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Loved that line:
”…Italy has been abandoned by Europe.”
Reminded me of when there was still hope to control illegal immigration into the USA.
California begged the other 49 states, the feds, too, to share the cost of illegals or risk their spread.
The nation laughed and abandoned California, which lost 1/3rd of all its privately owned hospitals within the next few years.
The rest of the nation aren’t laughing anymore, though.

Gaddafi taunted Europe, either put up with me OR there will be an influx of dark illegals to your shores the likes of which you never imagined.

And, within hours of the UN vote, lookie-see.
There’s been an uptick in refugees from Libya.

That ”Jizya tax” thing that Itsaly tried with Libya?
(In a reparation deal with Italy worth $5 billion, Gadhafi agreed to tighten border controls in 2008. The number of Libyans landing illegally dropped from 37,000 in 2008 to just 3,000 in 2010. Malta’s influx of illegal aliens dropped from 2,775 in 2008 to 47 in 2010.
Europeans have seen that it is cheaper to pay the bribe than add increasing numbers to their social welfare costs.)
The Jizya tax only works (to keep peace between a non-Muslim people and their Muslim overlords) AS LONG AS THE OVERLORD SAYS IT DOES.
And Gaddafi just ended that time of protection.
Bribes won’t work once the infidels act in an unabased manner.
And, through the UN, the UK and France, Europe and NATO just did.

It is a violation of human rights to keep people inside a country that they don’t want to be in (North Korea, I’m looking at you); that’s slavery. However, it is by no means a violation of human rights to keep people out of one’s country, and the suggestion that it is merely demonstrates the level of delusion that permeates the Left’s view-point of the world. If the limosine liberals believe that it is our job to be charitable to the masses who have destroyed their own countries, then by all means, let them open up the doors of their mansions, and host as many of them as they like; ON THEIR OWN DIME, NOT OURS.

Gotta say, Mr. Skookum, such an obvious appeal towards ‘racial disharmony’… As an admirer of your writing, I’m disappointed. You’re usually subtle enough to provide at least the ghost of a stale fart’s worth of plausible deniability. Can you at least promise to clue us in when we should start panicking that the black people are coming?

And that’s a whole 7 hours and 16 minutes before the race card got played…
Didn’t even try to make a reasoned argument, just went straight for the “you’re a racist” ad hominem attack to bring any logical debate to a stand still. I don’t care what color the people hauling themselves over the border, or up onto our shores are; the fact remains they are entering illegally (yes, I used that word, because “No one is illegal” is one of the most farsical arguments ever), and it is our right as the citizens of this country (or for the Europeans, Canadians, Australians, Japanese, South Koreans – insert name of advanced developed nation’s citizenry here) to say, we don’t want you here.
I suppose the next step is to trot out the issue of “native peoples” who may have objected to the coming of settlers; yes, it’s a sad tired argument, but I strongly suspect someone here will give it a try.


Why is it the race card? If you can supply a logical non-race based interpretation for the author stating the following, I invite you to:

President Obama is surely contemplating importing some of Africa’s misery before the 2012 elections; especially, now that americans of becoming ever more skeptical of our president and his abilities to lead. Absorbing a few million new voters into key states could be seen as a great humanitarian gesture and a keen political move

Does it bother you at all that the proposition that the US could naturalize “a few million” Africans in time for them to vote in the 2012 election is beyond absurd, it’s nigh completely impossible? Would you like me to explain why that is to you? I’d be more than happy to. Considering hordes of African “Obama 2012” voters is not going to happen, what exactly is the point of this article? You tell me.


If you find racism within these lines, then you would maintain that we can never express our concern with accepting Third World Refugees without being called racists and we might as well accept the term and explain to the people and the president that our economy is not vibrant enough to be accepting refugees and the increased taxes that will be required to feed, house, and train them.

That’s not the point. The point is you trying to scare people with things that can’t happen, such as Obama opening the immigration gates to Africa to ensure his 2012 reelection. I assume you’re smart enough to know that’s complete bullsh*t? We could just post US naturalization statistics and data on the average time it takes to achieve citizenship to prove this point, but I don’t want to insult your intelligence. So perhaps you should explain why you’d put something so alarming in your piece, considering you know it’s not true.

To use the closing phrase of your first post: “Can you at least promise to clue us in when we should start panicking that the black people are coming?” Any rational person can see that’s accusing the author of racism; hence my calling it the “race card,” which it is on its face. You’re taking issue with the last two small paragraphs of the article, whereas the greater meat of it gets to the point that unchecked immigration from the vast number of failed states that compromise Sub-Saharan Africa (and feel free to insert the name of any other nation that is hemoraging “economic migrants”) into the advanced developed nations, is a recipe to “redistribute poverty and despair” around the globe. That’s the point of this article.


You’re taking issue with the last two small paragraphs of the article

True. Are you asking me to ignore them?

Ignore them no; but, I am suggesting you are attempting to derail the wider argument by hyping the author’s closing paragraphs, and not debating the overall thrust of what he’s written.

As a resident of California, I can attest to the gradual creep of liberal legislation and selective law enforcement that has made life in the “golden state” much more cushy for those here illegally, and in tandem seen our tax rate and debt levels sky-rocket as we dole out social programs, establish sanctuary cities, and edge closer to yet another amnesty. The nation ignores our woeful example at its peril.


Ignore them no; but, I am suggesting you are attempting to derail the wider argument by hyping the author’s closing paragraphs, and not debating the overall thrust of what he’s written.

The last paragraphs ARE the overall thrust: the rest is just prologue. This is the gentleman author’s MO. Everything ends with two paragraphs about Obama. He can turn the most thrilling story about a bear hunt into an attack on Obama in the last two paragraphs. That’s what he does. I don’t normally have an issue, but this time it went too far. And I say that as a huge fan of his.

I don’t count myself as naive, nor do I think that the wider thrust of the article is unworthy of debate. But, as I have no knowledge of the author’s past articles, I can’t argue on the point of an MO. If he doesn’t like Obama, that’s fine; many people, including myself, don’t either. But, I grow weary of those who just chalk it up to a “race” issue, and refuse to even engage in a substantive debate of the base issues, because those in opposition are “racists” and by extraction basically evil. So, if you wish to call the author out for just using another issue to attack Obama, I must concede that I can’t mount a credible debate on that point, as I don’t know the relevent history. However, if you’re going to claim that it’s because Obama happens to be black, then I will take issue; “racist” has essentially become our modern day “witch” cry.

If this turns out to have simply been a matter of semantics, I’ll pre-emptively apologize for having engaged in protracted posting for much ado about nothing.


I removed the “naive” comment from my post – not cool on my part. And you have zero reason to apologize to me. You have every right to post your opinion about what I’ve written and I understand your point, but I disagree with you. It’s not a big deal. People take disagreement too personally these days I think.

Egypt is a non-black part of Africa.
You know, Arabized Northern Africa.

And its plan is awful, now that Mubarak is gone.

There’s a vote for the ”new constitution.”
So, guess what’s the basis for all law in Egypt under this ”new” constitution?
If you guessed SHARIA you win.

Article 2 of the constitution that stipulates that Sharia (Islamic law) is the main source of legislation meaning Egypt becomes an Islamic state as opposed to a secular one.
So, who is supporting Sharia?

Well, the Islamists, of course.
The Muslim Brotherhood.
The National Democratic Party.
And almost everyone else, too.

“I am not an Islamist and I would vote yes — even though that I know that Islamists are lobbying hard to pass these amendments,” said Karim, a civil servant in his early 50s.
“For example, I have an issue with Article 2 of the constitution that stipulates that Sharia (Islamic law) is the main source of legislation because I think we should be building a civic state. But I know that the next constitution will keep this article. There will never be a text that would please everyone,” he said.
I will vote Yes; we need to move on,” he insisted.

Egypt’s Ahram online English

Sounds like it’s going to win.

Our current US involvement in
Libya will bite us in the ass, the US is meant to be a beacon of freedom to a troubled world and Obama does not deserve the mantle of president passed on to him if he can’t represent that, in my opinion. However if one great event comes out of the Jasmine revolution it would be the fall of socialist Chinese government. It seems Hu Jinto is at least slightly worried.

“Several top Chinese rights activists have disappeared into police custody as a web campaign urged angry citizens to mark the Middle East’s ”Jasmine Revolution” with protests, campaigners say.

Up to 15 leading rights lawyers and activists have disappeared since Saturday, said campaigners, while the government appeared to censor internet postings calling for the demonstrations.

In a speech on Saturday, the President, Hu Jintao, acknowledged growing social unrest and urged the ruling Communist Party to better safeguard stability while also ordering strengthened controls over ”virtual society” or the internet”



Skookum, that’s a great photo.
It is extemporaneous and yet that’s a wonderful portrait of the child.
A beautiful face and lovely framing by the pretty umbrella.