When is enough enough, liberals?



image courtesy swordattheready.com

Flopping Aces has extensively documented the pain Barack Obama has chosen to inflict on this country because his highness is displeased that his servants in the GOP refuse to kneel.

It seems that Obama still has the pedal to the metal screaming down Agony Avenue in the Hurt Limo.

Priests in the military apparently have been banned from serving mass. I they do try to perform a mass, they will be subject to arrest.

Warnings have been issued about the potential abuse of personal information by Obamacare navigators.

Private information you post while signing up for Obamacare may be used against you in a court of law.

Obama has converted the Park Police into his own Gestapo:

Vaillancourt was one of thousands of people who found themselves in a national park as the federal government shutdown went into effect on Oct. 1. For many hours her tour group, which included senior citizen visitors from Japan, Australia, Canada and the United States, were locked in a Yellowstone National Park hotel under armed guard. The tourists were treated harshly by armed park employees, she said, so much so that some of the foreign tourists with limited English skills thought they were under arrest. When finally allowed to leave, the bus was not allowed to halt at all along the 2.5-hour trip out of the park, not even to stop at private bathrooms that were open along the route. “We’ve become a country of fear, guns and control,” said Vaillancourt, who grew up in Lawrence. “It was like they brought out the armed forces. Nobody was saying, ‘we’re sorry,’ it was all like — ” as she clenched her fist and banged it against her forearm.

Obama is spending far more money keeping people out of Parks than he ever would leaving them as they were.

Obama has put an end to therapy dogs visiting sick children:

Volunteers run the dog therapy program, but the veterinarians are on NIH staff and are paid as federal employees. In an Oct. 3 interview on National Public Radio’s Morning Edition, Abbey Whetzel talked about her son, Sam, who is dying of leukemia and enjoyed it when he was visited by the dogs. “They can only come once a week, but it’s the highlight of Sam’s week,” Whetzel said, adding that she was informed that the dogs would not be visiting because of the government shutdown. “He was disappointed,” Whetzel said. “He really looks forward to the dogs coming.

Cancer treatments have been defunded but NPR got a half a billion dollars:

LOS ANGELES – Funding for clinical cancer trials and other life-saving research under the National Institutes of Health was cut off in response to the government slimdown, but it looks like the cookie monster will still be knee-deep in chocolate chips (or is it carrots now?)

According to the Daily Treasury Statement and first reported by CNS News, the administration dished out $445 million to the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) on the first day of the slimdown, which means funds for the likes of PBS Newshour, NPR and “Sesame Street” are being spent before cancer research.

“It’s more than irresponsible, it is reprehensible. It’s an ‘in-your-face’ move by the administration, blatantly picking winners and losers in this shutdown,” C. Edmund Wright, a columnist for Breitbart.com and American Thinker, told FOX411. “Public broadcasting is a staple of liberal propaganda.”

And as Media Research Center’s Director of Media Analysis, Tim Graham, pointed out, PBS has hosted two “very friendly” interviews with President Obama in recent weeks.

The CPB argued that it was indispensable, as opposed to cancer treatment:

But the CPB defended their big payday, telling FOX411 in a statement that their funding was “indispensable”and provide jobs for thousands of people.

It was noted that PBS has held two obsequious interviews with Obama over the last two weeks.

These are all Obama choices. They are meant to exert the maximal amount of pain on Americans- the Americans Obama took an oath to protect. This is not just bad judgment- it is evil.

When does the left stop swallowing the Koolaid?

Obamacare was premised on a set of lies- that you could keep your plan, keep your doctor and it was going to cost you less in premiums.

None of that is true.

It was supposed to reduce health care spending.

That’s not true either.

Obamacare was passed via legislative chicanery and legerdemain. We had to pass to find out what’s in it.


Obama unilaterally rewrites existing law from the Oval Office as he pleases, in violation of the Constitution:

Explaining his decision to unilaterally rewrite the Affordable Care Act, he said: “I didn’t simply choose to” ignore the statutory requirement for beginning in 2014 the employer mandate to provide employees with healthcare. No, “this was in consultation with businesses.”

He continued: “In a normal political environment, it would have been easier for me to simply call up the speaker and say, you know what, this is a tweak that doesn’t go to the essence of the law . . . it looks like there may be some better ways to do this, let’s make a technical change to the law. That would be the normal thing that I would prefer to do. But we’re not in a normal atmosphere around here when it comes to Obamacare. We did have the executive authority to do so, and we did so.”

Serving as props in the scripted charade of White House news conferences, journalists did not ask the pertinent question: “Where does the Constitution confer upon presidents the ‘executive authority’ to ignore the separation of powers by revising laws?” The question could have elicited an Obama rarity: Brevity. Because there is no such authority.

This is a bad law, as most that are hyper-partisan and rammed down the throat of America under dubious circumstances.

Please don’t argue that it’s wrong to try to change or defund established law. Dred Scott and Jim Crow laws were laws of the land. They were also bad law. I support any effort to modify or repeal this law, even to the point of default, and if for no other reason than to forever stain the Presidency of this vile, narcissistic and obstreperous man. The GOP is doing exactly the right thing, and one day this will be self-evident. Obamacare is nothing short of a disaster that is unfolding before our eyes.

Isn’t the job of the President to ensure the safety and welfare of America, as opposed to causing it the greatest amount of pain possible? Isn’t that a violation of the Oath of Office? Does it not violate the responsibility of the position?

So the question for you liberals is, when is enough enough?


The walls may be closing in. Obama is down to 37% approval. I don’t really care that people blame the GOP for the shutdown. These are the same stupid people who believed the lies in the first place and they aren’t going to re-elect Republicans in their own districts.

And in a very odd twist, Obama has summoned conservative journalists to the White House.

Likely to torture them on an off-shore black prison, er, I mean ship.

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@Redteam: #100
If politicians are judged on their performance, and zero is not doing any good, and not doing any bad, then the democrats are so far in the minus zone that it would be like climbing Mt. Everest just to get UP to zero.

@Redteam, #99:

Using new information obtained from studies of old Soviet files in
Moscow and now the famous Venona Intercepts — FBI recordings of Soviet
embassy communications between 1944-48 — the record is showing that
McCarthy was essentially right. He had many weaknesses, but almost every
case he charged has now been proven correct.

That’s a serious misrepresentation; a distortion of history. The fact that there were Soviet spies in the United States has long been common knowledge. It was the beginning of the Cold War Era, and would have have been simple-minded to imagine otherwise. McCarthy, however, convinced people that the government itself had been subverted, that the media and film industries had been infiltrated, and that there was a commie hiding behind every bush. The man was a political opportunist, promoting and exploiting fear for the purpose of self-aggrandizement. He did serious damage to a great many totally innocent people in the process.


I suggest you get a copy of American Betrayal by Diana West.

You want proof that Greggie is stupid and can only parrot what he is told?

I give you proof:

McCarthy, however, convinced people that the government itself had been subverted, that the media and film industries had been infiltrated, and that there was a commie hiding behind every bush.


Do you really believe what you are writing? Really? Alger Hiss? McCarthy is the one who was misrepresented – destroyed by the people trying to prevent Americans from learning just how many communist agents had infiltrated the government. Have you even read any of the Venona reports? You are just doing the typical leftist dismissive boogey. You sound exactly like leftist idiots from the 70s who kept telling us the Soviet Union was here to stay, that communism was the wave of the future, and that the US would just need to accept it.

I would highly recommend the book, “The Black Book of Communism”, written by a group of french historians. It catalogues the history of communism based on what they found in reams and reams of KGB files which they reviewed after Yeltsin took power.

And rather than spew out the tired, false leftist drivel about McCarthy harming the reputations of any innocent people – why don’t you cite someone he allegedly harmed who didn’t turn out to be a communist? You know – a person belonging to a political philosophy that is responsible for the slaughter of more people than WWI and WWII combined?

@Smorgasbord: and RedTeam Good morning home schoolers. Pew, the poll that had Repub Congressional. approval at 28%, has Dem. approval at 43%
RT Congrats on picking BHO to win in 2012. You clearly outperformed top Repub. pollsters Rove and Morris who picked Mitt to win.

@Richard Wheeler:

Rep. Shiela Jackson Lee, D-Houston, declared on the house floor a couple of days ago that the solution to the government shutdown is for the president to declare martial law. Now, as much of a criminal thug with totalitarian tendencies as Obama has shown himself to be, I don’t think even he is stupid enough to declare martial law….at this time. He hasn’t gotten enough real Americans out of the military yet and knows there would be open rebellion if he tried to do it now.

And there is virtually nothing Obama has done during his presidency that is worthy of praise. Oh, bin Laden was finally killed. But that was due entirely to what Bush had set up during his tenure, and accomplished by Seal Team 6. Drones are killing jihadist scumbags, but again, that was set up by Bush and Obama simply continued the policy. Gitmo hasn’t been closed..yet…but Obama and Holder are doing what they can to bring captured terrorists to the US to be Mirandized as if they qualify for US legal protections.

The economy is in tatters. The stock market stays up solely due to the continued overprinting of money – and at some point we will experience our own economic Weimar moment. Unemployment is far worse than the U-3 numbers indicate, we have more Americans (and illegal aliens) on food stamps than the entire population of Spain, our national reputation has been tossed into the mud of Obama’s asinine foreign policy ineptness, and his “signature program” is beyond embarrasing in its function thus far – and into the foreseeable future. Obama is a petty tyrant, and his departure from the Oval Office cannot come soon enough. If our media had any integrity, they would have asked him questions about the abject failure of the obamacare rollout, and the political hypocrisy of closing open air war memorials to the people who actually FOUGHT in those wars, while granting a ‘First Amendment’ exception for illegal aliens to protest on the Mall that they aren’t getting enough free stuff from actual citizens. Adding to the hypocrisy that is a main ingredient in the left:

Holder is suing Texas and NC for passing laws that require valid photo ID to vote, as being discriminatory against minorities (a racist implication that minorities are too incompetent to go down to the DMV and get an ID like any non-minority) – yet to access medical care using obamacare insurance, the law requires the use of (wait for it….) A VALID PHOTO ID.

During the Reid-Obama government shutdown, civilian contract priests were told they could not perform Catholic Mass on military bases during the shutdown. This is a clear violation of the First Amendment – yet illegal aliens get a First Amendment exception to protest on federal property.

So yes, Richard. There is nothing about Obama’s performance that is worthy of praise – other than a few things he simply continued that Bush already initiated. The man is a self-absorbed, classless thug, unworthy to hold an elective office at any level, and a frightening indictment of the cognitive function of a majority of Americans who despite all the clearly negative impact of Obama’s policies re-elected this destructive buffoon.


American novelist and journalist Alvah Bessie wrote screenplays for Warner Brothers and other studios during the mid and late ’40s. As a screenwriter, he was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Original Story for the patriotic Warner’s film Objective Burma(1945). No stranger to soldiering, Bessie had been a member of the International Brigades, and fought in the Spanish Civil War in 1938. Upon his return, he wrote a book about his experiences, Men in Battle. His career came to a halt in 1947, when he was summoned before the House Un-American Activities Committee. He refused to deny or confirm involvement in the Communist Party, and in 1950 he became one of the Hollywood Ten when he was imprisoned and blacklisted

Do you even comprehend what you read?


I’m going to try to respond to both your posts in this one. First:

If people normally work at these places, which would indicate they have necessary functions to perform keeping them open, then, yes, I would expect them to be closed when these people are furloughed.

The WWII memorial is an open mall. It is only manned for a few hours a day. Either way, it didn’t seem to be a problem to allow a pro-illegal immigration rally. Just keep out those pesky vets.

I don’t think it’s Gestapo tactics to ask people to leave. I should also point out that the park services have refuted Dr John’s accusation that anyone was threatened, the accusation he has no proof for.

Well, I can give your proof.

barricades were erected around Old Faithful, and the seniors were locked inside the hotel, where armed rangers stayed at the door.


No, you’re not going to hear about the impact to the environment, or schools, or the CDC being shuttered, because Conservatives don’t care about those things.

The environment? Seriously Tom? The environment is going to go to hell in a hand basket because the federal government is the only entity that cares? As for schools, nothing is happening to the schools because the federal government is closed. States are taking care of their schools. As for the CDC, granted, they should be open. I would ask the House to pass a bill to open the CDC.

they weighed defunding Obamacare higher than national security

Our debt is a matter of national security. Obamacare is the single largest threat to our economy bar none. Whether you believe it or not, there are those of us that do. If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything. The democrats rammed this down the throats of Americans without a single republican vote. They used drastic measures to do so when Scott Brown was elected to the Senate by a solid blue State. You guys want to talk about how this was all done fair and square and we should just shut up because it’s the law of the land. It wasn’t done fair and square and it is the law of the land for now. There is an origination lawsuit making its way to SCOTUS. The Senate passed the mandate as a penalty. Justice Roberts rewrote the bill so it could pass Constitutional muster and made the penalty a tax. Revenue (taxes) can only originate in the House.
Next post:

House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan’s new budget plan…

We have a $17 trillion debt. If we paid $1000 a second, it would take over 500 years to pay that off. That is never going to happen, but in lieu of doing that; we can at least staunch the bleeding. You do know what the first law of holes is, don’t you?
You (or rather the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities) are misrepresenting a lot of Ryan’s budget. The medicare cuts come in the form of sticking it to the wealthy. Those that make more money will receive less in benefits. I think they should go one step more and untie medicare and social security. There are many people that have paid into social security and want their money…..rich and poor. It’s their money and they should be entitled to it. But if you don’t enroll in medicare, you get no social security. There are those that are better off that would prefer the coverage of their private insurer, but they can’t.
Not exactly sticking it to sick and poor, huh? As for SNAP, Ryan has proposed block granting it to the State. Democrats are all up in arms claiming this is going to put undue hardship on the States. Wow, democrats actually care about the States (end bs). Allowing the States to deal with this would most likely save the States money. As it is right now, the feds mandate the States to do it their way. The States have almost no latitude on how to deal with welfare. And that’s the way the democrats want it; a wide open spigot of government (tax payer) money flowing to anyone that says they need it. No verification, no questions asked, just give them the money. Did you see the 60 Minutes piece on disability fraud? Lawyers, judges, and doctors working to game the system. A system that is about to run out of money. The only people that are going to get hurt when that happens are the people that really need help. Instead of doing anything to reform one single program, the only thing democrats want is more revenue.
During the last shut down, Tom Coburn (a friend of President Obama) proposed a deficit reduction plan to end program duplication. It would have hit the numbers Obama and Boehner were looking for without touching another program. The White House rejected it. After that rejection, Coburn went back, found more cuts, including $1 Trillion in defense spending over 10 years, and $1 trillion in revenue from closing tax loop holes…..rejected.
Democrats are acting like they compromised on $70 billion. $70 billion, really? The stimulus money is still in the baseline budget. We can’t even get rid of that.

Questions for Greggie:

Who was Edward J. Hart?

What famous committee did he head?

What political party did Hart belong to?


First off, let me say I respect the fact that you’re actually responding to what I wrote and we’re not just posting past each other, which is what happens on message board forums all too often. That being said, I have some bones to pick:

Well, I can give your proof.

There is absolutely nothing in that article that states that Park police, on orders from the Obama administration, threatened to shoot tourists for taking pictures. None. Not even an accusation of such a threat of violence. The complaint is that these people were detained and expelled for being in a closed National Park. To call that “Gestapo”-like is ridiculous hyperbole. Now, if these people are telling the truth, then I will agree the situation could have been handled better. But we have no corroboration of this story that I can find. Maybe these rangers have been working for days straight trying to remove people from the park, where they’re not safe because it’s understaffed. Add the that the ridiculousness of asserting Obama’s personal involvement. And then add to that the Park Services have refuted the story: http://www.cnn.com/2013/10/09/us/government-shutdown-side-effects/index.html

Yellowstone spokesman Al Nash, who despite being furloughed was asked by park officials to respond to some media inquiries when available, said hotel guests were never held under armed guard.

This has all the hallmarks of a nothing story being blown up in the Conservative blogoshere, where all you need to do is affix “Obama” to “Gestapo” under the flimsiest of pretexts and it will go virile.

The environment? Seriously Tom? The environment is going to go to hell in a hand basket because the federal government is the only entity that cares?

Perhaps I get a little heated on this topic because of the mind-numbing hypocrisy of the Right complaining about a National Park being defunded and closed. There wouldn’t even be National Parks if it wasn’t for far-thinking progressives in the conservation movement. Yellowstone would be a strip mall as we speak. Right to this very day, the GOP, under the pretext of free-market capitalism, does everything in their powers to gain access to Federal lands for drilling and mining and god knows what else. Did I say “free-market capitalism” instead of “crony-capitalism”? My mistake. Just remember, once it’s ruined, it’s ruined forever. It doesn’t come back. What good does it do your great-great- grandchildren a hundred years from now that some GOP connected stooge got a sweet deal on drilling rights and made a fortune today? The Progressives have every right to be proud of that foresight to set aside national treasures. It’s just sad we still have to fight this fight to protect them from profiteering, even today.

On Ryan and the budget: You raise some good, informative points. This is a much longer debate than I have time for here, but I will say the following:

We can quibble about the degree to which Ryan is trying to balance the budget on the backs of the poor and (more importantly) politically powerless, but there is no question that the programs he wants to cut currently serve those people. You’re argument, if i understand it, is that we’re going to take something away, but something else, maybe on the State level, will replace it. So everyone is happy. But there is absolutely no guarantee of any replacement. Once these things are gone, they probably aren’t coming back, not in the same form. You must know that. Do you really think if the GOP kills the ACA that all those uninsured people are going to be taken care of? Of course not. The GOP has no interest in fixing this thing, they want to kill it and Ryan is only trying to sound reasonable about it with vague promises that he doesn’t have the power to fulfill even if he sincerely wanted to.

Why the rush to balance the budget RIGHT NOW anyway? Nations run at deficits during recoveries. Slashing spending that will flow into the economy now can kill the recovery. When the economy picks up, revenues will increase and the budget will start to fall (it is already happening). I’m all for fiscal responsibility, I really am, but not for reasons that have no economic validity, and not on the backs of the most powerless among us, while Ryan asks for absolutely nothing from the wealthy. To me, that’s completely outrageous and immoral.


Now, if these people are telling the truth, then I will agree the situation could have been handled better. But we have no corroboration of this story that I can find. Maybe these rangers have been working for days straight trying to remove people from the park, where they’re not safe because it’s understaffed. Add the that the ridiculousness of asserting Obama’s personal involvement. And then add to that the Park Services have refuted the story: http://www.cnn.com/2013/10/09/us/government-shutdown-side-effects/index.html

Yellowstone spokesman Al Nash, who despite being furloughed was asked by park officials to respond to some media inquiries when available, said hotel guests were never held under armed guard.

I had seen two different visitors to Yellowstone (who were on that very bus) interviewed on TV.
Separately on TV, different stations.
Their stories aligned with this:
There was a close by herd of bison.
The bus driver stopped to let the people out to take snapshots.
An armed ranger came by and ordered them to get back in, saying they couldn’t “recreate.”
Maybe this isn’t ”technically” an arrest, but when you only have a camera and your opponent has a gun, you do as she orders.
The Old Faithful Inn, where this busload of people were to stay was a ”prison,” in that ARMED guards stood at doors and prevented anyone from leaving to go walk about the Yellowstone Park.
“They [the ARMED guards] told us you can’t go outside,” Pat Vaillancourt said.
Now, you might not call that HOUSE ARREST, but that’s what it was.
The foreign tourists were traumatized by it all.
One ”dude ranch” was on Yellowstone Federal Land.
But it offered to allow the bus passengers to use their bathrooms so they could get a comfort break, but before the bus got to it, they had to renege. Park officials had called them and threatened to pull their lease IF those bus passengers stopped in.

@Pete: @Pete:

And rather than spew out the tired, false leftist drivel about McCarthy harming the reputations of any innocent people – why don’t you cite someone he allegedly harmed who didn’t turn out to be a communist?

Yes, I’ve challenged RW and Tom to name just one person that McCarthy named as a communist that he was proven wrong on, for some reason, they both seem to be ducking the issue. Wonder why?

there’s a woman dead by the CAPITOL SPECIAL POLICE GUARDS,


Yes…isn’t it interesting how the fact that McCarthy was a senator and therefore not a member of the HUAC.

But I shouldn’t be surprised that leftists get confused by actual facts.


There is absolutely nothing in that article that states that Park police, on orders from the Obama administration, threatened to shoot tourists for taking pictures.

Don’t recall ever saying that. But I don’t see how you can say some of the things going on aren’t strong arm tactics. I’ll agree that they aren’t Gestapo tactics; that would only occur if this happened under a republican administration. But to close off overlooks so people can’t see Mt. Rushmore, barricading open air malls that don’t typically have NPS on site except for a few hours a day, doing everything in your power to bring pain to average citizens….that is overbearing. Do you think the NPS would normally be around when a tour bus is in Yellowstone? No, and the only reason they were there is because these people had already paid money. Right now, the Obama administration is making the strongest case ever to the American people to privatize national sites. They can still be national sites, that fall under national protection. Just not run by any administration or an incompetent Interior Department.

This has all the hallmarks of a nothing story being blown up in the Conservative blogoshere,

The mainstream media will not cover anything that makes Obama look bad unless they are absolutely forced to. The only reason the Obamacare exchanges are getting the bad press they deserve is because the “right-wing” blogosphere is putting it out there every day. The MSM has no choice but to cover it.

Yellowstone would be a strip mall as we speak.

That’s just not true. I dare you right now to Google pictures of the National Mall after the big TEA Party rally and compare them to the first Obama Inauguration. I have no idea why liberals believe they are far superior when it comes to the environment and national treasures. If someone came to my State and said they were going to mine Stone Mountain, we’d kick their butts back up north where they belong. If you are comparing people wanting to drill in ANWR to building a strip mall in Yellowstone…..bad comparison.

But there is absolutely no guarantee of any replacement. Once these things are gone, they probably aren’t coming back, not in the same form. You must know that.

No I don’t know. I can’t name one federal program that has ever been shut down. Besides, Ryan isn’t doing away with anything, just changing who manages it. Instead of the money coming from DC to individuals, it goes to the States and the States decide how to provide for their citizens.

Why the rush to balance the budget RIGHT NOW anyway?

And this is where there will never be agreement. If you believe the economy derives its power from the federal government, then cutting spending will harm the economy. If you believe the economy derives its power from the private sector, cutting spending means less money in government, more money in the private sector, and thus……growth. I believe the latter. And since no one on the democrat side will even agree to cut duplicate programs and reform existing programs, what is left but to cut spending? Maybe if we cut spending, they figure out a way to handle the money they have responsibly.

he was a disable RETIRE MILITARY very smart and inquisive about what AMERICA HAD DONE, I VISIT his link interesting,
dictator for life, the author was warning the AMERICANS OF IT,
DO NOT UNDER ESTIMATE AN HITLER wannabe, didn’t he shut down the GOVERNMENT?
he never met, THAT IS A SIGN.

@Pete: Yes, Pete and another interesting thing is that it is now well known that the main source of McCarthy’s info was J. Edgar Hoover of the FBI. Of course Hoover didn’t want the Dimocrats to know where McCarthy was getting his information because they would have canned him. Also it is interesting to note that the Tydings Committee, appointed by the Dimocrats to investigate, amongst others, Owen Lattimore, completely cleared ‘everyone’ of being communists. Of course, it is now well known that they were in the tank for the Dims. Does anyone doubt Lattimore’s allegiances anymore?

@ilovebeeswarzone: Bees, while a takeover of the operation of the US government is a goal of the puppet handlers, they are smart enough to know that the person that they chose as their puppet is so dumb and has screwed up so much that they are not going to be able to pull it off with this one, they are going to have to deal the cards again and try later. Depends on how many Rino’s they can get to follow along.


Why the rush to balance the budget RIGHT NOW anyway? Nations run at deficits during recoveries. Slashing spending that will flow into the economy now can kill the recovery. When the economy picks up, revenues will increase and the budget will start to fall (it is already happening). I’m all for fiscal responsibility, I really am, but not for reasons that have no economic validity, and not on the backs of the most powerless among us, while Ryan asks for absolutely nothing from the wealthy. To me, that’s completely outrageous and immoral.

Wow. If not now, Tom, then when are things dire enough that we need to balance the budget? Would you run your personal finances like this? Do you think the solution to having more debt than you can pay for is to go out and get another credit card to run up even more debt? Or do you sit down and figure out how to start cutting unnecessary expenses and making some delays in purchases? Keynesian economics are WORTHLESS.

What recovery are you talking about? Simply because the stock market has been kept afloat by the printing of $80-$85 billion dollars a month by the Fed for the majority of Obama’s administration does not make Keynesian economics work. It camouflages the waiting inflationary disaster that will make things even more dire. So again – how long are we supposed to wait for your leftist economics to work? They don’t. Your economic theory punishes hard work and rewards (hell it even justifies) laziness and dependency on Uncle Sugar to take care of all your “needs”….though most LIVs don’t yet understand that the more they become addicted to government crack, the more power the government has to define what you “need”.

You claim so much concern for “the poor” – yet you ignore the eventual outcomes from the collapse of our economy under the ever-increasing debt Obama has crushed us with. Obama is responsible for a 57% increase in our national debt in roughly 5 years of his wealth redistribution plan. He has added $6.2 trillion dollars to the previous debt from all prior presidents which was $10.8 trillion. Our GDP is only $15.8-16.1 trillion. Yet you seem to be saying that we should spend even more money – increasing the likelihood of a financial collapse – because being even more financially irresponsible is going to somehow cause the economy to improve? Where has increasing taxes and spending more money ever worked to improve the economy? When? Anyone who has ever run a business or had to balance a household economy knows you can’t spend more than you make as a means of getting out of debt. They know you cannot get a job from a poor person.

yes but he has a pen, and he can sign it alone,
that’s the problem,


And since no one on the democrat side will even agree to cut duplicate programs and reform existing programs, what is left but to cut spending? Maybe if we cut spending, they figure out a way to handle the money they have responsibly.

I’d say the chances of a balanced budget with the existing administration is far less than zero. Cut spending? only if the Repubs can pull it off, there is no way the Dims would do it.

@ilovebeeswarzone: Bees, technically maybe he could sign it, but with no major crisis to warrant it, there is no way the military would follow him. Basically the military personnel are patriotic Americans and no way would they let anyone just establish a dictatorship without some driving reason. While they have been ‘attempting’ to set the stage for such a thing, they are far away from it. First they needed a ‘charismatic’ leader, one that could mesmerize the citizens. Well, they picked a dud, total flop. They will have to shuffle and re-deal.

@Tom: There wouldn’t even be National Parks if it wasn’t for far-thinking progressives in the conservation movement. Yellowstone would be a strip mall as we speak.

It is pretty obvious you have not visited Yellowstone National Park in any recent years…..
Xanterra (formerly Amfac) operates the hotels, lodge, and cabins, also several restaurants and gift stores. 4,000 employees.
The Delaware North Corporation operates 12 Yellowstone General Stores throughout the park. 700 employees.
The stores provided food, souvenirs and sundries to tourists at the major attractions along Yellowstone’s Grand Loop Road. Several of the buildings constructed for Hamilton’s (now the Deleware North Corp.) are significant examples of the National Park Service Rustic style of architecture and have assumed prominence as attractions in their own right.
Yellowstone Park Service Stations operates seven convenience service stations and four automotive repair facilities within Yellowstone. 100 employees.
The Yellowstone Association operates bookstores throughout Yellowstone. 100 employees.

@Redteam: Senate vote to censure McCarthy was 67-22 with 22 Repubs and 45 Dems. in favor, Within a few years he was dead at 49 from hepatitis brought on by his alcoholism.
As a young boy I witnessed his televised rantings. Just remember it wasn’t pretty.

Mc Carthyism-The practice of making false accusations–


@Mully, #103:

I suggest you get a copy of American Betrayal by Diana West.

She’s promoting the very sort of revisionist history that I strongly object to. I grew up during the early years of the Cold War era. I remember the anti-communist hysteria well enough.

@ilovebeeswarzone: They are not paying Obama, bees.
They are simply paying the employees Obama furloughed.
These same employees were encouraged to immediately sign up for unemployment, so many did.
Thus, unless and until they pay back their unemployment they are double-dipping.
Last month, as a result of the 800,000 furloughed federal employees applying for unemployment, we had the biggest jump in unemployment 1st time applicants in months, maybe years.
A good thing about federal parks is that they actually MAKE money.
They don’t really cost the taxpayers a dime!

@retire05, #108:

Do you even comprehend what you read?

I not only comprehend what I read, I also think about it. You should consider trying it sometime.

You do realize that the International Brigade fought on the side of Spanish Republican forces, correct? Their failure to prevail led to the 35-year dictatorship of Francisco Franco. The Nationalist forces they opposed openly received military support from both Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy. You’re aware of Guernica? It was the bombing of a defenseless civilian population by Nazi and Fascist warplanes, on behalf of the Nationalists—the people that the International Brigade were fighting against.

Your fixation, of course, has to do with the International Brigade’s communist association. You apparently can’t think beyond that point.

@Richard Wheeler:

Senate vote to censure McCarthy was 67-22 with 22 Repubs and 45 Dems. in favor,

unfortunately there have always been Rinos. RW, you ever hear the saying, ‘those that ignore History are doomed to repeat it’? You can choose to ignore the fact that many ‘Dimocrats’ were actually following and/or members of the communist movement back in the 20’s, 30’s, 40’s and 50’s. Once US Marine Joe McCarthy turned the public eye on them, with the aid of Hoover, they quickly tried to shed their skins. While your Alma-mater might have failed you in many ways, surely you have read enough on your own to know that the communists were deeply embedded in the Dimocrat party and only ran when the lights started shining. Many are still followers of the sympathies of that movement and are working hard to undermine the American way of life. Choose to ignore it if you will.


I remember the anti-communist hysteria well enough.

apparently not if you think it was not well founded.

@Nan G:

Thus, unless and until they pay back their unemployment they are double-dipping.

I’m relatively sure most of these people are aware that this type of double dipping is a crime and will not knowingly do it. Not worth losing their jobs over a couple weeks pay.

@Redteam, #130:

…you ever hear the saying, ‘those that ignore History are doomed to repeat it’?

That’s the main reason the revisionist crap about McCarthy being right and some kind of American hero is unacceptable.

@Nan G: @Aqua:

Re. Yellowstone. I suggest you both go back and review my comment #33 and the specific statement I took issues with, written by Dr John: “When you have Park Police ready to shoot tourists for taking pictures things are really screwed up. When does the light go on???” Now if either you still maintain that the article, or anything else that’s come to light about this incident, can back that statement by Dr John, I again ask you to prove it. Otherwise, I will stand by my opinion that it’s an asinine and frankly slanderous accusation.


And what does this

You do realize that the International Brigade fought on the side of Spanish Republican forces, correct? Their failure to prevail led to the 35-year dictatorship of Francisco Franco. The Nationalist forces they opposed openly received military support from both Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy. You’re aware of Guernica? It was the bombing of a defenseless civilian population by Nazi and Fascist warplanes, on behalf of the Nationalists—the people that the International Brigade were fighting against.

have to do with this

McCarthy, however, convinced people that the government itself had been subverted, that the media and film industries had been infiltrated, and that there was a commie hiding behind every bush.

Now I am fully aware of the progressive shell game, but you claim that McCarthy convinced people that the media and film industries had been infiltrated [by Communists] and then link to an article about the HUAC.

McCarthy had nothing to do with the HUAC.

Do try to stay focused, Greggie.


The mainstream media will not cover anything that makes Obama look bad unless they are absolutely forced to. The only reason the Obamacare exchanges are getting the bad press they deserve is because the “right-wing” blogosphere is putting it out there every day. The MSM has no choice but to cover it.

I don’t have a problem with any media source providing facts, or at least informed opinions that are intended for the edification of their audience. What I’ve seen from the Right Wing media apparatus meets neither bar. The amount of outright lies written about Obama, where does one start? As for “edifying” through opinion, I don’t count breathlessly calling Obama a foreigner, a Muslim, a socialist, an autocrat, someone who wants to destroy America, etc. etc. etc. edification. I call it appealing to peoples’ worst dark tendencies to inspire fear and hatred, and all to get them marching lockstep toward a predefined partisan goal.

As for the MSM, I’ve heard all the accusations of bias. As has been written before, I think more liberals tend to go into journalism, so that could be a factor. However, journalists for serious publications, regardless of their editorial slant, have a code of ethics that they take seriously, not like this “anything goes”/no repercussions ethos you find in the blogospheres (all sides). One single New Yorker article probably undergoes more professional fact checking than everything some of the people here read in a year. Certainly more than everything published on this site in its existence.

And this is where there will never be agreement. If you believe the economy derives its power from the federal government, then cutting spending will harm the economy. If you believe the economy derives its power from the private sector, cutting spending means less money in government, more money in the private sector, and thus……growth. I believe the latter.

That’s perfectly fine. I don’t think my point regarding the budget necessarily locks me into that first position. I’m simply asking why balancing the budget has been raised to the level of a principle in and of itself. There is no data to support the idea that slashing the budget right now to balance it will help the economy and job growth. Quite the opposite in fact. The US has run at a deficit for most of its existence. And when it runs at a surplus, it’s not because spending was cut to balance the budget. Look at the Clinton surplus. That wasn’t a result of his being a budget hawk. So I think it’s a problematic argument that Ryan uses, and he probably uses it because it intuitively sounds good to people. It’s an easy sell, because it sounds responsible.

I’m personally an advocate of saving money the same way businesses do, through implementing controls and efficiencies and process improvements. Why is everything in Washington all or nothing? The ACA is flawed, so let’s get rid of it – well, our military is hopelessly inefficient and bleeding money in all sorts of boondoggle programs, so should we get rid of the military? Of course not. Corporations don’t cut entire departments to save money; they get serious about waste. Ryan is just peddling what sounds like a responsible plan because it’s easier to cut entitlements to people with no power or connections than to ask his colleagues to cut out the sweetheart deals that they’re feeding their financial benefactors.

@Tom: Tom, I am glad these tourists were docile enough not to find out IF that Park employee was willing to actually shoot one of them.
Had it been another bus filled with different tourists who knows if we might have seen a tourist shot at for disobeying a Park employee who was armed.
Recall under the Nazi occupation very few unarmed Jews, gypsies or other minority groups tried to defy the armed officers who herded them onto train box cars.

Nan G
thank you for correcting me on that,, it was making me feel bad for the STATES TO HAVE TO PAY ON THEIR OWN LAND,no matter FEDERAL OR NOT, IT’S THEIR LAND IN THEIR STATES,

and you must have heard of the way they where calming them with nice appeasing words:
like don’t worry we try to only protect you, yes once they enter the train of death,
there where no nice words, only torment and death,

@Nan G:

Recall under the Nazi occupation very few unarmed Jews, gypsies or other minority groups tried to defy the armed officers who herded them onto train box cars.

There it is. Just in case anyone has never witnessed Obama Fever in its native habitat, the symptoms being a serious crazy-eyed manifestation of off-the-wall, batsh*t insanity…

@retire05, #135:

McCarthy had nothing to do with the HUAC.

You’re attempting to compartmentalize and sanitize. Joseph McCarthy was one of the chief promoters of the anti-communist hysteria that gripped the nation. People like Diana West aren’t going to be able to rewrite that bit of history, because it’s too well documented.


revisionist history




There it is again! Twice in the same day! Not many a lepidopterist has left the meadow so fulfilled.

Can we get another comparison of a park ranger evicting people from a closed park to the worst evil of the 20th century? Please???


That’s the main reason the revisionist crap about McCarthy being right and some kind of American hero is unacceptable.

How strange that so many want to deny the truth but still can not provide one name that was ‘falsely accused’. Not one…..

@retire05, #135:

And what does this
. . .
have to do with this
. . .

You tell me. You’re referring to my responses to two different comments, which appeared in two separate posts.

@Greg: Do you think it a coincidence that those at FA who support the actions of McCarthy are the same ones warning us of the large number of Muslim Brotherhood members in the highest echelons of our Govt?


There it is. Just in case anyone has never witnessed Obama Fever in its native habitat,

Hmm, I would say that Obama Fever is what you have Tom, That undying love and devotion thingy.


because it’s too well documented.

So true, especially since the FOI act and since the fall of the Soviet Union and the opening of all their files, Yep, very documented.

I notice you still haven’t mentioned the name of someone that was ‘falsely accused’ yet.

@Redteam, #144:

I notice you still haven’t mentioned the name of someone that was ‘falsely accused’ yet.

Refer to the two links provided in post #96. The first will lead to a list of the names of the Hollywood 10. The second will lead to a much longer list of specific individuals—all notable for their creative contributions to American culture—who were seriously damaged by McCarthyism. People such as Charlie Chaplin, who was pretty much driven from American shores.

Should I copy and paste them all here, to save you the trouble of a mouse click?


Re. Yellowstone.

Surely even you must realize that false imprisonment or kidnapping is illegal. Standing outside a persons room with a weapon, preventing them from leaving the room, falls into both of those categories. There is no defense that would stand scrutiny in that circumstance.