Barack, you are no Martin Luther King

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This morning Huffington Post posted a picture including both Martin Luther King Jr and Barack Obama in similar poses.

king and obama

It is an obvious and clumsy attempt to draw a comparison. Barack Obama is a white black (well, he’s not a white Hispanic) President who benefited from King’s pioneering, but really that’s about where it ends.

When King spoke, his words were like poetry. They were inspiring, uplifting and full of hope. Obama, not so much.


“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”


“They Bring a Knife…We Bring a Gun”


“I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.”


“I don’t want to quell anger. I think people are right to be angry! I’m angry!”


“Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.”


“Get in Their Faces!”


“I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.”


“Hit Back Twice As Hard”


“We must develop and maintain the capacity to forgive. He who is devoid of the power to forgive is devoid of the power to love. There is some good in the worst of us and some evil in the best of us. When we discover this, we are less prone to hate our enemies.”


“Don’t think we’re not keeping score brother.”


“I refuse to accept the view that mankind is so tragically bound to the starless midnight of racism and war that the bright daybreak of peace and brotherhood can never become a reality… I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word.”


“Punish your enemies.”


“A genuine leader is not a searcher for consensus but a molder of consensus.”


“…we are going to have just hand-to-hand combat up here on Capitol Hill.”

Martin Luther King Jr. did not dun those opposing him. He did not insult them personally. He did not impugn their motives. He tried to reach out to them with great eloquence and became one of history’s great leaders. It’s easy to forget how wondrous his words were and how well they were spoken. Just reading them takes you to a good place.

I cannot imagine King ever saying

“Rosa Parks wasn’t no ho, and Fannie Lou Hamer wasn’t no bitch.”

There’s a lesson there.

All MLK quotes courtesy Brainy Quote

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This just scratches the surface concerning what Ø is not.
He is not an American. He is an undocumented illegal immigrant.
He is not a leader. He is a sock puppet.
He knows nothing about internal affairs or politics, nor does he have any knowledge of foreign policy.
The one thing he does know is how to agitate. His speeches are boring; having heard one, there is no need to ever listen to him again.
He is not a uniter; he is a divider.
He is not honest; a very large number of specific promises which he has made have been proven false.
And he certainly is no imitator, nor can he claim, to represent Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., who was, in fact a Reverend and a Doctor. Ø is neither Reverend nor is he a doctor (except with honorary degrees).
It is a good thing your post ended where it did; it would take weeks to compile a complete list of absurd, false, goofy, and off-color quotes from the Alien-In-Chief.

Lol, the premise of this post and the spin used shows you’re pretty cheap. But as long as you get the likes of mathman making loony Beckian responses I guess you’re satisfied.

Thinking about one’s opponent while in debate…..

You take the best lines of King and compare them with Obama throwaways.

Dr. John, you are a clown.

@Gary Miller:

Dr. John, you are a clown.

Hey, hey. easy now. They juggle, they make children laugh. What the hell have clowns ever done to deserve that comparison?

Well they do have at lest one thing in common they were both hated and despised by conservatives, right Dr J ?
Dr J has chosen to live, work,vacation and raise his children in the 2 bluest states.

mathman Obama has a J.D. from Harvard Law. Do you know what that is?


Obama has a J.D. from Harvard Law.

And he admitted that affirmative action helped him get that J.D.

@Tom: That’s funny. Thanks

@Tom: #5
Tom, children are afraid of clowns.
Apparently, Liberals are afraid of Dr. John.
Same thing, actually.

@Petercat: Dr. John sure rattled their widdle cages with this post —

You are dead on Dr. John — Obama as the anti-king..

@Gary Miller: More like ‘vintage’ — ‘standard’ — ‘everyday’ King quotes vs da teleprompter dudes ‘vintage’ — ‘standard’ — ‘everyday’ Marxist rabble-rousing bullsh–t!


Martin Luther King Jr. was a Republican.

My state used to be red when it was productive. It has become blue as it has deteriorated into a cesspool of liberalism- a high tax, sanctuary, welfare sodden refuge.

This state pays women $1500 per month to have children with no fathers. Plus food, plus residence. No limits.

Creating dependent democrats is the only growth industry left here.

If my memory serves me…
The movie the birth of a nation was shown in the White House when Democrat Woodrow Wilson was President.

It was used as a recruiting tool for the KKK, which was formed out of part of the Democrat party.

Bull Conner was a Democrat.

Jim Crow laws were a product of Democrat legislators..

US Senator Tim Scott, an african american republican, was not invited to speak at the 50th anniversary of the MLK I have a dream speech. Diversity and tolerance only goes so far for liberals and today’s Democrats. Not very far for that matter.

Oh lest I forget,,,etc.

All of you that still support or making excuses for Obama are intentionally ignoring all the data that pretty much proves he is not qualified to be president. There is simply too much evidence to ignore and his actions prove he is not a leader, only a campaigner.

And that ‘data’ would be…?

@Petercat: Children are afraid of clowns??? I know Cosmo Kramer is afraid of clowns.

@This One:” And that ‘data’ would be…?”

How about the past 5 years?

@Gary Miller: But posing to look like MLK making a speech or picking one such photo to make that comparison is honest somehow?

Apparently it’s an extraordinarily uncommon thing for any public speaker besides Martin Luther King to raise one hand to an audience while the other remains at rest.

BTW, the juxtaposition of photos wasn’t “an obvious and clumsy comparison” between two men. It was the juxtaposition of two historic moments that demonstrate the progress that’s been made over 46 years. The first is Martin Luther King, Jr, speaking during the March on Washington. The second is the first African-American President of the United States, moments after being sworn in.

Context matters. This is the article in which the photos appeared together.

Bwax is here, so I suppose birthers are welcome too. Looks like JimRob is about to purge all the birther clowns from Free Republic, so they’ll need a new venue.

When folks say the GOP needs to stop being the Stupid Party, they’re talking about idiotic blogs like this one.

@Gary Miller: #4

Dr. John, you are a clown.

Clowns act on their own. Puppets have to wait until their strings are pulled. I’d rather be a clown than someone’s puppet, or the puppet’s puppet.

@drjohn: @Gary Miller: #14
The color red for conservatives, and the color blue for liberals couldn’t have been better color choice. In the human body, the red blood has the oxygen and nutrients the body needs to sustain itself, and to grow if needed. The blue blood has all of the waste byproducts left over after all of the good stuff was removed from the red blood. The liberals are experts at taking the good and leaving the bad.

@This One: #16

And that ‘data’ would be…?

I have posted different data different times about obama not have an American birth certificate, his using someone else’s Social Security number (which he has never denied), and his fake Selective Service registration, and I usually don’t get a reply back from the liberals.

I have a simple thing for you to do this time. Look at the items circled:

Please explain how each one of them is NOT proof that the document is a fake. This is what EVERY expert who examined the document said about them.

If you want to read about the MANY other things the experts say are wrong with the document, read the link below. I know you won’t, so I am doing this AGAIN for any new Flopping Aces readers.


From A to Z: What’s wrong with Obama’s birth certificate?


E-Verify ‘flags’ Obama’s Social Security Number

Obama’s Social Security Number challenged


Sheriff Joe demands Obama draft registration

Please liberals, don’t make me post this info any more. I am running our of Internet ink.

@Gary Miller: #23

When folks say the GOP needs to stop being the Stupid Party, they’re talking about idiotic blogs like this one.

If this is one of the idiotic’s blogs, what are you doing here?


My issue with Obama isn’t his birth certificate, no matter what it reads. Mine is his lack of qualifications for the job.
He had zero executive experience. Sara Palin had more.
He had little if any accomplishments from his days in the Illinois senate.
He had zero accomplishments in the US senate.
During the housing build up and subsequent bust he was on the side of groups like ACORN, pushing for more lending to people who would not be paying back their loans.
He then of course blamed Wall Street and the banks.
He is THE special interest politican. That’s his base. He seeks to expand it by flooding the country with government subsides like food stamps. Knowing full well he’s buying votes while helping to establish a permanent underclass. Next up is immigration. Trying to flood the country with 5 grade educated people is not the path to prosperity, but a path way to expanding the underclass. If these new immigrants were Republicans in waiting we would be building high speed rail from Phoenix to Mexico City and handing out one way tickets heading South and every Democrat would be all for it.
He has shown little to no skills in negotiating with others.
He cannot speak extemporaneously. He is addicted to his teleprompter.
He subscribes to old tried and failed economic policies. It’s FDR lite.
Infrastructure and wind mills are not the keys to a bright economic future.
He does not appear to have the ability to learn from his mistakes and make corrections.
Hubris is dangerous and the media keep nourishing it for him.
Without a doubt he was simply a book judged by its cover. That was the main reason he was elected.

If we were dealing with a fair media that covered him just the way George Bush was covered he wouldn’t get a 10% approval rating. If George Bush had his record on the economy he would be considered a failure and be blamed for it. Obama supporters simply cannot bring themselves to see that. The blame always lies elsewhere.

I don’t care if the President is a man or a woman, black, white or whatever in between. Those who support him cannot seem to get past that those of us who disagree with him don’t care about his race.


King didn’t hate those who disagreed with them.

I’m going to guess the irony of you lecturing anyone on hatred, on this post, completely escapes you.

There are also the issues of class and appropriateness. You’ve done nothing here to honor MLK; rather the opposite. You’re just using him and his legacy as props for your ham-handed exercise in trashing the President – again – and to share some of your favorite Obama quotes.

@Mully: #29

Those who support him cannot seem to get past that those of us who disagree with him don’t care about his race.

If obama’s followers were convinced that race isn’t the problem, then they would start wondering what the real reason is, then the democratic leaders would have to come up with another reason. They don’t want their people actually thinking for themselves.


If obama’s followers were convinced that race isn’t the problem,

Do you know the place where race is the overriding problem in America, the place where there’s a ‘race war’ brewing? On the websites and in the minds of you and those like you in the far right blogosphere. It’s really amazing that people such as yourself keep thinking this is all a Liberal preoccupation that you’re forced to deal with. Look around you! Look at the number of posts on this site that have racial themes! What about Birtherism? What about Obama’s secret black security force comprised of the New Black Panthers? And the other hundred off the wall concepts? Did the Left come up with this stuff, Smorgs?

The race war is all in your heads.

Try watching MSNBC for starters. It won’t take long before race is brought up. The sycophant media has been on this topic since he became president.

I’d be against anyone with his policies. PERIOD.

@Tom: #32

Do you know the place where race is the overriding problem in America….

I honestly don’t keep track of stuff like that. I want everybody to be like Morgan Freeman suggested, and “Don’t talk about it.” I made up an expression for such situations: “I judge a person by their insides, not their outsides.” I can sit down and talk with, or I can work with anybody, especially if they have an accent. I love to listen to accents, as long as I can understand what they are saying.

It’s really amazing that people such as yourself keep thinking this is all a Liberal preoccupation that you’re forced to deal with

Please name one major national catastrophe that the liberals like Sharpton and Jackson didn’t go to and IMMEDIATELY start hollering racism. Hurricane Katrina is a good example. Not one word of racism was mentioned by ANYBODY. Not even the propaganda media, until Jackson got there. Once he started, the democrats even got on the, “George Bush blew up the levies to kill the blacks.” Did you believe Bush blew them up like he did the twin towers? Did you ask your leaders to quit spreading the lies?

Look around you! Look at the number of posts on this site that have racial themes!

That’s one reason I brought up Morgan Freeman’s suggestion of, “Don’t talk about it”, and I suggested that it start NOW. When two or more people start talking about the same things over and over, I usually don’t even read the comments going back and forth between them. I might skim the first part, and if it looks like it is the same thing over again, I delete it without reading it.

What about Birtherism?

Since you brought it up, what about it? I have asked liberals to look at obama’s birth certificate and tell me if it was written with a typewriter or a word processor. I will ask a different question. Look at only the things I have circled, and explain why the experts SHOULDN’T have said that each one is one proof the document is a fake. No liberal has answered me yet. Please give it a try.

The below explains the circled items and some extra stuff:

Please answer me on this. I spent a lot of time on the above. I would like to know that at least ONE liberal LOOKED at them.

Please take as much time as you need, but please answer each one of them. Keep in mind that these are JUST A FEW of the items the experts said led them to believe that the certificate is a fake. I won’t ask about obama using someone else’s Social Security number, which he has never denied, and I won’t ask you about his fake Selective Service registration card, just the questions on the second link.

From the story you linked to:

As the pair waited, one of a crowd of teenagers on the sidewalk threw a rock at the passenger seat window, prompting Forster to get out of the car and confront the aggressor.

If that girl is still going with that guy, she’s an IDIOT. He leaves her sitting in the car alone so he can confront the thrower. Does he think this will win her heart? If the guy would have killed him, he wouldn’t leave a live witness to testify against him. If I would have been riding with him, that would be the last time.

If you are an honest person, you will notice that, as usual, Barry (Obama) lovers don’t have a way to refute the terrible things he has done and is doing, but they are filled with plenty of hate. They actually seek opportunities to spit up that hatefulness onto those that speak out because they can see Barry (Obama) clearly, the people that have taken the time to research 1. what he himself has written about his past, 2. what he & Michelle & plenty of others have said publically about his past & his birthplace, and 3. what is publicly known about those that mentored him and raised him as he grew up. Though he has paid millions to seal his most incriminating records, there is still plenty of illuminating public evidence of who he really is. If you consider yourself an honest person, you must love the truth and seek it out. If you don’t, I have absolutely no respect for you, and you need to know that you will not prosper in life while you immerse yourself in a false reality (aka la-la land.) Walking in the truth is the only way to know how to deal and be successful in this life, and to have peace in your heart and mind. Wishing you all peace…

@TruthLover: #35
Unfortunately, free stuff outweighs the truth with a lot of people.