The Obama victory strategy: Lie, cheat & steal…[Reader Post]


I would suggest that if Mitt Romney avoids shooting himself in foot he will win this election, and will win by somewhere around 10 points. That’s good news. The bad news however is that he will likely have to win by double digits in order to survive the Obama campaign’s plan to employ a phalanx of lawyers to somehow wrest victory out of the jaws of defeat. Of course employing underhanded tactics are nothing new from this administration.

As we have seen from the recent obfuscation, manipulation and outright lying on everything from Benghazi to Fast and Furious to last month’s unemployment figures, the Obama administration thinks laws and the truth are for other people. Given their indifference to the concept of honesty in governing, it’s not a surprise that their approach to elections is not that much different.

Let’s take Voter ID laws. Democrats in general and the Obama administration in particular oppose them. They suggest laws seeking to ensure that voters are indeed who they say they are are racist – simply the latest version of the notorious “poll tests” that were used to disenfranchise blacks for decades. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Voter ID laws are specifically intended to fight voter fraud and ensure that every voter’s vote actually counts and is not hijacked or canceled out by someone else.

So why would the Democrats and the administration push to fight voter ID laws? Simply put, to cheat. Voter fraud has been around for as long as voters have been going to the polls. From Kennedy carrying Chicago in 1960 to Al Franken stealing Minnesota in 2008, voter fraud has been affecting the American political map for decades, usually (although not exclusively) in favor of Democrats.

Eric Holder’s Justice Department has fought Voter ID laws in Texas, Pennsylvania, South Carolina and other states, claiming that they place an undue burden on minorities and the poor. On its face this claim is simply absurd, particularly as the IDs are free and many jurisdictions offer free rides to pick them up in the first place. It’s also the case that the poor likely already have an ID as they would need one to cash any government checks they might receive.

With a playbook that includes everything from felons or Mickey Mouse or the dead voting to voter impersonation and voting multiple times, Democrat opposition to Voter ID laws is simply an attempt to hijack the electoral process, particularly in close elections. As seen in Texas and Illinois in 1960 and Florida in 2000, close elections can have big consequences.

If fighting against honest elections is not enough to convince you about the abject dishonesty of the Obama administration and Democrats, one need only look to the campaign’s fundraising activities. The Obama campaign raised $181 million in September. It’s not, however, the amount of money that demonstrates their dishonesty, but rather how they raised it.

They did so by raising millions of dollars from foreign sources. That’s something of a problem in that foreign donations to federal elections are prohibited by law. How did they do it? By specifically disabling the most basic, industry-standard, security safeguards for online donations. If you’ve ever bought anything online you’ve probably been asked to enter your billing address and the 3 or 4 digit security code from your card. Legitimate businesses and organizations use that information to verify your identity to protect against theft. Not the Obama campaign.

On, while you are asked for your address, that information is not used by the campaign for verification. Indeed, the only information the campaign verifies is the number and the expiration date. If someone in Beijing simply claims to live at 101 Main St. Anytown, USA the campaign takes the donation. And if you think that might just be an oversight, it’s interesting to note that the campaign has not disabled that feature for purchases of merchandise – as they need to send the stuff to an address – only for donations.

Without that verification, it’s impossible to know the source of donations. Given that 43% of the visitors to come from outside the United States, it’s not much of stretch to imagine that much of the half a billion dollars raised thus far has come from foreign donors. Indeed, until news of its background came to light, (owned by a Shanghai-based Obama campaign bundler) redirected visitors to the donation page on the campaign website. Now it’s just a blank page. Interestingly, 90% of’s traffic came from China.

At the end of the day Barack Obama and the Democrats seek to win and will heavily tilt the scales in order to do so, be it fighting Voter ID laws to soliciting funds from foreigners to manipulating government reports. Thankfully Barack Obama is in the process of destroying his own campaign and will likely take his party down with him. Given that the election is not likely to be close there should be little their army of lawyers can do in court to overthrow the voice of the American voters. Nonetheless, look for an after action review of the 2012 election cycle to suggest that the Obama campaign was one of the most corrupt since at least LBJ. Thank god it will likely be a one term administration.

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There is only one reason the Democrats want to fight Voter ID: because it will decrease the ability to cheat and engage in election fraud. If a person is so down and out that he has no legitimate ID, he is likely to be illiterate and without a clue as how to vote for Democrats.

Come on!
If the Democrats don’t cheat, they don’t win elections.
Of course they cheat.
People vote multiple times.
Non-existent people vote.
Dead people vote.
We learned a long time ago that he who gets the most votes, wins.
That does not correspond to having real persons vote only once.
That is just votes, period. Found in a trunk. Discovered in a file cabinet.
On the other hand, legitimate votes (I am thinking of military on station) are not counted.
Cannot count military votes. They have no right to vote. They have a stake in the election.
So ballots do not get sent out on time; bundles of ballots are disqualified for niggling reasons (like a date stamp that is blurred), and so on.
It is a corrupt system. See Boss Tweed for details.

I would suggest that if Mitt Romney avoids shooting himself in foot he will win this election, and will win by somewhere around 10 points. That’s good news. The bad news however is that he will likely have to win by double digits in order to survive the Obama campaign’s plan to employ a phalanx of lawyers to somehow wrest victory out of the jaws of defeat.

Apparently the voter suppression efforts aren’t going as quite as well as those who attempted them had anticipated.

To anyone who has been following their blatant efforts over the past 2 years–particularly in the swing states–there’s really very little question about what has been attempted, or why.

Obama keeps bring up the “47%” comment,
Romney should bring up the comment that Obama made to Medvedev, “This is my last election. After my election, I have more flexibility.”


To anyone who has been following their blatant efforts over the past 2 years–particularly in the swing states–there’s really very little question about what has been attempted, or why

Voting fraud is just part of the fabric of the Dimocrat party. It is extremely easy for them to pick up a few hundred dead voters here and there. It was proven that most of the ‘found’ votes for Franken came from dead people. But that’s just part of the deal, always has been. The Dims ‘think’ they are entitled, to win, to vote dead people, to deny military votes. I’m not even sure why it’s being discussed, it’s just part of the culture.

@Redteam, #5:

Voting fraud is just part of the fabric of the Dimocrat party.

The fact that rampant democratic voter fraud is part of the mythology of the right wing lunatic fringe doesn’t mean that it actually takes place to any significant degree in reality. Elected republicans who keep claiming that does have never been able to come up with more than a handful of actual examples, in spite of having squandered millions of taxpayer dollars doing their damnedest to find cases to justify their own efforts to steal an election.

If you’re so worried about fraud, maybe you should be asking yourself how Strategic Allied Consulting landed multi-state registration contracts from the GOP, when the man behind the company had already been investigated for previous irregularities.

@Skook: No, you’re wrong. We’re not necessarily against Voter ID—but we are against requiring specific identification this late in the game—people should have enough time to obtain the several document necessary to obtain a legitimate ID. In Florida, for example, it’s almost impossible to get an ‘official’ identification card, if you don’t have the documents necessary—and the process can take up to a year.

@mathman: The latest scandal of having dead people register is by a group of Republicans.

Lib, why do the dead invariably vote Democratic?

I can see dead Democrats continuing to vote Democratic, but it is presumptuous to assume dead Republicans swing to the Democrat ticket for every election.

The Holder Injustice Department earned its name honestly and forthright. As part of the Obama Administration, Americans quickly learned that justice is no longer handed out equally to all Americans, but justice quickly became a hyper-politicized function of the Democrat Party, much like the Chicago Machine type of justice. A justice that can be used against or for Americans depending on their political affiliation and their donor record. Yes, justice in America is a distant memory under Obama and Holder. The Voter ID laws are one of the first attempts to correct the injustice of Holder and Obama.

You forgot to mention that Romney did his share of accepting donations from foreign sources. Felons that have served their debt to society should have their voting right restored.

@Liberal1 (Objectivity):

Felons that have served their debt to society should have their voting right restored.

Why? Felons have ‘never’ paid their debt to society until they die. one of the “debts” is forfeiture of the right to vote. If a person is sentenced to X years in prison, X dollars in fines and the other aspect is loss of the right to vote as long as you remain a ‘convicted felon’. The only way to lose the last title is by a pardon or death

@Greg: #6

doesn’t mean that it actually takes place to any significant degree in reality. Elected republicans who keep claiming that does have never been able to come up with more than a handful of actual examples

Greg, your attempt at humor should surprise me, but alas, I recognize the reason.
How many ‘stolen’ presidency’s is suitable for a Dimocrat? How many ‘stolen’ Senate races is ‘suitable’ for a Dimocrat? How many ‘stolen’ nominations (as Obama and his thugs stole the nom from Shrillary) are ‘suitable’ for a Dimocrat? So, the standard for Dimocrats is ‘more than a handful’ is acceptable?
I guess the ‘standard’ for Dimocrats is “when the man behind the company had already been investigated for previous irregularities. ” that someone has ‘been investigated’ ? So the best example you can come up with against Repubs is that ‘someone in the past was investigated for irregularities’ ? I’m sure with your humorous vein, you are still chuckling over that one. Don’t you ever tire of defending Dimocrats?

Any objective observer can see what state-level republican officials have been attempting to do in preparation for the 2012 election. There has been a calculated, multi-state effort to suppress the vote among those more likely to vote for a democrat than a republican.

That’s not working out so well in Ohio, is it? Two of their voter suppression tactics have just been thrown out as unconstitutional in a single week. The U.S. Supreme Court has denied Jon Husted’s request to close Ohio polls three days early, and he won’t be allowed to throw away properly completed ballots uncounted if they were accidentally cast in the wrong precinct due to poll-worker “errors.”

How sad for him, that legitimate voters who want to vote will be given more time to do so, and that inaccurate information from official sources won’t result in thousands of perfectly legitimate Ohio ballots going uncounted to the shredders.

This bullshit hasn’t been about “dead voters,” or questionable registrations, or anything else of the sort. It’s exactly what it looks like.

What the hell have the people in Florida been doing the last four years that we should worry about them now?! Also, the last voter fraud was by a democrat who urged that an undercover reporter who alledged that he was registered in two states vote in both. Remember? She got fired! As far as Romney accepting foreign donations: Do you just make this stuff up?

I am sorry to say that felons who had paid the price, are deprave of voting, and more of,
they are depraved of working, because the COMPANIES DON’T HIRE THEM, EVEN IF IT HAS BEEN PARDON,
their number are surprisingly and shamelesly at 88.8 millions AMERICANS NOW,
which put them all in one label, meaning dangerous for society, while they hire FOREIGNERS,
which can easily falsified their papers like forgery and even blow up the company if ask to do it from their brothers in religion,
it’s about time that society look on the felons with a smarter brain wave and give them a chance to prove they are people and AMERICANS DESERVING TO HAVE A JOB, IN AMERICA, BECAUSE THAT WHO THEY ARE.

@Greg: #15, Greg, long soliloquy, but no answer to my point just above, but then there really is no answer, is there? I think everyone can agree that there are some criminal elements in every event, but I also note that you couldn’t come up with a single incidence in voter fraud by Republicans while there have been thousands of cases proven against Dimocrats. The best you could do was point out that someone was ‘being investigated’. It is kinda surprising that you see a ‘legal’ effort to enforce voting laws as ‘somehow an unlawful action to commit voter fraud’. Do you really think people should be allowed to vote without proper ID? I have been voting for over 50 years and have had to produce a photo ID every single time and have never had a problem having one or producing it to prove that I’m not dead. You don’t find it a little strange that you are advocating that people be allowed to vote with absolutely no proof of who they are? Do you also actively protest against having a photo ID to drive an automobile? Which do you think it is more important to prove who you are? voting or driving?

@ilovebeeswarzone: iLOVebeESWarZONe, I personally have no problem with convicted felons being restored with the right to vote after they have served their jail time and paid any fines assessed and have completed all parole and probation time. If the law is changed to allow it, then fine. But, at the present time, most states, I believe do not allow any convicted felons the right to vote after release. (If the felony involved something like voter fraud though, I might be opposed in that case)

yes that’s fair, I was also concern they have a hard time to find a job, those who are not a danger to society, they made errors some of ignorance, like this one who went to mail a sword all pack to his friend or brother, arrested and charge with prison term, he is now a felon and unable to be hired,
there are many like that inoffensive actions ending with the branding of felon for lifetime,
because they don’t have the money to pay the lawyer, is in it unfair?

@ilovebeeswarzone: Yes, there are certainly people that get caught up in things and it doesn’t work out well for them. The system is not perfect, there are too many miscarriages of justice. I wish it was better.

when there is 88.8 millons of them AMERICANS, NOT ALL DANGEROUS, who are left to not have jobs
it mean there is a problem elsewhere, and it must be located and expose openly, up the ladder,
all the way to the top. and expose the abuser of the minority
we are all guilty of creating, by looking the other way and pretend they don’t exist, for GOD SAKE they are AMERICANS AND PROUD,
it is the responsibility to all the citizens to question the problems and demand the solution,
otherwise you have create a society within the society, and with the numbers we see it is dangerous,
on both sides, and to replace them by FOREIGNERS IS not at all the solution,
on the contrary it worsen the situation by telling them they are no more valuable and to rank them as lower than the FOREIGNERS, WHICH IS NOT ACCEPTABLE
they are not even allowed to serve their COUNTRY