Trump will win in 2012 [Reader Post]

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Donald trump is the most dangerous candidate for POTUS Obama to face in 2012 for these reasons.

  • He is a bona fide celebrity just as POTUS Obama is. The only other genuine celebrity in the Republican field currently is Sarah Palin.
  • He is a political outsider. Everyone is sick of beltway compromisers.
  • He has said that he will personally speld $600 MILLION dollars of his own money which, augmented with the general election funds he can raise through donations and when nominated will total perhaps OVER one billion dollars combined, matching and possibly exceeding POTUS Obamas war chest.
  • He will have no downside risk as the other potential candidates have regarding loss of currently held office or job. (Fox News commentators?)
  • He can, and most likely will invest millions on serious opposition research, with top notch investigators to dig up all he can find regarding POTUS Obama. There is plenty no doubt!
  • His is an unabashed capitalist who can guarantee a favorable business environment for companies and investors by reducing government regulations and taxation. Thereby driving massive job creation.
  • He will have a simple and direct message. “A vote for Trump is a vote for jobs!” While delivering a populist message regarding Chinese and Saudi corruption and its negative influence on the American economy
  • He has serious security personnel to protect him from the inevitable crazed leftist attack mobs and potential assassins.
  • He can guarantee that the majority of his appointments to government positions when elected POTUS will come from the private sector thereby insuring a complete house cleaning of all the anti- business, anti-American appointees presently running our beloved nation.
  • And most importantly, as he has shown with his with his honest questions regarding the veracity of POTUS Obamas original long form birth certificate, he is more than willing to take the fight to the man himself.

And finally, 11….This line of attack I call an ASYMMETRICAL POLITICAL ATTACK. It cannot be parried without full disclosure by the POTUS himself. There is plenty of ammo he can and will use with the asymmetrical political attack method. The more Trump throws at him the more it becomes absolute fact in the minds of the public at large, (excepting the hard left ideologues that comprise his core support).

The authorship of his first book, “Dreams of my Father” written largely by Bill ayers, is another example and Donald Trump has already brought this up.

Donald Trump is the only real option to beat the “Celebrated One” as he has no fear of continuing this attack method, thereby winning the early primaries, locking up the nomination fairly early and freeing himself up to hammer away on these serious weaknesses that the POTUS has. They are impossible to defend against without full, unedited disclosure. POTUS Obama knows that he CANNOT disclose any of these facts regarding his past as they will clearly disqualify him from consideration by the majority of voting Americans.

Prediction- If Donald Trump keeps the pressure on by wratcheting up the asymmetrical political attacks, POTUS Obama will refuse to run for re-election, announcing something like, ” I have decided, after much deliberation and prayer, not to seek re-election to the office of President of the United States so I can spend more time with my family, etc.” He will do it fairly late in the game, giving little time for Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton to sort out who will be the nominee. If not, and Obama continues with the campaign, he will fall into the fan blades of these attacks and will lose in a landslide to Donald Trump as Jimmy Carter did against Ronald Wilson Reagan!

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Dink Newcomb, you hit the 100 comment, this is a very prestigious move to accomplish, many have never been able to have done it,
so congratulation SR, but the next one is mine so keep away from it.

@Dink Newcomb: #76,

HEMP – Try Hemp Hearts ground up in a coffee grinder, . . . better than flax seeds. Amazingly good for your well being.

Hemp may be the most versatile plant on Earth. It grows very quickly. It has a strong fibre. It’s uses vary from “fuel” to “clothes.” It will grow anywhere. etc. etc.

. . . Only stupidity has removed it from our consciousness.

@Aqua: Just think of it…a first family with table manners who are knowledgeable about international protocol, who know how to dress well and appropriately. Not to mention a CIC who knows what even a spread sheet looks like. I’ll wait and see…the debates will show me. Plenty of people to choose from for cabinet posts…Sarah definitely should head Energy.
Trump has put out the BC issue in a cohesive manner, understandable by even Dims.

Palin head of energy is great! Guliani as head of homeland security,Bring back Condi Rice as Sec’y of State, and Romney as UN ambassador. These are people he should reach out to asap, of course Romney after the nomination is secure.

@blogforce one: Yes, I like the idea of Guiliani for Homeland Security. He is not deluded by the Muslims. I love the bumper sticker “Everything I needed to know about Islam, I learned on 9/11.” It’s definitely becoming more interesting. Trump also uses correct English and doesn’t need TOTUS. In other words, he had a real education. I think he and his children are graduates of Wharton School of Economics. I have to check on that to make sure…

Aqua (39) — overturning roe v wade won’t make abortion illegal. It will just get the federal government out of the equation. Each state, then, would be able to establish its own abortion environment — e.g. exceptions? depending on state: liberal abortion policy, no abortion whatsoever, only-in-the-case-of-too-much-jaeger, whatever.

John Cooper, hi, why do I think that bison are the same as muskox,
yes they used to roam the whole AMERICA, but I ‘m sure there is farmer that have them
raise them, did I read a comment about TED TURNER having them on his land,
and seems that there is a special virus attributed to them, and that make it difficult for the public demand of the meat, I just relay what I read, maybe someone can expand on this

@blogforce one: I’m glad Sarah is taking a moderate stand…since the public only remembers what its heard in the past 24 hours or so…I’m also glad that there are many states going for a legal standard that showing one’s birth records is necessary to go onto their ballot. It should not be the candidate’s choice/decision. Of course, we’ve probably never had a stealth candidate like this one before…well, I suppose Carter could have been drugged and brainwashed by the Russians along the way…

@ ilovebeeswarzone , Brucellosis is the disease that are Bison afflictive. That is why the Bison is not considered to be a product for Human consumption. Turner has land not far from My Spread but Bison are not welcome on my ground or Ted Turner either for that matter.

The Musk Ox is considered the same as “Farm Equipment” in Asia as they haul wagons and can be used the same as Horses to cultivate ground for agricultural purposes.

I look at a Donald Trump candidacy the same as I do the Obama reelection effort. Neither are qualified for the Office by experience or would serve the Nation selflessly or take the measures necessary to reduce the size of Federal Government or Un-Sustainable Spending. My Advice, keep looking. I see no Statesmen on the Horizon at this point. Only opportunists.

OLD TROOPER 2, hi, this is the info coming directly from the source of knowledge,
just like the horse mouth, I knew that is where I heard it before,
did I read also that ALLEN WEST , was not going to runn for the presidency,?
or is it only fabricated with other of many circulating?
I feel sorry for his staff having been scare by that letter attack words on our good LT ALLEN WEST.
thank you bye

OLD TROOPER 2, I was thinking, that if the people had a canditat ressembling your persona,
meaning tell it like it is, what you see best for AMERICA, LOOKING JEALOUSLY FOR HER, which is what you have done for her all your life, if the candidat is know to have make her beautifull, inspire by her beauty on the 4 corners, if a candidat is capable of speaking his mind and not be sway by nothing,
not be bought by nobody, not be impress by no one’s richness, a candidat has shown his love to AMERICA, and now want to prove it to her that he knows what her people need to be hoping again that the future is full of promisses, a candidat that care and value his militarys and want to keep it for AMERICA ONLY, AND TO PROTECT AMERICA FROM ANY FORCES OF EVIL INSIDE AND ABROAD,

@Old Trooper 2 #110:

The Musk Ox is considered the same as “Farm Equipment” in Asia as they haul wagons and can be used the same as Horses to cultivate ground for agricultural purposes.

I think you are confused with the Asian Buffalo, sometimes called Water Buffalo. They are those big ox-like animals with the huge curving horns that everybody pictures some guy in a big straw hat using to plow a rice field. They look similar to the Cape Buffalo in Africa.
The Musk Ox is a weird looking arctic animal with a sheep-like pelt that would fit right into a Dr Seuss kids book. Wikipedia says they are more closely related to sheep/goats than oxen. They are native to North America (plus other continents and islands around the Arctic) and I don’t think they are domesticated except possibly as the case mentioned by John Cooper #91 for some meat and for their “wool”.

I look at a Donald Trump candidacy the same as I do the Obama reelection effort. Neither are qualified for the Office by experience or would serve the Nation selflessly or take the measures necessary to reduce the size of Federal Government or Un-Sustainable Spending. My Advice, keep looking. I see no Statesmen on the Horizon at this point. Only opportunists.

My feelings about Trump also. He comes off pretty good in TV interviews but he really doesn’t say much about real leadership issues and I still haven’t gotten to the point where I trust him. He seems to be saying only what it takes to grab some publicity and exposure by discussing just those issues that will please his target group. I don’t see him coming off very well in any national debate forum where he doesn’t get to control the subject or intimidate the interviewer.
Remember, we are suffering right now under the buffoonery of a man whose campaign pandered to people who wanted “change” at any cost. I guess they got it!

Madam DeFarge, , yes the STATES should all do it and not only for candidats,
they should screen the public also with a serious scrutiny, because of the illegals who will be frauduently vote being target by thugs able to criminaly provide them with the papers.
I cannot beleive that with the computerise time we are on, that they cannot control the frauds,
by checking each person with the computer list, so if they let it happen then they should be accountable for it, and pay a fine accordingly.

Dink Newcomb, hi, I just want to note that OLD TROOPER 2 , did say the MUSK OX IS CONSIDER,
not HE IS, just to make it clear,

@ilovebeeswarzone: Hey Bees, whatcha doing up so early. I don’t sleep much myself so I don’t have any special time to be here. Might be here steady for 2-3 days and then be MIA for 2-3.

I just want to note that OLD TROOPER 2 , did say the MUSK OX IS CONSIDER,
not HE IS, just to make it clear,

I’m sorry if that post wasn’t clear, but what I meant was that he was confusing an asian animal with the musk ox which only lives in the arctic. The wikipedia article says that all historic population was in North America and Greenland but eventually restricted to Canada due to hunting pressure before they started to be protected and re-introduced around the arctic in much of its ancient range.
I knew very little about musk ox until John Cooper mentioned them to me in his post (#91). I have read voraciously most of my life and now that I finally have all the time in the world to read, my health has limited my concentration plus failing eyesight keep me from reading anything that requires a sustained effort. Since I CAN still use the net, I always try to learn more about stuff as I stumble across it. That is why I am here on this blog which really makes me think about different aspects of the same old stuff.

Here is a cool one page site waith some good pics which will show the difference.

Again, I apologize for any confusion.

@Madame DeFarge #109:

I’m also glad that there are many states going for a legal standard that showing one’s birth records is necessary to go onto their ballot. It should not be the candidate’s choice/decision.

And that, seems to be the root of the whole “birther” situation. I have yet to hear ANYONE say that he properly vetted O’B although there was a big fuss over John McCain and his credentials. In an interview with Trump, nasty looking Whoopi Goldberg claims that this is all rascist in origin but does the McCain situation not refute that?
Ever since the beginning, the left has ridiculed people by using Americans’ acceptance of “Of course he was vetted. How could he run for president if he wasn’t” to obfuscate and shame most into avoiding any deeper consideration. Trump, despite any other considerations, has had the chutzpah to make this a issue that is back in main stream discussion which will hopefully not go away.
BTW- does FOIA cover O’Bs credentials? I would think so.
My personal opinion is that he was probably born in Hawaii but any real investigation into his credentials will show other questionable activity, such as bogus claims to get educational and perhaps welfare “gimmies” after being dumped with the G’parents by his worthless mother who was more interested in running around the world than being stuck with an illegitimate kid to raise. Does anyone know anything about the G’parents financial situation? They might not have been real well set to take on those costs at that point in their lives. It might provide a key to why he is not willing to show any documents.

Dink Newcomb, hi, you sure know more than I do as I read your smart comments,
where I do learn too, I must have misunderstand on my side,
thank you for explaining it again,
your input is appreciate.

It will be very telling to be able to judge the person which will make it to the top, by the people he, she, choose to be his back, that will show his ability to discern the best qualified for each task, because no matter how qualified the TOP PERSON IS, if he or she cannot do that, it will not be a sucsessfull group, errors will occur from the beginning.
and It’s the top person who will be responsible and will have to encounter the consequences all along his or her term in office by a people that will be distrustfull of any decisions made,
the chosen group is as important as the PRESIDENCY, TO BE AWARE OF, no matter where the lack of knowledge is in the top person, if the president can get any info required by him or her, with most accuate and straight form of an answer done without any doubt, that is a key to a PRESIDENT,
THAT will make the government successful.

@ilovebeeswarzone #119:

It will be very telling to be able to judge the person which will make it to the top, by the people he, she, choose to be his back, that will show his ability to discern the best qualified for each task, because no matter how qualified the TOP PERSON IS, if he or she cannot do that, it will not be a sucsessfull group, errors will occur from the beginning

Very true. That was Reagan’s strength and in my opinion, it is what GW Bush tried to do but failed at miserably by making poor choices (with Rumsfeld in particular) but letting misplaced loyalty keep him from putting them in the wind long after everyone else saw the need for change..
Who knows what O’Bs motivations were? The appointment of TWO tax cheats, one of them Sec Treasury who enforces tax law, has got to be one of the most arrogant presidential acts I have ever seen.

If you want soe more info on Obama check out the Jack cashill site and the orly taitz site. there is tons there regarding Obama. Latest is the possibillity that Obama is using a bogus Soc. Security # issued from Connecticut.

@ OT

My Advice, keep looking. I see no Statesmen on the Horizon at this point. Only opportunists.

That’s the problem, there is no one on the horizon. Only one possible republican presidential candidate has served in the military…Ron Paul. I like a lot of the things Paul says, but I can’t take his isolationist stance. I would really like to see someone emerge, like Allen West. How ’bout you OT, what you got cooking for the next four year?

Results of an interesting Newsmax poll about Trump (below). It’s obviously skewed toward the conservative readership of Newsmax, but it may well be reflective of the current opinions of conservatives who are highly engaged, politically-speaking.

Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of Donald Trump?

If the 2012 election were held today, who would you vote for?

Barack Obama
Donald Trump
In a Republican Primary, who would be your candidate for the nomination for president?

Donald Trump
Tim Pawlenty
Mitt Romney
Mike Huckabee
Sarah Palin
Mitch Daniels
Haley Barbour
Newt Gingrich
Bobby Jindal
Michele Bachmann
Ron Paul
Is Trump right in demanding that Pres. Obama release his birth certificate?

Trump is right
Trump is wrong

Dr. Larry–

Have you considered the possibility that Republicans have gotten smarter at psyops? We know that the dems are experts at manipulating popular opinion using their fellow travelers in the media, but what if…shudder… the Republicans have figured out how to manipulate public opinion as well? Yeah, I know it’s a crazy theory, but I see some recent evidence that the modern Republicans aren’t as dumb, politically speaking, as they have been over the years.

Larry Newsmax “Skewed toward Conservatives” YOU THINK

Actually it’s skewed big time toward far right nuts. I don’t believe majority of Conservatives, as evidenced here at F.A., favor Trump as nominee.

Dink Newcomb, I thank you for the link on NATIONAL GEOGRAPHY,,
they are the top guys for research on animals; I stil would get the muskrat ox mix up with bisons,
yes I notice the difference but If I would see them first is the word bison would come to mind,;
I suspect that they must at one point have been in the same primordial species and lke us humans have mutated in different species from one model, I think.

@rich wheeler:

Actually it’s skewed big time toward far right nuts.

One thing I get out of these blogs is links, etc., that lead me to more opinions and hard facts. I followed his link but did not spend a lot of time there, EXCEPT, for this page which is a list of large links to editorial cartoonists from all parts of the political spectrum. Thanks Larry, for your comments here and in the past but most especially for the access to the cartoonist page for a lighter view of some pretty depressing stuff.

@ilovebeeswarzone #126: Sure Bees, there is a big similarity. I didn’t know much about them before.

I think you are right, the religious freaks and tea baggers will deny Trump the nomination. These far right factions now are the base and control the party. Trump has said, denied the Republican nomination, he would run third party. The time is right, the GOP has no candidate that will be able to beat Obama. I don’t think the Republicans know how much the tea baggers have united the voting seniors with wanting to destroy Medicare. It is one thing that the government does that works. A third party run by Trump would pull Independents like myself, Dem’s that don’t like Obama and moderate Republicans that don’t like the fact the religious right and tea baggers now control the party. As an Independent he would owe party bosses noting, add his own 600 million to what he would receive via internet as a populist movement with no ties to the K Street owned politicians of both parties. His platform would not be bogged down with social issues(abortion, etc.) or anti gun issues by the far left on the other side. He could devote everything to jobs, economy, rebuilding American manufacturing, revisiting all free trade agreements and making them fair trade agreements and equalizing the playing field on the world trade issue. He knows America can again become a producer if the odds are equal. The guy has cogs and I hope he runs on a third party ticket.

packeryman, you are doing good until the 3rd party come in, and no body win,
NO he’s done the best but he has to leave now with CLASS and DIGNITY.

@ Aqua, I have a cattle spread to get back to in Montana and a well deserved retirement. I cannot possibly imagine soiling myself in Politics or having Professional Snake Oil Salesmen (Career Politicians) as my peer group. My Service to the Nation is finished. I aim to get back to my roots and satisfy my need for wide open spaces on the horizon, raise the finest beef cattle in North America and maybe spend some time on a book deal that I was offered months ago.

I aim to be shamelessly selfish, extremely Capitalistic and Politically Independent. Over the past 34 years I have cast too many Absentee Ballots, spent too many nights not under my own roof, missed too many Holidays at Home and I plan on the remedy for that being sitting deep in the saddle at my place and doing the occasional Fool Plinking at FA when it is warranted.

Thanks for asking but there is no Public Office that tempts me.

packeryman: I have to chuckle when libs use the word “teabagger” in polite conversation. If you were unaware, using that word brands you as three things: 1. Liberal, 2. Stupid (sorry for the redundancy), and 3. Someone with a secret desire to have Michael Moore dangle his sweaty testicles on your face.

@ old trooper #131: Bravo! Well spoken. You’re doing exactly the right thing.

Packeryman= paid troll. Obommunist infiltrator with the “teabagger” comment.

The answer is not do I like the tea baggers ideology or not. I attended two local meetings when they first began to gather. It was organized by a local talk show host, about 300 came to the first and 70 showed up on the second. Most were carrying signs against Obama. I was hoping it was going to be a populist movement for developing something serious against the two existing parties both owned by K Street lobbyists. Now it turns out to be disgruntled republicans that don’t like moderates in their party. I still believe Trump is the only individual that can win on the Republican ticket and I still hope the base of the party rejects him and he runs third party. I an many other Independents will vote for him running as a Republican but I think he will get more Dem’s unhappy with Obama if he is on a third party ticket. It also is sad but probably true that the only kind of person that can pull off a third party win is a very wealthy individual. It appears some are more concerned with opinions of the tea bag movement than the idea of Trump winning.

Trump obviously engenders a great deal of discussion.

I said a couple of weeks ago, Trump would be our nominee and our next president. I had in the back of my mind many of the reasons posted in this article.

Like most people here, I have my druthers when it comes to who I would like to see as the next President. Herman Cain for certain. There is nothing I would enjoy more than to see him or Newt or even Sarah debate Obama.

Trump obviously needs some political guidance. He needs to shut off the birther talk, as I think most of us agree. Of course, the Obama Media Complex will continue to ask him about it on the one hand, and then say, on the other, that he wants to talk about nothing else.

My recommendation is for him not to use his money in his campaign, but use his money as matching funds for what comes in, and send matching amounts to a variety of charities. Charlie Brown sends him a dollar, and Trump then sends a dollar of his own money to this or that charity. This way, he cannot be accused of buying the presidency (which will be one of the things we will hear the most often in months to come).

He ought to hire Karl Rove, or at least consult with Rove, who is a political genius. Trump’s main issues need to be the economy and the budget, and it is easy for him to beat Obama down on these 2 issues.

Finally, and I am quite sure Trump will do this–he will choose someone who is a non white male as his running mate: probably not Sarah, although that would be great. Probably Michele Bachmann or Allen West. I would love to see him choose Herman Cain, but he will probably not choose a second businessman as his VP (although that has some promise, offering up a completely non-political ticket. “Are you tired of the politicians in Washington? We aren’t politicians.”)

Anyway, he will bring a lot of attention to the Republican primary–more than ever before. And we are going to see the media drag out so much dirty laundry, it will make our heads spin.

Gary Kukis, hi, providing he is realy for REPUBLICAN’s PARTY,
and I don’t like the warning HE give to run as INDEPENDANT at the beginning of his campain,
I also don’t like the way he bash the PREVIOUS PRESIDENT BUSH, that doesn’t sound right for a GUY running under the banner of the REPUBLICANS, and I don’t like ON the same NEW YORK SPEECH, PRAISING this PRESIDENT representing his DEMOCRATS, I AM not sure if he would take a republican as VICEPRESIDENT, because HE has favored HILLARY shown on another instance of his public talk!!!
surely you all don’t want a PRESIDENT which will use all POLITICALS PARTYS AS A BLENDING POT
WHICH would undermine the laws of the land of this AMERICA THE GREAT

@Gary Kukis:

He ought to hire Karl Rove, or at least consult with Rove, who is a political genius. Trump’s main issues need to be the economy and the budget, and it is easy for him to beat Obama down on these 2 issues.

Geniuses don’t lose elections like they did in 2006. Rove just happend to be there when the political pendulem swung in the Republican direction in 2000 to 2004.

Remember Rove talking about how after the 2004 elections we’d see a Republican dynasty? Great prediction! We got destroyed two years later and lost the House and Senate.

I do agree that if Trump declares he’ll win our nomination and it would be great if he picked Herman Cain or Allen West for VP.

That would be a great ticket.

YVAN, I’m sure you remember that MOVIE, because you portrait
the ACTOR who said, ” I’m mad as hell, and I wont take it anymore”!!!

OLD TROOPER 2, yes you’re absolutely right,
you have to have your life back, and IT”S your wish also,
but It seems to me, they at the top don’t want to give it to you,
they are being spiteful and disregard your intention to retire,
after so many years in the military, if they disregard your intention,
they are not worth your services,
and you earned your right to not ask for but command your retirement
as an order to be given to you now, or yesterday.
they can do their war themselves, you have given too much for what the COMMANDER IN CHIEF DESERVE.

Dink Newcomb,
yes sr, you seem to have forgot about the friends here at FA,
we are at 21 of OCTOBER 2011,
how about your smart comment coming back,
we are waiting, hope you are well,

OLD TROOPER 2, I guess you must be retired by now, and busy rounding up the animals for getting them on a lower land as you mentioned before to FA here with us. now we are
at this time OCTOBER 20 2011,
you will surely come back to give us your take on the CANDIDATES, WORKING HARD AT IT,
SOME had ask you to run for the PRESIDENCY BEFORE, I’m sure you would have been very able at it,
as a carreer of 30 some years by now, the WISDOM, you projected here would have been a great asset among the courage of a warrior you have shown and endure, would have been so beneficial for the young people that need model to admire the courage to strenthen their judgment as a tool to help them repel so many negatives influences roaming like beast in AMERICA, where they need a LEADER strong
and able to deal with the quest given the new PRESIDENT TO LOVE AMERICA BEYONG HIMSELF,
AS WE ARE SEEING NOW IN THE OTHER CANDIDATES, having to pass in a narrow tunnel to explain their plan to a public reduce to have a hard time to believe in words because they have been
lied so often, these last few years.
we will hope to have you around soon.

Dink Newcomb,
hi, look at the date 24 OCTOBER 2011, the CANDIDATES WILL GET GOOD ADVICE FROM YOU,
best to you

how are you doing, I suppose you are on training , as you mentionned waiting for the call,
that’s why you don’t comment here,
you just not able too,
wish you all the best , and watch your back and your ground before you walk on it,

@ilovebeeswarzone: Hi Bees! I got your message to me a few days ago but I have not been in exactly show room condition and I have been taking a break from the cogitation involved in the give and take of this excellent blog. I am slowly getting back into better condition and hope to be back commending/insulting other correspondents and subjecting everyone to MY opinion before too long. Getting old is hell but it sure beats the alternative!!!! Hope to type at you soon.

Dink Newcomb,
so glad to read this,
you get back here, and I won’t cause you trouble,
get the rest you need in the mean time,
because we are on election mode in here, and the words are flying on the wall
thank’s for answering, I was getting worry, from what you mentioned the last time,
that’s why I kept an eye on you.

at 131, you said to come and fool plinking when necessary,
well it is now, IT’S ALL YOURS

Time for a second look at this! He will tell it like it is.