Benghazi…No Cover-Up?



“Greg, we’re under attack.”

Those were the words uttered by Ambassador Stevens in Benghazi when Gregory Hicks, deputy chief of mission in Libya, called him.

He didn’t say “Greg, there is a large demonstration outside.”

Gregory Hicks testified that the Libyan president said the attacks were led by Islamic extremists with possible terror ties.

The Libyan president didn’t say “hey, it was just a demonstration that got outta hand”

Gregory Hicks:

“The only report that our mission made through every channel was that this was an attack. No protest.”

Beth Jones, a high ranking State Department employee, testified that she emailed the Libyan ambassador:

“I told him that the group that conducted the attacks, Ansar al-Sharia, is affiliated with Islamic terrorists.”

But what did the Obama administration conjure up in the days after the attack?

That it was all a protest that got outta hand.

The Weekly Standard has obtained a timeline briefed by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence detailing the heavy substantive revisions made to the CIA’s talking points, just six weeks before the 2012 presidential election, and additional information about why the changes were made and by whom.

As intelligence officials pieced together the puzzle of events unfolding in Libya, they concluded even before the assaults had ended that al Qaeda-linked terrorists were involved. Senior administration officials, however, sought to obscure the emerging picture and downplay the significance of attacks that killed a U.S. ambassador and three other Americans. The frantic process that produced the changes to the talking points took place over a 24-hour period just one day before Susan Rice, U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, made her now-famous appearances on the Sunday television talk shows. The discussions involved senior officials from the State Department, the National Security Council, the CIA, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, and the White House.

No cover-up?

Gregory Hicks testified that he was demoted once he questioned the blaming of a youtube video for the attack.

No cover-up?

Gregory Hicks testified that he was ordered not to talk to Representative Jason Chaffetz, who was in Libya to investigate the attack.

No cover-up?

Eric Nordstrom testified that the Accountability Review Board did not interview the people who were directly involved with the attack before they issued their findings:

“They stopped short of interviewing people who I personally know were involved in key decisions,”

No cover-up?

This is a obvious cover-up. It’s so clear…

and so sad to see political loyalties being placed ahead of the truth.

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Nor is it intellectually honest for people to suggest that “no one wants to take your guns away”.

But, but, but, Richard Wheeler told me:

This repeated meme that the Dems. are taking away your Constitutional Rights grows weary.NOBODY is taking your guns.

I’m sure Richard will come back to parse what he said and what he really meant is NOBODY is taking your guns NOW.

@Nan G:

Nan, both Pickering and Mullins refused to appear and testify. Issa made that very clear. Cummings tried to call Issa a liar, and Issa went off on Cummings, holding up the request, sent direct to Pickering and Mullins, for them to appear before the Congressional hearing on Benghazi.

Since when is a witness not allowed to read the transcript of their own testimony, as Hicks was not allowed to read the transcriptions of his testimony?

I’m a little crass today folks so please excuse me for that!

As the hearings unfolded Wednesday it was apparent to anyone who chose to open their minds that this administration from the President down lied to their teeth! Some call it political. Some call it moronic stupidity. Some call it miscommunication. Bullshit! The President of the United States, The Secretary of State, The Press Secretary and more all lied! And apparently the then Secretary of Defense had his head so far up the President’s ass that he also came out with some bulls… line as to “we couldn’t just send our people in there without knowing the situation”. We know they had real time video! We know they were told that the consulate was under attack. And we damned well know the “video” excuse was complete balderdash.

I want to make one point as to the above that I have not really seen any one expound upon much and if I am wrong on this assertion I would ask someone to please show me that. It is my understanding that for hours, one of the hero Seals reported he had the mortar position that was shelling the consulate “lit up” while they were begging for help. I understand that this means he had a laser aimed at the position which in turn a fighter could have homed a missile or whatever in on. It is also my understanding that as the battle lasted for some hours, there was in fact plenty of time to get an F16 over there which could have blown the sorry Muslim Al-Quida whatever they are called bastards directly to hell! Yet our Secretary of Defense said we couldn’t do that?! And what about our Commander in Chief, you know, the one who was informed and went to bed because he had to be up early for a trip to Vegas! He couldn’t have ordered a strike?!

My disgust for this administration is something everyone on this site knows of. Four people died! This administration lied! It doesn’t get any simpler than that! The lies have to stop!!!


Yes, I think that was what I was generally responding to. That and the assertion that nobody wants to do away with 2nd amendment or confiscate your guns. IF that were true, it would not be so easy in a 30 sec google search to turn up pages of examples of DNC politicians suggesting just that…or that it would be fine with them for that to happen and/or proposing legislation to get the ball rolling down that road…ie., as a first step to get to that larger goal which is to reduce the number of firearms (legal or not) in the US.

Example: you’ve got a senator introducing some “reasonable” gun ban that only affects certain weapons. They argue that this is not abolishing the 2nd amendment rights of people nor preventing them from owning other types of firearms. Then, you’ve got youtube video and transcripts of speechs and statements from same politician claiming they believe that this was just a first step towards the goal of banning all firearms, or banning more types…and/or that the 2nd amendment needs to be revised, abolished, or ignored. (see Rep from IL in my previous post). In otherwords..they tell us this is all they want…and that they have no interest in going further, but then tell others…this is just a “start” and they full intend to keep pushing as far as they can go. Which one is true?

The MSM is hard blowing the balloon of “no help could have arrived in time to save those who were killed.”

This absurd proposition to cover the President is further evidence that neither intellect nor intuition can be found in the MSM.

Just watched Meet The Press. Wow. One of the chairs of the previous review board…Amb Pickering, suggested this was all overblown and that they had covered everything. When asked about the discrepancy between what Jay Carney said in Aug before the election that they only changed “one” word (consulate, to compound)….he said…”we were not tasked at looking into the talking points or what occurred after the event”. you have NOT covered everything?

Diane Fienstien admits McCain was right on Meet the Press back before the election when he demanded to know why they changed the story when we knew it was a terrorist attack and CONTINUED for 2 weeks to push that story in the face of opposition to it when/if they knew all along it was a terrorist attack. She said..I agree. And yes…it could have been political reasons for changing the points. But she had no problem with that. And felt that despite such things….Hillary and Obama are “good people” and we should leave them alone and not blame them. These things happen. (shocked).

They are basically taking the position that it’s important to find out why security failed…and why planning failed…but not important (they said nobody will care) to blame the people who made those decisions or what the admin did after…to cover their ass before an election. Nor do we want to ruin Hillary’s run in 2016 by holding her responsible for this cause she’s a good, hard working, democrat.

I say to myself everyday, this is why I left the DNC after being a member my entire voting life.

Democrats were caught on a hot mic saying they want to confiscate guns. They know they cannot admit that when anyone is listening. It happened in NJ. Google that.

One more thing that niggles at my brain:
There were dozens of other witnesses to the attack that night.
Where are they?
What do they know?
How has Obama managed to keep them under wraps for all these months?
When THAT dam breaks it’s going to be a big day for news.

@Nathan Blue: #93

McCain would have made a better President,

I don’t think McCain wanted to be president. When he was campaigning, why did he say he thought obama would make a good president, or that obama was a good man? Why didn’t he let Palin be herself during the campaign? Why didn’t the republican party investigate the voting machines that turn a Romney vote into an obama vote, or investigate the voting precincts that gave obama 99%, 100%, and even 108% of the eligible voters? Not ONE republican questioned this, nor has any looked into obama’s fake birth certificate, his using 39 Social Security numbers, or his fake Selective Service registration card (draft card).

This confirms even more what I have been saying for years: We no longer have a two party system. We have one party with two branches, and both branches feed off of the same roots. Those roots are tapped into the socialist, communist, and Muslim roots, not the “live free or die” roots they used to be tapped into.

I’m not voting for a personality. I’m not voting for a brand name, or a logo. I’m voting for someone who can do the job.

I was hoping Kane would keep going. He is a non-politician with some logical ideas.

…any “minority” who doesn’t come from the dem ranks. They have specific rules on how a woman and non-white politician must behave. Bigots, the whole lot of them.

The propaganda media knew Bush had more blacks in his administration, but you never heard that from them, not did you ever hear anything good about Colin Powell or Condoleezza Rice.


I did see/hear that. As I said before..even a simple google search brings up plenty. I think it’s clear…that the agenda goes far beyond what they claim. They may be proposing something less than that. It doesn’t mean they want to stop there…nor does it mean that they ultimately believe in the 2nd amendment. This is part of the reason the push back has been so strong.

For liberals who can’t understand…just think about abortion legislation…being proposed by some far right wing evangelical who’s been quoted as suggesting he wants to end legal abortion, overturn Roe Wade, etc… You’d trust him about as far as you could throw him. And you’d see whatever bill he sponsored or wrote thrown out because it’s just an attempt to get his foot in the door so he can go further.

YOu know it. We know it. There is no need to pretend it’s all somehow different because you aren’t going for a full ban at this time.

@Richard Wheeler: 95
It still amazes me how you keep mentioning my night hours. I have mentioned many times I am a night owl. I am retired, and don’t have to set any more alarms unless I have to. I usually go to bed between midnight and 4AM. That is my normal sleep cycle.

I’m the one who has been having a problem with the links in the emails not taking me to the comment it refers to. I have been trying to figure out if it is my computer or other Mac users have been having the problem. Some of the comments I have to find manually, which takes time. This one I had to find manually. I usually read my emails in the evening, because I live in an apartment building, and I can read and send emails without bothering my sleeping neighbors. My neighbor below me can hear me walking around because of the creaking floor.

With emails coming from different organizations and people, on the night in question, there were more emails than usual. Quite a few of the ones about Benghazi didn’t go to the comment, just the story, so I had to find them manually. I like to finish the emails before I go to bed, or they could just pile up, and have that much more to read next time. Since I am retired, and didn’t have anything to get up for, I stayed up until I read them all.

If there is anything else about my life style that bothers you, please let me know and I will try to explain them to.

@James Raider: #105
The good news is that the MSM’s listeners and readers are getting fewer as time goes on. Even the most loyal democrat, if they have an open mind, can figure out that a lot of what the MSM is saying isn’t true.

@Dc: #106
I think it was after Reagan left office he was asked by the media, “Do you have any regrets?” He answered, “Well,,,,,,,,,,,,,,that I was ever a democrat”

Things used to be different. That’s all I can say. The America I grew up in doesn’t even exist anymore. I’ve been told that’s a “good” thing. The freedom that attracted so many people to come here from other countries…is gone. People used to come here from other countries to be free. Now they come for free shit. Sooner or later…we gonna run out of stuff to give away. Beyond that, once you give away your soul….what’s left to give away?

Republican operatives tampered with the “Twelve Benghazi Emails” to make it appear that the message had been massaged to benefit the president. They were fed to ABC and swallowed hook, line, and sinker. Now ABC has had to cough it up and admit it has been had. And, the Wing Nuts have been shown for the ignorant and gullible haters they are.

The president has done one thing on guns. He allowed carry on federal lands where local authorities permit carry. What a bunch of pussies if you are scared of that. I would like to get rid of guns. They make little dicks bigger than they know how to be.

@Smorgasbord: #111 Smorg, love that lifestyle ! I’m retired, have been for 13 years and I also set my own hours. My wife and I are both night owls and love to stay up late and sleep late. Must make us think the same politically also.

WOW this is a good POST,
why didn’t you come and tell me you all where here,
MAY? that’s before the CANDALS fired up,
and you where predicting it in MAY,
JOETOTE you got the nail on the dots,as usual,

Stop trying to say yfst our mlitary fsiled