Aaron Alexis seems to have listened to Joe Biden and taken his advice. Back in February Biden said:
“You don’t need an AR-15,” he said. “Buy a shotgun! Buy a shotgun!”
And that’s what Aaron Alexis did. Back then Bided added:
“I have two shotguns at home. No one is going to come and take my guns.”
Here’s the video:
Aaron Alexis did buy a shotgun- legally:
Aaron Alexis legally purchased the shotgun he used to kill 12 people, the FBI said Tuesday.
FBI Assistant Director Valerie Parlave also told reporters that Alexis only had the shotgun — not an assault rifle, as many news outlets reported — when he walked into Building 197 at the Washington Navy Yard on Monday morning. But it may not be the only gun he used.
“We have no information that he had an AR-15 assault rifle in his possession,” she said at a press conference. “He may have gained access to a handgun … after he began shooting.”
An initial investigation indicates that Alexis bought a Remington 870 shotgun at a Lorton, Va., gun shop last week, according to the Wall Street Journal. State law in Virginia allows for an individual to buy rifles or shotguns even if that person is not a state resident.
Somehow a mentally ill man with a history of arrests and eight citations for misconduct in the military got both security clearance and got hold of a card that allowed him to enter a Naval base while bypassing the security guards.
The media went off the rails fingering the AR 15 as the weapon used in the murders, but that’s not the end of the story. One person was killed with an AR 15.
And consider this: this guy was mentally ill and reports say he able to able to enter the base bypassing the security guards.
A friend of Aaron Alexis said Alexis wasn’t happy with America. What if Aaron Alexis had a car full of semtex or C4 and parked his vehicle next to a busy office building inside the base?
Think about it.
This isn’t about guns. It’s about mental illness- just like Tucson, Aurora, Virginia Tech, and Sandy Hook.

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
>This isn’t about guns. It’s about mental illness- just like Tucson, Aurora, Virginia Tech, and Sandy Hook.
Well, true. The gun didn’t walk in and shoot people. That being said, there needs to be a more substantive dialogue on how to prevent these occurrences, but with an eye on preserving Constitutional rights.
I don’t think “disarming the people” is the solution, any more than I think “everyone should pack” is the solution. I’ve never owned a gun. No one in my family has ever owned a gun (afaik). I’m not comfortable with guns. But I still don’t want my government telling me I can’t have one.
And “stand your ground” ? I would hope that any chance to avoid violence would be the preferred outcome.
@Curtis Smith: #1
After many shooting events, there is a large increase in gun sales afterwords. People who don’t want guns, realize that, “If that person came in my house, I would be defenseless, and they would have killed me and my family.” I would love it if guns were banned in a way that NOBODY has ANY.
Crooks don’t care if they aren’t supposed to have a gun. If you live in a gun free area, and you think you are safe in it, think about this: If you are a crook, are you going to do your crooking in a concealed carry area, or a gun free zone? Why do you think that the cities that allow their residents to own guns have a lower crime rate? The propaganda media doesn’t want you to know this. Why?
A lot of crimes are committed by people high on drugs, or needing a fix really bad, and many times kill the person they robbed, even though the person didn’t resist. What if the bad guy’s intention is to rape your wife or daughter, if you have either? The only chance to avoid violence in that situation is to let the rapist have their way.
I emphasize:
How does that avoid violence??
Stay home, in your bunker, lock your thick steel doors (you will have no windows) and watch TV. That way you are nearly sure you can avoid violence.
@Budvarakbar: #3
It was meant part sarcastically, but MOSTLY serious. If the rapist has a knife or a gun, and the one or ones who are being attacked, don’t have any, then the only way they can rest is to fight. This could easily result in the death of those being attacked.
Better to have a gun and not need it, than to need one and not have it. Usually, a crook seeing a gun makes them run away.
A good article Doc. and I think you are on the right track with mental illness but I believe the key factor is the over use of Psychotropic drugs. I ran across this site the other day, SSRI Stories, it lists violent incidents where the use of SSRI’s were involved.
In this latest incident we now know that Mr. Alexis had been treated since August at the V.A. for his PTSD. According to Mike Adams at Natural News “This is proof that Aaron Alexis was on psychiatric drugs, because that’s the only treatment currently being offered by the Veterans Administration for mental problems.” We also know that the most common form of treatment for PTSD is Paroxetine, which is listed as the number 3 top violence-causing drug by the Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP)..
I think we all realize that the main concern of the current administration is not stopping these mass shootings but in actuality is the elimination of our right to keep and bear arms. As a safety professional part of my job entails accident investigation. My primary tool in an accident investigation is the “Root Cause Analysis”, the RCA helps me to determine what is actually behind an incident. Primary and secondary factors play a roll in all incidents, but it is only once you determine the “Root Cause” that you can actually implement meaningful “Corrective Actions” that will actually help in preventing future incidents.
Dr. John you said “This isn’t about guns. It’s about mental illness- just like Tucson, Aurora, Virginia Tech, and Sandy Hook.” and you’re right up to a point.But just as what type of gun we should be allowed to buy is not the Root Cause of the Naval Shipyard shooting neither is Mental Illness. As a society we are over medicated, 1 in 5 of us is on mind altering drugs. I think that over medication is the Root Cause behind most of these mass shooting incidents.
The argument over gun control is a trap and we must quit falling into the traps set for us by the left (as well as the right). Both sides utilize the Hegelian dialectic to continually force our society closer and closer to an Authoritarian State.
“The Hegelian dialectic is the ridiculous idea that constant conflict and continual merging of opposite ideologies, as established by extreme right or left belief systems, will lead spiritual mankind into final perfection. (Americans understood man’s spiritual quests to be outside the realm of government control). Hegel’s brilliance rests in his ability to confuse and obfuscate the true motives of the planners, and millions of people world-wide have been trying to make sense of why it doesn’t work for over 150 years. But like the AA definition of insanity, the world keeps trying it over and over expecting different results.”
In my opinion our Nation has been systemically destroyed from within by both the left and the right. All these issues we discuss and debate amongst each other, our families, friends and co-workers like gun control, the entitlement mentality, the debt ceiling, the destruction of the family or our educational system, the Wars on Drugs, Terror, Obesity etc…etc…these are all contributing factors to our Nations decline but they are not the Root Cause. The Root Cause of our decline is not Democrat vs. Republican ideals or even Left vs. Right disagreements, these arguments just serve to keep us divided and controlled. What it comes down to is Authoritarian (Left or Right)vs. Libertarian.
Whenever you catch Obama creating a straw man fallacy, he is setting up another Hegelian dialectic trap.
But he goes it one further in making up a phony ”opponent,” who, Obama claims, holds an extreme viewpoint opposed to Obama’s.
Then Obama, in comparison, makes his own viewpoint look reasonable BUT THEN Obama goes one further and moves toward (a tiny bit) that unreasonable imaginary opponent’s viewpoint.
Thus Obama makes it look like he’s already had the debate and made a moderating move toward the middle.
The ”debate” is over and, somehow, we lost without ever having a chance to even weigh in!
Clever boy!
how about some weird comment to explain weird un-natural happening,
is in it a balancing comment?
now in the land of GOD, HE HIS EXPLOTTING HUMAN SOUL, many have followed him
by listening to his supporting adepts FROM HIS DOMINION IN HELL,
anything corrupt goes with him, it make the soul easy to give in to his demands,
you notice the effort to erase the CHRISTIANITY, EVEN IN THE WAR-ZONE,
all are being told to remove the 10 COMMANDS of GOD FROM A PUBLIC PRESTIGIOUS PLACE,
and no leader to object, he never object to those coming FROM HATER’S LAND,
he made it easy for them to come, from south some move north to another part of AMERICA, that is CANADA, in her big town TORONTO ,one has kill a good man by trying to BEHEAD HIM, he was not even notice by the victim,
yes that’s one of THE EVIL AT WORK,
there is nothing we can do , not humanly, BUT START TO PRAY OUT LOUD
in the public place AND ASK GOD FOR HELP, we are in great need OF A SUPER FORCE
to come, and who else but THE CREATOR HIMSELF,
You know….this point was completely lost on the MSM. Doih!!! Biden suggested if you want a “legal” gun….use a shot gun. A pump shotgun no less.
What do we get from CNN? AR 15 shotgun. High velocity “bullets”. These people are IDIOTs about firearms.
And I believe the part they don’t understand is….LOTS of people in the US shoot firearms. Got to the range, or etc. And the know what BS this is.
Anyway…it’s not the weapon…..it’s the crazy people. And just for the record…this guy killed 12 people with a “shotgun”. A “shotgun” that supposedly woudl prevent such events….given it’s loading time. Doih.
@Dc: #9
The term, “assault rifle” was invented by the propaganda media. They invented it out of the term, “AR-15”. The “AR” stands for Armalite Corporation, the company that invented the AR-15. The propaganda media took the “AR”, and invented, “Assault Rifle”. The term was never used until the propaganda media invented it.
Please mention to people that it is very easy to tell which media is liberal. If they call the USA a democracy, they are liberal. They want you to think of the democratic party, not the republican, which you would be reminded of if they called the USA the REPUBLIC that it is. PLEASE CALL THE USA A REPUBLIC.