Rejection of WI’s Scott Walker? Hardly…

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Seems the lib/progs and public unions began their partying way too soon. The NPR cautionsly notes there was an error in vote reporting from the city of Brookfield, a suburb of Milwaukee, that catapulted conservative Justice David Prosser back into the lead over his union guppie opponent, assistant state attorney general JoAnne Kloppenburg. But James Taranto at WSJ doesn’t mince his words when he declares “Landslide!”

Hard to believe that only two days ago, Kloppenburg was claiming victory with a 200 vote lead. As the race tightened, the fundraising started for the predictable recounts and court filings.

Then that pesky reality sets in…

As the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports, the Waukesha County clerk announced yesterday that she had erroneously omitted the Brookfield results from the unofficial returns she reported to the media Tuesday night. She caught the error during canvassing, a routine double-checking of vote totals. “The new totals give 10,859 more votes to Prosser and 3,456 more to Kloppenburg,” the paper reports.

There were also some minor adjustments in other counties, but the bottom line is that Prosser now leads by some 7,500 votes, or roughly 0.5%. Our headline exaggerates slightly, but assuming there isn’t a comparable gain for Kloppenburg in Milwaukee, where canvassing is still under way, such a margin should be easily recount-proof.


It seems that the exceeding large voter turnout for the election didn’t quite vote the way the media and unions have portrayed, and have stripped the unions and lib/progs of their anticipated talking points. So much for a statement of rejection on Scott Walker.

… too bad. Perhaps tomorrow I’ll find time to shed a tear.

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Another ”jubilant” response came too soon in an e-mail from

Dear MoveOn member,

GREAT NEWS from Wisconsin, where students, teachers, and other progressives have been battling Gov. Scott Walker’s horrible attacks on workers and the middle class.

Everyone has expected Walker to rely on the state Supreme Court to rubber-stamp is arguably illegal agenda. But yesterday, a 13-year Republican incumbent Supreme Court justice tied to Walker lost an election to a progressive Democratic challenger—pretty amazing, considering the same judge won 99% of the vote in his last election.1

The revolution that started in the Wisconsin statehouse is growing!

And not just in Wisconsin. Progressives are organizing in ways we haven’t in years all OVER the country in response to the same kinds of attacks we’ve seen in Wisconsin. If I told you last November, right after the election, that in five months we’d see an unprecedented wave of grassroots progressive energy across America, you probably would have called me crazy.

We’ve got to seize on this opportunity. We’re ready to build on the energy of Wisconsin with even bigger events nationwide, powerful new ad campaigns, and plans to engage millions of new people inspired by what’s happening. Can you chip in to help carry the momentum forward?

Read more at the Washington Examiner

There will be an investigation, the libs will prove that they bought the election fair and square. klipklop will be seated pending court hearings…..

When these people said they wanted to bring the country together, they meant they wanted to bring the entire country under the banner of Socialism.

This just in….Demorats are talking re-count because two graveyards in Waukesha County were not counted in the original vote……lol….DOJ is fast tracking the report before the shut down….


I love the smell of progs heads exploding in the morning.

Has Greg wipe the egg off his face yet from this comment under the topic of Klopp declaring victory:

As the linked article points out, although Kloppenburg’s presumed victory is by a very narrow margin, the result represents a dramatic shift in public opinion since the primary election. Kloppenburg doubled her vote share in only 6 weeks. Recent events in Wisconsin are the likely explanation.

How can you have a recount with a over 7000 vote lead?

It really is a circus here in Wisconsin these days. After Kloppenburg gave her little victory speech with what appeared to be a 204 vote landslide, Dems where saying there was no voter fraud, this is a referendum on Scott Walker, this is a rejection of the right wing agenda yadda, yadda, yadda….

Two days later and 7,000 votes behind, this is now a vast conspiracy to rival that of the JFK assasination. Democrats are calling for the feds to come in and investigate, Michael Moore had a complete melt down on Twitter, which was hilarious, there needs to be a re-count by the DOJ etc etc etc….

I’ll be at the Madison Tax Day party at the capitol on April 16th, my guess is that unlike years past, there will be a sizable counter protest from the teachers/unions on the square.
Hopefully it doesn’t get ugly.

It has to be noted that a major Democrat who participated in the vote count and the subsequent discovery of the 7,500 omitted votes validated that it was an honest error and approved the final vote tally.

Every now and then an honest Democrat appears! Kudos Ramona Kitzinger! Your party could learn a thing or two from you!

shouldn’t be to long now before the scum on the left starts demonizing another one of their own now, should it. After all, in the union owned Democratic Party, having someone actually tell the truth or show some moral backbone is tantamount to treason, isn’t it?

Even some posters at DU admit that Ramona Kitzinger is one of the most honest people they have ever worked with.
She is a retired union worker and lifelong democrat.

As I understand it, the only error was made in the UNOFFICIAL vote totals given the media!!! By the time it came to posting the ACTUAL and OFFICIAL totals, the mistake had been found and corrected. Were the unofficial error made the other way around–in favor of the Leftist–the media would NOT be calling for investigations at all, now would it!!! But naturally, as the media’s/leftists choice wound up the loser, inquiries, investigations and lawyers MUST be the themes of the day!!!!

I think Old Puppy Max fails to understand the problem.

To the libs, AP (or MSNBC, or any of several of the LSM outlets) IS the official channel.

There are lots of foots (actually whole legs) in mouths disease going on now. Perhaps Kathy Nickolaus did it just to piss off the libs. This is quite entertaining. Hopefully the vote fraud machine of the unions don’t come up with more than 7,500 ‘new’ votes.

Spite is a reaction that I abhor.
Glee at other’s misfortune is also something I wish we could all avoid.
HOWEVER, I am just another weak human who can’t always live up to his own standards.
This is the funniest situation I have encountered since that guy got glued to the toilet seat in Home Depot last week.

Glued to a toilet seat is not funny. Klipklop making ass of heself is funny.

@Larry Sheldon #18:

Glued to a toilet seat is not funny.

Small correction there!
Getting glued to the toilet seat was NOT funny to the guy that suffered the humiliation.
Reading a news item about some faceless individual whom I don’t know and will never know getting glued to a toilet seat in a place I never heard of is waaaaay beyond funny! You never liked Roadrunner cartoons or Looneytunes either did you?
BTW- I sometimes even laugh at stuff that scares me silly so save your judgement to mull over, alone and in the dark. I have more than enough empathy, compassion, kindness and belief in Jesus to be well liked among a goodly amount of friends. I have, however, a low tolerance to people who make dogmatic judgements from morals that were taught, not come to by reason.
Incidentally, I heard O’B is planning to appoint a humor control czar. You might look into it.

@Dink Newcomb:

I started to reply and erased it because I came to the conclusion that you did not say anything.

But I will say, even though I don’t see where if fits, that I can in fact differentiate between the imaginary, unreal world of cartoons, and the real world of a mouse in the wall trapped in a “glue trap” .

As a marginal claustrophobe, I have some sympathy for the victim being confined in an enclosed space with no certain rescue in sight.

In general the woes of the cartoon characters are almost always directly connected to their own misbehaviour where somebody being injured as the toiletseat assault had a reasonable expectation of safety.

I think someone who paints their butt with glue should refrain from testing toilet seats. I don’t understand why someone would paint their butt with glue. Ms Bees will have a logical answer and explain everything.

Having a ready toilet seat might be handy when you have an upset stomach.

@Larry Sheldon #20:

the real world of a mouse in the wall trapped in a “glue trap”

I apologize for the tone of my reply. On a reread, I find it a little more testy than the civil tone I strive for. However, I am a human fraught with inconsistencies who lies somewhere on the cranky-ass end of the SOB spectrum and I stand by what I said.
If you can’t (or more to the point, won’t) see the difference between personally witnessed humiliation and reading a news blurb that may not even be the truth, then I can’t find a response. The main reason I come into these blogs is to hear what others are saying and trace their provided info to a reliable source for their (specific) assertions of events. I place no reliance in claims from unknown sites of unproven integrity and despite being a conservative, I will not believe unproven claims that reinforce my beliefs. Just because says that Obama is making his daughters available to Al Qaeda for wild orgies doesn’t mean I have to beleve it.

Oh. I don’t understand the mouse in a glue trap connection and its relation to toilet seats. As far as using them, one time was enough for me to decide that I didn’t hate mice enough to make them die in prolonged, static terror and will NEVER use them again. I will however, without any qualms, stomp one who has the temerity to run over my boots as I enter a room. Just as I would do and HAVE done in the physical plane to fools who think getting in my face will make me an easy mark for conversion to their way of seeing things. Next time, come at me with some coherent and sane rational conclusions and I can probably limit my rudeness, OK.

I haven’t seen Bees tonight and I miss her/him. You say Ms Bees and in this genderless virtual world, I never gave a thought to which it was. A truly unique viewpoint and someone whose opinions I always read. Willingly.

Dink, I always read Bees quotes too, there are a lot of other good writers here. Your comments stand out and I laugh at them regularly.

I directed someone to this website the other day to look at a comment I wrote, I thought it was a real knee slapper, I almost had a hernia I was laughing so hard after I wrote it and they didn’t even understand my joke. Most of the time people laugh at the stuff I didn’t actually mean to be funny and don’t even notice the stuff I do mean to be funny. I’ve talked to other bloggers who have experienced this phenomenon. I have yet to come up with a name for it.

The good thing is Bees seems to notice all the humor in my writing.


I directed someone to this website the other day to look at a comment I wrote, I thought it was a real knee slapper, I almost had a hernia I was laughing so hard after I wrote it and they didn’t even understand my joke

Thanks for your post Zac. You are, of course, absolutely right. Especially here in such an anonymous venue, its a toss-up on how people react. I strive to take most intelligent criticism, especially in the form of a dialogue.
I was reacting to being preached at over a situation that the glued man, unless one of the abundant professional victims at large these days, will be laughing about himself in a few months once he gets some distance from the humiliation. Liberals, in particular, have an abrasvive way of pushing their dogma as the only way to think and arrogantly invalidating you because you can’t recite the catechism.
I am for the most part a warm, happy, easy-going man who lets stuff bounce off him pretty easily. But I have some serious rough patches on my hide where pieces have been broken off and one sure way to get me riled is to jab your thumb into one of them looking for a button. One reason I try to avoid discussing politics or religion out in the “real” world.