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Gwen Moore:

“I would plead with my colleagues …not to de-fund Planned Parenthood…I know all about having Black babies…I hade my first baby at the ripe old age of 18, an unplanned pregnancy…I just want to tell you a little bit about what it’s like not to have Planned Parenthood. You have to add water to the formula; you have to give your kids Ramen noodles at the end of the month to fill up their little bellies so that they won’t cry; you have to give them mayonnaise sandwiches.”

Gwen needs to rummage through the trash at a food kitchen like the one Michelle Obama served up mushroom risotto at back in 2009.
Remember Miriam’s Kitchen?
Here’s a quote by the owner to the Washington Post reporter:
if anyone brings us donuts, Steve Badt [the chef] throws them away. It is not good for our guests…. Steve wants our guests to have the same experience as if they were paying $30 for a meal.”
Other free food kitchens all across America are doing the same.

Why be stuck with ramen or mayo sandwiches?
Sounds like a ploy for bleeding hearts newspapers to use, to me.

BTW, our homeless in Long Beach eat very well, if they stand in a long line three times a day.
Nice restaurants donate their foods and church groups (and some other groups) create good meals out of the ingredients on a monthly schedule.

When did Planned Parenthood become a food stamps and/or food bank outlet??

Oh, that’s right…. they aren’t.


“Don’t let it end like this; Tell them I said something…..”

-Poncho Villa’s last words.

New White House Press secretary, Jay Carney, when asked about the Stimulus, said, “The goals [of the Stimulus package] have been met.”

Really!? Do they think that we are really that stupid?!? It seems to me that one of the original goals stated that the stimulus would reduce unemployment to around 7 percent. What are we at, like 9-10%? That’s like an NFL team stating a goal of winning the SB, only to barely make it to .500 on the season and claiming it was a success.

BTW, I don’t think there was much “change” when Carney took over for Gibbs. They still parrot the One’s idiocy out to the masses.

@johngalt: You said:

BTW, I don’t think there was much “change” when Carney took over for Gibbs. They still parrot the One’s idiocy out to the masses.

Maybe a few less “Ums.”

RT @FloppingAces: Say What? The Silly Things Liberal Say http://bit.ly/fz3eYU #tcot #rightnetwork #teaparty

Say What? The Silly Things Liberal Say http://bit.ly/fz3eYU #tcot #rightnetwork #teaparty