In the The Godfather Don Corleone asked Hollywood producer Jack Woltz to cast Johnny Fontane in a movie. Woltz refuses and Corleone tells Johnny this:
In Wisconsin the cops and firemen have sent a not-so-subtle message to the businesses of Wisconsin. In part it reads:
The undersigned groups would like your company to publicly oppose Governor Walker’s efforts to virtually eliminate collective bargaining for public employees in Wisconsin. While we appreciate that you may need some time to consider this request, we ask for your response by March 17. In the event that you do not respond to this request by that date, we will assume that you stand with Governor Walker and against the teachers, nurses, police officers, fire fighters, and other dedicated public employees who serve our communities.
Then they ominously add this:
In the event that you cannot support this effort to save collective bargaining, please be advised that the undersigned will publicly and formally boycott the goods and services provided by your company.
It is “signed” by a number of police and firefighter unions.
In the WSJ James Taranto writes:
In the letter to Wisconsin businessmen, however, we see why so-called collective bargaining is particularly corrupting to the police. Although the letter explicitly threatens only an economic boycott, when it is written on behalf of the police–of those on whom all citizens depend to protect their safety–it invariably raises the prospect of another kind of boycott. Can a businessman who declines this heavy-handed “request” be confident that the police will do their job if he is the victim of a crime–particularly if the crime itself is in retaliation for his refusal to support “the dedicated public employees who serve our communities”?
Radio host Charlie Sykes in Milwaukee quipped
“That’s a nice business you got there. Pity if anything were to happen to it if, say, you didn’t toe the line and denounce Governor Walker like we’re asking nice-like.”
Apparently, it’s on.
Death threats are flying all around Wisconsin but neither the press nor the police seem to have any interest in them.
Try to set aside whatever biases or preconceptions you might have for a moment and ask yourself why death threats against politicians aren’t considered national news, especially in the wake of the all too fresh shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and other bystanders. And there hasn’t just been one death threat, but a number of them.
Doug Ross has a collection of pictures representing the finest of the left and their death threats.
The media is completely derelict in regards to these threats.
Would they have reported these threats if they were made against Democrats? Seems a metaphysical certitude, correct?
While Ezra Klein has done his best to rally the left wing stormtroopers in an effort to recall Wisconsin Republicans, Wisconsin lefties are far less tolerant of Republicans’ rights to do the same to the AWOL Democrats. In fact, left wing protesters destroyed the petitions completed by the right.
Upon arrival, members of the recall committee were encircled by union protesters carrying signs and a leader with a mega phone who began chanting and ranting loudly. They packed in tightly around the petition collection table so as to prevent those attempting to sign from doing so. At one point, a pro union protester, pretending to be interested in signing the petition, wrote profanity across a partially collected petition form, than began ripping up the completed petitions that were in close proximity.
And the cops?
The policemen who were there, and who were standing in close proximity to these events as they unfolded, did nothing to assist those collecting the petitions as they were being destroyed, despite such an action being a Felony under Wisconsin law. Police also did nothing to clear the walk way for citizens that wanted to sign the petitions. Recall Committee members received many phone calls the following day from Merill area citizens who stated that they showed up to sign the petition, but were too afraid to get out of their vehicles and approach the recall table.
Videos of the events can be seen at Professor Bill Jacobson’s blog.
FDR had this to say about public sector unions and collective bargaining:
“All Government employees should realize that the process of collective bargaining, as usually understood, cannot be transplanted into the public service. It has its distinct and insurmountable limitations when applied to public personnel management. The very nature and purposes of Government make it impossible for administrative officials to represent fully or to bind the employer in mutual discussions with Government employee organizations. The employer is the whole people, who speak by means of laws enacted by their representatives in Congress.”
Destroying petitions? Oops, didn’t see it! Your business burned down? Sorry we were late getting there!
This is outright extortion. It is obscene. It is the best reason yet to abolish all public sector unions. Cops and firefighters are not hired to be the “finest” and the “bravest” at times of their own choosing. It would be their right to individually boycott any business they choose but to do so as a union eating from the public wallet?
It’s outrageous.

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
If people have to call 911 in Wisconsin they MUST throw in a couple of ”All Hail Obama” pronouncements to ensure good service.
(Maybe a poster of Obama/HOPE on the wall at home would help, too.)
Oh, and they shouldn’t be on the ”slow response” list that police/fire are ”boycotting.”
And still more:
Any takers on a bet as to when the police will get around to investigating this?
No surprise that thug tactics are on display here. And ‘Democracy’? Democracy is nothing more than mob rule, and this example show’s just how mob-like the unions can get.
So………….now we, the people, are treated to threats against our children. If we don’t do as the union teacher says, bad things will happen. Like what, you wonder? Well, if the teachers are in control of your students, and their grades, don’t hope for your child getting good grades at school, even if the child was a straight A student previously. Disciplinary actions for all manner of “bad behaviour”, no matter how well-spoken and respectful the student has been previously. Have a teen working their butts off to make it into Harvard? Not likely if your seen as a supporter of Gov. Walker.
So, Greg, you just continue to believe in your fairy-tale world of unicorns and utopia where the public employee unions are concerned. No amount of truth has stopped you yet, so we don’t expect you to wake up to it anytime soon.
they couldn’t get lower than using the children on parents, I assume that she didn’t sign that
too coward to do it, that should definitly not be a teacher, and how many more to agree on bullying tactics, shame on all of them get them out on 2012, replace them with other smart real AMERICANS THAT CARE FOR THE LAW AND RESPECT OTHER,
Ms. Bees, I totally agree about your statement regarding them using the children. I don’t believe they could get any lower than that.
This isn’t a civil disagreement between two different groups of idealogues. It is despicable what they are stooping to, and all to intimidate people, most of whom pay the taxes that pay their wages and benefits, into allowing them to further intimidate and threaten in order to get their way.
I have to comment on this statement too:
It’s not that we conservatives don’t believe teachers work hard. It’s not that we don’t think most of them earn what they take home. It’s that we, the people, simply don’t have the money available to continue on paying them what they want. Someone had to say “No more!”.
It’s not about what the teachers expect to be paid. It’s about what the people can afford to pay them. If the teachers don’t think it’s fair, or want more, and they aren’t given what they feel they deserve, they don’t have to continue working at their jobs.
@johngalt, #52:
Any Wisconsin teacher would be capable of composing grammatically correct hate mail–assuming, of course, that he or she were so inclined in the first place. There certainly wouldn have been any reference to “my hard earned blue ribbon bennies”. And a teacher threatening children? All in all, a pathetically transparent spoofing effort.
Josiah Cantrall of American Thinker must be hard pressed for credible examples of union intimidation, if this is the best he can come up with.
As I mentioned earlier, the main thing that Wisconsin unions have going for them is strong support among the general public. It’s not at all in their interest to diminish that by doing anything that the general public would disapprove of. If you’re a business owner, you’re at far greater risk from idiots who would like to see acts of vandalism attributed to unions.
That risk could be high. The maladjusted little sh-ts who skulk around randomly defacing and destroying private and public property typically harbor a special dislike for teachers and police.
GREG I don’t think It’s Idioty for you, but It’s denial , and on and on,
that is a problem in the BRAIN,a failier to see that blue is blue,
that the sound you hear is not a bell in your brain,
I read what you wrote, but all I really saw was you calling someone a liar for posting an article you don’t agree with.
Is this gonna be your defense anytime an example of liberal union thuggery is noted? “Oh, it couldn’t be my friends the liberals doing it, it must be the evil conservatives trying get my pals falsely accused of crimes”. That is, essentially, what you are saying.
Life is too short, and it will all be the same a thousand years from now. So why sweat the petty sh*t?
Cops have been thugs with badges for as long as there been sleazy attorneys and liberal, activist judges.
At all levels, the legal apparatus in this country is an illusion and a sick joke. Americans are immoral.