Who Can Beat Obama In 2012?


So the run up for 2012 is fast approaching and I’ve been contemplating, who could beat Barack Obama? Right now, I’m not seeing anyone beating him. While I see many good candidates on the Republican side I just can’t see any being able to seriously beat Obama. Huckabee put it well on GMA, you cannot underestimate the incumbency: (1 minute mark)

“I think he is going to be tough to beat,” Huckabee said.

“This race is going to be like climbing a ladder pointing toward you because Barack Obama is going to start this race with a billion dollars. He’s going to have no primary opponent,” he said. “The Republicans are going to have a crowded field all elbowing their way under the basket for the layup. And it’s not going to be a layup. It’s going to be a tough shot.”

Karl Rove:

“I consider him a favorite, albeit a slight favorite,” said former George W. Bush adviser Karl Rove. “Republicans underestimate President Obama at their own peril.”

The economy sucks, unemployment is sky high, and he is still polling in the upper 40%…and this is without any campaigning. So it’s going to be tough, and right now, at this very moment, I’m not seeing anyone who can beat him but two years is a long time away and much can happen.

A CNN poll released this week asked Americans whether they plan to vote for or against President Obama in 2012. The options were “probably vote for,” “probably not vote for,” “definitely vote for,” and “definitely not vote for.” The most popular answer was “definitely not vote for” – chosen by 35 percent of respondents. Only 25 percent say they’ll “definitely vote for” the president. 51 percent predict he will lose.

A Gallup poll also released this week might help explain why. Gallup asked respondents whether they approve or disapprove of President Obama’s performance in eight areas: health care, the economy, foreign affairs, dealing with Afghanistan, dealing with Egypt, taxes, energy policy, and the federal budget deficit. Of all of these areas, more than half of all Americans approve of President Obama’s performance on … none of them. In all eight areas, fewer than 50 percent approve of his performance.

The big undertaking will be that the Republican candidate will have to unite the establishment AND the Tea Party. That will get them the nomination.

Palin has been run through the ringer by the MSM and her negative name recognition is too high. While I would love to see her as President, and would vote for her, I think she can do much more behind the scenes than anyone else can. Christie says he isn’t running, Herman Cain…while an outstanding man has no name recognition. Same with Allen West, plus West needs more time to get his political chops.

So how about Huckabee? Mitch Daniels?

Romney? Maybe. Obama has gone out of his way to point out the major failing of Mitt Romney, his support of Socialized medicine:

In a moment that Mitt Romney’s future GOP opponents couldn’t have scripted better themselves, President Obama Monday issued a full-throated embrace of the former Massachusetts governor’s stance on health care.

“I know that many of you have asked for flexibility for your states under this law,” Obama said during a speech to a governors meeting at the White House. “In fact, I agree with Mitt Romney, who recently said he’s proud of what he accomplished on health care by giving states the power to determine their own health care solutions. He’s right.”

…In addition to Obama’s comments Monday, current Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick, a longtime Obama supporter, told ABC Sunday that “One of the best things [Romney] did was to be the coauthor of our health care reform, which has been a model for national health care reform.”

And earlier this month former top Obama advisor David Axelrod said of Romney, “We got some good ideas from him.”

These kinds of comments make me think they are a bit worried about him. But let’s say he does have a chance to beat Obama….do we, as Republicans, want him as our candidate?

He’s defended RomneyCare which is pretty much the same as ObamaCare. The base will not back that and if he flip-flops on RomneyCare then the same arguments against him in 2008 will resurface. He has a chance to beat Obama but I’m unsure if he can even get the nomination.

I’m partial to Paul Ryan at the moment. He is popular with voters and other members of Congress. Can they argue about his experience? Hmmm, chairman of the House Budget Committee PLUS he actually shows up to perform his duties. I think that would rank just fine against Obama’s complete lack of experience when he ran. But will he run?

Plenty of time left to shake things out but it’s going to be a difficult race….don’t kid yourself if you think this will be a cakewalk.

Who do you see beating Obama? Not who do you WANT to beat him, but who do you think actually can?

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@Leslie: Romneycare will be a stone around his neck. But what would be really weird would be to see the Dems run down Obamacare in order to turn voters off of Romney.

Yes, Romneycare will be a problem for Mitt Romney, but it is NOT an insurmountable problem.

Romney has to be articulate about what he did in Mass. and why. Almost all polls show that Huckabee had the best chance of beating Obama. But Huckabee is not running.

The polls say that Romney has the NEXT best chance of beating Obama. Romney is a very good businessman, and he knows how to create jobs. These things will really resonate with voters, in our terrible current economic climate. Romney also polls well with independent voters, and he can raise a LOT of money. Those things are all important. If he chooses someone new and exciting as his Vice Presidential running mate, he could have a good chance of beating Obama. Bachmann is very charistmatic and exciting. So is Alan West. Both Bachmann and West are solid conservatives the Tea Party loves, and they would really energize a Romney ticket.

@Leslie: Don’t put THAT much faith into the polls. Keep in mind that a few days before the 1980 election the polls showed that Reagan was trailing Carter and he beat him in a landslide.

Romney just seems too establishment and I think that is a nearly insurmountable problem in this upcoming election. The midterms were all about getting rid of the deadwood and electing folks who weren’t Washington insiders. Romney smacks of the Rockefeller Republican crowd and that is not a good thing.

You may be right, we shall see. If Romney does get the nod, I will hold my nose and vote for him, but that is because in that case it would be a vote against Obama rather than a vote for Romney.

You may be right about Romney being too “establishment.” I’m just trying to figure out who can beat Obama. With Huckabee and Daniels deciding not to run, the field is looking pretty dismal right now.

I absolutely LOVE Michelle Bachmann, but worry that she may not get the nomination, because of her lack of executive experience. Pawlenty is already being characterized as “McCain-lite”, and he also strikes me as being a lightweight. Herman Cain does not have the name recognition, and he’s raised a whopping $13,000 so far. I don’t think Alan West will run for President, though he might run for Vice President. West would be awesome as a VP. I’d love to see Chris Christie run, but he’s made it clear that he’s not running.

“Establishment” or not, Romney strikes me as a real heavyweight. He won’t be as good as Gingrich in a debate, but he’ll still be good in a debate against Obama. I think he has a chance, running on a ticket WITH a new face that is not establishment, such as Bachmann or West as Vice President. If our economy continues to be as bad in November 2012 as it is right now, Republicans and Independents will vote for Romney.

Yesterday I cheered when I heard that Mr. Cain put his name in the hat. I told my husband about it. He was thinking “McCain” and looked at me as if I lost my mind. I figured it out and said, “No, not McCain. Cain, the pizza man.” He said that he could get behind Cain. So I sent some of his money as donation. LOL

If you checked those same polls, all of the GOP candidates are behind in the polls. It’s just too early and no one is really dialling in yet.

As for Cain, just wait for the MSM machine to gear up. He won’t know what will hit him.

@Leslie: I really hope that Christie doesn’t get into the race, but I fear he will. The only thing conservative about Christie is his fiscal policy. Other than that, he believes in man-made global warming, he is shaky, to say the least, on the 2nd amendment and he has close ties to radical muslims.

But if no clear front runner emerges, I am afraid the GOP establishment will come to him and talk him into running.

Anyone who thinks that our country is not messed up beyond belief is living in a fantasy world. No one and I mean no one can make a bigger mess than Obama has made. When the left wing liberals start boiling and eating their cats things will get better. Trust me, hunger will give you a quick attitude adjustment. People would do good to look at out debt and the inflation we have and maybe even hyperinflation coming down the pike when the interest rates start to climb back up and the fractional reserve banks start to dump all the printing press money on the market. However, no, all they want to see is strut and shine, which is what Obama has and nothing else. One thing for sure strut and shine will not put meat on your bones. So for anyone crazy enough to put this man back into office, I wish you all the luck in the world because you are going to need it. The ones of us who have common sense and who own land, and can plant their own food, and is debt free will fair OK, but for the ones who like strut and shine and cannot add two and two and come up with four and who rely on the main stream media for all of their information, and last but not least thinks the world owes them something then have at it. Reelect Obama and see where it gets’s you. Anyone care for boiled cat.
One last thing, our number one problem is politicians who love to spend, Democrats and Republicans, along with a fiat money system and their partner in crime the Federal Reserve. Our debt stems from those things, pure and simple, nothing else. Come on boys we need to get reelected so drag out the government check book and let’s pile some money on some free loaders and collect their vote. That my friends will catch up to you in the long run. Like I say, “anyone care for cat”.

Plat, I hate boiled cat, so I will vote for Mickey Mouse over Obama.

Is everyone going to stand by and allow politicians to choose future politicians? I, for one, am not happy with their choices so far so why would I want to give them that power again?
I know that the Republican establishment, where I am, has practically written Mr. Cain off with less than three days into his campaign. When someone denigrates someone without knowledge, I have no use for them. I think it’s shameful. A man, who speaks from the heart, is called “entertainment”. What have we come to?
Mr. Cain would surround himself with the best economic and military minds available. There will be no czars. He would abide by his oath to the Constitution. I’m not counting him out. This time it’s We The People.. not sheep being led blindly.

Flashi…I agree with you 100%!

Flashi, you got it, yes, the PEOPLE POWER WILL DO IT

Email: May 19, 2011

Governor Rick Perry,

I have never written a letter like this before…but I have never been more concerned and worried about the direction our county is heading in…We are truly at the crossroads of what could be the most vital turning point in our nation’s history…We are being led off a cliff by a madman that somehow became president of the greatest country on earth…A madman that no one knew anything about and still was elected to the most powerful position on the planet…only because he was always and still is protected by a bias and corrupt national media without a conscious…that only knows how to give him a pass and would never dare question who or what he really was…Now we know that this madman is a compete fraud and he is pushing our country into the abyss and to brink of no return…

I have followed your political career and I highly admire and respect you… I have seen the true qualities and the solid leadership you possess in all the great things that you have done for Texas…I know that the great state of Texas needs you…but this great country needs you more and needs you now…Our country has never been in a more dire and desperate position than it is now…Our county is slowly dying and is in a death roll of a crisis like never before…Obama is our nations greatest crisis…he is the cancer that is painfully destroying our country from within…If we do not stop Obama in 2012, our country will never be the same again…we will never recover from the fundamental changes and this nightmare that we all are being forced to live in…

I am only one voice right here and right now… but there are millions of others all around our great country that are pleading and are praying along with myself, for you to consider running for the presidency of the United States…There will never be another time like this…there has never been a more crucial time than now and there may never be another chance left for any of us if we do not stop the madness that is breaking the back of our country and bringing us to our knees…

The republican party is a mess just like everything else is in this country…We have no leaders…the party and the candidates are weak and in total disarray and will defeat itself against Obama…We need you Mr. Perry…our country desperately needs you…we need a true, strong conservative leader that has proven himself…we need a leader that can talk the talk and walk the walk and that has a great family behind him…we need someone that can lead us out of this nightmare and put us back on a path that helped make our country the greatest and strongest on earth…we need someone like you that can make our country stronger and better than ever before…or we will never be that great country again…

It is now or never…We must persevere…We must win…There is no option…

God Bless You and your family and God Bless America…

Respectfully Submitted,


KReed, WOW, this will surely get answerd, absolutly a contribution to find the best PERSON,
is the only way to go, many like will follow on your initiative,
best to you thank you for AMERICA

joetote, on 35, march one, we are on MAY 28, AND the last speech of HERMAN CAIN,
HAS POWERED THE CROWD OF 50000 PEOPLE, this speech is resounding in many ears now,

Roman Cantrell, hi, on may 28, please read the speech from HERMAN CAIN and video,
it will sweep your feet of the floor.

CBR you have to add a SARAH PALIN THERE TOO,
THIS NEXT ELECTION will demand a CREW already settle to work with one leader they have accepted to follow,
this is crucial to win, just like a battle of righ against wrong,
heaven against hell.

@CbR: With Ron Paul as Secretary of the Treasury

@KReed: I used to be a strong Rick Perry supporter, until I was listening to the Mark Levin radio program this past Friday.

Seems he is against the Arizona bill that enables it to enforce illegal immigration that was signed into law by Gov. Jan Brewer.



He also signed into law, a bill that granted In-State tuition to illegal aliens.



On taxes, he seems very, VERY liberal –


I was amazed to hear these allegations coming from the Texas callers into the Mark Levin radio show, so I looked them up when I got home and every one of them seem to be true.

It is sad that the GOP is finding it harder and harder to discover TRUE conservatives to turn to for leadership.

anticsrocks, good that some like you find their faults big enough to take them off the list.

@ilovebeeswarzone: Yeah beezy, I think that in order for us to get a handle on the progressive-socialist agenda that has been in play for over 7 decades in this country, we will have to scrutinize our prospective Conservative leaders with a hefty magnifying glass.

Any RINO that gets elected will only make things worse, it will slow things down from the blistering pace Obama has set, but it won’t stop them.


Well……. If a Native Kenyan can be president…Why don’t we make a Native Russian president? I say lets put Vladamir Putin in Office, He is real, He is a visionist, He is straight forward with everything, He does not give a crap what Europe ,China, or anyone else thinks! And he actually has balls and knows how to eliminate any un-necessary baggage!!! I wish that we had someone who was not dependent on the political system of present because it is a certain slow death for what we cherish!

George Bush Sr. was also an incumbant! I hope Palin runs because when she loses, maybe she will finally disappear back under her rock! Yuck! Maybe the campaign to draft Christie will work. Would like to see what he really can do. You Republicans are really dreaming, though, with Gingrich, Ryan, etc. They have already shot themselves in the foot, and, have no chance. I want to see a good Dem emerge and challenge Obummer for the nomination. And if he/she wins, that is the person I would vote for. Otherwise, there are several million people who may do write ins.

@Arsinoe: You are discounting a whole bunch of candidates/potential candidates there aren’tcha?

You despise Palin, yet you pine for Christie. That shows your true colors, because once you get away from fiscal policies, Christie is clearly shown to be a RINO.

* He is a believer in AGW
* He is not strong on the 2nd Amendment
* He is not against Obamacare
* He has ties to radical Islam

I may agree with you that Gingrich shot himself in the foot, but why do you mention Ryan? He isn’t even considering a run.

Perhaps you might look for room under the rock you crawled out of…

Ars inoe woops my error,
what was your point again, we have the best here to those who can see,
the quality needed for a PRESIDENT, those will reignite the flame that they blew off, and never again will AMERICA DO THE SAME MISTAKE,
what was your point again?

@ilovebeeswarzone: Go get him, beezy!! 😀

anticsrocks hi, you must see the SKOOKUM POST TITLE: I LIKE THAT DARK HORSE,

@ilovebeeswarzone: Thanks, beezy! Don’t know how I missed that post by Skookum.

Great article and great video.

Gary Johnson can beat Obama. He is the only true fiscal conservative with a proven track record as Governor of New Mexico. The guy climbed Mt. Everest. He’s not a whimp who will roll over for the critics.


1. They are not part of the Mayhem we are having to digest now!
2. They can absorb the vote of the majority of:
a. Productive citizens
b. Black vote (especially professionals would rally behind them)
c. Jewish vote and support (They have had enough of Obama, and don’t even try to tell somebody what Jews think when they are a Jew!)
d. Small and Medium business people!
f. Any conservative that has a lick of sense and understands how those in office have betrayed us!
g. Total military vote….ehhhh 98%
I bet we can get at least 60% of the vote with them!
They both are very intelligent and bright men, Obama would lose hands down to attack them! They could reveal him for the Idiot he really is! No room for Racial issues! No room for Jihadist! Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson in the unemployment line!!! (Hell that alone would be worthwhile!!!)

@J V Hoffman: Okay, I like Cain and West as well.

Small and Medium business people!

So you’re saying they’ve got the midget vote?

@anticsrocks: Look at the Statistics my friend small (under 100 employees) and medium (under 300 employees) Employ the majority of Americans…No midget! And they would also carry a larger number of those who work for large corporations seeing the dependability factor for retirements has really dropped!

It just occur to me, that 2 can decide that one will be the sacrificial lamb to take the rapt of the MEDIA,
to save the other energy so to the other emerge energyse to take it all for AMERICA ONLY WITH A POWER HIT THAT WILL SINK THE OPPONANT

Anticsrocks P.C. not midgets They’re “little people” How you feeling?
Btw Cain will need all the support he can get to win nom.

Ever noticed how some people attached themselves to certain terms? Amazing it actually reflect s their nature and the reality of who they are! Like “little people” Those who are really nothing but want others to think they are, naturally seek to climb up using terms, phases, the back of someone else, or their proverbial one liner crock of Sh_t!

Who are the people who use the terms like “little people” take a look! Yes they probably are not even tax payers either!

Only the little people pay taxes
It has been over three years since Warren Buffett pointed out that he pays a smaller percentage of his income in taxes than his employees. In fact, his receptionist payed almost twice the percentage he pays, even though he doesn’t even take advantage of tax shelters that are available to the rich.
It isn’t like the rich don’t appreciate this. Some of you may remember billionaire real estate baroness Leona Helmsley, who was prosecuted for fraud and tax evasion by then District Attorney Rudy Giuliani. During her trial, one of her maids famously quoted Helmsley as saying “We don’t pay taxes. The little people do.”
So it is somewhat fitting that a study of the Helmsley Building shows that the rich residents of that building also pay a far smaller percentage of their income than “the little people”. The residents averaged over a million dollars in income in 2007, and yet they paid less than 15% of this in federal taxes. On the other hand, the workers in that building — janitors and security guards — who earned on average a paltry $30,000 dollars a year, paid as much as a quarter of that in federal taxes. Can you even survive in New York City on $23,000 a year?
And it isn’t just rich individuals that are making out like bandits. Corporations are using tax loopholes to avoid paying any taxes at all.
For example, in 2009 Bank of America didn’t pay a single dollar in federal income taxes, while at the same time paying their top executives salaries as high as $30 million. Another bank, Citigroup, recently reported zero taxes owed for the third quarter of 2010.
And it isn’t just banks. Boeing hasn’t paid any federal taxes since 2008. Exxon-Mobil does pay taxes but somehow manages using offshore subsidiaries in the Caribbean to not pay any of them in the US. That’s right, no US taxes, even though in 2009 they passed Wal-mart in the Fortune 500 and paid their CEO over $29 million in salary. Likewise, General Electric paid no federal taxes in 2009, and neither did Wells Fargo.
So, given this situation, why was it so absolutely important to extend Bush’s tax cuts for the rich? We had those tax cuts for 10 years — did they help the economy? Did they trickle down and create new jobs? Is our economy booming like they promised us?
And now, we are being asked to believe that in order to balance our budget, we have to cut salaries for teachers and firefighters? Seriously? How stupid do they think we are?

@J V Hoffman: lol, I was just trying to inject a bit of humor.

@rich wheeler: lol, thanks for the clarification! 🙂

Thank you for asking, I am still battling my CHF, seems more adjustments of my meds are in order.

Taking so many meds that I rattle when I walk now, lol.

anticsrocks, hi, we have to know for sure the times and spaces needed between any meds,
some will fight with one of it to get the leadership on healing one part while other are beeing shoved out to
with food intake not having time to do their jobs, some will like a still body asleep to work properly, ecetera,
and the free for all intake of them is not recommanded,
so it must be clear to the body to know the right time he will need one as oppose to the other at the same time,
there also some food and drink that will neutralyse one or enhance the other,

@ilovebeeswarzone: Thank you beezy! 🙂

anticsrocks, a good lazy rest will help, bye

Allen West…please, run for President….do it for our Country!!!! You are the man that can turn our Country back to where it should be heading…right now! Herman Cain…VP!

Julie Cain is running .Why would you dis him with a V.P. offer behind someone who isn’t running?

Herman Cain has, in fact, already said he’s not running for second place. It is not the goal of free men to become second in anything. That being said, he has not disavowed being a selection for the vice presidential slot should that be where God leads him.
Congressman West has totally ruled out a presidential run. Michele Bachmann is doing quite well. The only thing, that just sits wrong with me, is that after hearing her speak on several occasions – she seriously either needs to give up the speech writers or she needs better ones. I like her. I supported her for Congress, but the redundancy gets a bit much.
Herman, and I’m sure he won’t mind me calling him by his first name, speaks from the heart. I haven’t seen a single note card when the man gives a speech. He does not falter. He claims God is his guide and will always be ever present in his thoughts. God bless you, Mr. Cain.

@rich wheeler: My apologies Rich. I of course would want Herman Cain to be President since he is ruinning but I did not clarify that if I had it my way, I’d like to see Allen West as Pres, and Herman Cain as VP. No offense to Mr. Cain but I think West would be a better candidate. But since this is not the case, Cain all the way.

@Flashi: Yes, I’m with you all the way regarding Michelle Bachman. I like her too but she does need to work on her speaking skills. I also like Sarah Palin but I think she’s been totally torn to pieces by the media and I don’t think she has a strong chance. I do like Cain but I’m not as familiar with him. I did applaud when he challenged Clinton’s healthcare budget. He is a very sharp guy and the fact he is a Christian and not afraid to show his faith makes him my candidate. Thanks for the insight. I’ll be doing more research on Mr. Cain.

Flashi, fine , just fine, nothing to take out of this,
my my, what a pizza party we would have all together after this,

Seriously, not ONE person has mentioned Ron PAUL? Strict constitutionalist, christian, actual military service, delivered babies for a living, technically the “most conservative member of congress” i mean seriously whats not to like? it makes me sick that the current republican party is so pro-war that this one issue is enough to write him off. personally i would rather spend money taking care of our veterans which we are so terrible at, and oh i dunno, end a couple completely pointless wars saving us trillions….
WAKE UP AND STOP TAKING POLITICIANS AT THEIR WORD, LOOK AT THEIR RECORD! Sarah Palin can say whatever she wants, she’s a quitter, who is completely pathetic when it comes to understanding our constitution and our history. Bachmans just as bad, claiming our founding fathers worked tirelessly to end slavery (most of them had slaves!!!). Looking at their backgrounds I wouldn’t welcome either of them into my home. Every other option right now has so many problems, the current “front runner” is a mormon who just last week claimed “corporations are people.” People wake the hell up! Ron Paul is everything you are looking for! Unless of course, you want to turn America into a christian orgy and convert every single American into a Christian, which is obviously unconstitutional but also defeats the purpose of CHOOSING christ as your personal savior.

I’m just beyond disgusted that no one else seems to notice that every republican (and most democrats) running right now is OBVIOUSLY bought and paid for. NONE of them would enforce taxes on the rich, cut tax loopholes, for corporations to pay their taxes, because their buddies are paying them not to! If there was one reason to vote for Ron Paul, it would be that he’s not able to be bought! in fact, he RETURNS money every year to the treasury! he is a champion and the fact that you people are actually considering a half term governor soccer mom with an attitude, for PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES literally makes me sick to my stomach. especially compared to a man with a 30 year conservative voting record that speaks for itself, a close personal friend of Ronald Reagan, a man who fights everyday to protect the constitution that not one other member of the republican party can seem to remember… its pathetic.

@kyle: You said:

Sarah Palin can say whatever she wants, she’s a quitter, who is completely pathetic when it comes to understanding our constitution and our history.

Obviously you have no idea what you are talking about. She is up on her American history, and understands the Constitution completely.