Czar you kidding me? The Putinesque left wing media rewrites history.
In the old Soviet Union there was a frequent effort to rewrite history no longer useful or harmful to its then- current narratives. Stalin made great usage of altering photos. …
In the old Soviet Union there was a frequent effort to rewrite history no longer useful or harmful to its then- current narratives. Stalin made great usage of altering photos. …
What if they gave a rally and nobody came? ‘We’re going to change history today,’ the master of ceremonies at the August 28, 2016 DCRally4Refugees proclaimed – incongruously – …
MSNBC has actually admitted they are in the tank for Obama and that he is above ‘their’ critical analysis; a fact that we have known and discussed since the 2008 campaign. The fact that they manipulated a national election with their dishonesty alludes their consciousness and they still make efforts to justify their dishonesty by the supposed purity of their Socialist agenda. To portray their news casting as objective is a serious breach of the public trust and becomes increasingly dishonest and immoral because of their intentional reluctance to investigate the fraudulent or non-existant qualifications of the first president to be elected under false pretenses or at least pretenses that can’t be substantiated.
Newton’s First Law Of Motion: An object in motion will remain in a state of motion unless eternal forces are applied. Reflective of Galileo’s writings on inertia, this First Law …
After the tragedy in Tucson, everyone is concerned with the metaphors that had nothing to do with the murders or the homicidal maniac who pulled the trigger, but if there …
The Left’s defense for the behavior of the Journolistas is that it is just media types pooling their ideas; true enough, unfortunately, their ‘ideas’ were propaganda and lies that swayed …
Helen Thomas, a staunch supporter for the Obama Administration in her role as a White House Press Corps (Corpse in Obama Speak) correspondent, has retired in light of her Freudian …