Wild Socks With Big Feet


It’s true I have snow on the roof year round, but the sap stays up year round. The young girls in diners and coffee shops smile and call me sir: oh, how I miss the days when they’d smile and wink. Yes, I am a senior citizen and I try to accept the sentence of life without parole with as much grace and dignity as possible. Despite my advanced years and a raven haired young beauty for a girl friend, I still admire the feminine form; just because you are on a diet doesn’t mean you can’t read the menu.

A few days ago, I was at the Apple Store taking lessons for formatting the text of my books, they are much further along the trail of electronic publishing; however, it is a high treacherous trail with mud and ice above wild rivers and not meant for the feeble or faint hearted.

When you buy a Mac, you have the option of buying a year’s worth of lessons, as many as you have time for on almost anything that the Mac is programmed for. After the first year you can renew for another year it is a great program that has helped me immensely. It only costs a hundred dollars and you can use the program in any Apple store if you are traveling. I don’t do promotions for companies; but this is a great program.

After a lesson, while working in one of the cities known for a Gay lifestyle, I walked into a coffee shop across the street to test my new computer skills while they were still fresh in the brain pan. I was finishing a cup of the strong dark brew I prefer, the kind that will float a horseshoe. I was deep in concentration and exercising my keyboard, when out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a pair of loud colored long socks walking through the door to my right. The young horse girls like to wear the long gaily colored socks under their long English boots and I like the way they look, it’s a man thing. My eyes began to drift upward slowly to take in the whole package, thinking it might be someone I work for. The size of the feet and knees told me that it was a big girl. My eyes continued their upward migration and there were muscular thighs that looked powerful. The thighs continued to a mauve miniskirt that was scandalously short. At this point, I looked up to see that my young girl was indeed a man in his mid-thirties that looked as though he could have been a former college football player.

Needless to say, I was astounded and bewildered. I had never seen anything so provocative in my travels, but it is a reasonable part of modern American life to accept these unusual people as just another person. I tried not to stare, but the “guy” might have been a handsome man: as a woman, he lacked femininity. In my brain of brains, well known for surmising a multitude of possibilities and conflicts; I wondered how I would respond if this man approached me with a sparkle in his eye.

Of course, I’d let him know in no uncertain terms, that he and I traveled on opposite sides of the fence, but what if he was persistent and didn’t take a hint. That is a question that will be coming up in the future and has already contributed to the death of a high school boy in Southern California. The trial has started in Chatsworth, CA.

An Avoidable Tragedy

A 14-year old Ventura County boy, Brandon McInerney, shot an openly gay student, Larry King, twice in the head at point blank range. The injured student was brain dead and taken off life support a few days later to harvest the organs for transplant donation.

There is no question of guilt; the shooting took place in a classroom with multiple witnesses. McInerney is being charged as an adult with premeditated murder with the enhancements of using a firearm and a crime of hate.

Classmates of the two boys related that King had just recently started wearing make up and jewelry: he had stepped out of the closet and proclaimed his gayness openly.

The other students have also admitted that several boys, including McInerney, had a verbal confrontation about King’s sexual orientation the day before the shooting.

King was a foster child, with psychological problems.

McIrney had no previous criminal activity and was considered a good student.

If convicted, McInerney could face 50 years to life. The hate crime enhancement adds another one to three years to his sentence.

King was cross dressing and being flamboyant his attire was disturbing the students at E.O. Green Junior High in Oxnard.

Joy Epstein an openly lesbian assistant principal, maintained that it was within the school’s dress code for King to wear eye makeup, high heel boots, and earrings. By law, the school can’t differentiate on which gender is entitled to dress in this manner. Epstein testified:

They said we had to protect his civil rights and his equal rights; we could not discriminate between a boy and a girl wearing those items to school.

Epstein consulted with an administrator at the Hueneme Elementary School District after King started coming to school in late January 2008 in women’s accessories. Epstein was told that, by law, as long as the 15-year-old student wore the school’s uniform, he was entitled to embellish as he pleased.

Ventura County Senior Dist. Atty. Maeve Fox maintains that McInerney was motivated and influenced by “White Power” ideology, a group that considers homosexuality as an abomination. Apparently, McIrnerney’s friends were involved with this group.

McInerney’s attorneys admit he pulled the trigger, but that King provoked the response by harassing McIrnerney with sexual overtures, for example: interrupting a basketball game and asking McIrnerny to be his Valentine(an action that caused McIrnerney’s friends to ask him if he and King were going to make gay babies together) and by King telling McIrnerney that he knows he wants him in a crowded hallway.

School officials are being portrayed as promoting King’s sexual identity and actions. Dawn Boldrin, a teacher gave King a prom dress and offered tips for applying make up, she testified on Monday that shaded not ask permission from the parents before giving him the dress.

“It seemed that the foster care he was in was not condoning it, per se, but at least was allowing him to finally do as he wanted to do,” Boldrin told the court.

Martha Romero, a science teacher, testified that she saw several boys restraining McIrnerney who appeared agitated, the day before the shooting: she found out later, McIrnerney was upset because, as they passed in the hall, King said:

“I love you, baby!”

The next morning, McIrnerney sat behind King in computer lab and shot him twice in the back of the head.

The dynamics of this case are liable to have far reaching effects. The “White Power” exposure will be an influencing factor, but are we assumed to be consumed by an ideology because of our friend’s beliefs?

The behavior of school officials and their eagerness to promote the Gay Agenda has apparently contributed to King’s death.

Are Gays allowed to harass others sexually, without repercussions, because of a privileged position in society.

Are schools qualified and prepared to deal with the complications that will arise when they encourage Gay students to be flamboyant.

The passions of a male adolescent are complicated. He is trying to define himself as a man and cope with desire for females, while learning acceptable means of expressing desire for females. The unwanted attention of gays serves to complicate the process and can cause serious reactions from the straight male trying to understand his masculinity.

Without a doubt, McIrnerney pulled the trigger, but he had lots of people helping him hold that weapon. The system failed these two young men and put them in direct confrontation to promote a political agenda; their lives are over, but we can learn from the situation and not repeat these same mistakes.

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Skook, I expect the sexual harrassment classes will change in the military with the demise of DADT. We have mostly known who was gay in our organization, but DADT prevented overt displays of homosexuality. Now, when we attend the military balls, what is the dress code?

Sounds like King got for what he asked! It’s sad that McIrnerney must now pay for the rest of his life for PC.

BTW, in my day they were called queers.

Strong conclusion, Skookum.

Are schools qualified and prepared to deal with the complications that will arise when they encourage Gay students to be flamboyant. (Great Question!)

The passions of a male adolescent are complicated. He is trying to define himself as a man and cope with desire for females, while learning acceptable means of expressing desire for females. The unwanted attention of gays serve to complicate the process and can cause serious reactions from the straight male truing to understand his masculinity.

Without a doubt, McIrnerney pulled the trigger, but he had lots of people helping him hold that weapon. The system failed these two young men and put them in direct confrontation to promote a political agenda; their lives are over, but we can learn from the situation and not repeat these same mistakes.

Human nature cannot be ”educated” away.
There will always be some men who cannot control their revulsion when confronted by homosexuals.

Remember when Iran’s president Ahmadinejad spoke to a very receptive American college audience?
Even they, as supportive as they were, tittered and openly laughed when Ahmadinejad denied the existence of homosexuals in Iran.

When revulsion spills over into criminal action it must be dealt with consistently through the criminal justice system.
In America that is done.

In other countries just the opposite is done: the homophobia is institutionalized.
The very state of being a homosexual carries a criminal status.

So much of the progress our PC Left thought it had made (with regard human rights) in the so-called ”civilized” world is being lost.
http://www.thelocal.de/society/20110621-35793.html (Germany)
http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/andrewgilligan/100077810/east-london-mosque-keeps-on-lying/ (U.K.)
“Will gays be ‘sacrificial lambs’ in Arab Spring?,” CNN(homosexuality is illegal in 76 countries worldwide and punishable by death in five)
http://www.capitalfm.co.ke/news/Kenyanews/Arrest-gays,-Kenyan-PM-orders-10670.html (Kenya)
To this day at least, the USA is standing firm for the human rights of all people whether they are females, homosexuals or any other minority.
It is a sad story, but it is being dealt with in a civilized way.

Skookum, a great post but a topic which unfortunately is often ignored, minimized, and misunderstood. This problem along with all the other new behaviors which have all been legitimized by our liberal courts has created a host of threats against our old and traditional society which was based on Judeo Christian values and morals which used to govern human behavior. In all fairness even some conservative judges have passed laws that seemed to be benign, with no long reaching consequences for our society as a whole. But the road to hell is paved with good intentions as they say. The judges both liberal and conservative failed to take into account the far-reaching consequences of making behaviors that at one time were considered serious mental disorders, into so-called normal behaviors. This case deals with the age-old question, “How much freedom is too much freedom?”
Of course liberals believe that no constraints should be placed on human behaviors, and as a result the courts have radically changed the social constraints that once helped to keep our society civilized. We are not alone in dealing with all the problems that have now been released from Pandoras Box. Germany, England, and France are now recognizing that they went to far in the so called liberation of human behaviors. But as always their reaction is a day late, and a more than a few dollars short to fix the problems. Thats why when our republican politicans scream to the heavens that “that we must regain our values, and morals back!” they are being disingenous to the utmost. Mulitculturalism has failed miserably in all nations where it has been implemented.
Yet most of these societal ills created by our courts, and allowed to flourish cannot even be discussed by rational people with-out being attacked as closed minded, bigoted, homophobic, racist etc… So the problems are allowed to fester and grow while our politicians ignore the root causes. Never in our nations history have we had so many laws on the books, and more waiting to be approved and or created to govern human behavior. Yet at no other time in our histroy have our youth in schools reported that they are confused, and have no culture identy. The case you just related is having profound and disasterous results which is destroying the very fabric which held our society together and other societies together for hundreds of years. I, along with others have attende conventions, seminars, and classes as to how to stop what we all have unleshed in our compassionate ignorance to help an individual who was an exception to the rule. So therefore we abolished the rules both written, and unwritten to protect the majority, and our society from falling apart for a small segement of the population. Most people don’t understand just how interwoven all these topics are into our sociietys fabri. And how when you cut one thread of that fabric it produces a chain result in other threads starting to become unraveled. Does that mean you are going to publish some books Shookum? I really hope so. And unfortuanetly instances like you related are happening everyday at our schools, and workplaces. Granted most don’t end up with someonebeing shot. But fights, lost jobs, kids kicked out of school, etcc is the norm now for such problems.

This might seem like a small thing, but I am appalled that a 14-year-old boy was named as the perpetrator in this case….even though now he is being tried as an adult.
Usually, when a minors commit crimes, reports simply state, so-and-so many juveniles were arrested.

Years ago, in either Washington state or Oregon, a young boy (under age 10) was arrested for swatting a fellow classmate (a female) on the bottom.
He was also named in the national press.

Where are the guidelines for confidentiality when it comes to very young offenders?

If you check out all of the arrests of those mobs of black youths who have descended on stores, gas stations, buses and trains you will NOT find one juvenile named.

Is there a policy?
Are only white male youths named as perpetrators?

A photo of Lawrence King, just to put a face on the victim.

@Skookum: Skookum, I agree with you about “hurting people.” I never said that I used the term, but that it existed. “In my day” queers stayed in the closet and left us alone. But you are correct, the parents (as all of our parents did) took a chance. You comment, “The whole situation could have been a lesson in realism if the teachers had not been giddy with the Euphoria of enabling and promoting a cross dresser’s right of expression at the expense of a vulnerable and impressionable straight student.” Is there any reason to think McIrnerney would have shot King had King not “come on to him?” It’s just too bad to see the life of a vulnerable and impressionable straight student be ruined because of PC. Just my opinion, and remember, everyone has one!


Great post. People underestimate the importance of culture in society. Have you read Visions of Order by Richard Weaver? It’s illuminating.

Skookum– I’m sure you know this, but if you want to kill an animal you don’t shoot them in the head and walk away. That just stuns them. You have to shoot them in the head and then in the heart. Otherwise, they suffer.

@John Cooper: Thanks for the compliment JC. And no I have not but I just put it on my list! Thanks for the link. I get so frustrated at our so called republican leaders at not recognizing the importance of how we have lost much of our American Culture. And how the lidems have basically won the battle on destroying traditional American Culture, while our CINO,s refused to confront them on it. A few did at first to their credit, but were immediately pounced upon by the libdems, and their own fellow republicans. That is part of the reason that traditional Americans are so fed up with the CINO’s and have gone to the Tea Party. These boneheads just don’t get it. And then they wonder why people like Cain/Palin are so popular. They fight back!
Culture sounds so innocuous, yet for our politicians to continue to let libdems win major battles in this area will be not only their downfall, but our nations downfall as well.

Let me tell you about the treatment of gay teens when I was their age.
They might get get picked on or even assaulted…just because. For some young males it was a way to prove their “straightness”. For others it was simply using them as a punching bag surrogate. For still others it was to fit in with those “normal/cool kids.” It looks like he sexually harrassed the shooter. Perhaps he did. What I saw in my youth was certain kids going out of their way to bully the “queer” kid and getting taunts such as the one the victim made in return. They were equally as enraged by the response.
Here we had a kid who felt his sexuality, manhood, and social standing had been challenged in a deeply damaging way. Throw in the teachings of hate, teachings that say such people are less than human/ok to abuse/kill and this is what you get. I also won’t ignore how the teachers blew it. We have on record that a teacher saw the boy being restrained by others so he wouldn’t attack the victim. That is some grade A rage when someone loses it like that. Yet nothing was done. In an age where a tiny, plastic GI Joe gun can get one suspended from school, nothing was done.

Bottom line: school policies against bullying and sexual harassment should apply to all students regardless of their gender or sexual orientation.

Skookum, when I first read your short story writings via FloppingAces my thought was you must have published more….if /when you do I’ll immediately be buying! Your perspective reminds me of another Western Blogger, Lame Cherry w/ a bit more reality.

HR, all the indications were there, and they were ignored. Since when has it become part of our public education system for teachers to give students hints on make up application and clothing of ant type. These teachers were going above and beyond to promote political agendas or to derive personal satisfaction from the outing and transformation of gender. Is this part of their job description?

Without these teachers, a fourteen year old boy would have grown up in a fairly normal manner and probably would have accepted the PC of the Gay Agenda, without question. But at that age, when hormones are passing common sense he was antagonized by a Gay youth who was being prompted to act out his effeminate feelings and his feelings of puppy love.

The teachers were promoting an agenda and probably taking deep personal satisfaction in their actions; yet, with all their training, they failed to learn the basic premises of the adolescent straight male and his disgust at the thought of romantic attention from a gay school mate. We cannot legislate those feelings or reactions away and making school policies tar say you must endure this attention will cause more incidents like this tragedy.

Teachers of Ignorance, by Skook

Wild Socks With Big Feet

Be not proud, vile teachers of ignorance
You who have killed two innocents
Political Correctness, is your bloody lance
Murder is the game in this instance

Oh the power, so easy it is to manipulate
And exact vengeance on young males
So masculine and strong you cannot relate
Give them dresses and tell cute tales

Humiliate the young straight boy
Along way yet, from being a man
He howls in pain, you laugh with joy
Never to be a man, just an also ran

Westie, thanks for the kind words. The little votes of confidence provide the motivation to continue.

my oh my, the reverent said : GOD had shape a MASTERPIECE,

he was not a normal human, that is the truth, let’s not play with words,
specialy from a head of congregation, which must be responsible for his position
of power,
the boy was allowed to dress improperly, that is the inciting for his companions which are normal young students, and normaly disturbed by the scandalous display and advances of the boy,
they are at the age of learning all including the hard part ; that is learning to accept the abnormality of a situation that a SOCIETY WHICH IS SUPPOSE TO PROTECT THEIR YOUNGS HAS ACCEPTED TO CLOSE THEIRS EYES, ON THAT KIND OF DISPLAY OF GAYS,

I am wondering if your 3 books will be real books that you buy and are your property in your own librairies.

OR books that are not books but come from the web media, and have to be reprint for us to keep in our
libraries in form of print papers, stack together,
I did buy one , from the web and had to print 179 pages of it, It is a good book but I would have prefer to have it as a real tangible book, bye
thank’s for your post again.

@Skookum: Let me know Skookum when you publish! I have been asked before when I used to public speaking all the time why I never wrote books on my topics. I have written numerous curriculums for local schools and businesses and grants but too overwhelmed at the idea of writing a book and all the work that implies for a good job. I have had my old administrative assistant who i paid to edit my work and would have to do the same again. Its odd, I can speak on a topic with no notes and get the audience engaged and a lively debate going on. I had an excellent mentor whos number one rule was to know your subject as well as you know yourself. But at writing I cannot write my thoughts as fast as i speak them, or use non-verbal body language, and inflections in my voice. Thats why I stuck to public speaking and teaching. Especially if I was teaching my own material! the best of both worlds so to speak. But since I found your writings you have motivated me to reconsider, and to take more pride in my writing again. Not that you could tell it from my recent posts. So thank-you! Write on but don’t bogart it to yourself my friend!

@ilovebeeswarzone: BEEs I see your points, but unfortunately it is the young people who believe in our traditional values who have to hide those values and or be punished for believing in them. Young people who disagree with homosexuality, and or liberalism are often ostracized, ridiculed, and mocked for their “old traditional beliefs”. We used to get kids referred to us just because they had told the teacher that they did not believe that Homosexuality was or is normal because they refused to agree with the teachers that were telling them that the bible was a lie, and they were homophobic, and their parents. Some of these kids did not even know what homophobic ment. Liberal insanity again. And they call themselves open-minded. We have a psychological war going on in our schools for the control of our young people’s hearts and minds. We the conservatives are losing that war as well. Many conservatives deny it, some have given in too apathy, and some just don’t realize how serious the battle has become. Because the liberal teachers tell everyone that there is no war,(typical psychological tactic) and many of the conservative teachers fear speaking out for losing their jobs. But I still have hope because I am beginning to see more and more conservative teachers banning together and fighting back! some of my own teacher friends have formed such resistance groups.

@Skookum, #23:

Bees to self-publish a printed book will cost between 10 and 20 grand.

No sir. Not any more. I would strongly recommend that you immediately Google “CreateSpace” (all one word), and spend a couple of hours this afternoon looking into what’s up with that truly amazing Amazon publishing program. You can now get yourself into print with a product that’s physically indistinguishable from any commercial trade-size publication for an investment approaching zero. No strings are attached. Thanks to POD, we now live in a world where the little guy can compete in the market, with success based entirely on the quality of the writing and the writer’s level of initiative. From what I’ve sampled here of your writing skills and from what I guess about your level of initiative, CreateSpace might be just the ticket. Please check it out!

and they follow their customers whith a good marketing not aggressive but to let you know there is other good BOOKS BY AUTHORS YOU HAVE ALREADY BOUGHT FROM,

I have used a Mac for years and will never go back to a PC.  The Windows Vista program actually ran faster on a Mac than on a PC.  Apple uses the same Intel chip as Microsoft.

On the guy/gal who approached you, there are thousands of babies who are born both male and female.  They have all of the male/female parts, so they have both the male/female feelings mixed together.  The doctor asks the parents whether they want a boy or a girl and make it so.  The baby is still a boy/girl with boy/girl feelings.  We need to accept this fact and accept them as they are.  I also believe being born gay is not a choice and they need to be accepted as they are.  They didn’t CHOOSE that life style.

Skookum, I am curious why you think the guy/gal would be attracted to you.

Smorgasbord, hi,
yes you’r right about respecting them,as human being too,
but some display themself in public and that is where their own respect end,
they have the same responsability as the normal humans to respect the other by not being indecent in public, because when they do, they are not gays, but indecent gays,
and they must countained their sexual desire that make them display themself so outragly for only some of them ,those are the one targetted in this POST, not the one that keep their personal urges only at their home,

Smorgasbord, he/she was not interested in me, thank goodness; but when I was young man, I had an athlete’s body from throwing hay bales and working on the horses and gay men always seemed to find me attractive. It drove me crazy to have this unwanted attention. There was no satisfaction or elevation of self by having gay men proposition me; in fact, it was maddening. In social situations, I would be overly friendly with any female to discourage the attention. I don’t have a clue why they liked me, the least likely guy in the world to be interested in them.

Now if all that attention had been from females, I would have needed to pace myself to keep my strength up; unfortunately, life has little wrinkles thrown our way and this was one of my strange wrinkles. One of the advantages of age is that they no longer approach me.

Greg, thanks for the information. I will check it out. Thanks again.

@ilovebeeswarzone: #29

Every group has their exhibitionists: Straight, gay, politicians, teachers, doctors, etc. Let’s not condemn one without condemning all such activity from anybody.

@Skookum: #30

At least you can say you had people after you. I don’t know what that is like.

Smorgasbord, hi,
I was not codemming what they are but the public exibitionist as you say,
I agree that there is in every walk of society many misfits also, but the post was on this subject,
and the fact that it cause the young man to shot the other, for having been incited by the victim,
got me to understand why he went to the extreme decision to eliminate the other,
that was my reply as to defend his actions for the jury to be lineant and understand that he is not a regular killer for criminal purpuse and intent on doing wrong, but this young man did it for having been push by the victim to think of how to fix the untenable problem of having a to be educated in an environment that supported the victim exibitionist to dare and incite his companions to respond,
don’t forget the teacher was a lesbian supporting the victim,
how bad it must have been for the others to cope with,
it was just a matter of time to have the tragedy happenning


Just a quick note to respond to this comment, Skookum. I was born and raised (Okie for sure) around people just like you; horsemen, cattlemen and the like who never had the time nor the desire for formal education. These guys I knew are long gone and I can proudly say I knew them and they were friends and mentors. Like the movie City Slickers where Jack Palance was called “last of a dying breed.”

I live in Thailand as you probably know. Thailand is . . . well, different in many aspects and the aspects relate directly to the article you wrote. Am working on that now.

@Skookum: #34

I don’t know your age, and don’t need to, but I am guessing I am older than you. I was the kid in school that nobody wanted anything to do with. I had the worst case of acne I have ever seen on anybody. I grew up with the attitude that people I met wouldn’t like me, and it still is hard for me to make friends, but I am better at it now. I judge people by their INSIDE, not their OUTSIDE. As long as their attitude is OK, the rest doesn’t matter to me.

I love all kinds of animals, but I have said that they won’t want me as an ower because I don’t like to take care of thhem. If I had a pet I am guessing that would change and mine would be the most spoiled pet around.

@ilovebeeswarzone: #35

My comments were meant partly for you, but mostly for anyone who hates one group just because the people in that group were born different. We will always have the racists and others who hate just to hate.


Many people believe as you do. One, therefore, would have to have a gay gene in order to be gay since they were “born” that way. Like being born a female or male, black or some other ethnicity. This would clearly then be a civil rights issue as the gay community would have us to believe, demand us to believe. That would mean that heterosexuals were born that way as well. No choice, cannot change, etc. Of course, there are documented evidence that show people can change and do change in both directions. Sexuality IS a choice. You choose your mate or your girl friend.

I have had great friends who were gay and one of their arguments in the past has been that no one would choose their lifestyle because of all the discrimination that it brings upon them. With one of my friends, I brought up the name, telephone number and address of a place that dealt with gays who wanted to change and has had good results. I suggested that he contact them for help. He refused to talk to me for several months after my suggestions. In fact, all the gays that I know become very offended by the very thought of changing their lifestyle. How do you account for that if it were not a choice? Just curious.

Chill, hi, I think that some might have been born with it, but not all of them, like you mentionned,
some might have been introduce to it as young person by having been abused by family,
or other pervert that prey on children,
I think the brain has a lot to do with sexual urges on humanity, and some have urges to commit sex not love as they think it is, but only sexual activity with their own gender, and they have lost the self restraint of the commands of the laws of the CREATION OF THE HUMANS, AND I think
what I will call the over or missing IT in their brain has evolved for some to allow and be allowed to
comply with their need to display them in the other gender they desire to be in, but will never succeed which has open the door to perversion in a lot of them.

If one is born with a “trait” then that “trait” should have a corresponding gene. Correct me if I am wrong but your big nose or little nose, curly hair or straight hair and so on are stuff you were born with and have direct correlation to specific genes. Sexual preference is not gene related but, as you stated, choice related. Of course, the choices we make come from nurture not nature (the old question from years gone by. But, then maybe I am wrong about this gene thing.

I do not pretend that a person’s choices are simple. They come from who one is, how he or she perceives themselves, type of training, relationship with siblings, mothers and fathers, etc. It is super complicated and is never just black and white. Homosexuality is a complex concept, feeling or whatever it is. I feel strongly that a person in the US has the right to make those choices without the fear of discrimination or attack verbally or otherwise. I have always tried to be the one to step forward when people are discriminated against and be a friend to the underdog or stand up for what was right. I have lots and lots of friends who are gay. They are my friends because they are nice people and interesting. It is their business who they see or do in the bedroom just like it is mine that I have been married to the same female for over 35 years. It is a right they have as Americans living in the US. Their choice, their right.

Now having written that, I do not believe it is their right to change the definition of marriage just so they can justify their choices. Civil unions should be just as binding as marriage but most gays feel that if they can get “married” that would justify their choice. Justify, IMHO, to make themselves feel better about who they are. Therein lies my problem with the current gay community and as pointed out with the aggressive gay kid, the gay community is now putting their sexuality in our faces blatantly and the liberals having already bought off on their ideas. I do not talk about my sexuality and I appreciate others who keep theirs to themselves.

Difficult times we live in, right?

@Chill: #39

Imagine yourself as a child growing up and you were attracted to boys instead of girls. You knew you would be labeled a queer and picked on and possibly beaten or killed by queer haters. Are you going to admit you are gay or try to hide your feelings and TRY to live the straight life?

Over the years I have heard of many women that found out their husband was cheating on them with a man. Their husbands finally admitted that they had been attracted to the same sex but didn’t want the ridicule that goes along with being gay. As I have mentioned before, if being gay is a choice, then being straight is also a choice. At what age did you CHOOSE to be straight? We are what we are at birth.


Hey, I understand fully where you are coming from. Scientifically, there is no proof that it is a trait that one is born with. There is no gay gene. The gay scientists who put great hope in such a discovery have long ago given up since the human genome has pretty well been mapped out. If one is born with such a trait, then it must be in the map of our genome somewhere. It simply is not there. One cannot, therefore, be born gay or straight or anything else. One acquires whatever direction they go from nurture. You can believe otherwise and I respect that but, science pretty much shows that it is an acquired trait. I am willing to admit I am wrong but not by stories about straights or gays which tug at my heartstrings. Opinions mean nothing. I could be wrong and you could be wrong. Until science proves otherwise it really does not matter what we believe. Bottom line is one can make that decision and should be free to do so. Why have to justify it wit arguments from emotions or from science? Why have to justify it at all. I have gone to gay bars with my gay friends and felt no ill effects from it. I don’t have to justify my sexuality so why should a gay unless . . .

I live in Thailand where gayness is pretty much part of the society and is tolerated. Tolerance. Tolerance. Tolerance. Gay people should be able to tolerate a person who raises their children in a Christian manner that states that certain choices are sins. Tolerate. Tolerate. Tolerate.

Will , yes of course, I known a friend she was a mother of 2 sons, completly different, the father was an alcoholic, and notice the weakness of the younger one, and start to push on that boy, what the other one had of masculinity, he would take him to play baseball or other’s boy games, and get mad at him to see the boy not want to be interested in violent game, and the father came out to call him names related to gays,
I was close enough to watch it and tryed to tell the father to stop insulting him,
the mother would suffer silently not taking any sides, it was realy disturbing to be witness of it,
I was living close to them and we where working at the same place, years went by and the young man came to my place to bring me something from his mother, he was a teenage, and open up to me
to say that he was super emotional and vulnerable, i listened, and must have said some good words to him, but he went on to meet and mix with his gender, then he told his mother, who was so devastated as if she never thought of it,
that for me was the strangest experience of my life, to learn. I broke frenship ties with them as time went by, but the memory of that boy being broken by his father, ending up as a open gay, and living his years feeling the torture of being different

@Chill: #41

I go along with the idea of the word “marriage” meaning a union between a man and a woman and the laws that go along with it.  I also believe there should be a separate word for a union between same sex couples and there should be SEPARATE laws for them.

If being gay is a choice, what about the thousands of babies that are born both male and female.  Did they CHOOSE to be both sexes?  No.  Evidently, in the process of a baby being developed there are things that can affect what they are.  We know that some things we eat, drink, or smoke affect the baby.  This includes the father.  His habits affect his sperm.

I am guessing some gays are being openly aggressive about their gayness just like the blacks were openly aggressive about equal rights for them and the women doing the same thing for the right to vote and smoke.  If we would just accept people as they are I am guessing things would calm down and we could all get along.


Of course, this is always the argument to justify nature versus nurture. Been there, done that. Transgenders are born because of there genetics got twisted around bringing in the male testosterone to early or too late (see article). Are you trying to use this as your argument for saying that cetain genes got twisted around as well and caused one to be gay and that he had no choice? Most gays would not argue such a point because it would prove that they are, scientifically, not normal and most desperately want gayness to be considered normal.

There have been studies on transgenders as it relates to genetics and those who conducted the studies have, indeed, found differences in genes and how they work in transgenders versus the normal population.


No such studies have been able to tell the difference in the genetics of gay versus straight. You want to bet that studies have been done for many years to try to prove a difference. I remember when the mapping of the genome was started a long time ago and how excited the gay community was because they were so sure of such genetic descrepancies would be found. Just like you, they knew in their hearts that theirs was not a choice.

Now notice how this same irrational behavior affects everyone who makes choices considered abnormal by society. An alcoholic, a drug addict, a sex addict all rationalize the choices they made. These choices come from their lack of stable families, a broken marriage, abuse sexually and otherwise and all kinds of stuff that they had no control over. They were not born with these choices hot wired into their being but made them as a direct result of their environment. I have never in my life met a gay who had a normal, true spiritually based, loving childhood. Every one of them were screwed up mentally. Only a few have come to grips with their situation and see the reality of who they are and, more importantly, why they are.

No one will dare to do a study on the psychological make-up of gays versus none gays. Like the story that ilovebeeswarzone related, this is not untypical, in fact, it is very typical. But PC says don’t ask and most gays will not tell. Only when one has been close to many, many gays and over time learns of their story, one begins to connect the dots. Born that way – scientifically pretty well proven false at the present time. Nurtured that way – big probably. Either way they are not guilty. Now tell me honestly how many gays have you met that did not WISH to be gay. I have yet to find a single one who is actively living that lifestyle. If they were really born that way (as transgenders and other people with genetically caused problems) every one would prefer not to be that way.

Again, why pursue the argument if one is comfortable in who he or she is. Why would they care what I thought or what you thought one way or the other. Why does the Christian Bible condemn it right along with other sins of human choices? No one really cares what I think nor do they care what you think. Life goes on and I will continue to have friends who have made choices which I do not agree with – still friends.

@Chill: #46

Neither one of us are going to change our mind. I think we need to leave this with your right to your opinion and my right to mine and remain friends.

Smorgasbord, I was getting ready, in case I would have had to separate you and CHILL at one time,
GEEZ, you took the fun out of me right this minute, now are you proud of it,?

@ilovebeeswarzone: #48

I learned to be my own referee a long time ago. Chill has his opinion and I ain’t going to change his mind and I ain’t changing mine. I have heard people argue over how many miles it is across an Interstate highway. No matter what either one says, the distance is what it is.

Smorgasbord, yes that’s the WISDOM OF SALOMON,