Mitt Romney’s Health Care Appointee Bolting To Obama Camp?


Allah has an interesting post about this nugget of news today:

In a development that could have ramifications for the 2012 presidential race, Jon Kingsdale, the man who Mitt Romney appointed to help implement the Massachusetts health care plan, has stepped down. Though Kingsdale hasn’t announced where he’s moving to, a spokesman for his agency tells the Boston Globe that he will be “exploring opportunities to help with national health care reform.”

What does this all have to do with 2012?

Well, Kingsdale was appointed by the Romney administration in 2006, and tasked with running the Commonwealth Health Insurance Connector Authority, which operates the state exchange on which Massachusetts citizens can use government subsidies to purchase government-designed insurance plans. This is the same basic infrastructure that Democrats just created at the national level, and Obama himself has repeatedly tied the two plans together in the past few weeks.

And Allah’s point? Obama and his handlers will snatch this guy up, if he hasn’t already….and then BOOM! Mitt is outta here.

…the talking points for Mitt’s primary opponents sure do seem to be mounting, don’t they? If the administration is pursuing Kingsdale, it would be another clever move by Obama to hurt the GOP by poaching political talent. He vacuumed up Jon Huntsman by offering him a job he couldn’t turn down just as the media was starting to chatter about him being the “great moderate hope” or whatever. Installing Kingsdale, a guy with a Romney pedigree, in a position of visibility vis-a-vis O-Care would create a perpetual thorn in Mitt’s side ahead of the primary.

I would be shocked if this doesn’t happen. Obama didn’t get to where he is now by being stupid, and snatching a guy up from a GOP frontrunner to prove that Mitt is ObamaLite is just plain smart.

And the sooner this “frontrunner” is outta the field the better.

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Good riddance.

Mitt had shown some promise,but if he just wants to manage Socialism better than the Dems then he can go pound sand.I am afraid Mitt is off the list.

When RINOs lie down with libs!

I voted for Mitt last time because he was the best choice at the time. Hopefully we will have better choices the next time.

Romney is what is wrong with the Republican party and why they lost their majorities. He is bad, bad, bad for President in 2012. People keep picking him up I keep telling them to put him down.

I feel like I’m still a police detective, gun drawn, giving the suspect commands to a disturbed person bent on suicide in order to defuse the situation-

“Put the Romney down, I’m not telling you again, put the Romney down and step away, kick it over here and back up. Nobody wants to get hurt here, so put the Romney down!”

And just as I say it, Am. Spectator sends this to me.

The key passage about Romney STILL loving his failed Masscare.

“(Obama is) saying that I was the guy that came up with the idea for what he did,” Romney said at a recent appearance in New Hampshire, according to the New York Times. “If ever again somewhere down the road I would be debating him, I would be happy to take credit for his accomplishment.”

Socialists come in all shapes and sizes, even good looking white guys from Mass who are well qualified in some areas but dumber than a bag a hammers in others. Elitism does not adhere to party.

Worth reading.

Mitt Romney is toast! This man cannot win a free lottery. Obama would love to have this man as opponent so he can destroy his rich white Mormon azz.



Every primary voter in Iowa, New Hanshire and South Carolina should have access to this report. Romney is a Liberal Republican.

Romney in 2012… NOT A CHANCE IN HELL