Trump will win in 2012 [Reader Post]


Donald trump is the most dangerous candidate for POTUS Obama to face in 2012 for these reasons.

  • He is a bona fide celebrity just as POTUS Obama is. The only other genuine celebrity in the Republican field currently is Sarah Palin.
  • He is a political outsider. Everyone is sick of beltway compromisers.
  • He has said that he will personally speld $600 MILLION dollars of his own money which, augmented with the general election funds he can raise through donations and when nominated will total perhaps OVER one billion dollars combined, matching and possibly exceeding POTUS Obamas war chest.
  • He will have no downside risk as the other potential candidates have regarding loss of currently held office or job. (Fox News commentators?)
  • He can, and most likely will invest millions on serious opposition research, with top notch investigators to dig up all he can find regarding POTUS Obama. There is plenty no doubt!
  • His is an unabashed capitalist who can guarantee a favorable business environment for companies and investors by reducing government regulations and taxation. Thereby driving massive job creation.
  • He will have a simple and direct message. “A vote for Trump is a vote for jobs!” While delivering a populist message regarding Chinese and Saudi corruption and its negative influence on the American economy
  • He has serious security personnel to protect him from the inevitable crazed leftist attack mobs and potential assassins.
  • He can guarantee that the majority of his appointments to government positions when elected POTUS will come from the private sector thereby insuring a complete house cleaning of all the anti- business, anti-American appointees presently running our beloved nation.
  • And most importantly, as he has shown with his with his honest questions regarding the veracity of POTUS Obamas original long form birth certificate, he is more than willing to take the fight to the man himself.

And finally, 11….This line of attack I call an ASYMMETRICAL POLITICAL ATTACK. It cannot be parried without full disclosure by the POTUS himself. There is plenty of ammo he can and will use with the asymmetrical political attack method. The more Trump throws at him the more it becomes absolute fact in the minds of the public at large, (excepting the hard left ideologues that comprise his core support).

The authorship of his first book, “Dreams of my Father” written largely by Bill ayers, is another example and Donald Trump has already brought this up.

Donald Trump is the only real option to beat the “Celebrated One” as he has no fear of continuing this attack method, thereby winning the early primaries, locking up the nomination fairly early and freeing himself up to hammer away on these serious weaknesses that the POTUS has. They are impossible to defend against without full, unedited disclosure. POTUS Obama knows that he CANNOT disclose any of these facts regarding his past as they will clearly disqualify him from consideration by the majority of voting Americans.

Prediction- If Donald Trump keeps the pressure on by wratcheting up the asymmetrical political attacks, POTUS Obama will refuse to run for re-election, announcing something like, ” I have decided, after much deliberation and prayer, not to seek re-election to the office of President of the United States so I can spend more time with my family, etc.” He will do it fairly late in the game, giving little time for Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton to sort out who will be the nominee. If not, and Obama continues with the campaign, he will fall into the fan blades of these attacks and will lose in a landslide to Donald Trump as Jimmy Carter did against Ronald Wilson Reagan!

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coldeadhands, hi, yes but times are changin, the new guy will bring the CONSTITUTION

Bottom line to all of this banter is that the United States will NOT survive another four years under B.O bama. What we HAVE to reconstruct is our ‘Republic under God’, and NOT create another Socialist satellite dictated by another omniscient Liberal-Progressive. Whomever can fill those shoes is OK with me!

I agree for the most part with Nan and Larry. “Buyer beware with Trump.” How someone who has been rolling in the sheets with Emanual, Reid and Pelosi can now do a complete 160 is a red flag to say the least. And now pro life to boot! Really?

That said, I’m finding him fun to watch, haven’t quite figured out what I think his end game is, but suspect it’s not POTUS as much as it is to be a spoiler or “something.” He’s VERY good, an amazing sales person, which is why I don’t trust him.

I watched the video from the Today Show Interview with Trump and M. Viera. I have to admit, I have NEVER seen anyone at NBC that intimidated. I doubt Viera or NBC was expecting THAT or they would have never given him such an “anti-Obama platform.”

My best guess is that he is shillin’ for Hilary; get the liberals to hate Obama, Hilary will be the obvious choice. I might believe that Trump is truly anti-Obama, but it would take a lot more for me to believe that he suddenly turned “conservative”, save for business.

Whatever he is doing, he is certainly going to “clear the stage” of Obama for someone, and it’s probably going to be Hilary. Never ever ever underestimate the Clintons, what they will do, or who they will use. Hilary already has a good chance of winning 2012, but with Obama out of the picture, it’s a slam dunk. Who better than Trump to reach/influence that liberal audience? Hilary won’t have to run against a sitting POTUS if Trump keeps at it. Expect Obama to fade into the sunset, with or without a birth certificate!

As for the Koch Brothers, I don’t trust them either, as they too will go where the power is, I think.

If our country weren’t in such a mess, this would really be fun.

Banter is us.

@Patricia 53:

My best guess is that he is shillin’ for Hilary; get the liberals to hate Obama, Hilary will be the obvious choice. I might believe that Trump is truly anti-Obama, but it would take a lot more for me to believe that he suddenly turned “conservative”, save for business.

Oh my lord Patricia, don’t make my heartstop! After hating her for years but watching O’B turn her into an unimportant lap dog to abuse at will, I was almost feeling sorry for her (once I was confident that she wouldn’t be a player anymore). Now you suggest that Trump might be doing something Machievellian to the US and secretly supporting her. I want my time machine to go back to 1969 when we had a SOB that everyone knew was a SOB and it was GREAT to know who to hate!

This is what comes of too much reality television.

Obama wants us to buy a new car to ease the pump shock! Those payments and the unpredictability of the economy in the near future is why people aren’t willing to buy these new vehicles. Save thirty dollars a week at the pump and pay a $600 month car payment, that is Obama economic logic at its finest. People aren’t going to trade in a car that is paid for to buy a car with 30% more efficiency and maybe be out of a job in six months and lose their new car to the repo man.

I work in a luxury trade, I see the effect of people’s confidence in Obama’s economic savvy everyday: don’t spend money unless it is absolutely unavoidable. It’s not just the little people like myself, the multi-millionaires that I work for are saying the same things. Some of them are saying if Obama gets reelected they are taking their money offshore.

Whether it is Trump or someone else, we need to get the Marxist out of the White House to jump start the economy. Union deals and billion dollar give aways to cronies don’t do squat for an economy and this country will not withstand four more years of Obama. Believe it or not, those rich men, I mean really rich men who actually take business risks, must feel confident in their country and its government. Right now they are ready to bail if Obama is reelected, if you aren’t on the corruption train there is no use for a business man to stay in th Obama Socialist cess pool. Cry your Social Justice and Marxist crap all you want, I work for these guys and they are not like us they can leave with their money and go somewhere to make money and they are inquiring.

Like Mata, I’d vote for a dead frog to get rid of Obama, nothing against French Canadians. So you don’t think you can trust Trump, how much do you trust Obama? Businessmen don’t contribute to campaigns for altruistic reasons, they contribute for favorable treatment, Surprise, Surprise! It doesn’t exactly mean you agree with pimp womanizer Clinton, it means he was dirty enough to help you out later on.

Dink 1969 The Days Of Tricky Dick. Nostalgia

Can’t wait for the pictures of The Donald skiing with mistress Marla (future wife #2)while wife Ivana and 2 kids waited at the lodge. Then they met up at the restaurant.Wife # 2 didn’t last long and trophy wife #3 is fine. What a cad.

The double combover, revealed. This procedure was patented in 1977.

There seems to be some misunderstanding about giving money to politicians. I remember the same subject about bill gates, I also remember Rupert Murdoc (a conservative/libertarian) saying he supports Obama, the truth is these guys want to get health care waivers and permits so they can stay in business. Same goes for the Koch brothers, Sam Walton and every business man, if they can’t have there guy at least they can have a guy that’s not trying to put them out of business.

As far as abortion, I’ve seen several videos on the you tube were he is asking reporters and radio hosts “who told you I was pro choice?” I’ve also heard him say several times that the health care is bad for business, and should be repealed. If you vote for anyone of the old GOP candidates expect to be disappointed, the only one that’s running that is not a career politician is Cain. He is also a business owner and West isn’t running.


We should have just let the Bush tax cuts expire and returned the tax rates to the way they were in the 1990s (which was not a high tax era by historical American norms). That way, there’d have been no looming debt crisis and no “uncertainty.”

The reason that there is so much “uncertainty” is that there is a political war to the death being fought. Prior to Y2K, the two parties disagreed, but they were reasonable about it and compromised when they had to and problems got solved and life went on.

Now, 40% of the country is well organized and utterly committed to a specific ideology and utterly unwilling to compromise on anything. The opposite 40% disagrees, but is not nearly as organized or unified. The 20% in the middle basically doesn’t have a clue and blows with the wind. The organized/committed 40% has done a remarkable job of moving the whole nation closer to its points of view, over the last 30 years, but does much better in opposition than it does when actually in power. Both sides predictably over-reach and over interpret their mandate when they actually get in power, and this sends the wind-blowing 20% skittering back over to the other side.

And that’s why we currently have so much “uncertainty.”

– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach, CA

I’m gonna shave the top of my head and leave the sides really long so I can have a double combover! Just like Trump does!

@rich wheeler:

What a cad.

Oh man Rich, you said it. This guy is a professional chameleon. Many of those skills he has are an asset for a president when dealing with massively complicated world issues but they can also be huge liabilities for us. The problem I am having with it is how do we control/predict what phase shift he is in at any moment.
Despite the declarations of how he “tells it like it is” or “he’s the only one telling the truth”, etc. I have never been assured of his character and I don’t want some slick player pandering to our anger and doing to the GOP what O’B did to the POP (pathetic old party) in 2008. Heck, I voted for Dubya twice as the least worst of the two candidates and look where that got us.

SKOOKUM, HI, goodway to give a message, to everyone, I was wondering what the dead frog is relating to FRENCH CANADIANS, as you mentionned, bye

Zac, Cain inspires me. That man knows how a business breathes and I think he knows how to blow life back into this narcoleptic economy. When the real gears and wheels of industry turn, the economy will begin to rebuild: special concessions to unions produce nothing but resentment and distrust, their effect on the economy is inconsequential in the larger picture.

Larry, I am working in Western Canada. Canadian banks didn’t try to bankroll everyone into a house. There is no foreclosure crisis. BC has close to a 10% goods and services tax on every transaction, gas is over $5/gallon, they pay fairly high income tax (higher than the states); yet, they are still vibrant and functioning. The difference: they haven’t strangled the resource based economies ow Western Canada.

Alberta and BC support the welfare and unemployed provinces of Eastern Canada with resource based economies. BC is New Democratic Party (Ultra Liberal, more so than Canadian Liberals at least), Alberta is Conservative: Alberta is always in the Black and has beautiful roads and hospitals, BC with its perpetual NDP is always floundering and the infrastructure is a disaster; yet, they both are supporting Canada.

I have lost out on the significance of the Bush Tax Cuts over time; however these are two examples of fairly large diametrically opposed economies that are still vibrant, even though they rely heavily on the American markets, which are floundering. My vague point is that there is more to the equation than George’s Tax Cuts as evidenced by two different economies that function because of resource based economies that are not choked off and allowed to wither and die.


I’m gonna shave the top of my head and leave the sides really long so I can have a double combover! Just like Trump does!

I remember many years ago, on the interstate, seeing a guy with a HUGE combover riding along with the window open. He had the old style wing vent window opened and the net effect was the air was coming IN the vent and OUT the window, sucking his hair in a huge disheveled mass away from his shiny dome and very short right side hair. It is an image that sticks with me to this day and I have marveled over the years at what vanity makes us do. Indeed, do you suppose that if this man, who was innocently trying to keep his pride, had seen how ludicrous and undignified he looked in that aspect, would have maintained a mega combover. In my not so humble opinion, I see no negative aspects to baldness in men who have non-hideously scarred or undeformed craniums but I am too old to cruise chicks so its a moot point for me. What do you want to bet that Trump had huge fun at bald men’s expense when young.

The Donald has had peculiar hair for many years and I would guess he has come to terms with it.

Bees! Don’t you know! Frog is a derogatory and jocular name among friends and enemies to describe French Canadians, who sometimes join in on the name calling in good spirits and sometimes not good spirits. It refers to the Frenchies taste for Frogs. I must say in my younger days in the Cajun country, I enjoyed a few frog and crawfish fries myself. Now don’t embarrass me anymore. You call yourself a French Canadian? Jeez Louise!

Dink Newcomb, that was relay funny, I just followed your words and visualising all that
was taking place, I say that you’r a good raconter of storys,


coldeadhands, hi, yes but times are changin, the new guy will bring the CONSTITUTION

I don’t always agree with what you say but you do communicate a conviction that seems to spring from faith rather than desperation which I like to hear.

BTW- I hate to admit it but I probably fall to the desperation side of center on the conviction chart.

SKOOKUM, okay, I heard it long time ago, but never paid attention on the meaning of it,
but you are absolutly right about eating frog legs, my niece tryed so many time to get me to taste it,
I just cant touch it, it brings me back to the convent I was and the class was to dismemberd a live frog, and I was so shock that I went bazurk attacking the nun teacher, but my niece cook it with garlic and butter, while I watch disgusted, but silent as an oyster,. I don’t see her often , she is too fancy for me .
best to you

Dink, that’s a funny story. I’m not sure that DT is bald, that might be his actual hair, he’s never said he is bald. Maybe if he keeps trying to get BHO to show a birth certificate BHO will expose Donald’s baldness (as revenge). To be honest i have been growing a handle bar mustache, which is pretty cool. The best I’ve done thus far is a Lincoln beard but its hard to look cool when everyone thinks your amish.

Dink Newcomb, yes I have acquire a bit by force a great quality that is patience,
and it has provided me with a lot of power to beleive that things change, the wrong dissipate at the certain times du for it to pass if we can survive to have the patience to live while it is with our life,
and I beleive in GOD, I ask favors to him sometimes, and HE gives it to me in his chosen time,
that’s where patience come into play a big part.
NOW if you don’t agree sometimes with what I say, just let me know, I can take a good critisen
critic critik critisisem, you know what I mean.

Zac hard to type when tears of laughters come to blurr the keys,
no please not that mustache, any other but that one if they ask you if you are amish and you say no, they wont ask you but they will think you are a MUSLIM, I have seen some with that kind of side bar mustache,

Zac you know if he read your comment he might give up the race,
his hair are weaved together I think, and he has the money to get it done,

Bees I better shut my mouth, I like The Donald. I also considered foo-manchu style mustache but it didn’t have the same comical value.


BC is New Democratic Party (Ultra Liberal, more so than Canadian Liberals at least), Alberta is Conservative: Alberta is always in the Black and has beautiful roads and hospitals, BC with its perpetual NDP is always floundering and the infrastructure is a disaster; yet, they both are supporting Canada.

My immediate reaction to that was that BC is probably more urbanized and supporting more handouts than Alberta but the wikipedia population figures don’t support this. There population densities are close. Is it perhaps because BC IS urbanized but has large parts largely uninhabited due to proximity to the sea or poor agricultural comcerns? I am drawing on what little I do know about Canada and thinking that Alb, Sask and Man are the breadbasket of the country due to wheat and maybe now, hemp. In my experience in the US, the states with the best roads and other facilities are those states that are too conservative(despite pop density and party alliance) to have citizens who accept full time entitlements as acceptable.

BTW- despite being a redneck swamp critter from West Hot-as-hell, I found myself in my younger years surveying in Nebraska for big chunks of two winters and the intervening summer. The US govmnt had gotten local farmers to grow hemp during WWII when the Japs had seized South Asia which was the world’s main supply of rope fiber. They carefully kept it a secret about the hemp species’ close similarity to the marijuana species, of course. Hemp (and pot) produce seeds in huge abundance so it went wild and reseeded itself every year despite the cruel winters. By the early 80s when I was there, you could find huge stands of hemp in any untended wild place ( washes at edges of fields, abandoned fields, etc.) in high summer with the ground carpeted with seeds. I had never seen anything like that but was quickly informed that while it looked like pot, it wasn’t and as a matter of fact it was commonly referred to by potheads as “Nebraska No High”. I took a visiting biker friend from back east out to a big stand without telling him what we were doing. I asked him what he could see and despite huge plants being less that three feet from him, he had to be told what he was looking at. After he whipped out some papers, rolled some and set fire to it, he quickly realized what a dry hump it was. MY POINT IS, god bless Canada for understanding the difference and what I would like to know is, why can’t their American counterparts see the same thing. It provides an abundant source of seeds for high quality oil and some intensely strong, versatile fiber. It is said that this wild hemp has developed resistance to local diseases and bears hugely with no chemicals. It has even been suggested that its biomass yield would blow corn (ethanol fuel) out of the water and it IS no threat to the children of this country except to prevent a few sore throats. What is keeping us from following Canada’s lead and letting supply and demand decide its utiility? THIS IS NOT A SUGGESTION TO LEGALIZE POT– THAT’S ANOTHER DOG IN A DIFFERENT FIGHT.

I have been recently started consuming Canadian hemp seed as a fiber source and have even got my 93 yo mother using it with no unwanted side effects and great positive effects. What with the saw palmetto I also take and hemp seed, I now whizz and evacuate like a 17 yo and that makes my day. BUT, if anyone has a spare life, please send it along.

Zac foomanchu, if I know what it is you have to wear the hat too like a tri corner hat

Remember, Ronald Reagan was a Democrat in the 1940’s and he saw the light and joined the Republican party just in time to vote for Ike! He was the president of the Screen Actors Guild as well. Mr. Trump is having the same epiphany. Donald Trump is acutely aware of the damage that POTUS Obama is doing to to this Nation and he will take the fight to him every day! Donald Trump has extensive experience hiring the best managers and directors of operations for his corporate empire and he will do all the required screening to hire the best and brightest America has to offer when he is POTUS. Furthermore, I am certain that he has a keen eye and a nose to sniff out fraudsters and those who lie and or omit important data from their resume’s. This is why he is hot on the trail of Potus Obama regarding his documents! He knows in his heart and mind that Potus Obama has not come clean. As many , many regular working Americans sense as well. On the contrary, Potus Obama has legions of internet “scrubbers” desperately trying to dump down the memory hole anything adverse to his character and reputation. Donald Trump will once and for all put a stop to this nonsense perpetrated upon us by the mainstream media.

Dink Newcomb, HEMP, I think they also make clothes with it, and basket too.

blogforce I think DONALD TRUMP will close the border too,

Pardon me if this has been said already but…..

If Trump wins the election in 2012, does that mean he gets to call Obama and say “YOU’RE FIRED !” ?

SB Smith, yes, can you see him say it followed by a crowd repeating it in unison,AND a big party starting to resoning to the 4 corners of AMERICA, can you see the tears of joy on the faces of the people on the streets of AMERICA, can you hear the voices of the crowd starting to sing AMERICA THE BEAUTIFULL,

He will close the borders for sure to any one but legal entrants. And yes he will say”President Obama, your fired!”

I don’t think Trump can win a single Repub. primary or finish in top 5 in first Iowa caucus.He’ll quit before N.Y.

I had a hunter with a weave. While he was sleeping a Pine Marten made a nest in his weave during the night and when the hunter woke up he ran around screaming in camp. My buddy Knarley and I thought he had gone around the bend. He peed his long johns and was running around in the snow barefoot, what else were you going to think?

He wasn’t getting better so Knarley and I made like defensive football players and tackled him before he picked up a rifle. It wasn’t easy holding him down and then I noticed his hair was moving extremely fast.

Knarley hit him on top of the head really hard and the guy let out a wail like we had just killed him. Knarley used his fist the next time amd i reached inside the hair do and pulled out a stunned Pine Marten and gave him the coup de gras.

Knarley and I were arguing over who owned the hide, we left the hunter whimpering in the snow in his yellow long johns and had the Pinde Marten skinned in about three minutes.

The Pine Marten brought 85 dollars, but the hunter wasn’t worth a damn the rest of the hunt. All things considered, if you are going to make a nest out of your hair, you better be ready for anything.

Skookum ,

You’re not splittin hairs are you!

Dink, some years ago when I was involved in Canadian agriculture, Canada was the third largest grain producing country in the world, behind the US and Russia; however, Iowa raised more grain than all of Canada. Canada has about the same population as California and it is the third largest country in the world behind China and Russia. Therefore the grain trains travel across the prairies to Vancouver ports to ship grain all over the world. There is no way they can eat all that grain.

I knew they grew hemp for rope in the midwest during WWII, I come from a Naval family. I believe in new products for agriculture, but many wild ideas end up being wild ideas and nothing more. Like sawing off the velvet off of reindeer to sell to Chinamen to put lead in their pencils. A lot of ranchers went broke on that one. Raising Bison hasn’t exactly been a commercial success either. Growing hemp makes great clothing, very durable, and is probably a viable product for men of vision with wild imaginations. I hope someone comes up with ideas to improve products and make another agri-product. Thanks for ther info.

Thanks Skookum,
I wasn’t trying to present Hemp as the answer to all our prayers but it is harmless as a drug so why is there such resistance to growing it here. The rest of the BS I rolled out was just an affirmation that it is a viable crop at some level and it IS being grown in Canada and presumably providing a decent return for your labor. Why not permit its culture and allow the market to determine whether it is worth the effort.

BTW_ the canadian hemp seed I buy is billed as organic which suggests to me that at this stage of the game at least, they are still using some variant of the wild seed that I mentioned that grows abundantly without chemicals.

I think the clothing aspect is only in the gee whiz stage but I believe that hemp paper is a growing business. Living in a southern state and watching our forests turn into pine timber and pulp wood plantations, I would love to see a renewable resource that IS truly renewable. The loss of those forests is similar to taxes– once it is implemented, you can’t go back.

Again, the supply and demand system is a pitiless hill to climb when starting a new business but we won’t know if no one can grow it.

An interesting article concerning the commercial potential of hemp: Hemp: A New Crop with New Uses for North America

Cold Dead Hands,

When Fear Takes Control [Reader Post]

go to my group of posts and go back to the very beginning, this is anothe good hair story. It made a few guys laugh and cry. He was one of my good friends. He taught me the mystical ways of the horse and I buried him, A Matter of Honor and My Introduction To Wealth Redistribution and The Damn Liquor Store and a few other stories. Check out Castle On The Peace to read of Knarley Manners the boy I grew up with.

Skookum wrote: “Raising Bison hasn’t exactly been a commercial success either.”

I wish somebody up North would start raising Musk Ox. The best hamburger I ever ate was a Musk Ox burger, but for some reason the meat is unavailable now.

Dink Newcomb, hi, I was reading again on your 63, and I reject the idea that THE DONALD TRUMP, would be a war monger, and that would be against his creative personality,as a builder not a destroyer
of any kind, he would instead be efficient to make a deal and outpower opponants with persuasive tactict that has been his way before to succeed, and I would think that he would finish the WAR that has drag so long and brutalize our troops with their cowardly EIDS, killing so many of our finest,
I would say that he has respect for the AMERICAN MILITARYS TO GUARD THE COUNTRY,

Dink Newcomb, remember when he said, HE WOULD GET WHOEVER USE OUR TROOPS TO PAY FOR IT,

@ Rich

Country not ready for two Conservs.

Why? We just elected two super libs. If Romney wins the nomination, it will support many a theory that the GOP has a heirarchy in place for the republican nomination and there will be a huge backlash from the Tea Party. Like Skook, I like Herman Cain. He has great conservative values and he knows business. I really, really like Rick Santorum, I just don’t know that he could get elected. I’m tired of both sides telling me what I want to hear, I want someone to tell me how they will really deal with the issues. It’s one of the things I like about Trump.
And Rich, you’re probably right, Trump would rather be King. I wasn’t trying to compare him to George Washington any other way than that. Howie Mandel doesn’t shake hands either, he does the fist bump thing, which I do unless I’m meeting a customer. I hate shaking hands. Like every good engineer, I have a mild case of OCD. I can’t walk by a hand sanitizer or sink without washing my hands.

@John Cooper:

I wish somebody up North would start raising Musk Ox.

I spent my life outdoors, mostly as a land surveyor or other cartography/mapping variations. I hunted and fished extensively here in the SC Low Country and I have eaten most everything that was fit to eat (even blackbirds which are wonderful but no possums though-too much like rats). Never eaten or even thought of consuming a musk ox though. I would love to taste that though I have to admit to knowing very little about them. Isn’t there a fine fabric (ala cashmere) made from their hair? One restriction though, I know its an arctic animal and I won’t go again where it gets so cold that I get little frozen balls in my mustache from my breath. Wish we had something like that to keep the Yankees away from here so they’d stop turning this into a second home suburb of New York.




Oh yeah Bees, I like that, it would be nice to get more financial acknowledgement of our efforts and a whloe lot less disrespect. Those things should be a minimum of foreign policy and his major strength is surely keeping the in/out on the balance sheet in synch. Despite the concept of the US being a cop for the world, there are other facets to our protection of other besides altruism. It is in our national interest to have some countries in volatile regions that hold the line against places like Syria and Iran. Its the reason why we support “strongmen” (like gaddafi in the last few years) who are less than ideal. They have what it takes to keep the bad guys occupied.
Look at a map sometime and see how we have bracketed those two countries with our actions in Afghanistan and Iraq. You have to remember that most muslim countries have large rural populations who get only small exposure other ways of life than the medieval lifestyle they are accustomed to and ANY exposure to something different is positive for us. This intrusion gets us very little respect anywhere, even at home where you would assume people would be glad to know we are somewhat safer because of it. Any new president should have the resolution to stick with the plaqn rather than changing policy to match the latest poll.
I am NOT convinced the Trump has this in his character but I have this image of the Ghetto Warrior BOWING to the head goat molester in Saudi Arabia burned into my mind and there is this voice in my head screaming “Anyone with any cojones would be better than this!”


You’re absolutely right about musk ox yarn. My wife knits, and she looked at buying some when we were in Anchorage a few years ago. It’s extremely expensive, though – $90 per skein. Just enough yarn to knit a neck scarf would cost $300.

For the record, I ate that Musk Ox Burger at the West Rib Grill in Talkeetna, AK in 2005.

This is the most logical explanation of the situation I have heard. How come we don’t have politicos who can tell it like it is?

It is in our national interest to have some countries in volatile regions that hold the line against places like Syria and Iran. Its the reason why we support “strongmen” (like gaddafi in the last few years) who are less than ideal. They have what it takes to keep the bad guys occupied.

Thanks for reprising Barb Wire Johnny. Self deluded fear is one quality that separates us from the other species.

@Greg 89:

An interesting article concerning the commercial potential of hemp: Hemp: A New Crop with New Uses for North America

Thanks Greg for enabling my exposure to this article.
I read most of it (skipped most of the parts about Marijuana) and learned a lot about it and its uses.
I NEED TO DECLARE THAT I OVERSTATED ITS POTENTIAL IN SOME CASES. In fairness, I also understated the potential in others. AND, despite what I have always read, this article claims only one species, C. Sativa, with numerous cultivars that provide a variety of properties from getting high to making rope. It does make the point though that fiber/seed varieties are normally easily visually differentiated from pot.
I retain my position that it is no threat to the children of the US and regulated agriculture might bring positive changes to the country.
I also learned some great trivia too, ex:

During the age of sailing ships, Cannabis was considered to provide the very best of canvas, and indeed this word is derived from Cannabis.