Because that’s all it is.
A truce.
They made a deal late last night to fund the government for another six months, while cutting $38.5 billion, and not defunding the abortion factory, er, Planned Parenthood. So both sides got a bit what of they wanted…which is how negotiations are supposed to work.
Congress narrowly averted a government shutdown late Friday night after Republicans and Democrats reached a last-minute deal on historic spending cuts in the 2011 budget.
Just around midnight, House and Senate approved a six-day “bridge” bill that will keep the government operating while they draft bipartisan legislation to fund the government for the final six months of the fiscal year, which ends Sept. 30.
…Under the terms of the agreement, the six-month bill will slash $38.5 billion from current spending levels, which is $23 billion less than the reductions Republicans originally demanded but $30 billion more than what Democrats had initially offered to cut.
…House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, agreed to remove the Planned Parenthood provision in exchange for an agreement that would allow Congress to take up the funding issue separately.The Republicans also won inclusion of a provision that will require the Senate to vote on a bill to de-fund the health care reform law.
Another provision won by Republicans would prohibit the District of Columbia from spending local or federal funds on abortion services.
Boehner announced the deal to his rank-and-file late Friday night and received enthusiastic applause, although some Republicans said they opposed the deal because the cuts didn’t equal the $61 billion that the House had already approved but the Democratically controlled Senate had killed.
It appears that the Democrats started to come to their senses when polls showed that the public would blame both sides, not just Republicans, if the government shut down but in the end we got a budget that cut so little of our runaway spending it’s depressing. All this over a percentage of the budget that is miniscule.
But it’s a victory for the Republicans. A small one but a victory nonetheless because if the Democrats had gotten their way there would of been NO cuts along with increases to our taxes….so I’ll take it when we get em.
Next year’s budget is the biggie folks. Ryan’s salvo is the first salvo in the big war, and the Republicans better damn well win big or they will find much of the support that got them elected quickly dissipate.

See author page
So how much does this add to the debt this year? or over the next 2 years if any thing close to what the deficit is going to be this year then i am saying it is over with and the US goes the way of all banana states. down the tubes we go as Socialism does not work in the long term and we have been going down this path for a long time now and just look around and see where it is taking us. Any body that thinks John Maynard Keynes was a economist has a little bitty walnut for a brain.
It comes as no surprise to me that Obama and the Dems backed down. Public opinion was going against them and they realized it. It also comes as no surprise that Obama didn’t have the leadership skills in place to stick to his guns and shut the government down.
I mean I wouldn’t have wanted him to call the GOP’s bluff, and force them to capitulate but at least if he had done that, you could respect his strength. That is what Reagan had, that Obama lacks sorely – integrity and commitment. No, I’m afraid our POTUS just goes along, to get along.
In the end, it was a win for our side but at what price? The spending reduction is a pittance and does Boehner have the strength for the BIG battle to come over next year’s budget?
If nothing else, if they do in fact vote on repeal of Obamacare and some of the other things, at least the lefty morons who vote against repeal in defiance of their constituents will be on record as being the ideological space cadets we know them to really be. Other than that, 1.5% cut doesn’t mean squat in the bigger scheme of things. The entrenched scum on both sides of the aisle are still doing business as usual, the country be damned!!!
Last years GDP was $14.7 Trillion, while the debt was $14.3, or 97% of GDP. If the low growth rate holds for the GDP, it will only hit around $15.3 Trillion, while the projected deficit will add $1.6 Trillion, for a total debt of $15.9 Trillion. We will reach the point, if we haven’t already, where the debt is higher than the total GDP of the United States.
I was waiting for a real budget showdown this year, and I am sorely dissappointed in the GOP. There is a reason that the GOP had record turnaround in the House in the 2010 elections. The people want not just fiscal responsibility returned to DC, but fiscal sanity as well. The GOP, though, had other thoughts, and I believe many of their heavyweights are gonna suffer in the 2012 primaries because of it. The only shot they will have is if they present a fiscal 2012 federal budget that really and truly cuts the spending.
John Boehner and the Republicans PUSSED-OUT as usual. Apparently we actual Americans will have to clean more RINOs out of DC next year.
Rhetorical question: When you compromise between wholesome food and poison, what do you get?
Unfortunately the Republicans have NOT controlled the message. Boehner has not moved ahead of it. He, and anyone involved in the PR process for conservatives better get more effective. They also seem unable to do much “anticipating” of the teleprompter from the W.H. These folks need some new blood, and fast.
On Friday, much of the civil service employees were completing paperwork that would furlough them.. Travel orders were canceled, training classes were canceled. In other words, not one productive thing was accomplished. To make matters worse, there are civil servants likely working on overtime today, issuing travel orders and sending soldiers and civilians back to their training courses. (Not sure how much the extra travel expenses will be!) Because many of the travel functions are contracted, many will miss a day of essential training or business on Monday. This is just lost time and effort for this budget fiasco.
Since all government offices are under continuing resolution, there are restrictions that as to what the government can do. Procurement restrictions prevent smooth operations. Hiring new employees to replace others who left is difficult. Everything takes more time and that equals less accomplished. It is criminal that the Democratic congress and Senate failed to pass a budget on time. Now with the continuous continuing resolutions, more uncertainty and lost time is certain!
Debt went up by $54b in the 8 days before the truce reduction of $38b
Randy I agree with you. Where I work, the last three days were spent with leadership jumping through their proverbial hoops aligning who would work, who wouldn’t, cancelling travel, training classes , printing hundreds of furlough letters, etc. etc. Things that needed to be done, were cast aside for the meantime. In addition the tone in the office was one of either indifference because they had been through it before, or those who were sweating not getting a pay check and wondering how they were going to meet their bills. The legislators on the hill use the people who work for the government like pawns in a chess game. They couldn’t care less about the workers as people but a means to an end.
Perhaps now people have begun to understand how much government is in their lives, from getting their social security check to their IRS refund, to completing a home mortgage loan to picking up trash. Yes there are, IMHO a lot of pet rocks that need to be defunded such as NPR and PBS, however there are agencies that without them our lives would be a lot different.
Did I think a shut-down would happen? No I did not. barack, barry, steve or whatever his name is, has to do whatever he can to make the people think he swung in and saved the day. 800,000 government workers are a lot of voters to tick off. Everything he does is for himself. He cares naught about any of the people in the U.S. regardless their color.
It’s true Liberal Pols seem to be such nitwits
But you must give them credit and their due
If they want something done, they throw a fit
A lib lies and screams, his stats need not be true
Decorum? Integrity? Honesty? It don’t matter one suit
The irony is that Obama ”promised” to cut the deficit in half by the end of his 1st term, but he bellyached and moaned about every million!
It wasn’t a promise with an ”expiration date.”
It was an empty promise with no intention of doing it at all.
Curt: You need to change the title to something a tad more truthful with less spin. I was thinking,”REPUBLICANS CAVE TO VICTORIOUS DEMOCRATS”.
Spin, spin, spin–24/7 from FA!!!
anticsrocks says: 2
Oh God, please, stop, I beg of you. The bullship piles up so fast and high at FA you need a jetpack to stay above it.
The Dems caved? Do you really believe the crap you just posted. Honestly, I’m curious.
The budget deal can be compared to a bucket full of holes under a pump’s spout. The water going in is the tax money coming into the Federal treasury. The holes are the many expenditures of the Federal government.
At one time the bucket was kept at a certain level with a few holes in it. As time went on, and politicians kept wanting more of your money, so more holes were poked into the bucket. As more time went on, and politicians wanted more of your money, they increased the size of some of the holes AND poked more holes into the bucket.
The water level kept getting lower in the bucket, so the pump had to work harder to get the water. As time went on, the water level in the ground dropped enough that the pump could only supply so much water, so the politicians put more and bigger holes in the bucket.
The politicians decided they had to cut the flow of water coming out of the bucket, so they plugged ONE of the holes. The water going out was still more than the water going in, and the water level in the bucket was still going down fast, but they figured they could punch more holes in the bucket later on to take care of that problem.
This is the logic behind today’s politicians, democrat and republican. This is also one reason I don’t belong to a political party. There are no republicans or democrats any more, only republicrats, because they all have merged together into the same feeding frenzy like sharks eating a whale. The whale is almost gone.
I want ALL of the republicrats out of office and non-politicians replacing them.
@Ivan: You, as usual live in your own little world where reality doesn’t need concern you.
Obama doesn’t have the stones to let the government get shut down, partial or not.
Pray tell, illuminate us as to just what leadership skills (LOLOL) Obama displayed in this fiasco.
This budget brouhaha was but a small hiccup. We must focus our energy and political support on the upcoming budget battle-we must win and win big with the Ryan Budget Plan if we are to get back on a sound fiscal track in this country. I don’t know if the Ryan plan is a perfect magic wand to save our economy or not-I do know it’s something most of us can get behind. And judging by the screaming from the Dems about “wiping out Medicare as we know it” that has already begun, it must be a plan that is antithetical to liberal spending policies. Works for me!
puullleaaasee don’t you know that barack, barry, steve or whatever his name is, is in the campaign mode? Don’t you know the democrats are fighting for their lives with this incompetent excuse for a president? (I refuse the capitalize the ‘p’ when I talk about this man). Let’s see what he did when the going got rough? hmmm he planned a vacation to Williamsburg for this week-end and let’s see only last week-end he was in Rio. (check out other issues and see what he did – usually went on vacation, played golf or decided what his picks were for March madness) When is this man going to understand he is not dictator nor king and he actually has to work, lead, provide direction and uphold the Constitution? It is obvious he just likes the trappings of the presidency as he uses them fully, but when it comes to doing anything except voting ‘present’, he just isn’t capable. There isn’t anything in his background, or the background that has escaped his 2 million dollars in hiding it, to show he has any experience. Even in the Illinois Senate the only thing they can find he did when in office was to vote present . However I have digressed.
This man is a sorry excuse.
anticsrocks says: 16
People like you give cover for our Republican Reps to break their campaign promises over and over again. My “little world” is a hell of a lot closer to the man on the street than your Alice in Wonderland.
He doesn’t need to. He’s made Boehner and the Republicans his “bitches” so he can have his cake and it too. Of course, you’d never utter a word against this budget-busting plan which adds $1,600,000,000,000.00 to the debt. That now makes Boehner, aka “cry baby”, the biggest spender in the history of our nation. That title used to belong to the Dems, now the Republicans own that.
Again, he led the Republicans around by the nose for all the world to see, except for RNC echo chambers like you. Sorry you don’t get the big picture.
Oh, please, excuse me if I feel absolutely no sympathy for those who have been, through their public sector unions, been sucking at the taxpayer teat for decades and now are worried that their jobs will see a short furlough. I am sure the 14 million Americans who will have no job to go to, even after the machinations in D.C. are over, are not crying any tears for them, either. Perhaps, had the Democrats during their reign of financial terror been as conserned with private sector workers as they seem to be over the fate of public sector workers, we would not be in the position we find ourselves.
How dare us who are footing the bill for these overpaid, self indulgent government workers not really give a rat’s ass if they are out of work for a few weeks.
Yes, this first round was only the opening salvo. But you cannot judge the firepower of your advesary unless you lob that first salvo and see what they return. And no, it was not what we had hoped. But if the Dems are going to fight the Ryan budget, they are now going to have to come up with new talking points as they have already used the “grandma eating dog food, killing women like the NEA,”and depriving the fat and lazy entitlement crowd of their expected largess off the backs of productive taxpayers.
The Democrats played their hand when they attacked the TEA Partiers. When 47% of Americans support the financial sanity promoted by the TEA Party, what were the Dems thinking? Do they really think by insulting 47% of the American populace that was a winning technique? How wrong they will be proven.
A new day has dawned. Americans, like no time in decades, are informed about their government and are becoming engaged. The Democratic playbook of class warfare is now ancient history and unless they come up with something really, REALLY new, Americans are not going to back down in their demand for fiscal sanity and fiscal reponsibility on the part of those who have played with our money as it they were in a Monopoly game.
Being a government worker you are allowed to join a union, you are not forced to join. Although not a fan of any union, the unions in the public sector are far different the private sector. Government employees are not allowed to strike, are not allowed to protest such as those in WI, and when the government workers are out of work? there is no pay like in the private sector. I was surprised to find out when a sister in law of mine went on strike at her company, the union not only encouraged protesting, but paid at least 3/4 of her salary while she was on strike. Not a bad deal.
However, as I said previously there are some real scum bags in the private AND then public sector. To say that only people who work in the private sector or for the state governments are the only people worth while and give their all, is a bunch of BS. However, I will not go further as I don’t feel like getting muddy this afternoon.
You think that government employees take advantage of the people I would say private contractors, big and small take advantage, airlines (e.g., The contract with the airlines makes my airfare when I travel almost full price versus what I could get through orbitz or another website); supplies, copy machines, etc. etc. are increase exponentially because of the private sector organizations taking advantage. Perhaps this is an area that should be reviewed. – just a thought.
I myself am Republican however do not always agree with them . I am a strong person who wouldn’t back down the way the Republicans do sometimes. I find myself more of a tea party patriot and have found out lately that I am a birther. I know that I love my country, her Constitution and fear for the freedoms that most take for granted. I fear for my daughters and their families and what the future holds for them. I know that if our country continues this expansive spending we will become bankrupt. You can only print paper without anything backing it for so long, and you can only let other countries assume your debt before they call in their note. The spending is out of control and something must be done. Pet rocks of each senator and congressmen must be investigated, agencies within agencies need to be reviewed and lobbyists need to lose their hold – and this is one of the biggest issues. Lobbyists are in control. However I digress.
Old people getting kicked out of homes is false, them eating cat food is false however the democrats love to conduct fear mongering on those who are of the age that believed the media and still do. They fear monger on the 50% of the people who suck off society and pay no taxes (unlike government workers who do), and tell them they will lose their entitlements. Entitlements? Where does it say in the Constitution that everyone is entitled to a job or even health care? Welfare is another entitlement that needs to be looked at. It was supposed to help people out in their time of need, not become a way of life. -again I digress.
Lastly, again government workers are being used as pawns and are being held as hostage. No pay for military deployed, no pay for government workers (regardless how you feel could you go weeks on end with no pay and still meet your commitments?)
if you are trying to tell me that federal workers have a bad deal, take that spin to another person. They have something that no one in the private industry has; job security. It is hard as hell to fire a federal worker, no matter how badly they may perform. They also have seen increases in the pay that exceeds the public sector as recently reported in a number of publications, including USAToday.
Could I go on for weeks without pay? You betcha. You see, I feel that no one is responsible for me but ME. And I have spent my life trying to plan for adversity. You know, those weeks without pay, the increase in the cost of living, etc. I learned a long time ago, from Depression era grandparents, that everyone needs to save at least six months worth of living expenses. It was a lesson that did not go unheeded.
So who are these “unessential” federal employees and if they are not essential, like our military, why are they working for the federal government. Fire every damn one of them and let them seek jobs in the private sector if what they do is so important. They will find that having to compete in the private sector is not as easy as drawing a check covered by the taxpayers. Sorry, but I don’t think the taxpayer should have to prop up the Postal Service, year after year, when there is an obvious way to make it self supporting (think UPS/FedEx) just so some mail carrier can stuff my mail box with junk mail.
@disenchanted: 18
I can’t put the words Obama and president together. It just doesn’t look right. I believe the title should be EARNED, not BOUGHT.
I also think the words “democrat,” “republican,” and “congress” have lost their right to be capitalized. Politics has become one big shark eating frenzy, and WE THE PEOPLE are what they are feeding on.
The reason Obama can go on vacation and throw as many parties as he does and golf as much as he does is that he doesn’t have to do anything except read his TOTUS. Others are telling him what to do and say. Remember when he read someone else’s speech and didn’t know it? This tells me he doesn’t read the speeches before the TOTUS shows them to him.
He also hadn’t talked to his cabinet for over two years. Why have a cabinet when you don’t even call them on the phone. They are being paid to do nothing. The answer is simple. He gets his orders from others. All he has to do is wait until they tell him what to do and what to say. This is why it takes so long for him to react to things going on around the world. His higher powers have to get together and decide what is best for them and relay it to the King-in-Chief.
@Ivan, you’re still the perptual whiner. Apparently Curt’s headline doesn’t chastise enough for you, so you again slam the entire blog with your mischaracterizations.
As far as I can see, few of us are impressed with the pittance that constitutes a “cut”. And in fact, when scrutinized closely, may only be a “cut” in that it’s spending more than last year, but $30 some odd billion less that what they wanted to spend. Typical political’ese spin with math. We get it.
However I’m not sure why you seem to labor under the impression that doing last year’s budget – that the Dems deliberately did not “get around to it” (via Charlie Rangel) for political reasons – was going to be the sweeping financial anti-spending reform that is needed (or that you demand) in one simple act.
It’s last year’s budget reconciliation only… does that sink in? Yup… lousy that it didn’t contain substantial cuts. But I didn’t have the high expectations you apparently did on finishing last year’s unfinished business.
The real battle will be over defunding/repealing O’healthcare, putting something into place that actually reduces the costs of healthcare to the providers so they can charge less, a new budget, and addressing the entitlement programs that are sinking this nation. That’s where pressure must remain constant.
But no… you want all that in last year’s budget to be happy. Just who is living in Alice in Wonderland? Or perhaps, it might be more pertinent to note you are more like Cinderella, expecting a fairy godmother to wave her wand, and turn that pumpkin into the coach instantly before your eyes.
Now try to read this without your usual “apologist” talking points…. yeah, right. Like you’re capable of that, you one trick monkey. Personally, I’d rather clean out everyone in Congress right now, and start over. But that ain’t gonna happen. We “go to war with the military we have, not the military we want”, so to speak. So unlike you, I assess what assets and performance we have going in, and realize that this single act isn’t the end all, be all to the performance of the new Congress.
But I will agree they are going to have to do considerably better in the future budget and legislation that addresses our federal spending. Shall I repeat that, for you, Mr. “you’re an apologist”? THEY ARE GOING TO HAVE TO DO CONSIDERABLY BETTER IN THE FUTURE BUDGET AND LEGISLATION THAT ADDRESSES OUR FEDERAL SPENDING in order to win my heart.
And I doubt your new hero, Mr. Comb Over, could accomplish anything, save to throw some serious WH parties with a fascinating guest list. He’s an entertaining joke, and is great for raising some taboo type subjects that few politicians could get away with. But I sure don’t see the GOP throwing their weight behind him as a nominee.
Really? Obama was out to lunch pretty much this entire time, and did nothing INRE the budget but put in the predictable, and worthless, face time with some self-exemplary finger wagging. Pray tell, just specifically how did he lead “the Republicans around by the nose for all the world to see”? For it seems you give him credit for being involved in a process for which he was distinctly, and overtly, MIA.
What I note is the media coverage… since Obama was a “present vote” bit player at best in this little political drama. At every turn, the WH mouthpieces and Dem Congress representatives dodged media questions as to why the budget was not done last year. While that’s notable they even asked (including David Gregory, MTP), few media follow that dodge up with more zingers.
What I also noticed is that they portrayed this as a Roe v Wade battle on the lib/prog side, while the GOP countered with it being about spending. I’d say that, with a heavy portion of the media leaning left, and jumping on the abortion/women’s rights bandwagon, the lib/progs probably won the media battle with the help of their biased journalist flunkies. But I will also say that, for a change, the GOP put up a strong battle to the accusations.
One step at a time. In the meantime, you can take off in your pumpkin coach for awhile. You are obviously in need of a time out.
I agree with you it is difficult to fire an incompetent person, however it isn’t as hard as you think. I have seen it many times throughout my career. In fact there is one guy in my office that has to put up or get out by the end of this month. Just like in the private sector I have to believe they will give someone a chance to show his abilities.
As far as job security. I would say I agree with you perhaps five -ten years ago, but it isn’t so much today. Yes the military is spending a lot of money and get a lot of money, but it is where it needs to be, in theater and there have been a lot of decrements in funding for positions both contractor and civilians stateside.- and oh BTW, I do work for the military, so I can’t speak for any other organization.
I understand what you are saying about saving for things like this and you and I do, however there are many that do not. – or if they have saved they are living way beyond their means and the money saved is a mere pittance to what their bills are. However, that is a personal problem on their part and I do not feel sorry for them. (and this is a problem not isolated with government workers) However after saying that there are many people who don’t make as much you think and even if they do save, they can only live off their savings for a period of time. I am not talking about extravagance either, I am just talking about a mortgage, utilities and groceries. – and let’s not forget about $4 a gallon gas which affects everyone regardless where they work unless they don’t have a vehicle. – and if you live in an area where there is mass transit that is great however many areas do not.
As far as cost of living increases. If I remember correctly the cost of living increase (COLA) for last year was one and 1/2%. This year it was -O- . So that thought that government workers get great increases each year doesn’t hold water. Step increases aren’t automatic either like they used to be many years ago. If you don’t do your job, you don’t get it. – and whether you believe it there are many who don’t get it.
I have to believe that if I worked for a private organization I could be getting a lot more than I make now especially based on what I do and my workload. However, I believe that I am making a difference and take pride in what I do, so I remain.
@MataHarley: Mata, you are right. Most of us want higher cuts in spending, but if you save a $ billion here and there, before long, we are talking about real money!
Don’t get me wrong, Randy… I am underwhelmed with the lack luster cuts. But then I also didn’t expect next year’s budget battles to be rolled into last year’s budget resolutions this year. That’s a large package to consider, and it simply couldn’t be done in the time frame required due to the Dem’s irresponsible behavior last year. We can’t keep living on week to week resolutions for last year’s unfinished business while they battle out something the size of Ryan’s budget proposal. Only the largest of fools would have expected them to do so.
Concerning next year’s budget and defense spending.
For 2012, the emphasis needs to be on true spending cuts, out of established programs. The fight needs to become one of “is the spending Constitutional”, instead of fighting about a number. Until Congress gets back only spending federal dollars on those items specific to the Constitution, we don’t have a chance of getting the debt under control. The democrats are going to fight about the numbers, claiming the GOP is killing old people, or children, or Elmo, or the lesser-minor shrew rat of eastern Pennsylvania. Fine. Let them discuss it. Then go on record, quoting from Madison, Alexander, Jay, or other founding fathers on the Constitution, and the Federalist papers, and challenging the liberals to show exactly where it says that Congress can authorize funding for Planned Parenthood, or an art exhibit showing a picture of Christ in a jar of p***. Show the public how outrageous the spending by the liberals really is. While American families are cutting back on the extras, and sometimes the necessities, show them how the democrats continue to insist on spending money so colleges can digitize old, dead rocker’s memorabilia( http://blog.heritage.org/2010/12/20/worst-of-the-waste-the-100-outrageous-government-spending-projects-of-2010/ ). Sooner or later the public will get the message.
As for Defense spending, I can agree with some cuts. Streamlining the procurement processes is one item in desperate need of rehab. One thing I do not agree with is including current military actions, be they “kinetic” or full blown wars, within the general Defense funding. No war, or military actions are the same, and as such, do not cost the same. The general defense spending needs to be concentrated solely on the maintenance of a “standing army” and Navy. The rest of it will increase a little one year, and much more the next, and when you include it withing the purview of all Defense spending, it gives an inaccurate picture of how the spending breaks down.
@Ivan: You said:
If they did break any campaign promises, then I guess they looked to Obama for guidance on that one.
* Gitmo
* Bills online for five days before signing
* Elimination of capital gains tax
* No hiring of lobbyists in his admin
* No earmarks
* No presidential signing statements
* Bring troops home in 16 months
Then you said:
Who is living a fairytale now??? The Dims didn’t even pass a budget, you moron. Now the GOP has to clean up their mess and you expect sweeping budget reform? LOL
As for Obama’s leadership skills, you got that wrong too. He let Harry Reid do all his dirty work for him, as usual.
Go back to sleep Ivan, you bore me.
Mata says:
Irrelevant who got us in this mess (Dems). The Republicans HAD the power to put an end to it, and they showed they are, in fact, bigger spenders than the previous congress.
So you can focus all day long on how effed up the Dems are (duh!), I’ll continue to shed the light on the gate-keepers who are as stupid as the day is long.
And you can continue to shill for the hacks.
You do what you’re good at and I’ll do what I’m good at.
Anticsrocks said:
How did they “Clean it up” by passing a spending plan which spends even more than last year? I’m curious about that. Care to share?
I’m sorry, where does all spending originate? The Senate? Wow, I could have sworn all spending bills originated in the House! Silly me. I guess they changed the constitution last year.
Go away, anticsrocks. You’re nothing more than an RNC hack who can’t acknowledge that the Republicans are in charge of spending and they’re spending more than the Dems.
Hack. I’ll think of you the next time I cough up something nasty.
MataHarley says: 28
Like Charlie Brown, you keep falling for the same trick over and over. There were no “cuts”. We’re spending more this year than last year. Not a single Government program has been eliminated.
You’ve been lied to and you know it. Just admit you were easily fooled.
Ivan, You back from your pumpkin coach ride already? I do believe you’ll find more receptive company in Larry’s corner INRE your made up illusions about people.
That you’d even assume I could find anything you have to say of value is somewhat laughable.
@Ivan: You said:
For the record numbnuts, I said the GOP had to clean up the Dims’ mess, never said they did it yet.
Shill for the RNC? You obviously have never read anything I’ve written. I am a Constitutional Conservative and as far as I’m concerned, we could throw the whole lot out and start from scratch.
You whine about me and make up the idea that I am a shill for the GOP, yet you can’t even get past the idea that your favorite party; the Democrats – are the ones who have racked up the debt for the last two years. Short memory, Ivanski.
Yeah, Harry did do Obie’s dirty work. That is why he was in every meeting with Boenher and Obama. The only thing Obama opened his mouth on was Planned Parenthood:
Hmmm, seens Reid WAS in the room. Maybe you should call the White House and try to lecture the President with your VAST (LOL) Constitutional knowledge, Ivanski.
Seems the only thing Obie stood firm on was PPH. I guess federally funding the death of unborn babies passes for leadership in the Ivanski Utopia… Amazing how you look up to this man. Says a lot about you.