He’s directly involved [Reader Post]


Dick Morris appeared on Fox and Friends this morning and was eerily prescient. The crew was discussing Fast and Furious and the possible Eric Holder Contempt of Congress vote that looms. Someone asked Morris what he thought was going on and Morris said that it seemed that Obama was going to allow Holder to take the hits on his own over F&F. Otherwise Obama would drop a cloak of Executive Privilege over the documents, but that would in turn make it appear as though Barack Obama was directly involved in the mess.

And now it appears he is directly involved.

President Obama on Wednesday asserted executive privilege over documents sought by a House panel ahead of a scheduled panel vote where Attorney General Eric Holder is expected to be held in contempt of Congress.

It’s the first time Obama has used executive privilege since taking office. A White House aide said the president had gone longer without asserting the privilege in a congressional dispute than any other president in the last three decades.

Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), the chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, said his panel was “evaluating” a letter from Deputy Attorney General James Cole asserting the privilege that arrived minutes before Issa’s committee was to begin contempt proceedings. The vote was to take place Wednesday after a last-ditch effort to reach a deal over documents related to Operation Fast and Furious failed on Tuesday night.

Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley asked some pointed questions about the assertion of Privilege:

““The assertion of executive privilege raises monumental questions. How can the President assert executive privilege if there was no White House involvement? How can the President exert executive privilege over documents he’s supposedly never seen? Is something very big being hidden to go to this extreme? The contempt citation is an important procedural mechanism in our system of checks and balances. The questions from Congress go to determining what happened in a disastrous government program for accountability and so that it’s never repeated again.”

Watch and listen to this hypocrite be critical of hiding behind Executive Privilege


The man who just can’t shut up when it comes to some national secrets clearly doesn’t want something discovered. Now it seems highly likely that this scandal goes right to the top. Yet if not, Obama has learned nothing from Watergate.

It’s like Obama said

“I think the American people deserve to know what was going on.”

Obama has denied any knowledge of the tragic gun running operation. Either Executive Privilege does not apply or Obama is directly involved and has lied about it.


It’s really hitting the fan

No sooner does Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee jump to Holder’s defense and tries to pin F&F falsely on Bush


than Holder retracts that assertion


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What was retracted was the AG’s inaccurate statement that Fast and Furious had begun during the Bush administration.

Not quite


“An attorney general who I suppose you would hold in higher regard was briefed on these kinds of tactics in an operation called Wide Receiver and did nothing to stop them — nothing,” Holder told Texas Republican Sen. John Cornyn during that hearing. “Three hundred guns, at least, walked in that instance.”

After the hearing, Grassley wrote to Holder asking him to provide evidence to back up his blaming Mukasey.

Instead of being able to facilitate evidence, though, according to Iowa Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley’s office, Holder and the DOJ have now retracted that statement.


The first time Holder’s DOJ withdrew a statement to congress because of its inaccuracy was when now-former Assistant Attorney General Ronald Weich wrote to Sen. Grassley on Feb. 4, 2011, telling him that the DOJ and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives never allowed guns to walk. It wasn’t until several months later that Holder withdrew that false statement.


“Got his facts wrong” is a euphemism for “stinking liar”

@Richard Wheeler: So you are okay with Holder’s DOJ supplying guns to Mexican Drug Cartels.

You’re okay with Federal Agents dying at the hands of the Drug Cartels with weapons supplied by Holder’s DOJ?


Maybe you might volunteer to call those families of those dead agents and try to assuage their feelings of loss, because it’s the Economy, Stupid and trying to get justice for their loved ones won’t help Mitt. I mean Obama’s never called them, although he did pick up the phone when poor Sandy “Pay for my contraceptives” Fluke got called a bad name by that mean old Rush Limbaugh.

Yeah THAT was a call that he felt needed to be made…

@Greg: You said:

I think you must be confusing Obama with Mitt Romney. For almost everything Romney now says, you can find something he has said or done in the past that directly contradicts it.



You REALLY want to go there? Have you any idea how much video there is out there of your personal messiah, Obama contradicting himself?

Pick a topic and a policy decision by Obama and you can dig up contradicting video of him because one thing is constant with this narcissist, he not only thinks he’s the smartest man in the room, he never shuts up about it.

* Executive Privilege
* His latest amnesty debacle
* “Shovel ready jobs”
* $4 trillion of debt under Bush’s 8 years = unpatriotic/$5, nearly $6 trillion under Obama’s 4 years = Bush’s fault

I could go on and on………..

The clock is running on Obama and Holder and they are only digging themselves deeper into an untenable position. Lies and subterfuge can only postpone the eventual, inevitable unmasking of the most corrupt administration in history. How mature, thinking adults can watch the continuous, parade of lies, liars and criminals and still support this President beggars all belief. Ms. Jackson Lee is an embarrassment to the people of Texas, representing a district as full of ignorance, graft, corruption and crime as some third world banana republic.


Correction: Shiela Jackson Lee’s district IS a third world banana republic. That is why Anita Moncreif has taken her fight to the streets of SJL’s district.

@ Antics # 54…. 100% RIGHT ON TARGET…

Quoting Dick Morris is about as valid as invoking Chris Mathews.

@ Liberal1…. Morris, an EX LIBERAL.. has FAR more Credibility… than Matthews, who wets his pants down his leg, when Obama reads a teleprompter…. Sorry!!

Anticsrocks To me Gunrunner and Fast and Furious were hatched and run by ATF agents that had the brains and abilities of Inspectors Dreyfuss and Clouseau. Idiots
Holder says he stopped F and F when he learned of it. If he’s lying he should go. Obama seems to believe in and is defending his friend. So far

Hankster How are you? Morris is a hired gun who has always worked for the highest bidder. With Repubs. before Clinton hired him to salvage his image. Personal animosity developed which is why he strongly supported BHO over HRC.

You’re okay with Federal Agents dying at the hands of the Drug Cartels with weapons supplied by Holder’s DOJ?

Issa is no doubt gratified to have a death to add weight to his proceedings. Without that unfortunate event his investigation wouldn’t be getting much media attention, if any. The irony is almost too obvious to state: Brian A. Terry was a federal employee. He was a member of a public employee labor union. He was exactly the sort of person that has been the focus of an entirely different sort of GOP attention of late.

Hypocrisy has become such an integral part of the morally bankrupt GOP’s routine activities that party supporters seldom even detect the stink of it anymore.

Two American citizens are dead, murdered by Mexican drug scum aided by weapons purchased through the Fast and Furious operation, an operation that now has been proven beyond a fact to have been known by about by the very lying sacks of … that denied knowledge of it.

Now we have Executive cover-up! Has anyone seen the similarities between Nixon and Obama. Lie, cover up, do anything to cover their sorry behinds. Many people are going to point this out. but remember, the cover ups are where the similarities end! Why would I say that? Because NO ONE WAS MURDERED as result of the Watergate fiasco. That was just stupidity. This is cold blooded murder and as such one could make the argument that this President and his sad sack Attorney General should be charged as accomplices to the murder of Brian Terry and Juan Zapata!

That’s apparently the program in the tinfoil hat world of Right-Wing Radio Land–where the GOP has evidently decided to take up permanent residence, apply for citizenship, and run for public office.

@Richard Wheeler: I’ve been following this closely for over a year now. The investigation started at BATF, but evidence and testimony quickly included DEA, NSA, FBI and ultimately DOJ in the mix. The documents Issa has so far show there was operational control of Fast and Furious from the upper levels of DOJ that spread out to orders delivered to multiple agencies to allow the transfer of these weapons. They show the operation was hatched and approved within DOJ or even higher , not BATF. BATF was to be the fall guy if anything went bad. The documents Issa is asking for under subpoena follow that paper trail deep into DOJ. These are the documents Holder is withholding.

@Richard Wheeler:

You mean that you hope they will see this a strictly political. Don’t bet on it. Watergate started small and look what happened with less evidence out of the gate.
I think this will end up biting the obama admin in a significant way.

@Richard Wheeler: You said:

To me Gunrunner and Fast and Furious were hatched and run by ATF agents that had the brains and abilities of Inspectors Dreyfuss and Clouseau. Idiots

Funny how you always manage to avoid answering my questions, Rich. Your attempt to deflect my questions by speculating who “hatched” Fast and Furious is thin; and I’m being generous.

Let me try again:

So you are okay with Holder’s DOJ supplying guns to Mexican Drug Cartels.

You’re okay with Federal Agents dying at the hands of the Drug Cartels with weapons supplied by Holder’s DOJ?

I am particularly interested in your answer to my second question. As long as it is the Democrats doing it, you’re okay with Federal Agents dying at the hands of Mexican Drug runners with weapons supplied by Holder’s DOJ?

Wow, just…wow. Talk about being partisan.

Are you not intellectually honest enough to cry foul, especially when law enforcement lives have been lost?

@Greg: You said:

Issa is no doubt gratified to have a death to add weight to his proceedings. Without that unfortunate event his investigation wouldn’t be getting much media attention, if any. The irony is almost too obvious to state: Brian A. Terry was a federal employee. He was a member of a public employee labor union. He was exactly the sort of person that has been the focus of an entirely different sort of GOP attention of late.

I don’t normally resort to name calling, but you sir, are a POS. To try and twist the fact that law enforcement agents lost their lives because of a program that knowingly put guns into the hands of members of Mexican drug runners into an attack on a political party is pathetic.

You just reduced Agent Terry’s life, death and contribution to the civil society and moral order to merely being a “federal employee.”

Have you no shame?

Just because Congressman Issa is a Republican, you automatically assign an ulterior motive to his investigation.

Tell us Greg, is it okay with you for an Attorney General to provide false information to Congress as long as it is a Democrat?

Why don’t you shut up and sit down? The grown ups are trying to talk and you are getting cranky. Go take a nap.

Anticsrocks As usual you haven’t read my answers.Why is that the case?
If Holder’s lying he should be ousted. Simple

@Richard Wheeler: Yeah, THAT was your main point…

@anticsrocks, #67:

Just because Congressman Issa is a Republican, you automatically assign an ulterior motive to his investigation.

Of course there’s an ulterior motive to Issa’s investigation. It’s political. While I don’t believe the average republican lacks the intelligence to figure that out, I might be wrong on that point. Analytical skills and a capacity for independent thought seem to be on the decline of late.


Where’s the proof then for such a, “motive.” For someone who attacks the Conservative side as paranoid, you sure act paranoid.

I was trying to be polite. After she asked for the Mars rover to get that flag, I knew she was “tetched.”
Anyone like LEE and Elijah Cummings, who defend the multiple episodic law breaking of the Obama regime need to be rooted out, just like their leadership. Mr. Holder’s involvement in F&F, the Credit Suisse mess, hobbling Florida’s AG efforts to purge voter rolls, blocking Texas and S.Carlina’s voter I.D. measures and derailing Arizona’s state immigration efforts mark him as a politically motivated hack when all the while complaining that any action against him is a witch hunt. Any actions taken by Holder in the aftermath of F&F were never about reversing a failed operation, they were nothing but self serving damage control.


Analytical skills and a capacity for independent thought seem to be on the decline of late.

Obama told Univision that neither he nor Holder had any knowledge of the Fast and Furious operation. When he first said this, I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. If neither of them had anything to do with this, who did? Why hasn’t Holder identified the person responsible for running the operation? This isn’t a partisan request, turn over the documents that show who was responsible for the operation. Compel that person to testify. If you bring the people responsible in and protect them and the documents, you appear to be covering something up.

@Aqua: In any failing orgnization, the rats start leaving the ship long before most of us know the ship is sinking. Obama needed to order fleets of buses to thow people under as his administration proceeded. Issa and Grassly are talking with whistle blowers. That is evident from the wire tap applications they have seen. As Obama’s popularity lowers, more and more whistle blowers will appear and more information will be published.

I really have difficulty in giving Obama credit for any deep thought or any real organizational skills. I think he used the Chicago thugs to get elected over the years and then appointed them to run this administration as they saw fit. I think they write his speeches and provide him with the ideas he barely can discuss off the teleprompter.

I believe that the thugs he hired have covered themselves by having Obama on record as auhorizing F & F as well as many other operations that have not come to light. This would include preventing states from validating the voter roles. When the most trusting of us can see from Holder’s testimony that he is lying and hiding something. He has relesed less than 10% of the requested documents. Why if there were no issues would he not release all of the documents?

After watching GREG post here for a long while.. you can see a TREND…….. Greg’s beliefs are in a nutshell….

Democrats can do ANYTHING, Republicans should do NOTHING!
Republican commits a crime.. BAD!
Democrat commits a Crime.. It’s OK…. and EXCUSABLE!
Anything a Republican does, is ALWAYS suspect….
Anything a DEMOCRAT does, should never be questioned….
A Democrat can Commit Criminal acts, Usurp the Constitution, Defraud the public, Lie under oath, etc etc..
and the little “D” behind his name, is the same as a “get out of jail FREE Card” to him….

Also Greg… you Liberals ABHOR there thought, of using Profiles. Profiles, are what SOLVE crimes daily etc. The POLLS you quote, are run using a PROFILED section of society to question… so..

Republicans use Profiling to FIGHT CRIMES.. BAD!!!
Democrats use Profiles to try and suck up some VOTES? GOOD!! Case in point??

OBAMA! And his “Hispanic” stop deportation deal he just did by EO…… lets look at it…
Must be 16 to 30 years old.
Must be brought in by PARENTS without having a say so.
Must not have committed any criminal act here.
Etc etc….GEE!! that LIST, sure looks like a PROFILE to me!!!
So, Republicans use profiles for LEGITIMATE reasons.. BAD!!!
Democrat uses it, for PERSONAL GAIN?? GOOD!!

You’re the biggest bunch of TWO FACED FRAUDS on the PLANET!!

Further, revuing many past comments.. It appears, the Democrat party is PRO-CRIMINAL.. since you seem to DEFEND such activity time and time again…… You guys, are the biggest bunch of LOSERS I have ever seen… WHY, do you even WANT to stay in America??

Move to some third world Crime ridden lawless CESSPOOL.. you’d be MUCH more at home there…..
Don’t let the door hit you in the A…

@Aqua, #73:

Why hasn’t Holder identified the person responsible for running the operation?

Kenneth E. Melson was the head of ATF during Fast and Furious. Bill Newell was head of ATF field operations in Phoenix during both Wide Receiver and Fast and Furious. I see no good reason to assume that the operation was somehow being remotely controlled from Eric Holder’s office or from some back room in the Obama White House, and then expect them to produce documents proving otherwise.

Wow Greg, you didn’t get the literal memo did you? Eric Holder was pratically caught being a lair to congress and his attempt to deny his connections to it via a letter was found to be false, and he had to retract his statements. He’s into this thing big, and fyi ATF answers to the DOJ due to how ATF is formed and since the President is the Commander and Chief, the staff of those two sections directly answers to him. Wow you’re just scratching at strawls here.

@Richard Wheeler:
Ummm no. While it was hardly perfect under Bush, the obama crew made it 10 times worse. Apparently so they could ratchet up more gun control.

The difference is that under Bush, they were actually trying to catch gunrunners. They were also working with Mexican authorities to do so on the same operation.
Holder and co? None of the above. There is no equating the two. I think you know that.

@Hard Right, #78:

That would seem to be the tinfoil hat narrative. The gunwalking strategy that made some degree of sense under the Bush administration instantly turned into part of a leftist plot to take away your guns once Obama had been elected and Holder was appointed.

According to the ATF, since 2007 there have been 68,000 gun traces from Mexico that link back to U.S. sellers. Obviously the main U.S. contribution to gun violence in Mexico has to do with Fast and Furious, right?

(An interesting footnote: Eric Holder was originally nominated for his position as Associate Judge on Superior Court of the District of Columbia by Ronald Reagan.)

@Greg: You said:

Analytical skills and a capacity for independent thought seem to be on the decline of late.

Looking in the mirror, are we?


Tinfoil? Perhaps if there wasn’t proof. Your beloved CBS even pointed out the real motivation behind F&F under holder and co. Factor in the deliberate allowance of gunrunners to get away and complete lack of cooperation or notification of Mexican authorties and officials, and it’s beyond obvious. As I have mentioned before, you don’t care about the truth since you are a leftist shill.
The only tinfoil wearing involved is by those insisting it wasn’t about gun control and that it’s no big deal. You seem to have yours on awful tight.

John Boehner:

“The American people deserve the truth, and the administration has an obligation to turn over the relevant documents right now. The decision to invoke executive privilege is an admission that White House officials were involved in decisions that misled the Congress and have covered up the truth.

Shall we apply that same logic to the 6 times George W. Bush claimed executive privilege to withhold information from Congressional investigators? He’d done so for the first time before his first year in office was even out.

Boehner is full of it. Issa is full of it. Every republican climbing on board Issa’s fully loaded manure wagon is full of it.


How about proving your claims? We have supplied plenty of proof of what we say. You? Nothing. Put up or shut up.

H.R. Both ATF operations thought they could catch bad guys by selling guns to their shills and tracking them to their bosses. Both operations badly flawed. 2nd Amendment overthrow had nothing to do with ATF “Clouseaus” run amuck.
Issa is a political hack and hatchet man. If Holder is lying on ANYTHING substantive he should go.

In case anyone has had a memory lapse:

The Bush White House used executive privilege to withhold documents relating to the FBI’s misuse of organized crime informants, and to keep private internal Justice Department deliberations concerning Clinton-era fundraising tactics.

They used it to withhold the details of Dick Cheney’s official conferences with numerous energy industry executives and related special interests.

They used it to withhold documents in connection with the military cover-up involving the circumstances surrounding the death of Pat Tillman.

They used it to withhold documents subpoenaed from White House counsel Harriet Miers and political director Sara Taylor in connection with an official investigation, and refused to make a timely reply to the Senate Judiciary Committee explaining the rationale for the refusal.

They used it again to block a subpoena requiring that Miers provide testimony.

They used it to block efforts to obtain testimony from Karl Rove in connection with the summary firing of nine federal prosecutors, which was allegedly done for partisan reasons.

One solitary claim of executive privilege by the Obama White House, and the republican peanut gallery goes totally insane.

@Hard Right, #83:

You haven’t actually provided evidence of anything, other than that you’ve been attentive to right wing radio, internet, and television spin.

My best guess is that bad plans were laid at the ATF level, that minimal negative details were fed higher up the chain of command, that there was little high level DOJ or White House involvement, and that the only thing the DOJ and White House now wish to keep private are their internal deliberations concerning subsequent political damage control once the whole program went wrong. Plus they don’t want to give Issa any other material to spin out damaging theories from. They love to connect unrelated dots into elaborate confabulations that are easy for wingnuts to believe but difficult or impossible for more logical people to totally disprove.

Greg The wingnuts are truly havng a field day with this one. It would provide great belly laughs if they weren’t so damn serious. I’d expect Romney, the Mass. moderate, is probably smart enough to steer clear of this.

How odd that federal prosecutors, who serve at the President’s pleasure, got fired and it was partisan. Gee.

If you’re too dim to understand how Obama incorrectly invoked executive privilege in this case, then anyone here at FA explaining it to you would be a waste of bandwith.

Time for your nap, Greggie…

Those hundreds of dead brown people in Mexico at the end of these firearms are obviously of no consequence.

Arguing with leftists is like arguing wiith a pig… it frustrates you and annoys the pig.

Proceed tardster.

@Richard Wheeler:

Why to go to insert your head into Greg’s exit chute.

This man, Holder, is facing challenge from even Congressional Democrats. The few Democrats who defended Holder are now being berated by their own party. Defending Holder now will cost the Democrats exteremely in the Elections, considering that American Blood was spilt by a botched operation that the DOJ willingly admitted was designed to allow justification to rescend the Second Amendment’s status to Legal Citizens.

You facists are dirty liars to call modern Conservatives wingnuts. We’d be glady to physically defend your right to bash us and to live the life you want to live, but do not be surprised when your side finds your usefulness at an end as a pawn of the agenda and chooses to discard you from the system you so willingly desire and do not expect us to comply with your style of life. Lenin’s supporters found themselves either in gulags or in graves, Mao’s blind followers were mostly butchered as examples for failing to comply with Big Government demands. Your side wants control over the individual’s life and choices down to what to eat and what to drink, we “wingnuts” do not want Government to control us. Bloody fool.

@ Greg, Richard Wheeler
Do either of you care one whit for the loss of life this politically driven contrivance has caused. The body count is still running. These weapons are a lethal threat to every law officer in a border state. Every Texas law officer and DPS Task Force member fighting the Cartels in the border counties are threatened by these guns everyday. That by itself makes F&F a treacherous betrayal of those standing between us and the Cartels trying to carve out operating areas, free of law enforcement in the border counties. The leadership at BATFE, DOJ and the WH,who approved this should be tried and imprisoned. The fact that you equate Wide Receiver where all guns were recovered ,with Fast& Furious where the guns were lost and at least one trafficker released, shows the depth of your callous, disregard for the victims, present and future, of this Obama fiasco.

I think you have mentioned some very important fact,
giving the thought very possible that TERRY FOUND SOMETHING AND WAS ORDER KILLED,
and they had to eliminate him so he could not talk,
but it happened that he was very well like and other took over the secret, AND MADE 2 AND 2 AND FIGURED IT OUT,

I would ask all of sound mind and good heart to read response #90. “Fascist” “Marxist” Compared to followers of Lenin and Mao.
Does anyone question why this U.S. Marine Officer and V.N. Vet might call this guy a “wingnut”?

Brian I share your concern for loss of life in Fand F and think those responsible should be held accountable.

True, but that isn’t the whole story:

President George W. Bush first asserted executive privilege to deny disclosure of sought details regarding former Attorney General Janet Reno, the scandal involving Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) misuse of organized-crime informants James J. Bulger and Stephen Flemmi in Boston, and Justice Department deliberations about President Bill Clinton’s fundraising tactics, in December 2001.

This was information pertaining to Clinton’s DOJ, not the Bush DOJ.
The rest you can read here without the partisan slant.
Just a side note, replacing US Attorneys is not something that started under Dubya. It stretches back much further. Clinton’s administration fired all of them.

Be that as it may, I don’t think Dubya should have invoked executive privilege, he should have just said, “so what.” The courts pretty much saw it the same way. Three of the six times Bush invoked privilege were related to the firing of the US Attorneys, and all three were struck down by the courts. I’m not sure, but I believe the other time privilege was invoked and struck down by the courts was over the Tillman documents. I think they should have come clean over that as well.

MAYBE OBAMA is buying time to be able to destroy the pages incriminating him,
all he need is a bit of time so he can pass the pages to his democrats in order to see what is it
that he doesn’t want the AMERICANS TO SEE,

@ilovebeeswarzone: Maybe someone will carry out the documents in their socks to be destroyed! LOL

@Richard Wheeler:

Perhaps you should be asking yourself some pertinent questions, such as:

If the President, who on numerous occassions, claimed to have no knowledge of F & F (conversations, emails, twitter statements, memos, PDBs), why would he need to claim executive privilegein the name of a program he was totally unaware of and had no knowledge of?

EP is to be claimed only in the case of affecting the President’s ability to protect national security issues and if it impedes his ability to carry out his executive duties. It is not to be extended to protect the heads of any governmental agency. Executive privilege can be claimed for conversations that Obama had with Eric Holder in regards to F & F, but the president has claimed those conversations never happened.

The bottom line is Eric Holder perjured himself to a Congressional committee tasked with learning the whys and wherefores of the deaths of two American law enforcement officers, Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry and ATF Agent Jaime Zapata. Holder has been found in contempt of a legal Congressional investigation, not because of his role in F & F, but because of his perjury.

If you are truely interested in how this entire scandal (and yes, it is a major scandal which in my mind exceeds Watergate due to the fact that Americans have died because of it) came about, follow SipseyStreetRegulars who were orginally tipped off by a whistleblowing ATF agent who was disgusted with the actions of his superiors.

@Richard Wheeler: You are again deliberately ignoring importatnt facts in order to justify your claims that it is no big deal.
You see, under Bush even when they used tracking devices to track the arms, and coordinated with the Mexican authorities, it was still a cluster*uck.
Holder and co. used no tracking devices, did not tell the Mexican authorities
, and deliberately let smugglers go. Add in the memo where they said this would be great to justify firearms restrictions, and there is your motivation.
Even CBS thinks it is the likely reason and they are hardly a “wingnut” mouthpiece.

Greg, holder knew about it and has lied to congress claiming he didn’t. That has been proven.
Again, you post nothing to support your claims. What a shock.

H.R. Agrred initial op. was a C.F. 2nd op also a C.F. I blame ATF agents who I call “Clouseaus”
Pls. provide memo that says F AND F designed to hurt 2nd Amendment rights.

@mmercier, #89:

Those hundreds of dead brown people in Mexico at the end of these firearms are obviously of no consequence.

Obviously they’re of little real consequence to the NRA–an organization that denies the relevance of 68,000 illegal guns traced back to U.S. sources, while howling about 1,700 or so lost during the botched Wide Receiver and Fast and Furious programs. Nor are they of much real consequence to the far right in general, except to the extent that referencing them can be useful for scoring points in a discussion such as this. Shift the topic to 15-year old Carlos Lamadrid, or to how we should be dealing with undocumented aliens inside the United States, and watch how quickly the crocodile tears evaporate.

Maybe the right should stop throwing down that particular card. It only invites closer scrutiny of the inconsistencies between what they say and what they do.

@Hard Right, #98:

Greg, holder knew about it and has lied to congress claiming he didn’t. That has been proven.

It’s apparently been proven to the satisfaction of the far right. Other people have higher evidentiary standards.