An invitation to Obama supporters [Reader Post]

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Here’s your chance to explain things to the rest of us.

This is what you Obama supporters voted for:

Obama: Don’t stay in Iraq over genocide

SUNAPEE, N.H. — Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama said Thursday the United States cannot use its military to solve humanitarian problems and that preventing a potential genocide in Iraq isn’t a good enough reason to keep U.S. forces there.

“Well, look, if that’s the criteria by which we are making decisions on the deployment of U.S. forces, then by that argument you would have 300,000 troops in the Congo right now — where millions have been slaughtered as a consequence of ethnic strife — which we haven’t done,” Obama said in an interview with The Associated Press.

“We would be deploying unilaterally and occupying the Sudan, which we haven’t done. Those of us who care about Darfur don’t think it would be a good idea,” he said.

“The United States cannot use its military to solve humanitarian problems.”


“ I suffer no illusions about Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal man. A ruthless man. A man who butchers his own people to secure his own power. He has repeatedly defied U.N. resolutions, thwarted U.N. inspection teams, developed chemical and biological weapons, and coveted nuclear capacity. . . . But . . . he poses no imminent and direct threat to the United States, or to his neighbors.”

And from a book a current US President wrote:

“Why intervene in Bosnia and not Darfur?”

So you can explain why you now support this:

“Innocent people were targeted for killing,” he said. “We had a unique ability to stop that violence . . . and a plea for help from the Libyan people themselves.”


President Barack Obama said the U.S. and its allies had to take military action in Libya to avert a massacre of civilians that would have “stained the conscience of the world.”

And what happens when those “peaceful protester” rebels with AK’s and RPG’s attack civilian supporters of Gaddafi? Is that acceptable to you?

So let’s hear it. Let’s hear why genocide in Iraq and Darfur is acceptable and suddenly it’s not acceptable in Libya. Tell us how you voted for the guy who said in no uncertain terms that he would NOT do any of the things he’s done with regard to Libya.

Now I have to make some popcorn. This is going to be fun.

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Aye Zac, a few of his faithful might get all wee weed up over a significant disruption like that.

*(danceing With The Stars)

President Obama had a message for the American people Monday night, an explanation of the government’s intentions in Libya, one that he believed was important enough to request air time from the broadcast networks as well as the cable news networks.

But the Administration also recognized that some networks, like ABC, had important priorities of their own: the programs they had scheduled for prime time Monday — like “Dancing with the Stars,” the second most-watched show on television.

After some friendly negotiations, all parties agreed to a mutually acceptable time: 7:30 Eastern, which meant the speech on the military situation in Libya could be delivered — and analyzed — in time for the fans of “Dancing,” as well as other scheduled network shows, to see the shows they expected to see at their regularly scheduled times.

From today’s NYT headlines:

“If there were ever a speech more dedicated to eliminating the idea of a doctrine, this was it,” said David J. Rothkopf, the author of “Running the World: The Inside Story of the National Security Council and the Architects of American Power.” “He basically said, ‘We have American values and they’re going to define us, and we’re going to stick to them — provided it’s not too hard to do so.’ ”

Some of Mr. Obama’s advisers have said he has studiously avoided turning Libya into a case study for his view of foreign policy, given that it is not vital to American interests in the region and that his administration is trying to play down the United States’ role in what they hope will be a NATO-led mission. To their minds, the limited use of air power in Libya does not call for an inspiring or sweeping statement of the role of governmental power. The Libya standard may not apply to the rest of the world.

Decisions about intervention have to be made on a case by case basis. Two separate instances of injustice might be equally outrageous; the human suffering they involve might be equally compelling. Unfortunately, consistency in your appraisal of those factors doesn’t mean that it’s possible to be consistent in your real world responses. There are other factors that enter in. Every military action has its costs and dangers, hidden and obvious. In the part of the world we’re presently considering, those are even greater. Everything is interrelated. It’s like a box lined with cocked mouse traps loaded with ping pong balls. If you trigger the wrong one the whole thing can go in the blink of an eye.

The fact that you can’t do everything at once doesn’t mean you can’t or shouldn’t do anything. Trying to carefully nudge the ball with Giddafi’s name on it off the spring makes sense. That could change the game clear across north Africa.

The situation in Syria might blow up by the end of the week. An oppressive dictator controlling loyal military forces greatly exceeding those of Giddafi might put down an uprising with acts of shocking brutality. If all of that remains internal, the West’s only response will likely be condemnation. Taking on Syria at this point could involve taking on Iran. We might be lucky if it stopped at nothing more than full-scale regional warfare.

I think the U.S. and Europe are playing a long game at present, involving a series of slow, calculated moves. What seems like inconsistency of response can actually be consistency of strategy. One move doesn’t set a precedent that determines the exact nature of the next.

Way to go team. Hyperbole, irony, and pun(ch) them to death.

I like that “Dancing with the idle”. Sorry, idol.

If things keep on this path it will have to be called “dancing with the infidel”.

Like the guy in the silo looking for a corner to piss in, it is a forlorn hope and everyone knows he should just go outside and piss like everyone else. He is likely to wet his trousers before he finds that proverbial corner that is just right, but he is looking in desperation and looking faster and harder by the moment. The problem is, there are no corners in a silo and after a while he just looks like a fool that is about to piss his trousers.

Obama Signed Secret Libya Order Authorizing Support For Rebels

You’re an idiot to believe anything Barack Obama says.

Obama does have an “ayer” of dishonesty about him.

Courtesy of Jack Cachil and American thinker.

@drjohn, #65:

“President Barack Obama has signed a secret order authorizing covert U.S. government support for rebel forces seeking to oust Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, government officials told Reuters on Wednesday.”

As if it has ever been normal for covert activities to be authorized by a President in any other fashion… Hey, maybe specific details can be discovered and made public to score political points.

The media has already said about as much on the topic as was needed, in my opinion. Probably a bit more.

@Tom: Didn’t Bush 41 initiate the no fly zone in Iraq? Clinton only continued it?


Yes, I believe you are correct.

Well so much for the debate on whether we had boots on the ground. There are no former grunts who thought otherwise; you can’t call in air strikes and artillery without forward observers, just ain’t civilized. Now we can pass out heavy weapons, machine guns, mortars, and 2.5 & 3.5 rocket launchers to al Qaeda and then teach them how to shoot down our choppers. This is shaping up to be the biggest Charlie Foxtrot in our history and we have only one man to blame; fortunately, with each brilliant move, his chances of being reelected become less and less.

Unfortunately, our next president will be required to do some serious butt kicking to stop this ever increasing descent into chaos.

You guys are both right. Bush the elder had the no fly zone as a remnant of the Gulf War. Clinton had a no fly zone in the White House. How did that work out?

@Randy: There were two separate NFZ’s. HW Bush’s NFZ was installed to protect the Kurds post Storm.

@Skookum: Yes, Obama has put boots on the ground in Libya. If they hated us before, they’re really going to hate us now. We’re invading.

Michael, yes, why should we go and help our ennemies, both hate us enough to want to kill,
so either one is a bad choice to mingle with,
we should let them square things their own way,that would more help us,;
unthinkeble, to send our military to defend a revolution among our ennemies,
you hit on the nails,

SKOOKUM, HI, YES, WE have no business to be there and note that they are agreeing
to obey the UN, WHICH IS THE WORLD ORGANISATION, with their 1/3 rd of MUSLIM COUNTRYS ,
dictating our troops to go there and support ousting a leader they dont want anymore,
because they want to put their own leader to increase their power and their goal both with the UN,
to have total control of the World WEALTH and GOVERNMENTS,
THE ARAB LEAGUE STARTED IT, AND BACK DOWN, when it was ready to go, this revolt should have been fought by them, alone, with other MUSLIMS COUNTRYS, as we are no fool, It’s obvious that the citizens conducting the revolt are well backed up by radicals, as they publicly said they where supporting the uprisers!!! I can clearly see the UN dictating that attack AND USING AMERICA TO PLAY THEIR GAME OF DECIDING WHO WILL GO TO A WAR TO HELP WHO THEY LISTEN TO
which is their 1/3 representatives, and by the same token extending their power to

@ Skook

I know everyone thinks Marines are always the first in, but the truth is SO is usually first in. Air Force Combat Controllers are always among the first to be in country. They’re the ones that paint the targets and provide forward control. I’m pretty sure they wear boots.
We had the same basic course, PJ’s and CC’s at Lackland.

Just a thought here, and I may be wrong, but didn’t the left, in the past, denounced the arming of rebel types, such as OBL, and claim that it always comes back to bite us in the a**. And now Obama wants to arm rebels, parts of whom are at least sympathetic to Al-Qaeda? Recipe for disaster I’m thinking.

Aqua, I can’t help myself. I have a soft spot for Marines. It makes for tunnel vision sometimes and makes me think I am still 19 years old. I love our troops, airmen, sailors but if there was some magic… oh well. I am just an old man with a young heart.

SKOOKUM, I was thinking!! [ that is dangerous when I think];
that if OBAMA want troups on the ground, he should send the new approved recruits he decided to send into military zone with him signing the new law on don’t ask, don’t tell, to see if they can realy practice well, and in the same time acquire the tools needed to become good fighters,that is most required

Ms Bees, Muslims don’t have much respect for troops of the fair gender, but then again they don’t, have much respect for human life, even for another Muslim if they are from the wrong fraternity. Everything is directed towards making the world a better place for Allah’s eyes, as long as everyone is looking through a particular pair of prescription glasses. Some of us don’t need glasses and everything looks fuzzy through someone else’s prescription. That is immaterial to the Jihad Muslim, we must look through his glasses or die. That is our choice. The Gay guys won’t be given a choice.

I don’t think Obama will tell them about that little detail until the last minutes.

yes that’s what they are doing now killing their own, so why interfere in their quarels, I don’t buy
that bullshzzt to save every body , poor excuse if we don’t save our own and put them in arms way, so the other who hate us get to survive,
what kind of false logic does OBAMA FOLLOW, and to think that some AMERICANS voted for that kind of logic, is beyong realty, MAY GOD PROTECT AMERICA.

Obama…”But that cannot be an argument for never acting on behalf of what’s right.”

Do i then, take this as him saying we will HELP in SYRIA???? The Dictator of Syria has flatly said they will KILL all dissenters there……. And frankly, of all the recent Middle East beefs, SYRIA would be THE ONE I would pick, to REALLY go after!! Syria is Iran’s right hand in the area… and Taking Syria down, would SERIOUSLY cripple Iran’s influence in the region, put a BIG hurt on local area terrorism, and HELP Israel’s strength and defenses in the area as well! IMHO…..

Hankster Careful what you wish for.Syria could be next. Glad to hear things going better for you and yours.
off subject H.R.C. at 66% approval blowing away all Dems. and Repubs.

OK, got an admitted dose of the stupids today…. HRC?
And really,as far a Syria goes… not WISHING for it, but it does seem “inevitable”… and from a tactical standpoint, a good move for MANY! My point was mainly, compared to other actions in the region, THIS one would bear the greatest benefits to the most people!

I read somewhere that an Iraqi air force general was in charge of securing and transporting chemical and biological weapons to Syria. I’ll have to find it.
He said emphatically that there were a few hundred loads transferred mostly by truck and some by air. I wonder if Syria blows up bigtime, will that info leak out and be legitimized? I wonder what Israel’s Mossad will do about this?
Where’s Bond, Q, and MI6 on this? LOL

oil guy from ALBERTA, hi, OBAMA seem to have a can of worms open,
and the worms are coming out to crawl all over those COUNTRYS,

Hankster That’s Hillary Rodham Clinton our first female Pres in a tough win over Marco Rubio in 2016. Marco becomes our first Latin Pres in 2020.

Sarah says drill baby drill. I say bomb baby bomb.


How can we fix Syria?
It created all of its own problems.
It is a safe house for at least three major terror organizations: Hezb’allah, Islamic Jihad and Hamas.
It has a paternalistic system of government that played favorites for decades leading to the ”non-favorites” having super-high unemployment, no free public services, no cheap foods.
In recent years Assad claimed to be reforming his rule into a more market-oriented economy.
But all that has resulted is higher unemployment, higher food prices, fewer free public services, and 1/3rd of the people living below their poverty level.
Inflation is also an issue.

Syria is one of a few countries that refused to ratify the Trafficking in Persons UN resolution.
And for good reason.
Human trafficking in Syria is an old and well established business.
Sryia serves as both a destination for slaves as well as a transit point in moving slaves from their countries of origin to their new masters elsewhere.

The population is very young compared with ours:
21 years of age Syria compared with 38 in the USA.
Maybe the best thing we could do is STOP using up corn for fuel.

Ah, the Hildebeast!! I could have SWORN she said no run a week back on the tube… be you know politicians! winds change FAST! Curiously, i notice you skipped over 2012! No opinion yet??

Ok, i’m game! Bomb WHO exactly??

@ Nan G…. You asked…”How can we fix Syria?”

Carpetbombing……serve 24 hr notice to leave all cities, then the game is on! ALL people leaving the country to be ID’d… all Known terror players, well, they just vanish… their country, we’ll play by THEIR rules there. Cold, but effective. The “Mr’ Nice guy” approach doesn’t work there… OR in DC for THAT matter!

Or they can unconditionally surrender first….

as to Ethanol.. yep, dead horse, time to STOP beating it! The FARM LOBBY (lobby-ists should be BANNED) needs to sit down and STHU!! NUFF already!

Hankster, hi, how can they start another war, when they can’t finish AFGHANISTAN’ S WAR,
where will the money come from to pay for that LIBYA WAR, when they spend it all

Ms. Bees: Hankster, hi, how can they start another war, when they can’t finish AFGHANISTAN’ S WAR….

Simple, Ms. Bees… they refuse to call it “a war”.

Never said we SHOULD! Question was, how do we FIX Syria?? That said……
Syria has been a royal pain in the ass since I can remember as a KID!! (54 now) I remember Syria, on the news in the 60’s causing trouble etc!! So frankly, if It got blown off the map, it would be a BLESSING to the rest of the world. Again, I may be cold here, but I’m being straight with you! Some people, just don’t deserve to breath the air on THIS planet! If someone, can show the the redeeming factors these terrorist dictators have for the rest of planet earth, I’m all ears!

MATA, hi, they dont call a WAR, A WAR,
THATS why the many people don’t show respect for those military going in there
and spilling their sweath an blood and meet DEATH AT EVERY CORNER,
so to protect their freedom, that is a stupidity to call it anything but war,

Hankster, hi, they should not do itmeaning start a war when the LEADER is cleaning up his ennemies, which happen to be our own too,
there is a time for everything,and they waited all this time ,why facilitate the other to gain power,
when you know they are being driven by radicals, they will come back to haunt him who started
the war.