The Obamacare Police are here

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I remember that Obama promised we could keep our plans, keep our doctors and that our premiums would drop 3000% but I don’t remember Obama promising that he’d create a special and separate police force to make sure we obey.

Obama is creating a new police force to hunt you down and make sure you are complying with the dictator’s orders:

More than 1,600 new employees hired by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Resources in the aftermath of Obamacare’s passage include just two described as ‘consumer safety’ officers, but 86 tasked with ‘criminal investigating’ – indicating that the agency is building an army of detectives to sleuth out violations of a law that many in Congress who supported it still find confusing.

On the day President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act into law in 2010, HHS received authority from the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) to make as many as 1,814 new hires under an emergency ‘Direct Hiring Authority’ order.

The Obama administration ordered that employment expansion despite a government-wide hiring freeze.

There’s always room for the Obama Schutzstaffel and it won’t come cheap:

A total of 1,684 of those positions were filled. An analysis by MailOnline shows that at 2010 federal government salary rates, the new employees’ salaries alone cost the U.S. at least $138.8 million every year.

Had the agency filled all its available jobs, that cost would have been a minimum of $159 million.

The hiring began in May 2010 and continued through June 2013, making the later hires eligible for higher salaries as a result of annual cost-of-living increases.

The difference between what HHS spent on new Obamacare-related employees and what it was authorized to spend is explained by its failure to hire most of the 261 ‘consumer safety officers’ it was authorized to bring aboard. Only two such employees were hired.

But while OPM authorized HHS Deputy Assistant Secretary for Human Resources Denise Carter — later renamed Denise Wells — to hire 50 criminal investigators, the agency increased that number to 86 on its own.

After MailOnline lodged a Freedom Of Information Request with HHS, the agency sent a spreadsheet containing records of the positions it filled, along with the salary level for each one on the government’s ‘GS’ hiring scale.

Pretty interesting. A new armed police force is here to investigate violations of a law that changes almost daily.

Sounds fascist to me.

No wonder Congress made itself exempt. You can’t help but wonder what these Nazis can do to you when no one even knows what the law says. I’ll wager you end having to prove your innocence, just as with the IRS.

You can’t keep you doctor, you can’t keep your plan, you can’t keep your privacy and apparently you won’t be able to keep your freedom either.

H/T Gateway Pundit

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The day of the government overlord has arrived. Dr. John is right by likening this to the Nazi Germany SS. The SS along with the State-driven media kept close tabs on its citizens and essentially suppressed all opposition. Those that spoke up faced serious repercussions. This militarization of the police force and attempts to take away all guns from the American citizen are not coincidental in nature. They are part of a much bigger plan for total government control. Disarming the country will make it that much easier for Obama to enforce his will over the country. His disgust over recent shootings is nothing but a façade in order to pursue his greater agenda.

If we defund Obamacare, we may be able to slow down the Obama juggernaut and curtail his efforts to destroy our democracy. Laws such as Obamacare are liken to the Nazi Germany The Enabling Act- which was a 1933 amendment to the Weimar Constitution that essentially gave Hitler total control over his country. It was the final straw in the coffin of the Wiemar democracy. We are at that point now. Obamacare is America’s Enabling Act. You see the liberties that Obama and Holder have taken with the law already. Now, what will happen when they take over 1/6 of the economy? There will be no stopping them.

They need all these domestic security forces.
IF you have a child AND you have a gun THEY have the right to do home visits and inspections under ObamaCare.
I bet a lot of Americans fit that description.

Please please please….we are a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC, and absolutely NOT a democracy. A democracy is what the leftists want us to morph into because it makes it easier for the LIVs and the moron progressive romanticists to be manipulated into bringing down our republic and having us all shackled into collectivism.

Wow! Funny the only people who aren’t stressed out over Obama care is the Liberals and Progressives, Oh, and Congress…

This crap is stressing everyone out across the Nation! This Administration (many in congress and the Supreme Court) just turned a whole country upside down!!

I was at a Tea Party Town Hall the other night…One Lady asked a question of the Congressman… (Paraphrase excuse me) “when are they going to write an amendment to the Constitution whereas Congress could not “exempt” themselves from the Law…” And in the back and forth she also asked “if “he” would be the one who would take the lead and write up the Amendment”…well you know how that went with the wet noodle holding the Town Hall…chuckle, chuckle…(yea right the Congressman must have been thinking in his head)

I don’t know how true the following is…. I hope someone here at FA might be able to enlighten us…just about all of you here at FA have great insight….

I hit some snaggy traffic around some road construction on the way… I was not there for this part, (ACA) so I ask some people after the meeting if the Congressman had to address de-funding Obamacare…the person I was speaking to (briefly) said that the congressman said even if congress does try to defund Obamacare, the President could vito the bill/piece of legislation once it lands on his desk….can the President do this? If this is true can they get around this? (de-funding). Doesn’t congress “control” the purse strings??? Anyone??

BTW was there and very, very… silent….

Well,I guess if they come around checking on me here in Houston,they’ll just have to bite my @$$

Hey guys, I have some swamp land in Florida for sale! Lol!

No doubt This one: is trying to unload the same swamp Pelosi sold to a good many Democrat fools. No thanks, we conservatives will stick with fact and reality.

DR John they have hired 86 more?? this is something that we should be alarmed over?? 1.6 more people in each state? That is it ? the new police force needed to enforce ObamaCare? 86 ………..OMG TYRANNY !!! Black helicopters !! FEMA camps !!!

If any of the other posters here REALLY believed that this was the end of the United States shouldn’t they be doing more to stop it? Dr John shouldn’t you consider moving out of a Blue state to another where your vote might actually matter ? I mean how important is this?


86 Criminal investigators. Another deceit. Another lie. It only takes one to make your life hell. To whom are they accountable?


@Nan G: The right to own and bear arms has come to an end. I agree. The government police a.k.a. SS will not only come and seize your weapons but they might also come and seize you some day. Heil Obama and the SS.

@john: You can’t help but wonder what these Nazis can do to you when no one even knows what the law says. I’ll wager you end having to prove your innocence, just as with the IRS.

Let’s not forget about the 16,000 NEW IRS agents obamacare mandates to be hired to make sure we sign up for it.

@john: #8
Are you OK with the 16,000 NEW IRS agents you and I will be paying for? That’s 320 per state. What about the additional 159 federal agencies that will be created by obamacare, and what about the ones that will be added later. There are no restrictions on how many agencies can be created. You won’t mind paying higher taxes to pay for them, will you?

It will be stopped. But we won’t be talking about how we go about it here.

Doctors Fined For Injecting Fecal Bacteria Into Patients’ Brains

The California Department of Public Health fined several doctors for injecting fecal bacteria into the brains of three cancer patients at the University of California-Davis Medical Center….

…When interviewed by state investigators, hospital officials said that the treatment “had not been proven to be effective,” had a “high risk for harm” and they could not define a clear benefit for the patients.

California doctors prescribing s**t for brains.

(Make up your own punch line)

Has anyone actually reported seeing one of those “ObamaCare police” ? Please post a pic if you have.

@john: You had just best make sure that, if you don’t have insurance, you get some, if you get dropped, you get some and, if it does not meet the government requirements for coverage, you get it up to spec. Otherwise, you will be chowing down on those words. Soon.

@Ditto: #14
California doctors prescribing s**t for brains.

The doctors were hoping it would turn the people into democrats.

@john: #15

Has anyone actually reported seeing one of those “ObamaCare police” ? Please post a pic if you have.

16,000 of them will be the new agents that will be hired by the IRS to make sure you sign up for it. The average IRS agent earns much more than $50,000 per year, but using that amount, the extra expense just for salary alone would be $800,000,000. That would be an average of $16,000,000 per state per year. The ACTUAL amount will be higher, because I used a low number for their salary. Are you willing to pay those higher taxes? Remember, obamacare is supposed to save us money.