Barack Obama Is A Big Fat Liar [Reader Post]


obama liar liar

Early on in the health care debate it was argued that an individual mandate was un-Constitutional:

Federal legislation requiring that every American have health insurance is part of all the major health-care reform plans now being considered in Washington. Such a mandate, however, would expand the federal government’s authority over individual Americans to an unprecedented degree. It is also profoundly unconstitutional.

Apparently the Obama administration has come to the realization that it’s un-Constitutional as well. So they’ve done an about face and now are arguing that health care reform is nothing other than a new and huge tax:

WASHINGTON — When Congress required most Americans to obtain health insurance or pay a penalty, Democrats denied that they were creating a new tax. But in court, the Obama administration and its allies now defend the requirement as an exercise of the government’s “power to lay and collect taxes.”

And that power, they say, is even more sweeping than the federal power to regulate interstate commerce.

Administration officials say the tax argument is a linchpin of their legal case in defense of the health care overhaul and its individual mandate, now being challenged in court by more than 20 states and several private organizations

In the article it’s called an “about-face.” That’s being too typically liberal defensive of the stinking liar President kind.

“For us to say that you’ve got to take a responsibility to get health insurance is absolutely not a tax increase,” the president said last September, in a spirited exchange with George Stephanopoulos on the ABC News program “This Week.”

When Mr. Stephanopoulos said the penalty appeared to fit the dictionary definition of a tax, Mr. Obama replied, “I absolutely reject that notion.”

Well, Barack Hussein doesn’t reject it any more.

Congress anticipated a constitutional challenge to the individual mandate. Accordingly, the law includes 10 detailed findings meant to show that the mandate regulates commercial activity important to the nation’s economy. Nowhere does Congress cite its taxing power as a source of authority.

Funny how they sort of forgot to mention this before.

Mr. Obama “has not been honest with the American people about the nature of this bill,” Mr. Balkin said last month at a meeting of the American Constitution Society, a progressive legal organization. “This bill is a tax. Because it’s a tax, it’s completely constitutional.”

Barack Obama is a liar. I know- you’re shocked.

But I can see right through Obama. And here’s how you can as well. You’ll just need one of these:

obama bs decoder ring

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Drudge reported yesterday that Obama now admits that there will be taxes on the healthcare. I only hope someone is keeping a list of the lies so that the list can be shown to all voters in November elections.

Good Lord!! We are all in trouble right now. I personally am not pleased with either political party & wish the people would just take a stand to all of the decade-career politicians.

I can only recommend everyone read that new book out about a small town in America where the citizens do take a stand & ends up starting the 2nd American Revolution. Hey, the same issues are there, high taxes, contintual foreign wars & bureaucrats crossing the land to harass the people.

It’s a great read cause it could be our home town one day.

When is someone going to get the fortitude to start impeachment proceedings on this traitor? I am sick and tired of the MSM, who will eventually be on his list to squash first amendment rights going to wake up?, when are those that are still swilling the kool aid going to wake up? I have to make the hasty generalization that the later will not happen for the most part – they are the ones who suck off society and bask in the rays of socialism. However for their ignorance they don’t have a clue where the money comes from and what will happen when the money runs out.

The death panels, or whatever you call it are real. Those that are terminally ill, the elderly and those the barack, steve, barry or whatever his name is merry band of communists deems unproductive will no longer be given care. Health care will be rationed and there will be many deaths AND everyone will be taxed to the nth degree to be turned away and let die in a corner. This is totally disgusting and it isn’t what this country is about.

I am probably jumping all over the place, but after a couple of years of seeing very clearly from the beginning what this man is, I am afraid for my country, my children and my grandchildren.

No one really knows who he is or where he is from. It is obvious though he holds no allegiance for the United States.

God help us, we really need it.

Thank you Dr John for being all over the Corruptocrat-in-Chief, oh I mean the Liar-in-Chief. What a piece of work he is. My 88 year old mother, who is a retired school teacher and life long Democrat, voted for O, and was so enamored with him that she cut out a magazine photo of the first couple and taped it on her door in her senior center. That only lasted 2 or 3 months. I had lunch with her this weekend and she told me she doesn’t like him anymore. I couldn’t resist the jab, and I said, well thanks for voting for him! I tried to explain that the Democrat party is no longer what she thought she was a part of, but I think that might have been overload for her. I asked her to please not vote for Jerry Brown because it would be the same as voting for Obama. We’ll see. Old school democrats are hard to retrain.

@disenchanted: As to impeachment, let’s vote in as many true conservatives as possible this November, and then we’ll see what happens. It takes Congress to impeach, and there’s your answer as to why it has been free ride. So far.

PATRIOTGIRL: IT seems that who is CONGRESS, SENAT PRESIDENT, is so homogene,
BECAUSE they have a DEMOCRAT MAJORITY, NO ONE dare to raise the abuse, the circonventing the CONSTITUTION, THE EXECUTIVE ORDERS the president use to favor ennemies feellig good policys, the closing of SPACES FUTURE DISCOVERY, the favoring BRAZIL over AMERICA’s
for BUSINESS DEAL, the ingnored approch on the gulf tragedy for people and animals land and sea life destruction, the refusal of closing the borders making some of the UNITED STATES,
residents and Governer suffer for trying to deal with the enormous problem that would require a military program to deal with, and all the democrats are accepting that situation,
IT’S not okay, and IT’S going to be worse as time goes.

The facts are basically irrefutable. I’m getting REALLY sick of the left playing the politics of division and trying to tear conservatives apart. Mitt and Sarah have both been relatively close and certainly cordial for years now. No matter which one of them wins the nomination in 2012, I have no doubt that the other will do whatever they can to help the other become president. We’re all on the same team and both camps of supporters need to remember that!

Get beyond the spin and the slander/libel at

The IRS, who is charged to implement Obamacare, hasn’t calculated how much extra money and the amount of personnel needed to enforce the insurance mandate. More can be read here:

Who knows, but may be Obamacare can be stopped by refusing to fund the IRS.

Sorry, Dan, but I’m last resorting Romney…….Romneycare was the basis for Obamacare, so……I don’t like that direction he took that state. I don’t see him being the best for the country, so I will not vote for him unless I have to, much like McCain.
