…from the GOP with “love”

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This was worthy of sharing the grin… Grace Wyler over at Business Insider has shared some RNC Valentine’s Day cards to their pals and gals across the aisle. And since a picture is worth a thousand words, I’ll link a couple here, and suggest you head over to Business Insider to view the rest. Or head directly to the source – GOP Valentine – and send your liberal pal a belated personalized greeting. The link is at the bottom.

Visit GOP Valentine to see more, or send a belated greeting to a liberal friend!

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Hey, 4 years ago, you guys and gals banned me because I didn’t submit to your superior intellect.
One argument I made was that the price of gas doubled with W as Prez.
You all pooh-poohed it.
Now, 4 years later, gas is nearly double what it was when Obama was elected.
Will you guys and gals use that against him?
Enjoy the rest of the week and God bless.

You last commented in 2010, not 4 years ago, and you were never banned.