Trump will win in 2012 [Reader Post]


Donald trump is the most dangerous candidate for POTUS Obama to face in 2012 for these reasons.

  • He is a bona fide celebrity just as POTUS Obama is. The only other genuine celebrity in the Republican field currently is Sarah Palin.
  • He is a political outsider. Everyone is sick of beltway compromisers.
  • He has said that he will personally speld $600 MILLION dollars of his own money which, augmented with the general election funds he can raise through donations and when nominated will total perhaps OVER one billion dollars combined, matching and possibly exceeding POTUS Obamas war chest.
  • He will have no downside risk as the other potential candidates have regarding loss of currently held office or job. (Fox News commentators?)
  • He can, and most likely will invest millions on serious opposition research, with top notch investigators to dig up all he can find regarding POTUS Obama. There is plenty no doubt!
  • His is an unabashed capitalist who can guarantee a favorable business environment for companies and investors by reducing government regulations and taxation. Thereby driving massive job creation.
  • He will have a simple and direct message. “A vote for Trump is a vote for jobs!” While delivering a populist message regarding Chinese and Saudi corruption and its negative influence on the American economy
  • He has serious security personnel to protect him from the inevitable crazed leftist attack mobs and potential assassins.
  • He can guarantee that the majority of his appointments to government positions when elected POTUS will come from the private sector thereby insuring a complete house cleaning of all the anti- business, anti-American appointees presently running our beloved nation.
  • And most importantly, as he has shown with his with his honest questions regarding the veracity of POTUS Obamas original long form birth certificate, he is more than willing to take the fight to the man himself.

And finally, 11….This line of attack I call an ASYMMETRICAL POLITICAL ATTACK. It cannot be parried without full disclosure by the POTUS himself. There is plenty of ammo he can and will use with the asymmetrical political attack method. The more Trump throws at him the more it becomes absolute fact in the minds of the public at large, (excepting the hard left ideologues that comprise his core support).

The authorship of his first book, “Dreams of my Father” written largely by Bill ayers, is another example and Donald Trump has already brought this up.

Donald Trump is the only real option to beat the “Celebrated One” as he has no fear of continuing this attack method, thereby winning the early primaries, locking up the nomination fairly early and freeing himself up to hammer away on these serious weaknesses that the POTUS has. They are impossible to defend against without full, unedited disclosure. POTUS Obama knows that he CANNOT disclose any of these facts regarding his past as they will clearly disqualify him from consideration by the majority of voting Americans.

Prediction- If Donald Trump keeps the pressure on by wratcheting up the asymmetrical political attacks, POTUS Obama will refuse to run for re-election, announcing something like, ” I have decided, after much deliberation and prayer, not to seek re-election to the office of President of the United States so I can spend more time with my family, etc.” He will do it fairly late in the game, giving little time for Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton to sort out who will be the nominee. If not, and Obama continues with the campaign, he will fall into the fan blades of these attacks and will lose in a landslide to Donald Trump as Jimmy Carter did against Ronald Wilson Reagan!

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I’ll tell you right now, I thought this was just a bunch of hype, but the man has stones. Right now, he’s the only candidate I’d vote for. The field sucks, they’re all insiders, and I’m tired of them. Plus, we’d have a smoking hot First Lady and First Daughter.
But the think I like the most, he’s a straight shooter.

This guy can win and I support him 150%. I really hope that he is serious…because he can beat nobama!
Nobody thought Onothing ever had a chance. The Donald can Crush this marxist America hater!

Open Secrets is a web site and organization that publishes who people donate to.
Donald Trump’s political donations are found here.

Trump has been a prolific donor to both Democrats and Republicans during the past two decades.

In all, Trump has contributed to 96 candidates running for federal political office since the 1990 election cycle, the Center finds. Only 48 of the recipients — exactly half — were Republicans

In the most recent election cycle, Trump doled out $22,500 to political candidates, of which $16,200 benefited Democrats.

Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.) is the recipient of $12,000 in Trump contributions, including $10,000 for his 2006 re-election campaign.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has received the fourth-largest amount of Trump’s contributions, including $4,800 in the successful 2010 campaign against Tea Party favorite Sharron Angle. In total Trump has contributed $10,400 to Reid.

In 2010, Trump also contributed $4,000 to Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), who easily won re-election. Schumer has received $8,900 from Trump since the 1996 election cycle. Trump has also been generous to New York’s other Democratic U.S. senator, Kirsten Gillibrand, who’s received $5,850 in Trump money.

Of the nearly $420,000 Trump has donated to committees, the largest recipient has been the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee with $116,000 — or more than one fourth of his total contributions to all party and political action committees.

IF the Republican Party were to put Trump up as their candidate for President I could not simply ”hold my nose” and vote for him.
In terms of unpredictablity, Trump is no different from Obama: you just could not guess what he’d say next or do next.
It doesn’t seem that he even knows what’s going to come out of his mouth next.
He has no center or ideology in him, only pragmatism.

@ Nan G
That’s not exactly unusual for business people and corporations, especially in New York.

This is the first sign of encouragement for America that I’ve seen in a long time. Finally someone who has the true spirit of this country, not beholding to anyone, has the smarts and the knowhow to get this country going in the right direction again, dosen’t flinch from a worthy fight, has had his ups and downs without giving up, has the experience in the world of finance and business, has an open and positive attitude towards the world, and BELIEVES IN THE GREATNESS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! Get ready to be exposed for the fools you are mainstream media. This man cannot and will not be stopped by your coming onslaught of lies, spins and deceptions.

Nan G

What? Do you think you’re telling us something we don’t know?

Sorry buddy, Palin’s career dissipation light just went into over-drive with Trump entering the race.

Bye-bye Sarah, you can go back to your penal colony, we have a real leader for once.

Even the Koch brothers give money to whomever political party is looking like the winner. I read somewhere Sam Walton gave money to the Bill Clinton when Bill was running for senate in Arkansas, ill post the link later if I can find it again. I think he is the only fresh face in politics and the only non career politician running. I agree with blogforceone, he’s the only one that’s running that is worth voting for.

I’ll take pragmatism over politics any day!

Nan is absolutely right about Trump. She should know, living, as she does, in California.

We had a “Republican” Governor for 8 years. The Governator tried to pass a whole lot of sensible initiatives for improving California governance, which were enthusiastically supported by the state’s GOP voters. This being California, all the initiatives went down to defeat. Arnold then made a huge port tack and ended up being the sort of governor that a liberal could learn to love.

Beware politicians who built their careers outside of politics, have no political track record, and who are beholden to no one. Trump is very shrewd. Read “The Art of the Deal” (his first book). You do what it takes to close the deal, then you do what you want.

Great post, Nan.

– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach, CA

I like Trumps books, I’ve learned a lot from them and I’m more concerned about .

Larry gynecology is an unusual profession (I clicked on your name), Its good your trying to cure cancer though.

Hi Zac. I’m internal medicine/medical oncology, not gynecology. I have done a lot of work in ovarian cancer, but that doesn’t make me a gynecologist.

Nan G, I ‘m sure if you ask him a question on his contribution, that he will give a stRaight answer why,
and as a business man, there is a lot of possible answers, one thing is sure is that he will not divide AMERICA WITH THE HATE AND RACIST CARD, LIKE IT HAS BEEN DONE.

Trump doesn’t like to shake hands(germaphobe) and he’s a birther. As a Dem I’d LOVE to see him get the nom. I do think his daughter is smart and beautiful.

As I ‘ve suggested before I believe Romney/Rubio can beat BHO.

Nan G, yes you would hold your nose because it has to do with getting in to restore AMERICA,

rich wheeler, you should know that germaphobe doesn’t affect the brain,
on the contrary, we can name many SUPER INTELLIGENT PEOPLE in history that did not want to touch ,
I don’t blame them with all the virus circulating with the open borders flow of it
coming in to spread it on the AMERICA’S LAND AND PEOPLE.

@ Rich
George Washington would not shake hands after becoming president. He believed it was beneath the office.
Romney is not going to win. Christie/Rubio or Rubio/Christie would be awesome, but so would going home and finding Ivanka Trump cooking my dinner. Neither is gonna happen.

: I think that Daniels would be a terrific candidate.

@Nan G:

IF the Republican Party were to put Trump up as their candidate for President I could not simply ”hold my nose” and vote for him.
In terms of unpredictablity, Trump is no different from Obama: you just could not guess what he’d say next or do next.
It doesn’t seem that he even knows what’s going to come out of his mouth next.
He has no center or ideology in him, only pragmatism.

Well said Nan! The fact of the matter is that we don’t really know what he would do if elected. He has a track reaord for getting things done in a profession which needs huge determination and great flexibility but how does that translate to statesmanship. The more politics I attempt to understand, the more I understand how profound my ignorance is.
I don’t want another POTUS who bows to the leaders of the world’s goat molesters but I would rather not have one who will start another World War due to his penchant for shooting from the lip, despite the support he gets from those who think aggravating people they despise into heinous actions is sane behavior.

I agree, Romney wears his health care baggage around his neck. I know that Donald has flip flopped a little in the past but, I would further agree that a business Man/Woman sometimes has to grease the wheel…that does not solildly put hin on the Demoncrats side or really expose his ideology, for me it is about our Country and if he can expose Okucklehead for the fraud that he in fact is…I will join his team!
I don’t care about his previous donations, I care about what he is currently saying he will do as President
and my only fear is that he might change his mind and not run. All the other Repub canditates are anemic

I think for shock value, Obama has Trump beat by a mile!
Like yesterday.
At a campaign stop Obama was asked by a man how he might deal with such high gas prices.
(OK, if high gas prices per fill-up are a problem for you, think about Obama’s answer for a second)
Obama actually said:

“[Y]ou may want to think about a trade-in. You can get a great deal. I promise you, GM or Ford or Chrysler, they’re going to be happy to give you a deal on something that gets you better gas mileage.”

Yes, and Marie Antoinette once said, “Let them eat cake.”


I doubt even Trump could out-do that!

@ Larry
I’m just not sold on Daniels. He has some good fiscal policies and I would definitely find a place for him in the administration, say Sec Treas. I’ll be interested in what he has to say as the race progresses.

“[Y]ou may want to think about a trade-in. You can get a great deal. I promise you, GM or Ford or Chrysler, they’re going to be happy to give you a deal on something that gets you better gas mileage.”

What is your point NanG? Do uou think that statement by the One was brillant? I think it was a slap in the face to the American People!

I equated it with Marie Antionette’s tone-deaf ”let them eat cake,” quote!
Why would you even think for one second I thought it was brilliant?
It would make a part of a greatest dumb quotes ad against Obama by the RNC.
I hope they are keeping a list.


Sorry, this statement threw me off “I think for shock value, Obama has Trump beat by a mile!
I misinterpeted.

I think that Obama was basically telling it like it is. There is no answer to rising gasoline prices. Drill baby drill won’t do a darn thing to keep gas prices from rising from here on in, as China and India massively increase their consumption. Bringing Iraq and Brazil into full production will help. Canadian oil shale may help. But people who want to reduce their gasoline costs can help themselves more than government and industry can help — simply by purchasing more fuel efficient vehicles, which are available at all price levels, new and used; so it’s not really a let them eat cake sort of thing. If people are hurting today, gasoline-price-wise, the fastest way to reduce the pain is to trade for a more fuel-efficient vehicle — drill baby drill won’t help for years and the effect will be trivial.

From January 5, 2011:

KLOZA: No, and I’ll confine my comments to longer term, meaning this decade. I think at some point this decade we get into a problem where demand really butts right up against supply. I mean, for the last six months or so, worldwide demand is more than supply. But there’s a huge stock overhang. And that means that at some point this decade, we are going to be dealing with sort of the apocalyptic numbers of maybe $150 crude and $4, $5 gasoline.

I just don’t think it’s in 2011 or 2012, as some folks have suggested.

Well, it’s over $4 a gallon today, here in California.

– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach, CA

Trump supported Rahm Emanuel. What really are Trump’s politics?

Absolutely NO ONE wants B.O bama to get the ‘boot’ more than I.
However, it would be interesting to have the Donald explain “why?” he would have given ANY support to Reid, Schumer and Emanuel…… That information really bothers me!

More regarding Trump:


>>Donald Trump has/ is having some identity issues.

>>So much so that one article has suggested that he could debate himself.

>>Trump is against abortion, but he was for it.

>>Trump is against gay marriage, but he was for it.

>>Trump is a Republican now, but was a Democrat.

>>But at a time when he most wants to convince voters he’s a Republican,

>>So he can run for the GOP nomination,

>>Trump has donated $50,000 dollars to the man most responsible for President Obama’s “success” in Congress;

>>Former White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel., yes with what the DEMS DID TO THE ECONOMY,
you would think that many don’t have the means to trade their car and get into more debts
BUT THE REALITY IS that many are not able too.

DONALD TRUMP, okay, tell us why you gave RAHM THAT MONEY?
why money to the democrats? why you dont shake hands?
do you feel you have an identity problem? ARE YOU A MASKED DEMOCRAT?
I,m sure we will ask some more after you answer those questions

I know how smart you are

No one seems to have mentioned Herman Cain. I understand the response is likely to be “Who??”
In the field as it appears today, he seems like someone I think I’d like to give serious consideration. No, I don’t know a lot about him, but there’s time. No rush to make a decision – and he looks like a man who’s only possible drawback is lack of political experience.

The big question is…is lack of political experience a plus or a minus??

Guess who The Donald’s favorite pol is? America’s favorite at 66% approval: HILLARY He gushes over her. He’s a bigger flip flopper than Mitt.

@Rich: What are your odds that Hillary will challenge Obama, analogous to Kennedy’s challenge of Carter?

Dr. John,

“Trump supported Rahm Emanuel. What really are Trump’s politics?”

Trump is, once again, hedging his political bets. He has a new, BIG, sparkling building in the heart of Chicago. Contributing to “the Dancer” and Daley before him, is in the grand old tradition of getting all his permits and licenses in a timely fashion and making sure that his calls to city hall don’t go unanswered.

I seriously wonder if we don’t need a Machiavellian mind to protect our interests in a world which is quickly devolving into something as dangerous as the 1930’s.

The current crop of candidates must be able to surmount the inevitable efforts to give us the most mainstream unelectable candidate ( Think John McCain).

The current crop of candidates must be able to surmount the inevitable efforts to give us the most mainstream unelectable candidate ( Think John McCain).

That’s the difference between the Iowa Caucus and an open primary.


Are you telling me that you can find a more shocking quote by Trump than I just put up by Obama?

Trump might say some off-the-wall things, but when a man is complaining that merely filling his tank is breaking him, how tone-deaf is Obama for asking him to consider buying a new car???

That quote proves that debt means absolutely nothing to Obama….
Neither our nation’s debt NOR a man’s personal debt.

Larry Won’t happen. She’ll continue the good soldier and in 2016 she’ll run for,and hopefully become, our first female POTUS.

@ Larry
I think Trump has some ‘splaining to do, no doubt. His stance on abortion is close to mine. I’m pro-life and Catholic, but I don’t think making abortion illegal will do anything except make a lot of women criminals. Prohibition comes to mind. Some people on my side would scream and ask how I could compare alcohol to babies; I’m not. I’m comparing law and human behavior.
I have similar issues with gay marriage. The Libertarian in me says government has no place in marriage. The Catholic in me says some gay activists would use gay marriage as a means of destroying the Church.
Rich is right, Trump likes Hillary. I don’t like her politics, but I respect her. I also think she has more balls than anyone in the administration. Hillary is certainly a socialist and may border on being a communist, but she’s a better leader than Obama, for the simple fact that she can make a decision. Trump likes bold people.

Interesting point.
I have read somewhere that a few states are so strapped that they are dropping their early primaries.
This will no doubt change the dynamics of who is running in front and when.

We, or at least I totaly understand what you meant,now! Like I stated in my 24 your first statement threw us off ..maybe we just read what we thought we wanted to hear and did’nt listen.

Aqua, Nan, Rich – thanks. Interesting stuff. And Trump’s a very interesting guy. I read his “Art of the Deal” book back in 1988 and keep expecting him to crash and burn, which he’s done several times, only to come back with a new deal and/or incarnation.

This is from his Wiki entry:

In his 2000 tome, The America We Deserve, economic policies Trump proposed include:

Institution of a once-only 14.25% tax on personal estates and trusts over $10 million, which he estimated would raise $5.7 trillion in revenue toward retirement of the national debt, tax cuts for the middle class, and supplementing the funding of Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid; and, by way of compensating this one-time tax on the wealthy, permanent abolishment of the 55% federal inheritance tax.

Repeal of limits on campaign contributions, combined with outlawing soft money campaign contributions

Regarding universal health care, Trump touted himself as “a conservative on most issues, but a liberal on this one. Working out detailed plans will take time. But the goal should be clear: Our people are our greatest asset.”[59][60]

Renegotiation of U.S. trade policies[61]

For 2004 and 2008, Trump speculated about running for President in the Republican party and for 2006 considered running for governor of New York as a representative of the party[62]

Trump had switched to the Democratic Party from the Republican Party in 2001 and again registered as a Republican in 2009.[63] Trump said in an interview in 2007, “I’m very much independent in that way. I go for the person, not necessarily the party. I mean, I vote for Republicans and I vote for Democrats.”[64]

Sounds a lot like Schwartzenegger to me.

Donald. Trump has to deal with entrenched corrupt democrat run urban beaurocracies on a daily basis. He still gets. The job done. It is business suicide not to donate to the politicians im theplace where you plan. To construct buildings. A. Permit. Delayed for a year or more will put. You out oof business. Should he win the. Nomination. And. Select cristie. Or better yet. Marco rubio he will. Be a sure winner. In. 2012Nov.

AQUA #16 Country not ready for two Conservs. Do you think Romney,as polls indicate, is the front runner for the nom? As stated, I believe Rubio will be our next Conserv. POTUS in 2020. How bout Ivanka as his veep?
Btw The Donald ain’t no George Washington.Not liking to shake hands may be all they have in common.

Larry Arnold’s a great guy. Donald Ouch

So, Larry, if they can’t afford gas – you gonna buy ’em that new car? dreams and fantasies are one thing, but not everybody has your salary. in fact, probably most americans don’t.

And drill baby drill may not solve the problem, but it will ameleorate it much more than your solutions. And, in fact, as our technology gets better, it may just in fact do the trick. Remember, we just doubled or tripled out known reserves. BTW, ‘known reserves’ is a political/economic definition. it means ‘economically recoverable today’. really says nothing about what we might do when new technology comes along. As it regularly does, and has.

Stick to medicine, you’re out of your depth…

“Btw The Donald ain’t no George Washington.Not liking to shake hands may be all they have in common.”

To liken Anyone to Geo Washington is pure hyperbole. To draw the comparison, you would have to see a comparable set of events and an analogous demonstration of wisdom and selflessness in the refusal of the mantel of monarchy.

coldeadhands You got a point. I think The Donald would prefer to be a King.

@Bill (#45). We have been having a long, ongoing debate about the effect of domestic oil production on price of gasoline at the pump, over a couple of different threads. It’s truly negligible and Obama may have spoken in a cavalier fashion but he spoke the truth. There is no solution to gasoline prices through increased domestic drilling. Domestic drilling does have real benefits: balance of payments, employment, corporate profits (and resulting federal taxes), etc. But price of gasoline at the pump is only negligibly affected by US domestic oil production, because the US produces only 9% of the world’s oil and domestic oil is always sold to refineries and to the public at world price levels. Increasing US domestic production by 25% would only increase world oil supply by 2.25% and it would take many years to increase domestic production by 25% and the US oil consumer would obtain no unique benefit, in terms of cost of gasoline, diesel, heating oil, or jet fuel, over that of the rest of the world. Increasing US oil production would benefit China to the exact same extent as it would benefit the USA, but the benefit to both, in terms of price of gasoline at the pump, would be negligible.

– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach, CA

blogforce one, hi, thank you for your POST which is drawing a lot of comments
from either sides, I like the DONALD TRUMP from what I read and seen of his strong caracter and
determination on the projects he created and saw the end of it quite fast for the size of it,
he is an enterpreneur that is qualified on a flair to choose the right person for the speciial job he intend to fill, that is very important for running A SUPERPOWER THAT AMERICA IS EVEN IF THEY TRY TO BREAK HER, SHE WILL REMAINED, BUT SHE NEED ALL HER PEOPLE TO REFLEX ON WHAT IS THERE THAT MUST BE FIX, so many qualifications are to be appreciate from a great leader needed desperatly

“I think The Donald would prefer to be a King. ”

By the time our recent crop of executives have finished with The Constitution, we may as well Have a monarch.

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