The wolf puts the sheep’s clothing back on for the election [Reader Post]

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Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
From King James’ Bible

Barack Obama’s contempt for America knows no limits:

WASHINGTON (AP) — On issues from air pollution to contraception, President Barack Obama has broken sharply with liberal activists and come down on the side of business interests and social conservatives as he moves more to the political middle for his re-election campaign.

Without a Democratic challenger who might tug him to the left, Obama is free to try to neutralize Republican efforts to tar him as a liberal ideologue by taking steps toward the political center.

I have long said that democrats have zero long term memory and Obama’s success depends largely upon that.

At the same time, he is finding opportunities to boost his standing with his most committed backers. For example, he has appealed to environmentalists by delaying an oil pipeline that would run from Canada to Texas, and to gay rights activists by bolstering gay rights overseas and helping end a ban on gays in the military.

The sometimes seemingly contradictory moves come as Obama maneuvers toward next year’s election. Critical to his success in 2012 is retaining support from independent voters who could be won over by his GOP opponents, given the country’s high rate of unemployment and economic distress.

Delaying the pipeline also delays the jobs that would accompany it.

And how stupid does Obama think Americans are? This stupid:

The White House denies that politics is at play.

And you would have to be stupid on a galactic scale to buy into that.

And once again, Obama knows that even beaten dogs keep coming home:

That underscores a calculation confronting Obama’s liberal supporters: Even if Obama disappoints them, they would have to think twice before voting for his Republican opponent or staying home on Election Day, given how a Republican president might act on issues they are advocating.

So Obama has some latitude to make decisions that will anger interest groups that support him, especially if he mixes in other moves in their favor.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice and more and I am a democrat.

The next Presidential election will be referendum on the intelligence of America.

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Yes, much of the potential electorate is stupid; just look at the “occupiers.”
And Obama feels free to do things which ordinarily would alienate away big portions of his own electorate.
But, as your illustration so beautifully states, even beaten dogs keep coming home.
Add to all of this, Obama’s got most of the mainstream media in his pocket.
Just the other day, for example, Obama begged the Iranians to give back our drone, after refusing to either go after it or destroy it.
BUT here’s how a compliant media wrote their actual headline:
Obama demands Iran return downed US drone
Barack Obama demands Iran return downed US drone
BTW, the Iranians refused.
Voters can be deceived.
The media is already actively playing its part for Obama.

You know, I wasn’t sure what that image was showing Mr. Obama doing at first…

BTW, such an apropos Biblical illustration.

Up until recently Obama had favored higher taxes on the rich on the theory that the government needs money and the rich have it to spare.
BUT now Obama has changed his tune, slightly.
(Forced, no doubt, by the facts coming out that, even if he were to confiscate 100% of the income of all the ”rich” our budget woes would not be dented.)

Obama is now suggesting that high income is some sort of sin, an inequality necessary to fix.
Obama now openly politics for a tax policy to combat inequality!
This is indefensible!

But rather than even try to defend income inequality, Republicans ought to ignore Obama on this.
The public doesn’t care one whit about it.
A pollster asked this:
Do you believe the government has a responsibility “to reduce the differences in income between people with high incomes and those with low incomes?”
37% said yes,
43% said no,
20% had no opinion.

When asked what is the top issue in the USA, one pollster said he had never seen this issue even cross the 1% threshold!

Americans understand something Obama does not.
America’s wealth ”pie” is not static, it can grow larger or contract.
Obama has policies that cause contraction in America’s wealth pie.
Everybody suffers under Obama’s policies.
He needs to go.
The sooner, the better.

Neil Bootz says downed drone has a self destruct mechanism which BO could have used to destroy the plane

Campaign mode means saying what gets you votes. (Lying)

Obama on the Economy now:

“I think we understood that it was bad but we didn’t know how bad it was.” He added: “I think I could have prepared the American people for how bad this was going to be had we had a sense of that.”

Obama on the Economy (debate w/ McCain, 2008)

“We are going through the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression.”

Obama on the Economy (transition between Election and Inauguration 2008-9)

“Our country faces its most serious economic crisis since the great depression. Working families, who saw their incomes decline by $2,000 in the economic ‘expansion’ from 2000 to 2007, now face even deeper income losses. Retirement savings accounts have lost $2 trillion. Markets have fallen 40% in less than a year. Millions of homeowners who played by the rules can’t meet their mortgage payments and face foreclosure as the value of their homes have plummeted. With credit markets nearly frozen, businesses large and small cannot access the credit they need to meet payroll and create jobs.”

Refuting Obama’s lies is going to be easy.
I wonder where the mainstream media will be …… when this is THEIR job!

I don’t think the PEOPLE with assets will let OBAMA take their money,
he want the money so bad and for himself, not for the poor,
he never cared for the poor when he was spending billions in foreign land, he just want their votes in election time,
the poor people will tell him in 2012 to leave his luxury house, the poor people will tell him to go anywhere else but not in the WHITE HOUSE, and the bad part of it is that he came in as a poor man spending other people’s money,
will leave as a rich man,with a pension for life, but he won’t get away with the justice of AMERICA, they will find him just like KADAFI,
you always pay someday, he forgot that part which is the after presidency,