Get off Tebow’s back. Especially you, Maher [Reader Post]


Tim Tebow’s devotion to his religious beliefs is nothing new, but you’d never know it based on what the media is doing to him.

At HuffPo:

Brady Slays Tebow




Love him. Doubt him. Praise him. Ridicule him. Gape in awe. As the last two months have shown, there are 300 million opinions of the Broncos’ quarterback, and every one of them is right

SNL mocks him for his religious devotion.

And of course there is the incomparably disgusting and idiotic Bill Maher:

A “” site has been created. The cynic in me has doubts about its intentions, especially based on Jared Kleinstein’s own words:

After the dramatic win, Denver native Jared Kleinstein and several friends snapped a picture of themselves in the same pose that Tebow took after the game. They dubbed the action “Tebowing” and posted their picture on Facebook. After the pic generated an unexpected number of likes and comments, the 24-year-old Kleinstein launching a website dedicated to Tebowing.

The site sells Tebow gear which allegedly supports local charities. I have an email to the site asking exactly how much of their sales actually goes to charity.

One might to be tempted to think Tebow’s acts are unique, but they are not.

Albert Pujols

Cris Carter

Bobby Bonds

Watch carefully during the baseball season and see how many players cross themselves as they come to bat. See how many point skyward after something positive. Watch during a football game and see how many players take a knee after a score.

Tebow speaks openly about his religion, but he does not proselytize. So why is he such a target for liberals?

It is because he is white and Christian. There’s no way Maher or any of the other twits critical of Tebow would cast insults if Tebow was Muslim.

Tim Tebow created a charity foundation that works in part to grant the wishes of children with life-threatening illnesses. He spent his signing bonus on charity donations. He spends the off-season doing charity work in the Philippines. You can get a sense of his other efforts here.

Bill Maher, on the other hand, has spent his time boosting his net worth to $23 million. His good works know no limits. Maher has donated an item for auction to benefit “Save the Chimps.”

Tebow is not to be derided- he is to be admired. By all accounts he is a great person.

So they all ought to get off his back- especially Maher. Maher is a perfect example of what’s wrong with the liberal culture. He’s pompously vulgar and disrespectful while spitting all over the likes of Tim Tebow and all that’s right with America.

Hitchens was right:


Maher fans are morons.

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Bees European Christians sure were nice to the Indians EH #100 You still offering congrats? lol
Do you like Tebow’s game?
R.M. #97 ” I’m into murders and executions mostly”

So people are comparing what was done hundreds of years ago to modern times as far as “immigration” goes? Apples and oranges anyone?

@Hard Right

True – things are different insomuch the muslim immigrants are largely legal unlike the Christians hundreds of years ago. But if it’s in the past then it’s okay to have an irony bypass.

“Christians…they are home here”

what?! so…suddenly, North American is ONLY for Christians. is that what you’re implying? Muslims should just stay where they come from? wow. talk about xenophobia.

um, not “apples and oranges”, Hard Right.

some here have argued that “The United States was founded upon strong believers in Jesus Christ” and implied that non-Christians (Muslims, to be exact) should go back to where they came from…and not try to “change” things.

i can’t speak for Canada…but i’m pretty certain our nation is one that was A) founded on violence and revolution…and B) built on immigrants and oppression. yes…times have changed, but i don’t see much difference between the hatred that other immigrant groups received from the white Anglo-Saxon Americans with their “we were here first” attitude. whether it was the Irish, the Chinese, the Mexicans, and now “Arab”-Americans…it’s never been “ours” and to imply that is vain. but then again…most Christians believe that god created everything “for us”, but it sounds to me like Manifest Destiny and that some believe got created everything for “white Christians”

we are at “cross roads” and we are going to see revolution…but sadly, i doubt religion will have anything to do with it. money is what drives this country. and freedom isn’t cheap.

and those Muslims (and other non-Christian immigrants) come here in for the same reason as every one else.

the First Amendment.

why? because it does not ONLY apply to Christians.

@C Andrew Scott “Muslims should just stay where they come from?”

No one said they can’t come visit. 😛

@Nan G: do you actually know any Muslims personally?

@Reignius Maximus: what a ridiculously ignorant and pathetic statement to make.

What would Jesus do;)

lol, lighten up.

so why let them in if you know they want to change AMERICA to acomodate themselves,
aren’t we all asking for trouble in the future, and knowingly so.
you would be lying if you don’t see it, of course libs don’t see in front of their nose, it’s well known,

@Reignius Maximus: hey! i can take a joke too. just sayin’ if this blog was about Maher making a bad joke…

that’s the problem with text/forums…”sarcasm” and “tone of voice” are lost. i believe that if the lot of us were sitting around tipping pints/cups of coffee (oops! hope i didn’t offend any Mormons in the room)…i bet we’d all agree on more than you think. i admit…i am atheist and liberal, but i have traditional values. i worked on Wall Street for 10 years. i do support capital punishment. but i lean to the left more than not. i try to live by the Golden Rule. i try to be a good person. i try to leave religion out of politics. my friends and family represent a plethora of religions and ethnicity.

if i’ve offended anyone today, i sincerely apologize.

C Andrew Scott

May I make a suggestion? A “readers post” is not a statement on what “this blog” is about. We are about many voices, and I… for one… would appreciate you noting that we are a collection of voices that comprises both conservative (of all varying degrees), as well as lib/prog.

And just because some of us remain “silent”…. something you label as agreement while others of us consider any response a waste of personal time responding to the original ridiculous argument… is not your evidence that we agree,or disagree with you. Please stop attempting to use the herd mentality as something in your favor here.

Speak for yourself… and no one else. Then, take the repercussions for your 1st Amendment freedom… as we all do.

@C Andrew Scott:

Yes, quite a few, actually.
The ones I know are so secular that they would be (by their own admission) rounded up and persecuted in their home countries for the crime of apostasy.
(Some of them drink alcohol, others forego worship, one is in a band, one is a male hairdresser whose customers are female, and so on.)
In their home countries (Afghanistan, Iran, Somalia) the male apostate may be killed.
The female apostate might be imprisoned, beaten, re-educated and given a few chances to go back to strict Islam before being executed.
I don’t know any strict Muslims.
That guy, Aziz Yazdanpanah, who dressed up as a Santa Clause then shot his entire family was probably more of a strict Muslim than any of my acquaintances.

@C Andrew Scott.

It’s all good man, I put the smiley hoping it would convey I was joking/being a smart ass, but you’re right about forums sometimes. And if we were sitting around tipping pints, I would have steered the discussion to more American Psycho quotes than politics. heh

@Nan G: thank you for answering my question to Bee.

sounds like the Muslims you know came here to flee persecution and religious freedom.

apples & oranges, Hard Right?

Whoa…115 comments?! When did this happen?

Haven’t read all the way through, but…..

@C Andrew Scott #27:

i don’t care what Tebow “believes”…i simply can’t stand the applause he gets for being vain and narcissistic.

Where is the evidence that what he does out on the field is due to vanity and narcissism? So his religiosity is not the issue you have here? Are you sure?

he’s not a good NFL QB…and i don’t care what religion he follows. i live in America…where we ALL have the 1st Amendment Freedom of Speech. you don’t like what Maher said…tough. he has every right to…just like the right of Tebow to express his beliefs.

You don’t like hinckleybuzzard’s comment #1? Tough. He has every right to…just like you and I. 😉

don’t be a hypocrite. just get over the fact that your good-lookin’ Jesus-lovin’ poster boy isn’t liked by everyone, because not all Americans are “Christian” and being “Christian” alone does not make you better. there are plenty of BETTER men (and women) in this nation (and world) who deserve more praise for the good they actually do for humantiy. don’t give me garbage about Tebow’s missionary work. don’t give me the spin on his “charitable donations”

Wow…you gathered all this from the few lines in comment #1? Project much?

just admit that the only reason you love him is because he’s “Christian”

Are you addressing hinckleybuzzard specifically or conservative commenters here in general?

if he wasn’t…he’d be just another good athlete who gets more attention than he deserves. the media…and people like you…give this “man” more credit than he deserves. he is NOT Jesus. he’s just a man.

let it go.

I agree the media is making a lot of hoopla over his Christian beliefs and how he expresses it. But as far as I see it, it’s his haters who are drawing so much attention to him.

Let it go.

C Andrew Scott #30:

i think it’s sad that so many people feel the need to defend Tebow…and attack those of us who simply “don’t care”

So, what it sounds like you’re advocating is that it’s okay for Maher and yourself to b*tch and moan about Tebow and those who defend him (your assumption that it’s because he’s Christian) and consider it an “attack” when your viewpoint is challenged? Care to clarify?

If you “simply don’t care”, you wouldn’t be making your stink here. As another top commenter on that video I linked to put it,

“LOL…I think it is funny how all of these atheists are watching this video and making this about religion…if you hate Tim Tebow, why are you searching YouTube videos for him? Obviously the man is impacting your life in someway.”

See, Andrew Scott: Let it go.

pro@Wordsmith: sure. ok. whatever. 🙂

@C Andrew Scott #45:

is it wrong to like him simply because he’s “Christian”? no…not at all. i’m sure there are plenty of Christian Americans who adore him for receiving publicity. but that’s my point entirely. to “like” him simply because of his religious beliefs…and NOT because he’s “standing up for his beliefs” seems hypocritical to me.

I think you’re drawing assumptions. I can’t speak on behalf of others, but for myself, who hasn’t been following football on a regular basis, the only reason Tebow came to my attention wasn’t because of Christian support or media praise. It was for media criticism and his atheist detractors ridiculing him. That and the new Tebowing fad, which I happen to dig, for reasons Tebow probably isn’t thrilled with.

…to say you like him because he “seems like a good guy” is fine. to say you like him because he’s “Christian”…that’s your right. but don’t claim it’s a sign of “tolerance” on your part.

My claim is that there’s an intolerance of atheists toward those who express religious beliefs out in public. A number of them are comfortable with tolerating religious nuts only if they go into the closet with their beliefs. Most of the Christians I run into on a day to day basis aren’t pushing their religion on me and are tolerant of non-believers. It’s the atheist extremists who I feel exhibit more intolerance for the religious than the other way around.

and i AM sorry if i’ve wrongly clumped you and yours in a stereotypical bunch (i read so much hatespeak about “liberals” and “leftists” who are perceived as trying to “destroy American values”), but even in this forum i read hate towards the left (i.e. those who don’t share YOUR beliefs).

Darn it….I warned you guys! 😉

Welcome to FA, C Andrew Scott. 🙂

@C Andrew Scott #51:

i’ve spent the past hour or so skimming over some of the diction, hate speak, and religious rhetoric on this site. i find it comical that you accuse me of attempting to put “hate” in your mouthes. it’s already there. i didn’t need to do anything. the one-sided and often hateful banter posted here is deplorable.

You know what? I agree with you.

Keep in mind that this is a conservative blog, with a primarily conservative audience. So, like having a conversation amongst those who tend to agree with you, people come here to vent and express themselves in harsh terms that people like you probably find uncomfortable and offensive. This is no different than the hate-spew you find on liberal blogs about the right. Demonization of the other. Both sides are guilty of this.

But voices like yours I will always welcome, so long as you can add substance to the debate. And if others (or myself) play hardball with you and name-call, I see no problem with you dishing it back at them or myself.

maybe i did “assume”…but nobody has stepped forward to prove me wrong.

Hey, I was at work!

@Wordsmith: with bells on, Wordsmith!

@C Andrew Scott #72:

it’s obvious that anyone with an opposing opinion is not welcome here.

Not exactly true. Those with opposing opinions can find themselves challenged by conservative readers who make up the majority of commenters. Doesn’t make you unwelcomed.

I think people have a right to like sports figures for whatever reason they desire.
For instance, I used to like a certain baseball player simply because he and I shared a last name.
I have been paying extra attention to the Green Bay Packers because of their Jewish quarterback.

@drjohn: @C Andrew Scott:

perhaps this bit might help you understand that Maher isn’t singling out Christians he opposes all religions and religious “fanatics”.

Is that all you got? His comment about the Koran? Impressive.

You do have a compehension problem.

Maher attacked an individual for his religious beliefs. He would not dare single out a Muslim in the same manner.

Maher is anti-religious and I believe he has criticized Muslims. Probably not to the same degree and extent that he loves attacking the Christian right. But he has a problem with religion in general.

@drjohn: You said:

Maher attacked an individual for his religious beliefs. He would not dare single out a Muslim in the same manner.

Quite the contrary from attacking Muslims, he evidently holds them in high regard judging by his comments on the 9/11 Islamic terrorists. As opposed to how he views our military – “cowardly”:

“We have been the cowards. Lobbing cruise missiles from two thousand miles away. That’s cowardly. Staying in the airplane when it hits the building. Say what you want about it. Not cowardly. You’re right.” – Source

@GaffaUK #95:

I’m sure all the Tebow fans here would be equally keen to support those with references to the Koran etc.

Oh, you know I would if he were being attacked for simply expressing his faith in public.

@GaffaUK #95: So is he “in your face” about his religion? Is he doing this to impress you? Or is he earnestly expressing devout faith for himself?

@GaffaUK: Sheer conjecture. Cite some examples or sources, otherwise it is just more of your blathering about things you don’t fully comprehend. You blast Christians for intolerance and yet your comments drip with intolerance – towards Christians.

@Richard Wheeler: Hannity is a “shock jock?” You’re kidding, right? I couldn’t think of anyone in the media that is more vanilla, square, old-fashioned and behind the times than Hannity.

@anticsrocks #125: Maher has also criticized Muslim men:

Bill Maher: I think it’s fair to say that Muslim men have a bad attitude toward women in general. And I’d just like to say to them that you’re never going to have this revolution happen unless there is also a sexual revolution that goes with it.

Tavis Smiley: If our readiness for democracy in this country is based upon our respect for women then we ain’t ready for democracy in this country. (applause)

Bill Maher: That is a false equivalency. Are you serious? Do you think the men in this country have an attitude towards women that even comes close.

Tavis Smiley: I’m suggesting to you that if you think that the way we treat women in this country, with patriarchy still alive and well, sexism still alive and well…I don’t think you understand how poorly women are still treated in this society.

Bill Maher: What I’m saying is you have no perspective.

More on treatment of women.

I don’t know much about his movie, “Religulous”, but doesn’t he bash all faiths?

@C Andrew Scott #89:

truth…it’s hard to change people’s views. i’ve only ever tried to make people “see” things…very few people in this forum have open eyes to see anything except what they want. the weakest of people see even less.

If you’ve come to preach and lecture and condescend, you’ll probably achieve just the opposite results to the desired outcome. If you’ve come with an open mind and a willingness to exchange ideas, debate, defend, and be prepared to learn something in return, then perhaps you’ll find some willing to engage you in the same.

@GaffaUK: So the European Christians were “illegal” immigrants, yet the Huns who invaded Europe were “legal?” Odd that you didn’t mention that.

Want it both ways, much?

@C Andrew Scott: You said:

…but then again…most Christians believe that god created everything “for us”, but it sounds to me like Manifest Destiny and that some believe got created everything for “white Christians”

Someone is drinking the haterade.

You seem to think that as long as it is Christians and in particular, “white Christians,” then it is okay for you to amp up the vile rhetoric.

It is a good thing you are so impartial…


@Wordsmith: Agreed, he may well have criticized Muslim men, but when he said:

I think it’s fair to say that Muslim men have a bad attitude toward women in general.

That is a tad bit different than calling our military cowards because missiles were used.

i just wanted to say, it is not only APPLES AND ORANGES, AS YOU SEE IT, OR YOU FAIL TO SEE THE PROBLEM IN FUTURE TIME, BECAUSE YOU DO NOT WANT TO GO THAT FAR, IT IS THERE JUST THE SAME, THEY ARE NOT ONLY COMING FOR THE FIRST AMENDMENT, THAT IS THE EAZY WAY TO LOOK AT IT, AND WHAT i think is there is someone powerfull which is making a lot of money on each head arriving in this COUNTRY let say a number like a thousand dollars per head coming out of the MOSQUE
directly in the WH and add one million of head and counting. there you have a new population of voters in youre pocket,so this scenario is very plausible, and has demolish youre theory of the first ammendment being the reason, because they have their goal to fulfill and someone has the power to help.

Anticsrocks I’ll agree Hannity is square and behind the times about 200 years.Can we also agree he’s boarish and boring? That’s what’s so “shocking ” that he’s got a show and anybody listens to him. LOL.

richard WHEELER
i cannot let you get away with the last comment on HANNITY
he is a decent very intelligent, that is over your head to see, and quick on a draw with his guests even from the oponant side, he will maintain respect and self control, he is one of the best, along GRETA and
CAVUTO, I also like HUCKABEE, HE WOULD HAVE BEEN A WELL LIKE CANDIDATE, without discrediting the other CANDIDATES, which I am happy to know they will be reinstated in VIRGINIA,

@Richard Wheeler: At least you admitted you were wrong.

Dear Ms Bees I was merely agreeing with Anticsrocks assessment of pretty boy Sean
Do you ever watch anything other than Fox? Get a life.

Richard Wheeler
yes I watch other but FOX is the best. for accuate news fair and truthful


@GaffaUK: So the European Christians were “illegal” immigrants, yet the Huns who invaded Europe were “legal?” Odd that you didn’t mention that.

Want it both ways, much?

So your comment doesn’t make much sense. Apparently I want it both ways despite not mentioning the Huns. There are millions of things I didn’t mention in my post – so it’s illogical for you to presume that therefore I must therefore support them. However we do know the Bible supports invasion and genocide. Christians are afraid they will fall victim to the same treatment that they have given out in the past. In the UK anyone with an ounce of intelligence and knowledge of history will know we have been formed from waves of invasions and through immigration. It’s amusing to see the marginalized far right bigots over here talk about preserving Englishness and racial purity when Britain like most countries is ever changing and is a nation of mongrels.

@GaffaUK: Let me get this straight, you are proud of your heritage of “waves of invasions,” but think that when the European Christians did the same in North America and what would become the United States, then you cry foul?

Like I said, “Want it both ways, much?”

I never said you had to be responsible for everything in history. My point was that you deride what happened when America was settled, yet ignore that this sort of thing has happened many, many times in world history. Don’t pick and choose Gaffer, if it is bad or wrong or whatever term you wish to use, in one case; it is so for all cases.

Your comment that I responded to was:

…things are different insomuch the muslim immigrants are largely legal unlike the Christians hundreds of years ago. But if it’s in the past then it’s okay to have an irony bypass.

The legality of the Christians (as you put it), or more appropriately the Europeans who originally settled America is a moot point. There were no immigration laws and no government to legalize or make illegal people who were taming the frontier that we now know as the USA. Therefore your comment made no sense.

Settling a territory is not the same as a group of folks who attempt to change a society from within.

I never mentioned being proud of my heritage. I am not proud of the Roman, Saxon, Viking and Norman invasions. If I was living in what is now UK during those times I wouldn’t be cheering on the invader. I am proud of aspects of British history but like any country’s history there are parts not to be proud of – including the British Empire and the part Britain played in the slave trade. But because we have invaded countries in the past doesn’t mean the UK has an obligation to accept unfettered immigration. However I have no problem with controlled legal immigration and Britain has benefited from immigration – including culturally and if that peacefully brings about change then so be it. The UK isn’t going to adopt Sharia Law for all it’s citizens any time soon. Nor is the US. I suspect those who use the Sharia Law excuse really don’t want a competing religion in their country. So again – it is ironic when those in the US (and UK) get so wound up by the threat of foreigners changing the status quo as if that has always been the case – when if fact that reality was caused by invasion and violence. Neither Britain nor the US was empty of people when they were invaded – so I don’t think it’s okay to invade if the country doesn’t have immigration laws or a legal system that is recognized.

@anticsrocks: @anticsrocks: Maher did indeed praise those who flew passenger jets into buildings. And some in his audience actually applauded.

I can think of no example in which Maher singled out an individual Muslim for an attack similar to that visited on Tebow. I can think of not another example of him attacking any individual other than a Christian for his religious beliefs.

Maher actions have gotten the response he was desperately wanted:

Bill Maher Takes Heat Over Tim Tebow Tweet

But the bias in this article is painful. Firstly the author pins the blame for Maher’s actions right on Tebow:

Even in defeat, Tim Tebow creates controversy — this time in Tinseltown.

And author Maller follows that up with another beauty-

The comedian has roughly 872,000 followers on Twitter. Believe it or not, that’s 100,000 more than Tebow’s number of Twitter minions.

Maher has “followers” while Tebow has “minions.”


I never mentioned being proud of my heritage. I am not proud of the Roman, Saxon, Viking and Norman invasions

The UK brought civilization to about 1/4th of the world in the 10880’s and 1900’s. To see a map of the British empire, with tiny little Great Britain and all of the world that they conquered is awe-inspiring. Because of the Brits, millions upon millions of Africans, and Indians, and people of so many different races and nations are now in heaven because the British brought law and order and the gospel of Jesus Christ wherever they went.

Some of the nations which Britain took over, like Rhodesia and South Africa, went to crap after the British left them to wallow in their own revolutions (we helped to make these countries independent, and then slithered away when they were soon controlled by vicious and blood-thirsty tyrants).

It is a heritage to be proud of.

@Richard Wheeler:

Get a life.

Right back at you.


C Andrew Scott

May I make a suggestion? A “readers post” is not a statement on what “this blog” is about. We are about many voices, and I… for one… would appreciate you noting that we are a collection of voices that comprises both conservative (of all varying degrees), as well as lib/prog.

Mata and I have had disagreements on some particulars; and I am sure that, if Newt’s bloviating about judges is discussed (it probably is right now), there would be a variety of opinions from conservative people.

However, even though Mata and I have disagreed on a number of things on a different post, it has never entered my mind to insult her or call her a name, and she has afforded me the same respect. When I read her comments, even those I suspect I will disagree with, I consider what she has to say and I think about it, knowing that she is a smart gal with a reasonable viewpoint.

CAS, you can disagree without name-calling or disparaging others; and, most of the time, you will be afforded the same respect.

@C Andrew Scott:

i try to leave religion out of politics.

Why? If I believe that the Bible is the Word of God and absolute truth, why would I keep it separate from the rest of my life?

@C Andrew Scott:

i sincerely hope that EVERYONE can come together and we can ALL get along.

It will never happen. That is the nature of things on this earth. Some believe the state ought to control everything for our own good; others believe that there should be little or not state. Hard to find agreement and compromise in that.