Obamacare could unleash tyranny [Reader Post]

I was thinking of writing this up as a Most Wanted, but it deserves significant exposure. The Institute of Justice has filed an amicus brief regarding Obamacare. It questions the ability of the government to force people into contracts against their will, and if this is done for Obamacare then there would be no limit to what Obama could force anyone to do. And one cannot help but wonder if this is not part of the plan.

Say What? March 6, 2012 edition (great week for quotes!) [Reader Post]

President Obama to the UAW in Detroit: “And five years from now when I’m not president anymore, I’ll buy [a Chevy Volt] and drive it myself.”  GM has suspended the building of Volts this week.

A New York Times correction: “A previous version of this article misstated how many of the president’s proposals  to reduce the country’s reliance on imported oil were new in his speech on Wednesday. None of them were, not one of them.”

If Obama embraces misogyny, then so should we all [Reader Post]

In the wake of Rush Limbaugh calling Sandra Fluke a “slut” there has been no end to furor. The Washington Post, in full piety mode:

IN A DEMOCRACY, standards of civil discourse are as important as they are indefinable. Yet wherever one draws the line, Rush Limbaugh’s vile rants against Georgetown University law student Sandra Fluke crossed it.

Targeted Assassinations…My, How Quiet The Liberals Are

While I don’t disagree with the Administration over this policy, I find the whole situation ironic. It was just a few years ago liberals were crying and protesting all over the fact that the United States waterboarded a few high level terrorists.

Sunday Funnies

“President Obama is trying to come up with a new campaign slogan that would replace ‘hope and change.’ He’s thinking of going with ‘I am not Mitt Romney.’” –Craig Ferguson