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Why did you pick the day with the least amount of sober people to release the NEW FA? There ain’t going to be very many people who will be able to find their computer, let along find FA on it.

SMORGASBOARD, HI, ICELAND seems to know how to peserve their treasure from step one,
thank you, and best wishes for the NEW YEAR, FOR YOU AND YOU LOVED ONE


Re #51…

Perhaps the only good thing about knowing nothing at all about something is that you can’t help but learn _something_ unless you work at it!

No doubt you’re correct, but Tallgrass owns the type of property my daughter might like to own at some point – hence his warnings of probably unanticipated problems are good to keep in mind.

Real estate is funny – for example, we learned that in New Mexico, you buy the land, but not the water under it. Even if you have a natural spring, you’re not entitled to draw from it unless you also own the water rights – and they may cost as much as the land per acre! In Texas, we learned that they don’t have the zoning restrictions or the inspection requirements we’re accustomed to in California…if your house burns down due to defective electrical wiring, too bad. It’s _your_ job to make sure stuff is inspected. I don’t intend that to be a criticism – it’s just that you can make big mistakes if you base your info gathering on your own past experience. Sometimes it pays to just chat a bit…stuff may come up. The problem is that _you_ may not ask the right questions because it never occurs to you that things will be different from what you’ve experienced, and the person you are talking to may not think to mention stuff because that’s the way it’s always been!

As Rumsfeld said…it’s the unknown unknowns that’ll get you!

Suek, hi, yes so many questions to ask when buying a house specialy for all the money and years of involvment to pay and live in it, that would be worthwhile to get an expert to check the house and ask the right things, many times it’s the one he did not ask for, that will make this house a hell to live in, and what come to my mind is the question about who and what kind of neighbords is close or even further close,
bye, happy NEW YEAR

Hope all you FA readers and posters have a Happy New Year. Looks like we may have to work hard to make it so!

Randy, yes your right, I had to do some shoveling today,and for more days in the new year
best to you, did you give yourself a present, after you shave your beard, bye

I seem to be the last one to join in2011, midnight has rang out 2010, for me now

CURT, that edit save is not there, is it part of the new FA? OR IS HE ON HOLLIDAY,

2010: The Year the Internet Went to War

“ Regulatory fiat is the unilateral taking of legislative power by a regulatory agency that cannot legally exercise that power according to the Constitution. This new theory of progressive governance, which contradicts progressive rhetoric about “democracy”, is based on the ideas of Constitutional relativism which see the Constitution as a “responsive” document in which present meanings and definitions of words, and not the original intent, are the driving force. [The Freedomist] ”

Government To Control Internet- FCC to use regulatory fiat to control net- Top News- Freedom

Top News, Net Neutrality, Julius Genachowski, FCC, Tech News, Web Tech, Social Media, Politics, Lame Duck, Obama Watch, Obama News, Freedom News, Regulatory Fiat

Government To Control Internet- Net Neutrality triggered by FCC edicts

It is supremely ironic that a man named “Julius”, whose very name evokes the title of “Caesar” should, like a Caesar from long ago, use opposite language to conceal true intent. The oft-quoted phrase by Tacitus, “Caesar made a desert and called it peace” is very applicable here.

Today’s version might read, “Julius took away internet freedom and called it freedom”- the Freedomist.

“FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski outlined a plan, which he said will ensure internet freedom, that is NOT available for public view, to expand the federal government’s power over the Internet. Having failed to gain congressional approval, the FCC is, like the EPA, introducing a new form of political coercion called “regulatory fiat.”

Regulatory fiat is the unilateral taking of legislative power by a regulatory agency that cannot legally exercise that power according to the Constitution. This new theory of progressive governance, which contradicts progressive rhetoric about “democracy”, is based on the ideas of Constitutional relativism which see the Constitution as a “responsive” document in which present meanings and definitions of words, and not the original intent, are the driving force.

“Responsive law” is nothing more than autocracy or arbitrary rule by the few over the many. This is precisely the intent of radical progressives like Julius who view constitutional limits on their power as an intolerable hindrance to what they conceitedly see as their enlightened and superior ideological aims.

The Caesaristic FCC is waging its own anti-freedom war on the Constitution, along with the EPA. Together, using regulatory fiat, they are violating the law in a felonious manner that cries out for investigations, arrests, and prosecutions. A clearer care for “evincing a design of tyranny” we cannot cite in recent history!”
Yup. It sure looks, sounds, feels and smells like that from my Point of View.

OLD TROOPER 2, HI, it seems like our new elected CONSERVATIVES AND TEAPARTYERS will need a note book to write all the things to replace or repeal or
dump or remove or correct or accused other , big job but doable in a shorth time so the people can start to see some results of their achievement; and then the next election will project more of them into the GOVERNMENT,

I quite frankly do not see much “Rescue the Republic” happening just yet.
*Nancy Pelosi gets a smaller Office
*Alan West gets Swown in (The Only PLUS)
*The GOP ‘Old Guard’ is still locked into their Old Stupid Ways
*Bi-Partisanship still means giving away the Farm
*SPENDING has not been diminished or reduced
*Czars and Other Non Elected Fools still in Place to Over Regulate and Over Reach
*Very Unfavorable Treaties and Trade Agreements in place and Trade Deficit/Balance not achieved.
*Job Creation stymied by Over Regulation/Taxation
*Un-Sustainably HUGE Governmental Agencies
*Un-Secure Borders
*Un-Constitutional Laws in place
*MEDICARE Un-Solvent
*Social Security Un-Solvent
*Treasury printing Currency that is worth Less
*Fannie/Freddie costs/debt not even predictable yet
*Home values on decline still…
*Public/Municipal Pension Funds way underfunded
*Private Sector Employment picture still looking Grim
*Public Sector Employment at Un-Sustainable Levels
*Totally Unaffordable New Programs about to Overwhelm Revenues
*Banks/Lenders still not Lending/Loaning at any significant rate or Level
*Small Businesses struggling, not hiring, hanging on…

The Republic is still on the decline and the Fools in Charge want to believe that You can Borrow and Spend the Nation to Prosperity, a Fools Quest at best…

Am I optimistic about short term outcomes? NOPE. The “Bread and Circus” will continue until the Dollar is worthless and Our Creditors stop buying Treasury Bonds because it is just too risky… The Next two or Three Generations of Americans are going to HATE Us for allowing this Yoke of Debt to be their inheritance the same way that Germans regretted WWII. No Marshal Plan in place yet to get America back on it’s feet. 53% of American Voters out the Fools in Charge…no signs of Buyers Remorse yet.

Nuada…There will be no “Victory” in Afghanistan. The Current Regime Promised a Strategic Withdrawal only. So blood, sacrifice, heroism and lives lost, lives altered permanently for America’s Second Greatest Generation, those of Our Allies and those Afghani’s that trusted US
went into the pages of History as a Noble Cause but a “Victory” would alienate Obama’s Support Base of America Hating Defeatists so No Victory.

Sorry, I did my Best but it was just not politically acceptable to win there under the misguided Foreign Policy debacle that exists in both the White House, the incredibly inept and totally incompetent US State Department that is led by No One with Foreign Policy expertise. The US Era of World Leadership may be finished for the next Decade thanks to those that want to see the US diminished to a Third Rate Power. You can thank that 53% of American Voters that stupidly out this Regime in place.

I did My Best and gave 100% of my Energy into making a difference but it was to no avail. I just want to get back to my place in Montana and do what I do best and my Service to the Nation will be complete. My Daughter wants Me to run for Elected Office… I Won’t…I despise Career Politicians and other folks that place Self above Country. I was presented with another Decoration that will join a pile of others in a shoe box in my closet and hang up my Uniform very soon. Back to Ranching and a new enterprise, a bit of Mining on my property and Shameless Capitalism that built this Nation…it can’t happen soon enough for me…

OT2 You are not alone in your thoughts. I recently met with the “retired” guys who served in Iraq with me. Your thoughts are theirs! Every time I go to the VA Hospital in Denver and see these young guys missing limbs or being pushed around in wheel chairs with no knowledge of where they are, I burn inside. We all went for a cause. Again, political issues prevented finishing the job.