I heard this data read on Mark Levin this afternoon, and picked it up from the CNN PoliticalTicker blog by way of Lucianne.
I’ll provide the nothing shy of jaw-dropping stats below… how you choose to absorb this ugly reality about election campaigns and negative advertising is, of course, completely up to you.
Me? To use the “he who dies with the most toys…” old saying, paraphrased, obviously he who has the most money for a campaign, combined with the least scruples, wins.
Statistics provided by the Campaign Media Analysis Group (CMAG).
“I spent much of my academic career telling reporters, ‘Relax, this is not the most negative campaign ever,'” CMAG President Ken Goldstein said. “Well, this IS the most negative campaign ever.”
Numbers from CMAG show a total of 11,586 television spots aired in Florida between January 23 and January 29. [Mata Musing: that’s 1655 per day, or close to one every minute of a 24 hour period… no wonder my relatives were complaining…] Of those spots, 10,633 were negative and 953 were positive.
Of the 1,012 spots Newt Gingrich’s campaign ran, 95% were negative. Mitt Romney’s campaign ran 3,276 ads and 99% were negative.
The two super PACs supporting the top candidates were more divergent in their ad strategies. Restore our Future, supporting Romney, ran 4,969 spots, all of which were negative. The Gingrich-backing Winning our Future ran 1,893 spots, and only 53% were negative.
Correspondingly, the bulk of ads in Florida – 68% – were negative toward Gingrich. Twenty-three percent were anti-Romney spots. Gingrich got support from 9% of ads while pro-Romney spots accounted for less than 0.1%.
With these stats, the lesson learned is that Romney never won by positive campaigning… only by tearing down his opponent. How Obama’esque of him…. I’ve already got a POTUS with this version of ethics. Do I really want to replace him with another, just because he fakes an “R” behind his name?
Romney, of course, was busy playing the victim, whining like a little kid to his Mom, pointing fingers saying “he started it!” in reference to Newt. Unfortunately, that’s not how it went.
It was Romney’s well timed onslaught of SuperPac spending in Iowa that crashed Newt’s momentum there. Romney also outspent Newt 2 to 1 in South Carolina. Florida? Well, the above tells the story.
Needless to say, Romney’s feigned innocence and cries of “victim”, after outspending Gingrich four to one, are somewhat disingenuous to put it mildly.
In fact, as of Jan 10th, 96% of the SuperPACs’ spending on negative ads were targeting Gingrich. It’s amazing the guy’s gotten as far as he has, vacillating between being the front runner and in second both in the state, and nationally. As of the 20th of January, the SuperPAC spending had clicked up to about $33 million (both positive and negative of all candidates), with Romney leading the pack with $11 million, or 1/3rd of all SuperPAC spending alone.
While Mitt’s busy spending money, hands over fists, to destroy his competitor, what will he have left to defend himself again Obama’s massive war chest in the general? If Romney is, today, gloating over a win based on buying a State Primary with negative ads, saying they served him well, he’s got little hope of out spending Obama in the general.
There’s no money back guarantee on a Mittens candidacy if or when he loses to Obama when cast as the heartless, soul’less capitalist pig. The man who is the epitome of everything that Obama rails against. We sure know that health care will be off the table, since Romney was the architect of Obama’care. Mandates that force citizens to buy a product, simply because they live and breathe, are no more Constitutional at the state level than they are at the federal. Our inalienable rights do not stop at State boundaries.
Meanwhile, for some primary return fun, the folks over at ABC have decided to publish their predictions of by just how much Newt would be losing to Romney in Florida, in percentages ranging from 7-8% to 28%. It’s 6:41PM PT, and the cable news has called the election for Romney at 47%/Gingrich with 32% with 81% of the vote in (ever changing). Guess they’ll have to wait to declare the winner.
Wonder if they’re running a pool for cash…
AMY WALTER – ABC News Political Director
Romney- 45%
Newt- 29%
Santorum- 14%
Paul- 12%JONATHAN KARL – ABC News Senior Political Correspondent
Romney – 41%
Gingrich – 28%
Santorum – 16%
Paul – 11%RICK KLEIN – Senior Washington Editor
Romney – 45%
Gingrich – 27%
Paul – 15%
Santorum – 11%Z. BYRON WOLF – Politics Editor for ABC News.com
Romney – 37%
Gingrich – 27%
Santorum – 12 %
Paul – 12 %Eric Noe – ABCNews.com Deputy Managing Editor
Romney: 43%
Gingrich: 29%
Santorum: 16%
Paul: 12%SHUSHANNAH WALSHE – ABC News Digital Reporter
Mitt Romney – 36 %
Newt Gingrich – 29 %
Rick Santorum – 15%
Ron Paul – 13%GEORGE SANCHEZ – ABC News Washington, DC Assignment Editor
Romney – 49%
Gingrich – 21%
Santorum – 16%
Paul – 12%ELIZABETH HARTFIELD – ABC News Political Unit
Romney- 41%
Gingrich- 28%
Santorum- 14%
Paul- 11%CHRIS GOOD – ABC News Political Unit
Romney – 38%
Gingrich – 30%
Santorum – 12%
Paul – 11%MATT NEGRIN – ABC News Political Reporter
Romney – 36%
Gingrich – 29%
Paul – 17%
Santorum – 15%AMY BINGHAM – ABC News.com Reporter
Romney- 43%
Gingrich- 28%
Santorum- 12%
Paul- 9%SARAH PARNASS – ABC News Intern
Romney – 46%
Gingrich – 27%
Santorum – 16%
Paul – 11%ALEXA KEYES – ABC News Intern
Romney -44%
Gingrich – 29%
Santorum -14%
Paul – 11%
We have a problem, folks. While I support the voters’ right to choose via elections, even if not my candidate of choice, the amount of money and the sleazy tactics that have permeated our process are beyond alarming. So you’ll forgive me if I don’t celebrate the primary results, as it’s going now.
It turns out that all we feared may be true, as it plays out before our very eyes and with documented facts… that offices of our central government are, indeed, for sale to the highest bidder with those with the most creative lies.
A “must read” … C. Edmund Wright’s American Thinker article 2/1/12 – “Mitt’s Scorched Earth Win”.
Another “must”…Thomas Sowell’s primary day column, “The Florida Smear Campaign”
George Neumayr’s American Thinker article, “Romney’s Cheap and Empty Win”… tho I might disagree as to how “cheap” it was in a monetary perspective.
Vietnam era Navy wife, indy/conservative, and an official California escapee now residing as a red speck in the sea of Oregon blue.
@GaffaUK: Odd how quite Gaffer got about Newt after Mata and I cleaned his clock…
And it looks as though Hankster is following suit, so really one has to wonder why the Gaffe machine even tries when he says:
Besides being a perpetual Gaffe machine, one wonders how Gaffer talks with one foot in his mouth…I guess since he’s using a keyboard, it’s all good.
Bottom line is this –
Gaffer is confusing economic memes with social memes. Despite Obama in particular and the left in general’s best efforts, we still enjoy overwhelmingly more personal liberty here in the good ‘ole United States of America than the subjects of Her Majesty’s Empire. Hell even the terms used show the difference.
United States has citizens.
Great Britain has subjects.
’nuff said
I think GAFFA UK like to drink that scotch, BY GEORGE IT MAKES HIM TALK,
Yo Antics…. ya just made me remember…. I was going to ask “da gaffer” how he likes, having a Government, that allows FOREIGN LAW and COURTS, to operate with in Britain! Britain IS allowing SHARIA LAW, to be used with in it’s borders, is it not.. “gaffer”??? Hmm…
@ilovebeeswarzone: LOL Beezy!
that mean the BRITISH have abdicate power to the that community, and will
descend into hell from there, they already had a taste of a revolution by the young generation,
which was just a practice, there was some of them among the crowd then, I saw them on the news running among the young, it’s a matter of time now, what we see in SYRIA now and EGYPT, is related and unstoppable, it’s a world movement, and we are not immune from them either,
@Hankster58: Right you are.
So much for personal freedoms and liberties, huh? I don’t care if you call it socialism, Marxism, or a friggin’ kumquat; loss of freedom is loss of freedom, period.
so strange is in it, the stunning part is that we have seen it coming, but those in power allowed it to start and flourish until they cede their power bits by bits, why so, and it’s the people which have to accept to
live the negative of it, they cannot fight it, they are rendered powerless under the thug rules
Astounding you and Antics really are fluent in speaking tosh aren’t you?
Amazing you both confuse socialism with a monarchy and now Islamism. Lol. And whilst I don’t have any truck with any of those wretched systems and beliefs it pays to be educated to know the difference. Maybe ignoring the history books in your distorted reality – at the height of the British Empire there was no monarchy – this was only created when socialist Labour Prime Minister, Clement Atlee came to power in 1945 and ever since the powers of George VI followed by Liz II have increased. Because it well known that socialists love monarchy. Indeed thanks to Russian Revolution a monarchy was also installed in Russia in 1917. Meanwhile we all know conservatives across the globe loathe monarchies.
And I see you confuse nationalize with nationalist! Lol – you must be very confused with the English language when you get easily confused by suffixes believing words to have the same meaning if they share the same root word.
Is a socialite a socialist?
Is a Methodist the same as a methodize?
Is organize the same as organism or organist?
I can see why you avoid dictionaries:)
Maybe you should get a passport one day and actually visit the UK, dear boy, and gem up on some knowledge.
@ilovebeeswarzone: You are right Beezy. To hear Gaffer tell it, the UK is a bastion of freedom and democracy… 😆
@GaffaUK: You said:
I don’t know you tell me Gaffer.
Is a Gaffer a simplteon? Seems like it. What part of personal freedoms and liberties do you not understand?
I made no bones about my comments on this thread. Were you to climb down off your high horse and try a little reading comprehension you would know that; but since I am well aware of your history of selective reading, let me try to help you.
In this comment, I said:
And in this comment, I said:
The link I posted about the 85 Sharia courts that you so delicately avoided commenting on was in response to Hanster’s comment here.
Now one would have to be quite the simpleton to not understand that I was commenting on personal liberties and freedoms. And typical Gaffer tries to change the argument and segue into something I wasn’t even talking about.
Looks like you needs some attention. Bless.
lol – changing an already existing tangent about whether the UK is a socialist state to Sharia courts is changing the argument. Hypocrisy huh.
btw this is what methodize means…
Looks like you learnt a new word.
Here’s a wake up call – the US already has Jewish Halaka Courts and Native American courts – and apparently Sharia Law has been taken into account in the US. http://shariahinamericancourts.com/
Oh my god – this surely must mean that the US is a socialist clusterpuck!
So you may want to take your own advice and manage your own backyard in regards to the dangers of Socialism/Islam/’Insert random enemy’ before OBSESSING over socialism and Sharia Courts etc in the UK.
Gaffer… Manage my backyard? Workin on it… that’s why WE”RE in here…..NOW, looking at YOUR ADVICE… You don’t see ME posting on ENGLISH politics websites do you?? Try taking your OWN ADVICE… two faced… LOL!!
“Tosh”? Cute, but we understand “English” slang insults as well… you’re more of a “yes-man” type…. gone doolally have we??
lol – but that wasn’t my advice was it now Hankster? I think it’s fine for ‘foreigners’ to comment on international or national issues of other countries. Funny how those on the right sees socialism creeping everywhere to hysterical proportions whilst the left in similar extremes believe capitialism is doing the same in a destructive vein. Meanwhile the rest of us moderates in the middle laugh at such polarised views. Not so much tosh (I guess the reason I used of that out of date expression flew over your head) but as we would say in modern English parlance – Bollocks. If anyone knew about UK politics in a moderate way – would see that the PMs during and after Thatcher (including ex-socialists as Blair & even Brown) have moved to the right (mixed with progressive ideas as well) compared to the 30 years before that – and that has generally been a good thing. But those who read and/or hold ‘Daily Mail’ views will forever be trapped in a deluded world of hysteria.
Socialism loves capitalism… it can’t exist without it. For without capitalism… socialism is communism.
Says the guy who has no idea what personal liberties and God-given freedoms are.
Again showing his ignorance. Conservatism and Capitalism have brought more peace, more prosperity and more liberty to more people than progressivism could ever hope to.
Mata and I shut you up about all the falsehoods you were spewing in regards to Newt Gingrich, so you now have changed your focus and are lamely attempting to, what? Prove how the United Kingdom is a bastion of personal freedoms and liberties? The only thing funnier than that is the idea that you know what you’re talking about.
And since you fancy yourself a vocabulary genius, let me just say that you are a spurious blatherskite prone to bloviating. You believe yourself to be pawky, but in reality you are a tendentious, mendacious jobbernowl.
Thanks for playing, and have a nice day.
@ Antics.. ROTFLMAO !! TOUCHE’!
@ Gaffer… professi sapias, nisi probet se esse stultos
NO? те, кто утверждает, что был шикарным, только доказывают себя, чтобы быть дураками
Don’t do Russian?? well lets see…. how about in my native families tongue then….
“hen die slim te zijn, alleen zien dat hij dwazen”
Have a nice day there….oh, by the way…. I’m having My pal Mr. Creighton over tomorrow night.. I’ll run your “appraisal” of Englands current situation past him for his comments.. ought to be interesting. also.. he’s from Newcastle… where shall I tell him YOU hail from?? 🙂
comment alley vous? je ne comprend pas votre language, mais je suis crtaine que c’est bien
bonjour mon ami
mais quest ce qu’il a dit?
Donald Bly
a very poetic way to say it,
many ism like obamist
@ilovebeeswarzone: I am guessing you are wondering what those words I said to Gaffer mean?
Sorry Beezy, even though I took a semester of French waaaaayyyyy back in high school, I must confess I have no idea what you said.
@ Bees….cela peut ne pas être proprement parlé, mais vous avez vous-même une bonne journée. Amusez-vous!
@ Bees…..Et, Gaffa est un fou n’est-ce pas? Dis-je cela correctement?
Bees .. Je parlais hollandais, c’est là que mes parents venaient tous deux de.
Enough with the Frog talk
yes, on all you said, when I read your first comment on russian and another tongue
I join the game too, I see you know many of them
I was playing with Hankster tongues, I couldn’t resist the fun,
you sure remember the meaning of my sentence
Donald Bly
I love frogs, not in dinner time, when was the last time you where in frog country?
do you want me to tell my story about my encounter with FROG?
THAT WAS FUN I couldn’t resist when Hankster came first,
I never let pass a fun moment
@ Donald Bly……… Le coassement de coassement dit la grenouille ! LOL!!!! I couldn’t resist one more….. that’s “croak croak says the frog”! 😉
one last one..
@Gaffa… gaffa, تو احمق ليبرال واقعي, آيا شما میدانید كه? ما در جهالت خنديد.
Have fun with that one! LOL!! HINT: This is what OBL would speak to his little Terrorist pals in…..
I see you posess the genes of the old MIGHTY VICKING, fearless CONQUERED OF MANY LANDS,
@ bees….. Sans l’amour, sans l’humour, ou sans le rire, vivre des puanteurs !
for the rest of you… “without love, without humor, without laughter, LIFE STINKS! ”
And I bid you all a good day!
I’m sure glad you put the !!!!!! between the puanteurs and the rest of the comment, bye
good day to you too