And so hookers in Nevada could get tax exemptions.
A final effort by Senate Republicans to halt cuts to pensions of military retirees failed late Tuesday, after Democrats blocked an amendment to the controversial budget bill.
The two-year budget agreement, which cleared a key test vote earlier in the day, was expected to get a final vote no later than Wednesday.
Ahead of the final vote, Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., tried unsuccessfully to use a parliamentary tactic to force a vote on the amendment, which he wrote to undo the cuts for military retirees.
A provision in the already House-passed bill would cut retirement benefits for military retirees by $6 billion over 10 years.
Sessions wanted to instead eliminate an estimated $4.2 billion in annual spending by reining in an IRS credit that illegal immigrants have claimed.
He and fellow senators argued the bill unfairly sticks veterans and other military retirees with the cost of new spending.
“It’s not correct, and it should not happen,” Sessions said on the floor.
“By blocking my amendment, they voted to cut pensions for wounded warriors,” he said afterwards. “Senators in this chamber have many valid ideas for replacing these pension cuts, including my proposal to close the tax welfare loophole for illegal filers, and all deserved a fair and open hearing. But they were denied.”
Sessions’ office claimed the vote Tuesday to block the amendment was a vote to “cut military pensions instead of cutting welfare for illegal immigrants.”
Disabled vets are not spared either.
There is, however, money enough to study duck penises, provide “lifestyle lessons” for Senate staffers and more:
•$10 million for National Guard advertising tie-ins with the “Soldier of Steel” movie, despite budget cuts reducing the Guard’s strength by 8,000 soldiers.
•$7 billion for the Pentagon to destroy vehicles and other military equipment used in wars in the Middle East rather than sell or ship the items home.
•$17.5 million for special tax exemptions for Nevada brothels, including tax deductions for groceries, wages for prostitutes, rent and utilities.
•Nearly $1 million since 2010 for the National Endowment of Humanities “Popular Romance Project,” which studies romance novels, films, comics and Internet fan fiction.
•$630,000 spent by the State Department to buy followers on its Facebook and Twitter accounts.
•$325,525 for a National Institutes of Health study that found wives would be happier if they could calm down faster during arguments with their husbands.
•$150,000 to support the Puppets Take Long Island festival in Sag Harbor.
The cuts would save $6 billion over ten years. Unauthorized illegal aliens receive $4 billion in tax credits every year.
Senate Republicans tried to block the bill, but democrats stood with the illegals over the veterans.
Member of Congress and civilians employed by the government are not affected.
Congress is cutting the pensions of those who served our country so that illegal aliens would not have to do with a little less. The world is going to hell.
I think this is absolutely outrageous. What do you think?

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
i’M sorry to hear that, no one here would do a thing like that to you,
you can be sure of it,
it must be somwhere you left it and do not remember, start searching again from the start,
on all the floor, all box all kitchen drawers, ecetera, and your pocket of older cloathes and jeans,
no one can rob you from the cyber place here,
good luck and tell us when you find it,
Now that is real class, Joe. FBS.
@Joe: what does this mean?
You’re the only computer hacker I know on this site.
Great! Then you’ve got nothing to worry about because you’re innocent. So don’t go anywhere. :o)
LOL The money stolen was not cash; it was an unauthorized transaction from my credit card account. This is nothing new as this has happened to me once before. It took a few weeks, but we eventually caught the culprits who committed the crime, and that person is hopefully still in prison today. And I’m 100% percent certain that we will catch this guy (or gal) as well.
Hackers are under the false notion that their locations are untraceable. But they are not. Even if they hack a computer from a hacked network, the source is still there for investigators to track. It doesn’t matter if the theft takes place here, or in China. The only problem of course with overseas theft of American credit card accounts is enforcing punitive actions in a foreign nation. Then again, the CIA exists in nearly every country. So who knows.
The charges were made at a place called, “The Men’s Warehouse” clothing store. And we do not have any such stores in my city of residence. To no surprise, the hack attempt on my computer happened at the very moment Red and I were arguing. But, I won’t accuse him of anything as it may have been someone else who conveniently broke through my firewall as I was debating 911 issues with Red a few nights ago.
Have a great night.
Are you saying the use of your credit card is related to hacking your computer? I don’t see the relationship. You’re gonna get kinda unpopular if you are going to run around accusing people of crimes. I would think it’s not appropriate behavior on this site,
i just finish to watch the ATEAM they are good to make a plan to get the hackers,
and at the end they say; if you have a problem check with them,
good thing to know, to find your thief ,
Oh come on! You aren’t that stupid so stop playing these ignorant games. I know how it works! Social engineers like to leur potential victims unto their website, usually loaded with malware. The moderator of a blog or forum tries to invite people unto their forum using a catchy or popular topic. Once in, the moderator begins reviewing the members IP Address and uses several different tactics to exploit identified vulnerabilities on the victims computer. In order to ensure the victim remains in contact, the moderator (and other users) begin insulting the victim (as you have done repeatedly during our discussions). Meanwhile, the victim unawares doesn’t realize that the hacker (usually the moderator) is running a series of attacks on the victims firewall. Once the firewall has been exploited, he tries to hack into the victims ISP or email accounts. One popular attack methods is the metasploit attack which usually happens with people using the OS Windows Firewall, as was my case (on purpose I might add).
Some hackers play these games in order to find a weakness in a victims software (any software). Identified weaknesses are reported to the software vendor in exchange for a ransom or payment, so long as a patch (repair) is offered in exchange. Other hackers do so with the intension of stealing someone’s personal financial information. What I found very odd is this sites several attempts to get me to validate my posts; I ignored this requirement of course because I know its intended purpose is merely to SPAM me. Looks liked you found a way without me having to validate my posts.
The day and moment the compromise happened is the same date/time you and I were throwing insults back and forth. And you playing ignorant doesn’t help your case at all Red. You’ve intentionally ignored the facts presented, but you spent a great deal of time throwing insults at me. None of your posts were to engage in a mutual debate; you did nothing but insult me, likely with the intent on motivating me to come back for more. I, of course, KNEW you were up to something sinister, and thus my goal was to see what you were trying to do. It looks like we may have found out!
You pretend ignorance of hackers and credit cards as though there were no relationship. This makes you my first suspect!
21 attacks coming from this website….is that you Red?
Ah so, you’re now accusing Flopping Aces of hacking your computer.. very interesting. But that still doesn’t tell us how it gets your credit card in someone’s pocket to go the Men’s Warehouse and buy something.
But I think you’re a clown. And don’t say I’ve tried to insult you. No one could do a better job at that than you have.
I’ll make sure Flopping Aces is aware that you’re accusing them of trying to hack your computer.
LOL.. you’re funny.
@Joe: Joe, do you hear voices in your head? Are there any ticks crawling over you? Anything biting you that you can’t see? Does the screen light up on your computer when you’re not looking at it? I think an alien spaceship landed near your place last night, they may be coming over for a visit tonight. Sleep well.
Joe would be wiser to consider where he has recently used his credit card rather than making baseless, spurious and insulting claims (aka. libel and slander) about the operators of this website. Frankly, were I Curt, I’d consider suing Joe for this malicious affront to him, his patron’s and FA’s integrity.
It is possible that Joe has been so buried in the far-left conspiracy websites, that he has missed real-world news reports. Target was compromised and credit card and debit card information was stolen, hacked from Target’s system, and is even now being sold on the internet “black market.” The compromised accounts go back as far as March of 2013. Nor has this been the only system targeted by hackers. It is commonplace now for criminals to install reader-transmitter units on gas pumps and other kiosks.
For his making such an insulting criminal accusation, I now consider Joe the lowest form of troll scum.
I didn’t say Floppy Acres is trying to steal my information. I said that YOU (RedTeam) was using typical social engineering to keep me coming back; this is typical hacker behavior.
But you are innocent so you’ve got nothing to worry about. Stay frosty and don’t go anywhere. Keep up the good work. :o) Everyone is innocent until proven guilty. And I’m sure you’ve got innocence written all over you.
As for me being a clown. That is just hilarious! I’m not the one proposing all four WTC buildings imploded as a result of furniture fires. And I’m not the one who believes that Flight 93 crashed into a ground leaving absolutely no traces of aircraft debris, EXCEPT the small engine parts (not from Pratt and Whitney I might add) buried 20 feet under. NIST actually states that the entire 757 was buried in the ground. Unbelievable! But no bones; no bodies; no major aircraft components. And we’re supposed to take their word for it no matter how absurd. Of course it helps their cause when they have dead brains like you who help support their absurdities.
What shall I call you? Mr. Black Coat?
More to come….
@Ditto: Ditto, it’s not possible to insult Joe, he doesn’t understand what you’re saying to him. He’s indicated that his brain was likely partly fried by radar waves while in Iraq. If true, and with his demonstrated brain power here, it may likely be, he should seek and get all the help he can from the VA for his military disabilities. I actually hope he doesn’t have any military related brain damage, but something is sure wrong. He may not be back, I suspect FA might not take his accusations lightly.
You’re the only one that I’ve seen mention it here. If it wasn’t airplanes, it must have been something else.
You said:
but here is what you had said:
Who do you think you are referring to when you say:” The moderator of a blog or forum “?
Awww, I’m disappointed. Fried brain again? remember it was Mr Coat of Many Colors.
I guess they used that special CIA evidence burying machine to get down 20 feet.
I have considered it, and it was an online transaction that took place while RedTeam (Black Coat) and I were feuding back and forth on here. Moments later, just after I submitted a post, my desktop gadgets vanished and I knew a hack attempt was in progress. coincidence you might say? Perhaps, but unlikely.
Far left conspiracies from the left? That is FBS! Which party is arguing about the Democrats proposal to disarm all Americans? Gee, wouldn’t that be the Republicans. You really should try thinking outside of political affiliation Ditto, and learn to govern your passions which will be your undoing.
My card was not stolen in such fashion; it was 100% percent electronically done on my computer. I have the evidence to prove it, and I know how it was done. It was done by a hacker who bypassed my Windows OS Firewall settings, and stole the information from Internet Explorer after completing an online transaction (a secured online transaction). While the connection to the vendor was secured, someone had full access to my desktop (my fault of course for conducting firewall experiments) and exploited my credit card information. And the only one who was online with me at the moment it happened was RedTeam. Now I will admit the possibility that someone else was on my computer via remote connection, and took advantage of a weakness while RedTeam and I were feuding. But this is unlikely considering my security software was showing suspicious IP Addresses attempting to communicate to my PC from this website.
No the lowest form of troll scum are the folks who refuse to see the truth, and instead embrace the lies of corrupt political leaders who’s agenda is to enslave humanity, wage war on all citizens with false flag operations, take away our rights as Sovereign Citizens of the United States, and depopulate the earth with different horrific methods established. If anyone is dishonorable, it is folks like you who refuse to take a stand and defend our nation. But instead, you hide behind party politics and absorb yourselves with the lies of Fox News, MSNBC, and CNN.
Black coat for a living, but pink robe at home. And I love your bugs bunny slippers.
It’s called a bulldozer genius. LOL You must not have seen the picture of them supposedly digging the compressor section out of the ground. The problem of course is that the engine components were too rusted to have just come from an accident scene. That, and it was the wrong engine components. Someone was counting on disadvantaged folks like you with no knowledge of aircraft to believe the lies. I of course recognized the engine component as another GE component. And American Airlines and Flight United do not use GE engines; they use Pratt and Whitney engines. But even geniuses such as yourselves could easily find this information on the web. But why would you? You support the corruption of a few political leaders and high ranking officials at the Pentagon. You support the corruptions of our current President and his predecessor. Oh I remember. You accept George Bush was taking part in the NWO agenda, but that he only did so because he was being pressured by David Rockefeller. Well as least we agree there. But for some reason, you believe Obama is wholeheartedly involved with the NWO agenda because he is a Muslim.
I was giving you an example of known hackers who set up blogs and forums. Some do so for money by acquiring as many users as possible in order to attract commercial ads from other businesses. Others create blogs and forums to use their administrative position to find weaknesses in users computers (users with active accounts on a blog or forum). I know this from first hand experience because I caught a buddy of mine hacking into my computer from his website. I of course knew what he was doing; he was trying to punch holes in Kaspersky Internet Security. Eventually he did, and was paid a substantial amount of money for his finding.
Then there are government hackers of the FBI, NSA, HLS and other government agencies who spy on everyone, supposedly trying to sniff for terrorists. I of course know the truth that the Al-Qaeda terrorists are nothing more than CIA assets. This is confirmed with other Political leaders such as the governor of Nevada. Go search for him yourself if you re interested. He has just released a YouTube video demanding that the government, corrupt Pentagon officials, and other government agencies to, “Stand Down! No more false flag operations! No more phony wars for your personal profits!” This is coming from him…..and I’m thankful we have true Americans like him to help the rest of us…no thanks to the easily fooled folks like you.
But then there are the serious hackers; the ones who attempt to exploit a weakness and sniff for credit card numbers, social security numbers, and other financially related information. The most common tactic deployed by these hackers is by insulting and harassing another user, usually leading to an online argument. This is done to keep the user coming back. And while the user is typing up a post, the hacker works his magic and attempts to exploit a weakness.
Are you the moderator here?
That would be Flopping Aces, not me. That’s who you are accusing of running a web site for hackers.
why do you refer to a bulldozer as a genius?
Really? I said that?. You are so full of BS, I didn’t realize FBS was so bad, but stay away from those F16’s and radar waves.
Oh, I think you need to inform FA of the charges you have made against them.
You are either an idiot or you are purposefully perpetrating an ignoramus. The website could be a good one, but its users could be in question. All I asked is if YOU were a moderator. Is that too difficult for your brain cells to process?
There you go again, showing your inability to comprehend. As usual, nothing but useless comments from you, no matter what discussion we have. This is more evidence that you are up to no good. You’re like a troll that serves no purpose accept to harass people searching (and finding) for the truth. A serious person would have engaged in the discussion intellectually and logically. But your attempt to “tin foil” someone’s identity and label them as crazy despite the facts shown, and also your refusal to even view the evidence, is clear proof you are either a nut case yourself, or you have a hidden purpose and part of the conspirators to destroy my country. Thus the reason why I sarcastically referred to you as a black coat. The web is crawling with whack jobs like yourself, in an attempt to suppress the truth and contribute to the dumbing-down of the American people. The good news for us is that folks like you are LOSING, and that’s why you are a LOSER! Your rich boy buddies are losing the information war! So you need to reconsider if you are going to join the good side, or remain trapped in bad side.
You won’t listen to me (and I’m sure I know why), but perhaps you will listen to one of your own republican governors who knows the truth.
I have more intelligence sources that confirm WE are winning. You and your pathetic lying buddies will soon see prison time. Of course, you are innocent so you’ve got nothing to worry about. Right?
LOL! You don’t recall claiming that George Bush was being pressured by the Rockefellers? Shall I post your own comment? Or did someone else hack into your account and write that?
Stay away from F-16’s? ROFL Yet another piece of the pie; a useless troll up to no good. We are winning! So you can either accept the truth and let go of your negative passions! Or you can join your buddies in prison when all of your cronies are locked up.
As Governor David L. Vanderbeek demands of the Pentagon, the corrupt leaders at the White House, and its rogue corrupt agencies, his orders are to, “STAND DOWN! NO MORE PHONY WARS! NO MORE HARRASSMENT OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE! YOU ARE NOT GOING TO DO THIS ANYMORE! IT’S OVER!” God bless Governor David of the Republican Party for standing up for Americans.
@Joe: .
Not with you they wouldn’t. You’re mentally handicapped and are incapable. I genuinely hope that your mental problems aren’t because of your military service.
You still didn’t say why you refer to the bulldozer as a genius.
I didn’t use the ‘tin foil’ lead in.
That’s not true, it’s because you forgot I had a Coat of Many Colors that I wear for mysterious reasons, (hint: it has to do with the bible)
In your case, we’ve succeeded beyond our wildest expectations. Complete success.
Losing? My rich buddies? Not hardly, you’re still hearing about them, right? Then their info must be at least getting to you, and that’s about the bottom of the barrell. Right?
Hey, success, you finally used LOL instead of *laughs*, and you think you’re winning? But, yes. Post my comment. I don’t believe all your circuits are firing.
got you again. even with your FBS you learned how to use computereze for laughing….. all righty…..
oooohhh and I thought you steered clear of those evil Republicans.
It’s nice to have a village idiot display their brilliance. Keep it up.
And yet days later you are still here. Even after your having claimed that ‘someone at FA hacked your credit card account.’ The only logical conclusion is:
(1) You are an idiot who continues to visit ‘malicious, credit account attacking web-sites.’
(2) You are insane and you feel an obsession to continue visiting sites you “know” are dangerous because in your insanity you can’t help yourself.
(3) You are a troll writing libelous and slanderous false accusations of criminal hacking and theft against the owner and patrons of this website.
or (4) Any or all combinations of the above.
Unless you are a long time reader of my FA posts, you can’t have the slightest idea of what my “political affiliation is.”
You conducted “experiments” on your firewall, opening it up for attack on purpose? Why would you do a damn-fool thing like that? You are indeed an idiot. When a firewall is disabled, your computer is open to anyone. You don’t even have to be on-line with a browser. Nor does what particular website you happen to be visiting at the time make a damn bit of difference, as a hacker doesn’t need to use a website to attack the ports of an unsecured computer. Moreover, you don’t even provide a bit of evidence to support your spurious claim.
FA has been around for a good many years now and this is the first time ever that someone has accused the owner of the site or it’s users of computer hacking, much less the criminal act of credit card account theft. Visitors to this site have included people of all over the political spectrum and even from other nations, yet you disparage all of them with your paranoid declaration that one of us hacker your computer. You then brag about how a “friend” hacked your computer, that you knew he was doing it, and it was so that he could somehow get paid generously for his criminal activity.
IMO you are both full of **it and off your rocker. I won’t debate with the insane, the intoxicated, fools or internet trolls. You need mental healthcare. Seriously, seek help before you hurt someone.
thank you,for settling that straight with joe,he has been trying to spread those accusations quite a few times since his muliple comments, and staining the name of previous president in the 9/11 attack,
he and his friends pretend to have been done by them all, he remind me of OBAMA ATTACKS on
@ilovebeeswarzone: No one really pays attention to someone like Joe. His accusations can’t be taken seriously. Imagine talking about someone trying to hack into his computer while he admits he was screwing around with his firewall which would allowed a hacker to get in. He is a victim of his own stupidity.
he sure did lost his credibility,
at the start at some point I thought he might have some kind of war time shock,
because of his incoherence, so we probably had the same idea to be sparing the words,
on him, and be easy, but he amplified the rhetoric, and got angry. we sure gave him for his money the probably the best exchange he had before,
@ilovebeeswarzone: Does anyone know where Joe went to? Haven’t seen him in days now.
yes, now that you mention it, he has not been back,
Well I appreciate everyone’s concern for my lack of attendance. But I quit because there’s no sense in discussing important aspects of our fallen nation with people who are closed minded and refuse to see the truth. As for my stolen credit card number, they have a name and address of the culprit, but I’ve not yet received word or verification of this. Naturally, for reasons I do not agree with, they are not permitted to provide me with this information. Now isn’t that interesting? LOL Someone steals from my checking account via debit transaction, and when the person is caught, I’m not allowed to know who she is nor where she lives? I had no idea that the rights of the lawbreakers are higher than honest law abiding citizens.
Guys, you’ve already made up your minds to remain asleep. Ron Paul, Governor David Vanderbeek, and hundreds of thousands of other people know the truth of what happened to JKF, Vietnam, Iranian conflict, Cuban missile crisis, 911 which led to the two wars; Iraq and Afghanistan. What’s coming next? Reports are another false flag operation planned for this year will include a financial meltdown due to the collapsing dollar, and virus attacks on all banking systems. Hopefully this does not happen. But given the current amount of debit-card / credit-card thefts already this year, I’d say the source is reliable.
It’s sad that George Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and even members of the Democratic Party would side with the likes of the Rothschild’s and Rockefellers, and sell our nation to these satanically driven tyrants. Believe what you choose. But this I say as fact, despite your absurd opinions about me. WE ARE winning the information war (per Hillary Clinton who admits they are losing), and when the culprits behind the 911 attacks have been arrested, it is people like you who will not receive credit. Unfortunately, you will benefit from our hard work.
As for Mr. Black Coat, I don’t know where you get off as though you were a challenge to debate. You are NO CHALLENGE, and you never really debated a thing! Sure you offered a few theories, but you failed to prove anything you said about implosions and other tinfoil idiocies.
You do not possess the necessary intellect or logic to debate; all you do is rant and rave and resort to insults when you lose any discussion. I came here to engage and warn everyone of what we are all facing with our civil rights, but right away you started off with the “tinfoil” BS. Then the only thing you did afterwards was attempt to challenge me on proper spelling and grammar, despite having been severely embarrassed by your lack of true grammatical understand with modifiers, verbs, and nouns.
You’re phony, fake and a fraud dude. If I were to guess, I’d say you are a person who managed to acquire financial security at the hard work of those you’ve exploited. Or you may not financially successful and are mooching off of the Social Security system. Either way, it doesn’t matter to me, because I believe you are nothing to be taken serious at all. I served my country for 20 years (unlike you), and I’ve acquired much knowledge and education (unlike you). I’m proud of my accomplishments and my research, and I’m glad that I am awake. So my advice to you RedTeam is, “go back to sleep; it was all just a bad dream; everything is going to be okay”. Sleeeeeep…..Sleeeep…sleep.
so sorry for having been stolen, it ring big trouble,
did you go to TARGET STORE? there was undreads of thousand if not a million,
been stolen too, with their debit card like you,
the hackers should be punish that he would never forget it,
i’m thinking of torture that i wont put here, so much i hate people who steal from other,
it happen to me also not a card, but they clean my place, some years ago,
take care, don’t hold it against us here, we had nothing to do with it,
but we understand your feeling of being rob,
Greetings ilovebeeswarzone:
I don’t hold it against you my friend. I admit to having suspicions as the hack took place during my discourse with RedTeam. He was acting too suspicious using what appeared to be social engineering tactics.
I have not shopped at Target in quite a while, so I do not believe that target is how my debit card number was stolen. The evidence I have suggests that the incident took place about a hour after paying two of my bills online. I’ve done this for years and I’ve never had a security problem. Apparently a keystroke recorder somehow made its way into my system. And the reason why I suspected RedTeam to be the possible culprit is that he and I were insulting each other back and forth during the specific time through which the security breech took place. It was after refusing to complete the post-audit of this website (verifications request for post-approval) that my computer locked up despite not having completed the verification request. Logically, I deduced that RedTeam was the one responsible.
The money stolen has been returned, with a little extra I might add. But what I object too is Law Enforcement failing to provide me with verification that a supposed women roughly 90 miles away from my town, acquired my debit card number electronically, performed an electronic (online) purchase of a suit from a store called, “The Men’s Warehouse” for her husband, and had the product mailed directly to her address. At first I believed it, but when they did the strangest thing by not providing me with verifiable evidence of this person, I soon realized that I was not the only one, and that this smells like the false-flag warning I read about last year. On a side note, what kind of an idiot would steal a credit card number or someone’s identity, and have a product mailed directly to their home? This is one of the few reasons why I do not believe Law Enforcement is telling me the truth.
An article explained in 2014, millions would suffer financial setbacks as credit cards and debit cards (preferably debit cards) would be stolen. And so far, those numbers are exceedingly high, and are still climbing. Yet not a single person has been arrested. It’s like Al-Qaeda terrorists; they do not exist except in the form of CIA assets designed to cause tension amongst American citizens; this is admitted to an X-CIA asset currently serving time in prison in Turkey. Anyways, the high theft of plastic financial cards might lead to American’s distrusting of utilizing cards for financial purchases/payments. So they would easily accept the proposed digital money (bit-chips?) to be used. Once that is accepted by the population, the ultimate goal would be to convince people to take an RFID chip implant to prevent theft of bit-chips. Now I’m not suggesting that I completely agree with this warning, but I do see some of it coming to pass. So for now, my eyes are open, and I’m observing only.
What I do know, on a different subject, is I knew that the U.S. would try to sell to the American people that we need to engage in Syria to stop the murdering there. Unfortunately, this is nothing more than aother false flag operation which we were warned about a few years ago. The U.S. and the banking cartel want control over Syria to prevent Russia from acquiring the resources there. The U.S. also wants Syria to be used as a future strategic location to war against Iran. Once Iran has been overtaken, the banking cartel (Rockefellers / Rothschild / JP Morgan’s, etc.) will be able to run the natural gas pipeline from Afghanistan to Iraq. And for some reason, the Saudi’s are ok with us doing this; not sure why though; perhaps they like our military protection. But I’ve read that China is opposed to this, and has formed their own version of the Illuminati to warn corrupt European leaders and US Leaders, if we do not stop murdering so many people with these false flag wars, then they were going to take action against us. The one person who comes to mind is the satanic devil himself, David Rockefeller.
If American’s begin protesting, then sadly dictator Obama will declare his Martial Law agenda, and slowly but surely, American’s will find themselves in one of eight hundred FEMA camps, referred to as, “Family Residential Centers”.
Pray for us! Pray for us all!
they where caught while trying to return to their hometown,
I don’t believe that. If someone steals from you and they catch the person that did it, they have to provide the info to you so that you can bring suit against the person. But you can rest easy, It ain’t me. I shouldn’t tell you that, you need to be left wondering. I’m thinking maybe someone should file a suit against you for defamation. I am really surprised that FA didn’t ban you for accusing them of participating in hacking your account. Don’t know why they would have to hack you to find out who you are, you gave them that info when you signed up.
Your memory is shot, that is Mr. Coat of Many Colors.
:slipped a cog there, Joe. I didn’t fail to prove it, or to disprove it. I never discussed implosions or the Tinman with you.
slipped another cog there Joe. I have never mentioned ‘tinfoil’ to you. Besides it’s aluminum foil, there is no tin in it.
Chuckle, you’re a Hoot, Joe.
what’s a fraud dude? Another cog, you’re now free wheeling.
Did you hack into my bank to find out where my money comes from? mooching off Social Security, and that coming from a Fried Brain Guy. Did they give you a total brain transplant after your frying episode? Or did they just leave it as it was?
You’re the one that had to take a two week nap to think up some more one-liners. I’ve been awake and enjoying life.
Did your mama give you that line? Aw, come on, you can tell us.
Served your country for 20 years, LOL, with cancer and fried brain. I don’t have 20 years of military service, but I’ll bet I have more than you. Tell us again which universities you got degrees from? You don’t have to remind us that you got a 3.96 GPA from each of them and that was before you went to the AC servicing and repair technical school where you graduated with a 3.96 GPA, and then you went to the Auto Body Repair to learn to repair F-16 bodies and graduated with a 3.96 GPA. Then you went to that Military night school for college credit, which you graduated with a 3.96 GPA. Which of those schools were after the Fried Brain situation? You might try to get that chain back on so you can ride your bike over to the World Trade Center site and continue your investigations into George Bush planting those explosives in building 7, (late at night, when he had slipped away from his Secret Service guard). I think you said Dick Cheney was supposed to go with him, but his heart had stopped beating or something and he had to pass. Gosh, I bet he hated having to miss the fun. Did you ever get to ask Bush Sr why he was in Dallas when JFK was getting shot? I bet he had a really good reason didn’t he?
I hope you take everything I’ve said seriously, and get Ron Paul into office so he can stop having all these skyscrapers imploded.
So you’ve moved.
I usually do not leave a leave a response, however
after browsing a lot of remarks here Flopping Aces
are you in a VA HOSPITAL for what you mention had hurt you?
Yes? You were saying.
Hi there just wanted to give you a brief heads up and let you know a few of the
pictures aren’t loading correctly. I’m not sure why but I think its
a linking issue. I’ve tried it in two different web browsers and both show the
same outcome.
that was than, now they are cutting the earnings of the BORDER PATROL OFFICERS,
who have to cut their working time, imagine at this time where they are invaded by the flow of many children, and while the cartel is passing by loaded with weeds,
and the emergency housing for the citizens to gather in time of crisis from hurricane,
or other calamity are being filled with the new arrival of thousands and more children,
taking the emergency room reserve for the people,
if something would happen , there is no place for the citizens to hide in security place,
why taking out from the people to give to stranger ? that's what is happening now,
it's getting worse every day,