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I love the smell of Welfare Fraud in the morning. It smells like… Prison.

It may not be fraud (though it should be). Some states test solely based on current income, not on assets. Basic problem is that states decide who’s eligible while fedgov does most of the paying, so states have little incentive to be strict.

I cannot wait to see the libtard brothers defend this mooch.

Actually, what I found most egregious was the politician pushing for a law to stop this. Not that I think it is ok what the woman is doing, quite the contrary. No, the problem is that laws are on the books already, and when something is found to be wrong with them, they tack on another law to “correct” an unintended consequence, which invariably leads to further unintended consequences, and the push for more laws, and so on and so on and so on. And each time, a little more freedom is taken, whether by plan or by proxy, until eventually we wake up one day and find that everything we do, or want to do, is regulated by some form of law, regulation or government directive. At that point we are no longer “free”, but rather, simply a form of government chattel for the politicians and elites to do with as they will.

@johngalt: I agree JG. For it would be easy for lotto winners to circumvent the proposed law by having a relative redeem the ticket and promptly fall off the radar, so to speak.


It’s the old problem that people fall into, antics. They see a problem and immediately think to themselves, “there ought to be a law”, never thinking beyond the immediate problem and their “solution” to what other problems may be caused by it. Our history is rife with examples of this, including the enactment, and repeal, of a Constitutional amendment(prohibition).

What this issue shows as a problem more than anything else is the problems associated with the food stamp programs in general. Somewhere, at some point, someone saw a problem with someone who looked like they were starving, and said, “there ought to be a law”. The result was the food stamp programs, which led to dependence upon government, and because it was so easy to get and use, many people stopped caring about their own personal responsibility, instead relying on government to “solve” their problem. This example above is just one of those unintended consequences of the original law, but instead of looking at it and trying to see how damaging it is, this guy, this politician, is merely trying to put a bandaid on the situation and will probably claim that he “solved” the problem. Idiot.

Who gives a F if she takes food stamps or not. Greed is everywhere.The lotto is a joke played on the poor and the greedy.My favorite was Shaq who bought $15,00o worth on a 20 million payoff cause “it gave me a better chance of winning”
J.G. Agreed we don’t need another law and the pol. is an idiot.

*YOU* should give a F if she takes food stamps, rich. The point is the welfare system is ripe with fraud, and nutures the “greed” and easy money attitude of the lazy takers, who don’t want to earn a living.

Mata You’re right. She ofcourse shouldn’t continue to get food stamps.

My problem is with the lotto which imo is a tax on the poor.Gingrich has a better chance of being POTUS the next 8 years than the literally poor suckers who buy tickets have a chance of winning. lol
The percentage of people in this country who “don’t want to earn a living” at a living wage is very small.

Just got back from Puerto Vallarta. Incredibly beautiful and romantic.The Mexican people are friendly.working, happy and would prefer living there than in the U.S. Can’t say I blame them.

rich: My problem is with the lotto which imo is a tax on the poor.


Since when is a “tax” an option to purchase, or not, a lotto ticket?

It’s just gambling, rich. Nothing more, nothing less. If “the poor”, which you are happy to portray here as “victims”, can’t afford the lotto ticket, they have the choice to NOT buy one. Oh but were income taxes structured that way.

But then, there’s that “don’t want to earn a living” attitude again, or the idea that you get lots of cash for no work. Those that gamble are either addicted (have a few friends that are GA’ers), or they are looking for easy get rich quick opportunities. I assure you, on the rare times that I gamble, losing is not my goal. Part and parcel of the mentality. The desperate gamblers hope the next spin or deal will reverse the losses. The addicts simply are addicted to the thrills of the gaming, win or lose. Until, of course, they are hiding their extreme losses from family and friends, and in dire straits financially.

So don’t be playing up “the poor” as “victims” of the lotto. Give me an effin break…

The Conservatives should use this 24 year old as the “Poster Child” for what’s wrong with many in America, our so called ‘entitlements’ and most of all…. the non-existent “ethics” of many people in America. Cause this one obviously has no ethics….and just because “they” didn’t stop giving her the welfare doesn’t mean it is OK to continue accepting it. sheesh!

Another Poster Child? -[aka useful idiot] Ms Fluke.

@FAITH7: Exactly. And I can tell you, there were times in my life when I had to accept help in the form of “entitlement programs.” Had I won the lottery (fat chance, since I didn’t spend money on frivolous things like lotto tickets when I was in dire straits that required me to accept assistance), one of the first phone calls I would be ecstatic to make would be to the Public Aid office and let them know I didn’t need the help anymore.

During the more prosperous times in my life, I have tried to give back – usually by donating to my local food pantries.

anticsrocks@#13 – You’re a Great American anticsrocks! [as Sean would say] I too almost found myself using this type of assistance…and like you, I would have been more than happy to have called social services and let them know I was no longer in need of assistance….I wish you, and our friends here continued prosperity…

@FAITH7: Thank you Faith, you are a Great American as well.