“We don’t take sides”

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Barack Obama’s incompetence is destroying another US allegiance.

Squeezing a few precious moments from his golf vacation, Barack Obama informed us that he will not choose sides in Egypt

CHILMARK, Mass. (CBSDC/AP) — President Barack Obama is calling for an end to the violence in Egypt a day after 525 people were killed in protests across the country.

Speaking from Martha’s Vineyard Thursday, the president strongly condemned security forces going after supporters of ousted Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi.

“America cannot determine the future of Egypt, that’s a task for the Egyptian people,” Obama said. “We don’t take sides.”

We don’t take sides when Christians are persecuted.

Obama also decided to cancel a joint military exercise with Egypt

Washington (CNN) — President Barack Obama announced Thursday that the United States has canceled joint military training exercises with the Egyptian military and alluded to the fact that his administration could take further steps to deal with the violence in Egypt.

“Going forward, I’ve asked my national security team to assess the implications of the actions taken by the interim government and further steps we may take as necessary with respect to the U.S.-Egyptian relationship,” Obama said.

In a statement from his vacation home on Martha’s Vineyard, the president, however, refrained from calling the government overthrow a coup, which would have implications for the military and humanitarian aid the United States sends to Egypt.

“The United States strongly condemns the steps that have been taken by Egypt interim government and security forces,” Obama said about this week’s Egyptian military crackdown against protests in Cairo. “We deplore violence against civilians.”

Unless the violence is against Christians. Then it’s not so bad. Christians are under siege by the Muslim Brotherhood

CAIRO — After torching a Franciscan school, Islamists paraded three nuns on the streets like “prisoners of war” before a Muslim woman offered them refuge. Two other women working at the school were sexually harassed and abused as they fought their way through a mob.

In the four days since security forces cleared two sit-in camps by supporters of Egypt’s ousted president, Islamists have attacked dozens of Coptic churches along with homes and businesses owned by the Christian minority. The campaign of intimidation appears to be a warning to Christians outside Cairo to stand down from political activism.

Persecution of Christians in Egypt is nothing new

Christians have long suffered from discrimination and violence in Muslim majority Egypt, where they make up 10 percent of the population of 90 million. Attacks increased after the Islamists rose to power in the wake of the 2011 Arab Spring uprising that drove Hosni Mubarak from power, emboldening extremists. But Christians have come further under fire since President Mohammed Morsi was ousted on July 3, sparking a wave of Islamist anger led by Morsi’s Muslim Brotherhood.

Nearly 40 churches have been looted and torched, while 23 others have been attacked and heavily damaged since Wednesday, when chaos erupted after Egypt’s military-backed interim administration moved in to clear two camps packed with protesters calling for Morsi’s reinstatement, killing scores of protesters and sparking deadly clashes nationwide.

More from Al Jazeera:

Cairo, Egypt – At Abu Seifein church in the wealthy Cairo district of Mohandeseen, there was little sign of any damage on Thursday, despite the rubble lying in the streets nearby. The church is a short walk away from Al-Gamat Al-Dowal Street, the site of heavy clashes the day before, but despite the violence, the church escaped unscathed.

Many churches in Egypt were not so lucky. Security forces moved to violently disperse two protest camps by supporters of ousted president Mohamed Morsi in Cairo on Wednesday morning, setting in motion a day of deadly violence that left at least 525 people dead in clashes across the country.

Amid the violence, alleged Morsi supporters carried out on dozens of attacks on churches and Christian-owned properties throughout the country.

Mina Thabet, an activist with Christian rights group the Maspero Youth Union, told Al Jazeera on Friday that at least 32 churches had been “completely destroyed, burned or looted” in eight different governorates over the previous two days. The group also recorded dozens of other attacks on Christian-owned shops, businesses and schools around the country.

The Anglican church of St Saviour’s in the city of Suez was one of those attacked on Wednesday. “They attacked the church with Molotov cocktails and stones, and the car of the priest was completely destroyed,” said Egypt’s Anglican Bishop, Mouneer Annis. “Two other churches in Suez were completely burned – and the thugs looted the churches afterwards. It’s a mixture between burning and looting.”

“It never happened before in history that such a big number of churches were attacked on one day,” Bishop Thomas, a Coptic Orthodox bishop in Assiut told Al Jazeera. “We normally used to have attacks once a month or so.”

Morsi and his Muslim Brotherhood brought this on themselves.

The return of the pharaoh

Pressure is growing on Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi to walk back his sweeping assumption of new powers as he announced last week. Egyptian protesters have taken to the streets again, as they did in the #Jan. 25 revolution, calling Morsi the “new pharaoh” despite Morsi’s assurances this move is just “temporary.”

Calling someone a “pharaoh” in Egypt is not a compliment; it is a condemnation of the absolute political rule that held sway in Egypt for millennia under dynasty after dynasty of kings who were considered gods, and who oppressed the people.

Fresh off of helping to broker a “cease-fire” between Gaza and Israel, Morsi then announced he was assuming broad authority to take any steps against “threats to the revolution,” and that included immunity from judicial oversight.

Immediately, activists who had helped bring down Hosni Mubarak, Egypt’s long-time dictator, returned to the streets, fearing their fragile democracy was disappearing before their eyes. They are not wrong to fear this.

Muslim Brotherhood domination of Egypt was once labeled a “myth” by the Washington Post.

Obama’s support for Morsi and insistence that the Muslim Brotherhood be part of the Egyptian government has been very costly for the US. The Egyptians dislike for Obama grows.


And now it appears that Obama is opening the door for Russia and China to become allied with Egypt.

Breitbart News has also learned that Russia is offering the Egyptian government fighter jets and other military equipment. This week, President Obama announced that the US is suspending its planned joint military exercise with the Egyptian army. It seems the Russians are jumping in to fill the void left by the Americans.
“Sadat threw Russia out of Egypt,” the source told Breitbart News. “Peace came from that. If Russia reenters Egypt, they reenter the world.”
Russia’s moves to influence events in Egypt coincide with its effort to support the Assad regime in Syria. The government there seems to have a permanent upper-hand on the sectarian violence that has plunged the country into a civil war.
The dithering of the Obama Administration may result in Russia exerting greater influence in the region than at any time since the depths of the Cold War. Egypt and Syria could both become defacto client states of Putin’s Russia.

Predictably, the NY Times portrays Barack Obama as a victim in this mess rather than the incompetent boob “leading from behind” that he really is. But note what the Times does say about Morsi:

Mr. Morsi’s failure to incorporate other factions, his habit of demonizing his critics as part of a treasonous conspiracy and a near-calamitous economic crisis..

“Demonizing his critics”?

“Treacherous conspiracy”?

“Near-calamitous economic crisis”?

Above judicial reach?

Those sound very much like words from another President I know.

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I agree, Bees.


Nan G


On Jan. 31st, the LA Times reported:

Reporting from Washington — The Obama administration said for the first time that it supports a role for groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood, a banned Islamist organization, in a reformed Egyptian government.

The organization must reject violence and recognize democratic goals if the U.S. is to be comfortable with it taking part in the government, the White House said. But by even setting conditions for the involvement of such nonsecular groups, the administration took a surprise step in the midst of the crisis that has enveloped Egypt for the last week.


Well, what do you know, who just happened to pop up in Cairo just a few days later? None other than mega-Obama bundler, Media Benjamin of Code Pink who had been involved with the Muslim Brotherhood before. Cairo was not her first rodeo with the MB.

Code Pink co-founder Medea Benjamin Wednesday headed up a dozen Code Pink banner-bearing activists in Cairo’s Tahrir Square — a scene she said descended into a bloody “war zone” as “government thugs” battled pro-democracy demonstrators.

But Benjamin told us by cell phone just minutes also that while the government of Egyptian leader Hosni Mubarak government has now signalled it will “go down kicking and screaming,” pro-democracy protesters are fully determined and “ready to die here.”

We caught Benjamin just after midnight Egyptian time as she retreated from the embattled square in Cairo — in a country where Internet coverage is just returning after days of blackout. Benjamin, a longtime Bay Area progessive activist, has been in the region since Monday with Code Pink and said the lack of Internet connection has been frustrating.

But she noted it couldn’t stop her and the Code Pinkers who took to the square Wednesday, parading a large banner in both Engligh and Arabic, reading: “The World Says It’s Time For Mubarak to Go.”


Am I to believe that even though the violence in Cairo was rapidly getting out of control, and female journalists were being raped, that the State Department turned a blind eye to a bunch of radicals that just wanted to vacation in Cairo? Are you telling me that even though there was a travel “alert” for Egypt, Code Pinkos just wandered in and no one at State cared?

If you think that Obama was not working back channels to oust Mubarak, not just let Mubarak run out his term, you are a bigger fool that I thought possible.


No, no, no. According to some, even though there have been over 30 Christian churches destroyed in Egypt, there are no good guys there and I guess that includes the Christian Copts that are being made the patsy for the violence by the Muslim Brotherhood supporters. And those young Christian girls (12 years old) that are being dragged out of their homes, married off to a Muslim [Brotherhood supporter], abused and dumped in the streets as so much trash surely are radicals, as well.

@retire05, #57:

You’re seriously suggesting that Code Pink was working back channels in Cairo during the Egyptian uprising to further the Obama administration’s scheme to bring down Hosni Mubarak?

Probably they arrived in an armored electric clown car.


You’re seriously suggesting that Code Pink was working back channels in Cairo during the Egyptian uprising to further the Obama administration’s scheme to bring down Hosni Mubarak?

Read what I wrote.

Probably they arrived in an armored electric clown car.

How much did you charge them to rent yours?


It’s good enough for Syria.

Mata, the military would be our ally. The MB/ AL Qaida will only be our enemy.

I am not saying invade, but we did bomb the crap out of Libya.

@drj, I disagree with a US position/side/policy on Syria just as I would for Egypt. Nor would the Egyptian military be our ally in the future if we “bombed the crap” out of Egypt.

Our military and theirs have enjoyed past ties, sharing US equipment, training and exercises. That, however, was Mubarak’s military. And by all accounts here, Mubarak’s military was a kinder/gentler one. This is a new critter… detested during Arab Spring, and today miraculously – for now – beloved. But not by those like el Baradei.

Just as a US administration can turn ugly with a change in leadership, so can the Egyptian military, when drunk with power bestowed by the masses. At least we can change admins with elections. Not so with the Egyptian military.

“Taking sides”, coming from a US POTUS, is equated to policy and carries the weight of obligations. This isn’t like taking a seat in the team’s bleachers with a set of pom poms. As one can see when “sides” were taken in Libya, and now Syria, somehow the US gets pulled in to more war like involvement. I advocate no such obligation in opinion right now. It’s foolhardy to race to judgement, backing an Egyptian military that is wantonly killing their protesters (and possibly prisoners)… even if they are Islamists.

The irony is that not long ago, even less aggressive action by the military was criticized, not applauded, by the int’l community, and got Mubarak arrested for crimes against humanity. What a laugh… today’s Egyptian military has killed more people in one day than Mubarak’s did the entire Arab Spring uprising. Like Assad in Syria, they are turning their military weapons on their own citizens in a fashion that is suspicious.

This needs to be watched and monitored. The Saudis are active, as well they should be. This is their back yard… not ours. And we have yet to see just what kind of military governance will emerge, for a military government is their only hope for stabilization. For the US and Israel, our only hope is for another Mubarak.

And something for many to consider. There is no lost love between the MB and Zawahiri, AQ and any of their hardliner affiliates. There were ample reasons for a young al Zawahiri jihadist to break away from them to form EIJ decades ago. He blames them for their own loss of power, in addition to disdaining the methods they employ to gain that power. Zawahiri’s younger brother, just recently arrested, has been quite active in the Sinai district post Mubarak… where the uprisings have been pretty steady since the Morsi ouster. But that’s also why I wanted the link as to where this latest bus assault was. Zawahiri the younger is not MB, and that is AQ heavy territory.

I suggest that, save for any gratuitous lip service about their enemy/and enemy’s enemy, AQ and buds aren’t broken-hearted over MB’s loss. It is just another opportunity for them.. the “true” Islamists… to seize power in Morsi’s vacuum. And I’m pretty darned sure that much of the doin’s that the MB are getting blamed for is actually AQ’s doin’s. They are nailing a couple of birds with one stone… accusing the US, Egyptian military and Copts of plotting to remove Morsi, meanwhile making sure that the MB continues to get the Egyptians, and the world’s, criticism while they fill the void with their own presence.

The US does not need to, and should not, get in the middle of what is coming in Egypt. This will be another Iraq, waged on an area size equivalent to a postage stamp by comparison. The Saudis have a vested interest in seeing the Egyptian military stays in power. What we should do is park ourselves close to our Israeli allies, pull out the popcorn, and be ready to defend them – and/or join the Saudis if necessary.

@MataHarley: Mata, I vote with you. Stay the hell out of Egypt. Let them kill each other off, if that’s what they want. They don’t need our help in doing that.

@Budvarakbar: #18
I agree. They are on “Plan B” now.

@retire05: #19

Yeah, we quickly got a preview that when it comes to foreign policy, Obama will always be on the wrong side.

Different times I have said that I believe obama wants to turn the USA into a non-free country. I still believe that. When one plan fails, there is always another plan.

For the liberals who believe obama wants to help the USA, please name ONE program that has actually HELPED the American people. Some programs that didn’t help the people:

(1) The bank bailout. There has only been one known person who kept their house because of it. Most of the money went to oversees banks.
(2) The stimulus. After obama got his money, and the economy still didn’t improve, he had to admit that the “shovel ready” jobs weren’t there. Most of the money went to districts that donated to obama.
(3) Cash for Clunkers. It was meant as a reward for the unions backing obama. The obama administration thought that cars bought by the government and destroyed (we found out they weren’t being destroyed) would be replaced by American companies. Most of the new purchases were for foreign car companies.
(4) The auto bailout. It is illegal for the federal government to own ANY PART OF ANY BUSINESS, but obama never worried about legality. The feds own more stock in GM than the stockholders do. Even the unions own more stock than the stockholders do. For Chrysler to get their bailout money, they had to shut down thousands of dealerships. ALL of the dealerships that were shut down had donated to republicans. The ones who donated to the democrats, stayed open.
(5) obamacare. If I have to explain why it is a failure, then there is no hope for you.

@john: #20

When conservatives gleefully published the Mohammed’s head as bomb cartoon as “free speech” christians in Iraq were killed.

Have you ever condemned such cartoons or stories about conservatives? If not, then you are a hypocrite.

If that act doesn’t convince you that the ones who killed the Christians were terrorist, then nothing will. What about Muslims dragging the dead bodies of our soldiers through the streets? Should we kill ANY Muslim in retaliation? No. We go after the group or individuals who did the killing.

NONE OF THE COUNTRIES where people were killed because of the bomb picture, printed the picture. None.

How can you support an organization that calls for the death of ANYONE who says anything negative about Mohammed, calls for the killing of anyone who leaves the religion, and calls for the death of people who just don’t agree with their beliefs?

@retire05: #38

I’m sure the march will be getting a boost from one of Hillary Clinton’s favorite news sources, Al Jazeera, which will be starting its new “news” channel in the U.S. tomorrow.

The more people who DON’T watch it, the sooner it will be off the air. Unfortunately, I’m guessing the Muslims in America will keep its ratings up. Thank you Al Gore for selling your station to them instead of Glenn Beck or some other conservative. Glenn looked into buying it, but was told that they wanted it sold to someone who was more in line with their values. I guess the Muslims are more in line with their values.

yes on all, you have observe,

Now that so many ME countries are pledging to support the Egyptian military during their clean-up of the mess made by the MB I figure we don’t need to send them so much aid.
That’s good, because news is that we have already cut off aid to Egypt’s interim gov’t.
I only hope they can keep the equipment we gave them up and running until such time as the MB is totally marginalized in Egypt.

The MB viewed ”democracy” as a means to an end, not a way to live.
Turkey’s Erdogan described democracy as, “like a streetcar. When you come to your stop, you get off.”
One American observer of Islamists said they use democracy as a means to an end in the ”one man, one vote, one time,” vein.
In 2007 the MB put out in writing their view of Western civilization with its democracy. They are dedicated to “eliminating and destroying Western civilization from within and sabotaging its miserable house.” http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/viewSubCategory.asp?id=1235

Only in Obama’s top level administration was all of this blithely ignored.
Remember during the ”Arab Spring,” when U.S. Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said, “The term ‘Muslim Brotherhood’…is an umbrella term for a variety of movements, in the case of Egypt, a very heterogeneous group, largely secular, which has eschewed violence……They have pursued social ends, a betterment of the political order in Egypt…”
It was unbelievable then, forcing corrections even then.
It seems Obama has forgotten how wrong he had the MB back then.
Obama still wants them at the table of power in Egypt when the dust settles.
I think Obama loses and, as a result, America loses a long-time ally.

@Nan G: The recent battles in the streets of Egyptian cities reflect the ultimate intent of Islam to dominate the governance of the Middle East and to establish a global caliphate. With a presence in at least eighty countries, and a boast of some 100 million adherents worldwide, it is obvious to what extent the MB is the threat that it poses through a web of all manner of front organizations. It wants to Impose Sharia law on the world; a barbaric system that promotes beheadings, stoning, discrimination against women and all other religions. And It has a well-deserved reputation for violence, radicalism, anti-Western sentiment and anti-Semitism. In fact, hatred of the West and of Jews is its very raison d’etre.

“Barack Obama informed us that he will not choose sides in Egypt.”

Perhaps he should have done because it wasn’t the Egyptian military, but the Tamarod movement, which really brought the rule of the Muslim Brotherhood to an end. The driving force behind this movement is its links to trade unions, Social Democrats and Marxists. Together with the Egyptian liberals they were able to form a front against the MB. They succeeded in making a ‘correction’ with regard to the interpretation of the will of the people. If truly the majority of Egyptians had still favoured the MB then the military, like its predecessors, would have had to capitulate. This fact barely made it to the Western media and Western diplomats.

Egypt is still caught in a difficult and painful position, because its economic problems remain just as great without Morsi. And those problems can’t be solved simply by a regime change. I suppose you could say that the Egyptian people are the first Islamic nation that has toppled an Islamist regime by itself. So they’ve turned out to be smarter than the Persians, which is what they should have done one year after the Iranian revolution. They did not do so, and have had to live with the ayatollahs ever since, begging for their existence.

yes and as you mentioned and I observe too,
they seek their strength in a mob, and they have the know how to instantly as together destroy what is in front of them, and they pass the word to each other from the head in a speed unequal
that is their multiplied force, hard to contain unless you shoot them all,
by doing that mob style war they have the quaternity strength multiplied,
that’s what make them so dangerous,they do all together in a nucleous
which they remain inside it.

that second comment is very interesting to learn,
as the first one, thank you,

@DrJohn: #72

BTW, did ya see Obama’s new puppy?

I’m guessing that it’s another “pound puppy” just like the first one was. If Bo was named after “B”arack “O”bama, like some stories say, then this one should be named Mo for “M”ichelle “O”bama.

oh fer heavens sake, Smorgasbord. The dang puppy’s name is “Sunny”, and he’s cute as a button. Not everything is politics to some. I’m sure that First Dog, Bo, will love the company. Give the damn canines a break. They are some of the most loveable-without-qualification (and more interesting…) members of the family that so many conservatives live daily to hate.

Below is Bo, handsome dude that he is.

Bo is not a “pound” dog. He was gift to the family from Sen. Kennedy. No doubt that will lead to some jokes about Chappaquiddick Ted, gifting a Portuguese “water dog”. Can’t say as I’ll defend Kennedy, but I’m way on the side of the dogs.

he’s not an AMERICAN DOG,
SHAME, there are so many AMERICAN DOGS
who would deserve by their roots to be PRESIDENT.

@ilovebeeswarzone: Thank you Bees. Great site btw. Love the ‘Bo’ ‘Mo’ puppy joke.

The Muslim Brotherhood sure messed things up in Egypt. For them democracy just means imposing their Islamic ideals on all 85 million Egyptians – even the non-Muslims, such as the many Coptic Christians in the country. And Morsi made sure that the constitution-making assembly, which was given the task of writing a constitution for the new, ‘democratic’ Egypt was dominated by the MB. When even the independence of the judiciary was in dispute the liberal opposition became furious that their revolution had so cunningly been taken over by the Islamists they took to the streets again to fight for an Egypt without domination this time by bearded and veiled ones. That appears to be only possible over there by force. But, as we all know, if democracy is misused to impose dictatorship then all means to remove that dictatorship is lawful.

that’s not what those BROTHERHOOD said before the votes, before they won the election,
it’s incredible to see how they turned when they where cut off of their power,
I think it’s the best way to learn about a leader before voting for him,
make him mad as hell and he will order his followers to rampage in a killing spree he cannot even stop once it’s on the way,
AMERICA is not immune from that, they incited THE BLACK PEOPLE
on the name of TRAYVON, AND they are still killing WHITES FOR IT
AND LEADER can no more control it,

hi, you might want to know this BLOG FLOPPING ACES IS OWN BY A SHERIFF,
and CURT is very fair and good for his BLOG,
and the blog very soon became very popular,
I came in in 2009 beginning and found it very nice,
I adopted it, hope you do too,

@MataHarley: Yeah, the dogs can’t help it. It’s not their fault.

[Thanks, DrJohn. Have you by chance seen the following? It was observed lately on the web.]


(Each human is part of this “River.” Are you an “oxbow lake”?)

Islam, part of the Living River of History, affected even the 2012 US election!
The “headwaters” of this River was Adam, according to Judaism, Christianity, Islam etc.
In the OT (Deut. 28), “tributaries” wanting to join the River are blessed while “distributaries” wanting to flow away from it are cursed. Those wishing to totally separate from the fresh Living River become polluted, dying “oxbow lakes.”
In the OT we see Israelites repeatedly flowing away from God, then repenting and returning to Him; we also see heathen “oxbow lakes” creating their own little “gods” and being allowed by God to plunder and kill the erring Israelites.
Then, at the right time, the Living River took on new life with the arrival of the Promised One who offers “living water.”
In the 7th century Islam, drawing from both OT and NT, chose to be a distributary away from this River. Many scholars have viewed it as the final Antichrist: note “scourge” (Isa. 28), “Assyrian” (Mic. 5), “Euphrates” (Rev. 9) etc.
God will allow this “scourge” to temporarily persecute and kill apostate Jews (JINOs) and Christians (CINOs). Jews, especially in “entertainment,” seem more expert in apostasy than Christians since Jews have been at it 2000 years longer than Christians have (Google “jewishfaces.com/porn.html”) – but Christians apparently want to catch up to the Jews!
It’s apparent that others will join Islam in its end-time inquisition; its great oil wealth can captivate many leaders and already we’re seeing apostate American leaders being bribed into turning against true American patriots.
Those who ignore (or try to dilute or destroy) the God-ordained Living River of History will be swept down it to an ocean made by their own never-ending tears of agony and despair.
The good news is that American JINOs & CINOs can overcome the “scourge” discussed above. The secret is found by checking out “II Chronicles 7:14” & “John 3:16” on the web.
There’s still time – and freedom – to Google or MSN “Obama Promotes Public Sex,” “Obama a Black-Slavery Avenger?,” “Dangerous Radicals of the Religious Right,” “Pretrib Rapture Politics,” “Mikey Weinstein, Jesus-Basher,” “Christ’s return is NOT imminent,” “Pretrib Rapture Dishonesty,” “Pretrib Rapture Secrecy,” “Pretrib Rapture Pride,” and (for dessert) “Pretrib Rapture Stealth.”
In light of Matthew 7:2, if we tolerate Christian leaders who lie to us and steal from us, we shouldn’t be surprised if God allows us to have political leaders who lie to us and steal from us!

A Kansas Patriot (who won FIRST PLACE over 2200 entrants in a nationwide Americanism essay contest)

@MataHarley: #78
As with many promises obama made, the pound puppy promise didn’t come to be. There was plenty of time for obama to get the pound puppy between the time obama made the promise and Kennedy gave the dog to him. In my opinion, the two of them worked it out so that obama wouldn’t have to have a non-pure bred dog. It is a very small point to make, I agree, but it is a ANOTHER promise he didn’t keep. I’m guessing the second dog is a pure bred too.