Weiner Gets A Grip On Reality


Hillary views Huma "As A Daughter" Yea Right!

Is Weiner’s ignoble retirement a Conservative victory? No, not really, it is a victory for traditional American values. Weiner is a borderline pervert, who will either straighten up his life or fall deeper into more dangerous perversions, for his sake, I hope he gets ahold of himself before it is too late.

We as Americans have a share in the shame of his lying and false criminal accusations, because we have been lenient in dealing with lies and corruption from our leaders in Washington. Even now, Weiner will have an attractive retirement plan when he turns 62 of $48,000 a year. Presumably, the looming inflation he has helped promote will wipe that out and make it a trivial amount, but we will be supporting his perversions for the rest of his life, once he is officially retired. This is a stain on America that will be with us for a while.

Weiner has only been a symptom of a much larger problem; hopefully, he will ride into the sunset and disappear forever. Unfortunately, there is the question of whether his wife, Huma, is an agent for the Muslim Brotherhood, the connections are there with her mother being a member of the “sisterhood”. It is a fact that her family is Fundamentalist islam and deep within the Muslim Brotherhood. Unless Huma is a Fifth Columnist, Fundamentalist Isamists kill their women for speaking to a non-Muslim. The information will undoubtably be coming out in the near future, but the fact that hillary Clinton has an Islamic Fundamentalist as a confidant within her State Department will dwarf the Weinergate story. In the tradition of FDR and the Soviet spies he kept for confidantes, while steadfastly refusing to believe the FBI reports that they were spies, history is repeating itself.

Was Huma Abedin — wife of Anthony Weiner and deputy chief of staff to Hillary Clinton — unaware that her mother was reported as a member of the Muslim Brotherhood? Did Western media miss what has been revealed in several Arab newspapers and left secret in American government circles?

Al-Liwa Al-Arabi (translated here) claims to have leaked an extensive list, partially published by Al-Jazeera and several other major Arab newspapers, that includes Huma’s mother, Saleha Abedin, in the Brotherhood’s secret women’s division — known as the Muslim Sisterhood or International Women’s Organization (IWO).

Information about the IWO can readily be found at the Muslim Brotherhood’s official website. An excerpt from its goal, translated from the Arabic, states:

“The Women Organization’s goal, in accordance with the Muslim Brotherhood rules, is to gain and acquire a unified global perception in every nation in the world regarding the position of women, and the necessity of advocacy work at all levels in accordance with the message of the Brotherhood, as written in Women in Muslim Society, and the rearing of women throughout the different stages of life”.

The Egyptian paper Al-Dostor revealed that the Sisterhood includes 63 international members across 16 different countries — a claim confirmed by the Arab Center for Studies, headed by researcher Abdul Rahim Ali.

Neither Huma nor any major Western media outlets even mention this bit of common knowledge in the Arab world.

But there is more. Also confirmed by Arab sources is that Huma Abedin has a brother who works at Oxford University named Hassan Abedin. Oxford, which has long been infiltrated by Islamists who founded the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies (OCIS), has Huma’s brother listed as a fellow and partner with a number of Muslim Brotherhood members on the Board — including al-Qaeda associate Omar Naseef and the notorious Muslim Brotherhood leader Sheikh Yusuf Qaradawi. Both have been listed as OCIS trustees. Naseef continues to serve as Board chairman.

In 2009, Qaradawi’s role within Oxford and the Muslim Brotherhood was championed by the notorious Sheikh Rached Ghannouchi of Al-Nahda – a Muslim Brotherhood affiliate now active in Tunisia. OCIS has even presented an award for great scholarly achievement to Brotherhood member Shaykh Abd Al-Fattah Abu Gudda, whose personal history goes back to the Brotherhood’s founder, Hasan al-Banna.

Even the Sunday Times acknowledges that the cradle of Islamic jihad — Al-Azhar University — actively attempts to establish links with OCIS, where Huma’s brother serves.

Was Huma unaware of all this as she accompanied Hillary Clinton to the Dar El-Hekma women’s college in Saudi Arabia? Huma’s mother is co-founder and vice dean at the college and an active missionary on issues regarding Muslim women.

Another member listed as belonging to the Sisterhood mentioned by Al-Jazeera is Suheir Qureshi. Alongside Huma’s mother, Saleha Abedin, as well as Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who was brought in due to her connection with Huma, Qureshi spoke on issues of women in Muslim society. An Arabic news report of what happened during Hillary’s visit stated that:

Suheir Qureshi spoke of how elated she was of Hillary’s historic visit…. Saleha Abedin spoke after Suheir Qureshi and beamed in the presence of Secretary Clinton. Saleha’s speech preceded the former first lady’s. Then Hillary stood. She donned a broad smile as she approached the podium….Clinton started with a strong word and she spent a long time complimenting Dr. Saleha Abedin regarding her daughter. Hillary explained that Huma holds an important and sensitive position in her office. She ended her speech by speaking of Saleha Abedin’s daughter (Huma), that a person must be happy if mentioned in a positive light but there is no happiness that equals the compliment given to children in front of a parent.

It is sacrilege in Islam for Huma’s mother to accept the reality that her daughter is married to a Jew. Yet neither Saleha nor Huma’s brother Hassan denounces her marriage to Weiner, especially when it was considered null and void by some of the highest authorities on Islamic Sharia rulings.

Hillary Clinton signed a document less than one month prior to her trip to Saudi Arabia with Huma that lifted the ban on Tariq Ramadan, allowing him entry into the United States. (Ramadan is the grandson of the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, Hasan al-Banna, and has ties to Islamic terrorist groups.) The Clinton family played a key role in promoting Fethullah Gülen, the extremely powerful Turkish imam and notorious Islamist conspirator, as he fled Turkey for the United States after attempting to overthrow Turkey’s secular government. (He was indicted on this charge in 2000.) In 2008, the former president heaped praise on Gülen, giving him a clean slate. Gülen has been given refuge and has even had sermons aired on Turkish television during which he explained to his followers how to best seize power from the Turkish government:

You must move in the arteries of the system without anyone noticing your existence until you reach all the power centers… until the conditions are ripe….Until that time, any step taken would be too early — like breaking an egg without waiting the full forty days for it to hatch. It would be like killing the chick inside.

Americans have so little faith in the politicians of Washington and Weiner has lowered that level of trust even more, but it has become a group effort. Our president is intent on being able to use missiles and rockets against nations indefinitely, after consulting with the UN, NATO, and the Arab League, while ignoring our congress and its authority. The president being called the most powerful man in the world has taken on a new meaning. Pelosi’s wealth increasing by 62% during the last two years only adds to the mistrust Americans have for our government. In the mean time, Obama has pledged $2 Billion to Palestine, $2 Billion to Egypt, $20 Billion to Arab Spring, offered $1 Billion ‘loan guarantee’ to Egypt to back their faulty credit standing. President Obama seems willing to give the shirt off his back to those in need; except, for one minor detail, it’s not his money: it is the money and future of the US taxpayer being given to the Muslim Brotherhood and to those we have been at war with and will likely be at war with for decades to come. He can justify the “Loans” by borrowing from China, thus helping their economy and giving the money to the Muslim Brotherhood and when Hyper Inflation kicks in, the money wont be worth anything and will be much easier for our children and grandchildren to pay off his profligate generosity among his Arab friends.

Hopefully, Weiner will be able to live off his wife’s double income, (assuming she has a handsome salary as a Fifth Columnist for the Muslim Brotherhood, a group now being subsidized by the US taxpayer courtesy of President Obama) until he can find a job and drift into obscurity. Another Progressive Socialist will be elected from his district and the wheels will keep turning; hopefully, the new Progressive wheel from Queens will be quieter and have more integrity. But we would be considered to be naive to think that the corruption and dishonesty is over with Weiner’s resignation.

Like most American’s, I believe Weiner is only a symptom of a large problem afflicting politicians who view themselves above the law and immune to the laws of governance that most of us respect. Congressmen like Rangel and Waters stand out as corruption that is excused and swept under the carpet. We can no longer tolerate these abuses. We must clean up Washinton and make it function according to the Rule of Law and the Constitution. Insisting that Clinton as Secretary of State purge her department of potential spies is a first step toward establishing trust: if her relationship is too close to Huma to fire her, Hillary should resign her position.

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Fantastic piece, Skookum! Huma lands on US soil and 12 hours later, Weiner resigns. Nope, no coincidence there. I guess it is okay for a female muslim to marry a Jew as long as she wears the pants in the family.

Exit question: Will the US MSM cover this connection between Mrs. Weiner, Hillary and the MB?

Interesting gathering of information, Skookum.
Some of it altogether news to me.

But earlier this week I posted two fatwas by major imams showing that Muslim females must not be wed to unbelievers – infidels, Christians or Jews.
I was roundly criticized for it, as apparently it does happen without the female being punished (shunned) by her family.

But, I also recall how the 9-11-01 attackers (and other Muslim terrorists) created cover for themselves by doing other forbidden things.
Some went to strip clubs, drank even to drunkedness.
There used to be a web page about a subset of the Muslim Brotherhood: the Takfir wal-Hijra.

Sort of like Keiser Sosa in ”The Usual Suspects,” Muslims claim that Takfir wal-Hijra doesn’t really exist.

Takfir wal-Hijra takes fundamentalism further than most Islamic terrorist groups.
Takfir wal-Hijra would battle apostate Muslims (on top of all the rest of the world) to restore the unity of the Islamic world order (ummah).
Then the ummah is to be led by a Caliph, who rules according to the Sharia.
Obviously he would be one of them!
The group’s fighters are allowed to practice something akin to taqiyya/kitman.
This means they can disguise their true principles for protection of their own faith.
This allows them to blend in with Western society and also to disobey all rules of their form of Islam for the goal of destroying Western civilisation from within.

They adopt non-Islamic appearances such as shaving their beard and wearing a tie in order to blend into crowds and make themselves hard to detect even to other Muslims.
They can drink alcohol and even eat pork to deceive their enemies.
They believe that any means justify the end and, that killing other Muslims can be justified in their cause and that Western society is heathen and it is their duty to destroy it.

Back when Hamas first took over Gaza and started attacking Israel, they called those Muslims (living either in Israel or in Gaza when there was a mis-fired rocket) their missiles ”accidentally” killed ”inadvertent martyrs.” Thus Hamas ”justified” killing their fellow Muslims who got in the way.
They also claimed that any of the 1 million Muslims living in Israel deserved death just for staying there.
So, depending on if they were addressing a Western or an Arab audience they told two diametrically opposed stories.

That would certainly explain the Hildabeast’s mad rush into “Non-Hostilities” via “Kinetic Military Action” on behalf of the MB in Libya wouldn’t it?

Thanks Skook, for covering a story that is getting no attention in the media (and likely won’t). Once again, the salacious trumps the important.

First visit to the site. Interesting information if it’s accurate. Question: Are you suggesting this Islamist mole is so dedicated she’s willing to get herself pregnant by Weiner? Raise a child with him? Hard to believe but among people who regularly commit suicide for Allah and Islam, who knows?

I note that Nan’s #3 post includes an accurate decription of a certain president

@Skookum: #2,
“The MSM wont cover this until there is no escape.”

Just to underline your comment, the oracle of socialism, The New York Times, has made only one very minor reference to Saleha Abedin – ever, since the paper’s founding – . . . A Saudi Gamble to See if Seeds of Change Will Grow. That’s it.

Perhaps the NYT is taking its time doing deep undercover research on this obvious link (Huma / Hillary) and Huma’s family. . . . Or perhaps NOT.

It is said that blood is thicker than water. Religious roots also don’t get ripped out so easily. Something smells on this story.

I also find it absurd that some believe that since Huma is pregnant (presumably with Weiner’s baby), . . . that it logically follows that she could not have had an affair with H.Clinton. Such events are not mutually exclusive.

Huma Abedin’s father was born in India, of Muslim parents. He and his MB wife moved to the U.S. where they lived until Huma was 2, at which time they moved to Saudi Arabia. Huma’s father then took a job at a university, teaching Islamic studies. He was considered an expert in Islam. Huma did not return to the U.S. until the age of 18 in order to go to university. By the time she was 21, just three short years after her return to the U.S. she was deeply entrenched in the machinations in D.C. eventually landing a job with Hillary at the salary of $9,400.00/yr.

On that less than $10K/yr salary, Huma managed to wear designer clothing, including those by Oscar de la Renta, and became famous for three things: her coolness under pressure, her ability to never be seen in the same outfit twice, and her Marc Jacobs handbags, often costing well over $2,000.00 each. She also managed to purchase an apartment in a tony section of D.C. for well over $500,000.00.

No one ever asked where this woman came from and how she managed to land such a plum position with the former First Lady. The MSM press, falling all over themselves to say what a cool character Huma Abedin was under pressure of working for Hillary, never said “But who is she, really, and how did she wind up in such elite circles being the daughter of a [now deceased] university professor?”

How did someone afford a wedding dress, designed by de la Renta himself, on a $134,000/yr salary she was earning with Hillary last year? And if she is, according to de la Renta, a really devout Muslim, why would she even date a Jew? Or could it be that it was all a set-up as the rumors flurried around her and Hillary, and Anthony Weiner was a devout Hillary supporter in the 2008 election cycle. As soon as the Huma/Anthony marriage was announced, the rumors quickly died down. Yet, time when on, and there was no wedding until pressure build up and the press started asking for a date. So Huma and Anthony married, her is her wedding gown she said she wanted to look like it had come out of the Arabian Nights, but there was no honeymoon as the power couple were “just too busy with their jobs.”

Now we are being told that Huma is pregnant, and I forsee a miscarriage (abortion?) on the horizon. Odd that she is pregnant but that information was not released to even close friends until only after Weiner had managed to personally destruct but was trying to save what was left of his career in politics.

Let us not forget that Bill Clinton has tried to pay for his presidential library with massive donations, and speaking fees, from (tah-dah) Saudi Arabia which gave us a number of the 9-11 hijackers. Questions have been asked about these donations, but to date, Bill Clinton has refused to turn over documentation on them.

Huma Abedin came back to the U.S. at the age of 18 and entered George Washington University. Within three short years, she had landed the job of a lifetime (at 21) working for the then First Lady, Hillary Clinton, in the White House as an undersecretary. How does an unknown woman, raised in Saudi Arabia by two university professors land a job, coveted by many more experienced women, working for the First Lady of the nation?

Like most American’s, I believe Weiner is only a symptom of a large problem afflicting politicians who view themselves above the law and immune to the laws of governance that most of us respect.

Exactly what law did Anthony Weiner break?


The fact of the matter is that the behavior that has cost Anthony Weiner his Congressional seat, while undeniably tacky, wouldn’t even register on the high end of any rational impropriety scale.

The rude comments from the crowd during his resignation announcement pretty much say it all. They’re like taunts from the self-satisfied instigators scattered among a lynch mob just before they see their target strung up.

Anthony Weiner is probably a better man than the people who brought him down. He’s certainly guilty of less than a number of people who remain in office, in spite of the fact that their actual illegalities and far more serious personal indiscretions are public knowledge.

There’s an acronym that describes this particular inconsistency. The word is IOKIYAR. (That’s pronounced eye-OH-kee-yar.)

Greg, the law that Weiner broke was the law against hypocracy. He was the one that wrote a bill that would make it a federal crime to sent photos to minors using the very methods he did. Obviously, he seemed to think that because the women he was sending those photos to were “of age”, he could abuse his office and his power. Those photos were not solicitated by the women he sent them to, and personally, it should be consider, at least, sexual harrassment.

Anthony Weiner is not a “better” man. He’s not even a good man. He is a pervert that got caught. And he set himself up to be blackmailed in the future.

@Greggie: You asked:

Exactly what law did Anthony Weiner break?


It is laughable that you even defend this pervert. Had he shown his private parts to women in his office, or on the subway, or in the park, he would have been guilty of flashing.

Lewd or lascivious conduct is a felony level charge in most areas that is significantly more severe than a misdemeanor indecent exposure or obscenity charge. Lewd or lascivious behavior or conduct occurs when an individual engages in an unlawful act that is intended to stimulate the libido or sexual interest of themselves or another person. It can include exposing sexual parts of the body, posing or engaging in or distributing pornography, sexual acts in a public place or engaging in or promoting prostitution. In all states any of these activities with a minor child are automatically classified as lewd of lascivious conduct and are serious felony charges. – Source

Okay Greggie. Come on back and defend him some more. If you have children, then I wonder if he sent pictures of his genitals to your daughter if you would still think he was a good man…

Sexual harrassment exists when someone who has been clearly told to cease an unwanted behavior persists in it, in spite of having been told.

A pervert? I’m not entirely sure his behavior meets that definition. His interests probably aren’t all that abnormal for an adult human male.

It would be interesting to know what percentage of normal adult human males never feel an occasional need to delete their internet cache and history files so the wife/girlfriend/kids won’t see what they’ve looked at.

@anticsrocks, #12:

Okay Greggie. Come on back and defend him some more. If you have children, then I wonder if he sent pictures of his genitals to your daughter if you would still think he was a good man…

So I, too, am a pervert for failing to be shocked that some guy e-mailed an adult of the opposite sex a photo their underwear? What describes my reaction is disinterest.

BTW, just how closely did you have to examine that photo to get a clear fix on the relevant outline?

@Greggie: You said:

A pervert? I’m not entirely sure his behavior meets that definition. His interests probably aren’t all that abnormal for an adult human male.

That really speaks volumes about your code of conduct, there Greggie.

So I, too, am a pervert for failing to be shocked that some guy e-mailed an adult of the opposite sex a photo their underwear? What describes my reaction is disinterest.

Um, he sent more than pics of himself in his underwear. He sent pictures of his genitals. Aroused. To multiple women and even had inappropriate conversations with underage girls.

Again, I ask the question. If you had a daughter, a teen aged daughter, and Weiner sent her pictures of his genitals, in the nude and aroused would you have a problem with that? Would you still say that this married, 46 year old Congressman was “good man?”

Answer my question if you have the stones, Greggie.

@anticsrocks, #15:

You’ll have to clarify the question. Do you mean a real daughter, or some imaginary daughter? Fake Identities Were Used on Twitter in Effort to Get Information on Weiner

I’m surprised you’re wasting your time bothering with Anthony Weiner at this point. He’s already been hanged. There’s another perfectly good lynch mob forming up to go after his wife. She’s an intelligent and attractive woman, but she’s rumored to be Muslim.


I’m surprised you’re wasting your time bothering with Anthony Weiner. He’s already been hanged. There’s another perfectly good lynch mob forming up to go after his wife.

I too am alarmed that Weiner’s wife is being dragged through the mud. I have no idea what her mother’s political views are because, to me, that’s irrelevant. She is not her mother. Guilt by association doesn’t fly in American, last I heard. This is doubly true, I imagine, when there isn’t a crime to speak of. That is if it’s still okay in America to hold an unpopular political viewpoint. Or be related to one who allegedly does.

Greg said:

“Sexual harrassment exists when someone who has clearly been told to cease an unwanted behavior persists in it, in spite of having been told.”

Well, Greg, you seem to know as much about the laws pertaining to sexual harrassment as you do on any other subject. Precisely, nothing.

If anything, Weiner could have been convicted on indecent exposure charges. He willingly exposed himself to those who did not ask for him to do that. But then, we know that you will defend any moral degenerate as long as they have a “D” behind their name. I bet you belong to the Barney Frank Fan Club.

Now, in all your brilliance, you say that Huma Abedin is “rumored” to be a Muslim. No rumor, she IS a Muslim, raised by Muslim parents in a Muslim nation. Jeeze, you are the kind that could be slapped up side the head and you would deny the person doing the slapping even had a hand. But hey, continue to show your superior intellect. We all need a good laugh.

OK, Tom, so answer the questions:

how does a young woman who has lived in Saudi Arabia all her childhood wind up with a cushy job for the First Lady of the United States?

How does a woman who earns $9,400/yr manage to buy an apartment for almost $600,000.00 and wear designer clothing and carry $2,000 hand bags? Because if she can manage to turn $9,400/yr into all those benefits, she needs to be giving lessons to people who are on unemployment benefits.


how does a young woman who has lived in Saudi Arabia all her childhood wind up with a cushy job for the First Lady of the United States?,

I don’t know. Perhaps she’s qualified? Perhaps she was the best candidate for the position? In the absence of any hard facts stating otherwise, those would be the most likely reasons. Are we going to start investigating everyone now who lands a good job, digging into their lives and the lives of their family? Would this level of scrutiny only apply to Muslims? You ask questions about her place of residence and personal effects. Like all US citizens, I believe she has an expectation to privacy that isn’t forfeited because of her nationality, religion or whom she married. So it’s none of my business where she got her handbag.

@retire05, #18:

Now, in all your brilliance, you say that Huma Abedin is “rumored” to be a Muslim.

sar·casm – Noun: The use of irony to mock or convey contempt.

i·ro·ny – Noun: The expression of one’s meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect.

I’ll cheerfully provide additional examples the next time I’m personally insulted for simply expressing a dissenting opinion.

Tom, OK, so you say Huma was probably qualified to hold a job at the White House working for the woman who was the First Lady there. I am sure that Huma was really qualified, at age 21, having no other working experience and better suited than any other American. Hell, she hadn’t even finish her education, yet you are defending her qualifications? Perhaps you can tell us exactly what those qualifications were?

And you bet we are going to scrutize every aspect of her life. She forfeited her right to extreme privacy when she went on the taxpayer’s employment list. She is paid by us, and we have a right to know if she is a ringer. As to your lame attempt at insult, implying that I only care because she is a Muslim, no, that is not the reason, but her mother’s connections to the MB pose a serious breach of security, or have you forgotten that Huma Abedin Weiner is an employee of the State Department and as Hillary’s constant companion, has access to national security secrets?

It’s funny how you on the left scream for your “personal” privacy rights but seem to have no problem with Holder’s recent ruling that the FBI can search through my trash can without a warrent or that I have to be bodily searched just because I want to fly on a commercial airliner. You have no problem messing in my life, trying to tell me what to eat, what to drive, what doctor I can use, how much water my toilet can hold. Hypocrites, the lot of you.

Greg, don’t try irony. It’s not your forte. Stick with hypocracy. It is.


Tom, OK, so you say Huma was probably qualified to hold a job at the White House working for the woman who was the First Lady there. I am sure that Huma was really qualified, at age 21, having no other working experience and better suited than any other American. Hell, she hadn’t even finish her education, yet you are defending her qualifications? Perhaps you can tell us exactly what those qualifications were?

How would I know? My point is that there’s no compelling reason to dig into her personal life. What I’ve seen offered is her national heritage, her religion, allegations about her mother’s political beliefs, and what political party her boss is affiliated with. Maybe you want to live in a country where any one of those reasons would be cause for launching an inquiry into your private life, but I don’t think most Americas do.

It’s funny how you on the left scream for your “personal” privacy rights but seem to have no problem with Holder’s recent ruling that the FBI can search through my trash can without a warrent or that I have to be bodily searched just because I want to fly on a commercial airliner. You have no problem messing in my life, trying to tell me what to eat, what to drive, what doctor I can use, how much water my toilet can hold. Hypocrites, the lot of you.

Please site where I’ve written any of what you accuse me of believing.

I’m surprised that you’re actually using the “you did, so we will too” excuse for trashing Huma Abedin. If you hold the principles you espouse above, I assume their application would be blind to race, religion or political affiliation. Otherwise, they’re not principles; they’re just tools in partisan warfare.

Tom, what you have seen is what you want to see. Huma Abedin Weiner is a public servant. She works for the taxpayers who pay her salary. Now, Hillary may be her supervisor, but her boss is the public. And yes, we as citizens have a right to know how a woman who is only earning $9,400.00/year can afford an apartment for almost $600,000.00. Or how she can afford $2,000 handbags on that kind of salary. Huma Abedin Wiener’s lavish lifestyle is cause enough to question how she is paying for it on a civil servant pay now of $134,000/year. Huma Abedin Weiner would not be the first person Americans have seen that have been on the payroll of our enemies.

Now, I never said “you did, so we will too.” And you are trying to compare apples to oranges. Huma Abedin Weiner is a public servant with a very expensive taste in clothing and housing and anyone with two grey cells bumping together would know the numbers don’t add up. Either Hillary is financing her, or someone else is. And you should want to know who that someone is. And although you will never admit it, it has nothing to do with race, religion or party affiliation. It has to do with pure economics and those economics don’t jive.

You have no problem messing in my life, trying to tell me what to eat, what to drive, what doctor I can use, how much water my toilet can hold. Hypocrites, the lot of you.

Many conservatives seem to have no problem deciding what a responsible adult can and can’t smoke in the privacy of his or her own home, what factual information a women’s health clinic can and can’t make available to its clients, which books can and can’t be on the shelves of school and public libraries, which religious groups can and can’t build a place of worship at certain locations, which sexual orientations disqualify capable and willing Americans from serving in defense of their country, etc. Fundamental constitutional rights seem to be be applicable only once some other set of traditional qualifiers has first been applied.

Some sensitive noses might detect a faint whiff of hypocrisy in all of that.


It’s amazing to me a self-avowed conservative would support a kind of economic profiling, whereby people would have to account to authority (I assume government authority) for their possessions. This woman has been accused of no crimes, yet you believe she should be subjected to scrutiny because of her lifestyle, her clothes. You say it has nothing to do with race, religion or party affiliation. I take you at your word. But I wonder if you’ve ever gone on record for supporting a similar investigation into anyone else’s personal finances who isn’t either Muslim or a Liberal. A person who has committed no crimes, nor been accused of committing any. I wonder if you see your neighbor’s new truck and start rumors around town about how he could afford it if you have doubts. Maybe you feel compelled to start digging into his personal life, his business. That’s what you’re saying, so I have to assume it’s true. Amazing.

Just because you have no relatives in the war doesn’t mean you can justify being cavalier about the war effort and the loss of life our patriots are suffering. We are at war and we have patriots dying on a regular basis. That doesn’t mean we should be trusting a “possible” mole with State Secrets or perhaps an evening up of the odds is similar to wealth redistribution, it is just the Socialist way of doing things; especially, if you aren’t interested in victory or you are rooting for the opposition

C’mon Skookum, that’s ridiculous. So anyone who disagrees with you on this issue is “cavalier about the war effort and the loss of life our patriots are suffering” and perhaps “rooting for the opposition”? I know you can’t believe that. How about we stick to the topic. Is religious or racial profiling what you are recommending for all State Department employees? Why stop there? What about all government employees? Do you agree with Hermain Cain that religion can and should be a litmus test for admission to the President’s cabinet? By the way, what others restrictions to the rights guaranteed to all Americans can we use the war to justify? People have come to America for hundreds of years to escape religious persecution. I don’t think we want people leaving now to escape it.

@Greggie: You said:

You’ll have to clarify the question. Do you mean a real daughter, or some imaginary daughter?

Well, unless you plan on having an imaginary family I am assuming that you either already have a real, live child or will in the future be a parent to one.

Or is this just another way of your avoiding answering my question?

I am still waiting on you to proved said answer.

@retire05: # 22,
“Hell, she hadn’t even finish her education, yet you are defending her qualifications? Perhaps you can tell us exactly what those qualifications were?”

@ retire05,

. . . Just a passing reminder if I may, . . . . debating the finer points of common sense, and qualifications can be useful and educational, UNLESS you’re debating with the same minds who elected into the Presidency, an individual about whom they knew absolutely nothing. Hell, they didn’t even know how Mr. “Present” stood on any political, economic or ideological matters. But they actually believed he’d written a book or two . . . yup, that must have been the convincing “belief.” 🙂

Tom, when a person receives a government paycheck, but lives well beyond the means that that paycheck can provide, and has no other visible means of income, yes, it is time to look into it. Not me, per se, but that is why we have law enforcement agencies. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that a woman whose current salary is $134,000/yr cannot afford a wedding dress personally designed by Oscar de la Renta.

Do you think that if Huma Abedin Weiner was investigated by the FBI due to the fact that her life style doesn’t match her income, she would be the first person that the FBI ever investigated for that reason? Or perhaps you think that because she has such a high ranking position, being the constant side-kick of the Secretary of State, that no person in such a position of power was ever really working for our enemy?

Now, I know you want to ask me if I believe in racial or religious profiling. You betcha, I do. I believe that when we are engaged in two major wars against an enemy that wants us all dead or submissive to them, and everyone of that enemy is of one specific faith, we have a right to question those who put more loyalty into their faith than they do into their nation. It was that very stupid idea of political correctness (cultural Marxism) and the refusal to religiously profile, even after warning bells were rung, that found 13 Americans dead at Fort Hood. Funny how the left thinks that FDR was the greatest president to have ever lived (outside of the socialist currently residing in the White House now) yet FDR was the father of racial/religious/ethnic profiling.

Your strawman about my neighbor is just your effort to grasp at straws. #1, I would know where my neighbor works, and would know if he could afford that new tricked out truck or not (you see, where I live, people get to know their neighbors) #2, if I did suspect my neighbor of some kind of illegal activity, I would take it up with the police. Obviously, if you lived next to a drug dealer, you would just keep it to yourself, thinking you should mind your own business. Perhaps that line of thinking is why there are dead bodies strewn all across the ghettos of L.A.

The problem you liberals have is that you inject emotion, not logic, into your debates. So try again, only this time use rationale, not strawman arguments.

The thread is slipping and sliding all over the place.
Greg wants to shotgun us off onto issues of imposing morality on others.
Tom is wondering would a similar investigation into anyone else’s personal finances who isn’t either Muslim or a Liberal be looked upon favorably.

The actual thread was about Huma and her mom and brother who are both closely associated with the Muslim Brotherhood, a terrorist organization that is not even allowed to raise funds from Americans.
Since Obama has been in office there has been effort after effort to rehabilitate Muslim organizations, including the Muslim Brotherhood.
Just this week Afghanistan acknowledged the USA (Obama) is now meeting with and trying to negotiate with THE TALIBAN!.
Obama’s spokesperson went so far as to try to pass off the Muslim Brotherhood as a ”mostly” secular organization!
The original article from Pajamas Media is filled with what is called ”guilt-by-association.”
Huma is smart enough to keep her mouth shut.
Unless a Watergate-like ”follow-the-money” investigation is done (and, remember, it was a NEWSPAPER, not the gov’t. in Nixon’s day) we may never know the truth.
Huma is not going to come clean on her own.

Nan, perhaps Tom and Greg have forgotten that Al Capone was taken down because the FBI followed the money.

Or maybe they think that anyone connected to a person with a “D” behind their name couldn’t possibly be acting in a way that is not in the interest of this nation and it’s security.

Either way, they seem clueless.

They should remember the City of Bell and their leaders.
And, yes, Al Capone.


Nan, perhaps Tom and Greg have forgotten that Al Capone was taken down because the FBI followed the money


And Al Capone was a criminal. There was reasonable cause to look into Al Capone’s finances because he rather openly ran a criminal empire and was suspected of numerous crimes. On the other hand, you think the wife of a (soon to be ex-) US Rep should be investigated because of fancy handbags and a designer wedding gown. You keep bringing up her annual salary. I don’t know what you earn, but $134K doesn’t sound like chump change to me. You claim you’re suspicious because a person with a top 10% US income can afford nice clothes and you expect a rational person to agree law enforcement should be involved. By the way, are you under the impression that every dollar spent in the US is earned by the spender that calendar year? You’ve never heard of credit? of family money? And anyway, how exactly do you square your reasoning for wanting Hama investigated by a “law enforcement agency” with the fact she’s not been accused of breaking any laws? To review, you want law enforcement to investigate the personal finances of a political opponent without reasonable cause and you claim it’s not about politics or religion. Pretty interesting viewpoint.

Maybe you’re not old enough to recall Watergate.
The guys who followed the money were investigative reporters.
Not gov’t officials.
Sedition and treason are almost always caught via the financials.

@Nan G, #34:

The actual thread was about Huma and her mom and brother who are both closely associated with the Muslim Brotherhood, a terrorist organization that is not even allowed to raise funds from Americans.

The Bush family had business connections with the bin Laden family; Osama bin Laden’s late brother was an investor in Bush’s former oil business in Texas. Prescott Bush, the former-President’s grandfather, made a fortune doing business with the Third Reich. Businesses he managed were seized by the federal government during World War II under the Trading with the Enemy Act. He was a director of the Union Banking Corporation in New York City, seized as a front operation for the Nazis. Nazi assets were also seized from two other businesses managed by Prescott Bush and his father-in-law, George Herbert Walker: the Holland-American Trading Corporation and the Seamless Steel Equipment Corporation. Should those facts have raised suspicions about GWB or his father?

I like how we’ve segued from an allegation that Mom had some sort of connection with the Muslim Brotherhood to the thought that she was closely connected. By tomorrow, Mom will probably have become a known terrorist cell member.

I rather suspect the FBI has had a file on Huma Abedin all along–as they likely do on anyone working closely with the Secretary of State. It’s not like she suddenly appeared out of nowhere. She’s been with Hillary Clinton since 1996.

@Greggie: You said:

I like how we’ve segued from an allegation that Mom had some sort of connection with the Muslim Brotherhood to the thought that she was closely connected.

As usual, you are wrong Greggie. That’s what I like about you; at least you’re consistent…

Huma’s momma isn’t “closely connected” with the MB, she IS A MEMBER of the female sect of the MB.

Quit crying “Profiling!!” and get it right. She deserves to be under close scrutiny.

Re-read my #34 and you’ll see that I put down the whole ”guilt-by-association” idea in that comment.
Anyway, the way the left went after Bush and Cheney, had there been anything more than guilt-by-association between them and their friends it would have been big news.
With Huma there is an undercurrent of big spending to add credence to the idea of investigating where all the money comes from.
To be fair, the Obama’s spent way over their incomes while trying to become part of the cocktail party political left in Chicago.
I read that they took out loans simply to buy dresses and host parties.
So, maybe Huma went deep in debt to look stylish.
But it is as likely some Arab sugar daddy hoping her placement in the US will help his goals.
Point is; we don’t know.
It’ll be interesting to see if any investigative reporter actually gets to the bottom of it.

Tom, remember William (Dollar Bill) Jefferson? The FBI followed the money with him, just as they have with so many others.

But then, perhaps you can tell me how a woman, who has barely reached her 21st year, hasn ‘t completed her education, winds up in the White House working for the First Lady. What? Hillary didn’t have any experienced people she could pull from her days as First Lady of Arkansas? There was no one smarter that Huma Abedin in D.C. at the time?

And you think that buying a $600K apartment can be done on a $9,400/yr income? Please, go to your bank and try it. Let us know how long it takes the bank to laugh you out of town. And you have no problem with spending 1/4th of your total annual income on one handbag? Please, don’t piss on my leg and tell me it’s raining.

Your apathy toward questioning anyone who can’t explain how their lifestyle far exceeds their ability to pay for it is simply putting your head in the sand.

A somewhat more detailed and well-linked article is here.
One of the links is this one.
Check out page 4 of that PDF.
The chart reveals how terror organizations (Hamas and also Palestine Islamic Jihad) inveigles its way onto OUR college campuses via or through other intermediate organizations.
I have personally suffered terror tactics from the MSA on the campus at UC Irvine.
Trust me…..they are terrorists.

Re: #43:

You’ve got to appreciate the title of the first item linked from the American Thinker article:

“Weiner’s mother-in-law a member of Muslim Brotherhood, Tasked with advancing movement that aims to establish Saudi-style regime in U.S.”

Walid Shoebat, an ex-Muslim Brotherhood activist in the Holy Land, translated sources that say Huma Abedin’s mother, Saleha Mahmoud Abedin, a professor of sociology in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, belongs to the Sunni movement’s women’s division known as the Muslim Sisterhood.

Walid Shoebat? The guy is a paid performer on the anti-Islamic lecture circuit. It’s how he makes a living. His personal background can’t be verified. He’s simply jumping on a hot topic to get some time in the spotlight. He’s not a credible source.

Others are able to look at the original Arabic sources and do translations of their own.
MEMRI.org invites this on every transcript they produce.
Amazingly, although they (and Walid Shoebat) are unreservedly hated, not one time has one of their translations been found wanting.
All Walid is doing is translating what Arab news had in print.
Google even does the same. (with a rough edge, btw)
Check out his originals and see.

@Nan G:

Maybe you’re not old enough to recall Watergate.
The guys who followed the money were investigative reporters.
Not gov’t officials.

I agree that there’s a difference between the press investigating a story and the government looking into someone’s personal finances and life without probable cause. But I was responding to Retire, who proposed that “law enforcement agencies” should look into this woman’s life, so perhaps your argument is with him. But back to the press, yes, I agree with you that the press has the right to investigate a story if they think there’s one there. And I have to right to decide whether I think the story is bogus and a partisan witch hunt. But advocating that law enforcement investigate someone without probable cause is not something I will agree with. Will you?

At the very least, I hope those advocating an investigation into this woman’s private life are at least consistent enough not to be amongst those making the exact opposite argument about Privacy and the press’ right to use the Freedom of Information Act to gain access to Sarah Palin’s work emails, because that would be quite hard to square. Apparently, a former elected offical who might run for president and who has consistently thrust herself and her family into the public eye is more worthy of privacy than a woman who is not an elected official, has never overtly courted attention, and whose only crime as far as I can tell is is one against taste (i.e. marrying Anthony Weiner). Because, let’s get real, this isn’t about anything but blood in the water. Weiner went down and people see an opening to attack Clinton, and Obama, by proxy. Nan, If this isn’t political, if Huma Abedin’s alledged crimes are so notorious, so obvious, please explain how it is that this woman, who has worked for Clinton for years, has never once been mentioned on this site prior to the Weiner Twitter Scandal? (use Google site search to confirm for yourself).

Well… this truly is a thread to bring out the ugly that lives in us all. Personally, I don’t know that Ms. Weiner is the subterfuge spy implied in Skook’s PJ Media link. What I do know is that she has been an aide to Hillary Clinton since her WH days as the First Lady. One has to assume that aides have to pass some sort of vetting before they can work in any intern program. Don’t know. Perhaps one of you all that are far more knowledgeable in that aspect can shed light on who gets access to our Congress and WH in the intern programs.

But I’d say that answers the “what are her qualifications” question…. well, she was an intern who wanted the press office assignment and aspired to be the new Christiane Amanpour, and instead got assigned to the First Lady. Not her choice, but certainly – as time would have it – worked to her career advantage. That is where she has remained since because, evidently, she impressed the then First Lady and her hubby, the then POTUS.

Certainly wasn’t her choice when entering the program. Does that throw any wrenches into the take-over-the-US theories? Probably not.

So I guess we’d all have to ask the same question of Monica Lewinsky and her “qualifications” to end up an aide to the Oval Office. LOL Wait, don’t answer that…. Well, maybe go ahead, within language bounds for our amusement and FA family audience appeal. You get the drift, yes? Why do any of these young people, with no experience, have such access to big mouthed politicos?

I don’t know about the rest of you, but here’s the bottom line for me. I’ve got bigger worries about the future of this nation as a military superpower, and economic player, than who Hillary, or any 0ther temporary appointee chooses as their aides. I don’t know that Ms. Weiner is a spy, but I would assume that the WH would have vetted her in the first place before placing her as an aide to the First Lady… or even in the intern program. Most especially because of her background.

But then she’s the daughter of Indian/Pakistani parentage, and educated in Saudi Arabia. While we have our problems with all… as we do with every Muslim nation in the world… last I looked, India, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia were all allies with the US. So it may be that her international perspective, gained in countries that were allies all, gave her an edge. Who knows?

But now affluency is a reason for criminal investigation? Do we know the old family money? Or are they supposed to be some impoverished example of a success story of a mixed couple, raising their daughter in Saudi Arabia? Somehow I’m guessing the parents aren’t exactly on food stamps.

But geez, guys…not sure I can go along with the concept wealth, plus public official association, equals justified investigation at all. Now that hubby has been forced to resign, and has his own monetary problems with a “bulge” in his IRS deductions, I fail to see what the gain is for going after a spouse that may, or may not, be some jihadist spy that’s been working with Hillary for over a decade?

oh wait… I see. It’s headlines, and the coattailing of another big hit story for sundry type of “ratings”.

Have your fun. Sniff out your suspects. But I think I’ll try to stay focused on our survival as a global superpower instead. Even Newsweek is having a Gates’ article, and his warning of the decline of the US as a military superpower. The US states, desperate for money, may be eyeing virtual sales for tax revenue. And what have we got? The media, cheerleading for Obama/McCain lite, Romney… and the obvious truth that 2008 GOP pick couldn’t have been shown to be worse as McCain accuses the new round of GOP nominees as isolationists.

All this coming down… and only a snippet of it all… and we’re going to devote valuable time and energy as to whether Hillary’s long time First Lady aide is, or is not, a jihadist spy?

Well… no problem. I’m way out of favor and step on this blog anymore. I don’t fawn.. nor tolerate… the pretend stolen valor warriors simply because they say the “right” (as in conservative, sorta, leaning) words. I’m not interested in portraying another way to put Obama in a hysterical negative headline since I’m more concerned about holding the GOP’s feet to the fire with their new acquisition of House power.

And I’m most definitely not concerned with finding ways to replace this idiot in the WH with yet another idiot’lite version.

So I guess it’s no harm and no foul I rack up a few more “dislikes” here on FA when I say, have your fun chasing distractions and feeding your infiltration theories that revolve around an aide to Hillary Clinton. But I sure hope you manage you leave room for the more looming issues that affect our very existance.

Lots of questions, no answers, looks like we’ll have to wait for the curtain to fall. However to one statement/comment about “digging into”, seems if we had done more ‘diggin into” on any number of occasions, on any number of people, we probably wouldn’t have had much to debate, or read.

Keep digging Skookum, there is much to learn.

@MataHarley: You said:

Why do any of these young people, with no experience, have such access to big mouthed politicos?

Um, you might have that backwards…at least in the Lewinski case.


anticsrocks…. you didn’t fail me, guy!

A White House/Congressional internship is a temp job, lasting only a couple of months. That is why there are two sessions to be an intern, spring and fall. And interns rarely have any contact with the President or the First Lady, so it seems that Hillary loves the recruitment system used by her husband.

Most of these internships are granted because of some Congressman’s backing. i.e. friend of Senator Smith? OK, he will recommend your kid for an intership. It is most a pay to play system.

Distractions? Infiltration theories? I have two words for you, Mata: Alger Hiss. If those two words don’t do it for you, try these: Venona Papers.