, he must be a racist?

but you just admitted that if another black person called that black person a Nword that he wouldn’t be offended. So it’s not the word that’s racist, it must be the one that sees the racism.

@Ron H.:

coming on here and debating these nut jobs.

I haven’t noticed him ‘debating’ with you. You can’t carry on a reasonable debate and therefore the problem must be the one you can’t debate. And that happens with ‘these nut jobs’. Why so far, out of a quoted clause, you can’t even pick out the three requirements to be President.

While lamenting the good old days, you said:

I don’t know if you read Mata’s post a while back about why she no longer wanted to be an author on here

Mata left because she had started to believe some of the crap you lefties write and was finding she disagreed with too many conservatives. When she couldn’t prevail in her reasoning, she took her toys and went home to Mommy.

@Ron H.:

I have to deal with enough of them in the real world so why torture myself by debating them in the virtual world.

I suggest you take your toys and go home to Mommy. She’ll still let you live in Never Never land. Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.

My God your ignorance is staggering!
I want to help you as there is nothing more disconcerting than an ignoramus like you. Here is the history of the N-word. Read very slowly as I know you have comprehension issues.

Nigger: The Strange Career of a Troublesome Word
By Randall Kennedy
Pantheon. 256 pp. $22
Friday, January 11, 2001

In A Treatise on the Intellectual Character and Civil and Political Condition of the Colored People of the United States: and the Prejudice Exercised Towards Them (1837), Hosea Easton wrote that nigger “is an opprobrious term, employed to impose contempt upon [blacks] as an inferior race. . . . The term in itself would be perfectly harmless were it used only to distinguish one class of society from another; but it is not used with that intent. . . . [I]t flows from the fountain of purpose to injure.” Easton averred that often the earliest instruction white adults gave to white children prominently featured the word nigger. Adults reprimanded them for being “worse than niggers,” for being “ignorant as niggers,” for having “no more credit than niggers”; they disciplined them by telling them that unless they behaved they would be carried off by “the old nigger” or made to sit with “niggers” or consigned to the “nigger seat,” which was, of course, a place of shame.”

Hopefully this will clear up any confusion you have as to the TRUE meaning of the N-word. But the again you are an ignoramus who makes shit up and doesn’t live in reality so….I feel sorry for you. I really do.

Ron H.

@Richard Wheeler:

Actually, it helps confirm why I’m a Dem.

Shouldn’t that be Dim? I thought you just got through saying you are a Libertarian.

@Redteam: I didn’t say that my #90 ref MY talking to a Black man.
You just make stuff up rt—very tiresome
How bout confirms why I’m not a radical right winger.

Oh and just so you know I’m not a leftie as you put it. But then if you had been around long enough you would have known that. I was posting on FA back when Bush was still President so please get your facts straight. I’ve never posted anything supportive of Obama or any of his policies. I just point out when dumbasses like you soil the conservative brand by being ignorant and toxic. I much like Mata, am tired of reading dribble from morons like you so I gave up on this site. You aren’t intimidating in the least and you aren’t a great debater as you simply obfuscate and move goal posts. If Aye were still around, or Mata, they would tear you a new one. Hell Richard Wheeler makes more sense then you do so that says a lot of your lack of well……… everything.

Enjoy playing with yourself little man.

Ron H.

some of them i don”t even care to exchange with,
once we know their core and intent TO WHY THEY COME HERE

@Richard Wheeler:
I like Hot Air, I read The Blaze sometimes because of the type of articles they provide. The Daily Caller is pretty good as well. Oh and I really like Mediate which doesn’t seem to be particularly partisan. They compile video clips and news columns from various sources and put them in one place. You should check it out.

Ron H.

@Richard Wheeler:

You can’t really debate folks like 05 and RT.

Let me tell you why that may be true. Because if you ask me a question, I answer it. Generally, if I ask a Lib a question, they don’t answer it. You do occasionally, but if you know it’s going to put a biased inflection on you, you won’t answer the question, therefore the ‘debate’ ends. 99.9% of the time, because you won’t answer uncomfortable questions. But to give credit, you do answer more than the average Dim. I believe that both Retire and myself answer at least 90% of the questions asked. Most Dims don’t like the answer, but that’s their problem. What’s was my problem with Mata? For some reason, she seems to feel as if she has some kind of legal expertise and attempts to ‘lecture’ anyone with her knowledge. Unfortunately she’s usually wrong with her ‘legal’ opinion, and she doesn’t take kindly to being told she’s wrong. So, as I said, she took her toys and went home.

@Richard Wheeler:In 114 you said:

I didn’t say that my #190 ref my talking to a Black man.
You just make stuff up rt—very tiresome

In 102 you said:

That’s ridiculous RT and you know it. I call a Black man a nigger and he get’s offended, he must be a racist?

So in 114 you say that you didn’t say what you said in 102 and accuse me of making something up, strange.

@Redteam: Don’t think you answer 90% -maybe 70% . Most recent Do you think Blacks are racists? Also you seem to misinterpret much of what I post?? Read my #90
I’ve corresponded with Aye and Mata off line. Their thoughts on O5? You don’t wanna know.

@Richard Wheeler:Backtracking RW?

Mexicans are classified as white race. Calling a Mexican a wetback is a slur, be it ethnic or rac

now you’re trying to say it may be ethnic, not racial whereas your original statement was that it is racist. Why are you changing your opinion if you weren’t wrong. I can not understand why a dyed in the wool liberal hates to be called a liberal. Seems they want to believe that being liberal is the ‘conservative’ position, but here all these conservatives have done taken that word to apply to themselves. Being conservative means you have a rudder. Oh, now I see why you have a problem being called a Lib.

@Richard Wheeler:

I’ve corresponded with Aye and Mata off line. Their thoughts on O5? You don’t wanna know.

Not very impressive RW, so you go off line and play a conservative to stay in their good graces? Their opinions of 05 would not bother me. If their opinion is different than mine, that is their problem. I have no problem with 05, if I disagree with her, we just go on to the next subject. Doesn’t mean she’s wrong, doesn’t mean I’m wrong. Don’t remember any exchanges I might have had with Aye, but I do recall a vivid exchange with Mata about George Zimmerman. She wanted to hang Zimmerman before the trial. When I said he was clearly not guilty, she blew her gaskets. Who was right? and her gaskets are still blown. I hope she stays in her sand box at her mommy’s playing with her own toys.

@Richard Wheeler:In 102 you said:

I call a Black man a nigger and he get’s offended, he must be a racist?

If you are not talking to the Black man how would he know you called him a Nword? If you are not in the company of a black man and you refer to that black man, in a conversation with another person, as a Nword, then the person you are talking to relays your message, if that person then told the black person that you were a white guy, he’d be offended, but if he said you were another black guy, he wouldn’t be offended? Who’s the racist? Now that’s really the only way I can easily think of that you can ‘call a black man a Nword. either directly or relayed.
Who’s confused?


@Ron H.:Ron H. why didn’t you use this instead? Maybe you want the word to be a US southern word. Well it actually was invented before there was a USA, so you Libs are gonna have to try to find the truth, something you are not used to.

The variants neger and negar, derive from the Spanish and Portuguese word negro (black), and from the now-pejorative French nègre (negro). Etymologically, negro, noir, nègre, and nigger ultimately derive from nigrum, the stem of the Latin niger (black) (pronounced [ˈniɡer] which, in every other grammatical case, grammatical gender, and grammatical number besides nominative masculine singular, is nigr-, the r is trilled).

In the Colonial America of 1619, John Rolfe used negars in describing the African slaves shipped to the Virginia colony.[2] Later American English spellings, neger and neggar, prevailed in a northern colony, New York under the Dutch, and in metropolitan Philadelphia’s Moravian and Pennsylvania Dutch communities; the African Burial Ground in New York City originally was known by the Dutch name “Begraafplaats van de Neger” (Cemetery of the Negro); an early US occurrence of neger in Rhode Island, dates from 1625.[3] An alternative word for African Americans was the English word, “Black”, used by Thomas Jefferson in his Notes on the State of Virginia. Among Anglophones, the word nigger was not always considered derogatory, because it then denoted “black-skinned”, a common Anglophone usage.[4] Nineteenth-century English (language) literature features usages of nigger without racist connotation, e.g. the Joseph Conrad novella The Nigger of the ‘Narcissus’ (1897). Moreover, Charles Dickens and Mark Twain created characters who used the word as contemporary usage. Twain, in the autobiographic book Life on the Mississippi (1883), used the term within quotes, indicating reported usage, but used the term “negro” when speaking in his own narrative persona.[5]

During the fur trade of the early 1800s to the late 1840s in the Western United States, the word was spelled “niggur”, and is often recorded in literature of the time. George Fredrick Ruxton often included the word as part of the “mountain man” lexicon, did not indicate that the word was pejorative at the time. “Niggur” was evidently similar to the modern use of dude, or guy. This passage from Ruxton’s Life in the Far West illustrates a common use of the word in spoken form—the speaker here referring to himself: “Travler, marm, this niggur’s no travler; I ar’ a trapper, marm, a mountain-man, wagh!”[6] It was not used as a term exclusively for blacks among mountain men during this period, as Indians, Mexicans, and Frenchmen and Anglos alike could be a “niggur”.[7]


NOTICE: I said all that without calling you a single name.

@Ron H.: .

I feel sorry for you. I really do.

Ron H.

Geez, you’re still around? After all those big ‘goodbyes’ above I thought you ‘d be out the door by now.

@Ron H.:

Oh and just so you know I’m not a leftie as you put it. But then if you had been around long enough you would have known that. I was posting on FA back when Bush was still President

I have only been commenting on here since 2004, but I’ve not encountered you until recently. And it only takes about one comment from you to determine that you are a leftie.

@Ron H.:

If Aye were still around, or Mata, they would tear you a new one.

LOL, basically Mata left because of Retire and Me. She couldn’t tear me a new one is the reason she’s not around. That’s why you won’t be here long either. Dishonest POS such as you can’t keep up. So much for your brilliance. By the way, I’ll start putting on my sun glasses when I see your name.

@Richard Wheeler: 120

Don’t think you answer 90% -maybe 70% . Most recent Do you think Blacks are racists? Also you seem to misinterpret much of what I post??

Direct me to a question of yours that I didn’t answer. If I don’t answer, it’s because I may not have seen it. I don’t read all the threads. Do I think blacks are racists? I don’t like to apply one label to a whole race of people. I will say that politically inclined blacks are usually racist if they are Dimocrats. Colin Powell, for example did not show his racism in the past, but clearly does now. Poor uneducated blacks also ‘tend’ to be racist.

@ilovebeeswarzone:Bees, they are spinning their wheels, or running in place. The dims on this site are a piece of cake, or in some cases a POS, but I do it because I think it is important to ridicule persons that should be ridiculed. Ron H., for example, can’t remember the argument, so he’s not much fun, he needs a book marker to keep up and even that doesn’t help much. You miss Bees are a delight.


@Redteam: By your definition, calling Colin Powell a racist makes you the racist.
You say poor uneducated Blacks tend to be racists. Do you think poor uneducated whites tend to be racists?
You say politically inclined Dem. Blacks tend to be racists.

Again, by YOUR Definition, you are a racist RT. I’m not sure I agree.

@Richard Wheeler:

By your definition, calling Colin Powell a racist makes you the racist.

RW, this thread is not about “gotcha” it’s about racism. By definition when you are discussing racism on a thread about racism, that does not ‘make anyone a racist’. I hope that is clear.

You say poor uneducated Blacks tend to be racists.

Not inherently.

Do you think poor uneducated whites tend to be racists?

Not inherently.

You say politically inclined Dem. Blacks tend to be racists.

That seems to be relatively clear.

Again, by YOUR Definition, you are a racist RT. I’m not sure I agree.

So I’ll refresh your memory:

this thread is not about “gotcha” it’s about racism. By definition when you are discussing racism on a thread about racism, that does not ‘make anyone a racist’.

When having a discussion on any subject, the mere fact of pointing out examples of what you consider the subject to be is not necessarily a definition of the persons involved in the discussion.
To be as clear as I can. My statement that pointing out a racist is usually done by a racist, is not of itself pointing out a racist, nor a display of racism. If you ask me what I mean and I say that the fact that Obama plays the race card, therefore I think that makes him a racist is not an example of ME playing the race card or pointing out racism. It is only supplying you with an example of what the discussion subject is about.

@Redteam: Doublespeak RT.
Aren’t you calling Powell a racist? Aren’t you calling Black Dem. Pols racists?
By YOUR definition doesn’t that make you the racist?
Seems pretty clear.

@Richard Wheeler:

Doublespeak RT.
Aren’t you calling Powell a racist? Aren’t you calling Black Dem. Pols racists?

You’re really struggling aren’t you RW? Haven’t you asked that about 3 times? I’m going to put in as simple a language as I can, and I think you can understand this. NO. That is the word no followed by a period. it is not an abbreviation for number. I believe understanding the word no, might have been a requirement to get a toilet paper degree from a Cracker Jack box. Right?

If I were to adopt what you are trying to say, then anyone that discussed racism, is racist. Does that mean you are a racist? You’re discussing it. The subject of this thread is racism. My statement that persons that bring up racism is an indication that person is the one that has racist thoughts and is therefore the racist only means that I am defining, for the sake of discussion, one of the indicators of being a racist. I did not bring up the issue of Race, I’m only discussing race on a thread that is about racists. It would be a little hard to discuss race if I can’t mention the word; race, wouldn’t it? If I say that if a man pulls out a gun and shoots someone, he is a murderer, the fact that I point out that so and so shot someone, does not mean that I’m a murderer. Pointing out, for the sake of discussion that, for example a person that plays the Race Card is usually a racist and pointing out that obama plays the Race Card regularly does not mean that I’m the racist.
I know you’re struggling and trying to finally prove you are right for the first time, but alas, I’m afraid you’re going to have to wait for another opportunity. You’ve lost this one. Better luck next time. Maybe you should try to win one with RJW, he’s pretty shallow and only stiffs for OFA, so he should be a very easy target for you.

@Richard Wheeler:

Seems pretty clear.

After all your howling about the smog in Sou Cal, and I’m supposed to think you can see clearly now? LOL.

didn’t i tell you they where ganging up to bring you in their shit box,
i saw it comming from the start, and followed it< until ron ward could not countain himself and
crash in to attack and break the chairs,



but it is normal for RJW. We all expect it from the libs.

I guess you told them trolls “bring it on”

@ilovebeeswarzone: The smell will go away.

It”s hard to take out the smell of dead rats


@Redteam: Glad to see you agree with me. If someone calls out a racist it does not make him ( THE CALLER ) a racist. Easy.
At one time you seemed to believe otherwise.

@Richard Wheeler:

Glad to see you agree with me. If someone calls out a racist it does not make him ( THE CALLER ) a racist.

I don’t agree with you. The perspective has to be considered. If two persons agree to discuss a subject and the subject is racism, then referring to signs of racism does not mean you are a racist. However, If someone says he wants to address the nation and then he proceeds to play the Race Card, it is because he is looking through his racist spectacles. If I were to make an ‘announcement’ that all my problems were due to all these black people, you’d say that was clearly racist. If a black person (for example the Prez) were to make an announcement that all the problems with the country are due to all these white people, that would be racist. Well?

@Redteam: “looking for signs of racism.” That’s different than saying someone is a racist?
Mighty thin line RT.
Let’s try this. If you should call Colin Powell or Al Sharpton or Strom Thurmond a racist does that make you a racist?
1) yes 2) no 3) it’s irrelevant and not a determinant as to what you actually are.

@Richard Wheeler:

If you should call Colin Powell or Al Sharpton or Strom Thurmond a racist does that make you a racist?
1) yes 2) no 3) it’s irrelevant and not a determinant as to what you actually are.

The correct answer is: Yes.

But that is not the same as the situation we were discussing above: You just described a situation where I, out of the clear blue, just say: ” Al Sharpton is a racist” in that situation, it would be me that was looking through racist glasses. Now I may be absolutely correct in the statement, he may in fact, be a racist, but had I not been judging him, then I would not be a racist. If I put myself into looking at him to determine if he is racist, then that would be a racist thing to do.

But if persons are commenting on racism on a thread on a blog and the discussion is about what do we consider the things you would look at if you were trying to determine if a person were a racist and I were to say that if a person consistently plays the Race Card would indicate he is a racist, would not imply that I was a racist because I had ‘judged’ him. I had not ‘judged’ him, I had only stated an opinion on what I think are the signs of being a racist .

@Redteam: It would appear you don’t see racist as a negative term. Simply a prism through which one person views another.
In other words, if you call Sharpton a racist you are a racist irrelevant of the truth behind you statement.

@Richard Wheeler:

It would appear you don’t see racist as a negative term. Simply a prism through which one person views another.

Don’t know how you came up with that. I see it as a very negative term.

In other words, if you call Sharpton a racist you are a racist irrelevant of the truth behind you statement.

Basically, but I do have to say that I can see and know racism even though I’m not a racist. When I go so far as to start labeling others, then that’s because I’m judging what they do and it’s not my place to call or label a person as a racist. Having said that, if that person is playing the race card, I think it is self evident that he is a racist and I can have that opinion. But when I get to the point that I start making racism the issue, it’s because racism has become an issue to me. If we are walking down the street talking and you said: ” I think Obama is playing the race card”, and I said yes, I do also. I don’t think that makes me a racist.

HE NOW SWITCH IT TO A BAD MEMORY’, SO THE COLOR STICK TO BAD’ IN HIS MIND AS LONG AS HE LIVE’, and the same to the other 3 year old looking at the mother scolding her baby,
thats how we learn to judge, from the start,

@Redteam:We are back where we started. If Bees calls anyone a racist, Bees is a racist. Correct?
” Judge not that ye not be judged.”