America’s Chavez [Reader Post]


Hugo Chavez has nationalized American oil rigs, shut down 34 radio stations, is busy confiscating private property and annointed himself President for life.

America has its own Chavez.

Doug Ross reminds us that Mark Levin observed that we are as close to a dictatorship as we have ever been.

Last May, Mark Levin — the President of Landmark Legal Foundation — stated that President Barack Obama was the “closest thing to a dictator” this country had ever seen.

The list of horribles included his naked attempts to silence critics, his encouragement of voter intimidation, his support of rampant vote fraud, the implicit campaign to encourage illegal immigration, and his blatant abrogation of contract law (e.g., the GM and Chrysler bailouts).

Now, in a bold attempt to shut down the opposition media, Obama has declared Fox News the enemy of the state.

Now Obama is at it again, demonizing the most popular and trusted cable news outlet in the United States. In an exclusive interview with Rolling Stone Magazine, Obama made the extraordinarily un-presidential claim that Fox is “destructive to [America’s] long-term growth.”

That’s mind-boggling. Then again, Chavez also attacked Fox News.

But the list of Chavezesque plans is not complete.

Obama seeks control of the internet for “emergencies.”

The new version would allow the president to “declare a cybersecurity emergency” relating to “non-governmental” computer networks and do what’s necessary to respond to the threat. Other sections of the proposal include a federal certification program for “cybersecurity professionals,” and a requirement that certain computer systems and networks in the private sector be managed by people who have been awarded that license.

And now that also includes the ability to shut down industries:

“Industries, companies or portions of companies could be temporarily shut down, or be required to take other steps to address threats,” states the report, citing concerns about an “imminent threat to the U.S. electrical grid or other critical infrastructure such as the water supply or financial network.”

Or support Republicans.

Obama has installed a shadow government of 35 czars who are unaccountable to Congress or to the American people. They include several Marxists.

Obama plans on using EPA rules to bypass Congress.

The timing of the EPA’s moves also hint at political motives. Congressman Welch believes the new policies are intended to tell Congress, “that if we don’t pass legislation, the President will not wait and will just go ahead and regulate.”

Columbia’s Heal agrees: “The EPA announcements are designed to put pressure on the Senate and on industry representatives who are pushing senators, that if they don’t act, [the EPA] will, in ways industry won’t like.”

(By the way, if you’d like to se what increasing CO2 levels do for green plants, go here)

And Obama can’t be bothered with Constitutional details.

Obama is hiring 17,000 health care mandate Schutzstaffel enforcement officers.

Barack Obama has never met a union he did not want to bailout. The head of the AFL-CIO, Richard Trumka, has called for the left wing government to take over private corporations.

And now he wants to wiretap your email.

And like Chavez, Obama has his own propaganda machine “Organizing for America.” with the self-indulgent adoration name

We’re close. We’re very close.

More here.

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NanG #58 Thanks for your post.

“Ask not what your country can do for you ask what you can do for your country” JFK

Inspired many of my generation to join two great Corps’, Marine and Peace.

It is funny, isn’t it?
They don’t have to carry guns to ruin you.
For example, to sell a home (if the EPA’s rules go into effect) a green audit must be done on your home.
It MUST have energy efficient windows, faucets, washer/dryer (if any laundry room) toilets, shower heads, insulation, smart grid connection for AC and heaters, and so on.
It might help to have a poster of ”The One,” on a wall, but perhaps not.
The cost of not being able to sell a home until all the audit is passed could be very high.

And this is just one example.

The unintended consequences of trying to go green and energy efficient was shown on ABC News this AM.

Those double-paned windows act like laser beams.
People under them get burned, their hoses, lawns, yard plastics even modern plastic siding gets melted.

Dad used to always say, wait for the second or third year a car is out, they find and remove the bugs by then.

Obama wants us all jumping onboard 1st generation green ”solutions” that have plenty of expensive bugs all over them!

How has it come to the point in American history that we have a POTUS whose family(on his father’s side) was part of the Mau Mau uprising in Kenya? For sure all my rounds will be coated with bacon grease from now on. Hope this Nov 2 election goes well for the good guys or we are in a heap of trouble. On another note we have all the prominent commies gathering on the National Mall this Saturday. Maybe that will be enough to make Carlos Hathcock return to take care of some unfinished business.

Where’s Tom?

I think it is dangerous to demigod the office of the President of the United States by these goofy images. I as just as outraged at when it happened to Pres Bush, plus the shoe attack on him as well. Nothing positive comes from this type of image-making. Lets focus on issues.

I’ll go first: I don’t need Fox News to tell me. I recognize a true communist when I see one. Yes.

You’re pretty on top of things. Is it the Kim Jong Il flat top fade?

Well, okay. Let’s look at the evidence presented in the post.

1) The famous Mark Levinston states Obama is a dictator in a pationate manner. Conclusion? Obama is a communist

2) Obama says Fox “enemy of the state”, although without saying those actual words and saying something completely different that doesn’t mean the same thing. Conclusion? Obama is a communist

3) In an apparently directly related event, some guy named Chavez attacks Fox News. Conclusion? Obama is a communist

4) Also, Obama seeks to control internet via Republican sponsored bill that will likely never be heard from again. Conclusion? Obama is a communist

5) 35 czars drink vodka and corrupt America where Republican presidents hired, literally, no government employees – communist

6) Obama controls the EPA and things happen there that some people don’t like sometimes. – Communist.

7) In a lost vault deep within a pristine alpine retreat a contemporary Nazi poster was found featuring an Aryan boy and a black man. The black man turned out to be Obama. The Nazis turn out to be… Christ, um, (clears throat) communists . Conclution? – communist.

You win.

Lets focus on issues.

Hahahaha! No, Obama is a COMMUNIST!!!


With all due respect, Bush as a commie too. Lets get real. It probably is fun to toss these comments around, but they hyperbole. The issues facing our country are complex.

What do we do with our military and the cost it has to the American tax payers?

What do we do with the uneven trade and barriers against American goods abroad?

Are we to continue to be the Super Power while the necessary investments (civil and business) cannot be made due to lack of funding.

We have been running HUGE GIGANTIC and GROWING deficits in trade, personal and national debts. Lets flush out the real problems.

If Obama is commie for his health care program, why did he not nationalize the medial system, that would be communistic. Like the Republicans for the “commie” (use that term uselessly) for the prescription health care bill.

I wish I could hear a cohesive message that was not full of crap from the right, tea party of republican leadership. Something that they can do, not just pontificate about. If health care reform is gone, they still will keep some of the elements of it anyway, so much for commies.

Time for reasoned thinking is now, because the less there is, there will be a break left at the polls at the last minute. We will see. You go hold your commie signs etc, no doubt someone will video you and in the end, “it is a tale told by an idiot full of sound and furry, signifying nothing” (from Shakespeare Act 5, Scene 5).

In closing. Lets pass a constitutional amendment that prohibits deficit spending. That will hold the feet to the fire on everyone.

blast: hi, YOU are very good to pinpoint ISSUES that must be dealt with: lets not rush
we must get our feet in the HOUSE before starting the AGENDA to reclaim AMERICA
WE must be united in one UNIT,to get in the first move which is the most important to focus on and stay focus until it’s done,
AMERICANS know quite a bit about the agenda already, so we are not worry of letting the MEDIA
IN the DETAILS yet; LIKE I said, one step at a time.
GET our people in first with our full support now:
THERE will be lots of time for constructive DEBATES after, and we know our elected chosen by the AMERICANS, will be there to SERVE, not to IMPOSE their will anymore.


I agree with some of your sentiments. It’s one thing to evaluate performance or a person’s political philosophy; it’s another to just indiscriminately and interchangeably lob labels around like “Socialist” and “Communist” and “Nazi” (which, by the way, aren’t the same thing). That’s what I found astounding. How is it helpful, aside from allowing people to vent frustration?

@Tom: I know I am late to this discussion, but I feel the need to set you straight. You said –

Here is the top rated cable news channel and they can barely be bothered to send reporters anywhere. This is why whenever anything big happens, like 9/11, Hurricane Katrina, The invasion of Iraq, CNN’s ratings go through the roof. CNN actually has the personnel, assets and know-how to report news as it breaks.

Really? Hmmm… well according to the Huffington Post (a FAR LEFT website) you are WRONG:

The Haiti earthquake represented the biggest international deployment of TV news talent since the 2004 tsunami, and the ratings winners were NBC and Fox News.

On cable, Fox News won the week, averaging 2.412 million viewers in primetime, more than CNN (1.130 million) and MSNBC (670,000) combined. It also placed second among all cable channels in primetime for the week, losing to USA by just 211,000 viewers. – Source

And during the tsunami in the Indian Ocean:

On cable, tsunami disaster coverage drew heavy audiences at Fox and CNN. Fox held its overall lead in households for the December 26, 27, 28 period. It averaged a 0.9 household rating for daytime on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday compared to CNN which had a 0.6 increase in the same category. Source

You also said:

It’s almost entirely political punditry and opinion, a 24 hour a day commercial for the Republican party.

And what is CNN? During Bill’s 8 years it was referred to as the “Clinton News Network.” Now with Obama in the WH, they may have to change their name to ONN – “Obama News Network.”

Could one of the moderators please put the video link below into this post?

Nope, no bias there.

You further said:

…isn’t it troubling that one such front-runner, Sarah Palin, refuse to be interviewed by other networks, preferring to receive softball questions from her fawning employer, who has a vested interest in making her look good?

And how is that different from Obama refusing to be on the Fox News Sunday program when he was touting Obamacare last September, yet he was on all of the other Sunday shows? Was he avoiding the hard questions?

Really Tom, you ought to think about what you say before you hit the send button…

It just makes you look foolish.


I said CNN’s ratings have traditionally gone way up during big news events. Nowhere did I state that their ratings overtook Fox. Nowhere did I state that loyal Fox viewership jumps to CNN. Nowhere did I state that Fox is not the ratings leader, by far, of all cable ‘news’ networks. You also cherry picked more recent events to make your point, but even so, using your Haiti example, my point stands:

CNN’s typical viewership surge for big news events failed to topple Fox News on the first day of coverage of the Haiti earthquake. Yet another example of CNN’s loss of primacy on “big news” days.

CNN still gets temporary ratings surges from viewers who’d otherwise not be watching cable news, but for the first day of the Haiti coverage that surge failed to come close to Fox News’ ratings levels.” rel=”nofollow”

And how is that different from Obama refusing to be on the Fox News Sunday program when he was touting Obamacare last September, yet he was on all of the other Sunday shows? Was he avoiding the hard questions?

Are you kidding? How is Obama not going on one channel even remotely comparable to Palin not going on any channel but one? And that one being her employer? And was Obama running from hard questions when he took questions from House GOP members for an hour?” rel=”nofollow”

But of course, being a Fox watcher, you might not have known about that event given its paltry coverage. And are those editorial comments I see coming from the Fox News anchor?

Top-rated Fox News shows ignore Obama-GOP event.
Top three shows devote just over four minutes to Obama-GOP event. The O’Reilly Factor, Hannity, and Glenn Beck, Fox News’ three top-rated programs for 2009, combined to devote a total of four minutes and five seconds of coverage to President Obama’s address and question and answer session with House Republicans at their retreat in Baltimore.

Fox News’ live coverage cut away from Obama-GOP Q&A but aired GOP “response” in its entirety. With twenty minutes remaining in President Obama’s question and answer session with House Republicans at their retreat in Baltimore, Fox News cut to The Live Desk co-host Trace Gallagher who asserted that Obama was “at times being a little bit combative” and that “there was a little bit of lecturing there.” By contrast, MSNBC and CNN aired the event in its entirety. Fox News subsequently aired all of the “Republican response” press conference held by House Minority Leader Rep. John Boehner (R-OH), Rep. Mike Pence (R-IN), and Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA) after the question and answer session with Obama.” rel=”nofollow”

How is Obama not going on one channel even remotely comparable to Palin not going on any channel but one?


Could it be because one of them is POTUS while the other holds no public office?

Palin has no obligation to the press whatsoever except to her employer. Not one iota.

Obie, on the other hand, does.


Sound point. So I guess it’s a good thing that he did, in fact, go on Fox news to discuss health care in March, six months after the time Antics claims he snubbed Fox.

Oh, I almost missed this one.

Want a clear demonstration of bias on the part of CNN?

You provided it, unwittingly of course, in #70. Check out the wording of the URL link:

Nah, that wasn’t accidental.

Oh, I almost missed this one.

Aye, you’re being far too modest. I doubt you would ever miss Obama and Bolshevik in the same sentence. This is quite a rousing defense of Fox’s unbiased handling of the Q&A, by the way.

Obama also interviewed with O’Reilly. So, we have two exceptions to the rule. A quick glance at google shows he’s been snubbing FOX since January, 2007.,18167,25260,26714,26781&sugexp=ldymls&xhr=t&q=obama+snubs+fox&cp=11&pf=p&sclient=psy&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=obama+snubs+fox&gs_rfai=&pbx=1&fp=c6affe93747c32d0

From leaving FOX reporters home during the Iraq trip, not allowing a question from FOX during his first press conference, you know the rest, his usual childish behavior toward that organization.

With the constant whining about FOX he best think it fortunate they air any of his drivel, it’s not like they are suffering for him not frequenting the news programs. I for one am appreciative that he doesn’t haunt the network.

Greg Gutfeld has it about right, he recently offered his opinion about the Obama/Rolling Stone interview.

Gutfeld read a portion of that interview…..”

I think Fox … is part of the tradition that has a very clear, undeniable point of view. It’s a point of view that I disagree with. It’s a point of view that I think is ultimately destructive for the long-term growth of a country that has a vibrant middle class and is competitive in the world. But as an economic enterprise, it’s been wildly successful.

But the “Red Eye” host reminded Obama he has the deck stacked in his favor, yet time and time again, he and members of his administration go after the Fox News Channel.

“OK let me get this straight — you’re the President of the United States, with both Houses [of Congress] under your control. You also have the most fawning press of any president in the history of the universe and yet you let FNC get under your skin, because it’s the only network that doesn’t have a thrill up its leg?” he continued. “Obama’s like a sports team who owns the ref, the fans and the field, but refuses to play until the kid in the tenth row stops chewing gum.” 😉

And as Gutfeld explained, it wasn’t Fox News Channel that has rallied the biggest thorn in the side of this administration, the Tea Party movement. Instead, it was Chicago CME Group floor reporter Rick Santelli, who works for a competitor of Fox News.

“So let’s indulge his fantasy and imagine if Fox News didn’t exist – the good old days, when the only media was a liberal one,” Gutfeld said. “Well, Obama would still be in trouble. See, it wasn’t Fox who started the tea parties. It was CNBC’s Rick Santelli – and then America went crazy with it.”

And what would happen if there were no Fox News? This White House, which seems to want to take a page out of the Saul Alinsky playbook and give its political opponents as label, would have to go after someone or something else. Gutfeld suggested it would be the American people.

“In fact, it would be far worse for Obama if there was no Fox News, because then he’d only have the American people to get mad at,” Gutfeld said. “There is no Republican adversary right now, and without Fox News – who’s left? You. And this is why the Crybaby-in-Chief needs us. It provides cover, so Obama can criticize Americans without ever saying ‘those Americans.’ He can just say Fox News instead. And I don’t mind. We’re happy to help. And if you disagree with me, you’re a racist, homophobic, taurophobe.”

Read more:

@Tom: #70 How is Obama not going on one channel even remotely comparable to Palin not going on any channel but one?

Obama is on ALL the liberal networks. Palin is on ALL the “You decide” networks.


If it’s the “you decide” network, why are so many of the programs opinion-driven? Fox’s top three rated programs: O’Reilly (pundit), Hannity (pundit), Beck (pundit). If ‘hard news’ is so important to the Fox viewership, how is a show that airs at 5 PM watched by more people than the 6:00 or 7:00 PM news programs? Please explain that to me. If people want to be told what to think, fine, but they shouldn’t dress it up as “I decided to think like just like Glen Beck told me to!”. And if it’s just about entertainment, let’s call it what it is. That, or we should start calling The Daily Show and The Colbert Report news too.

No network does news perfectly, but there are those, I think, who make more of an attempt than others. And there are those who figured out that the ratings are in personality-driven opinion and bluster. Fox made a sound business choice. But if you really want to be a “you decide” person, watch CSPAN.

My favorite part of Obama’s Fox Derangement Syndrome came last year when he and his started trying to make a case for Fox News not being a news channel and THEREFORE not worthy of a place in the White House Press Pool.

All the other news channels banded together against NOT FOX, BUT AGAINST OBAMA!!!!

The CBS Evening News ran a segment on it, including a snippet of a Chip Reid White House standup in which Reid said, “All the networks said that’s it, you’ve crossed the line.”

The news channels: ABC, CBS, CNN, and NBC stood by Fox News.

I thought that by October, 2009, Obama had learned his lesson.

Maybe this is why he refused to release his school records despite being opposed by the 2nd to lowest Navy Academy graduate of his year…..Obama might be a slow learner, passed along by affirmative action only.

“What it’s really about to me is the Executive Branch of the government trying to tell the press how it should behave. I mean, this democracy — we know this — only works with a free and unfettered press to provide information,” Baltimore Sun TV critic David Zurawik said.

What has happened was, the MSM covered itself, knowing if FOX goes, they too can go at the whim of a President.

Oh yeah, the mind numbed robot theory strikes again. The ratings are higher because that’s when all the stupid people tune in. Good grief! Such foolishness.

how is a show that airs at 5 PM watched by more people than the 6:00 or 7:00 PM news programs

Um, let’s do a bit of thinking for you……Dinner, recreational sport leagues, hauling kids to extracurricular activities, helping them with homework and putting them to bed. Having two bread winners in my children’s families, through the week there’s also laundry, running the vac, clean up, etc. so they are able to be ready for Saturday activities and on Sunday, church and a peaceful day.

In my area, an empty nester, senior establishment…..the streets are full of walkers during those hours year round, weather permitting, people here practice their putting in the eight common areas and others fish after dinner before it gets dark, there is also lots of gardening going on during those hours, not all of us are retired and most of us are active.

Kind of leaves people indoors preparing and eating their evening meal in that 5 PM time slot, 4 PM our time, and enough time to eat while watching TV and then get outdoors.

FOX also repeats their programming after Greta’s program, light sleepers like me will watch Bret’s news hour at 3am.


Just hours after President Obama’s swipe at Fox News made its way around the blogosphere, Deputy Press Secretary Bill Burton praised a couple of commentators on MSNBC — the cable news rival presenting itself as a liberal alternative to Fox in prime time.

Burton, holding a press gaggle with reporters aboard Air Force One on Tuesday, was asked whether Obama feels “that too many Americans don’t appreciate or recognize these things that you guys have accomplished.”

“No, I don’t think that that’s his point,” Burton said. “The president doesn’t travel the country thinking about whether or not people are appreciating what he’s doing.”

However, Burton added that Obama does want to make sure that people on the left and right know that the administration’s “done a lot” and that “we’ve got a lot more to do.” He then lauded the efforts of MSNBC’s top liberal hosts.

“And if you’re on the left, if you’re somebody like Keith Olbermann or Rachel Maddow or one of the folks who helps to keep our government honest and pushes and prods to make sure that folks are true to progressive values,” Burton continued, “then he thinks that those folks provide an invaluable service. But at the same time, we need to focus our energy and our efforts on the choice that Americans have this fall.”

Since January 2009, Obama has invited Maddow to a few small discussions with left-leaning and moderate columnists and pundits.


As long as you want to begin in an elitist, snarky tone: it’s “fad,” not “fade.”

My reaction to the original post, Is Obama America’s Chavez, is yes, because each is a communist. Chavez has stated it, so there’s no question he’s a commie. Can we agree on that one?

I will not answer your points of argument because they let you re-frame the argument, an old Saul Alinsky trick. Indeed, you attempted to do just that. The posted questions were:

1) Is Levin’s assessment valid?
2) Has O attempted to shut down the opposition?
3) Is/can O now control the internet and wiretap your emails?
4) Is/can O shut down industries?
5) Does O have a shadow government of 35 czars, including Marxists?
6) Does O intend to use the EPA to bypass Congress?
7) Does O routinely blow off the Constitution?
8) Is O hiring 17,000 healthcare enforcement officers
9) Does O have his own propaganda machine called Organizing For America?

My simple response is that Obama professed how he feels about the Constitution in a chilling 2001 radio station interview. Yes, CHILLING! Arguing that the Constitution is a charter of negative liberties, that the Supreme Court never ventured into issues of wealth redistribution, and that the Warren court was not radical enough. That was, and remains, enough for me. Once a president makes it clear he has zero regard for the Constitution, the argument is over. There is no USA, there is nothing but tyranny. Period.

You guys are willing to tar and feather Christine O’Donnell for things she said in her petulant youth. Can’t that also work for O? Try convincing me, though, that O does not feel the same way today about the Constitution as he did in 2001.

Since I completely agree with points 1-9, it is clear that Obama is a raging tyrant-in-the-making, and it is clear to anyone with eyes and ears, who has watched what this man has DONE since he took office, that he is a communist.

DOUG: hi, you are brilliant, I love your comment,
IT could not get clearer than that; I bet you don’t miss your target if shoot it. bye

@Tom: #77 I have to admit that I don’t have cable, so I don’t see Fox News. Sometimes I would see them when I was in a motel room.

As a truck driver I listened to these shows on the radio. One BIG difference between these shows and the liberal’s shows they have tried is that they aren’t all political. They also covered other events. The liberal shows only spewed hatred for Bush and republicans.

My local Philadelphia Fox station has a reporter that I can tell doesn’t like Obama or liberals, but he is still a reporter there. Name one propaganda media that has a reporter say something negative about Obama and keep their job. They get fired for that.

I have to throw this question back at you:

If ‘hard news’ is so important to the Fox viewership, how is a show that airs at 5 PM watched by more people than the 6:00 or 7:00 PM news programs?

Why would anyone go to these shows? Think about it for a while before you go any further. Why would they?
Maybe it’s because no news network can spend much time on ALL the news stories, and they can’t tell ALL that went on that day. The other shows usually focus on fewer stories and talk about them in more detail. They tell the stories that the propaganda media won’t.

The news is just like any other product you are looking for: If you can’t find it at the store you are at, you go to another store.

TROW the bums out from RAY STEVENS, on the banner beside upward,
VERY funny, check it up. y’all


Every time we call the USA a democracy we are telling the propaganda media that their brainwashing is working. They call the USA a democracy because it reminds us of democrats. If they called it the republic that it is, that would remind us of republicans, and they don’t want that.

You can tell when a news media is liberal by:

(1) They call the USA a democracy.

(2) If a politician is charged with a crime and they are a republican, they will mention that right away. If they are a democrat, they won’t mention it, or they will tell it at the end.

I was talking with a high school age boy at one of the Washington DC Tea Party protests and I mentioned to him that the USA isn’t a democracy, it is a republic. He looked at me and asked, “What’s a republic?” The public schools are brainwashing our kids into liberalism. They are teaching our kids to call the USA a democracy to get them to vote democratic. I have noticed that the private school students call the USA a republic.

Every time we call the USA a democracy instead of the republic that it is the propaganda media are saying “Mission Accomplished.”

@ilovebeeswarzone: #83 You can also get Ray Stevens songs from iTunes. I downloaded “Throw The Bums Out” some time ago.

SMORGASBORD: hi, thank you for the info,
I enjoyed they are very funny good show. bye

@ilovebeeswarzone: #86 You reminded me of my “Take Out The Trash” poster I displayed at the last 9-12 protest. I sent DrJohn an email and asked him to insert it in this comment.

Well Tom, I was going to rebut your pathetic attempts to sidestep the issues that YOU raised, but Aye, Nan, Missy and Doug did such a good job, that I will offer them my thanks and go spend time with my 22 month old daughter.

Smorg “Calling the U.S.A. a democracy reminds us of Democrats and calling it a republic reminds us of Republicans.” From the mouths of birthers—

@rich wheeler: #90 Two types of government:

(1) Democracy: All of the people vote on an issue and the majority win.

(2) Republic: People elect representatives to vote in congress for each issue.

Which one are we?

Recite the Pledge of Allegiance.

Show me the word “democracy” in our Constitution. Republic is in it.

Since you brought up the “berther” issuer, here’s more info you won’t want to read or listen to.

DNC Failed to Certify Obama as Eligible in MOST States!

@rich wheeler: You said:

Smorg “Calling the U.S.A. a democracy reminds us of Democrats and calling it a republic reminds us of Republicans.” From the mouths of birthers—

What does that have to do with the issue of Obama’s refusal to provide his vault copy, official birth certificate?

anticrocks and Smorg Democracy and Republic a MSM conspiracy to make us think of Democrats vs Republicans.That’s as wild as birthers being caller berthers #31.Who’s sleeping where? America wants to know.

Off topic, but @ Smorgasboard: I cannot find accurate attribution, but I’ve read “Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well armed sheep contesting the vote.”

@rich wheeler: Not a good enough answer, YOU brought up the subject. Let me remind you of your words:

Smorg “Calling the U.S.A. a democracy reminds us of Democrats and calling it a republic reminds us of Republicans.” From the mouths of birthers—

Now once again, I ask you. What does the idea that we are a republic and not a democracy have to do with Obama dodging the issue of his status as a U.S. citizen?

Or are you saying that people who call this country a republic are wackos? I mean you seem to be avoiding the answer on this one, so I am having to resort to speculation.

What does the idea that we are a republic and not a democracy have to do with Obama dodging the issue of his status as a U.S. citizen?

You don’t believe Obama is a US citizen? I cant say I’m shocked. So he’s a communist, and now he’s not a US citizen. Anything else we should know?

SMORGASBOARD: hi, I visit your link, and I I find something real bad in the ELECTION of a person who did not follow the law of the CONSTITUTION, even from the start of his mandate
to seek the PRESIDENCY, even before that. IT’S incredible that the DEMOCRATS participate in such conspiracy. bye

TOM: hi, why don’t you read the link on 91 , of SMORGASBORD and find it by yourself.

Rich Wheeler: hi, WHY don’t you read the link on SMORGASBORD 91, and find out by yourself.

Whatever for? Is there a reason I should suspect he’s not a citizen? There’s never been a President before whom I suspected of such a preposterous thing. What is it about him, I wonder?

No, thanks.

TOM, why not?

I’m confused. Why would i be looking at that again?

TOM; that mean you did look at it; WHAT is your opinion on it’s facts?

@ilovebees – Excellent logic! You are very astute ilovebees!

@Tom: You said:

You don’t believe Obama is a US citizen? I cant say I’m shocked. So he’s a communist, and now he’s not a US citizen.

Tell me Tom, where did I say what I believed about Obama’s citizenship status? I said that he has dodged the issue by refusing to show proof. Has he not? More to the point, are you so ideologically driven that you cannot fathom the difference between someone saying that they believe something and someone saying that the issue was avoided?

I also never said he was a communist. Although I WILL go on record saying he has strong Marxist beliefs.

Sorry. i wasn’t being clear. i have not seen it. I’m still waiting to read why anyone would think this.

Dodging the issue? Show proof? Why would he have to show proof? Did George Bush show proof? Please explain.

@ilovebeeswarzone: #97 Obama and the other liberals don’t worry about any laws. When they rule the roost (are in charge) they don’t have to worry about laws. Taking over the car and bank industry is illegal, but they don’t care.

@Tom: #100 All people running for president have to prove they are a US citizen. Here is a video for you to watch so you can decide for yourself if Obama is hiding something. You won’t have to read any big words, just watch and listen to the video.

Pay close attention to what it says at these times:

Pelosi certified Obama as a US citizen to the state of Hawaii but not the other 49 states:

DNC never certified Obama’s Constitutional eligibility:

Two different documents sent to the states:

2000 and 2004 DNC elections documents were the same for all 50 states. Not 2008:

Each state party must certify that their candidate is Constitutionally eligible to be president:

No DNC official will comment on the multiple and differing documents:

Obama has spent over $1,000,000 to keep ALL of his documents secret:

Fox News interviewed 400 people that were in the same collage at the same time Obama said he was and some of them took the same classes he said he did and not one of them remembers him.

It is also known that anyone could get a live birth certificate from Hawaii during the time Obama was born, so that having one isn’t proof that they were born there.