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But then, I believe you are a long way off from understanding those in the mainstream and why this is potentially damaging if it’s something embraced or perceived to be embraced or is acceptable to those who back Romney and the GOP (something which you, of course, don’t).

Given that the only objective the “Mainstream” has is to mold me into a mind-less zombie who parrots what ever they tell me to think, I could care less what they want me to “understand”. I don’t want to “understand” them, I want to “defeat” them and going along with the collective “group-think”, as you have chosen to do, is not the path I follow.

You “understand” them, I’m busy mocking and deriding them.

No one here thinks you should vote for someone based on race. With that said, they have a right to do so. We have the right to say it’s short sighted and even dispicible.

@Nan G:

So, has this man been ID’ed yet?

Honestly, Nan, who cares? Don’t play their game. They set the rules, rules designed that they always win.

So why play their game.

The TEA Party rallies finally had to use INFILTRATOR signs.
Whenever someone made a fuss who was NOT WITH US he was identified as such.
That stopped the crazies really fast.
IF this guy is really just a Romney supporter because he wants a white back in the White House, that is his right…..he can vote however he wants for why ever he wants.
But perhaps infiltrators will have to be outed publicly, as the Unions are penalizing some members over $250 for NOT showing at rallies!

Nan G
THE UNIONS penalizing 250$ for not showing on RALLIES,
that make me mad, they really are COMMUNIST AND PLUS,

the picture you have with the t-shirt was just a while ago shown on the FIVE

The T-shirt really should say, “It’s Time to put some intelligence back in the White House.” That is really the crux of the matter- as for this guy, if this is NOT photo-shopped, all it proves is that there are whackos in both parties, but the ratio is greater in the liberal sphere.

yes it should have said that,
but when we think about one fact in their favor, they seems to have
the magic secret, to have escape the propaganda of
this regime in power to integrate so many young AMERICANS IN ONE IDEOLOGY

I have never lived in a town like Lancaster Ohio. If your black don’t expect to get any services that the VA or the State say that are there if you if your on disability. Its a fight every place I go. The church I attend is a wonderful place to worship but outside I have been called the N word I have heard people describe are President has a monkey. There”s not a day goes by that I see moving here as I big mistake.