Obama cratering among women and Hispanics

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STOP DEPORTING ILLEGALS! scream democrats.

Washington (CNN) – While immigration reform is stalled in Congress, some members are calling on President Barack Obama to take the matter into his own hands, urging him to suspend deportations of undocumented immigrants.

Thirty Democratic members of Congress wrote in a letter that he has the authority to pause deportations of undocumented immigrants, urging “the sensible and moral step of stopping deportations.” […]

“Mr. President, you do have the power to stop what’s going on,” Rep. Charlie Rangel, D-New York, said at a news conference on Thursday.

In their letter, the members point to executive action in 201,2 when Obama exercised his discretion to suspend deportations of children of undocumented immigrants, known as Deferred Action of Childhood Arrivals.

“Please, Mr. President, do something,” said Rep. Luis Gutierrez, D-Illinois. “We need you to take the kinds of positive action to help our families.”

Again democrats beseech Obama to ignore written law. But why would they want that, and why right now?

To stop the bleeding.

Obama is cratering among women and Hispanics.

The worst news is that Obama is rapidly losing support from what is usually a reliable base- the lesser educated:

Democrats should be far more worried about white women who do not have a higher education. The numbers are astounding: In the latest Kaiser poll, 50 percent have a “very unfavorable” view of the law—9 points higher than in October. An additional 13 percent view it “somewhat unfavorably.” Indeed, antipathy among blue-collar white women runs even deeper than the most conservative white demographic group, blue-collar white men (59 percent of whom hold an unfavorable view, Kaiser found).

Remarkably, only 16 percent of blue-collar white women have a favorable view of Obamacare. They disapprove of it by a 4-1 ratio.

Obama is even losing democrat support:

Hispanics are finding Obama less and less palatable as well:

PRINCETON, NJ — President Barack Obama’s job approval rating averaged 41% in November, down 12 percentage points from 53% last December, his high-water mark since his first year in office. Hispanics’ approval has dropped 23 points over the last 12 months, the most among major subgroups, and nearly twice the national average. His approval rating also showed above-average declines among low-income Americans, nonwhites, moderates, and moderates who identify with or lean toward the Democratic Party.

This is really not difficult to understand. The media continues to dance around it, with the cheerleaders at the NY Times saying Obama “misspoke” made “incorrect promises” and saying things that “were not true” but the fact is Obama lied. He is a liar and IMO, a pathologic liar.

The NY Times has a “high threshold” for saying someone lied:

“We have a high threshold for whether someone lied,” he told me. The phrase that The Times used “means that he said something that wasn’t true.” Saying the president lied would have meant something different, Mr. Rosenthal said — that he knew it was false and intended to express the falsehood. “We don’t know that,” he said

Unless, of course, it’s George Bush.

In January 2006, the Times published an editorial criticizing George W. Bush and calling attention to what the Times pronounced as “a couple of big, dangerous lies.”

What were those two “lies”? The first was that the Bush administration’s domestic spying apparatus “is carefully aimed” at those working with al-Qaeda, when in fact by the Times’s lights the program “has violated the rights of countless innocent Americans.” That’s some fairly clumsy–and dishonest–sleight of hand from the Times in what amounts to a disagreement over just how “careful” the surveillance had been. What was the other “lie”? That with the domestic surveillance now in place 9/11 could have been prevented. Perhaps that is an unlikely justification, but any threshold which considers that a “lie” is low indeed.

The NY Times is one huge monument to Obama sycophancy and they will no doubt continue to carry the water for Obama and you can expect democrats rev up the war on women machine, but rational people are beginning to catch on.

But, soft! what light through yonder window breaks?

It is the light of truth. Prithee, grant it accommodation.

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It’s kinda simple when you look at it:

Being a good little liberal democrat does not make you recession-proof. The working-class, the single moms, the young, the black, the poor and downtrodden are hurting the worst in all of this whether or not they are one of Obama’s targeted demographic tribes.

At some point reality bites. And all the King’s upbeat speeches and smiling/laughing/prancing photo-ops start to add insult to injury.

Some people are finally noticing the king has no clothes. Some, from the chart, still have their heads in the sand.

Maybe the Mexicans finally realize that the illegals will put them out of a job!!! obomba lied to them about EVERYTHING!!!


Maybe the Mexicans finally realize that the illegals will put them out of a job!!! obomba lied to them about EVERYTHING!!!

You need to understand one thing about Hispanics, especially those who were not born in the U.S., and first generation Hispanic Americans; they are NOT conservative by nature. I have preached this fact until I am blue in the face. Most Hispanics support government programs of “social justice.” That is the doctrine they were raised with.

Yes, most of them are pro-life. But that is where their conservatism ends. Look at any nation south of our southern borders and what do you find? Nations that created “liberation theology” to promote Marxism and still be thought considerate of Hispanic religious cultures. Hispanic viewpoints on government are not similar to American viewpoints, they are more similar to Pan-American viewpoints.

This is why it is so important to the Democrats to put illegals on a pathway to citizenship. It will give them a whole new voting bloc, one that will dominate elections for generations to come.


You need to understand one thing about Hispanics, especially those who were not born in the U.S., and first generation Hispanic Americans; they are NOT conservative by nature.

That’s a pretty broad brushstroke you’re painting with. My wife was born in Mexico, she is pretty conservative. So is most of her family. So are a majority of our friends in the Hispanic community. I even have a friend that was born in the Dominican Republic that thinks Obama is the spawn of Satan. My friend also happens to be black, (call him African American and it tends to set him off).
I know there are liberal Hispanics, but the “one thing you need to understand about Hispanics” is that they are just like everyone else. They form their own opinions and politics. They don’t all march in lock-step to a Marxist beat.


That’s a pretty broad brushstroke you’re painting with. My wife was born in Mexico, she is pretty conservative. So is most of her family. So are a majority of our friends in the Hispanic community.

It’s not that broad. Yes, there are some conservative Hispanics, such as Tejanos, but for the most part, the bulk of the Hispanic voter bloc is more Pan-American than American. If you doubt that, just look at election results which are hard to argue with. Why do you think Bill Richardson said that Ted Cruz was not all “that Hispanic” in Cruz’s view points? Hypocritical that a guy named Richardson thinks he is more “Hispanic” than a guy named Cruz.

Cubans, as a general rule, are more conservative than the other Hispanic groups. Mexicans, at least those not born here, or first generation, generally vote for the guy that promises the biggest government involvement in their lives. Tejanos, and some Texas Hispanics, are more conservative than California Hispanics.

I stand by my comment.


I know there are liberal Hispanics, but the “one thing you need to understand about Hispanics” is that they are just like everyone else. They form their own opinions and politics. They don’t all march in lock-step to a Marxist beat.

No voter bloc is 100% monolithic. Even 3% of blacks voted Republican. But election results don’t lie. No one on the GOP side has reached 40% of the Hispanic vote except for G. W. Bush. And only because he carried Texas, and Texas Hispanics. And the cloistered view of your wife, and her family, doesn’t truly represent the Hispanic voter bloc as a whole, now does it?