Benghazi…No Cover-Up?



“Greg, we’re under attack.”

Those were the words uttered by Ambassador Stevens in Benghazi when Gregory Hicks, deputy chief of mission in Libya, called him.

He didn’t say “Greg, there is a large demonstration outside.”

Gregory Hicks testified that the Libyan president said the attacks were led by Islamic extremists with possible terror ties.

The Libyan president didn’t say “hey, it was just a demonstration that got outta hand”

Gregory Hicks:

“The only report that our mission made through every channel was that this was an attack. No protest.”

Beth Jones, a high ranking State Department employee, testified that she emailed the Libyan ambassador:

“I told him that the group that conducted the attacks, Ansar al-Sharia, is affiliated with Islamic terrorists.”

But what did the Obama administration conjure up in the days after the attack?

That it was all a protest that got outta hand.

The Weekly Standard has obtained a timeline briefed by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence detailing the heavy substantive revisions made to the CIA’s talking points, just six weeks before the 2012 presidential election, and additional information about why the changes were made and by whom.

As intelligence officials pieced together the puzzle of events unfolding in Libya, they concluded even before the assaults had ended that al Qaeda-linked terrorists were involved. Senior administration officials, however, sought to obscure the emerging picture and downplay the significance of attacks that killed a U.S. ambassador and three other Americans. The frantic process that produced the changes to the talking points took place over a 24-hour period just one day before Susan Rice, U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, made her now-famous appearances on the Sunday television talk shows. The discussions involved senior officials from the State Department, the National Security Council, the CIA, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, and the White House.

No cover-up?

Gregory Hicks testified that he was demoted once he questioned the blaming of a youtube video for the attack.

No cover-up?

Gregory Hicks testified that he was ordered not to talk to Representative Jason Chaffetz, who was in Libya to investigate the attack.

No cover-up?

Eric Nordstrom testified that the Accountability Review Board did not interview the people who were directly involved with the attack before they issued their findings:

“They stopped short of interviewing people who I personally know were involved in key decisions,”

No cover-up?

This is a obvious cover-up. It’s so clear…

and so sad to see political loyalties being placed ahead of the truth.

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@Richard Wheeler:

Semper Fi

Your use of the Marine motto shows that you hold pride in your service of this nation. And FSOs deserve the same credit as they, also, serve this nation.

So answer this: how does it feel to know that you voted for the man who allowed four FSOs in Benghazi to be slaughtered, or if Obama is not directly responsible for the “stand-down” decision, put those in power who did?

How does it feel to know that our military brass, under this administration, thinks the loss of “diversity” in the military would be a greater tragedy than the 14 slaughtered at Fort Hood by a terrorist, currenly labeled “workplace violence?”

@retire05: I’ve said lack of military response was unacceptable and there should be accountability.
As long as Fort Hood killer is executed/life I don’t much care what they call his killings and I don’t hold Admin. responsible.
My vote over Mac. based on his irrational choice of Palin.My vote over Romney was easier–“out of touch” would be an understatement.

@Richard Wheeler:

As long as Fort Hood killer is executed/life I don’t much care what they call his killings and I don’t hold Admin. responsible.

Really? You should hold the Admistration responsible. Do you think when General Casey voiced the opinion that the loss of “diversity” would be greater than the loss of 14 lives at Fort Hood that that was NOT an Administration policy? My, my, it is more important to have Muslims in our military, even though they may kill our soldiers, than to protect the lives of those serving. How does that square with you WHO KNOWS that military policy is set by the Administration holding power?

My vote over Mac. based on his irrational choice of Palin.

And you think Sarah Palin is dumber than Joe Biden? God help you.

My vote over Romney was easier–”out of touch” would be an understatement.

And of course, Obama is more “in touch” with everyday Americans and their struggle to stay afloat while he jets around on AF1 on a perpetual campaign. And everyone knows that the everyday American goes to tony parties with high income movie stars/rap artists, vacations on Marths’ Vineyard or Hawaii. Out of touch? Obama doesn’t have a clue.

@retire05: Is Joe Biden smarter than Sarah Palin? Mighty low bar, but he is unquestionably smarter. The thought of S.P. as POTUS is absolutely unthinkable.


My, my, it is more important to have Muslims in our military, even though they may kill our soldiers, than to protect the lives of those serving. How does that square with you WHO KNOWS that military policy is set by the Administration holding power?

Are you proposing banning Muslims from the military or are you just blowing hot air? If the former, please explain how that would work.

@Richard Wheeler:

Only to a leftwing troll. Sarah Palin is clearly smarter than Biden, and she has far more class and integrity than any member of the pathetic current administration. The only reason you belittle Governor Palin is because you have been trained well to parrot the talking points of the leftist media. The left did everything they could to try to destroy Palin just like they tried to do to Justice Thomas. Any black, hispanic or woman who does not parrot the goose-stepping leftist positions has to be destroyed to prevent the low information types from realizing the left’s inherent fallability.

@Richard Wheeler:

Is Joe Biden smarter than Sarah Palin? Mighty low bar, but he is unquestionably smarter. The thought of S.P. as POTUS is absolutely unthinkable.

Dear God, please tell me you were never in a position to order men and recommend promotions.

@Richard Wheeler:

There is a greater percentage of blacks in Tea Party groups than there are in Obama’s cabinet selections. Your stale leftist talking points merely highlight the intellectual void that defines what passes for leftist thought.

Perhaps you should take the time to look at the 1928 and 1932 Nazi party political platforms and compare them to the current democrat party platforms. I dare you.

@Richard Wheeler: As long as Fort Hood killer is executed/life I don’t much care what they call his killings and I don’t hold Admin. responsible.

And you are a veteran???
Do you not realize the loss of medical care the many people injured at Fort Hood are suffering because their injuries were merely workplace as opposed to a terror attack?
Look into it.
These survivors are suffering as a direct result of Obama’s designation of the Ft. Hood attack as workplace violence.


Magnificent. Thank you. The fact that such things have to be spelled out to leftists is why I have no respect for those who espouse leftist positions. They either do not have the intellectual capacity to understand their inherent irrational and inaccurate thought processes…or they KNOW they are full of shit and don’t care because they are parroting hyperemotional crap to get the uneducated masses worked up in fear so they willingly give up their freedoms to the self-appointed leftist overlords.

Either way these types deserve nothing but disdain.

@Nan G: #43,

Sure, the men might NOT have been saved had we sent in aid, but at least we would have tried.

One proof that there was at least ‘political’ motivation is that there is no way for the Administration to know if reinforcements would have saved a single life, or none, ahead of time. Such reinforcements, even if not life-saving, would at least have been instrumental in containment and in the RECOVERY of bodies. As you recall, there initially was uncertainty as to whether or not Stevens was dead as events were unfolding.

Other behind the scene objectives of the Stevens presence in Benghazi, such as moving arms trough Turkey and onto Syria for the revolutionaries, is secondary to the political motivation of protecting the President’s claim that al-Qaida was “on the run.”

The level of criminality is dumbfounding.

And so it is. The story starts to come out. WH holds a secret meeting with the press. And the press coverage disappears. As well…it turns out that the guy who works for Obama who directed the editing of their cover story here….is the brother of the president of one of the MSM networks…who is more than a little upset at their reporter sherryl atkinson? who’s been following the story from the beginning and in the process of firing her.

So, the president and others claim they’ve been nothing but forthcoming…but then everybody who’s been critical of him and/or their story….is getting the shaft, demoted, pushed out, locked out, etc. Hmmmm.

@Pete: The reason I belittle Palin is because I’ve seen her in action. Thank God she’s taken her money and run—her 15 minutes+– her tanning bed Alaska glow to Arizona.
Her popularity at about 28% outshines Congress but not much else—-28% That’s the group whose “intellectual capacity” should be challenged.

@Richard Wheeler:

That’s the group whose “intellectual capacity” should be challenged.

And yet you seem to not question Obama’s intellect, although he picked Plugs to be his VP. My God man, can you really claim that Sarah Palin is dumber than Biden and do it with a straight face? Talk about lowering the bar; it seems the qualifications for Democrats is a bar laying on the ground.

But, it is nice to know that you are such a political hack that you would continue to support this Administration knowing that it left those four FSOs hanging out to dry. Nevermind the SEAL Team 6 members killed in Afghansitan due to this administration’s military policies.

Shame on you, Richard. You have forfeited the right to say

Semper Fi


@retire05: I’ll say Semper Fi whenever I please. Proven Marine Corps service and First Amendment rights.
You’re a flag waver who has never served and done little to nothing for our military.

@Richard Wheeler:

You’re a flag waver who has never served and done little to nothing for our military.

So you have nothing but disdain for those citizens who wave the American flag, proudly, I may add. I see, anyone who has not worn the flag on their sleeve is just a rube to an elitist like you.

And how do you know what I have done, or have not done, for our military? Just you running your mouth about things for which you have no knowledge. Typical statist, you are. And a disgrace to the uniform you onced donned.

@Nan G says:: Do you not realize the loss of medical care the many people injured at Fort Hood are suffering because their injuries were merely workplace as opposed to a terror attack?
Look into it.

@Richard Wheeler says: I’ve said lack of military response was unacceptable and there should be accountability.
As long as Fort Hood killer is executed/life I don’t much care what they call his killings and I don’t hold Admin. responsible.

Two people who, if they could get past preconceived notions about each other and legal handles, might actually agree.

Nan G. No, the Ft. Hood shooting victims are not being denied better medical treatment. They are being denied some extra bennies on disability, and awards, by it being labeled as “workplace violence” instead of terror. As the ABC news outlet noted correctly (how ironic), what must pass legislative and regulatory definitions of “terrorism” are questionable in the Ft. Hood case. I would add they are outdated for modern situations.

The Coalition of Fort Hood Heroes, the organization that released the video, said in a statement that unless the government labels the attack terrorism, victims and their families will be “denied the recognition and benefits they are rightfully due,” in particular eligibility for the Purple Heart Medal, along with which comes veterans’ medical benefits and higher priority for veterans’ disability compensation.

But Army spokesman George Wright told ABC News that “the victims who were allegedly killed at Fort Hood in November 2009 did not meet the criteria of the award of the Purple Heart as outlined in the Department of Defense Manual of Military Decorations and Awards.”

The manual states that the Purple Heart is awarded to service members who are killed or wounded “in action against an enemy of the United States; as the result of an act of any hostile foreign force; or as the result of an international terrorist attack against the United States, provided the Secretary of the military department concerned recognizes the attack as an international terrorist attack.”

As defined by U.S. law, a terrorist act must be “premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by sub-national groups or clandestine agents,” and for it to be an international terrorist act, it must involve “citizens or the territory of more than one country.” All of those killed and a majority of those wounded in the attack were either active duty or reserve military personnel.

I’d say that when there is argument that those military victims should get our best care and benefits, I doubt that you will find Richard Wheeler opposed. On the flip side, to belittle him for “not caring”, as long as the SOB can be killed, because of of legal constrictions and definitions is ludicrous.

The problem doesn’t lie with Richard, or Obama. The problem lies with Congressional/regulatory definitions as to what what meets a “terrorist attack”, enabling the veteran victims to get awards and a better disability packages. So it would be more beneficial if you both worked together on the same body who is pissing both of you off in similar ways, yes?

What is most obvious is that, when considering military honors and benefits for on soil/military base terrorism, a new definition should be honed. Right? Back off the emotion, and try to consider existing legal parameters. You might find you aren’t as far apart as you like to pretend to be.

@retire05 sez: But, it is nice to know that you are such a political hack that you would continue to support this Administration knowing that it left those four FSOs hanging out to dry. Nevermind the SEAL Team 6 members killed in Afghansitan due to this administration’s military policies.

Shame on you, Richard. You have forfeited the right to say

@retire05 sez: And how do you know what I have done, or have not done, for our military? Just you running your mouth about things for which you have no knowledge. Typical statist, you are. And a disgrace to the uniform you onced donned. [typos are cut/pasted]

I’m sorry. So if Rich votes differently from you (and there is no perfect POTUS/CiC without errors while in command), he has forfeited his 1st Amendment rights to insult and opine about your already well known background, provided by you, yourself, and your personality,,, and he is a “disgrace” to the uniform of the Marines?

And you wonder why I call you a faux conservative.

@MataHarley: When soldiers are not allowed to be armed as they go about their duties on a military post, they are a vulnerable as any other US citizen. This is not the first attck my a Moslem soldier against unarmed soldiers. There was an attack in Kuwait while I was there waiting to enter Iraq in 2003. We may be combatants but only when allowed to be armed by the administration.


So if Rich votes differently from you (and there is no perfect POTUS/CiC without errors while in command), he has forfeited his 1st Amendment rights to insult and opine about your already well known background, provided by you, yourself, and your personality, he is a “disgrace” to the uniform of the Marines?

No, he is a disgrace to his former uniform for comments like

You’re a flag waver

as if being a person who waves the flag due to their pride in being an American is a bad thing and “flag waver” is a pejorative.

and this

who has never served and done little to nothing for our military

when he, nor you, have any idea what I have, or have not done, for our military.

You are a former Navy wife, Mata. I am sure you haven’t forgotten that all those “flag wavers” provided your ex-husband with his pay check through their taxes. I am sure you haven’t forgotten all those “flag wavers” that do innumerable things that help our military, in good times and in bad. Some of those “flag wavers” are now providing homes designed to meet the needs of wounded veterans that have no legs, or arms. Some of those “flag wavers” work very hard trying to help war veterans that suffer with PTSD. So, to demean those “flag wavers” and use the term as a pejorative, when any soldier worth his salt will tell you that he/she needs the support those “flag wavers” often provide, is a disgrace and it brings dishonor on Richard.

And you wonder why I call you a faux conservative


No, I am fully aware of why you do that. I remember our history, just as well as you do. But I am a Constitutional conservative, Mata. Plain and simple. It is you, not me, that tends to wander off in the Libertarian weeds.


When soldiers are not allowed to be armed as they go about their duties on a military post, they are a vulnerable as any other US citizen.

You can thank Bill Clinton for that rule.

Odd isn’t it how the dead and wounded in Boston were struck down by a “terrorist” attack, but a radical jihadist with a gun on an Army base who shouts “Allah Akbar” is just someone committing work place violence.

@retire05: The only flag wavers I have a problem with are idiots like you who debase those who have served simply because their political views differ from yours. Flag wavers who adhere to the First Amendment and respect our hard fought political freedom get my utmost respect.Loud mouth old fools get none.
Semper Fi

@Richard Wheeler:

Flag wavers who adhere to the First Amendment and respect our hard fought political freedom get my utmost respect

Then, since I am a strong proponent of the First Amendment I should garner your respect. I also am a strong proponent of the Second Amendment, you know, the one that the people you vote for wants to remove from me, and the Fourth Amendment that the Obama administration violates each and every day using TSA goons to violate that amendment, along with the 9th and 10th Amendment that the Democrats seem to have found new respect for with their “Fairness” taxation bill.

Odd that you claim to have such admiration for those who support the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights, yet vote for those that would removed those guaranteed rights from us. A bit hypocritical on your part, don’t you think?

Loud mouth old fools get none.

Doesn’t that add a bit of difficulty when you shave?

@retire05: This repeated meme that the Dems. are taking away your Constitutional Rights grows weary.NOBODY is taking your guns.The Govt. isn’t demanding the military disarm you.
” TSA goons” have been absolutely respectful to me. Live in your small and sad world of fear and distain.
I’m enjoying life to the fullest.Today was another beautiful and healthy day in So.Cal.
Happy Mother’s Day to all you Moms

Semper Fi

@Richard Wheeler:

This repeated meme that the Dems. are taking away your Constitutional Rights grows weary.NOBODY is taking your guns.

And all those who voted such stringent laws in states like New York, Colorado (recent votes), and California are not Democrats? Really?

The Govt. isn’t demanding the military disarm you.

Where did I say the government was demanding the military to disarm anyone? Quote me.

” TSA goons” have been absolutely respectful to me.

Where you searched by TSA agents when you fly? And if so, why? Were you suspected of some crime?

Live in your small and sad world of fear and distain.

Better than living in your world of statism. I guess you think the alligator will eat you last.

Today was another beautiful and healthy day in So.Cal.

As long as you can ignore the unhealthy socialist government California plagued with.

@Richard Wheeler:

You espouse a viewpoint that has no water carrier.

Explain, please.


Because I have no patience for idiots, back stabbers, elitist prigs, and two-faced liars, which is about all that inhabits DC these days.

Also, because the MSM would excoriate me due to my blunt approach to others, and little sheep like you would lap it up as the truth. I mean, that is what you just proved above with your demeaning comments about Sarah Palin.


(and there is no perfect POTUS/CiC without errors while in command)

The biggest difference over the past 4+ years that I’ve seen is that Obama absolutely refuses to accept blame or responsibility for anything that has happened while he has inhabited the WH. Now, maybe I’m not remembering the past correctly, but I don’t seem to recall any of the previous five occupants of the WH refusing to acknowledge mistakes being made. Am I wrong?

@johngalt: John Have you actually listened to Sarah Palin? Don’t need the dreaded MSM to assist in my evaluation of her.
I assure you the dreaded MSM would not affect my opinion of you either John.

No water carrier simply means there is no one quite like you J.G.

Semper Fi

@Richard Wheeler:

No water carrier simply means there is no one quite like you J.G.

Thanks for the explanation. However, there are many, many people who feel like I do, you just haven’t heard their voices yet.


Am I wrong?

Yes, John. Unfortunately, I do. Politicians don’t become Presidents by extravagantly and loudly embracing their failures. This idea that Obama blames others for his mistakes while past Presidents embraces theirs is simply delusional. If George Bush embraced his mistakes while still President, or Clinton for that matter, then you should have no problem producing these gut-wrenching displays of self-reflection. You can’t, of course, because you’re simply holding Obama to a ridiculous standard without precedent.


Do not attribute words to me that I never uttered, Tom. I DID NOT say that previous Presidents embraced their mistakes, just that I do not remember any of the previous five refusing to accept blame or responsibility for mistakes being made while shifting that blame onto previous presidents, or people in Congress, or even Presidential candidates from the other side, all the time, every time.

If you refuse to see that Obama has done that very thing since he first stepped into the WH, then I cannot do anything for you.

Can you show me just one incident where Obama has taken the blame or responsibility for a mistake during his presidency?

Of course, that might mean that you would actually have to admit that he has made any mistakes, before you go looking for his statements on it, or them.

You can’t, of course, because you’re simply holding Obama to a ridiculous standard without precedent.

No, I am not. Produce a statement by Obama where he takes blame or responsibility for a mistake made during his presidency.

(you got the rest of the night to do so. I’ll read about it in the morning.)

@Richard Wheeler:

Sarah Palin’s intelligence is debatable, but secondary to her real talent: being extremely likable to a certain large portion of our electorate. What really isn’t that debatable is that she’s clearly a phony. I understand the same can be said about most politicians, but most politicians don’t base their entire political career upon a laughable moral wholesomeness and a fake outsider status. This is a person who criticized others for attending an event in 2013 she was an over-eager participant of two years prior.

At this point, we would be remiss not to point out Palin’s own previous participation in W.H.C.A. weekend. Back in 2011, when Palin was just a workin’ mom tryin’a roll up ’er sleeves and turn a profit from her one-seasoned T.L.C. reality show, she not only attended the Bloomberg/Vanity Fair party but was, as your blogger pointed out at the time, “the very first guest to arrive, stopping by 25 minutes before the party officially began.” What could possibly account for this? Was the “rest of America” not “working their asses off” then? Or are they only now “working their asses off” because their reality shows were canceled, too?


If you refuse to see that Obama has done that very thing since he first stepped into the WH, then I cannot do anything for you.

Can you show me just one incident where Obama has taken the blame or responsibility for a mistake during his presidency?

I never stated Obama has taken the blame for anything. My point is that your memory of George Bush embracing failure the way you apparently expect Obama to is clearly a false memory. But I invite you to prove me wrong! I would love to see footage of him lamenting invading Iraq, or imploding the economy. I don’t recall that happening, but i trust you can back up your claim that he never refused “to acknowledge mistakes being made”.

@Tom: She’s as phony as a two dollar bill and her Alaska tan.Talk about lemmings–her adoring 28%
BTW Saw some two dollar bills in Mass. back in the 70″s.Are they still around?

@Randy I believe we agree that there is a failure to communicate a “definition”, and all degrees in between.

Normally I wouldn’t give three sheets to the wind about a “definition” of terrorism vs workplace violence. But since that definition is the trigger for max benefits to so-called “workplace violence” veterans and their families, I say a better “definition” is needed.

@Richard Wheeler: #50

Talk about spewing the party line….

I don’t belong to any party, so I don’t spew any party line. I want ALL incumbents out of office. The ones who should stay in office are usually the ones the propaganda media never show or talk about.

When I figured out on my own that the congress and white house have been infiltrated, I was the only one I know of who was saying it. Now, there are a lot more saying it. Enough that obama is telling people not to listen to the conspiracy talk. Why would he say something like that?

Let’s look at some of the things obama has told us not to do:
(1) Don’t listen to Fox News.
(2) Don’t listen to Rush Limbaugh.
(3) Don’t listen to Joe The Plumber.
(4) Don’t get your information off of electronic devices.
(5) Don’t listen to conspiracy talk.

Other things we should worry about:
(1) He wants to take our guns.
(2) He is steering people away from the Christian and Jewish religions. I’m not a church goer, but one of the first things a would-be dictator does is steer people away from these two religions. Why these?
(3) He is using federal agencies to go after Tea Party organizations and people.
(4) He wants a civilian security force that is as strong as, and equally funded as the military.
(5) He bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia. No president before him has EVER bowed to anybody. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers died so we don’t have to bow to anybody, but you say it is no big deal him bowing to a king.
(6) He didn’t meet with his cabinet for the first two years he was first elected, but he met EVERY DAY with union bosses and his socialist Tzars. He still doesn’t meet much with his cabinet members, but is still meeting with his puppeteers regularly.
(7) He ALWAYS defends the Muslim religion. Can you name one time he said anything negative about it?
(8) He wants the government to be in charge of your medical care.
(9) He has ordered almost 2,000,000,000 rounds of 40 caliber hollow point ammo. Police don’t use hollow points for target practice. It is too expensive. Why would obama want enough hollow points to be able to shoot every American 5 times?
(10) He has ordered hundreds of assault type vehicles for several of the different federal agencies. What are they expecting?
(11) He has built the worlds larges computer information storage building to store everything about everybody. Why does he want so much information stored about people who have never committed a crime?

As I have mentioned before, if congress and the white house have been infiltrated with the purpose of making it a non-free country, how would they go about it? Compare what you came up with to the above. Is there very much difference? Almost every dictatorship had things like these happen before they became a dictatorship. Different times when obama didn’t get what he wanted, he said he isn’t king. Why would he keep saying that? Is he hoping to be king be some day, so others will bow to him like Brian Williams did. It looked like the soon to be king liked it.

I don’t know what ODS means, and I can’t find it on the Internet.

retire05 says: No, he is a disgrace to his former uniform for comments like


But I am a Constitutional conservative, Mata. Plain and simple. It is you, not me, that tends to wander off in the Libertarian weeds.

I am unaware of any “Constitutionalists” that won’t fight to the death for any speech, or personal opinion uttered. Whether that utterance is about you personally – positive or negative – or for whom they support electorally. It seems you and I see “constitutionalists” and “conservatism” in a different light.

@Tom: #55
If a biker gang, or other gang, came into your community, and there weren’t any police in the area, and the gang was recruiting new members, and you were told you would either join them or you were killed, would you call them terrorists?

This is how the Catholic church recruited members from other countries many years ago. Would you say that back then they were a terrorist organization? What about ANY organization that says you will join them or you will be killed, and that if you leave the organization, you will be killed, is that a terrorist organization? The Koran teaches that Muslims are to do both, convert or kill, and kill those who leave it. Is that a terrorist organization? If not, please tell me what you think a terrorist organization is. It should be banned from the USA as a terrorist organization.

@retire05: #57

Dear God, please tell me you were never in a position to order men and recommend promotions.

I was laughing as I started to type this. I thought the comment was hilarious. Then it hit me: What if he was in a position to order men and recommend promotions? I ain’t laughing now.

@Pete: #58
George Bush had more blacks in his administration than the first black president (Clinton) did.

@retire05: #64

Talk about lowering the bar; it seems the qualifications for Democrats is a bar laying on the ground.

The qualification for democrats is a fence that stretches from the Pacific Ocean to the Gulf of Mexico. Get over, under, or through it and you are an automatic democrat.

@retire05: #70
It depends who’s side you are on. Who’s side do you think obama is on?

@Richard Wheeler: #83
It’s amazing that you would us a $2 bill to tell how phony Sarah Palin is. The $2 bill exists. The collectors have them. They are still worth $2 or more, so what you are saying is that Palin is worth just as much as she used to be, and maybe is getting worth more as time goes on.

@Smorgasbord: Former runners: it’s all moot. We can bring up Edwards (a crook, rather than someone denigrated on SNL), but to what end? McCain would have made a better President, for sure (doesn’t say much about Obama), and the gamble was taking a political unknown like Palin to juxtapose just how unqualified and inexperienced Obama was.

It didn’t work, because McCain couldn’t fathom just how complicit the media and entertainment would be in promoting Obama. No one could. It’s a new paradigm–liberal domination of information. Palin has her faults, for sure, but so what: the comparison was one of pop-stardom, not one of leadership. Palin could run the WH 1000 times better than the current Admin, but she doesn’t have the star-power, the superficial Bieber-esque demagoguery demanded by the low-information voter.

I’m not voting for a personality. I’m not voting for a brand name, or a logo. I’m voting for someone who can do the job. Palin was a damn-good governor, and the real issue was that dems are sexists/racist against any “minority” who doesn’t come from the dem ranks. They have specific rules on how a woman and non-white politician must behave. Bigots, the whole lot of them.


I am unaware of any “Constitutionalists” that won’t fight to the death for any speech, or personal opinion uttered. Whether that utterance is about you personally – positive or negative – or for whom they support electorally.

Oh, I would defend Richard’s First Amendment rights to the very end, probably using my Second Amendment rights at the same time. But that same First Amendment gives me the right to say, to him, exactly what I feel about his philosophy of statism. It also gives me the right to call him down when he uses “flag waver” as a pejorative, as so many Democrats seem prone to do.

@Smorgasbord: Smorg You sure had your late night motors going lol
ODS Obama Derangement Syndrome which you demonstrate clearly in your posts.First Amendment Rights on display.
I’m unilaterally calling for a Mothers Day Truce. Have a Great Day.


Are you proposing banning Muslims from the military or are you just blowing hot air? If the former, please explain how that would work.

I think they should be held to the same standard as everyone else. Military members are not allowed to be involved with or join any subversive group. Muslims are not a subversive element, but it’s pretty safe to say that Hasan was involved with a subversive element within the Muslim community. This was not work place violence, it was a terrorist attack.
If a military member that was secretly in the Klan burned a cross on someone’s yard, would that be work place violence? What if a Catholic ran into a Protestant service on base and tossed a Molotov cocktail into the congregation; would that be workplace violence?

Since we are this far OT:

I don’t necessarily agree with everything the NRA says or wants…but contrary to some people’s feelings…they aren’t part of our gov…but an advocacy group that lobbies the gov…same as many other for may others you may or may not disagree with. Although many democrats suggest they aren’t against the 2nd amendment, nor do they want to confiscate guns when they introduce various gun-control initiatives…what comes out of their mouth is often completely at odds with what they present as being their goal.

There are politicians all across the Americas clammering and trying to introduce bills to retroactively ban and then confiscate any number of types of firearms.

Here’s Bloomberg after the Boston bombing:

“The people who are worried about privacy have a legitimate worry,” Bloomberg said during a recent press conference. “But we live in a complex world where you’re going to have to have a level of security greater than you did back in the olden days, if you will. And our laws and our interpretation of the Constitution, I think, have to change.”

Joe Biden and Pelosi referred to the proposed gun ban legislation as “just the beginning” of their efforts to reduce the number of firearms. Not criminals. Not criminal use of a firearm. But, to reduce the “number” of them held by citizens.

DNC Rep Schakowsky from IL is well known for her comments and goals of banning “all” firearms…despite what the 2nd amendment says.

Here’s the proposed legilsation in IL

I could go on…there are pages of such things…where they say one thing, then do or mean another. But, I just wanted to point out…that it’s NOT like there is nobody saying or trying to do these things…and people who are paranoid about gun rights are just being so for no reason.

To suggest they aren’t trying to do this on any level…is simply not accurate.

@Richard Wheeler:

Interesting that you cannot acknowledge the correction on your $2 bill comment from Smorg, but instead choose to talk about his ODS.

By the way, I’d much rather live next to Sarah Palin than Joe Biden. At least Palin knows gun safety and won’t shoot through her door at you when you come over to borrow a cup of sugar, or fire guns in the air every time the resident mouse in the house farts.


To suggest they aren’t trying to do this on any level…is simply not accurate.

Nor is it intellectually honest for people to suggest that “no one wants to take your guns away”.

VICTORIA TOENSING has weighed in.
She represents one of the Behnghazi State Dept. whistle blowers.
Her husband, Joseph diGenova, represents another.
Her points have to do with the shoddiness of the original Accountability Review Board (ARB) investigation convened by Hillary but never bothering to interview her.

The two men in charge of the ARB, Ambassador Thomas Pickering and Admiral Thomas Mullen, a diplomat and military man respectively, have no meaningful investigative experience. Instead of letting the facts lead the direction of the investigation, the report appears designed to protect the interests of Hillary Clinton, the State Department higher ups, and the president.

A most obvious question is: why was Secretary Clinton never interviewed for the investigation? She is mentioned only once in the report, as the person who convened the Board. If, as Clinton herself has said, she took full responsibility for what happened in Benghazi, her decisions and decision-making process are materially relevant for investigating what happened before and during the night of September 11, 2012, and preventing what went wrong from ever happening again.

Other relevant questions the report does not answer are: How often did Clinton and President Obama speak during the attack? What decisions did the president make, and what orders did he give? What was the hour by hour participation of the president during the attack?

Various witnesses ASKED the ARB to be interviewed but were refused.

In addition, the ARB used procedures no seasoned investigator would ever follow. More significantly, the process was unfair to the witnesses. For example, no stenographer was present. So there is no verbatim transcript of testimony from each witness. The ARB used note takers. Mr. Hicks [for example] was not allowed to review the note taker’s document that supposedly reflects what he said, but is limited to what the note taker thought he heard and decided to record.
The unfair process, in fact, has become even more troubling since I received calls from reporters after last week’s hearing telling me that unnamed State Department persons are whispering that Mr. Hicks’s statements to the ARB are “inconsistent” with his congressional testimony. The congressional testimony is more expansive because both Democratic and Republican staff interviewed Mr. Hicks, and others, for nearly five hours. By contrast, the ARB questioned Mr. Hicks for only two hours, despite the fact that he was the highest-ranking State Department official in Tripoli the night of the attack. Inconsistent? No! And how would anyone disprove that false claim without a transcript?

Also included is that Mr. Hicks expressed WHY Amb. Stevens went to Benghazi!
It was at Hillary’s request!
But the conclusion of the report omitted that.
More here: