PATVANN: I also am sad with the lost of a brave marine,so young and so full of futures goals to meet: NOW what is being done to locate thoses EIDS?.AFTER so long time and so much hurts and BLOOD spill; WHAT is GOVERNMENT doing on that PROBLEM? WHAT are the research companyes
DOING to find a solution? I say use LAZER INTO A device adding magnet knowledge and other tecknology,I say,LONG range detonator and others ,SET it up before the military march in;
thoses militarys ARE NOT EXPANDEBLE, and we want all concern to create and make that device, as soon as YESTERDAY, and the COMMANDER IN CHIEF is responsible to order it,and support it, now, and move it,like the braves are doing.
14 years ago
There are many companies, and billions of dollars being used to help make these weapons less harmful to our troops. But even with the best of everything we know, there will be times that the bad-guys get lucky.
Over the past 10 years, we have learned much, and we get the new technology out to our warriors as fast as we can. It is tragic to hear about the deaths, but the news never tells us when we have been successful in finding, destroying, or making-harmless the IED’s…which as been in the 10’s of thousands.
PATVANN: yes, YOU know more than I for sure, BUT WHAT I see, Is the percentage of HURT and DEATHS is still to high, compare to the measures the MILITARYS TAKE to protect the lifes
OF the ENNEMIES,. thank you for your knowledge on this. bye
PATVANN: I also am sad with the lost of a brave marine,so young and so full of futures goals to meet: NOW what is being done to locate thoses EIDS?.AFTER so long time and so much hurts and BLOOD spill; WHAT is GOVERNMENT doing on that PROBLEM? WHAT are the research companyes
DOING to find a solution? I say use LAZER INTO A device adding magnet knowledge and other tecknology,I say,LONG range detonator and others ,SET it up before the military march in;
thoses militarys ARE NOT EXPANDEBLE, and we want all concern to create and make that device, as soon as YESTERDAY, and the COMMANDER IN CHIEF is responsible to order it,and support it, now, and move it,like the braves are doing.
There are many companies, and billions of dollars being used to help make these weapons less harmful to our troops. But even with the best of everything we know, there will be times that the bad-guys get lucky.
Over the past 10 years, we have learned much, and we get the new technology out to our warriors as fast as we can. It is tragic to hear about the deaths, but the news never tells us when we have been successful in finding, destroying, or making-harmless the IED’s…which as been in the 10’s of thousands.
PATVANN: yes, YOU know more than I for sure, BUT WHAT I see, Is the percentage of HURT and DEATHS is still to high, compare to the measures the MILITARYS TAKE to protect the lifes
OF the ENNEMIES,. thank you for your knowledge on this. bye