More Reasons for Liberals to Hate Mitt Romney

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A few months ago, I gave you ten reasons to hate Mitt Romney.  With less than two weeks to go to the elections, I offer you ten more reasons to hate him (if you're a liberal). Many of these are taken from the book “The Real Romney.”

Reason 11: After Joey O’Donnell, 12, died of cystic fibrosis in 1986, Romney built a playground in his honor. “There he was, with a hammer in his belt, the Mitt nobody sees,” the boy’s father and Romney’s neighbor, Joseph O’Donnell, told Michael Kranish and Scott Helman, authors of The Real Romney. A year later, Joey’s Park needed maintenance. “The next thing I know, my wife calls me up and says, ‘You’re not going to believe this, but Mitt Romney is down with a bunch of Boy Scouts and they’re working on the park.’ . . . He did it for like the next five years, without ever calling to say, ‘We’re doing this,’ without a reporter in tow, not looking for any credit.”

Reason 12: On a chilly December night in the 1980s, a Mormon bishop told Romney about a parishioner’s daughter. This single mom, a non-church member, was shivering after her heating oil had been shut off. Romney and his sons stuffed their Gran Torino with firewood, drove from Boston’s affluent Belmont suburb to the modest Dorchester district, unloaded the logs, and built a fire for the relieved family.

Reason 13: Ellen Hummel’s father worked with Romney at Bain Capital, but died when she was just 5. She later asked Romney to help her attend Columbia Medical School. He loaned her tuition money. Just before graduation, Hummel received a Christmas letter from Romney. “It was something caring,” Dr. Hummel, now a Michigan general practitioner, told “It was something saying, ‘This is a gift.’” Romney forgave Dr. Hummel’s loan.

Reason 14: In 1995, Romney heard about the Nixons, a family who moved to Boston. Soon after, a car wreck left their sons paraplegic. Romney called and asked if they were available on Christmas Eve. Romney, his wife, and his sons arrived with a stereo and other gifts for the crippled boys. Romney offered to put them through college and supported them through numerous fundraisers. As their father buy cialis online without a prescriptionice-guy/article/1287521″>told Kranish and Helman, “It wasn’t a one-time thing.”

Reason 15: Melissa Gay, Bain Capital partner Robert Gay’s daughter, vanished while visiting New York City in July 1996. Then-CEO Romney closed the evil Bain’s Boston headquarters and jetted to Gotham to find the 14-year-old. Romney flew in his private-equity company’s 50 employees and transformed a Marriott Hotel into a command post. He consulted the NYPD and recruited private eyes. He dispatched staffers to enlist Bain’s business associates. Bain’s printer, R. R. Donnelly, produced 300,000 missing-person fliers. Bain’s CPAs at Price Waterhouse placed the handbills all over town. Duane Reade, a Bain-portfolio company, stuck leaflets in shopping bags at 52 local outlets.

Five days after Melissa disappeared, someone rang Bain’s tip line to ask about a reward. The NYPD traced the call to a New Jersey home, where a 17-year-old had, unbeknownst to his parents, hidden the disoriented and drugged child.

 Romney’s focus and management saved Melissa. She now is a happily married mother who teaches fourth grade.

Reason 16: Romney learned that a member of his church fractured his foot after tumbling from a ladder while trying to dislodge a hornet’s nest. As Philip Klein explained in the Washington Examiner, “Romney showed up and devised a way of removing it from the inside of the house.”

Reason 17: A home once burst into flames near Romney’s residence. Kranish and Helman report that Romney “organized the gathered neighbors, and they began dashing into the house to rescue what they could: a desk, couches, books” until fire fighters arrived.

Reason 18: The Romneys were vacationing in New Hampshire in 2003 when screams shook the Independence Day air. Some 900 feet from them, New Jersey’s Morrisey family and their leaky boat were sinking into Lake Winnipesaukee.

Romney’s sons Craig and Josh sped into the lake on a Jet Ski. “We tore out of there, and my dad hopped on the other Jet Ski and came out right after us,” Josh Romney told the Boston Herald. They found three men and three women bobbing in the water in barely buckled life vests. Massachusetts’s then-governor pulled the two younger women onto his three-seat Jet Ski, while his sons assisted their mother. They then whisked these women safely to shore, along with McKenzie, their Scottish Terrier. Meanwhile, the three men treaded water under the sons’ watchful eyes until Mitt made two more trips to rush them to dry land.

Reason 19: Previously, while spearheading the 2002 Olympics, Romney and his sons used a boat to rescue several kayakers as high winds slammed them onto rocks.

Reason 20: He's just an all-around better guy than his competition.

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But, but, but….every day, Obama reads ten letters that are carefully selected of the 20,000 that arrive each day at the the White House for him.
These CAREFULLY SELECTED letters are Obama’s eyes and ears about what is goin on in the country.
A few times during his presidency, Obama admitted, he had written a personal check or made a phone call regarding some of these letter writers.
Many other times, he had forwarded letters to government agencies or Cabinet secretaries after attaching a standard, handwritten note that read: “Can you please take care of this?”

Sunset Boulevard, the movie comes to mind.
The butler wrote all of the ”fan letters” to the faded star.
When you have 20,000 choose from, you can lead Obama to whatever agenda you want him to have.
Oddly many of the letters picked for Obama channeled him into making MORE GOVERNMENT for all of us to be burdened under.

What some of us have written about for 5 years, Peggy Noonan today awakes to in When Americans Saw the Real Obama, . . .

Why was the first debate so toxic for the president? . . . . .

And in some utterly new way the president was revealed, exposed. All the people whose job it is to surround and explain him, to act as his buffers and protectors—they weren’t there. It was him on the stage, alone with a competitor. He didn’t have a teleprompter, and so his failure seemed to underscore the cliché that the prompter is a kind of umbilical cord for him, something that provides nourishment, the thing he needs to sound good.

The Emperor has no clothes? No kidding?

Gee, I wonder why the media hasn’t trotted out Mr. Romney’s grades….

@Tom in CA: Memory pills, Tom.
They did.
In 2007, in fact.
Then, in August 2012 Mediate reprinted some of them.

Ann Romney made this point:
“’We stayed till Mitt graduated in 1971, and when he was accepted at Harvard Law, we came east.
He was also accepted at Harvard Business School
as part of a joint program that admits 25 a year, so he was getting degrees from Harvard Law and Business schools at the same time.
Mitt graduated in 1975.”
Dang, TWO degrees in 4 years!

@Tom in CA:
Gee, I wonder why the media hasn’t trotted out Mr.Obama’s grades….
The proper form of address is Governor Romney.
I used “Mr. Obama” to make that point.

@Nan G:
Yep. Governor Romney is a pretty good man.
A good communicator.
Charitable. (With his own time, money and efforts, no less! Wow!)
Experienced in business and politics.
A good father.
A good husband.

And so on.

Mitt Romney had a Gran Torino?

Well that movie “Gran Torino” was about a racist and starred Clint Eastwood, who has endorsed Romney.
Therefore Romney must be racist.

Look everyone I made a liberal rebuttal.

What is Romney’s address? I want to be his neighbor.

@Smorgasbord: pretty soon, it will be 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.


You must of seen a different movie.

@CJ: #9

pretty soon, it will be 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

That will make him a neighbor to all Americans.

Another good reason Liberals hate Romney:
As hurricane messes with election, Romney campaign uses bus for relief

IF Obama now does the same thing, he is merely following Romney’s lead.
And Twitter shows that Liberals really hate that!

But Obama didn’t do the same thing.
Instead Obama promised to cut the red tape and rules he wraps around every act the gov’t does in exchange for …..

Ah, the legend of Mitt (the Messiah) Romney.

@Liberal1 (Subjectivity):

Sorry, we can’t use that title. Obama claimed it in 2008, with help from adoring, brain-dead liberals like yourself. As usual, you have nothing to add. I read that as you having no way to dispute any of these items.

How’s that Hopenchange working out for you? Has your take of federal funds increased?

@Nan G: #12
In all fairness, as president, Obama can’t drop everything and help in a small area. He has to be available for ALL areas in the storm area. He said he will cut red tape if needed. Makes me wonder if any red tape was cut in Benghasi.

@Drama: #7

A racist who died to protect his minority neighbors from future harm at the hands of thugs.
Who left his beloved car to a minority youth who’d once tried to steal it.
I’m trying hard to be a racist just like him (Except for the whole “dying” part).
Good role model.

“Mitt Romney, Action President!”