New Speaker of the House John Boehner was unable to come up with a single government program he would cut when quized by NBC’s Brian Williams (via Below The Beltway).
The exact quote, from the interview (via Reason):
WILLIAMS: Name a program right now that we could do without.
BOEHNER: I don’t think I have one off the top of my head.
The news is definitely concerning conservatives who thought the new Congress was prepared to take a real hatchet to government spending.
Where does one begin when an important leader of our party is this stupid????
Makes me want to cry.
Wm T Sherman
14 years ago
Ivan, not naming a program to a hostile reporter could be a simple tactical move.
Watch what they actually do.
Nan G
14 years ago
At a news conference, John Boehner, R-Ohio, said emphatically he was standing by a pre-election pledge to cut government spending by at least $100 billion this year. “No ifs, ands or buts about it,” he said.
Maybe not whole programs off the tip of his tongue, but slices off of everything.
14 years ago
WTS: Nice, you’re on script. I love it!
Come on, admit it, you’re disappointed in that lame answer.
$100 B is CHUMP CHANGE in this day and age.
14 years ago
@ Wm T Sherman, #3:
If Brian Williams were truly hostile he probably would have mentioned puppies, instantly reducing Jon Boehner to tears.
But seriously… Republicans regained control of the House by promising voters fiscal responsibility and spending cuts. They argued that tax cut extensions wouldn’t run up even more debt because there would be spending cuts. What they’re actually thinking about cutting is probably the single most important question. It’s not like they haven’t had plenty of time to think about it.
Wm T Sherman
14 years ago
Ivan: A concern troll.
Greg: A run-of-the-mill Progressive troll.
Given the degree to which Democrats have flat-out lied, outrageously and without mercy, about what they intend to do in the future, and about what they have done in the past, if Boehner wants to be cagey for a moment, I say it’s a pretty damned small thing in comparison, and I’ll wait and see.
I understand where you guys are coming from — according to you, the slightest imperfection in the topcoat means that the whole car should be junked immediately. It’s a psych game; shouting Choke! Choke! Choke! at the batter.
Seriously – the latest full-court press, coordinated (obviously coordinated) campaign from the Left is to disparage and deligitimize the Constitution. And then we have the Dems claiming that they were oh-so fiscally responsible the last four years (sic. — they held both houses of Congress starting in 2007), and that the current depression was entirely inherited from G.W. Bush. Those are your people saying these things. Defend them if you can.
Boehner and the Republicans aren’t perfect, but I’ll take them over lying Democrats any day.
14 years ago
Wm T Sherman: A shill-troll for the progressive Republicans.
Wm, buy a clue if you haven’t got one. It’s obvious that nothing remarkable will get done with this congress with cry-babies like Boehner protecting the ear-marks and other pork-barrel projects.
The Republicans ran on fiscal sanity and I’m so far not impressed.
I hope I’m wrong, it just doesn’t look good at this point.
14 years ago
Great clip. The problem is like all progs she’ll pop up like a whack-a=mole.
I’m afraid with John Boehner leading congress we will get more of the same “old school” leadership that has driven us in the wrong direction for years. He has been part of the system for way too long and doesn’t have the cajones to upset the apple cart in a way that it needs.
We need new blood leadership with heart and conviction. Put Allen West in charge, this is no time for reaching across the aisle, this is a time for boldly changing dirction. Compromise will only get us more of what we have already gotten over the last two years.
Republicans regained control of the House by promising voters fiscal responsibility and spending cuts.
You seem to be forgetting those “kill the bill” Washington, DC visitors last March. Not only were they in DC, they held many more marches across the country as well. I think they were after more than “fiscal responsibility” and “spending cuts” promises. Boehner, Ryan, Cantor, etc. aren’t forgetting.
Steps baby….civil rights wasn’t passed in one attempt, neither was welfare reform.
Wm T Sherman
14 years ago
All or nothing, hey Ivan?
You go to war with the army that you’ve got.
Your approach of complaining/disengagement/taking your ball and going home, will produce nothing. Maybe that’s what you want.
The public is watching now. There are politicians, and then there are politicians whose feet are held to the fire. Not the same animal at all.
Are you going to participate in reminding them who’s boss? Everything you’ve written suggests not. In fact, you want us to join you as heroes on the field of righteous inaction.
Common Sense
14 years ago
@Ivan: Relax dude, he needs to be carful what he says on a show like this. An interview of this nature is NOT the place!! Geeeeze give him a breaki!!
How can I down load it????
New Speaker of the House John Boehner was unable to come up with a single government program he would cut when quized by NBC’s Brian Williams (via Below The Beltway).
The exact quote, from the interview (via Reason):
WILLIAMS: Name a program right now that we could do without.
BOEHNER: I don’t think I have one off the top of my head.
The news is definitely concerning conservatives who thought the new Congress was prepared to take a real hatchet to government spending.
Read more:
Where does one begin when an important leader of our party is this stupid????
Makes me want to cry.
Ivan, not naming a program to a hostile reporter could be a simple tactical move.
Watch what they actually do.
At a news conference, John Boehner, R-Ohio, said emphatically he was standing by a pre-election pledge to cut government spending by at least $100 billion this year. “No ifs, ands or buts about it,” he said.
Maybe not whole programs off the tip of his tongue, but slices off of everything.
WTS: Nice, you’re on script. I love it!
Come on, admit it, you’re disappointed in that lame answer.
$100 B is CHUMP CHANGE in this day and age.
@ Wm T Sherman, #3:
If Brian Williams were truly hostile he probably would have mentioned puppies, instantly reducing Jon Boehner to tears.
But seriously… Republicans regained control of the House by promising voters fiscal responsibility and spending cuts. They argued that tax cut extensions wouldn’t run up even more debt because there would be spending cuts. What they’re actually thinking about cutting is probably the single most important question. It’s not like they haven’t had plenty of time to think about it.
Ivan: A concern troll.
Greg: A run-of-the-mill Progressive troll.
Given the degree to which Democrats have flat-out lied, outrageously and without mercy, about what they intend to do in the future, and about what they have done in the past, if Boehner wants to be cagey for a moment, I say it’s a pretty damned small thing in comparison, and I’ll wait and see.
I understand where you guys are coming from — according to you, the slightest imperfection in the topcoat means that the whole car should be junked immediately. It’s a psych game; shouting Choke! Choke! Choke! at the batter.
Seriously – the latest full-court press, coordinated (obviously coordinated) campaign from the Left is to disparage and deligitimize the Constitution. And then we have the Dems claiming that they were oh-so fiscally responsible the last four years (sic. — they held both houses of Congress starting in 2007), and that the current depression was entirely inherited from G.W. Bush. Those are your people saying these things. Defend them if you can.
Boehner and the Republicans aren’t perfect, but I’ll take them over lying Democrats any day.
Wm T Sherman: A shill-troll for the progressive Republicans.
Wm, buy a clue if you haven’t got one. It’s obvious that nothing remarkable will get done with this congress with cry-babies like Boehner protecting the ear-marks and other pork-barrel projects.
The Republicans ran on fiscal sanity and I’m so far not impressed.
I hope I’m wrong, it just doesn’t look good at this point.
Great clip. The problem is like all progs she’ll pop up like a whack-a=mole.
I’m afraid with John Boehner leading congress we will get more of the same “old school” leadership that has driven us in the wrong direction for years. He has been part of the system for way too long and doesn’t have the cajones to upset the apple cart in a way that it needs.
We need new blood leadership with heart and conviction. Put Allen West in charge, this is no time for reaching across the aisle, this is a time for boldly changing dirction. Compromise will only get us more of what we have already gotten over the last two years.
You seem to be forgetting those “kill the bill” Washington, DC visitors last March. Not only were they in DC, they held many more marches across the country as well. I think they were after more than “fiscal responsibility” and “spending cuts” promises. Boehner, Ryan, Cantor, etc. aren’t forgetting.
Steps baby….civil rights wasn’t passed in one attempt, neither was welfare reform.
All or nothing, hey Ivan?
You go to war with the army that you’ve got.
Your approach of complaining/disengagement/taking your ball and going home, will produce nothing. Maybe that’s what you want.
The public is watching now. There are politicians, and then there are politicians whose feet are held to the fire. Not the same animal at all.
Are you going to participate in reminding them who’s boss? Everything you’ve written suggests not. In fact, you want us to join you as heroes on the field of righteous inaction.
@Ivan: Relax dude, he needs to be carful what he says on a show like this. An interview of this nature is NOT the place!! Geeeeze give him a breaki!!