Is There a Double Standard in the MSM?


It is happening, again. In the aftermath of the 2008 Election:

Media bias was more intense in the 2008 election than in any other national campaign in recent history, Time magazine’s Mark Halperin said Friday at the Politico/USC conference on the 2008 election.

“It’s the most disgusting failure of people in our business since the Iraq war,” [ed. failure to force the United States to run like cowards?] Halperin said at a panel of media analysts. “It was extreme bias, extreme pro-Obama coverage.”

MSM in ’08 did not properly vet Senator Obama.

Posts to reflect upon:

UPDATED! The Ties That Bind…The NYT’s Kills Story To Protect Obama Before Election

VDH: MSM Unprofessional Lobbying For Obama Will, In A Decade Or Two, Become Case Study In Graduate Classes On Journalistic Ethics

Mark Halperin: MSM Bias For Obama Worst In Recent History

The WaPo Tries To Buy Back Some Of It’s Credibility

The Suppression Of Bad Obama News By Our MSM

Where Did the Public Get the Idea that McCain is Running A Negative Campaign?

There are pockets of disillusionment and desertion here; an unflattering story published there; but the MSM as a general whole seems determined to carry President Obama across the finish line.

Coverage of the Conventions? Defined by MSM as Michelle Obama and Bill Clinton hitting home runs; Paul Ryan factchecked to be lying and Clint Eastwood talks to chairs (side trivia remembrance: He used to talk to the trees).

Dana Milbank attempts sarcasm in his defense of the MSM. What comes across to me is that he is embarrassingly oblivious to the lack of self-knowledge and wherewithal of the MSM. Of the double-standard:

Romney’s hit parade — insulting the British, inviting Clint Eastwood to the Republican convention, flubbing Libya and now dismissing half the nation as parasites — may make good copy for the next seven weeks. But if we go easy on the man, we could have four years of gaffes instead of just seven more weeks. Admittedly, this may not be the best outcome for the country, or for the world. But in this race, there is no denying that one man will give us much better material.

President Obama has many talents, but he is not good copy. He speaks grammatically, in fully formed paragraphs. He has yet to produce a scandal of any magnitude. He is maddeningly on message, and his few gaffes — “you didn’t build that,” “the private sector is doing fine” — are inflammatory only out of context. If it weren’t for the occasional relief offered by Joe Biden, the Samaritans would have installed a ­suicide-prevention hotline in the White House press room by now.

The media is having a field day pushing the secret Romney video as some shocking revelation. Meanwhile negative stories on the president, or easy, simple gaffes, don’t get the same drumbeat and pick up the same level of leg power in the mainstream media. Negative stories on Romney get cycled and recycled as frontpage news; negative stories on Obama? What negative stories! God, what was I thinking! Nothing to redistribute to news outlets here!

To recap Milbank:

President Obama has many talents, but he is not good copy. He speaks grammatically, in fully formed paragraphs. He has yet to produce a scandal of any magnitude. He is maddeningly on message, and his few gaffes — “you didn’t build that,” “the private sector is doing fine” — are inflammatory only out of context. If it weren’t for the occasional relief offered by Joe Biden, the Samaritans would have installed a ­suicide-prevention hotline in the White House press room by now.

I guess you have to be clinging to your guns and religion to understand.

Meanwhile, President Obama on Letterman, in response to the Romney 47% remark:

“Well, I don’t know what he was referring to, but I can tell you this. When I won in 2008, 47 percent of the American people voted for John McCain, they didn’t vote for me. And what I said on election night was, even though you didn’t vote for me, I hear your voices and I’m going to work as hard as I can to be your president. And one of the things I’ve learned as president is you represent the entire country. And when I meet Republicans as I’m traveling around the country, they are hard working, family people, who care deeply about this country and my expectation is that if you want to be president you got to work for everybody not just for some.”

Has President Obama ever stopped being in campaign-mode since his ’08 election win? Has he ever truly reached across the aisle other than to say to Republicans, “I won, the keys are mine, get in the back of the seat and just shut up while I drive.”? His idea of bipartisanship seems to be “my way or the highway”. He has constantly ridiculed Republicans. That’s his idea of representing “the entire country”?

Obama went on to talk about how hard Americans work. “You don’t meet anybody who doesn’t believe in the American Dream and the fact that nobody’s entitled to success,” Obama said. He continued, saying “There are not a lot of people out there who think they’re victims. There are not a lot of people who think they’re entitled to something. What I think the majority of people, Democrats and Republicans, believe is that we’ve got some obligations to each other and there’s nothing wrong with us giving each other a helping hand.”

Seems like this gotcha undercover video is a very serious, campaign-winning issue to the people who are not going to pull the lever for Mitt Romney, anyway (including many journalists). Mitt’s dog decades ago, Paul Ryan’s marathon time, Clint’s chair (did I already mention he used to talk to the trees?)…

42 consecutive months of unemployment above 8%, the spending, how he’s (mis)handled the Arab Spring, the endless class warfare rhetoric and divisiveness…somehow these things doesn’t register with liberal journalists who live under the delusion that there is no media bias.

And that this president is practically perfect in every way.

He’s hip. He’s cool. He can sing. He can fist-bump.

Hell, he even got a big ol’ bear hug from a Republican pizza owner! That’s worthy of A1 news for several consecutive days!

I guess I just don’t see it because I’m a racist.

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You do not see it because you are not a socialist. You have to be carefully taught to get the nuance of redistribution…

The same thing happened to John McCain, back in 2008. The year started off with the media and liberal/progressive political commentators pumping him up as the only one of the prospective GOP candidates having a chance at defeating the Democrats. He was a “moderate”, they claimed.

Then came the point where McCain was the ‘accepted’ GOP nominee. He announced Palin as his running mate. The rest of the GOP, while maybe not happy about McCain, came out in support.

And the media?

The negative stories started flying. The adjectives about McCain tilted towards “extreme right wing”.

2012 is the same story, different year. We conservatives are hammered during the primary season with praise by the media, and resignation by the liberal/progressives, concerning Romney being “moderate”, with the best chance at beating Obama.

Romney becomes the presumptive nominee, picks Ryan as his running mate, and the rest of the GOP, while not necessarily happy about having Romney as the nominee, came out in support.

Now, Romney is the evil, arch-capitalist pig. He is “extreme” in his “right wing” views. Every small gaffe or misspeak becomes a lightning rod for the left to hit upon as reason why the GOP candidate is “out of touch” with the average American.

Meanwhile, in what has become a repeat of 2008, the media are not only “taking it easy” on Obama, they are clearly leading the cheer choir, and beating the drum for his re-election.

We’ve seen this movie before. We know how it ended in 2008. The one difference is that we know how Obama chooses to actually “run” the country.

He claimed that “even though you didn’t vote for me, I hear your voices and I’m going to work as hard as I can to be your president.” And then proceeded to ram the Stimulus, and his signature Obamacare, down the throats of not just that 47% who didn’t vote for him, but also many of the independents who did.

The media claims “He has yet to produce a scandal of any magnitude.” But that is only because they are playing the three-monkey game with Obama, not seeing, hearing, or speaking the evils of Obama’s first term. Such as ‘Fast and Furious’. Such as the $6 Trillion in new debt. Such as the 42 months or so of unemployment higher than Obama promised(with the passage of the Stimulus). Such as the failed ‘green energy companies’ Obama touted and sent money through the Stimulus. And much, much more.

All we get, concerning the above listed, is the Obama apologist machine running full-time, to the point where anyone critical of Obama is called a racist.

Sorry President Obama, but you aren’t speaking to that 47%, or listening to our voices. You are enacting a progressive tyranny on the country, when you aren’t planning your next tee time, of course. Meanwhile, you miss daily briefings and are unconcerned with the lives of Americans unless you believe they can benefit you politically (Henry Gates, Trayvon Martin, Sandra Fluke).

If the MSM had done their jobs from the start, we may not have had such a polarizing figure running the country.

What would the New Obama (17+ vacations as president) say to the OLD Obama?
October 20, 2006 C-SPAN interview Bob Herbert and then-Senator Obama who explained that presidents must forgo vacations and leisure in order to work for the American people.

“Essentially the bargain that any president, I think, strikes with the American people is: ‘you give me this office and in turn my fears, doubts, insecurities, foibles, need for sleep, family life, vacations, leisure is gone.
I am giving myself to you.’
And so how I think about it is that you don’t make that decision unless you are prepared to make that sacrifice, that trade off, that bargain and I think that what’s difficult and important for somebody like myself who has a wonderful forbearing wife and two gorgeous young children is that they end up having to make some of those sacrifices with you. And that is a profound decision that you don’t make lightly.”

Today, for example Obama will be ”working” from between 10:30 AM and Noon.
1 & 1/2 HOURS!!!!

This Monday Obama ”worked” for only 35 minutes!!!!

Yesterday Obama ”worked” only be receiving his Presidential Daily Briefing…..about 35 minutes.
He also took off all day Monday the 10th, Sat the 15th and Sun the 16th.

Obama’s last five day week was in Aug between the 19th and 25th.
Even then they were so light as to average less than 1 hour of ”work.”

JG just went nuclear. Pretty colors in that there mushroom cloud.

What the MSM neglects in their skewing the polls in favor of the loser-in-cheif, Barack Hussein Obama, is this:

Higher gas prices. Gas prices on Obama’s watch are TWICE what they were under Bush.

Higher food prices. And, worst yet, shrinking product sizes.

Not only the high unemployment rate, which Obama pledged to reduce, but also 1) the fact that there are many who have given up looking for a job in this terrible economy, and 2) the fact that many of those who are employed are either underemployed or having to take multiple jobs to make ends meet.

Turmoil around the world against the United States due to the very weak leadership of Barack Obama.

Manifest proof that the economy is tanking — witness: The Federal Reserve has finally felt that we need another printing of “funny-money” to help reduce the value (inflation) of the money in your pocket or bank account. QE3 is the evidence that Obama’s schemes are a failure.

The auto industry is still tanked. A few new cars here and there, but overall there is no evidence that the auto industry is recovering.

The talk about the economy by renown economists who are saying now that there will be another hit from yet another recession if Obama and his misdirection is not removed.

The housing industry is still down. A very few home sales create in the MSM an improvement of “record sales” — yet, since only a few houses sold last month, if you sell very few this month, it creates a “record increase” — go figure.

Bank failures continue, although they are not reported. Business failures are still happening. No bail-out for small businesses; they’re on their own.

DESPITE ALL OF THE ABOVE, the MSM tells us in their “rigged” deceptive polls that Obama is leading and that people have indicated that he is handling the economy well. The MSM does not care if they tell lies — for them the end results would justify the means. Problem for them is this: The people of the United States know through their personal experience that the economy is in the worst condition ever. There is no real hope as to a brighter future unless Obama is removed. Obama’s expected failures, which were predicted due to his lack of experience in governance, are now manifest thought the country.

In foreign politics, soldiers are dying due to the lack of moral strength on Obama’s part. Militant Muslims are either relying on Obama’s weakness or Obama’s “Muslim character”.

It may surprise the MSM that people are no longer encouraged to vote for Obama, and Obama cannot raise backing or financial support for his campaign, because they NOW know who and what Obama really is.

Obama is a radical “black”, who is Muslim in his thinking and his behavior, and a socialist-communist who has previously declared his favor of redistribution of wealth and making people reliant on government hand-outs.

If hope is real in November, Mitt Romney will win the presidency in a landslide. Romney is not only well qualified but also has practical experience in dealing with what the U.S. economy needs.

The skewing of polls is being exposed and the MSM is losing, along with Obama, any semblance of trust and legitimacy.

The MSM are Obama’s fellow travelers. They will say and do anything to see that Barry gets a second term. With them, the truth has been lost. IMHO the majority are Marxists and traitors to this nation.

Joe Biden is a perfect example of the lame stream media

Hell no. There is no double standard in the MSM. There is NO standard period.

Does a bear poop in the woods?



Careful, Aye. Some in our liberal would demand that all those taking pictures of bears be fined;

Yellowstone National Park should fine and reprimand wolf biologist Doug Smith for harassing a grizzly from a plane in order to get a photograph. In addition, Smith demonized grizzlies by making an absurd comment about the grizzly bear having “him in mind for his next meal.”

You might also be guilty of ‘demonizing’ grizzlies by suggesting that they do, in fact, poop in the woods.

There is not now, nor has there been for much of the past half century, any doubt that the vast majority of the media views the world through very liberal/left leaning coloured glasses. Of that vast majority, a large percentage is very much Progressive in ideology. The very obvious extremism should be evident, particularly to the majority of the voting public, which probably doesn’t believe that ‘the end justifies the means’.

Some writers weakly attempt to conceal their bias, but simply cannot hide their partisanship and intolerance, and it comes out in every article or interview. The majority of the voting public should be able to discern this predilection, and should rebel against it. The whole Nation is being insulted by its media, and as it attempts to work its way through the stress of daily life, it should be provided with informed comprehension on the state of its affairs.

I don’t think Washington politics has ever seen the likes of this Administration and its ability to outright lie with conviction on a daily basis. It is a national disaster that the MSM has so failed in providing objectivity.

@AdrianS: “MSM is losing” is realistically MSM is lost and has been lost since Johnson (D) foisted the Tonkin incident onto the American people as he ramped up the Vietnam WAR. Seems LBJ was afflicted with the same armchair megalomania as obozo who solely controls the “Kill List”.

MSM = Mobama State Media

@James Raider:

People are getting wise.
Rasmussen released survey findings showing that the internet is inching ahead of television as the best way to get news and information in the world.
The survey was conducted September 12-13 among 1000 adults.
The internet lead the pack among the various news outlets, with 40% identifying it as the best source of news.
Television was a close second with 37%.
Perhaps the most shocking revelation is that a mere 7% identify print newspapers as the best way to get news.

@Nan G: #14,

The internet lead the pack among the various news outlets, with 40% identifying it as the best source of news.

While I don’t doubt that statistic, it remains misleading, since “Internet” includes every MSM site from NYT to L.A. Times, and of course Google and Yahoo whose articles are so often far left of absurd. In fact, the internet provides each of these proselytizers with much broader palettes to preach from at little extra cost.

James Raider
that tell me we have to upgrade to the expectations of THE PEOPLE,


I think that you’re exactly right – unlike past Presidents, at least any I can think of, the “CREATION” of a President has never occurred before. Never has such a candidate’s ‘slate’ been so blank and void of accomplishments.

The slate wasn’t blank as to past affiliations, but the MSM did an amazing job of hiding, wiping, ignoring, . . . and presto, a President into which voters could imbue their dreams and wishes for perfectness in the Universe and in their lives. 53% got skunked, but the WHOLE got taken. It was obvious as it was happening. The outcome was never in doubt, and now here we are.

And still, 50% remain stuck in hope. Well, some of that 50% is ideologically stuck, but the rest of it still seems to not want to accept it made a mistake.

@James Raider: I agree with you, James, that the internet gives the print and TV media another outlet.
But it is not without fact checking.
Go to for example.
She only allows news links BUT then her L-dotters comment the truth out of each story!
Same type of thing on many other sites.

I missed EBL’s posts above. Coupled with HR’s #16, it tells you all you need to know about the liberal/progressive MSM, and those sycophants roaming the internet halls.

They know exactly what Obama is about. They also know that it doesn’t play well with the majority of Americans. So they do the only thing they can do. Control the content the American reading and viewing public sees and hears. Help their guy control the narrative.

And by controlling the narrative, their guy can take it easy, going on late nite TV shows with hard-hitting investigative reporters like David Letterman.

Who won’t even hit him hard on the “debt clock” number;

Here’s what I found troubling [at the GOP convention]…They had the clock, the debt countdown clock and, I mean, this thing is going like crazy and it’s several trillion dollars. Now, what is that?

Never mind that Letterman either purposely minimized the number, or lied about actually seeing it at the GOP convention. Obama responds by saying this;

“I don’t remember what the number was precisely.”

You are the President of the United States. Your first election hammered on the debt, and the figure it was then, while vilifying Bush and the GOP for running it up. And you just added untold Trillions by signing into law the Stimulus and Obamacare, both of which will continue to add debt long after you are gone, either now, or after your possible second term. AND YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT THE DEBT FIGURE IS? Even a general figure? Like, say $16 TRILLION?

Our media? They are only ‘media’ in the technical sense of the word. They certainly aren’t journalists. Or hard hitting investigative reporters. They haven’t sought the truth, about a liberal/progressive politician, since JFK was playing patty-cakes with Marilyn Monroe.

And for any stories on Obama? Most of them pretend truth while writing some of the strangest fiction I’ve read. And I read a lot.

Speaking of our media, where are they on one of the biggest scandals of the Obama presidency?

I’m speaking, of course, on the crony capitalism dressed up as ‘green energy initiatives’ that have cost taxpayers BILLIONS.

This week Abound Solar went to auction, after having declared bankruptcy back in June. They were recipients of a $400 Million guaranteed federal “loan”. Now? Seems like nothing is left to even auction off. Much like Solyndra, after failure the plant was cleared of machinery and materials, leaving an empty shell.

And how does this tie in to Obama? Because his admin, under Energy Sec. Chu, shoveled Billions of dollars in “loans” and grants towards “green energy” companies like Solyndra and Abound Solar.

“So”, you say,” what’s the big deal? These were companies that just didn’t make it. Obama’s heart was in the right place. Companies fail all the time.”

True. And if that were all there was to it, I could chalk it down to bad judgment on their part. Or maybe even just bad luck. But…………..that’s not all there is to it.

It seems that amongst all of these companies receiving ‘green energy’ “loans” and grants, the companies that failed all carried warnings by ratings groups like Fitch Ratings. Serious warnings for some.

What else do all of these companies have in common? They were headed up by, or lobbied on behalf of them by, big-time donors to ……….you guessed it………………Barack Hussein Obama, back in his 2008 Presidential bid.

“Pay for play”, perhaps? You tell me.

Our media isn’t making the link (even as they report on the failures themselves). No chance of the heavily partisan DOJ investigating Obama, Chu, and the companies themselves(including the people who ran them). Darrel Issa? Yeah, and Greg will tell you how much he thinks that is worth.

Obama, the Democratic party, and a compliant media, are putting a big fat one over on the American people.

But, just another day, to our media, playing the ‘three monkey game’ with Obama.

Are polar bears hungry when they wake from hibernation? Is the cloudless sky blue during the day? Of course there is a double standard. It’s obvious to anyone that thinks.

@Nan G: He’s getting about as bad as the Congress—which seems to work one week per month lately.

Is it called the MSM simple because it doesn’t agree with the ultra-conservative propaganda machine (the UPM)?


Anyone with actual ‘objectivity’ can see why. A simple, partisan hack like yourself? Not so much. As evidenced by your continuing usage of “ultra-conservative” as a descriptor.


No, it is called the Lamestream Media because of publications like the LA Slimes that has had a video of Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. singing the praises of radical Palestinian, Edward Said, at a benefit thrown in Said’s behalf. Now, what wonderful things could Obama have said at that Islamist love fest that the LA Slimes, who has had the video since 2008, wouldn’t want you to hear and see?

At no other time in our history has the traditional media done so much to prevent the American public from seeing the Wizard behind the curtain. Even in FDRs time, certain members of the press went after him. Not so now. Keep the curtain pulled so that the Fabian Socialist journalists don’t have to report on their wet dream, Barry Obama.