America’s Chavez [Reader Post]


Hugo Chavez has nationalized American oil rigs, shut down 34 radio stations, is busy confiscating private property and annointed himself President for life.

America has its own Chavez.

Doug Ross reminds us that Mark Levin observed that we are as close to a dictatorship as we have ever been.

Last May, Mark Levin — the President of Landmark Legal Foundation — stated that President Barack Obama was the “closest thing to a dictator” this country had ever seen.

The list of horribles included his naked attempts to silence critics, his encouragement of voter intimidation, his support of rampant vote fraud, the implicit campaign to encourage illegal immigration, and his blatant abrogation of contract law (e.g., the GM and Chrysler bailouts).

Now, in a bold attempt to shut down the opposition media, Obama has declared Fox News the enemy of the state.

Now Obama is at it again, demonizing the most popular and trusted cable news outlet in the United States. In an exclusive interview with Rolling Stone Magazine, Obama made the extraordinarily un-presidential claim that Fox is “destructive to [America’s] long-term growth.”

That’s mind-boggling. Then again, Chavez also attacked Fox News.

But the list of Chavezesque plans is not complete.

Obama seeks control of the internet for “emergencies.”

The new version would allow the president to “declare a cybersecurity emergency” relating to “non-governmental” computer networks and do what’s necessary to respond to the threat. Other sections of the proposal include a federal certification program for “cybersecurity professionals,” and a requirement that certain computer systems and networks in the private sector be managed by people who have been awarded that license.

And now that also includes the ability to shut down industries:

“Industries, companies or portions of companies could be temporarily shut down, or be required to take other steps to address threats,” states the report, citing concerns about an “imminent threat to the U.S. electrical grid or other critical infrastructure such as the water supply or financial network.”

Or support Republicans.

Obama has installed a shadow government of 35 czars who are unaccountable to Congress or to the American people. They include several Marxists.

Obama plans on using EPA rules to bypass Congress.

The timing of the EPA’s moves also hint at political motives. Congressman Welch believes the new policies are intended to tell Congress, “that if we don’t pass legislation, the President will not wait and will just go ahead and regulate.”

Columbia’s Heal agrees: “The EPA announcements are designed to put pressure on the Senate and on industry representatives who are pushing senators, that if they don’t act, [the EPA] will, in ways industry won’t like.”

(By the way, if you’d like to se what increasing CO2 levels do for green plants, go here)

And Obama can’t be bothered with Constitutional details.

Obama is hiring 17,000 health care mandate Schutzstaffel enforcement officers.

Barack Obama has never met a union he did not want to bailout. The head of the AFL-CIO, Richard Trumka, has called for the left wing government to take over private corporations.

And now he wants to wiretap your email.

And like Chavez, Obama has his own propaganda machine “Organizing for America.” with the self-indulgent adoration name

We’re close. We’re very close.

More here.

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Now Obama is at it again, demonizing the most popular and trusted cable news outlet in the United States

Surely you jest. I hate to break it to you, but Fox News isn’t news. It’s almost entirely political punditry and opinion, a 24 hour a day commercial for the Republican party. While it’s probably silly for Obama to even mention such an organization, the fact that many Americans consider Fox a news outlet (and that Fox bills themselves as such) is reason for concern in itself. Here is the top rated cable news channel and they can barely be bothered to send reporters anywhere. This is why whenever anything big happens, like 9/11, Hurricane Katrina, The invasion of Iraq, CNN’s ratings go through the roof. CNN actually has the personnel, assets and know-how to report news as it breaks.

Since you brought up Fox News, isn’t it troubling that many of the front-runners for the Republican 2012 nomination are employed by this “news organization”? And isn’t it troubling that one such front-runner, Sarah Palin, refuse to be interviewed by other networks, preferring to receive softball questions from her fawning employer, who has a vested interest in making her look good? And isn’t it troubling that she actually advised ideological soul mate, Christine O’Donnell, to “speak through Fox News”? Notice she didn’t say speak “to” Fox News – “through”. Could there be a more clear acknowledgement of the hand-in-hand nature of the relationship between Fox and the Republican party?

Do you consider Keith Olbermann and Tingles Matthews paragons of objectivity?

No, I don’t.

Golly, I’ve been hearing this for days from those losing badly in the ratings to Fox News. Ever think of anything on your own?

So what do you think of it?

TV by the Numbers Cable News
Tuesday Sept 28th, 2010.

Special Report w/ Bret Baier – 2,049,000 viewers
Situation Room—430,000 viewers
Ed Show —711,000 viewers
Mad Money — 200000 viewers
Prime News – 278,000 viewers

FOX has a total of 2,049,000.
CNN +CNNHeadline News has a total of 708,000
CNBC/MSNBC has a total of 911.000.
Even added together CNN + NBC has 1,619,000 still 430,000 short of Fox New’s total for that hour.

The Fox Report w/ Shep – 1,744,000 viewers
John King USA – 421,000 viewers
Hardball w/ C. Matthews – 663,000 viewers
Kudlow Report– 178,000 viewers
Issues – 374,000 viewers

6 and 7 are both regular news shows on Fox News, btw.

As most lefties do, you conflate Fox News with Fox News punditry.

Is that clearly delineated? Do they actually say, “you’re leaving Fox News now and entering Fox Punditry”?

Nan, I am not questioning Fox’s popularity and I’m well aware of it. I’m questioning their claim to be a news organization, and a nominally impartial one at that.

Does anyone actually believe Megyn Kelly is providing unbiased daytime news coverage?

The point being that many FOX viewers don’t seem to be able to tell the difference.

Can’t beat this kind of “unbiased” news eh? Or this kind. Or this kind. Or this kind. Or this kind. Or this kind.

Does anyone actually believe ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, the NYT’s is providing unbiased daytime/nighttime/anytime news coverage?

If so you’re an imbecile.

I suggest that anyone who has the money, invest it in Fox News. Every person and company that King Obama has told us not to listen to has done great. The first time Obama told us not to listen to Fox News their ratings went way up. I am guessing the same thing happened with their stocks.

As I have mentioned different time, I want on his hit list. I could use the extra money and attention.

Has there been any candidate that Obama campaigned for that got elected? I haven’t been keeping track, but I haven’t heard of any.

Curt, Yes or no, is Fox unbiased?

Yes….Fox News is much more unbiased than any other news organization around. Their pundits, no. ABC/NBC/CBS/CNN News….all completely biased. Their pundits are not only biased but completely off their rocker. There is a reason they are losing the ratings war by such huge numbers.

I sat in the Embassy in Baghdad and viewed an incident described on CNN that I observed up close and personal just a few minutes previous to the broadcast. I hardly recognized the incident!

Remember all of the Shia on Sunni attacks that occurred in 2006 in Baghdad. They were described in detail by AP with credit to a CPT Jamil of the Iraqi police force. I just happened to be in the intel center where all incidents were reported. None of the incidences happend but over 40 were reported by the AP and followed by CNN and MSNBC.

An analysis of the communications network with the Iraqi police would have showed the AP that their source could not have knowledge of any of the reported incidences. Machelle Malkin actually went to Baghdad and took photos of the Mosques that were supposed to have been burned by the SHia. She spoke to people in the neighborhood about any people who had been set on fire with gasoline. No one had seen anyone set on fire in these neighborhoods.

Where is the trusted source of news? AP and those lefty organizations that reported false information actually killed thousands of Iraqis by fostering additional conflicts between the SHia and the Sunni.

Randy….not to toot my own horn, but this blog and yours truly was the one to break the Jamil Hussein story. That’s the story that put FA on the map for awhile. All the posts for that story are here

@ Curt, Add Reuters and the BBC to your list of propaganda organ type “newsies”.

With news sources, those things that hit the wire first are usually BS. I never spoke with anyone from the NYT and viewed them as most likely to compromise the truth at the drop of a hat.

@ Tom, that all depends on your personal leanings or bias. Those in AFPAK always agreed that Geraldo Rivera was a “bullet magnet” and generally very bad Juju if he was in your Area of Operations. I never believe everything that I read or hear but everything that I have seen.

@ Randy, Freedom of the Press is only the Law in CONUS. I booted several “newsies” from my Area of Operations for “curfew violations” or conduct that risked my Troopers Missions. Consorting with suspected Tango types got them out of Country via the first thing smoking on the LZ or runway.


Let’s not forget X-Mas Eve, 2003 when we were in B-Dad watching CNN and the correspondent was telling the American people about how us being there caused long lines at the gas stations in Iraq that didn’t exist before we invaded. He just happened to leave out the fact that before we booted Saddam there weren’t any lines at the gas stations because people couldn’t afford cars and those who had them couldn’t afford the gas. Just mute points though for such a fair balanced media outlet.

ABC/NBC/CBS/CNN News….all completely biased. Their pundits are not only biased but completely off their rocker. There is a reason they are losing the ratings war by such huge numbers.

There is a correlation between ratings and lack-of-bias? how so?

So, you honestly think the wall between Fox News and Fox Shill for the Republican Party is so absolute and steadfast that someone looking for unbiased news would turn to this network, which is overwhelmingly identified with pundits like O’Rielly and Beck? Or perhaps Hannity, Palin, Huckebee, Santorum and Gingrich? The thing that’s amazing to me is that they’re not exactly trying to hide the bias. How much more obvious could they possibly make it?

Talk to me when you complain about the completely off their rocker pundits from your side of the aisle…..That’s ok, no need to. We know your just following the White House attack points of the week for your comments. Good doggie.

OT2, I agree personal feelings and bias play a large part, but there is still something to be said for real reporting. Say what you want about the The New York Times or the Washington Post, but they still pony up the cash to report from the war zone every day so that the American public can at least try to understand what the men and women fighting the wars are experiencing, what they think and feel. I’m talking about men putting themselves in harms way, not hanging out in the green zone. Dexter Filkins of the Times has been reporting from Iraq since 2003 and has many excellent worthwhile articles and first-hand reports from the warzone. David Finkel of the Post was also embedded and wrote what some have called the best unit-level account of the Iraq war, “The Good Soldiers”. OpEd biased they may be, but at least they’re still committed to hard news and on the ground reporting, a commitment studio-bound Fox news has never even bothered to feign.

Talk to me when you complain about the completely off their rocker pundits from your side of the aisle…..That’s ok, no need to. We know your just following the White House attack points of the week for your comments. Good doggie.

That’s your response?! Disappointing. I thought this could get interesting. BTW, I don’t have a side of the aisle. You’re the Fox/Republican fanboy, remember? I wouldn’t be caught dead shilling like that.

Even more disappointing that you point out a post in which I put up a Sarah Palin interview as some kind of proof of a fanboy. Omg, a Conservative blog putting up videos of Sarah Palin….OMG OMG OMG!

Dude, go back to DummiesU where you belong.


BTW, I don’t have a side of the aisle.

Hahahahahahahahahha…….oh man. Your killing me.

Omg, a Conservative blog putting up videos of Sarah Palin….OMG OMG OMG!

Curt, don’t bloggers, I don’t know, blog about things? Or is just pasting a Fox video your idea of a blog post? What are we, the readers, supposed to take away from that? That Sarah is, like, awesome? Couldn’t we find that out for ourselves on, we being most likely already amongst their 24 million unique visitors a month?

Thanks for providing us with your unique point of view.

Tom, if you took the time to peruse the blog you will find much more then that video….but you know that already and your attempts to be snarky fall flat. Either way, your “unique” point of view is not so unique when the WH and DNC feed them to you with marching orders. We all see it and laugh at those of you who follow through with their lame talking points..

Thanks for becoming fodder for future posts.

Hahahahahahahahahha…….oh man. Your killing me.

I know.

@ Tom, the NYT has published Classified information on numerous occasions from sources that they protected and have indeed put Intelligence sources in at risk. They have also “fabricated” news stories on many occasions as well. As a Commander of troops on the ground, my loyalty was to my troops and not to “newsies” of any affiliation that place troops or missions at risk.

When any source of “news” lies to the American Public for any political end, they deserve to be called out on it. Ask Michael Yon about “fabrication” and conduct that got in the way of Missions. He was allegedly “independent” but his conduct in theater got him dis-embeded in a heartbeat. Going in harms way by “newsies” places a burden on troops to protect them and I put a stop to that mischief on several occasions in the Balkans, Iraq and AFPAK. I would not hesitate to do it again if I was deployed.

Every Army unit has Public Information Officers that submit facts for the record and can be Court Martialed for “fabrication of facts”. Newsies are not bound to any standards. Stories submitted by embeds are “editorialized” as well by their Bureau Chief and that is where the bias taints their product. That, Pardner, is how “news” becomes OpEd pieces that are not representative of “ground truth” as I call it.

Curt, I have read many posts on FA. To the extent you’re responsible, congratulations on your blog. And I’m fine with being ‘fodder’ for You Plural (“We all see it and laugh” betrays your insecurity. have your own opinion, for Christ). I come by here and mainly ask people questions because i am curious and I occasionally offer my opinions. Is that an issue? And believe it or not, not everyone who doesn’t like Fox News or Sarah Palin is a DNC stooge – that’s just you needing to get out of the bunker once in a while.

Nope, not an issue if you ask and offer opinions, but stop trying to pretend to be something your not. Proudly carry the leftist mantle.

not everyone who doesn’t like Fox News or Sarah Palin is a DNC stooge

Your comment left on a thread that was comparing Obama to Chavez, nothing to do with MSM bias….but you were compelled to come in with the attack dog about Fox…. and you really have to wonder why, oh why, we would come to the conclusion that you were nothing but a shill? Dude, your boy, the one, went on the offence against Fox. Marching orders to attack Fox were sent out this week…..and guess what, you are following orders like a good doggie.

Tom is just so smart and doesn’t even have a side of the aisle.
That comment alone disqualifies him from any serious debate.
What fascinates me is what joy does this poor man get from preening in front of an internet audience, fighting a battle that can’t be won? What a fool.
Anyone who finds WAPO and the NYT to be exemplary hard news organizations, is in no position to comment on any network’s bias. Every story reeks of ideology.

So, you honestly think the wall between Fox News and Fox Shill for the Republican Party is so absolute and steadfast that someone looking for unbiased news would turn to this network, which is overwhelmingly identified with pundits like O’Rielly and Beck? Or perhaps Hannity, Palin, Huckebee, Santorum and Gingrich? The thing that’s amazing to me is that they’re not exactly trying to hide the bias. How much more obvious could they possibly make it?

What is news, Tom?

Is it the rantings of a Beck, or Olberman? Or, is it the choice of issues shown, and the truth of those issues not shown to the public through a prism of bias?

Keep yacking about Beck, Hannity, or any other pundit on FOX and convince yourself of their bias. You completely miss the larger point, and no amount of denying on your part will erase that perception of you on our part. By using the pundits as your point of contention with FOX, you show to us, of yourself, a severe mental deficiency in understanding. To put it plainly, you use commentators, who speak of their opinions on a news channel, and then try to paint the news from that channel as biased. Doesn’t make any sense now, does it?

@Curt: #11 The way I understand it is that Rupert Murdoch, the owner of Fox News, is very liberal, so he would like to see more democrats in office. He also loves to make money and figured out a long time ago that just telling the public what the democrats want him to isn’t going to increase the amount of his viewers. Name one of the other networks that has INCREASED its viewers or readers. Thankfully, Murdoch chose the love of money over the love of spreading liberalism. Hurray for the love of money, and I hope he makes a lot more.

@Randy: #13 I don’t remember where I read this, but an article said that the reporters don’t go out to the source any more. They sit in their hotel rooms and write up their stories and STAGE their pictures. This is why they all use the same pictures and their articles are almost always the same.

Several years ago Laura Ingraham had a woman on her radio show who followed the propaganda media and took pictures of them. Laura said the cover picture of the book said it all. It was during uprisings by the Palestinians and they said it showed a boy getting ready to throw a rock. The picture was in all of the propaganda media.

The author of the book took a picture from the opposite angle that the propaganda media did. Her picture showed the boy standing with a rock in front of three rows of the propaganda media photographers. This is what her book is all about.

I was driving my truck at the time the show was on and couldn’t write down the name of the author or book. I have a lousy memory for names and later on I forgot the names. I emailed Laura but never got a reply back. Does anyone know what the book’s name is? I want to buy one.

Curt and others,
You are wrestling with a pig in the mud here. I think you know what I mean.


identified with pundits like O’Rielly and Beck? Or perhaps Hannity, Palin, Huckebee, Santorum and Gingrich

Hannity and Huckebee host “conservative” programs, just as Chris Matthews, and Keith Olbermann host “liberal” programs. O’Reilly and Beck tend to be bashers of both parties.

Palin, Santorum and Gingrich are contributers and or analysts, in the same positions on the FOX network as:

Bob Beckel, Terry McAuliff, Jeff Birnbaum, Alan Colmes, Susan Estrich, Geraldine Ferraro, Ellis Henican, Mort Kondrake, Adam Lashinsky, Mara Liasson, Robert Lichter, Ellen Ratner, Lis Wiehl, Juan Williams.

This is an incomplete list of liberals regularly contributing to the network, it’s actually a small representation.

I suppose you think Mike Wallace is a FOX propagandist as opposed to ‘ahem’ straight news Aramanpour, or Shep Smith, Shannon Bream…. both have ventured into a liberal pov while anchoring the news on occasion.

Then there are all the reporters that do report straight news, they aren’t pundits, they aren’t analysts or hosts, they report the news, perhaps more of the news than other cable news channels. Therein lies Obama’s beef with FOX.

Randy and Smorg….

You guys reminded me of one of the funniest videos ever put on the web.

It is called ”Shooty, No Shooty” by the Dissident Frogman.

It was created after several news outlets covered an Iraqi woman claiming some unspent bullets hit her home.
Poor women.
Bullets, still in their jackets, slamming into her home!
She had them for the photo op, too.

And, stay tuned for the out takes.

Perhaps to get this thread back on topic, Tom should tell us whether he agrees that Obama is America’s Chavez.

I’ll go first: I don’t need Fox News to tell me. I recognize a true communist when I see one. Yes.

Smorg#32 “Rupert Murdoch is a Liberal.”That’s absurd my friend.

TOM: hi, FOX NEWS is the best to get real facts, and I’m not kidding, 15 years ago,
I move to a town where I found for the first time access to AMERICAN NEWS CHANNELS,
AND I as a new to that access after checking all, I stop at FOX NEWS and found to be the best
OF all even CNN, and contrary to your comment, they are not bias and that what got me to stick them for as long , and this is an opinion from CANADA, TAKE it there and you will find many CANADIANS who favor FOX NEWS. bye

SMORGASBORD: hi, did you mention PIGS, WELL it seems to be all over FA today,
I just left GREG and he had PIGS in his comment. bye

@Nan G: #36 Didn’t the reporters or the editor at AFP who OK’d the story know they were unspent cartridges? Have they even seen a bullet? Do you have a link to the story?

Don’t let the liberals know that they were “unspent” cartridges or they will find a way to “spend” them.

@Doug: #37 When Obama said something like, “I want a civilian police force as strong as the military and funded equally with the military” during his campaign to be the democratic candidate I knew what he was up to. What did Hitler call his “civilian police force?”

@rich wheeler: #38 I’m going by what several of the conservative radio talk show hosts have said several years ago. I don’t know this personally, that is why I said “The way I understand it….” he is.

41Reply to this comment

@Nan G: #36 Didn’t the reporters or the editor at AFP who OK’d the story know they were unspent cartridges? Have they even seen a bullet? Do you have a link to the story?

I don’t know how many of these links from the Dissident Frogman’s original story still are live.

It was up in 2007 but I think AFP has pulled it, unless someone saved the story with a screen capture.

@ilovebeeswarzone: #40 Just so there is no misunderstanding, I didn’t call anyone a pig, I was referring to a truck driver joke. For anyone who doesn’t know what I mean:

Why is arguing with a truck driver like wrestling with a pig in the mud?

After a while you finally figure out that the pig likes it.

Replace “truck driver” with “liberal” and you should get the point that there is no use arguing with a liberal because they “like it.”

Rupert Murdoch hosted a fundraiser for Hillary Clinton when she was running for the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination.
At the time she was the frontrunner in the pack.

Smorg #42 That would be the Gestapo.

According to Factcheck.When on 7/2/2009 in a Colorado Springs campaign speech the candidate made reference to a “civil national security force” he was NOT talking about a security force with guns or police powers.

He was talking about expanding AmeriCorps and doubling the size of the Peace Corps and the U.S.A. Freedom Corps which is the volunteer initiative launched by the Bush administration after the air strikes of 9/11.He also asked to increase the number of trained foreign service officers who populate U.S. embassies overseas.

Does that sound even remotely like the Gestapo? Is it true you’ll be a keynote speaker at Colbert’s upcoming “Keep Fear Alive” rally in D.C?

@rich wheeler: #47 The Gestapo was not a civilian police force.

This is what I meant.

I felt like I was the only one who caught what he said. I never read or heard anything about it, even on the conservative blogs. I found the below story of someone who felt like I did.

Is it true you’ll be a keynote speaker at Colbert’s upcoming “Keep Fear Alive” rally in D.C?

Obama is doing a good job of “Keep Fear Alive” all by himself. Everything he is doing and saying makes me fearful that he wants to be king and not president.

@ rich wheeler, At the current rate of undisciplined and irresponsible spending, We cannot afford any of that. Unless you subscribe to the philosophy that “We can’t be BROKE we still have CHECKS!”

I reckon that You are smarter than that. Curtailing Big Gummint and cutting back spending should be a prudent National Priority right now. 😉

As I recall the Gestapo went out of business in 1945. 😉

I think Hitler’s civilian police force were partly including those called the ”HitlerJungen,” or Hitler Youth.

These kids were the spies in their neighborhoods, even against their own families.

I don’t think they were even paid, just given lots of good vibes from bigwigs in the Party.

NanG #46 Sen.Clinton fundraiser in summer of 2006 was before she announced.Many think this was more a smart business move to garner favor from powerful N.Y. senator who had an influence on his business dealings.

He was a big supporter of Reagan and Thatcher.He professed to like both Mac and Obama but purportedly agreed with Beck that Obama was a racist.

I’d say that Rupert is a pragmatist though certainly not a liberal.

OT2 I wasn’t passing judgement on the economic soundness of Obama’s proposals.My ire is raised by those (particularly “birthers”) who make less than veilled comparisons of Obama and Hitler

I’d say the same about Bush/Hitler comparisons.SICK

Sorry, rich w, I confused the years and her run.
It was a senate run.

He took credit for the NYPost endorsing Obama:

Yeah. He is a rock star. It’s fantastic. I love what he is saying about education. I don’t think he will win Florida… but he will win in Ohio and the election. I am anxious to meet him. I want to see if he will walk the walk.

I think you might be right about his pragmatism being more important to him than any one ideology.

He loves wealth, not ideology.

Remember when people were demanding ideological mutual funds?
Not one of them came even with the index funds that ignore morals or philosophies.

@rich wheeler:

My ire is raised by those (particularly “birthers”) who make less than veilled comparisons of Obama and Hitler

So, do you think that Obie’s economic policies have nothing in common with the economic policies of Germany during Hitler’s reign?

@rich wheeler:

According to Factcheck.When on 7/2/2009 in a Colorado Springs campaign speech the candidate made reference to a “civil national security force” he was NOT talking about a security force with guns or police powers.

He was talking about expanding AmeriCorps and doubling the size of the Peace Corps and the U.S.A. Freedom Corps which is the volunteer initiative launched by the Bush administration after the air strikes of 9/11.

Man, it takes a willing suspension of disbelief and a mighty large stretch of the imagination to translate “civilian national security force” as either AmeriCorps or the Peace Corps.

Neither of those organizations is involved in national security in any way, shape, or form.

A.C. There are some similarities in Hitler’s and Obama’s and F.D.R.’s economic policies.They have been discussed at length in other posts.

We should never forget Hitler was a monster who rose to power by politically scapegoating minorities,the weak and unprotected of society.To juxtapose G.W.B. or B.H.O.’s names with Hitler for any reason is I.M.H.O. heading down a slippery slope.

Good to see you back A.C. Any Nov. predictions?

Right, AC #55.

Obama left the teleprompter script when he said:

“We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.”

The immediate context for that amazing statement was a preview of parts of his plan to vastly expand community service opportunities for Americans of nearly all ages. He said,

“People of all ages, stations, and skills will be asked to serve.”

In his campaign document [PDF] “The Blueprint for Change: Barack Obama’s Plan For America,” Obama’s “Service” section BARACK OBAMA AND JOE BIDEN’S PLAN FOR UNIVERSAL
VOLUNTARY PUBLIC SERVICE [starts on page 59]

He plans to
double the Peace Corps’ budget by 2011,
and expand AmeriCorps,
USA Freedom Corps,
YouthBuild Program, and
the Senior Corps.

Plus, he proposes to form
a Classroom Corps,
Health Corps,
Clean Energy Corps,
Veterans Corps,
Homeland Security Corps,
Global Energy Corps, and
a Green Jobs Corps.

A.C.#55 I was quoting Factcheck How do you translate his actual meaning.”Kids armed to the teeth?”

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