Dum loquimur, fugit invida Aetas: Carpe Diem, quam minimum, credula postero.
In short: ‘Enjoy yourself while you can.’
This phrase is often found in Greek and Latin poetry, it refers to our frailty and the inevitability of death. The hedonist and the epicurean often rely on this phrase to justify their lifestyles; although, judging by Obama’s loss of support and approval, he may as well adopt this phrase as a new slogan for the office of his presidency. It is doubtful whether he can find the time to adopt a more hedonistic lifestyle and maintain his health and family, with golf, parties, basketball, rock concerts and vacations. Activities that are wearing thin upon a country that is growing weary of their President’s lavish lifestyle while they struggle to keep from losing their homes and to feed their families, feelings that are becoming apparent in the President’s approval ratings.

The President probably missed the true nature of the American psyche by growing up with a Marxist family and being mentored by Marxists and doesn’t realize that the people who power the motors of the American economy aren’t asking for handouts and reparations, they only want a job to pay for their home and to feed their families. Unless President Obama starts working to improve the economy and job market, instead of viewing the American people as indigents who wait impatiently for handouts from the government, he may as well adopt Carpe Diem as his own personal motto.

A professional horseman for over 50 years, Skook continues to work with horses. Skook has finished an historical novel, Fifty Thousand Years, that traces a mitochondrial line of DNA from 50,000 years ago to the present. The story follows a line of courageous women, from the Ice Ages to the present, as they meet the challenges of survival with grit and creativity. These are not women who whimper of being victims, they meet the challenges of survival as women who use their abilities without excuses or remorse, these women are winners, they are our ancestors.
Fifty Thousand Years is available in paperback and e-book, it is getting great reviews. You can purchase a copy here; Â Visit me on Facebook.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Dylantheauthor
Call me a conspiracy whack job but I don’t see any reference to Chelsea’s husband religion.
Could that be the reason Obama stayed away? I have to go now and make a new aluminum foil hat.
For the Obama’s and their Fellow Travelers, “Every Day is a Holiday and every Meal is a Feast”
For the rest of US, “It is a Hard Knock Life.”
Until the Pretender who is hugely “Economically Illiterate” learns to stop taking the counsel of Fools and stop fooling with things that He does not understand, He will continue to break things that do not need Fixin. For now the Party is still going on and will continue until after the Mid Terms in November. Hopefully the American Voters will send a message on the irresponsible spending and mis-management that will be the true Obama Era Legacy. If Obama is not a one termer the Republic will crash and burn. In the two short years of his “rule” He has done more harm than good.
He is beyond any reasonable doubt the most Unqualified President Evah!
Buffalobob, with all due respect to you and the Clintons (theirs is way less than yours), I don’t give a damn about Chelsea or her wedding.
Well said Old Trooper 2
Skookum, Here Here, I second the motion.
I quite frankly do not give a damn about the Carpetbaggers from Arkansas or the nuptuals
of their hedge fund managing over celebrated Daughter. She is as ugly as a mud fence like
Amy Carter was and most likely still is. Her Husband’s religious preference is obvious. The Dollar still has great appeal in some social circles and is considered an article of worship by many that I would not trust to park my 5 year old 2005 pickup truck that has less than 17,000 miles on it. I bought it new and subsequently was deployed for 38 months of that.
I actually have more respect for the occaisional stray dogs that show up on my spread for the occaisional handout and perform no useful functions other than to feed at my public trough or harass my livestock that do perform a useful function.
No offense intended Buffalobob. Your preference for headgear is your choice. I prefer a Stetson or an old sun faded Army Ranger head cover that my daring and darling Daughter refers to as my “Go to Hell Hat”. My berets now decorate the top shelf of my closet and my collection of awards and campaign ribbons now are in a shoebox in my sock drawer. That box, it’s contents and $5.00 will buy me a cup of coffee at the diner in town. The result of the Clinton Era was the downsizing of the CIA, our Military and 8 years of botched Foreign Policy.
My Daughter is looking over my shoulder and snickering but she recalls my deployments to Somalia, the Balkans and the Middle East over the years. All of which were due to the ineptitude of the Former Philanderer in Chief from Arkansas in Foriegn Policy. The fact that Hillary is currently masquerading as a Diplomat gives me no comfort either.
OT, good luck in your second and hopefully final retirement. May you never need to pick up a rifle in defense of this country or the Constitution again, nor to save face or make political points for a buffoon serving as president.
Keep us informed of life on the ranch!
I hope Obama keeps up with the golfing, basketball, vacations, kobe steaks, arugula, Paul McCartney concerts, . . . . . BECAUSE people are finally starting to take notice to what a total waste of air this guy is. He has denegrated the office of the president so much that it is now acceptable to go on the View. Yeah right. Keep it up Zero – you may think you are the ruler, but the American people have different ideas. We haven’t existed as a nation for over 200 years just to let some wet behind his big ears LOSER destroy this country. The Dems may think they have WON, but the heart of the TRUE American people tell a different story. Just keep it up. Americans NEVER EVER EVER go down without a fight. At least not the America that I remember and love.
The stark contrast between lifestyles of the left and those of the conservatives are in direct contradiction with the left’s rhetoric. We have the multi-million dollar wedding of Chelsea Clinton, the Speaker’s wanton use of government planes for not only herself, but also her family, the outrageous parties and “date nights” of the President, not to mention his family’s vacations, the purchases of the “war hero who would be king”, and then us. Apparently, “shared sacrifice” is only meant for those who don’t have the blessings of the left.
I do not begrudge Chelsea her wedding or it’s cost. I do not begrudge Kerry his yacht. Those are purchases from private funds. I do begrudge Chelsea’s parents and Kerry himself speaking of “shared sacrifice”, living off the public, and telling everyone to make do with less “for the good of the public” while they do the complete opposite.
I DO begrudge Pelosi and Obama abusing their positions of power for personal use. The time of government elected employees serving the people has passed. We now live in a time of serfdom to the government, to supply the wealth they burn through like it is never ending. They abuse the trust of the people they were elected by. I do not live to serve them. The Constitution is supposed to guarantee this, yet they abuse the powers granted to them within it.