Sad conclusion… [Reader Post]


Gasden Flag

So I had about 325 miles to drive home Friday night, plenty of time to do a little pondering. Here’s what I have come up with… we better get ready for the battle of our lives, for our country. Before you liberals get your panties all in a wad, follow along for a few minutes, and I’ll tell how I have come up with this.

With days to go before Obama got elected in 2008, he made one of the few honest public statements he has ever made when he said he was going to fundamentally change this country. The libs didn’t listen. He also said he wanted a civilian security force as well trained and funded as our military. Again the libs didn’t listen. He won the election and began his mission. He appointed a ton of czars and advisers, making the obvious effort to circumvent the balance of power by ruling through regulation instead of governing by legislation. The libs didn’t notice. Congress didn’t seem to notice either, even though the Executive Branch began gaining weight and tipping the scales.

He nationalized two of the three car companies, then focused on the banks. Then he forced Obamacare upon us, who really knows what’s buried in that bill. The stimulus was next, and continues since our government is still running without a budget. He captured control of the energy industry after an unintentional drilling disaster which he turned, somehow, into a criminal act.

He arbitrarily decided to take us to war in Libya without any approval from anyone (more on that later) in direct contradiction to the Constitution. Nobody called him on that effectively, he basically said “we went ’cause I said so…” He put troops on the ground in North Africa without approval, nobody noticed. His gun control mission started a long time ago, and again he doesn’t answer for Fast & Furious, executive privilege? He passes a message to Putin about how much more “flexibility” he will have after the election. Again he capitalizes on yet another tragedy to push his disarming of America agenda (the Brit’s tried this here too, a couple hundred years ago), he knows an unarmed America cannot resist tyranny.

I don’t need to dive into Obama’s history very far to understand that even if he was born in the USA (I have my doubts), he was not raised as an American, he has made that clear. Neither was his wife, or Jarrett for that matter. So obviously, they don’t put any credence into our traditions and principles. And I know I have left out a lot of “accomplishments” by Obama and company, I have been just hitting the highlights.

And the key to this puzzle might be in Benghazi. Not just the way it ended, with the deaths of four Americans, but with the entire mission there. And what did he threaten 30 survivor/witnesses, and their families and friends with, to assure their anonymity and silence. I can’t think of any other “secrets” so well protected (other than Obama’s ultimate plan). For example, the Bin Laden mission, details leaked from day one; the computer attack on Iran and many other things that would have been kept from the public eye. Yet the entire situation in Benghazi is still a mystery. There lies the keys I believe, and the only reason I can think of for such successful secrecy is the possibility that probable cause exists for arrest on the charge of treason, at the highest level and downward. Has the White House turned into a cover for a Continuing Criminal Enterprise?

I have not applied conjecture or opinion into this conclusion, just looking at facts, indisputable facts. At the facts indicate to me we have a government in place that is directly and intentionally taking us away from the principles our country was formed upon; I understand a little more about how our forefathers felt leading up to the revolution.

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the reality is that there is neither reason nor cause for anyone to take up arms against our own government

I think you misunderstand what people fear. It is not that they want to “take up arms against our own government,” it is that the fear that our own government will take up arms against them. It is not like history is not replete with governments taking up arms against its own people. I suggest you research the Bonus Marchers who were American military veterans, fired on by their own government.

places political opponents in prison merely for their political acts,

Anything can be considered a poltical act. That is the problem. The lines are being blurred. A man currently sits in jail, the excuse being he violated the terms of his probation, but we know it was for making a movie that the Obama administration tried to blame as the cause of the attack on the U.S. compond in Benghazi on. Any news on that man? Has he come to trial? Had a judge revoke his probation and sent him to jail for a defined length of time?

or actually begins placing people in political reeducation camps,

Think it hasn’t happened in the U.S. before? As the children of those detained in FDR’s “reeducation” camps who were of Japanese heritage. An American president deciding that Americans could not be trusted because of the color of their skin.

And I ask you; have you ever known so many people who are now fearful of our government? Can millions of Americans be so wrong in their aprehension? Did you ever think that the federal government would force you to buy a product you don’t want and if you don’t, can fine you and that that fine our of your checking account without due process?

Your freedom is being eroded and you want to play the part of the frog in the boiling water.

@Scott in Oklahoma:

Not at all, but the Executive Branch clearly has both the authority and obligation to address and oppose challenges to its legal authority and the place to do that is within our appellate courts. Were it otherwise, any federal District Court judge or magistrate would be able to set national policy. That’s both legally and practically unworkable and would empower Article 3 judges far beyond both Congress and the Executive.

This has been the path of socialists for some time. To organize the poor against the haves to increase power.

Obama was looking forward to an imminent social revolution, literally a movement where the working classes would overthrow the ruling class and institute a kind of socialist Utopia in the United States.

@Tom: Confuse easily Tom? I don’t have a bunker, I even clearly stated so. I have criticized other presidents, including Bush, so that one ain’t holding water either. I’m glad you have faith in the president and his administration, believe all the lies and have an optimistic view. Really. Do you like Pelosi, Ried and the others too?

@SkippingDog: #27
The whole speech scares me more than the segment quoted. Are you OK with obama wanting to expand so many of these organizations when we are broke? How big do you want the government to get? Didn’t Hitler do things like this?

On the Mexican Pledge of Allegiance, why are they making the students say it instead of the normal things taught in Spanish class? It’s not just that, over the years there have been all kinds of stories of students being forced to say or do things they didn’t want to. I should have saved the stories. Like the one college professor who gave a writing assignment to write about someone the student admired, and if anyone wrote anything positive about George Bush, they would get an F. More stuff like this is happening all the time.



Here’s a nice account of the Bonus March to which you refer. You’ll find no veterans were killed. It’s also interesting that Republican icon Herbert Hoover gave the orders.

The “film producer” you refer to was placed into jail for violating his probation. While it is probably true that the consequences of his film are what brought his probation violation to the attention of his supervising court, the fact remains that it was his own criminal acts that led to the original probation sentence. If he had been required to actually serve his sentence instead of being granted the relief of court supervised probation, he would not have had the opportunity to engage in such acts.

Like most everyone who cares about civil rights, I’ve repeatedly read the Koramatsu case and am well acquainted with the internment of Japanese Americans during WWII. That is clearly a dark period for our nation, just as the vilification of Muslims has been throughout the last decade.

Ask yourself what is to be gained by making people fear their government. Could it be political advantage? Might it in fact be a focused effort from outside our nation to divide us? Is it nothing more than a marketing ploy by media or those in the political business to sell their own ideas, books, or agenda?


Sorry I left the link off my last post:


The reason you have a clippings collection is because news is made up of unusual events. With nearly 325 million people in our nation, there are always going to be some unusual events happening. That doesn’t mean there’s a vast conspiracy to take away your rights or turn children into Mexican robots.

@Scott in Oklahoma:

Let’s back up, Scott. You – inaccurately – asked why no “liberal” had a response to the “facts” in your post. When it was pointed out to you that in fact your post includes a widely discredited (and frankly ridiculous) assertion that President Obama stated he wanted a “civilian security force as well trained and funded as our military” as a domestic police force, rather than address this specific criticism of your post, you changed the subject. If you can’t defend the specific arguments in your post, then you shouldn’t include them.

@Tom: He said it Tom, there is no disputing that. And his minions have gone on to make some pretty large (I would say excessive) ammo purchases and vehicle purchases that appear to back up his statement. Actions, as I said, speak louder than words. How is that changing the subject? And there is a lot more things that have me concerned, I just hit some (not even all) of the high points which have yet to be addressed.

@SkippingDog: You’ve proven nothing. You’ve only waved a hand and placed this text in the context that you wish to see it in.
The claims of some here are joining these statements in context with actions and events that have unfolded over the past few years. There is reason for concern, and reason to question.
Trying to dismiss that as ignorance is . . . well, quite ignorant.


Here’s a nice account of the Bonus March to which you refer. You’ll find no veterans were killed. It’s also interesting that Republican icon Herbert Hoover gave the orders.

Excuse me? Where did I say that any veterans were killed? As to Hoover, he may have had an R behind his name, but he was just as much of a “progressive” as was FDR. As a matter of fact, although FDR ran claiming to be against the policies of Hoover, he actually inplemented Hoover policies Hoover had planned on when he won the election.

The “film producer” you refer to was placed into jail for violating his probation. While it is probably true that the consequences of his film are what brought his probation violation to the attention of his supervising court, the fact remains that it was his own criminal acts that led to the original probation sentence. If he had been required to actually serve his sentence instead of being granted the relief of court supervised probation, he would not have had the opportunity to engage in such acts.

And how long ago has that been? Do you think that someone jailed for probation violations should sit in jail without having gone to court for this long? Why hasn’t he been brought before a judge who would enforce the original sentence by now? Simple; it’s all a ruse and I suspect you know that.

just as the vilification of Muslims has been throughout the last decade.

Remind me again what all 19 highjackers had in common. Remind me again what the guy who bombed the World Trade Center the first time had in common with the 19. Or Nidal Hassan, the Christmas Underwear Bomber, the guy who shot a soldier in Little Rock, Richard Reed or any other person who has tried to carry out an attack on American soil. Remind me again what their common bond was.

Yet, there have been no mosques burned, no Muslims taken out to the woods and hung, no Muslim businesses destroyed by angry vandals. I promise you, had Pearl Harbor not been in Hawaii, but in New York City, there would not be a Japanese safe from your grandfathers.

Obviously, you think it wrong to vilify those who are actually villains.

Ask yourself what is to be gained by making people fear their government. Could it be political advantage?

You need to ask that question of the Obama administration. It is them making Americans nervous. Nothing like releasing 2,000 criminals into the general public to make people feel secure.

yes the speech was a socialist speech if there was one for sure,
he want to have the contol to direct the people to do what he want,

We’re all just parsing words–some see Obama and his actions as competent and good, others do not. Further, some are just fine with the country changing on a fundamental level (which is, was, and is Obama’s entire platform–that’s a fact), and some want to keep those fundamentals intact.

The sum of Obama’s actions over time are cause for concern, and though all presidents go through this scrutiny, the concern now is that Obama isn’t meeting the resistance that Bush, Clinton, Daddy Bush, Reagan, and Carter did. He’s acting with relative impunity, and amassing power to himself that supersedes the office of the President.

For Bush, or even Clinton, Bengazi would be an on-going issue. That’s not “hoping” for something to pin on Obama, it’s just a fact. So many facts to support the idea that “something is rotten in Denmark.” We don’t know what it is, but people have a right to read the signs and interpret them. Hollywood choose to help the dems win the 2008 and 2012 election, and normal citizens are now preparing for a battle with the government, reading the signs as best they can.

What goes around, comes around, and Obama supporters need to stand back and see how an exploitation of pop-culture ignorance in pushing a no-name candidate, twice, is going have hell to pay in the long run. The Obama-defenders here are merely defending their voting choice and the cult of personality they’ve unwittingly subscribed to.

@Scott in Oklahoma:

The ammo purchases were discussed pretty extensively on this thread and similar conclusions to your own were quite forcefully debunked, and not by me – or a liberal – I might add. As for criticizing President Obama, go for it. I would never dream of criticizing you for voicing your opinion. It’s your fanciful claims regarding Obama’s alleged covert aims I find highly questionable. As I wrote above, we’ve been hearing this for years. You’re in law enforcement, yet you haven’t identified a motive or the means for this tyrannical take-over, just a bunch of random stuff you don’t like. Who are the people you believe in government, in the military, in the police force, who are going to go along with a power grab of the type you imagine to be imminent? I live in a pretty liberal state and I don’t know anyone who would go along with it. And what exactly is the motive for this tyranny? According to the Right, the press and academia already fawn over Obama as it is. He will make millions in the private sector when he leaves office, and remain influential and popular. So what exactly is he tearing down his legacy for, tearing the country apart for? Are there even more mysterious forces at work? You’ve assembled a pretty wild house of cards based upon a bunch of random things you don’t like about Obama. The connections are not as apparent as you seem to believe. Perhaps the answer as to why you need to believe these things, why you need to build a cartoon villain, isn’t out there, it’s in you.

Probation means you have already been convicted in court. It is a sentence in lieu of jail or prison, under which you are required to behave in a lawful manner, complete any court required activities, refrain from any unlawful acts and from acts that may be inconsistent with a probationary sentence, etc. It doesn’t mean you get a whole new trial on the events that brought you before the court in the first place.

As to the 9/11 hijackers being Muslim, I’m sure there were millions of people during WWII who justified the internment of Japanese civilians with the rationalization that the people who attacked Pearl Harbor were Japanese. Because someone share a common ethnic heritage or religion with attackers – Japanese, Muslim, or whatever – is certainly no justification for treating them with the same antagonism. Our fathers and grandfathers didn’t seem too worried about all of the Americans of German heritage, but they had the advantage of looking like everyone else in power at the time.

Finally, the release of people being held in custody for immigration violations – a Civil, not criminal violation of the US Code – hardly provides the kind of fear you seem to be experiencing.

@Nathan Blue:

When we consider how many items certain Presidential administrations are thought to “skate” on, the big one I’m always interested in is why was George W. Bush not held accountable for the largest terrorist attack to ever occur on the United States? He was the President and Commander in Chief on 9/11/01, but there never seems to have been any effort to place responsibility for that terrorist event in his lap like so many of you want to do with the attack of a small consulate building in a country engaged in civil war.

@Nathan Blue:

Sorry Nathan. “Normal citizens” do not prepare to battle their own government in America. That’s the activity of a terrorist, no matter how you try to polish it.

@Nathan Blue:

So rather than read the real statement, we need to perform some kind of magic incantation, read the goat entrails, consult our oracle and then see what the President “really meant” when he uttered those words during a campaign speech? That is exactly the kind of ridiculous nonsense that will always keep people like you seeking esoteric answers when the truth stands clearly before you.


I promise you, had Pearl Harbor not been in Hawaii, but in New York City, there would not be a Japanese safe from your grandfathers.

Should I be surprised you consider that a real missed opportunity?

@SkippingDog: Apples and oranges, ace. Obama’s on the hook for information regarding what he knew, and continues to know, which is not public, not to mention gagging witnesses. No one is “blaming” him, we just want a little more detail in to what occurred due to the inconsistencies coming out of the administration. That’s fair, and you should want more answers too . . . even if you voted for the guy and like his fancy stickers.

We know Bush knew nothing of 9/11, for a fact. No cover up–nothing.

A fallacious comparison, at best.

@Nathan Blue:

What if what Obama knew or knows isn’t public information? It has already been discussed that Ambassador Stevens’ real mission was to purchase and secure as many of the man-portable anti-aircraft systems that had been stolen from Libyan arsenals as possible. That’s a national security matter inappropriate for public discussion – even in the Congress.

Did it ever occur to you that the Senate Intelligence Oversight Committee might already have all of the answers you’d like to know, but that the information is properly classified and you’ll never have access to it? Don’t you think there would be a continuing effort by members of that committee to obtain such information if it had not been provided?

@SkippingDog: I’m trying to point out that you are as biased as those you are attack. You are “your own enemy.”

Esoteric? No, the statement was not as cut and dry as you are pretending it to be, for your own agenda.

Besides, this was made years ago and a lot had changed. The concern is what Obama’s real goals are. Clinton, Reagan, Bush . . .they all were guided by things that went beyond what they said. Obama’s no different. I remember the news agencies saturated us with the “why’s” of Bush and his motives. Fair to ask . . . unless is becomes a which hunt. Obama’s trespasses are worth the inquiry, and his statements rather obtuse on their own.

Goat entrails . . . how cute.

@SkippingDog: Nah, I disagree.

There are no “normal” citizens. Only free ones. The “normalizing” of political views by the left is what is concerning.

@SkippingDog: Understandable, but expect the populace to be miffed if they think–and no one is proving otherwise–that our soldiers and citizens operations were mishandled and some of them died.


Scott in Oklahoma
this is a mini version of what would happen,
you would have to fight the civilians who would
lay themselves down to cover their god,
there cannot be room for convincing them of their indoctrination, too much time has given them time to do the job

@Nathan Blue:

You would be incorrect in your assessment. I don’t trust the government any more than I’m supposed to, but I also know better than to infer sinister motives when there is no evidence they exist. Context is always important. Ignoring it leads you to unsupported and usually wrong conclusions about any event.

Read Obama’s remarks again. Watch and listen to the video again. There’s nothing there but a statement about the need to beef up our foreign service personnel because their efforts are an essential component of our national security. That’s something the Bush Administration had neglected, which is precisely why it was being addressed by candidate Obama in his speech.

@Nathan Blue:

Was this a misstatement you made earlier?

“…and normal citizens are now preparing for a battle with the government…,”


Probation means you have already been convicted in court. It is a sentence in lieu of jail or prison, under which you are required to behave in a lawful manner, complete any court required activities, refrain from any unlawful acts and from acts that may be inconsistent with a probationary sentence, etc. It doesn’t mean you get a whole new trial on the events that brought you before the court in the first place.

Actually, you may be convicted of a crime and then given probation with conditions. If you violate that probation, you are then taken in front of a judge who gives you the original sentence you were probated on. It’s called adjucated probation. So next time you decide to talk down to someone, make sure it isn’t me, Bubba. Now, when did the film maker appear in court to have his probation revoked and what was his sentence? Ummm?

Finally, the release of people being held in custody for immigration violations – a Civil, not criminal violation of the US Code – hardly provides the kind of fear you seem to be experiencing.

Actually, there is more to that than what you represent. Janet Napolitano has no authority, nor does anyone else in DHS, to release those who have been either charged with a crime, or are awaiting deportation due to a court order, without the consent of the U.S. Congress. Better be checking up on that whole separation of powers thing, Dog.

@SkippingDog: Nope. You took my use of “normal” and put it into a different context (starting to see your own logical fallacies, yet?”.


Did it ever occur to you that the Senate Intelligence Oversight Committee might already have all of the answers you’d like to know, but that the information is properly classified and you’ll never have access to it?

If that is the case, then why hasn’t the Oversight Committee been given access to the 30 some odd survivors of the Benghazi attack? Why is the Oval Office keeping them under lock and key and not even releasing their names to those requesting them?

@SkippingDog: I have feeling your standards for Obama and standards for George Bush (or any Republican) differ immensely. Enough said.

I’m retiring for the evening. Troll-slaying is rewarding work, but it does put the mind to sleep . . . like reading a children’s book.



If you already know that, Punkin, why were you pretending the offender hadn’t been brought back before the court and was just being held incommunicado in some LA jail? Here’s a nice news link that might help you get a clue:

With regard to the immigration release, I think you’ll find that the Secretary of DHS has wide ranging power to carry our the statutory duties of that office, which would include the dismissal of charges if that is appropriate. That would also be why the CFR applies to DHS operations, but Congress has no role to play in day-to-day operations of that or any Executive department. That’s what separation of powers means.

Hardly seems to be the secret you claim it is. Maybe you’re the one out of touch?

@retire05: How to you know they haven’t?

@Nathan Blue:

It was the same context in which you used it. Own it.

in Oklahoma; Excellent post, a catalog of the repeated failures of the Obama WH to date. If the Left and their adherents are still swallowing whole the convoluted narrative and manipulations Obama peddles they are well past reason.They have no no problem with a WH, whose actions betray those who serve at its pleasure.If that recurring tendency has not raised questions among them, then there is nothing about Obama that will.That ensures that eventually a future president will have to clean up what Obama is leaving trashed in his wake. A nation overburdened by failed and wasteful social welfare programs and a military weakened to the lowest level since 1916.

Nathan Blue

Nathan Blue
best to you


With regard to the immigration release, I think you’ll find that the Secretary of DHS has wide ranging power to carry our the statutory duties of that office, which would include the dismissal of charges if that is appropriate

Oh, but wait; didn’t Napolitano say that she was unaware of the releases and that they were done by “career” officers? Just like it was “career” officers that ordered the facilitation of Fast and Furious. So how do you account for the fact that Napolitano is now claiming no responsibility for the releases?

Maybe you’re the one out of touch?

Pot, meet kettle.

But alas, I must join in Nathan Blue’s decision to retire. Dealing with a liberal troll (you) has the same effect as an Ambian.


Yet, there have been no mosques burned, no Muslims taken out to the woods and hung, no Muslim businesses destroyed by angry vandals.

There haven’t?!

Just a quick google search…..

Missouri mosque destroyed in second fire in a month

Man pleads guilty to mosque arson fire in Ohio

Two Charged with Hate Crime for Anti-Muslim Vandalism in Revere, Massachusetts

Muslim Storeowner Says He Was Victim Of Hate Crime

This is by no means a comprehensive listing:

• Sept. 11, 2001 – Ronkonkoma, New York
Brian Harris, 29, was charged with a hate crime after he allegedly held an Arab American at gunpoint while making anti-Arab threats.

• Sept. 11, 2001 – Eugene, Oregon
Christopher Paul Younce, 33, was charged with a hate crime after allegedly making a threatening phone call to the Islamic Cultural Center.

• Sept. 12, 2001 – South Huntington, New York
Adam Lang, 76, was charged with first-degree reckless endangerment and a hate crime after he allegedly tried to run down a Pakistani woman with his car.

• Sept. 13, 2001 – Somerset, California
Craig Jennings, 18; Jeffrey Lizotte, 17, and a 16-year-old were charged with a hate crime after allegedly throwing a Molotov cocktail onto the roof of a convenience store owned by Arab Americans.

• Sept. 12, 2001 – Salt Lake City, Utah
Michael Herrick, a 31-year-old white man, was charged with first-degree felony aggravated arson and a hate crime after allegedly starting a fire at a Pakistani family’s restaurant.

• Sept. 13, 2001 – Chicago, Illinois
Andrew Holden, a 49-year-old white man, was charged with assault, a hate crime and disorderly conduct after allegedly threatening to bomb a food store owned by an Arab American.

• Sept. 13, 2001 – Bloomington, Indiana
A Muslim student was allegedly assaulted and verbally harassed by a white student.

• Sept. 15, 2001 – Mesa, Arizona
Balbir Singh Sodhi, a 49-year-old Sikh and native of India, was fatally shot outside his gas station by Frank Silva Roque, who mistakenly believed Sodhi was Muslim. Roque then allegedly fired shots at a man of Lebanese descent working at another gas station, and at an Afghan family’s residence.

• Sept. 15, 2001 – Dallas, Texas
Waqar Hasan, a 46-year-old Pakistani immigrant, was shot to death in his convenience store. Mark Stroman, who allegedly said he was angry with people of Middle Eastern descent after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, was charged with Hasan’s murder. Stroman was also charged with the Oct. 4 murder of Vasudev Patel, a 49-year-old native of India, at a gas station convenience store in Mesquite, Texas.

• Sept. 18, 2001 – Fort Worth, Texas
Three middle school students were charged with making a terroristic threat after allegedly threatening and harassing a schoolmate of Indian descent.

• Sept. 19, 2001 – San Francisco, California
Anti-Arab graffiti was spray-painted on an Iraqi-American grocery store in three separate incidents.

• Sept. 29, 2001 – Reedley, California
Abdo Ali Ahmed, a 51-year-old Yemeni man, was shot to death outside his convenience store. Two days earlier a note reading, “We’re going to kill all (expletive) Arabs,” was left on his car windshield.

• Oct. 16, 2001 – Racine, Wisconsin
Andrew E. Savagae, 40, was charged with a hate crime for allegedly yelling at an Indian store owner Savage believed to be of Middle Eastern descent.

• Oct. 18, 2001 – Detroit, Michigan
Douglas Snyder, 46, was charged with five counts of felony ethnic intimidation for allegedly using the Internet to threaten Arab Americans.

• Oct. 21, 2001 – Anaheim, California
Several Asian men shouted ethnic slurs and allegedly assaulted a man of Asian-Indian descent who they thought was Middle Eastern.

• Oct. 21, 2001 – New York, New York
Three men allegedly attacked a Pakistani store owner.

• Oct. 30, 2001 – Los Angeles, California
A swastika and the phrase “Go home Arab” was spray-painted on a business owned by an Arab-American man.

• Oct. 30, 2001 – Elgin, Illinois
Jose Ares-Torres, 27, was charged with committing a felony hate crime and disorderly conduct for allegedly threatening to kill Muslims.

• Oct. 31, 2001 – Grand Forks, North Dakota
Kevin Dvork, 22, was charged with simple assault for allegedly attacking a Saudi Arabian student.

• Nov. 1, 2001 – Prince William, Virginia
Stanley Elburn Smith III, 27, and James M. Terrell, 25, were charged with assault and battery, malicious wounding and fraud for allegedly assaulting a Pakistani man.

• Nov. 2, 2001 – Seattle, Washington
A 36-year-old man and two teenage boys were charged with suspicion of second-degree arson and malicious harassment after allegedly setting a fire at a local mosque.

• Nov. 2, 2001 – Tacoma, Washington
A bomb was detonated outside the home of a family of Middle Eastern descent.

• Nov. 6, 2001 – Madison, Wisconsin
Jeremy A. Giese, 21, was charged with a hate crime, criminal damage to property and disorderly conduct for allegedly smashing the window of a bar after seeing two men who appeared to be of Middle Eastern descent.

• Nov. 7, 2001 – Tulelake, California
Three white men allegedly fired gunshots while yelling racial slurs at a Latino man they believed was of Arab descent.

• Nov. 12, 2001 – Trenton, Michigan
Rob Moran, 20, was charged with ethnic intimidation for allegedly harassing a woman of Palestinian-Muslim descent.

• Nov. 17, 2001 – Waterbury, Connecticut
Rocks were thrown through windows at a local mosque during a Ramadan prayer service.

• Jan. 7, 2002 – Salt Lake City, Utah
James Herrick, 32, was sentenced to four years in prison for trying to set fire to a Pakistani-American family’s business in September 2001.

• Feb. 2, 2002 – Cooper City, Florida
A Muslim mosque and school were ransacked.

• Feb. 19, 2002 – Palermo, New York
Mitchel Trumble, 18, was charged with felony criminal mischief as a hate crime and fourth-degree criminal mischief for allegedly participating in the destruction of a Sikh temple in November.

• Feb. 21, 2002 – Norwalk, California
James Scott Yungkans, 37, was sentenced to a year in jail and placed on three years’ probation for threatening a store clerk of Middle Eastern descent in September.

• March 25, 2002 – Tallahassee, Florida
Charles Franklin, 51, was charged with burglary and criminal mischief after allegedly vandalizing a local mosque because he hated Muslims.

• April 10, 2002 – Oswego, New York
Joshua Centrone, William J. Reeves and Mitcheal W. Trumbull, all 18, and Cassie Hudson, 19, were charged with a hate crime for allegedly burning a Sikh temple in September 2001. Centrone was sentenced in May to three to nine years in prison.

• April 12, 2002 – Madison, Wisconsin
Thomas D. Iverson, 45, was sentenced to two years and three months in prison for making a threatening call to a man of Middle Eastern descent in September 2001.

• May 4, 2002 – Alexandria, Virginia
Michael Woolls, 24, was charged with assault, attempted assault motivated by bias against national origin, and destruction of property after allegedly throwing a brick through the car window of a man of Middle Eastern descent.

• May 14, 2002 – New York, New York
• William Reeves, 18, was sentenced to four to 12 years in prison for setting fire to a Sikh temple in November 2001.

• May 22, 2002 – Evansville, Indiana
John Joseph Kirkwood, 28, was sentenced to four years in prison for driving his car into an Islamic center in September.

• May 28, 2002 – Parish, New York
Cassie J. Hudson, 19, was sentenced to three months in prison for vandalizing and setting fire to a Sikh temple in November. Hudson was placed on probation for five years, ordered to perform 200 hours of community service and fined $1,000.

• May 28, 2002 – Kent, Washington
John Bethel, 45, was sentenced to nearly two years in prison for assaulting a man of Indian descent after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

• June 8, 2002 – Gainesville, Florida
Robert Rowland, 53, was charged with two hate crimes after allegedly threatening three people of Indian descent while spraying them with bug spray.

• July 7, 2002 – Nassau, New York
John Yang, 25, was charged with second-degree criminal mischief, second-degree menacing and fourth-degree criminal possession of a dangerous weapon for allegedly threatening to shoot two Muslim brothers while yelling racial slurs. Anti-Muslim epithets were also spray-painted on the family’s property.

• July 15, 2002 – Detroit, Michigan
Brent D. Seever, 38, was sentenced to life in prison for killing an Arab-American man after the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

• July 23, 2002 – Heber City, Utah
A Muslim-owned hotel was set afire.

• July 30, 2002 – Baltimore, Maryland
Dennis Odell Coe, a 32-year-old white man, was charged with three counts of committing a crime upon a person for ethnic reasons, two counts of second-degree assault and one count each of malicious destruction of property and disorderly conduct for allegedly attacking two men of Middle Eastern descent.

• Aug. 6, 2002 – Reno, Nevada
David Nolette, 15, and Scott Cannady, 17, were sentenced to up to 40 years in prison for the baseball beatings of two Muslim men in March 2001. Nolette and Cannady were also ordered to pay $563,000 in restitution to one victim and $850 to the other.

• Aug. 8. 2002 – Palos Hills, Illinois
John Stewart, 34, was sentenced to two years of probation and 20 hours of community service for threatening his Syrian neighbors after the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

• Aug. 22, 2002 – Seminole, Florida
Dr. Robert Goldstein, 37, was charged with possessing destructive devices and attempting to damage and destroy buildings by means of explosive devices after a police search of his residence turned up 20 homemade explosive devices, two light rockets, a sniper rifle, an assortment of assault rifles and 25,000 rounds of ammunition. Also found was a plan to target Islamic Centers in Florida, with the objective to “Kill all ‘rags’ at this Islamic Education Center.”

• Aug. 27, 2002 – Boston, Massachusetts
Zachary J. Rolnik, 40, was sentenced to two months in prison and fined $5,000 for threatening to kill an Arab-American spokesman and his family.

• Aug. 28, 2002 – Santa Barbara, California
Thomas W. Byrne, 42, was charged with suspicion of making terroristic threats, possessing a handgun and committing a hate crime for allegedly attacking and threatening a man of Iranian descent while yelling racial slurs.

• Aug. 30, 2002 – Palo Alto, California
Sanjay Nair, an 18-year-old Hindu man, allegedly raped a 15-year-old Muslim girl and made derogatory comments about her religion.

• Aug. 31, 2002 – Selden, New York
Richard Bossi, 19, and Matthew Martin, 18, were charged with second-degree aggravated harassment after they allegedly taunted and attacked a Pakistani woman and her 15-year-old son.

• Sept. 4, 2002 – Chicago, Illinois
A man allegedly attacked a female Muslim student on a college campus.

• Sept. 14, 2002 – Sterling, Virginia
Swastikas and ethnic slurs were spray-painted on a Muslim community center.

• Sept. 30, 2002 – Boise, Idaho
A mosque was vandalized after receiving a series of threatening phone calls.

• Oct. 4, 2002 – Queens, New York
Two men allegedly attacked a 17-year-old Middle Eastern teenager because of his ethnicity while accusing him of being in the Taliban and blaming him for the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

• Nov. 19, 2002 – Boston, Massachusetts
Phea Meas, 24; Jamie Roldan, 23, and another man were charged with a hate crime after allegedly beating a Pakistani convenience store clerk.

• Dec. 2, 2002 – Annapolis, Maryland
Ray C. Bailey, 21; David J. Grobani, 19, and Robert J. Canter, 20, were charged with assault and committing a hate crime after allegedly making ethnic slurs and attacking a cab driver of Middle Eastern descent.

• March 17, 2003 – Boca Raton, Florida
George Aboujawdeh, 46, was sentenced to one month in prison after repeatedly setting fire to a sign announcing the new site of an Islamic community Center and mosque.

• March 21, 2003 – Burbank, Illinois
A fireworks device was thrown into a Palestinian Muslim family’s van. Eric K. Nix, 24, was convicted in 2006 of arson, criminal property damage and committing a hate crime.

• April 14, 2003 – Frederick, Maryland
A 10-year-old Muslim girl was allegedly harassed repeatedly at school because of her religion.

• April 22, 2003 – Brooklyn, New York
Max Abrahamowitz, 29, allegedly assaulted a Muslim woman while yelling racial slurs.

• May 12, 2003 – Bensalem, Pennsylvania
Three boys, two white 13-year-olds and a black 12-year-old, allegedly attacked an 8-year-old child of Middle Eastern descent while calling him “you Saddam Hussein helper” and telling him to “go back to Iraq.”

• May 19, 2003 – Tallahassee, Florida
Charles Franklin, 41, was sentenced to more than two years in federal prison for driving his pickup truck into a mosque while yelling anti-Muslim threats in March 2002.

• June 4, 2003 – San Diego, California
Hundreds of copies of a publication portraying Muslim women as sexual objects and ridiculing Jews, Jesus and Palestinians were distributed at the University of California – San Diego.

• June 22, 2003 – Boston, Massachusetts
Three men were arrested for allegedly hog-tying, beating and stabbing a pizza deliveryman because they mistakenly believed he was Muslim.

• June 23, 2003 – Salem, Oregon
A 12-year-old Israeli Arab boy playing outside his house was allegedly called a terrorist and punched in the face by another 12-year-old.

• July 24, 2003 – College Park, Maryland
A wooden cross was burned at an Islamic school. Two 17-year-old boys were charged with harassment related to religious beliefs and damaging the property of a religious entity.

• Sept. 16, 2003 – Bronx, New York
A 14-year-old teenage boy was charged with assault, aggravated harassment and menacing for allegedly attacking a Muslim girl while yelling racial slurs.

• Sept. 18, 2003 – Tempe, Arizona
A swastika, a thunderbolt-shaped “SS” and other Nazi symbols were spray-painted on a mosque.

• March 6, 2004 – Lubbock, Texas
Anti-Islamic and pro-American slogans were written on an Islamic Center that was also burglarized. Four teenagers were charged with burglary.

• March 9, 2004 – Davis, California
A white man allegedly made a comment about terrorists to a Middle Eastern man at a gas station and later pointed a handgun at the man and made threatening remarks.

• April 6, 2004 – Tampa, Florida
Two women and a man allegedly attacked a Muslim woman, yanking on her headscarf and calling Muslim people violent, reportedly in reaction to the commuter-train bombing in Spain.

• April 19, 2004 – Dover Township, New Jersey
Windows at an Islamic Center were broken, walls were damaged and swastikas and sexually explicit and anti-Semitic statements were scrawled on two doors.

• April 22, 2004 – Denton, Texas
A window and glass door of an Islamic Society building were shot out.

• May 10, 2004 – Miami, Florida
A Muslim mosque was broken into and ransacked. A glass door was smashed, telephone lines were cut, and an alarm system was destroyed.

• May 11, 2004 – Omaha, Nebraska
A 33-year-old man allegedly left two threatening voice mail messages on an Islamic Center’s answering machine.

• May 12, 2004 – Miami, Florida
Obscenities and a swastika were spray-painted at an Islamic school.

• May 13, 2004 – Miami, Florida
A note reading “Kill them all in the name of Allah” was left in an Islamic Center’s mailbox.

• July 8, 2004 – Edmonds, Washington
A cross was burned in the front lawn of a family of Middle Eastern descent.

• July 24, 2004 – Buffalo, New York
Two women in a car allegedly chased and threatened two teenage sisters while yelling obscenities and making references to the sisters’ Islamic background.

• Aug. 18, 2004 – New York, New York
Brian Lydon, 45, was charged with third-degree assault and harassment for allegedly attacking a man of Middle Eastern descent while yelling, “You are Muslim.”

• Sept. 16, 2004 – Berkeley, California
Three men allegedly used racial slurs and hurled water bottles at eight Muslim students at the University of California, Berkeley.

• Sept. 20, 2004 – El Paso, Texas
Antonio Flores, 57, was charged with arson and weapons charges after he allegedly tossed a makeshift firebomb at children playing outside an Islamic daycare center.

• Aug. 9, 2005 – Arlington, Virginia
Three white men allegedly shouted racial slurs at a pregnant black Muslim woman.

• Oct. 1, 2005 – Coralville, Iowa
Troy Carter Anderson, 24, was charged with a hate crime and assault causing bodily injury for allegedly punching a Middle Eastern woman outside a bar and calling her a derogatory name.

• April 1, 2006 – Waco, Texas
A white man allegedly used anti-Muslim and ethnic slurs and attacked a female Muslim student at Baylor University.

• July 21, 2006 – Naperville, Illinois
An Islamic Center was burglarized.

• July 31, 2006 – Cliffside Park, New Jersey
A woman and her toddler were allegedly assaulted by their neighbor, who yelled racial slurs and screamed, “You Arabs, I’m going to get you back for Sept. 11.” William Brown, 62, was charged with two counts of aggravated assault and one count of bias intimidation.

• Oct. 31, 2006 – St. Peters, Missouri
The letters “KKK” and the words “Kill Muslim” were spray-painted on a Pakistani man’s garage door.

• Nov. 27, 2006 – Detroit, Michigan
A group of ten white men assaulted a Muslim man outside his home.

• Jan. 24, 2007 – Newark, New Jersey
A mosque was set afire. The blaze appeared to have begun in coils of rope put on a back deck of the building.

• Feb. 20, 2007 – Ballard, Washington
A white man and a white woman allegedly used racial slurs against a Yemeni deli owner and his Yemeni employee and called them terrorists before assaulting the owner. Brian D. Lappin, 35, and Nichol A. Kirk, 25, were charged with malicious harassment under the state’s hate crime law.

• May 12, 2007 – Little Falls, New Jersey
David Liscio, 32, was charged with harassment, making terroristic threats and bias intimidation after he allegedly shouted racial slurs at a Latino Muslim woman.

• May 22, 2007 – Lynn Haven, Florida
Thomas E. Plaisted was charged with battery evidencing bias after he allegedly spit on a Muslim child and shoved another at a fast-food restaurant.

• June 23, 2007 – St. Cloud, Minnesota
Phillip Joseph Massa, 33, was charged with obstructing the legal process and fourth-degree gross misdemeanor assault motivated by bias after he allegedly assaulted a man of Muslim descent.

• June 29, 2007 – Nutley, New Jersey
Kerri A. Livesay, 34, was charged with simple assault and a bias crime after allegedly screaming curses and assaulting a teen wearing traditional Muslim garb at a store.

• July 6, 2007 – Sarasota, Florida
Anti-Islamic epithets were spray-painted on a Bosnian family’s residence that was then set afire.

• July 13, 2007 – San Antonio, Texas
A Muslim family’s vehicles were vandalized with messages telling them to move.

• July 30, 2007 – Shreveport, Louisiana
Russell Price, 22, a 16-year-old and a 14-year-old were charged with spray-painting profanity and drug symbols on an Islamic Association building.

• Aug. 6, 2007 – Glendale, Arizona
A chemical bomb was tossed from a car at a mosque. The bomb landed near two people associated with the Albanian American Islamic Center.

• July 26, 2007 – Corvallis, Oregon
Jesse J. Mason, 24, was arrested after allegedly throwing furniture and smashing a window at a residence of two men he believed were of Middle Eastern descent while yelling, “This is America — Arabs and al-Qaida out of the country.” Mason also allegedly had spit on the two men a few days earlier and made similar remarks in front of a bar.

• Sept. 11, 2007 – Tempe, Arizona
Michael Estes, 32, was charged with suspicion of disorderly conduct after he allegedly cursed at an imam at an Islamic community center and made other negative remarks to him on the sixth anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

• Sept. 15, 2007 – Matinecock, New York
An Iranian-American nail salon owner was allegedly beaten by two robbers who called her a “terrorist” and scrawled anti-Muslim messages on a mirror in her shop.

• Oct. 6, 2007 – Bakersfield, California
Two men allegedly entered the women’s section of a mosque and yelled anti-Middle Eastern slurs such as “terrorists go home.” Later that night, about 10 people allegedly smashed windows and damaged cars at the mosque.

•Oct. 24, 2007 – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Kia Reid, 35, a former hotel-catering manager who in October 2006 sent her Arab-American boss an anonymous note threatening her children and referring to 9/11, was sentenced to two years of probation.

• Jan. 14, 2008 – New Hyde Park, New York
A 63-year-old Sikh man was attacked outside his temple, allegedly by a man who yelled profanities and screamed, “Arab, go back to your country.” David Wood, 36, was second-degree assault as a hate crime, second- and third-degree assault and second-degree aggravated harassment.

• Jan. 22, 2008 – Blaine, Minnesota
Three men used bottles of combustible liquid to set a fire in a convenience store. The word “Arab” was also spray-painted on the building.

• March 11, 2008 – Hayward, California
Manuel Urango was found guilty of first-degree murder in the death of Alia Ansari, an Afghani-born mother of six. Ansari was killed allegedly because of her Muslim heritage.

• March 26, 2008 – Nashville, Tennessee
Eric Ian Baker, 32, Michael Corey Golden, 23, and Jonathan Edward Stone, 18, were indicted on federal civil rights charges for burning down an Islamic Center on Feb. 9, 2008. Stone and Baker reportedly identified themselves as followers of the white supremacist Christian Identity movement.

• May 22, 2008 – Rochester, Minnesota
Three teens were charged with bias crimes, including gross misdemeanor harassment, after they allegedly yelled racial slurs and spit on a person outside an Islamic Center.

• July 3, 2008 – Seattle, Washington
Edward Campbell, 42, was charged with one count of malicious harassment after he allegedly called a store clerk, whom he believed was Muslim, a terrorist and struck him on the head with a can of beer.

• Sept. 25, 2008 – Joplin, Missouri
A sign at the Islamic Society was set afire.

• Nov. 1, 2008 – Gaithersburg, Maryland
An Islamic Center was hit with 30 paintball blasts to its building.

• Jan. 1, 2009 – Miami, Florida
An Islamic school was sprayed with bullets.

• Jan. 1, 2009 – Oakland, Pennsylvania
An Islamic Center was vandalized.

• June 27, 2009 – Yermo, California
Ali Abdelhadi Mohd, 51, a native of Jordan, was found burned to death in his family’s vacant house that had been set afire. Mohd was at the residence to clean anti-Arab and white supremacist graffiti that had been scrawled inside. A mosque on the family’s property also was set afire in 2007.

• July 1, 2009 – Seattle, Washington
Eric Lee Garner, 24, was charged with second-degree assault and malicious harassment for allegedly making anti-Muslim remarks and threatening to cut a woman and her infant.

• Aug. 20, 2009 – Smithtown, New York
Joseph Ballance, 23, was charged with aggravated harassment for allegedly attempting to run over two Muslim women at a gas station and threatening to kill them because of their religion.

• Sept. 8, 2009 – Ann Arbor, Michigan
A 16-year-old Muslim girl of Iraqi heritage was allegedly attacked on a school bus by a group of people who shouted ethnic slurs. Her brother was also allegedly attacked while coming to her defense.

• Sept. 8, 2009 – Cape Girardeau, Missouri
Nicholas T. Proffit, 32, was sentenced to three years in prison for vandalizing an Islamic Center in May.

• Nov. 7, 2009 – Tinley Park, Illinois
Valerie Kenney, 54, was charged with a hate crime for allegedly yanking the headscarf of a Muslim woman two days after the Fort Hood shootings.

• Nov. 9, 2009 – Farmingville, New York
A Muslim woman’s home was burglarized, vandalized and defaced with graffiti.

• Nov. 22, 2009 – Kinsman, Illinois
Scott Finch and Luke Harty, both 32, were charged with aggravated battery for allegedly assaulting a Muslim man outside a tavern.

• Dec. 3, 2009 – Coeur d’Alene, Idaho
Swastikas and a racial slur were spray-painted on a pickup truck belonging to a Muslim man of Jordanian descent.

• Dec. 8, 2009 – St. Cloud, Minnesota
Anti-Islamic cartoons featuring swastikas were left on utility poles, one of which was outside a store catering to Somali people.

• Jan. 1, 2010 – Costa Mesa, California
A burned and torn copy of the Koran was left in the parking lot of the Islamic Educational Center for the second time in a month.

• Jan. 16, 2010 – Murfreesboro, Tennessee
A sign marking the future site of the city’s Islamic Center was spray-painted with the words “not welcome.”

• Feb. 10, 2010 – Nashville, Tennessee
An Islamic Center was defaced with the words “Muslims Go Home” and a crusade-style cross.

• May 10, 2010 – Jacksonville, Florida
A homemade pipe bomb exploded at an Islamic Center.

• June 11, 2010 – Sunnyvale, California
A Muslim man who was holding a copy of the Koran was allegedly attacked by two men who called the victim a terrorist.

• June 23, 2010 – Murfreesboro, Tennessee
A sign marking the future site of an Islamic Center was vandalized for the second time in less than six months.

• June 25, 2010 – Bellevue, Washington
A van parked near a mosque and bearing advertisements about Islam was smeared with what appeared to be dog feces.

• Aug. 6, 2010 – Arlington, Texas
Pornographic graffiti depicting Uncle Sam having sex with Allah was spray-painted in the parking lot of an Islamic Center where other acts of graffiti and a fire have occurred.

• Aug. 20, 2010 – Madera, California
A brick was thrown at an Islamic Center building. Previously three anti-Islamic signs, including one signed by the “American
Nationalist Brotherhood,” had been left at the center.

Aug. 24, 2010 – Madera, California
Signs reading, “Wake up America, the enemy is here,” were left at an Islamic Center.

• Aug. 24, 2010 – New York, New York
Michael Enright, 21, allegedly slashed a taxi driver’s neck and face after Enright discovered the man was Muslim. Enright was charged with attempted murder, assault as a hate crime and possession of a weapon.

• Aug. 25, 2010 – Queens, New York
A drunken man allegedly shouted anti-Muslim slurs and urinated on prayer rugs in a mosque.

• Aug. 28, 2010 – Murfreesboro, Tennessee
A piece of construction equipment was set afire and gasoline was poured over other pieces of equipment at the future site of an Islamic Center.

• Aug. 30, 2010 – Carlton, New York
Five teenagers were arrested for allegedly harassing worshippers and yelling obscenities outside a mosque after Ramadan services.

• Sept. 9, 2010 – Reno, Nevada
Anti-Muslim graffiti was spray-painted on a retaining wall.

• Sept. 11, 2010 – Columbus, Ohio
The numbers “9-11” were spray-painted on windows and countertops at a Muslim-owned market. Some cash and a laptop computer were also stolen and several display cases were vandalized.

• Sept. 20, 2010 – Lafayette, Louisiana
A car in the parking lot of an Islamic community center was set afire.

• Sept. 22, 2010 – Fairview Heights, Illinois
Roman Otto Conway, 59, was arrested after a seven-hour standoff with law enforcement officers who had come to his residence to investigate telephone threats he allegedly made against the Muslim community and President Obama. Conway also allegedly posted on Facebook that he planned to burn a copy of the Koran.

• Oct. 4, 2010 – Manhattan, New York
The wife of the imam of the Muslim community center proposed to be built near the spot of the 9/11 terror attacks said she and her husband had received death threats over an extended period of time.

• Oct. 10, 2010 – Staten Island, New York
Three 14-year-old Latino youths and one 15-year-old black youth were charged with assault and aggravated harassment after they allegedly taunted a fellow classmate for his Muslim faith and repeatedly assaulted him from October 2009 to June 2010.

• Oct. 10, 2010 – Florence, South Carolina
The words “Pig Chump” were spelled out in bacon outside an Islamic Center.

• Oct. 13, 2010 – New York, New York
A Muslim woman and her 4-year-old son were allegedly attacked by a man who called her “a terrorist,” punched her in the face and tried to hit her son.

• Oct. 16, 2010 – Burien, Washington
Jennifer Leigh Jennings, 37, was charged with a hate crime after she allegedly kicked one Muslim woman and slammed a car door on another at a gas station while yelling anti-Muslim remarks.

• Oct. 26, 2010 – Oxford, North Carolina
A white man was charged with ethnic intimidation after he allegedly shouted slurs and spit on a black woman when he discovered she was Muslim.

• Nov. 28, 2010 – Portland, Oregon
An inmate at the county jail allegedly used anti-Muslim slurs and assaulted another inmate.

• Nov. 29, 2010 – Sacramento, California
A Muslim cab driver was allegedly attacked by a passenger who allegedly robbed him while making references to Osama Bin Laden.

• Dec. 14, 2010 – Cincinnati, Ohio
An E-mail was sent to the Islamic Association of Cincinnati that
stated, “You should know that you are not wanted in Cincinnati … We don’t want you here. Mohammad is a joke. Go back to your desert. Beware. We may just declare jihad on you.”

• Dec. 22, 2010 – Twin Falls, Idaho
A Muslim woman shopping with her two children was allegedly threatened by a man who claimed he had killed Muslims and planned to kill more and that he had a concealed weapon. The man was charged with felony malicious harassment.

• Feb. 4, 2011 – St. Petersburg, Florida
Bradley Kent Strott, 52, allegedly stabbed a 57-year-old Muslim man during a conversation at a bar after the man told Strott he was a Muslim. Strott, who allegedly said, “Muslims are the root of the problem” during the attack, was charged with hate crime aggravated battery.

• Feb. 13, 2011 – Yorba Linda, California
A group of 100 protesters taunt Muslims, including small children, entering a fundraising event with statements such as “Muhammad was a child molester!,” “Go back home! Terrorists!,” and “Why not go have sex with a 9-year-old?” A city councilwoman had earlier told the protesters that she “kn[e]w quite a few Marines who will be very happy to help these terrorists to an early meeting in paradise.”

• March 6, 2011 – Fairfield, Iowa
An Arab-American filmmaker was repeatedly punched and kicked allegedly by four men who used racial slurs during the attack. The incident occurred after the man, who had entered a residence while looking for a party, told the men his name was Usama.

• Week of March 7, 2011 – Anaheim, California
A page torn from a copy of the Koran, with an expletive written on it, was taped to a Muslim woman’s car. Foam was sprayed on the driver’s seat and the vehicle was vandalized with a key.

Obviously, you think it wrong to vilify those who are actually villains.

I think it’s wrong to confuse who the actual villains were and are that attacked us on 9/11.


Think it hasn’t happened in the U.S. before? As the children of those detained in FDR’s “reeducation” camps who were of Japanese heritage. An American president deciding that Americans could not be trusted because of the color of their skin.

In what way were the internment camps “reeducation” camps? And was “color of their skin” the only reason for internment? All based on racism?

So I take it you will be one of the first to stand up and defend Muslims’ right to practice Islam in this country; and protest should our government decide to roundup Muslims for the purposes of “reeducation” camps?

Brian Winkler
nice to have you here .
best to you

@Al Reasin: #43
If he wants to sit in the pot with the other frogs, you can’t make him jump.

I honestly believe that the media, congress, and probably the white house have been infiltrated. I just realized the ones doing the infiltrating are probably getting on the most popular conservative blogs and trying to spread their agenda. This is how they work. How do we know which libs are just the misguided, and which ones are there for a purpose?

@SkippingDog: #58
Whenever I hear something new to me, I don’t automatically decide what I believe about it. Some things I have taken years to decide how I believe on it. The gay issue is one. I don’t belong to either party. It is hard to tell them apart any more. I want them all thrown out, and there won’t be any baby thrown out with the bath water.

I forget the name of the Spanish organization, but they are the ones who made it mandatory that Spanish speaking illegals be given an interpreter to translate what the teachers are saying into Spanish. One girl graduated from high school and can’t speak English. I would have liked the media to follow her and see how she does in her job hunting.

This organization wants to take back the part of America that we took from them. This is one reason they want illegals taught in Spanish.

Word #90 I’ve noticed, that like Aye, you never bring a knife to a gunfight. GOOD JOB

@SkippingDog: #67
You can thank Bill Clinton for the towers coming down. I don’t remember the exact events, or where or when they happened, but al-Qaeda blew up our military barracks, and over 100 soldiers died. Clinton did nothing. They tried to blow up the World Trade Center the first time. Clinton did nothing. They blew a hole in the Navy ship Cole. Clinton did nothing.

Clinton was offered Osama bin Laden three separate times by the government or governments who had him. Each time he said he couldn’t find a legal reason to keep him. Keep in mind that Osama was the #1 wanted terrorist we wanted. He was the ace of spades in the deck of cards for the terrorists we wanted. Bush would have taken him without any questions.

Each time Osama blew something up, and Clinton did nothing, Osama told his followers how the USA was afraid of him, and he gained more followers after each explosion. The propaganda media knows they couldn’t blame Bush without the conservative news media jumping all over them for not reporting how Clinton did nothing, so they left that story alone.

Since I am on the subject of Clinton, the way he had a balanced budget was he and his democratic congress reduced the military budget way down. At one point my son said he hadn’t had a pay raise for three years. I don’t know how long after that it was before he got one. Our Navy tanker fleet was reduced to 1/2.

Clinton and his congress also reduced the size of the intelligence gathering community. Agents had to be recalled from around the world. We had two agents in Iraq at the time, and they were called back. It wasn’t too long after that that the towers came down, because we had to rely on information from other countries.

Why didn’t the propaganda media report any of this?

The Beirut barracks bombing you refer to was in 1983, when Ronald Reagan was president. Bill Clinton was the Governor of Arkansas at the time, so there really wasn’t much he could have done.

The USS Cole was attacked in 2000, just prior to the election. There was widespread coverage at the time, just as there was for the 1998 attacks on our embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. Clinton ordered attacks on targets in both Afghanistan and Sudan in response, and was widely criticised at the time by Republicans who claimed his military retaliation was just to divert attention from the Lewinsky matter.

GWB knew about bin Laden’s planned attacks as early as June of 2001, but did nothing to preempt them whatsoever. You can read about it here:

There are several reasons our tanker fleet was reduced. One was that most of our ships by then ran on nuclear power, so there were fewer fleet oilers needed. The second was the transfer of fleet oilers from the USN to the USNS, which changes the registration of the vessel from a USN ship to a maritime merchant vessel.

You Clinton haters usually only give him credit for balancing the budget because he had both the “peace dividend” from the end of the Cold War and because he had a Republican House beginning in 1994. If you look at the military pay tables from the period of the Clinton presidency, ( you’ll find that military pay went up approximately 16% during his 8 years in office. That’s not great, but it is a rate of 2% per year, which kept up with the CPI for the time. The BAH for military personnel was also increased during that period.

As John Adams noted long ago, “Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”

SkippingDog FYI Late night Smorg always claims his equal distain for both parties but his comments consistently show him carrying water for Repubs, as he bashes all things Dem.
Thanks for keepin em all honest on this thread.


There’s an excellent book that describes the motives behind the actions we’ve seen: “The Paranoid Style in American Politics” by Richard Hofstadter. Even though it was written in 1964, it is as accurate and relevant today as it was then.

Your local library will undoubtedly have a copy available, or will be able to easily obtain one for you to read.

@Richard Wheeler:

Thanks for the heads-up.