Screw You! I am Outta Here G.O.P. [Reader Post]


To whomever this may concern

It’s been a relationship that has been on the skids since 2010. I tried to make it work, but after I saw that I was the only one making any concessions in our waning relationship I realized that you no longer considered our relationship worth saving. Instead of wasting each other’s time let me just pack up my vote and get the hell out of here. Goodbye Republican Party. It was fun while it lasted.

Mike Henkins

Whew! That felt good! I have been wanting to write that letter for a while now. I can’t believe I waited this long! I should have done it right after the election in November 2010. I knew then that it was over then but I was hoping things would change, but it didn’t. The Republican Party has done nothing but insult me and my Tea Party friends. I mean look! These bastards are going after Allen West now! Allen freakin’ West man! You know what really jumps my tracks? These same Sons of Bushs are the first ones to cry about the need for “party unity”. Un-flippin-real!

I will tell you what’s going to happen. If Romney gets the nomination they are going to come to us at first with hat in hand asking for our time and money to “help defeat Obama.” When we roll our eyes and slam the door in their faces, they will tell us they don’t need us anyway, their new best buds, the Independents, will help out. After they realize that the precious Independent voter isn’t going to waste their time helping out, they will be back again. They will finally get the message after you sic the dog after them. That’s when the crying starts. They will drag out the old “if you don’t vote for Romney, your voting for Obama!” crap. Of course they expect you to fold with this inspiring message. This will be repeated over and over until Election Day. Heh! “It’s your duty!” blah blah blah. Whatever.

The day after the election, when Romney and his little pack of clingers are all out looking for jobs they will point trembling snot covered fingers at us, yelling “It’s all your fault!”. It will have nothing to do with their candidate. It never is. It’s always our fault. No matter how many times they lose, it’s always somebody else’s fault. But this time nobody is going to be listening anymore. At least not me. I am glad to be rid of the back stabbing bunch of posers and two faced liars. Buh-bye!

Well, I have to get back to life. If you see the G.O.P. tell them not to call. I am changing my number and they can keep the cat. Hated the thing anyway.

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@johngalt: One question I’d like to see these pollsters ask is, “Are you better off now than what you were 3 or 4 years ago”, i.e. pre Obama. The results would be very telling. Your points about taking the race card and the class warfare out of it are well taken. As for your last point, I think Gingrich would be the type to call out the MSM. He’s done it in the debates to some extent. The GOP needs to get rid of their timidity, both their eventual nominee and those in Congress.

@MataHarley: “Ivan, I’ve always been anti-Romney/RINO. You have nothing to do with it. I’ve been adding to my Romney bookmarks file since 2007… which was titled then, and still is today… ROMNEY NEVER!”

I’m sorry, in 2011, January to be specific, I railed against Bohener and his cronies. YOU MATA, and Aye, came to their defense! Shame on your revisionism.

Oh, I’m sure in your convoluted style of thinking, could convince yourself that “You’ve always been against RINOs”, but you’re on the record for defending them.

Never mind, your mistakes are forgiven. Welcome to the “right” side of the track.

Ivan, you should know better than to go there with your lies and dishonor. So how about that “on the record” stuff, bubba? I notice you volunteer no links or proof… just hope that someone out there will be foolish enough to accept you at your word.

Well, we’ve been there, done this enough, that all I have to do is update with you wander around with your drivel… as predictable from time to time. So while you attempt to offer only your word, I’ll offer sources and facts.

From August of last year, my comment #98 with links to your “warnings” about Boehner, which were nothing but accusing him of being a cry baby. As I pointed out to you in that comment, show me where I indulged in that thread, other than to point out to my pal, OT, that watching pig mud wrestling contest was more interesting than that thread?

oops… didn’t defend the RINOs.

Oh wait! My comment #99 where you made the same accusation about two more instances And I again linked to the thread where I was no where in the comments to be found.

Gee… you may have a hard time recognizing the letters, M-A-T-A-H-A-R-L-E-Y in a row. Over your four letter word limit, Ivan?

You tried to spread the same lie a couple of weeks later in another thread. Ran mysteriously into the night with nary a link to prove your accusations.

And you say I have no honor? LOL

I’ve not only NOT defended RINOs, I’ve written many a post condemning them from the time they took office and caved on the debt/spending negotiations the following month. In fact, when you started your BS and lies about me, I responded to you in March 2011 with the below:


Yo Ivan… to jog your senile memory, comments in the past.

From April 2010

I suggest that the only way the GOP will get the message is if we send the same message on the other side. Supporting RINOs, merely to get death by a thousand cuts, ain’t gonna cut the mustard. If the other side retains socialist control, and do further damage, the inner conservative in people simply grows until both sides get the message.

I will not accept a Lindsay Graham or other RINO as a trade off. It’s a lie, and will result in kicking the conservative can down the road when they behave no differently than a Euro-socialist leadership. We’ll just get to the ballot revolution faster with the Euro-socialist control. And the GOP will adapt, or die.

That does not mean I get a larger selection in voting, or that I will abstain from voting. That cures nothing as well.

from October 30th

Under no circumstances will I accept the *leadership* of any party of which I am a member that favors Dem-lite simply for “electability” …. all while we pray they actually behave conservative once elected. Been there, done that. We could not be any more Dem-lite than 2008 INRE fiscal matters. And the GOP for the past decade could not be any more anti-conservative in behavior. In fact, you may just want to revisit Congress for the past few decades since FDR. As I said… death by a thousand cuts.

From Dec 19th,2010.. of which I addressed part of this response to YOU.. no excuses

But… I don’t give a whit about Palin’s endorsement, the GOP endorsement, or anything else on these agreements. As I said, both parties will give away the American farm… just as they’ve been doing for decades. That is just as sure as both parties are going to spend this country into it’s demise. We’ve already learned, in under two months from a major midterm election, that the difference between the two parties is just a hair’s breadth. With Dems, we die by slashing the wrists. With the GOP, we die from the thousand cuts.

I guess, if I’m trying to live the rest of my life under anything that resembles the country of my childhood, the death from a thousand cuts is the only choice. But it is not one I choose with my heart. And I draw the line at Romney.

From Feb 8th

The GOP is not off to a good start with their lame duck session concessions, and their pathetic budget rolled out today. But then, it’s still preferable.. this fiscal death from a thousand cuts vs the Dem death by slashing your wrists financially… to Dem rule. Because for each paper cut they inflict, conservatives will boot them out in the next election until we actually have policy makers true to fiscal responsibility. And we won’t be getting that from Mr. Romney’care, nor the likeable but still a RINO Huckabee.

As far as my disgust with the new Congress during the lame duck session, you can see that here…. here,…. and here. Needless to say, your concepts of my politics are a figment of your manifested personal dislike.


Since that March 2011 post, I’ve also penned about the GOP geting sucker punched by Obama, in October last year.

We, the taxpayers being played the fool by the political farce of both parties in July 2011.

Congressional members, both parties, on the take with insider trading in May 2011.

Chastising both the GOP and Dems for rejecting the Ryan budget in May 2011.

Pissed that the GOP dodged Medicare reform in May 2011.
And pointing out how Congress, both parties were duped by the Arab League on Libya in March 2011.

You remain, Ivan, scurrilous lyin’ scum. Archives, bubba… they don’t work too well for you.

I’m with this all the way. Actually, the only reason I am a registered Republican is because I would lose my right to vote in the primaries here in NJ. There is no Conservative Party and Independents are not recognized to vote in primaries 🙁
But on the bright side, I stopped participating in the Republican Party severa years ago. I stopped donating, stopped giving my time and I’m not seeing any change in that any time soon.

@MataHarley: ‘The onslaught of negative adds has been unprecedented.’
I figured this would be the outcome of superPACs. Candidates can claim to have clean hands while their independent superPACs do the dirty work. Not sure I like the result, though to be honest I don’t have any good idea how to improve that situation. Raising the cap on individual contributions would help very slightly, I guess.


LOL! That’s better than I could accomplish in your situation. I would have just asked him how he fits his body and his ego in his mom’s basement at the same time.

Piece of cake, johngalt. It’s not like Ivan isn’t predictable with his dishonor, ya know. I have so many bookmarks that when I change computers and transfer my database, the IT’s roll their eyes at the volume and age…. With Ivan, it’s simple. There’s a “site pests” category, and a folder with Ivan’s name on it. Can’t waste too much time in life on those who deserve little more than a slap with a fly swatter, right?


For me, the home computer is not a big part of my work or life, and the wife and I just replaced the old one that I killed dead. No chance to take any bookmarks with me. I do, however, have a pretty damn good memory that has helped me find old posts more than once.

As I said, though, I’d probably just insult him and move on. I really have only responded to one of his inane posts since I’ve been back, although it seems that I’ve replaced Ivan’s childishness with liberalmann’s.

Well, johngalt… now you know why I can supply so many links in my comments. Some I have to pull out of mothballs, but I archive so much that I don’t use immediately. But like they say, generally everything “old” becomes “new” again. Or, put another way, those who don’t learn (and archive) history are doomed to repeat it.

@MataHarley: I agree that it will be no cake walk and even said that if the economy gets better to where people feel it, he will win re-election. In addition to Obama’s deep pockets, he also gets lots of free advertising compliments of the MSM. I believe the point of the article was that everyone is focusing on the non electability of the Republican candidates and ignoring Obama’s own issues that make him unreelectable under normal circumstances which means we’ll end up with a Republican who normally wouldn’t have won as President or a President winning a second term who normally wouldn’t have won. We are in agreement that it is too early for Rubio and West, two great future choices. As for the others, I can see why they wouldn’t want to run (I guess there aren’t anymore Ikes out there who ran for the good of the country even though he didn’t want to), but they have no grounds to criticize those who did or complain should we get four more years of what we have now. As such, should Obama get re-elected, come 2016 should Perry decide to run again, he will have my early support because not only is he qualified but he also didn’t shy away from the challenge unlike the others. I think he waited too long to throw his hat in the ring and wasn’t prepared for prime time.

another vet: I agree that it will be no cake walk and even said that if the economy gets better to where people feel it, he will win re-election. In addition to Obama’s deep pockets, he also gets lots of free advertising compliments of the MSM.

Absolutely on the money, another vet. And I might also add all that free air time as a POTUS, before a dais with his twin TOTUS’, giving Rose Garden speeches and campaigning around the country on the nation’s dime.

Yes, that why the “others don’t want to run” is somewhat discouraging. And unfortunately, I keep coming back to the same answer… fear of losing, fear of the difficulty of the job in these times, or fear of no more than one term. If they don’t step up when the going is tough, I don’t need them when the going is easier.

For as much as I’m disgruntled with this line up, I’ll give them one thing… they are all willing to tackle a very difficult situation.

@gary kukis: #89
The party will never reform itself.

That is why I don’t belong to ANY party. Each one has to pay back the ones who donated to them by passing laws those people, organizations, and companies want. We need a system where there are no political parties and the individuals run on their own. I don’t have the answer as to how to accomplish this, except to suggest what I call YouTube type debates. They would start out local and continue on with the one who wins each debate. They could be done by computer so that the individuals wouldn’t have to be at a certain place.

The debates bring up a pet peeve of mine: Nobody wins or looses a debate. To me, a debate should only be to have the individuals state there opinions and let the people take it from there. There shouldn’t be any choosing of winners or losers by the media. The two days before an election and the day of the election there shouldn’t be any coverage allowed, unless something negative was said at the last minute by a politician and the other politician can comment on it. Let us have three days of peace and quiet, and other news.

@Hard Right: #91
We have Hard Right’s east flank covered over here in Idaho.

@johngalt: #113
Everybody should have a backup drive for their computer. That way, even if you lose everything on your computer, you can put it back, even if you have to replace the whole hard drive. One thing Apple does is when you attach a backup drive, the computer automatically backs up the whole hard drive, then backs up automatically every hour. You can change what it backs up any time you want. I strongly suggest that everybody get one. They are only $50-60, depending on how much memory you want. Get more than your hard drive will hold because, when it gets full, it will automatically delete the oldest info to make room for more, unless you can change it. If you have a lot of pictures and other stuff in your computer you don’t access too often, and your computer is getting full, you can store them separately on the backup drive so they don’t get deleted. I have accidentally deleted something a few times and went back and got it.

@Smorgasbord: The party will be pushed to reform itself; and nothing ever is perfect. The Republican party will always be a struggle between the “Country Club Republicans” and the “Sam’s Club Republicans.” For many politicians, as Rush has said on many occasions, they just want to be in charge of the money. They simply feel like they can hand out $3T better than anyone else. So, they just adopt whatever political philosophy they think will get them to the money.

However, there are those who are true conservatives (and, unfortunately, those who are true liberals as well).

@MataHarley: “And I draw the line at Romney.”

Didn’t you once say that you would vote for a cardboard box over Obama? Or words to that effect?

gary kukis: Didn’t you once say that you would vote for a cardboard box over Obama? Or words to that effect?

Nope.. never have. I said I’d pull the lever for any GOP candidate except for Romney, Huntsman and Paul. I was equally anti-Romney in 2008. The notion that the GOP… supposedly against the mandate… will seriously have the chutzpah to ask us to vote for the architect of that mandate and health care programs means I have nothing in common with that party at all any more. Pity, the decline.

And no… I’m still not for 3rd parties. I’m for reclaiming the shell they call the Republicans by the conservatives who actually believe in the philosophical platform. Unfortunately, since politics is all about money and organization, no parties makes running candidates extremely complex under the current system.

@gary kukis: #120
This is why I suggest that republicans donate directly to the politicians instead of the RNC and let the RNC know why. The Tea Party does this for politicians across the country. They encourage people to donate to key politicians, and the donor doesn’t have to live it that state. This is how some got elected, even though they didn’t have enough money by themselves.

As I have mentioned before: We need to get republicans in office this election, then throw out ALL politicians at their next election. There probably won’t be any babies thrown out in the bath water.

@MataHarley: I agree; Romney is certainly not my top choice. So we can hope that his core is so malleable that it will be conservative if president.

@MataHarley: “From August of last year, my comment #98 with links to your “warnings” about Boehner, which were nothing but accusing him of being a cry baby. As I pointed out to you in that comment, show me where I indulged in that thread, other than to point out to my pal, OT, that watching pig mud wrestling contest was more interesting than that thread?”

DUH! How dense are you? I ripped him on being mentally unstable-thus the cry-baby comment.

Looks like I was correct, and you were wrong.

More hot air, patent denials, and no links, eh Ivan?

Done with you. I ration my time devoted to using the FA fly swatter these days.

Well, gary kukis may have me on this one. I said I’d vote for a garden gnome named Al before I voted for Obama. I may just have to write in “garden gnome named Al” when I vote in November.

Unless (and I’m stealing this from Mata cause it’s hilarious) Mittens picks Allen West or someone very similar, garden gnome named Al is my pick for president.

@Aqua… LOL! But yes… that’s exactly the correct response. If someone said they’ve vote for Mickey Mouse or a cardboard box over Obama, they are being totally honest by doing a write in candidate named just that.

Who knows who Romney will pick as a Veep. But since I don’t see the guy keeling over in the next eight years, I’m not sure I’ll sell out my principles for the 2nd in line to the Oval Office, and hold my nose for eight years. Romney will still float with the political tides, which generally run to the left. His history proves exactly that.

@Robert: How about we don’t compromise our values by voting for a Rhino… Instead… let us concentrate on putting true conservatives in the Senate… then when the Establishment Repuke’s anointed, Mitt “the Rhino” Romney gets his ass handed to him… we impeach Obama…. he certainly has plenty of “crimes against the nation” under his belt.

You want electability …. it ain’t Romney… so if you’re willing to hold your nose and vote for anyone but Obama… I suggest you work hard for Newt in 2012… because you may compromise but I and other like minded individuals with real principles won’t, then you can blame yourselves for Obama’s re-election.

OKAY y’all how about SANTORIUM, HE IS A PURE CONSERVATIVE YOUNG and straight forward, might be confusing OBAMA BY HIS CANDOR, which is charming for people, who need to adore, and he can smile more than talking to the crowd in great need of smile, and is doubtful of OBAMA,


come here and check this, very interesting for you

Michael Henkins
you can’t be serious, we won’t let you leave, you are needed and this is the year of the real judgement day, to be together and fight together, we know they want to divide and we must resist, we won’t let the opponent win, we must controll the situation instead of leaving it to other,

@MataHarley: #128
I have read stories where people put names like that on the ballot to show how they wanted, “NONE OF THE ABOVE.” I would like to see it MANDATORY to have, “NONE OF THE ABOVE” on every ballot, clear down to local elections. I have ofter wondered how many people who don’t vote, would go vote for “NONE OF THE ABOVE,” if it were on the ballot. I’m not joking. I would like to see it on the ballot. I am guessing there would be a large turnout.

When the only choice is to pick the one that you think will cause the least damage to the USA, something is wrong.

“More hot air, patent denials, and no links, eh Ivan?

Done with you. I ration my time devoted to using the FA fly swatter these days.”

Curt has so messed up this site how can one navigate it-unless they have no life like you, Mata, and just sit here all day with nothing better to do.

@Ivan: And how is the site messed up?

you just gave me an idea; WHY NOT START A PARTY WITH THE NAME;


@Ivan: #134
Curt has so messed up this site how can one navigate it-unless they have no life like you, Mata, and just sit here all day with nothing better to do.

The best compliment liberals can give to FA is complaints. If you all didn’t complain, General Curt would be useless to conservatives. Each time you all complain, it is like when we are at war and a torpedo hits a ship or artillery rounds hit an intended target and the enemy is complaining about it. In a war the enemy doesn’t complain if we don’t do anything. The more they complain, the more we know we are doing something right.

As I am writing this, I am listening to the song, “Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition.” I am picturing a submarine crew loading the tubs for another salvo and artillery crews loading more projo in the barrel. TAKE COVER!!! We have reloaded and are ready for another salvo.

Please don’t condemn my use of military warfare and try to make it sound like I want violence. I live in small town USA and like the idea of not hearing about much going on with our police, but I am ready to fight if I need to, and liberals always SEEM to want to turn a disagreement into a fight.

The only liberal ENEMIES we have are the ones who want to take away our freedoms and turn the USA into some kind of a dictator state, with King Obama in charge. Think about that for a few minutes. I AM SERIOUS! Imagine that Obama gets his way ALL the time like he wants. Try to think open-mindedly what changes would happen. Think about it.

General Curt
Tubes are loaded and rounds are chambered. Private Smorgasbord waiting further orders, sir.

Smorgasbord, what makes it even more funny is that I handed Ivan a map of the submarine, leading to the torpedo tube… and he still couldn’t find it to load it up with his duds. LOL

@ilovebeeswarzone: #136
Funny you should mention that. I used to suggest that the ones who aren’t going to vote should pick a name and write that name in. That could be changed to writing in the name NONE OF THE ABOVE. If something like that could get started, it wouldn’t surprise me that many millions would vote for them. The idea would be to get people who aren’t going to vote because they don’t like ANY of the candidates, to go to the polls and show their dislike of the politicians BOTH parties give them. If one of the minor parties would tell people to use their party as a NONE OF THE ABOVE vote, they might get enough votes that it would draw attention.

@MataHarley: #139
Did you also include a map to the torpedo, including a picture of a torpedo so he will know it when he finds it?

Smorgasbord: Did you also include a map to the torpedo, including a picture of a torpedo so he will know it when he finds it?

oops…. LOL

well I took it from your idea, and I expand it to a 3rd party name. because I hear so many
talking about voting a 3 rd party,
I think that was a good idea from you,

@Smorgasbord: @MataHarley: That was funny!

BTW You mentioned That is where I started getting involved in politics. Back in the 90’s. I remember IowaHawk before IowaHawk before he went all Coddington. Bastard! If you show me your Ldot nick I will show you mine. Totally without sexual innuendo…I am a happily married man.

@Michael Henkins: Ummm that was for Mata. Damn beer in the basement.

@Michael Henkins: #144
What was funny?

“Smorgasbord, what makes it even more funny is that I handed Ivan a map of the submarine, leading to the torpedo tube… and he still couldn’t find it to load it up with his duds. LOL ”

“Did you also include a map to the torpedo, including a picture of a torpedo so he will know it when he finds it? ”

That was funny IMHO.

Sorry if I offended.

Zelsdorf Ragshaftlll
hi, no you cannot stay home that day, you must get out and vote, one thing first and get OBAMA OUT, and it will be such a happy thing that if ROMNEY IS THERE ,he will be CONSERVATIVE , HE KNOWS THEY ARE WATCHING ,

@ilovebeeswarzone: Is this directed to me?

Mata, you told him to load the torpedo backwards, didn’t you? Heh.

Michael Henkins
that was for ZELDORF, BUT I thought of you too, but afraid of your anger turned on me, so I did not mention your name
ZELDORF is a pacific person,

Michael Henkins
did you include the map of the torpedo with the picture of the torpedo?

did you really load the torpido upside down?

Michael Henkins
where did you send the torpido with the picture of the torpido/

did you receive a loaded torpido from MATA with the picture of the detonator of the torpido?

@ilovebeeswarzone: No anger. Just clarification.

@ilovebeeswarzone: I dont get it. Obviously I am missing something here.

you said ; what was funny?

Michael I’m just playing with your torpido,
it’s too much fun,to resist

Oh crap! I thought it was the oil tank! Better stop banging it with a hammer to knock the ice off.

Is this a Flopping Aces hazing? Please go easy on me. Its my first night in a while I was able to convince my wife I was making bird houses in the basement. Turn the saw on, take a swig, turn it off. Bang a hammer on a piece of wood, take a swig. Act like I hammered my thumb and scream…..