The “You might be an a-hole” test


obama finger

We’re going to have a little test that will determine if you are an a-hole. But first, let’s have a look at the real Barack Obama. Let us review what kind of person he is. Obama is supposed to be the President of all of the United States and not just the President of his party. He is supposed to watch out for the general welfare of all of us. The Presidential Oath reads:

“I, name, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and I will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

Nowhere in the oath does it allow for punishing Americans for doing nothing wrong.

Barack Obama has issued orders to close National Parks and make life miserable for Americans.

“We’ve been told to make life as difficult for people as we can. It’s disgusting.”

Obama has stranded tourists in Yellowstone.

Obama has evicted elderly people from their homes.

Ordering National Parks closed is not enough for Obama. He had them barricaded and wired shut. Those structures have come to be known as “Barrycades.”

1. barrycade

1. A barrier (usually temporary) that exists for no reason. 2. A barrier erected for political reasons.

“Dude, Obama barrycaded the park.”

“Hey, let’s put up some barrycades to keep those World War II veterans away from the open-air World War II Memorial in Washington, D.C., in order to try and score some cheap political points.”

Obama is blocking the road that allows for viewing of Mount Rushmore.

Obama is ordering hundreds of private-owned and privately funded parks closed and has ordered visitors kept out of privately run businesses.

Obama is even trying to shut down the ocean:

Just before the weekend, the National Park Service informed charter boat captains in Florida that the Florida Bay was “closed” due to the shutdown. Until government funding is restored, the fishing boats are prohibited from taking anglers into 1,100 square-miles of open ocean. Fishing is also prohibited at Biscayne National Park during the shutdown.

The Park Service will also have rangers on duty to police the ban… of access to an ocean. The government will probably use more personnel and spend more resources to attempt to close the ocean, than it would in its normal course of business.

This is governing by temper-tantrum. It is on par with the government’s ham-fisted attempts to close the DC WWII Memorial, an open-air public monument that is normally accessible 24 hours a day. By accessible I mean, you walk up to it. When you have finished reflecting, you then walk away from it.

At least that Memorial is an actual structure, with some kind of perimeter that can be fenced off. Florida Bay is the ocean. How, pray tell, do you “close” 1,100 square miles of ocean? Why would one even need to do so?

Obama shut down and barricaded the Vietnam Memorial:

Via William Jacobson, NBC’s affiliate in Washington, D.C. reports that police ordered tourists and Vietnam war veterans who were visiting the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall to leave the memorial at one point on Friday.

After one group of veterans went around the barricade, “the park ranger told them the wall was closed,” NBC’s Mark Seagraves reported. “Later another group of vets showed up and moved the barricades. At that point, the memorial filled with vets and tourists. That’s when police came and moved everyone out.”

The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall is a black granite outdoor wall on which the names of the 58,272 service members who died or were unaccounted for during the Vietnam war are inscribed.

This is the Vietnam Vets’ Memorial:

vietnam mem

It’s a wall. It’s a goddam wall. What is there to close?

John Ondrasik of Five for Fighting was literally pushed out of the Jefferson Memorial and he asked why he was being pushed:

I asked him “why do you have to put your hands on me and push me out when I’m leaving anyways”…he replied “it’s quicker this way”…

Obama has shut down the Amber Alert website but Michelle Obama’s “Let’s Move” website remains up. There’s no money for the safety of missing children but there is money to infuse the ego of Michelle Obama.

National Parks remained open during the last “shutdown.”

But the good news?

Obama’s golf course remains open!


Obama has no interest in alleviating or preventing suffering. He wants Americans to suffer maximally. Mr T might describe Mr. Obama’s Neighborhood this way:

Hello, boys and girls. The new word for today.. is “pain”.

Pain. As much as possible on as many Americans as possible. For unnecessary and cheap political points. Obama is spending far more money on personnel and materials to keep people out of unstaffed memorials than he would leaving them alone. This is the measure of the man. Never let a crisis go to waste. It doesn’t matter who and how many you hurt to get your own way.

What’s next? Does Obama kidnap the children of Republicans and threaten them with death?

So, now for the test- and it’s a simple one. Did you vote for Barack Obama?

If you did, you are an a-hole.

And that goes double for the Obama lapdog media.


Vets no, illegals si

A planned immigration reform rally will take place on the National Mall on Tuesday even though the site is closed due to the government shutdown.

Organizers for the “Camino Americano: March for Immigration Reform” were spotted Monday setting up a stage and equipment on the National Mall for the rally which will take place on Tuesday.

A few scattered barriers around the park have signs informing visitors that the area is closed as a result of the government shutdown.

Susana Flores, a spokesperson for the rally, confirmed for the Washington Examiner that the Park Service will allow the event to take place under the group’s rights granted by the First Amendment.

Weasel Zippers


Obama will punish Vermont to the tune of $90 million:

Northern New England is in its glory; now and for the next week or so. The leaves are nearing peak color and until yesterday, there has been a big high pressure zone parked over the area so the weather has been what would once have been described as “heavenly.” It has been raining now but in a few days, the sun will shine again and the leaves will still be there, in full. And for that, Washington can take no credit.

However … it has done something that will cause some small business people, who depend on this season, to suffer. According to the Caledonian Record, the U.S. Forest Service has closed 21 campgrounds and many more camp sites in the White Mountain National Forest and part of the government “shutdown.”

What is called “leaf-peeping season” generally brings more than half a million visitors to New Hampshire, “pumping nearly $90 million into the economy.”

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Excellent post, I linked it to my site almost verbatim with this as a closing line.

“Excellent coverage. Nothing I can add except welcome America to history in the making. We’ll look back at this time and wonder how in the hell we got here. Or worse, we’ll know and be too weak, frightened or stupid to stop.”

that is my big fear, even my buddy Ben Stein has gone soft in the last few years. He is rightly worried the train called America’s economy is going to go off the tracks soon, real soon.

I tried to tell my college classmates and my relatives about the character of Ø in 2008. I was labeled a hater, a bigot, and a racist.
I suggested that a man with no business experience might not know how to facilitate business.
I suggested that a man with no executive experience might not be very good at being an executive.
I complained that a man with a past which could not be accessed had something to hide.
They all voted for him anyway. They are getting what they wanted.

It is worse for many Obama supporters than it is for those of us who saw this coming.
Days before the gov’t shutdown we thought about driving into Zion National Park but we both anticipated issues stemming from a shutdown.
Obama does all he can to make people suffer.
We knew that about him, so we thought, better wait and see if we can get into Zion first.

Yesterday I read about two Obama supporters who are suffering more than we are.
Instead of not revisiting a park we loved in the past, they just woke up to how much Obama wants them hurt:

Cindy Vinson, of San Jose, will pay $1,800 more a year for an individual policy that conforms to all the requirements of the Obama’s health care law.
Tom Waschura, of Portola Valley, will cough up almost $10,000 more for insurance for his family of four.
Both voted for Obama and were ”for” ObamaCare until they got these bills…..

“Of course, I want people to have health care,” Vinson said. “I just didn’t realize I would be the one who was going to pay for it personally.”


“I was laughing at Boehner — until the mail came today,” Waschura said, referring to House Speaker John Boehner, who is leading the Republican charge to defund Obamacare.
“I really don’t like the Republican tactics, but at least now I can understand why they are so pissed about this. When you take $10,000 out of my family’s pocket each year, that’s otherwise disposable income or retirement savings that will not be going into our local economy.”

Yes, there are ”litmus tests,” in ObamaCare.
You must not bridle about abortifactants, for example.
Men must accept paying for maternity care for THEMSELVES.
Catholics must pay for abortion on demand for themselves.
Mental health questions will include whether or not you have a gun in your household.
And so on.

Nan G
no wander,THE REPUBLICANS called it unworthy of the Americans, and dangerous law, the most lethal of all the laws he planned,
it will bring the ones who sign but are unable to pay, at the end, and
the OBAMACARE will collapse when the INFLATING FROG
loose her last breath of stale air, shrink and
die on her lean body,
what a stink it will be for OBAMA, he loved his frog so much.,

@mathman: My ex-wife voted for the Won…but she was an a-hole before he came along.

It doesn’t matter who and how many you hurt to get your own way.

If you think he is bad now, wait until he gets close to the end of his term. Can he pardon the prisoners at Gitmo? If he can, I expect him to. He will reduce the military as much as he can. He will do everything he can to run up the national debt, increase spending, and anything else that will help him to be appointed Emperor, King, or whatever he will want himself to be called.

The areal view of the Vietnam Memorial is a perfect example of what obama’s intentions are. Pretend you are looking through a bomb sight, and that it what obama wants to do: Bomb America, just like we bombed our enemies in wars. Instead of using bombs, he is using executive authority to try to disrupt the USA as much as possible.

Since he hates the military, he also hates every memorial put up to them. I believe that if he could, he would close all of them PERMANENTLY, and even tear them down.

@mathman: “They are getting what they wanted. ”

I have no problem with that. If only they didn’t have to drag us down with them…

What was that in the presidential oath about defending the constitution!?!?
Almost none of the hundreds of people coming through my office each month are now willing to admit that they actually voted for the incompetent currently residing in the White House. “Obamacare; Obamaphones”: and very soon when we’re Greece – “Obamanation”!

The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies.

Hmmmm I wonder who said that?!?!!?

That part in the oath “…I will to the best of my ability…” is his excuse. He is operating to the best of his ability!

yes his missing ability, which cost him a lot of lawyers’s big money,
who care about the citizens, his lawyers said so, he obey,

The word (for a while now, guys) on a deal has been that the Dems would concede on the medical device tax (a measly 2.3-2.5%, but a huge deal to big political donors) as a show of good will for further reforms of the law in order to get the budget and debt ceiling passed.

Personally, I think the White House and the Senate shouldn’t give a single inch. This would be a horrible precedent. Our Founders well knew the wackadoodle tendencies of the House, which is why the Senate and President have the balancing powers they have. Too much Democracy can be a bad thing. The House is chock full of nuts rights now, and the only way to handle them is to force them to behave. This is no way to make law.

The Senate and White House have to force the House to do their jobs responsibly and honesty. These wackadoodles are being elected to congress by lies. They are making crazy promises to constituents who just don’t know any better. Rather than lifting these constituents, they are pandering to them. These wackadoodles, however, feel the only way to get elected is to make crazy, utterly unworkable, promises, and with good reason.

The GOP at the local level, at it’s representative core, is now a wackadoodle party. Republican lawmakers, ever in fear of primaries against even wackier wackadoodles, can not change their crazy promise positions. It was not as bad in the past, when the GOP was blatantly by and for the wealthier alone. Now it’s also for people who think the Muslim communists are coming to force our children to accept homosexual Darwinism right in their own trailer parks! The rich are difficult enough to satisfy. Crazy people are just impossible

This one
you where talking about OBAMA ALL ALONG,

@This one:

“This Is What Happens When You Mess With A King”

This guy paints a scary reality for liberals in the comments.

MolonLabe says:

January 24, 2013 at 9:04 am

Don’t mistake “tactical restraint” and “battle-space preparation” for “cowardice” or an unwillingness to act, “friend.”

We the people just finished buying 4.8 million firearms in less than 60 days, a six year stockpile of standard capacity magazines, and over 3 billion cartridges.

Do you think we bought them to register them and/or turn them in?

This is not panic buying.

This is a people preparing for war.

You need to understand a thing or two about logistics son. Sherman didn’t march through the south on a moment’s notice. A campaign takes a good amount of time and resources – but thanks to the overreaches of statists and wannabe-tyrants, the time-table just got put into overdrive.

Takes 3% of the gun owners in this nation to topple it. The federal government does not stand a chance.

How do I know this?

Go dig five holes 4 foot deep in your backyard. I’ll be startled if you don’t damage some kinda utility line in the process. You pick a fight with the freedom lovers in America, and you had better get used to not having electricity, internet, natural gas, running water, and working toilets.

The infrastructure is utterly indefensible.

The patriots in America don’t need to beat the army. They don’t need to beat the Federal goon-squads. They don’t even need to beat the local law enforcement.

All they need to do it is shut off the lights on a dilapidated, over-extended, and so vulnerable as to be indefensible power/water/gas grid, and the “free-sh*t-army” will take care of the rest.

The guns are for what comes afterwards. The coming revolution will be fought with shovels, pick-axes, bolt cutters, and bags of cement. The “arms” dealer will be Home Depot. You’ll learn one way or another this society continues and exists peaceably only with our consent. The second we withdraw that, it will, with a considerable amount of assistance, fall into ruin.

“How many patriots are you willing to kill to get the guns?
How many people on your side are you willing to see die to get the guns?

Perhaps you need to consider those two points before you try to usurp our natural rights.

You can’t have the guns, you can’t have a registration of the guns, and if you think the law enforcement officers are willing to die to go after the guns, you need to do some google-fu, and look into the reality of that situation.

High time you totalitarians had some skin in the game. If you want our modern sporting rifles with standard capacity magazines, and if you want our long-arms registered, you’ll have to come do it yourselves.

After all… the Cops and the Sheriff’s deputies all live amongst us. As has been so aptly illustrated in Mexico… 2:30 am no-knock raids cut both ways. The law enforcement officers won’t lift a finger to enforce this nonsense outside of hellpits like NYC and SF. They love their kids and their wives, and like to not come home to burning cinders where their home used to be.

So man up. You want the weapons, come and get them – this time there won’t be any soliders and cops dying for you.

You’ll have to do it yourselves.

Good luck.”

White, “Christian” and Treasonous: Who Will They Kill?

@Thirteen, #14:

We the people just finished buying 4.8 million firearms in less than 60 days, a six year stockpile of standard capacity magazines, and over 3 billion cartridges.

Do you think we bought them to register them and/or turn them in?

This is not panic buying.

This is a people preparing for war.

This is the firearm and ammunition industry, irresponsibly exploiting fears and fantasies to move enormous volumes of their products. Far more of it than has any rational, real world application. Thereby increasing the access of firearms to people who have absolutely no business possessing them.

When I was a kid, some people were certain that communists had taken over the government and were attempting to destroy America by way of the fluoridation of our drinking water. Seriously. They were burrowing like gophers in their back yards building fallout shelters, and buying surplus foreign military rifles by mail order to repel the hoards of neighbors they were sure would besiege them after the apocalypse.

Kooks that believe they’re preparing to go to war with their liberal neighbors represent about half the reason saner people would prefer tighter gun regulations. The reasons should be obvious. Lunatics with guns acting alone are bad enough. Those preparing for war against their countrymen are totally off the sanity map. Look at any country in the world with warring factions. These places suck. Everything that rational human beings hold dear is in constant peril. Forget the rationalizations. War is insanity. It’s the last thing any sane person should want. And your lot apparently think an adequate reason for it is because someone is trying to make healthcare available to those who don’t have it, or is suggesting that maybe the richest people—who have often gotten that way by devising optimal shake-down systems—ought to be paying higher taxes.

@This one: For once, you are right. Let’s send someone over to your place and drag you off to an indoctrination center. We actually have too much democracy even though we are a republic and not a democracy!

@Greg: Actually Greg, communists did take over part of our government. Now, they are socialists. There is some differences, but the processes during takeover are similar. I believe that Chicago is as big as some warring nations. Yes, it sucks until the common sense people win!

@This one: The word (for a while now, guys) on a deal has been that the Dems would concede on the medical device tax (a measly 2.3-2.5%, but a huge deal to big political donors) as a show of good will for further reforms of the law in order to get the budget and debt ceiling passed.

You left out the caveat, This one.
The Dems would cancel the medical device tax in exchange for equal funding coming from somewhere else!
Where else?
They do not say!
They want Republicans to be responsible for some new tax!

@This one: #11

Too much Democracy….

We are not a democracy. We are a republic. When you say the pledge of allegiance, what type of government are you pledging allegiance to? You should have said, “too much Republicanism….”

@Greg: #15

Thereby increasing the access of firearms to people who have absolutely no business possessing them.

You mean like some police departments that can’t get enough ammo for their officers?

I’m curious which propaganda news media you hope to be hired by. You’re saying exactly the same things as they are. Please let us know which one hires you.


The natural result of pledging allegiance to Obama and not to your country.

@This one:

Too much Democracy can be a bad thing. The House is chock full of nuts rights now, and the only way to handle them is to force them to behave.

Spoken like the classic totalitarian scumbag leftist who isn’t getting his way always does.

@Smorgasbord, #20:

You mean like some police departments that can’t get enough ammo for their officers?

Maybe hoarders should consider donating a small fraction of their private arsenals to their local police departments.

A buddy of mine just shocked me by telling me the current price of .22 rim fire ammo, which I’ve never before thought of as costly or hard to find. He told me he can hardly afford weekend target shooting, a long-time hobby.

Apparently the government was smart to stock up a while back. I recall that being the subject of quite a lot of criticism, but it seems maybe someone was simply smart enough to see the shortage coming.


Yep…you have all your progressive talking points lined up…rich people are BAAAD because they don’t want to have the government steal from them to buy the votes of the ignorant and the lazy. Those who oppose the government takeover of the medical system can only possibly be against the leftists’ good intentions because we are so mean and vindictive that we don’t want poor people to have health care.

And you think conservatives are the delusional ones….

@Pete, #24:

Yep…you have all your progressive talking points lined up…rich people are BAAAD because they don’t want to have the government steal from them to buy the votes of the ignorant and the lazy.

Rich people aren’t necessarily bad, but that sure as hell doesn’t mean they’re all good, either. If you haven’t noticed a that shakedown of the middle and working class of monumental proportion has been underway for well over a decade, you haven’t been paying attention. If you think it’s the poor who have somehow been pocketing everything that the middle and working class have lost, you must be living on some other planet. Where do you imagine they’ve concealed all that redirected wealth? In their mattresses? If they’ve spent it, where do you imagine it has ended up? Doesn’t it puzzle you how real wages have been in continuous decline while corporate profits, the GDP, and high-end wealth have greatly expanded?

Do such questions also represent talking points?

Just wait and see how health care degrades with the advent of socialized medicine! First the device tax caused costs to patients to rise and then, since reimbursment to the care provider is to be based on OUTCOME not on procedure conservative health care is out the window. Extensive procedures will increase ten fold. WATCH!

Don’t know ir Dr. John posted the sad tale of the diabetic who applied for ACA. I would have cost him over $20,000 before he received any reimbursment from Obamacare. When he opted out he was told there was a tax of over $4,000 which if not paid witin 30 days would cause him to lose his driver’s license. Then if not paid the tax would be levied on his home.


this is manipulating the system and criminal abuse of the PEOPLE,
something bad will happen

@drjohn: #21

The natural result of pledging allegiance to Obama and not to your country.

You mean like the entertainment industry is doing?

@Greg: #23

Maybe hoarders should consider donating a small fraction of their private arsenals to their local police departments.

Maybe the Social Security Administration can share theirs.

Or maybe Homeland Security will share theirs.

Or maybe the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration will share theirs.

So far, all totaled, the agencies are getting about 1,600,000,000 rounds of hollow point ammo. That is enough to shoot every person in the USA (including illegals) 5-6 times, or for us to fight a 20 year war. That is more than our Army has. Why does the obama administration want to have more ammo than the Army? Most of the agencies who are ordering this ammo don’t have very many, if any enforcement people. Why would an agency that has few enforcement people buy so much ammo?Remember this?

Apparently the government was smart to stock up a while back.

They are still ordering ammo. Even agencies with few enforcement people are ordering millions of rounds of ammo. The Transportation Security Administration wants to buy 3-5 million rounds for themselves, even though their agents aren’t armed.

@Nan G: #3
“Of course, I want people to have health care,” Vinson said. “I just didn’t realize I would be the one who was going to pay for it personally.”
In other words, he wanted all of the goodies as long as someone else paid for them. Typical Lib.
TANSTAAFL is a concept that only Conservatives seem to understand.

“66,000 lose jobs in Illinois
ObamaCare blamed”
The original PDF is no longer available on the Illinois state website (I wonder why?), but a copy of it can be found here:
Liberal voters need to learn that actions have consequences. Sadly, this won’t teach them. The bad results of their desires will always be someone else’s fault.
Damned child voters.

Maybe the Koch brothers should be required to take a You might be an A-hole test. Of course the results wouldn’t reveal much that a lot of attentive people didn’t already know.

From the New York Times, October 5, 2013: A Federal Budget Crisis Months in the Planning

“Shortly after President Obama started his second term, a loose-knit coalition of conservative activists led by former Attorney General Edwin Meese III gathered in the capital to plot strategy. Their push to repeal Mr. Obama’s health care law was going nowhere, and they desperately needed a new plan.

“Out of that session, held one morning in a location the members insist on keeping secret, came a little-noticed “blueprint to defunding Obamacare,” signed by Mr. Meese and leaders of more than three dozen conservative groups. . .”

A blueprint for deunding Obamacare? By deliberately shutting down the government? Surely you jest!

Uh, no. There’s evidence of a conspiracy to shut down the government as a means of killing Obamacare. Because they posted it to the internet.

FreedomWorks, of course, is a Koch brothers creation.

Private citizens, plotting to shut down the government of the United States. They figure they can override the democratic process and have things as they want them, because they’ve got a sh-t load of money to spend getting it done. They’ve probably figured angles to make even more money by anticipating the effects on the economy of their actions.

Bernie Sanders tells it like it is. All the truth and nothing but, like it or not.


@Greg: Don’t you see this as a response? I just still feel like the Dems supporters started all this Big Money buys the White House and the government (not started, but up-ed the stakes in 2008), but were good at laundering the money. The Reps followed (because you can’t beat a President in a re-election campaign when he’s sure to have a Billion in corporate money) out of need.

Obama has more corporate donors, but the rubes still like to decry “The Koch Brothers!”
80% of the media is left leaning, but eh rubes still cry “Fox News!”

You see why those not sympathetic to the left don’t see the left as fighting against big money and corporate influence . . . because they have more of it now. 18 to 30 year olds watch Stewart/Maher/Maddow and say “yeah! Koch Brothers . . . Fox . . . tell me what to think/do/be mad about.

I think you have more sense than that, but I just wanted to show you the other side. I am in my mid-thirties, and from the 90’s on, there was a pretty discreet pipeline for making sure a kid stayed “left” out of ignorance. A little life experience made that path hard for me, so while I still am not sure you can call me “right,” I definitely can’t support the double-talk and double-standards of the left.

There are more “Koch Brothers” on the left than the right, it’s just hidden. Media and entertainment are pimping for the left, and the young and pop-culture influenced don’t have a chance to think for themselves.

Yes, many want to shut down Obamacare. It was passed without by steamrolling the Reps and their constituency. History shows that laws passed in this manner always lead to a fight, usually decades long.

The “defenders” of Obamacare don’t even understand the law. They are acting more like football fans, and not responsible citizens. The leftists and dems are not being responsible, or mature. They are a compromised party that needs some internal shake up to make them viable again.

@Pete: @Greg: I think the whole “class” business is a myth drawn forward from the 19th and 20th centuries.

Two kinds of “people” in the country (financially):

1. Working “class” – If you lose your job and can’t get another, you lose your house, your car . . . anything you had payments on. Minimum wage or $250,000 a year: doesn’t matter.

2. Wealthy “class” – Your assets and investments make enough returns for you to live off of. You don’t need to have a “job”.

All the President’s talk about the “middle class” has always baffled me. I feel the temptation to always want more and get pissed that you don’t have it was exploited by the Dems from the start. That road goes nowhere, and no amount of rich-people blood will ever feed that monster. That’s why the Dems are becoming irrelevant, but still influencing the poor and the immature to the detriment of us all.

You know, when you are reduced to bringing up the Koch brothers, you’re out of ideas.


A blueprint for deunding Obamacare? By deliberately shutting down the government? Surely you jest!

Uh, no. There’s evidence of a conspiracy to shut down the government as a means of killing Obamacare.

Well, they totally screwed that up then. Obamacare is destroying itself with with no help from the GOP

“I was laughing at Boehner — until the mail came today,”
Waschura said, referring to House Speaker John Boehner, who is leading the Republican charge to defund Obamacare.

“I really don’t like the Republican tactics, but at least now I can understand why they are so pissed about this. When you take $10,000 out of my family’s pocket each year, that’s otherwise disposable income or retirement savings that will not be going into our local economy.”

this one
there is so much bad publicity and lies made on the REPUBLICANS,
they are showing a lot of class and dignity,

@drjohn: It really shows a stupidity not worth engaging, doesn’t it?

@Nathan Blue:

It’s simply an absence of ideas and rather one-sided. I wrote an extensive post about Soros and how he has his fingers in everything, trying to bring down the country.

@Greg: #32

Maybe the Koch brothers should be required to take a You might be an A-hole test.

You think it is wrong for the Koch brothers to support conservative causes, but you never complain about an admitted socialist like Soros who wants to turn the USA into a socialist State. Do you think you will get APPOINTED to a high office once your mission is accomplished?

From the New York Times, October 5, 2013:

This is the same newspaper that reported that we were tracking Osama by the cell phone he was using. Of course, we never heard from that cell phone again. They are doing everything they can to get democrats elected, even by aiding the enemy so Bush wouldn’t get credit for getting Osama.

Did they say ONE good thing about Bush. No wonder you want to quote them.

Iv’e been paying into Social Security for over 50 years. Now, BHO is threatening to withhold our reimbursement checks as a threat unless we ask our representatives to cave on funding the government and raising the national debt limit! Social Security checks are a reimbursement for payments made over many decades and the funds are not to be used for any purpose other than to pay back the investment made by the people once they reach a certain age.

The man really believes he’s above the law and acts exactly as any dictator would.

Ah, they joyful bleating of pseudo-intellectuals of the left, cheering on the Neo-Feudalism they push and fail to understand. They, like Greg and This one, all believe that they with be the New Nobility, Lording over the ignorant serfs of the Coming American Fiefdom. The fools don’t even see the bridle, yoke and tack they are already burdened with.


Hey, that money is in a SS lockbox. Obama said so!

@Nathan Blue: #39
Conservatives should go down to a liberal’s level once-in-a-while so they can appreciate even more why they are a conservative.

@drjohn: #40
Soros even admitted he is a socialist, and wants to make the USA a socialist country. Most liberals don’t know how a socialist country works. The farmer in Russia takes his crop to the government, then waits to find out how much he will be paid for it. How many Americans would work for boss like that?

@Gerry: #42
The Social Security Trust Fund never existed. The money went into the general fund. It is the biggest Pozzi scheme ever created. The retirement age was much higher than the average life expectancy, and if you died before you reached retirement age, the government kept ALL the money you paid in.

I have written my federal politicians and suggested that the way to save Social Security is to put it in a separate account, and only those who paid in can get any back. I suggest others write their politicians to put it in a separate account, but the incumbents aren’t going to do it, so you need to elect new people who will.

Clark Howard said that if a 15 year old would put $2,000 per year in a Wroth IRA for only 7 years, then leave it there until age 65, if the stock market averages what it has been since it was created, the individual would have $1,000,000 in their account. That is for just a $14,000 investment. If the money you paid into SS was put in an account like that in YOUR name, how much would you have at age 65.

I am past retirement age, and only get about $1,200 a month. There are illegals and others getting a higher Social Security check than I am, and I paid into it all of my working life. When our money says, “Federal Reserve Note” on it, and our politicians are Federal employees, they figure that is THEIR money, not YOURS, and you should be happy with any amount they let you keep.


Bernie Sanders is a dishonest socialist piece of filth, so his propaganda is unreliable. The fact that he labels himself “Independent” when he is clearly a socialist demonstrates the inherent dishonesty of the left.

So…groups of citizens getting together to have a questionably “deemed passed” law (that is having demonstrably negative effects on the economy) repealed is now undemocratic?

Again – leftists insist on conservatives competing with blindfolds and one hand tied behind the back, while leftists are allowed to use every dirty, underhanded and sneaky political trick out there to cheat their way into power. Gregoire, Franken, “deemed passed”, opposing voter ID, etc etc.

Reid has his boxers in a bunch because Cruz, Lee and Rand are standing up to his abusive political tricks. The day of the RINOs is coming to an end, because the grass roots are done being mugged by progressive theft.

@Smorgasbord: “”Conservatives should go down to a liberal’s level once-in-a-while so they can appreciate even more why they are a conservative.”” >>
I cannot get that low — my buttons are in the way

@Pete, #48:

Bernie Sanders is a dishonest socialist piece of filth, so his propaganda is unreliable. The fact that he labels himself “Independent” when he is clearly a socialist demonstrates the inherent dishonesty of the left.

Bernie Sanders is simply stating verifiable facts. The dysfunction in Washington that we’re presently witnessing is precisely what was planned. Those who were behind the drawing up of the plan control the elected republicans who are executing it. It’s nothing less than an focused attempt by private interests to sidetrack the normal workings of the United States government in order to get their own way.

There’s nothing the least bit dishonest about Bernie Sanders. He doesn’t misrepresent himself to anyone. He states what he’s actually thinking. Independent is not a party designation. It means that you claim no party affiliation. It simply means you’re not a member of the Republican Party or the Democratic Party or the Libertarian Party, nor do you represent any other such group. You’re an independent.