Large Testicles Are At The Forefront Of A Legal Question

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Big Testicles

Virginia Tice of Bonneau, S.C., is fighting to display her testicles. She feels the First Amendment grants her the right to display her large testicles and she is challenging Police Chief Franco Fuda in court for the right to display her testicles in public.

On July 5, Chief Fuda issued he’d her a citation for displaying her testicles in the parking lot of a gas station convenience store. The citation has a $445 fine.

South Carolinians are circling the wagons in support of 65 year old Ms Tice, to protect First Amendment Rights and to allow her to display her rather large testicles.

among them attorney Scott Bischoff, with Savage & Savage in Charleston. Bischoff said his firm has offered Tice free representation as she fights the ticket.

“We’ll let a jury decide whether this is really criminal behavior. I don’t want to take anything away from the importance of free speech, but this is really comical,” Bischoff told reporters.

Obviously the founding fathers failed to foresee the need to hang plastic testicles from the bumper of a woman’s pick up truck and there were no exact stipulations written within the Constitution concerning this particular issue; however, it is surely going to set some precedents in South Carolina if not the rest of the country.

Small Testicles

Hopefully, the Chief doesn’t have a case of testicle envy; this case could expose a lot of issues that aren’t usually discussed.

The Fairly Large Testicles Of Ms Tice
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Does this sort of fall in the catagory of “you can’t make this stuff up”? Funny though. I see those weird things “hanging” around Reno. I wonder if they are bragging or complaining.

If you feel a need to accessorize your pick-up in such a fashion, it’s possible that you may be driving the wrong product.

To me, this accessory simply points out that driving a truck is macho. Ms. Tice, however, seems to be saying that she wears the balls around here. I think that’s why Chief Fuda picked up the gauntlet. Good luck to them both!

They are probably what she got in the divorce settlement and she now wants to display them…

Dumb law for an even dumber behavior.

Did you mean JANET Reno?
Personally I believe it to be a little immature to have that on the back of my truck but that is my out taste buds. In addition $445.00 Fine? You’ve got to be kidding? I’ve seen these not that many times around where I live but for gosh sakes folks I can just imagine the questions people’s kids will be asking. “Hey Mom what’s that? EHHHH……. Rocky Mountain Oysters Honey!”
It’ll be a passing fad give it time.


The fact that this was a 65 year old woman was even more puzzling.

Have you ever noticed how women always laugh when men get kicked in the balls? They laugh even harder at a Lorena Bobbitt situation then give you a stern glance which says, “If you don’t watch it, you’re next.” It’s my theory that most women have a secret desire to castrate men and put their trophy on public display…like Indians taking scalps.

I can’t believe it! SC is behind the times! Down here in cowboy country hanging Bull Balls have been in style for years now. We see all kinds on pickem up trucks, tractors, cars, etc…. Big Balls with sequins to show your feminine side, or that you’re a cowgirl. Some balls have the texas star, some are dotted with turquoise stones, some in rawhide bags, some with little logos on them, and then the too real Big hairy Balls, all wrinkled up. It’s no laughing matter to get stuck behind a truck with those bad boys hanging low and swinging every which way. We are waiting for the day when we see where a cowboy has taken the real thing and hung them on his trailer hitch. But whats the big deal anyway? We have seen much, much worse. Like a huge replica of a donkey thing stuck over the hitch. Only once, but one time too many. Freedom of expression of guess. But where does it start and where does it end?

I live in a small town in NE AZ. There is a lady troll that has had a pair of these hanging from her hitch for years. The consensus is that she cut off her husbands sack and inflated it to 10X normal size.