I Come To Bury Caesar, not to praise him.
The evil that men do lives after them;
The good is oft’ interred with their bones
– Julius Caesar, III:2
Democrat congressmen adjourned in October: those who refused to face reality talked of coming back to a “Lame Duck” session with an ambitious agenda to cram down the throats of Republicans and the American people; those who were more attuned to the growing rage of the voters were quiet on the issue.
Those who still believed the Mojo of Obama could carry them to victory, talked of the Dream Act, tax cut legislation, spending bills, repeal of the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell ban of President Clinton’s that prevents gays from serving openly in the military, ironing out energy bills that include climate change provisions and a renewable energy standard with the Senate, and an act requiring corporations and unions to name or identify their campaign contributions.
However, after a catastrophic defeat of 60 seats in the Congress and six seats in the Senate, the Democrats have lost their confidence and seem to be questioning the wisdom and motives of their leadership. Some Democrats are disgusted with the prospect of Pelosi guiding continuing on with the leadership of the minority and her lack of integrity for accepting any of the blame for the losses. Keying off the arrogance and Narcissism of Obama, Pelosi refuses to be held responsible for her dismal approval ratings and those of congress. She maintains that she has a mandate from the people of San Francisco and like Obama, her attitude suggests that the American people are just too stupid to recognize real talent and leadership or realize the benefits of control by Elitists who know how to govern.
Senate Democrats are pushing for the soft amnesty of the Dream Act: Senate Republicans maintain they have the votes to filibuster, assuming of course, that they can keep their main RINOs Graham, Snowe, and Collins reined in. But the mood of the country has changed, the TEA Party and its quiet but powerful force are ready to purge those who act in ways that seem counter productive to the American people and the country.
The House now has a stream lined list of items, critical items that are imperative and must be addressed by year’s end.
Here are the bills Congress is most likely to take up when they return this week:
» Expiring tax cuts: If Bush-era tax cuts are allowed to expire Dec. 31, everyone’s taxes will go up. Republicans want to extend all of the tax cuts and make them permanent. Democrats want to extend the cuts only to individuals earning less than $200,000 a year and families earning less than $250,000 and may only extend them temporarily. If the two sides can’t reach agreement, the issue could be delayed until the new Congress convenes in January, a move that would cause everyone’s taxes to rise temporarily.
This bill could also incorporate other tax issues, including a measure to extend tax breaks to small businesses, language creating a new rate for the estate tax and a provision to keep the alternative minimum tax from hitting millions of middle-income earners.
» Unemployment insurance: Federal unemployment benefits expire Nov. 30. If Congress does nothing,as many as 2 million people will lose benefits that average $310 per week. It has become increasingly difficult for lawmakers to extend unemployment benefits because Republicans and a growing chorus of Democrats are demanding that the cost of such extensions be financed through budget cuts.
» Medicare: Under a government formula, the Medicare reimbursement rate for doctors is scheduled to shrink every year. Congress passes legislation each year to avoid the cut. The latest “fix” expires Dec. 1, and Democrats are eager to pass legislation extending it into 2013. More likely, the two parties will settle on a much shorter extension. If Congress does nothing, reimbursement rates will plummet 23 percent.
» Omnibus spending bill: Fiscal 2011 has begun, but Congress has yet to pass a single spending bill. Instead, the government has been operating under a special measure that keeps spending mostly at 2010 levels. Democrats say they will attempt to pass all the spending bills together, though it is also likely the two parties will not reach agreement and will have to put off the issue until January, keeping the 2010 spending levels in place until then.
Democrats are faced with not only defeat, but the complete annihilation of the Democrat Party. They are on thin ice and they know it, because for the first time in decades, the American people feel that they have a voice and actual political power. Obama with his pompous arrogance and Narcissism, trying to slowly instill Marxist principles into the government has awakened the American people; consequently, they know now, they can ever trust politicians in Washington to have their best interests at heart or to even be loyal Americans. Now that we have realized our power, we will now be committed to being engaged for this has been an expensive lesson and a lesson that hopefully hasn’t destroyed our children’s future, for it is doubtful that most of us will live long enough to see the damage and devastation corrected that has been inflicted on the American people by Obama and his Marxism.
If the Democrats are timid because they have seen the wrath of the American people, that is a good sign, for they have realized that their prophet Obama, “Sent by G-d”, was a sham and a hoax that cost them their careers, despite what Obama and Pelosi are saying.
A professional horseman for over 50 years, Skook continues to work with horses. Skook has finished an historical novel, Fifty Thousand Years, that traces a mitochondrial line of DNA from 50,000 years ago to the present. The story follows a line of courageous women, from the Ice Ages to the present, as they meet the challenges of survival with grit and creativity. These are not women who whimper of being victims, they meet the challenges of survival as women who use their abilities without excuses or remorse, these women are winners, they are our ancestors.
Fifty Thousand Years is available in paperback and e-book, it is getting great reviews. You can purchase a copy here; Visit me on Facebook.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Dylantheauthor
or like this from free republic – was almost afraid to look but it had a happy ending
I can’t wait until November 6, 2012 when voters will likely chance to again cull the 23 beasts of the democrat herd in Senate along with more low hanging leftist fruit in the House a second time since the Pelosi, Obama, Reid Politburo have managed to keep its wounded feeble self dragging on in the dirt as it it continues to reject facing political reality and doubles down on stupidity and telling us they need to improve their mesaaging skills.
The primaries in 2012 will also present conservative voters with an open season Rinos & Diablos of the stripe of Snowe as well as the go along to get along denizens of the Georgetown Cocktail Party such as Hatch, Lugar & Company replacing them with real conservatives from very red states.
I wish I held your optimism. I recall after the 2006, and especially the 2008, elections, people were saying the republican party was toast and would never regain seats. One election cycle later, here we are.
The reason the republicans lost their place had nothing to do Bush and everything to do with the fact that the Republicans continued tomspend unabated and didn’t deal with the big problems, like Medicare and social security.
We the people have been putting our personal financial houses in order. Debt held by private individuals has gone down. People are re-assessing the governments ability to saddle each and every one of us with debt. They are tired of having money taken away and given to special interests.
I believe that the Republicans will lose seats in 2012 if they are not vigilant on their campaign promises of reigning in spending. That’s what this election was about.
Reublicans took the house from democrats after 40 years of leadership. They lost it in 12. They lost it because they became the problem and people believed in The contract with America. They will lose again if they can’t clean house.
Again, a warning to the RINOs. Toe the conservative, Constitutional line or you, too, will be relegated to the scrap heap with Madam P.
Cut taxes, cut spending, seal the border, end the tyranny – that is your job and none other.
Perhaps the most significant moment in our Texas history was Travis drawing a line in the sand. RINOs beware – the line has been drawn again.
Ratdog, that is an excellent visual. We need a video of Travis drawing the line in the sand once again with the sword. The invasion from the south is continuing and we have many issues we will not let slip by.
If someone can make a video, send it to me and I will write it up.
Damn good visual Rat dog we need something like that to help those in Washington remember that we are always watching and will judge their failures with our votes.
Old one, we must keep up the momentum. we are no longer relying on the propaganda bureaus, we have real news and opinions. The dinks and RINOs in Washington are getting gun shy and well they should, it is time to take our country back and drop the RINOs in the Sh*t Can of history, including Collins and Graham as well.
“She maintains that she has a mandate from the people of San Francisco”
Anybody here ever looked at some of Zombie’s stuff, like that photo essay on the Folsom Street Festival?
That ain’t my kind of mandate.
Wm T, I saw that stuff, that’s the crowd that loves Nancy. The only kind of crowd that could love Nancy. Yet, she id third in line to be the president. I wonder if she will still be entitled to treat the Air Force as her private airline and valet service as leader of the minority?
That woman either drinks a lot or has some real boozers for friends and family; the like the premium bottles too, we pay for the best to keep the partying in the air.
Further on Nancy’s district.
The City of San Francisco considers aggressive panhandlers to be a protected class, insists on designating them victims of society. A public-funded industry has grown up around them, to enable and protect arrogant bums who actually live as they please.
The city is willfully acquiring pension and benefit obligations that are essentially infinite – there is no amount of money that could pay for it.
The city had a chance to put the WW2 battleship Iowa on display as a tourist attraction. The city council turned it down, being against warlike things.
The ship ended up thirty miles away in Vallejo, an inland area far away from San Franciso. Had to send it over the freaking horizon I guess, so nobody in Nancy’s district could see any part of it and get indigestion.
The word is, that a “support our troops” or Republican sticker on your car will get it keyed in San Francisco.
Pelosi really is representative of San Francisco. She brings the city’s distinctive madness and hypocrisy to the Nation’s capital and seeks to inflict it on all of us.
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