Democrats Possessed With Taxation


Democrats More Than Willing To Follow Him Down The Outhouse Hole

He promised to remake the country when the country was vulnerable and over half the country took the bait, Democrat Congress and Senate members thought they were on the gravy train; it only cost them their careers to be the cannon fodder for Obama’s silly dreams of Marxism. The Democrat Party is on the verge of extinction and after two more years of the man child trying to convince us that we are too stupid to accept Socialism, there will be few who will bemoan the passing of the once powerful and vibrant political voice.

It is hard to feel sorry for a political party that put all its faith in an unknown who was raised in a family of Marxists, who was mentored by a Marxist and pervert (Frank Marshall Davis), who sought out Marxist professors at college (by his own admission), who befriended Marxist Terrorists (Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn) and who surrounded himself with Marxist Czars after being elected. Did they think the country would slide into Marxism and they could enjoy the privileges of being Marxist Elite Rulers for the rest of their lives?

Surely some of them did and others thought they better follow the lead of the Marxist and his nitwit leaders Pelosi and Reid, just in case they did make the country into a Marxist cess pool. Now they await the verdict of the public on November 2, like French Nobility awaiting their date with the guillotine.

Some of the indications of Obama’s political demise are more subtle. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito is refusing to be used as a prop for the Obama State of the Union Address when the Justices enter the House of Representatives and assume their obvious position in the front row. He maintains that the speech has become awkward and political for the justices, who are expected to sit:

“like the proverbial potted plant.”

Justice Alito, pushed the dignity of the situation at the last State of the Union Address, when the president lied during an unprecedented rebuke of the Supreme Court for their decision in a campaign finance case by shaking his head and mouthing the words:

Not True

It is nice to see a Supreme Court Justice refuse to participate in a political ceremony that has now devolved through the arrogance and Narcissism of the President into a political ploy designed to appear as if the president is lecturing the Supreme Court for decisions that he doesn’t approve of, in front of the nation and the world.

The 60-year-old justice, an appointee of President George W. Bush, acknowledged with a smile that his colleagues “who are more disciplined refrain from manifesting any emotion or opinion whatsoever.”

Alito, answering questions following a speech Wednesday at the conservative Manhattan Institute in New York, also said, “Presidents will fake you out.” The institute provided an online video link to Alito’s talk and question-and-answer session.

The president will begin a sentence with an invocation of the country’s greatness, Alito said. If justices don’t jump up and applaud, “you look very unpatriotic,” he said.

But, Alito continued, then the president may finish the thought by adding “because we’re conducting a surge in Iraq or because we’re enacting health care reform.” Justices aren’t supposed to react to statements about policy or politics.

The better course, Alito said, is to follow the example of more experienced justices like Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas and the recently retired John Paul Stevens. None has attended in several years.
“So I doubt that I will be there in January,” Alito said.

There are a few Democrats that are willing to blame Pelosi for their refusal to listen to their constituencies and vote with Obama on Obama Care and the Stimulus, as if they were robbed of their ‘free will’ and had to follow the dictates of the extremely unpopular Speaker of the House, who maintained that her members would need to pass Obama Care if they wanted to know what was in the bill. Fortunately, there are many citizens who don’t want the country to operate on these Marxist type parliamentary procedures and are more than ready to reject those who supported Pelosi and her dictatorial control of the House. A control that was only real because of the weakness of those who followed the Pelosi/Obama White Rabbit down the outhouse hole.

Call them the anti-Pelosi Democrats who are openly opposing Pelosi for another term as speaker if their party can somehow maintain control of the House. Republicans are widely expected to make big gains in the Nov. 2 elections.

Two Democrats, Reps. Jim Marshall of Georgia and Bobby Bright of Alabama, have even taken out ads saying they won’t support Pelosi in the next Congress.

Marshall told Fox News he’s not running against Pelosi per se; just seeking to neutralize the resonant issue Republicans have created by tying all Democratic candidates to the California Democrat.

Yet Marshall still hedged when asked if he thinks Pelosi has been a “good” speaker.

“It’s a real challenge when somebody comes from a district that is as liberal as Ms. Pelosi’s district to govern from the middle, which is where we need people to be governing,” he said.

Vulnerable first-timer Bobby Bright in Alabama is also pledging to oust Pelosi as speaker as are at least four other House Democrats, from New York to Oregon.

Some may squeak by to hang on to a seat for another go around, condemned to be a lame duck that no one will take seriously during the rest of their term. It is highly possible that the TEA Party may rise to challenge the Republicans in 2012, for Obama is taking the Democrat Party with him to inglorious defeat and humiliation in 2012, if he decides to run.

You can’t help but pity those few states and local politicians who insist on maintaining their Democrat identity, even if it means having almost no representation in Washington, except for a president who appears to be less and less in touch with reality as his failures become more obvious and based on Marxist ideology. Like the cowards who elect to go down with the ship rather than risk jumping to a life boat.

States like Connecticut are involved in hotly contested races and are on the verge of major political upsets with Senate Candidate McMahon, Congressional Candidate Janet Peckinpaugh, Decorated Veteran State Assembly Candidate Chris Coutu and Ct Governor candidate Tom Foley.

In typical Obama style leadership reflecting a Totalitarian Marxist mindset, the same that has condemned him and his policies, the new Norwich Assessor, Donna Ralston, has taken it upon herself to make sure that all businesses honor the letter of the law by reporting the sum total of their equipment. Now we the public are left wondering if these efforts are a method of control by politicians lost in the lust of power and control that was the hay day of the Obama Administration or is this another wise method of increasing the tax base so that local governments can survive in this, The Obama Recession.

Following the Obama template for increasing the public payroll, increasing tax revenue, and attacking businesses, Ralston has added 400 members to her staff and is now going after taxes for all the equipment owned by businesses.

In this profile we have Mr Harold Mecteau, who maintains these collection efforts are counter productive and doing more harm than good. He is a one man home remodeling business doing less than $14,000/year out of his home, he is now being required to pay taxes on his hand tools: the same ones he’s had for years, the circular saw he bought used for $68, the 20 foot ladder that is 30 years old, and his electric drill. The county under Ralston plans to get every tax dime possible no matter how ridiculous the effort seems, for at the core of every Obama Socialist beats the heart of a pure Maoist dictator.

Just this month, Mr Mecteau received a notice from Ralston’s Assessor’s office requiring him to declare his personal property including the tools of his trade. Ralston maintains that she has sent out 400 notices this month asking for people to list their personal property.

“They are supposed to file,” she said. “So if they don’t find me, I find them.”

She said she did in Norwich what she did everywhere else she has worked. She checked the Consumer Protection Agency for business licenses, the secretary of the state’s office for limited liability corporations and incorporated groups and the city clerk for registered businesses. She also looked in the phone book.

“If they’re a home business, they probably don’t have a lot to declare,” she said. “However, fair is fair. If a big business is declaring (personal property), a little business should be declaring, too. We’re not trying to drive them out. We’re just trying to be fair.”

Harold thinks the totalitarian attitude of the local Progressive Socialist Assessor isn’t fair, he is turning 64 in February and admits to slowing down and since the small business man doesn’t get the breaks like the big businesses (GM, Chrysler, and our Banks) it puts an undue pressure on him in this tough economy.

He and his wife live in a three bedroom home that they now share with a grown son that was laid off recently when a relative’s business failed. He has been drawing his Social Security since July and is limited to $1,400 a month income, the Mecteaus pay $5,000 a year in property taxes

The state will reap a tidy sum of $5.12 (that’s right five dollars and twelve cents) after hiring 400 employees for the tax assessor’s office, tracking down Harold, and figuring the depreciation on the equipment. The Democrats feel the control and power is worth the effort despite the diminishing returns on the efforts of the state. In other words they want control over your life. If you buy a pencil and tablet for three dollars, the state needs to know and tax you accordingly; it may also indicate the possibility that you intend on taking on a much larger portion of the economy than you are entitled.

People of Connecticut, you have an opportunity to turn around this hypocrisy and insanity; you have excellent candidates, Senate Candidate McMahon, Congressional Candidate Janet Peckinpaugh, Decorated Veteran State Assembly Candidate Chris Coutu and Ct Governor candidate Tom Foley, who are determined to purge your state of this Obama Totalitarian Government. There is a movement sweeping across America, a reactionary wave to rid ourselves of Obamanism and government intrusion in our lives. The rest of the country is asking you to open your checkbooks and remember to vote for the Conservative candidates. We Americans and Harold Mecteau are counting on you.

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That’s such a great picture. 8)

BTW, Skookum, the people of CT are morons. Democrats have ruled this state for 25 years, and the idiots keep re-electing the criminals who have destroyed the state. There are fewer jobs today in CT than there were 20 years ago.

Think about that for a minute.

We are becoming Detroit East.

It is not an accident that we have fallen so far. If you subsidize poverty and you subsidize failure and you subsidize ignorance you get more of it. And it is the subsidy of those negatives that keeps Democrats in power here.

Like many people, a couple of things I am on the lookout for in the near future:

1. Election fraud, both on Nov. 2 (110% turnouts, ballots discarded, polling place intimidation and so on), and in the months that follow (uncounted ballots gradually discovered in trunks of cars, back rooms of polling locations, subway toilets, etc.)

2. Lame-duck legislative orgy in November, December.

And Executive Orders…

Dreams of 2008 Obama’s Lost Magic,1518,723814,00.html

Because Barack Obama is not as good as he wanted to be.

Sometimes We Can

“Yes, we can,” was boundless and absolute, a moment of political ecstasy. It was a movement, and a young one to boot. Since then, a qualifier has emerged: sometimes. Sometimes we can, sometimes we can’t. That’s political reality. That’s the grown-up Obama, with all his shortcomings and weaknesses.

And there have been many weaknesses. Obama allowed Congress to negotiate the details of his healthcare reform while he deliberately held back. What emerged was a half-hearted reform that is complicated and that is really a reform of the health insurance system. But to get that reform, Obama used up his political capital, the one window of opportunity every new president gets.

Weren’t there more urgent issues he could have tackled, like energy reform for example, which would have entailed a real change of direction and which would have meant re-educating America’s consumers? Or what about the labor market? Obama admits he underestimated the problem of unemployment, which stubbornly hovers above 9 percent. He also concedes that he set himself up to be portrayed as yet another Democratic big spender who happily doles out tax dollars.

During the presidential election campaign, he masterfully controlled his public image. In office, however, he has been sending out some rather strange signals. As the BP oil spill was polluting the Gulf of Mexico, his wife and younger daughter flew to Spain, while the president himself played basketball with his chums. It gave the impression that Obama was part of a carefree, macho group that amused itself while the country suffered.

Part 2: Obamaland Is No Longer United

Usually the president’s team looks robust. It is filled with clever people who begin work at 6 in the morning and go home at 11 at night. But Obamaland is no longer the cohesive place it was during the presidential election, when everyone was united behind the same vision. Disappointed supporters are quitting, exhausted staff will leave after the midterms and the weak are being thrust aside. And when people talk about the mood in 2008, they sound like former classmates at a school reunion 20 years on: Remember when we were still young?

Obama has done little for African-Americans, and nothing for homosexuals. As a result he has lost voters on the left. It was inevitable, of course. Everyone who is elected in the US moves to the center when they come to office. But the fact that the president managed to lose the support of this middle ground too was a remarkable achievement.

It may well be that America can’t simply walk out of Afghanistan, but nobody in the US understands this war any more. The conflict long ago ceased to be Bush’s war, and is now Obama’s. Worse still, it will inevitably end with an inglorious withdrawal. Why, then, should the US send in yet more troops? Why spend $100 billion a year waging war when train stations and schools back home are falling to pieces, and the money would be better spent on other American projects and research? Congress refuses to approve extra spending on renewing America: The money has already been spent.

Far from Perfect

When Obama came to office, the country craved perfection. His government is far from perfect, however. It’s not even close.

But what is more appalling still, what is more shocking on so many levels, is the state of the nation — the political stupidity of entire federal states and systems that seem hell-bent on self-destruction. Europe and the United States are much farther apart than many Europeans think. The US is different, completely and utterly different. Americans have a completely different understanding of social solidarity and the duties of the state.

DrJohn, I believe that people can change, especially when faced with the loss of everything including their freedom. In the US we have many who were sincerely seeking change. The man child enticed them with change and they received change; in less than twenty months they came to realize that changing towards one of the Socialist countries of the world Cuba, China, North Korea, or Venezuela with their poverty and oppressive totalitarian regimes are not exactly what they were bargaining for.

There is no doubt that many of the Entitlement Classes are willing to trade freedom for Repression; especially if they think they will gain a better standard of living. A promise that the Obama socialists are only to willing to offer.

Now that the people of Connecticut have had a naked glimpse of Socialism, the producers will hopefully realize how close they are to a complete subversion of American Freedom and rise up to smack it down before the Marxists take root.

@ plainjane31, Great article and this quote stands out for me…

“What does it mean if we give in to the Taliban? They are the enemy,” Brooks said. “This place is going to be a safe haven for terrorists again. The government doesn’t care about the sacrifices already made. As far as the mission goes, I want to see these kids go to school and have a future but not at the expense of my friends — not anymore.”

That’s what happens when Career Politicians get involved in diplomacy when the Military issues. IE, beating the Enemy are not completed. Obama’s new NSA, his adviser, has never been to Afghanistan or had any Military experience. Bush and Rumsfeld are history so now this is Obama’s War and his to lose. The same applies to the Economy, Social Security, Medicare and his Health Insurance Scam. It comes with the territory when you seek an office with No Qualifications and an Empty Resume. When you meddle with things that you don’t understand sh*t happens.

Meanwhile in Ohio the Teachers Unions pulled a fast one.

Lawsuit: CPS pushing Democrats

Three van loads of Hughes High students were taken last week – during school hours – to vote and given sample ballots only for Democratic candidates and then taken for ice cream, a Monday lawsuit alleges.

The complaint was made by Thomas Brinkman Jr., a Republican candidate for Hamilton County auditor, and the Coalition Opposed to Additional Spending & Taxes against Cincinnati Public Schools.

“They plan to bring four more high schools (to vote) this week,” Christopher Finney, COAST attorney, said Monday after filing the suit.

The suit alleges three van loads of Hughes High students arrived at the Downtown Board of Elections offices at 1 p.m. Wednesday, supervised by a school employee. School lets out at 3:15 p.m.

When they got out of the vans, the students, the suit alleges, also were accompanied by adults who appeared to be campaign workers or supporters for U.S. Rep. Steve Driehaus, D-West Price Hill, the congressman being challenged this fall by Steve Chabot. When the students got out of the vans, the suit alleges they were given sample ballots containing only Democratic candidates.

“We want these kids to vote,” Finney said. “I’m not sure them being bussed during the school day is a good thing, but that’s not the thrust of the suit.

“If they had fair sample ballots or no sample ballots it would be different.”

The suit alleges those actions violated a 2002 agreement between CPS and COAST where the school agreed it wouldn’t allow school property or employees to be used for “advocating the election or defeat of candidates for public office.”

As we set here and talk about this violation of our consitutional protections and discuss the whys our Federal Government is . . . preparing for ENFORCEMENT. Laws have been passed and scores of people are being trained on exactly how to go about collecting revenues from We the People. There will be a virtual totally new set of IRS forms that We the People will be deluged with. We will no longer be able to comprehend what this paperwork means . . . yet thousands of new aduitors are being produced that will invade every aspect of our lives. Our homes will be OPENED to inventory and our belongings will be evaluated, based on the fact that NOT one of us will be able to protect our holdings because we will be forced to pay . . . and when we can not pay . . . our belongings will be confiscated to pay. The real question is how this is going to be perpetrated . . . Obama has virtually created his “Home Army” . . . He has done so by creating a force of over 15 million unemployeed who are standing in line for that government job. The technical and business resources are there and just waiting. Over the next 6 years the country of our forefathers may very welll cease to exist.

I wondered what brought out the demons …

Democrats have been possessed with taxation for decades.
I heard this quote from 1998 when Jerry Brown was running for mayor of Oakland….he won…..
The conventional viewpoint says we need a jobs program and we need to cut welfare. Just the opposite. We need more welfare and fewer jobs….I’m talking about welfare for all.”

Maybe one of these days people will learn, just because somebody is a constitutional law professor doesn’t necessarily mean he’s loyal to the constitution.

Obama was a mere lecturer, not a professor at all. It was understood by the law faculty at U. Chicago that his appointment to that job was purely at the behest of the Chicago Democratic Machine, and that it was intended only as a short-lived stepping stone to other things, i.e. political office. It carries about as much gravitas as Michelle’s do-nothing $300K “diversity coordinator” job at an organization to which her husband the state senator was then shoveling state money.

It was an arbitrarily-arranged quid pro quo and competence was neither required, nor evident. To the extent O has gained an understanding of the Constitution, it is for the purpose of finding ways to work around its restrictions on Federal Government power.

I got reminded of how obama got elected. Fox had a panel of people from Nevada. What a bunch of idiots. The liberals tried to lay low but they outed themselves with their memorized talking points (Angle too extreme, we need an experienced congressman to fight for Nevada).
The funniest one was a black woman who spouted nothing but dem talking points, but claimed she was the head of some Republican group and said she was a “sensible Republican.” Uh huh. She’s either a flaming RINO or an ACORN stooge who is the only member of her Republican group.

@ Hard Right,

Good pick-up. She was lying. Her voice, manner, movements of eyes and hands, breathing, loudly shouted, . . . “I am lying and I shouldn’t be here.” A wild guess would also suggest that she wasn’t a new crop of entrepreneur, but that her only paying job, was to be in that audience.

She (RE# 15 & 16) might be one of ~200 RINO’s Harry Reid said joined into a new group called: “Republicans for Harry Reid.”

Every other one I’ve seen named has been a RINO.

Bill Raggio is on the list and he ran AGAINST Angle in the primary!

Skookum, it looks like Steny Hoyer is getting a run for his money, instead of funneling it from his war chest to and compaigning for… fellow dems as he usually does, he’s being forced to stay home and fight for and spend his cash on his own seat.

A very big man made Hoyer look very small.

Meet Charles Lollar

Not only did Hoyer threaten Charles Lollar after their debate, he knuckle punched him twice in the back, Charles Lollar touched on that in the press conference video posted down page.

Hoyer’s campaign denied any of it happening, in the age of tiny little cameras and cell phones, silly people. 😯

Hoyer to Lollar: “I’m coming after you,” according to Lollar’s Campaign. Hoyer spokesperson denies comment was made.

Beach, who said she saw Lollar’s press release, told that Hoyer never made the comment.

Apparently the young whipper snapper embarrassed Rep. “tax, tax and spend, spend Hoyer. Hoyer used to remind his voters that he was a tax and spender, this year he’s dropped that soundbite from his campaign rhetoric.

Note Marine Corps Major Lollar’s response:

Blood in the Water?
Is Steny Hoyer next on the endangered congressmen list?

Monday, October 18, 2010 Landover – Last Wednesday’s Charles County Chamber of Commerce candidate’s forum in Waldorf pitted current Majority Leader and Congressman Steny Hoyer against business man and Marine Corps Major (Reserves) Charles Lollar. What should have been a classic mismatch between a 40 year career politician and a political new-comer quickl…y took a turn for the challenger when Lollar corrected Hoyer on his talking points regarding federal deficits.

The exchange occurred when the moderator asked the question “How would you help control the budget; how would you increase revenues and cut expenditures.”

Mr. Hoyer answered in part, “One of the most critical problems confronting our country is our national deficit…but I’ve been in Congress long enough to learn what works and what doesn’t… and I’ve been in Congress for 20 years with Republican Presidents. Every year they have run a deficit, very substantially…The last administration increased the national debt by five plus trillion dollars when they inherited from …the Clinton administration a 5.6 trillion dollar surplus. Bill Clinton is the only President in the life time of any in this room who had a net balance budget…Talk is cheap, performance is what you’re looking for.”

In response Charles Lollar said in part, “…Mr. Hoyer made a very good point, he’s been in Congress for over 20 years and he knows how it works. So he knows that Congress holds the purse strings, not the President. He knows that when …President Clinton had the biggest surplus in our nation’s history it was because of a Republican Congress that created the surplus…I would hope that everyone that applauded, please do the research. Congress holds the purse string, they’re responsible for appropriations. In fact, my Congressman Mr. Hoyer refused to even pass a budget for this year for the first time in several years, which is completely irresponsible.”

Immediately after the exchange, Hoyer turned to Lollar and said, “I’m coming after you.” When Lollar brushed aside the challenge with a smile, Hoyer then repeated it.

And, if you really want to love this guy, it get’s better, visit his press conference video, 9:10 minutes of time well spent, he’s absolutely outstanding!

Everyone watch it! Hoorah!

Hoyer says he’s “going after” a black man.

You gotta love it.

Something just hit me yesterday — the GOP is screwed in 2012. The Dems have set a trap that is going to ruin the GOP and make them look like total fiscal frauds.

The GOP is set to take over the House in November; let’s assume they get it done. Just as the GOP refused to do the 2007 budget as they lost control in November 2006, the Dems have refused to do the 2011 budget. So the lame duck session will have before it no budget and expiring Bush tax cuts. And on December 1, the Obama deficit reduction commission’s report drops.

Now pay attention kids because here is where you are sunk. Assume that, somehow, all the Bush tax cuts are passed. That would add $157 billion to the deficit.

The deficit for FY 2010 was $1.4 trillion, meaning adding on the Bush tax cuts makes the projected FY 2011 deficit about $1.6 trillion.

It is one thing for Obama to sign off in 2010 on $1.4 trillion in spending. It is quite another thing for Obama to get a deficit reduction report suggesting spending cuts and tax increases, then sign off on a GOPer budget with a $1.6 trillion deficit. Why in the world would he ever do that?

I can hear the speech now —

“The Republican Party ran on a platform of fiscal responsibility; and they won the House on November 2. I respect that election and the voters call for change in Washington. The Deficit Reduction Commission report, issued on December 1, called for drastic changes in federal spending. Instead of proposing less spending and smaller deficits, the Congressional Republicans just submitted a budget to me that increases the deficit this year by more than 10%. I will not sign off on this drastic increase in spending proposed by the Republicans. I have sent to the House some of my spending preferences and I am willing to work with the Republicans on details. But let me be perfectly clear: I will veto any spending bill that spends more in 2011 than was spent in 2010.”

Think about it, cons: if you DO push through all those tax cuts, you are increasing the deficit more than 10% in one year. In order to get back to the pre-2008 spending, the GOP would have to whack somewhere near $800 billion in spending without the tax cuts, but $957 billion in spending cuts WITH the tax cuts.

Now I understand that, in reality, cons don’t care about deficits; Dick Cheney disabused everyone of that fiction. But if you are going to run and win on fiscal responsibility, you have to produce. And you also run the risk that Obama will call you on that b.s.

I can see it now: GOPers offer too much spending (because none of them have set forth any plans to cut any spending), and Obama, relying on the deficit reduction report, vetoes those bills as “too much spending.” You have set yourselves a trap by not supporting the deficit reduction commission, by not getting those deficit reduction proposals out, then by “forcing” Obama to veto GOPer overspending! How the hell did y’all do that?

@ Missy…

In a town hall style debate last night, Hoyer said –

Everyone’s been blaming the Clinton administration for causing this financial mess, but let me tell you. It was Bill Clinton who got the economy going again after inheriting a mess from his predecessor.

Excuse me says his Republican opponent (Lollar), ” but as I recall the constitution, it is not the president’s responsibility, but congress’s in these matters. Things did not improve until the Republicans took congress 1n 1994, and went back in the tank after democrats took over in 2004.”

*hooting and clapping*

Hoyer was very visibly pissed, and actually said to Lollar, “I am going after you!”

As they were exiting, Hoyer was seen sharply pushing Lollar in the back, and heard repeating,in a threatening voice, “I am going after you!”

Yep, you called it right.

Trouble with your little scenario is that there are a number of democrats in both houses that agree with saving the tax cuts on “the rich” and have campaigned on it. Allowing the “Bush” tax cuts to expire turns into an “Obama” tax hike against small business which would turn a very weak recovery into a second recession.

That’s the message that’s being sold across the country by the blue dogs and the Independent Joe Lieberman who favors keeping the cuts for at least an additional year. Moderate democrats are reluctant to put their name on something that will raise taxes while the economy is in the tank, they favor keeping the tax cuts in place until they see if the economy is heading for recovery.

So, if they intend to keep their word, Obama will have problems with the democrats he has left. Being as though he’s thrown many of those who voted for Obamacare under the bus, I doubt they are likely to stand with him again, that is, if they are returned to office.

Evidently the boys and girls on your side of the aisle have a clearer understanding of the value of those tax cuts.

@Old Trooper 2:


You were both in my mind as I went link to link today reading about Major Lollar.

BTW, I believe Lucianne found the photo that pretty much book ends that one you chose for your blog:

It’s heartwarming to read illogical and pathetically presented pretence at argument such as the ideologue’s crap in Comment #20. Arguments mounted on weak assumptions will only fools the feeble who cower in front of insults and shouts. Socialists seem to have little grasp of human nature, or what fuels the America’s economic engines, and they don’t stand a chance of controlling America.

For an example of how Cutting Taxes can stimulate an economy, and help REDUCE the Deficit, look North of the 49th parallel to Canada in the mid 90s.

Canada hit a low point where it was actually being described as a Third World Nation because of its overwhelming debt – the debt had aggregated Federally and Provincially to 120% of GDP (this is almost 20% more than the current U.S. ratio). Canada had moved too far to the left in the political spectrum, and anyone who could leach off the taxpayer, did so.

Interest rates climbed and Canada lost its AAA rating. The abyss was around the corner. Drastic action was required.

In 1995, broad reaching changes were implemented to the taxation system – capital gains taxes were reduced, income taxes were reduced, corporate taxes were slashed by a third. Severe cuts were made to the Federal Government payrolls (14%) and a 9% ax was taken to all Federal programs. Welfare collectors were tracked and anyone capable of working was pushed out to the work force, and off the taxpayer’s back. The percentage of people on welfare dropped almost 50%. Canada’s economic growth leaped ahead of other developed countries.

The Canadian fiscal “turnaround” was complete before the end of the decade. The country’s debt-to-GDP ratio is now the lowest of G7 economies at about 77% (U..S. = 98%) and it has a healthy deficit to GDP ratio.


Slash all spending, and Slash taxes => Energize the economy.

When the next Congress sits, take the biggest ax to the budget and to taxes, then, . . . DARE Obama to veto the budgets and the necessary bills.

U.S. Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner said this week, “We will not devalue the U.S. dollar.” In my short life time, every time an administration anywhere in the world uttered these words, the currency was devalued. Guess we have something to look forward to! This couldn’t be another deception by the Obama administration. After all, Tim is a stand up guy after he pays his taxes. (He did pay his taxes, didn’t he?)

From BRob:

Now pay attention kids because here is where you are sunk. Assume that, somehow, all the Bush tax cuts are passed. That would add $157 billion to the deficit.

This is the simple spin leftists use time and time again with tax cuts. Yet, they cannot show any time in history that tax cuts have added to the debt. What can be shown is that every time tax cuts are enacted, federal receipts increase in the following years.

Ignorance of facts makes a leftist happy. Unfortunately, many misinformed people listen to their emotional pleas instead of looking at the factual evidence, and we get progressives voted into office.

@ Randy, I would not trust Geithner to park my truck, let alone look after the Treasury. As I recall Al Capone was sent off to the Big House for Tax Fraud. 😉

@ johngalt,

It is at the core of the socialist ethic that redistribution of wealth starts with Increased Taxation. The higher the taxes, the better, since they think that’s the way to Take from the rich.

These fools believe they are being sly, even coy. They pretend not to associate with or acknowledge the example of the USSR disaster which evidenced the outcome when oppression of the human spirit is applied to a whole society.

On the other hand, the positive example of Canada in the mid 90s when taxes were dramatically reduced, as I note in #25, is also ignored.

Meanwhile Obama keeps whining, and promoting victimhood.

@ johngalt, James and Missy —

The Bush administration, back in 2004, admitted that the tax cuts they enacted exacerbated the deficit. This is, of course, obviously true. When you cut taxes BY DEFINITION you reduce revenues; in fact, that is your intention, to take in less money. Indeed, the 2001 tax cut was sold on the premise that the government had enough money to run a surplus and so government “could afford” a tax cut.

What did the Obama tax cuts do, as well as the diversion of payroll taxes to find the COBRA subsidies? They decreased government’s tax collections and increased borrowing. That was the plan, of course, to fund economic stimulus by borrowing from the Chinese.

In fact, johngalt, if tax cuts actually increase government revenues, then why don’t states cut taxes when revenues are running short? Because they will take in LESS MONEY.

James you gave a political reason why Obama should sign off on the tax cuts; but you missed my point, James. If Obama DOES sign off on the tax cuts, that will make the projected deficits even worse because current projections assume that the rates will return to pre-Bush levels. The tax cuts, per the one estimate, will cut revenues by $157 billion per year. That represents about 10% of the deficit last year. So just to stand still, deficit-wise, the GOPers will need to find $157 billion in spending cuts. Having campaigned on defense, Social Security and Medicare being sacred cows, good luck with that!

This is, of course, why no GOPer will explain how they will get the budget back to balance; it makes the cons calling for “a balanced budget amendment” look even more foolish. You don’t need and amendment to balance the budget, you need, as Nike would say, to “Just do it!”

That, my friends, is where the GOP is now screwed. If Obama takes a hard line on the deficits that the GOP in the House will be sending him . . . good Lord, do you see how screwed you would be?

OH, I HOPE I HOPE I HOPE he does it! I fact, after HIS deficit reduction commission releases its report, I don’t see how he can’t.

I have always challenged liberals — why is it that liberals believe in conserving energy and saving the environment, but not in conserving tax dollars and not wasting money on low priority programs? I ask cons the same thing: why is it that EVERY government program is filled with “waste, fraud and abuse” (or as reagan called it “fat”) except Defense? How can the GOP call for adding back in $500 billion in Medicare spending that Obamacare cuts . . . where are we going to get that money from? In fact, there are cons who are arguing that we should INCREASE defense spending, because we spent more percentage wise during the Cold War. Why the hell would we do that? Just because? Defense dollars have to borrowed from China the same as welfare dollars; spending is spending is spending, whether it is a gun or a pound of butter.

No.cons, y’all have asked to be allowed to drive the car again now that it is out of the ditch. That means you have to figure out a way to keep between the lines this time, or Uncle Barack is gonna take the keys away AGAIN and not give them back.

@ johngalt —

Seems someone in the Bush administration disagrees with the assertion that tax cuts don’t decrease revenues!

Quoting from the Bush Administration’s 2004 budget report:

An economic slowdown began in 2001 and was exacerbated by the terrorists’ attacks of September 11, 2001. The deterioration in the performance of the economy together with income tax relief provided to help offset the economic slowdown and additional spending in response to the terrorist attacks produced a drop in the surplus to $127.1 billion (1.3% of GDP) and a return to deficits ($157.8 billion, 1.5% of GDP) in 2002

Got that? They admit that “tax relief” added to the deficit.

In addition, you will not find ANY GOPer who is advocating for the Bush tax cuts who claims that they will not increase the deficit; instead, they argue that its is not appropriate to increase taxes during a recession. That, of course, is not the question; the question is the effect of reducing revenues if you do not reduce spending dollar for dollar. Which is, of course, to increase the deficit.

I have no idea how the GOP is going to deal with this problem if they win back the House; God forbis they win the Senate, too, because then they will have no one else to blame. Indeed, when you castigate Obama and the Dems for running $1.4 trillion deficits, how do you NOT come back with lower deficits? That will be the test as to whether teabaggers are legit, or just partisan shills: will they be screaming and brandishing pitchforks if the GOPers try to ram through a $1.6 trillion deficit in 2011?

@ B-Rob,

If in your mind #25 is a political reason then no point pushing the rope further up the hill. Your attacks in response to Mata and John are continuing evidence of the fact that you don’t read the comments you pretend to respond to. Try just a little harder to demonstrate some cleverness. So far, . . . not much of it – ideological talking points are too easy to copy.

@B-Rob, what’s up, Billy Bob? Afraid to face the music?

Or just waiting to wash your undies before you have to eat your shorts?

@B-Rob: Something just hit me yesterday …

That would be that unexpected truck labeled “reality”, Billy Bob. Your “facts” and “reality” are juxtaposition.

BTW… keep washing those shorts, dude. Will be a particularly nasty snack if you don’t. @See above.

I see that Mr. ParaLegal2, our resident slow learner, is still pounding away on the tax cuts / revenues meme.

Too bad the facts don’t support his conclusions.

Here’s the inconvenient truth that b-rob the liar wishes to ignore:

Capital gains revenue reality:

Image Source,Photobucket Uploader Firefox Extension

Furthermore, revenues were collected at record levels following the Bush tax cuts:

Tax revenues will be about 18.5% of GDP this year — above the average of 18.2% since 1960. As for inflation-adjusted tax revenues — a little-used but equally telling statistic — they’ll reach an all-time high of $2.013 trillion. That’s higher even than in the last year of the dot-com boom. And by the way, it’s an astounding 26% gain since 2003 — after inflation. What about the claim that tax cuts “lose” revenues for the government? Also not true. What is true is that by creating a dynamic of powerful economic growth, lower taxes expand the economy and, therefore, overall tax revenues. They do this by giving people more incentives to work, save, invest and innovate — all drivers of long-term economic growth.

Image Source,Photobucket Uploader Firefox Extension


Image Source,Photobucket Uploader Firefox Extension

“Highest Level of Federal Receipts in History”…….

View at


Economic Issues

June 14, 2007

One of the assertions made about the U.S. economy is that President Bush’s tax cuts didn’t do what he promised. But the data clearly show nothing could be farther from the truth, says Investors Business Daily (IBD).

Democrats argue that the government has been starved of revenues and that higher taxes are needed to make up for it. But this is arrant nonsense, says IBD:

* Tax revenues will be about 18.5 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) this year — above the average of 18.2 percent since 1960.
* As for inflation-adjusted tax revenues — a little-used but equally telling statistic — they’ll reach an all-time high of $2.013 trillion.
* That’s higher even than in the last year of the dot-com boom — an astounding 26 percent gain since 2003 — after inflation.

Amid a boom in revenues and growth, another myth has been dispelled — that of tax cuts being for the rich:

* Those with incomes less than $40,000 a year — about 45 million taxpayers – on average, pay no federal income tax.
* The top 1 percent of filers in 2004 paid 36.9 percent of all personal income taxes and the top 5 percent paid 57.1 percent — in other words, more than the remaining 95 percent.
* The average person reporting income of more than $1 million paid $743,000 in taxes; those in the $500,000 to $1 million range paid an average $164,701.

But by far the worst misconception of Bush’s tax cuts is that they did nothing for economic growth. This is just plain silly, says IBD:

* Since the last tranche of Bush’s tax cuts in May 2003, real GDP has grown 13 percent — or a bit more than 3.2 percent a year.
* Before that, from President Clinton’s final year in office, growth averaged 1.5 percent; it basically doubled after the tax cuts.

Source: Editorial, “The Tax Story Media Invariably Bury,” Investors’ Business Daily, June 14, 2007.

For text:

For more on Economic Issues:


I will ask this of you: Show me proof, either in a graph, or concrete evidence, that tax cuts do not increase federal revenue. I will wait patiently.

P.S. You can go back to any tax cut in the history of our country, if you want to.

If you cannot, then one must conclude, since we can show graphs that every tax cut DOES increase federal revenue, that tax cuts do not result in additions to the deficit.

@ Aye and johngalt —

Surely, aye, you are NOT claiming that the increase in revenues in the years after the tax cuts are BECAUSE OF the tax cuts, as opposed to the growth of the economy. And, surely, you are not claiming that the economy grew BECAUSE OF the tax cuts; because if that were true (and it is not) every state would CUT TAXES when the economy slows and, therefore, get more revenue. But, of course, that is not what they do, because it does not work.

Look, guys — no one on the right is still selling supply side economics. No one actually believes that a cut in marginal tax rates from 36% to 30% accounts for higher. Indeed, cons, if that were so, there would have been NO DEFICITS after the Bush tax cuts. And, as I pointed out, the Bush administration admitted in 2004 that the deficits were cause, in part, by tax relief. This, of course, is self explanatory. (I am using apporximate numbers, so bear with me). If I plan on spending $2 trillion and plan on $2.2 trillion in collections, I can afford a tax cut of $200 billion and still be in balance. The problem was that in FY 2002, after the $200 billion tax cut, decreased rates and decreased economic activity (recession followed by 9/11) conspired to deliver only $1.8 trillion in revenues against the planned $2 trillion in spending. We borrowed the remaining $200 billion. The economy slowly came back in FY 2003, but that was when the second round of tax cuts kicked in, and we then dropped another $200 billion in collections. Which is why after FY 2002.

The GOP could have avoided this, of course, by continuing in FY 2001 the “pay as you go” rules that balanced the budget in the first place. Under that rule, every dollar in tax cuts had to be offset by a dollar in spending cuts; an additional dollar in spending increases here had to be offset by a dollar in spending cuts elsewhere. But what did the GOP shove through in early 2001? This load o’ crap:

This article explains what dynamic scoring is and why cons supported it. But you know what sentence jumps out and obliterates your entire “we ain’t got to reduce no spending because the Magic Tax Cut fairie will bring us higher revenues” meme? This one:

Although liberals continually complain that last year’s tax cut is the sole and exclusive cause of the current budget deficit, a new CBO report shows that only 20% of the decline in revenues this year, as projected in January 2001, is due to the tax cut. Eighty percent results from technical and economic factors that would have occurred even if no tax cut were enacted.

Got that? And that is from 2002, written by someone who supported the Bush tax cuts! Tax cuts, be definition, reduce government revenues. Hell, all you have to do is do the math: if the baseline is 22.5% tax rate, and that is cut to 20%, on the marginal dollar, the government will collect 2.5 cents less. Now you may claim that EVENTUALLY, down the road, the 2.5 cents will turn into a gusher of dollars; but that is not how accounting works. In fact, even the Bushies admitted the obvious: tax cuts do NOT “pay for themselves”:

The last sentence is the key: “There is no free lunch.”

This is the fact, cons: our current deficit projections ALL assume that the Bush tax cuts will expire and rates and tax collections will increase in FY 2011; that is the law that the GOPers shoved through in 2001 and 2003 and that is what Bush signed off on. If those tax cuts are reset, then whoever is in control of the House appropriations will need to adjust revenue numbers down by about $157 billion, a little more than 10% of our current deficit. Like I said — this years $1.4 trillion deficit becomes about a $1.6 trillion deficit if spending is flat.

Now, cons, I am wondering: will you and the teabaggers will be all boiled over about deficits when you guys are running deficits higher in 2011 than the Dems did in 2010? The GOP Congress in the 2001 to 2007 timeframe was running consistent $300 to $500 billion deficits. So will the GOP make any effort to cut spending off the current deficit and drop about $1 trillion in spending to get back to where they had the deficits in those years? I would LOVE IT if the GOP really becomes deficit hawks. But have reintroduced us to deficits in 2001 through 2007, and running huge deficits when the economy was expanding, I have no confidence whatsoever that they will do anything different now. And that, my friends, will probably earn Obama his second term.

@ B-Rob, as usual you missed the point entirely. The tax cuts enabled the growth of the economy and as usual, you missed the point.

This paragraph from a 2002 Bush era CBO report explains what was wrong with what the GOP did when it was handling the purse strings:

My view, as well as that
of Glenn Hubbard, Lindy Paull, and most other economists, is that the macroeconomic effects of a
change in tax policy cannot be summarized in a single number and inserted in a cost estimate. The
uncertainty inherent in that kind of “dynamic score” is not like that of a forecast, for which we
have a straightforward history of information that allows us to determine accuracy. A tax cut
cannot be financed by issuing more debt forever; trying to do so would lead to an explosion of
debt. At some point, spending would have to be cut or taxes raised. Thus, any dynamic score
would be not only very uncertain but also inherently ambiguous—and the answer would depend on
how the tax cut was to be financed. If the tax cut displaced government spending, gross domestic
product (GDP) would probably go up; if it led to higher tax rates in the future, GDP would probably
go down. Because of the fundamental ambiguity about future policy and the uncertainty about
a number of critical parameters, choosing one course for future policy—and a single set of parameters—
would be difficult to defend and would undermine CBO’s credibility.

Short translation: if you cut taxes and cut spending to offset that revenue loss, the economy will grow faster. If you cut taxes and continue spending and use debt to fill the gap, the economy will grow slower. Why? Because debt today is nothing more than a tax increase delayed until tomorrow.

The GOP cut taxes in 2001 and 2003 but borrowed the balance, rather than cut spending. THAT, according to Douglas Holz-Eakins, was a recipe for slower growth when the inevitable tax increase has to come. There is no free lunch . . . .

The beef I have with you, johngalt and Aye, is that you refuse to even consider spending cuts to pay for the tax cuts. Because there are two possible outcomes: you are right and tax cuts increase revenues, or the CBO and I are right and you have to offset tax cuts with spending cuts. If you are right, everything is hunky doory. But if you are wrong, we have a disaster worse that where we are now. You guys, rather than doing the truly conservative thing and offsetting tax cuts with spending cuts, are relying on the same Magic Tax Cut Fairie to shower down dollars that Reagan relied on. But remember what happened back in the 1980s? Deficits exploded and Reagan had to raise taxes, and so did Bush I, and so did Clinton, before we got back to balance.

So there it is: if the GOP is REALLY going to try to get a tax cut through and get deficits back to FY 2007 levels (the last Bush and GOP Congress budget cycle), then the GOP will need to find somewhere in the area of $1.2 trillion in spending cuts. If they forego the Bush tax cuts, they have to cut a “mere” $1 trillion.

@Old Trooper 2:

Just add the basic principles of Economics 101 to the ever-growing list about which Mr. ParaLegal2 knows less than nothing.

I give him facts and figures…even charts and graphs (though not drawn with crayons)…and the reality of the discussion sails right over his head without even slowing down.

Of course, this is the same guy who falsely claims that Clinton had a budget surplus and that the CRA did not apply to residential mortgages.

As comedian Tater Salad says: “You can’t fix stupid.”

@ Aye Chihuahua, Good Morning Pardner.

“The Cure for Ignorance is Information. The Cure for Stupid is believing the last BS notion that a liar sold you and suffering under that delusion for the rest of your life”.

It is nice of B-Rob to share his delusions but some of us know better.

Old Trooper and Aye —

Just wondering — why are you cons so hostile to the concept of cutting spending as you cut taxes? Since you KNOW now that Bush’s CBO laid out the long-term dangers of cutting taxes and borrowing, how can you ignore the impact it will have on the budget?

Aye —

The Bush administration was handed a budget surplus. That surplus, and the projected future surpluses, was part of the rationale for the 2001 tax cuts.

But if you are right (and you are not), then you are saying there was no surplus, and you are telling me that the Bushies decided to expand the deficit on top of the deficit that was there when Bush came in.

So, Aye, why was the Bush administration and the GOP Congress so reckless as to add deficit spending on to of the supposed deficit Clinton gave them?

Aye —

Read the entire supplemental testimony by Douglas Holz-Eakins, the former CBO head who also advised John McCain on economic issues. He explains why the magical thinking, the “free lunch” philosophy behind “tax cuts increase tax revenues” is so flawed. The CBO agrees with me, not you and johngalt: tax cuts must be offset by spending cuts, otherwise you just explode the deficit. I am not getting this from Karl Marx or any of your other boogie men; I am getting this from the Republican CBO, which studied the issue long and hard before concluding that there was no free lunch. Tax cuts do not pay for themselves, so you need to get spending cuts with tax cuts otherwise you explode the deficit.


Such a tiresome waste of flesh you are…

We’ve covered this issue already. Of course, you dashed away, never to return to that thread.

Sort of like you did when Mata sliced and diced your azz yesterday and handed it to you on a Chinette platter.

Anyway, for the sake of the reading audience, here are the facts regarding the Clinton “surplus”:


Indeed, do you know of ANYONE ELSE who claims there was no surplus in 2000 and 2001? I mean someone who does not wear tin foil hats, Little dog . . . .

Well, since you asked so nicely, I’ll see if I can comply.

Just remember the old adage: A good attorney always knows the answer before asking the question.

From the Wall Street Journal:

In the late 1990s, the government was running what it — and a largely unquestioning Washington press corps — called budget “surpluses.” But the national debt still increased in every single one of those years because the government was borrowing money to create the “surpluses.

Uh oh….this isn’t starting out too well for Mr. ParaLegal2:

View at

View at

Look at the charts above. See the bait & switch shell game going on with the numbers?

Now, let’s see what good ole Senator Fritz Hollings (D-SC), hardly a “con” or “right wing nut”…although he’s white and you’ll undoubtedly have some issue with that.

Here’s a link to the transcript if you want to follow along.

So the table itself, according to the figures issued yesterday, showed the Federal Government ran a surplus. Absolutely false.


Both Democrats and Republicans are all running this year and next and saying surplus, surplus. Look what we have done.

It is false. The actual figures show that from the beginning of the fiscal year until now we had to borrow $127,800,000,000.


Things can only get better right?


From the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities:

When these unified budget numbers are separated into Social Security and non-Social Security components, however, it becomes evident that all of the projected surplus throughout this period is attributable to Social Security. The remainder of the budget will remain in deficit throughout the next decade.

From CNN:

Despite a revenue shortfall, full benefits are expected to be paid out between 2017 and 2041. The system will draw on its trust fund, a collection of special-issue bonds from the government, which borrowed prodigiously from the program’s surplus over the years. But since the country is already running a deficit, the government will have to borrow more money to pay back its debt to Social Security. That’s a little like giving with one hand and taking away with the other.


This is looking worse and worse and worse for the South Side Shyster.

From the Ludwig von Mises Institute:

The surplus deception is clearly discernible in the statistics of national debt. While the spenders are boasting about surpluses, the national debt is rising year after year. In 1998, the first year of the legerdemain surplus, it rose from $5.413 trillion to $5.526 trillion, due to a deficit of $112.9 billion… The federal government spends Social Security money and other trust funds which constitute obligations to present and future recipients. It consumes them and thereby incurs obligations as binding as those to the owners of savings bonds. Yet, the Treasury treats them as revenue and hails them for generating surpluses. If a private banker were to treat trust fund deposits as income and profit, he would face criminal charges.

The fella who wrote that one was Hans F. Sennholz, Emeritus Professor of Economics at Grove City College, is an adjunct scholar of the Mises Institute.

I’d say he knows a bit more about economics than you Mr. ParaLegal2.

Let’s continue. From CBS:

With unemployment rising, the payroll tax revenue that finances Social Security benefits for nearly 51 million retirees and other recipients is falling, according to a report from the Congressional Budget Office. As a result, the trust fund’s annual surplus is forecast to all but vanish next year — nearly a decade ahead of schedule — and deprive the government of billions of dollars it had been counting on to help balance the nation’s books.


The Treasury Department has for decades borrowed money from the Social Security trust fund to finance government operations.

Let’s see what the esteemed Walter E. Williams the John M Olin Distinguished Professor of Economics at George Mason University has to say about it:

Boiled down to its basics, that’s the budget “surplus” hoax that’s coming from the president and Congress. In 1998, there was approximately $120 billion spent out of revenue earmarked for trust funds like the Social Security, highway and unemployment compensation trust funds. There’s absolutely nothing in those trust funds except Treasury Department IOUs.

That means that when Congress reports there is a $60 billion surplus, we should subtract $120 billion from that so-called surplus. That would leave us with minus $60 billion — a $60 billion deficit for 1998. As such, budget surplus talk is nothing less than a sleight-of-hand accounting hoax perpetrated on the American people.

The budget situation is actually worse. The federal government uses accounting practices that if used by private companies would land the CEO and the board of trustees in jail. Here’s why: Today’s estimated federal government liability is about $20 trillion. These are federal government promises-to-pay such as the public debt, Social Security, railroad retirement, bank deposit and savings and loan insurance, guaranteed student loans, International Monetary Fund and so forth.

When private companies have future promises-to-pay, general accounting practices require that they hold actuarially based reserves to cover those claims. How much reserves do you think Congress has set aside to cover federal obligations? If you say zilch, nada, zippo, go to the head of the class. The bottom line is that if Congress followed general accounting practices, instead of a reported surplus, there would be a budget deficit of at least $200 billion.

You’re welcome.

For a guy who claims to have an advanced level of edumakashun you sure are a slow learner.

@ Aye Chihuahua…You can buy them books, send them to school…I reckon that you get my drift…


@Aye and Old Trooper

Thank you both for taking the “fool to school” in my absence. I’m not sure that it helped much though, as BRob continually mistakes the liberal/progressive falsehoods as the truth. Anyone with one small iota of sense knows that tax cuts spur economic growth, yet we see the “enlightened” left still railing against the tax cuts “for the rich”.

This guy isn’t seriously a paralegal, is he? One would think that a paralegal, or fulltime attorney wouldn’t be stupid enough to fall for the liberal/progressive hash. But, then again, that is the intellectually lazy for you.


He claims to be an attorney out in Ohio. 🙄


The CBO agrees with me, not you and johngalt: tax cuts must be offset by spending cuts, otherwise you just explode the deficit.


In each of the last three cuts in marginal tax rates, revenues received by the U.S. Treasury have increased. Coolidge cut tax rates in the 1920s, Kennedy cut marginal tax rates in the 1960s, and Reagan cut them in the 1980s.

Under Coolidge, marginal tax rates were cut from the top rate of 73% to 24%. The economy rewarded this policy by expanding 59% from 1921 to 1929. Revenues received by the federal treasury increased from $719 million in 1921 to more than $1.1 billion 1929. That’s a 61% increase (there was zero inflation in this period). Growth averaged more than six percent annually. We are currently growing at 2.5%.

Under Kennedy, marginal tax rates were cut from a top rate of 91% to 70%. In real dollar terms, the economy grew by 42%, an average of 5 percent a year from 1961 to 1965. Tax revenue to the U.S. Treasury increased by 62%. Adjusted for inflation, they rose by one-third.

Under Reagan, marginal tax rates were cut from a top of 70% to 28%. Revenues (from all taxes) to the U.S. Treasury nearly doubled. According to the Budget of the U.S. Government, FY 1997, Office of Management and Budget. Revenues increased from roughly $500 billion in 1980 to $1.1 trillion in 1990.

The fact is that the year following the passage of the Bush tax cuts, federal revenue growth was greater than the revenue growth during Clinton’s most prosperous years(27% for Bush vs 17% for Clinton). To what do we owe the increased federal revenue? Certainly not simple growth of the economy, as one has to consider growth during Clinton’s second term as pretty good, yet the growth of federal revenue following Bush’s tax cuts was better. A thinking man, who uses reason has to admit that tax cuts have positive effects on federal revenue.

In every case over the last 60 years, major tax cuts have more than paid for themselves. In fact, every major tax cut since JFK has been followed by substantial increases in revenue, not to mention solid economic growth.

Is it so hard to admit that you do not know?

Simplified economic engine for you:

You, an owner of a small business, have x amount at the end of the year after wages, overhead, insurance, etc.

Now, let’s say that instead of x, you are given x+y. What do you do? Most small business owners, wishing to increase business and market share, dump that money back into their business, either through expansion, or increased operating hours, both of which require more hours from workers. The workers make more and owe more in taxes. On top of that, the demand for a product, or products, through that store has increased thus, the supplier has to make more product, meaning more hours for workers, who make more, and owe more in taxes.
In addition, the workers themselves have more to spend, and they do spend it, increasing demand for products, forcing suppliers to increase supply to stores, workers work more hours, or more workers are hired, more money, more taxes, etc., etc., etc.

That is a very, very simplified explanation, but the drift is easy to catch for most people. Tax cuts spur economic growth, which spurs higher federal revenues, creates more jobs, more people are put to work, and so on, and so on.

Really? I guess ignorance comes in many forms from all walks of life.