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Just an aside note: Sarah Palin will be on Leno tonite, March 2nd. It’ll be fun to make his ratings much, much better than Letterman’s. 🙂

How nice of him to give Sydney Crosby a ride!

Sometimes, we need to realize that the truths about people transcend party lines. I saw this article about a prominent Republican:

and reading it sounded just like they were describing a certain prominent Democrat… My conclusion is that it is a certain type of person that gravitates to politics, whatever side.


Read her account of Haiti. That link is to her third post since going, the rest are in the sidebar, under “Recent posts”.

God (*will*) bless people like this woman.

If you can read those without tears..

Jeans? She wore jeans when she did Leno??????

Class. Some people got it, some people don’t. You can’t buy it, nor can you fake it.


Jeans? She wore jeans when she did Leno??????

You know…it doesn’t get any more substantive than this, folks!

Is that a photo of Nancy Pelosi celebrating Canadas hockey victory?

Sarah Palin could have worn sweats and pulled it off, she looked great….always does! Looked like she was having a good time, the audience seemed to enjoy her, she’s vivacious and has been able to maintain a great sense of humor even after all the extreme cruelty she had been bombarded with. Gutsy gal, go Sarah!

Gretchen Carlson brought up her hair this morning. Wondered why it was up since she hadn’t worn it that way since the campaign, said she asked her about her hair in the interview she did with Sarah. What a woman of substance, that Gretchen, she knows just what “the American people” need to know. I’m sure it keeps Sarah up at night wondering….”will I wear the hair up, or down?” Sheesh!

TAGIYYOTOMIST you are right she is a good person i wish her all the whealt because she has wisdom ,bye

I agree with you, Missy, Sarah could be wearing sweats (and I think she has sometimes) and look great. I watched the show when on t.v., and you could hear the audience’s positive response a bit better than on the video. The house really rocked when she talked about lower taxes so that businesses could afford to hire more people–et, voila! Jobs creation! She did fabulously!!

I tried to link the entire video from last night (including a short interview after the show), but somehow it does not want to work. Here’s the entire interview, and the before and after the show fun stuff, too, over at Conservatives4Palin for anyone who wants to watch it:


Funny, I don’t recall mentioning anyone’s name in my initial post.

Sounds like we have some paranoids here.



Funny, I don’t recall mentioning anyone’s name in my initial post.

Sounds like we have some paranoids here.

Ummmm….What other female wore jeans while appearing on Leno?

Don’t worry about answering. We already know exactly what you meant.

I think Ivan likes the attention…so, I won’t respond to his ridiculousness.

Since when did Leno have a dress code??


Since when did Leno have a dress code??

Why ever since our resident Palin hater Ivan Da’Misogynist proclamated dat dem wimmens a’int permitted to be leavin’ da house lookin’ jus’ any ole way.

Thus it be said…..Thus it be done.

Yeah, if she wants to be president of the ranch-hands she’s got my vote.


NEW YORK (AP) — Sarah Palin is ready for the next chapter of her publishing career.

Publisher HarperCollins announced Wednesday that the former Alaska governor and Republican vice presidential candidate is working on a “celebration of American virtues and strengths.” The book is currently untitled and no release date has been set.

Palin’s memoir, “Going Rogue,” released last fall by HarperCollins, has sold more than 2 million copies. Her new work will “include selections from classic and contemporary readings that have inspired her, as well as portraits of some of the extraordinary men and women she admires and who embody her love of country, faith, and family,” the publisher’s statement reads.

Comment by Liam, moved by Mata from another thread
Source comment by BRob here. Please confine any and all responses to the Weekly Open Thread.


So true BRob. Little Dog, you should totally eat more dog food HAHAHAHAHAHA sooo FUNNY. Us progressives need to stick together. Abraham Lincoln obviously would have agreed with us, why would these republiCANTs think they had anything to do with the history of fighting for the black man? Ha, what a laugh. Plus, when Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr was there leading us democrats on the march for civil rights, we were only stopped by republican conservatives on our way to proclaiming equal rights for all! But I read a weird statistic that in the 26 major civil rights votes after 1933, a majority of Democrats opposed civil rights legislation in over 80 percent of the votes. By contrast, the Republican majority favored civil rights in over 96 percent of the votes (http://www.yale.edu/ynhti/curriculum/units/1982/3/82.03.04.x.html)… can’t remember. I might become a replublican if that is true. You should join me, they seem to spin historical events less. Just because a majority is for someone or something, doesn’t mean its right. Just ask the democrats during the civil rights period, right? Or the Germans around the 1940’ish mark. Or where Planned Parent HOOD had its roots (e.g. Margaret Sanger and her roots and affiliations), but yet, no one seems to pick up on that hypocrisy in the party of ‘free thinkers’. It sure as hell isn’t the conservatives that are pro-extermination. That would make democrats look bad, eh BRob? Enough so, they would have to spin everything to suit their arguments. Beside, its not about racists belonging completely on one side or the other, its about who stands for what. And now we all know, the majority of democrats forever stood by pro-segregation until now. But knowing is half the battle.

@Ivan: you’re a moot point since you’re not the Palin consituent type. So you’ll have to understand why most of us here just give you and your comments a pass.

Not sure what you meant by your “cha ching” post. Were you a healthy mentality, you’d celebrate someone’s success. Perhaps even be inspired to rise to your own by thinking if a lowly “ranch hand” can make good, so could you.

But somehow I’m guessing that’s actually an attempt at sarcasm by you, relating to who you deem is worthy of the monetary rewards of success. ’tis an ugly trait of the so called “people’s party” that they place limits on each other’s achievements, based on what they personally consider “fair”.

Which is why I say again, you aren’t Palin’s constituent type. And thereby your voice remains of little interest to me.

Ha! I kind of find it difficult to celebrate a grifter shaking everyone down.

But tell you what, go ahead and enjoy your short-lived fertility goddesses success.

She’ll burn out like a 100W light bulb in a 1000W socket in no-time.

Ivan, you really don’t know your rabbits, do you? I’m not sure what “short lived fertility goddesses success” I, personally, am supposed to “enjoy”. It’s Palin’s success, not mine. I’m happy she’s doing well, but it’s hardly in the top tier of my concerns. By contrast, I wouldn’t be hitting the Jack Daniels in a depressed stupor if she weren’t.

But I have few worries about Palin and family. They are a hardy lot, and adept at self-responsibility. That seems to be a dying art in the last decades of America.

I’ve no clue what you’re discussing on her daughter and Hollywood. Surely you don’t think I wander around the Hollywood celeb sites, looking for gossip news on Palin or anyone else, do you? I have interest in her political career… as you’ll note with the extensive archived series I’ve written, found in the links above for both TrooperGate and the Trials & Tribulations categories. Since, however, her political career is non-existent, I don’t much follow her daily doin’s. I leave that to people like you, reveling in your PDS.

What is it about PaulBots and their bizarre idea about social skills anyway?

Also Marta, be honest, you cringed when you heard that Palin had sold her daughter out to Hollywood this week, right?

Sarah is so taken with being a celebrity it’s sad.

She should concentrate on raising Trig a wee-bit better than she did with Bristol.

Oh well, fame is like a torch. It burns most people.

I’ve no clue what you’re discussing on her daughter and Hollywood. Surely you don’t think I wander around the Hollywood celeb sites, looking for gossip news on Palin or anyone else, do you? I have interest in her political career…

Gossip huh? Is that what we’re now calling “Facts”?

Here you go, I don’t mind getting you up to speed:

Bristol Palin is in Los Angeles and is shooting her appearance on The Secret Life of The American Teenager plus two public service announcements about the realities of teen pregnancy, RadarOnline.com has learned exclusively.

She arrived in Los Angeles on Monday with her son Tripp, RadarOnline.com learned.

“She’s on set right now,” her lawyer Thomas Van Flein told RadarOnline.com at approximately 1:15 pm PST. “She’s shooting all day and much of tonight.”

Bristol is in LA with her mom Sarah, who will appear on Jay Leno’s Tonight Show on Tuesday.

The daughter of the former vice presidential candidate recently won a court victory for overdue child support from Levi Johnston. And while in Los Angeles she is shooting two public service announcement about the harsh realities of teen pregnancies, RadarOnline.com learned exclusively.

Not good. Bristol should concentrate on raising her child, not being a TV star. She’s a single parent so it’s doubly important she concentrate on her child.

And then there are plenty of stories that Sarah herself is shopping around a reality show (this may actually be a rumor, as opposed to Bristol’s story):

Sarah Palin and producer Mark Burnett have been making the rounds in Hollywood this week pitching a TV docudrama about Alaska. Joined by Burnett (whose resume boasts small screen smashes like Survivor and Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?), the former Alaska governor is shopping a pilot for a “Planet Earth” reality series to all four major TV networks (FOX, ABC, NBC, CBS), Entertainment Weekly’s industry sources squealed this evening.

“There’s an awful lot of interest in her,” one executive said. “As a short-order series, it might work. It would depend on what kind of footage you get.”

Reality show. If true, this would lower her even further in my mind. This gal, again, assuming this is true, is star-struck. Hollywood will destroy her and her family.

But now we at least know why she quit being the governor of Alaska.


Three questions:

1) How many books have you written?

2) How many have you sold?

3) How many dollars have you earned based simply on who you are and the fact that people are willing to pay to see you?

I would venture to say that “ZERO” is the answer to all three.

Catty, vicious, stupid, jealous, self-righteous, and ugly is no way to go through life, son.


Most concerned with her reproductive abilities dwell in the caverns of loopy leftist sites, Andrew Sullivan/Alan Colmes have ignorantly revealed their Sarah Palin insanity on their blogs by discussing her birth canal without the benefit of knowing how it works in the first place. I believe Alan does have a wife and a dog, he must be getting the info from the dog, Sullivan, well, we shall just say he is now the butt of much derision across the blog world.

Shortly after Colmes got carried away he, ahem, retired from his Hannity gig. All he’s got now is a once a week segment with his sister-in-law on O’Reilly, as a new FOX employee Sarah has been warmly welcomed.

I think she’s got some kind of an invisible shield that redirects the nastiness back onto those that are flinging it. Hmmm. just what is that Sally Quinn, who had so much to say about her and her family, doing these days? Wonder if Sarah will be writing anything for the WaPo in the future? Tee Hee.

Beware all you PDSers, beware!


Good grief, what’s with all this RadarOnLine, RadarOnLine, RadarOnLine spilled the beans about my granddaughter last fall at least they got an “exclusive” with Bristol. It’s certainly nothing to hyperventilate about, my granddaughter is a fabulous mother and I’m sure Bristol is too, I see nothing threatening to little Tripp in your cut and paste.

Ivan, you are sounding more and more like a little old man that could use a gentle laxitive.

@Ivan: By heavens, you’re cyber hearing challenged….. i.e. what part of I’m-not-interested escapes your comprehension? You’re also very confused as to who is political in the Palin family and worth of news on the political front. News flash, Ivan. Bristol is not a political figure. She is not running for office. She is free to make her way for herself and her son in any way she pleases.

Now you may not be aware of why Palin resigned, because you have not been the obvious beneficiary of either the TrooperGate or Alinsky Perfected series. As I said, look across the top for the Archives and Categories hotlink, and scroll down to the Palin section. There you will find the indepth skinny on all the complaints, those involved and their outcomes…. all of which cost the Alaskan taxpayers $2 mil of their hard earned cash.

Reality show about Alaska? Depends on what it is, doesn’t it? I don’t watch reality shows, but there are many that highlight talent such as dancing, singing, cooking, and some new ones hitting about national parks, travel, inventions etc. So I find it odd you have an opinion to pass on without personally being privvy to the pitch, a storyboarded pilot or rough scripts. Perhaps you assume it’s set in an Alaskan bordello?

I left all that crap, and the people who thrive on it, in the dust a decade ago after 17 years in the film/TV/music biz. Bores me to tears, this stuff does. Don’t like the people and their triaging of what’s important in life. But then age can do that to you…. make you crave something more substantial in life than doing long hours around someone’s one dimensional celluloid fantasies. However I don’t demean anyone that aspires in that direction. The beauty of America… a dream for each to call his/her own.

But at least I was never as personally judgmental as you, dictating what someone – especially a stranger – should or should not do with their lives. You should really be embarrassed, Ivan.

@Missy: Lawdy, Missy… I didn’t even pay attention to the RadarOnline links. They’ve already blown it bigtime in the past 24 hours as bozos by running a story that John Roberts was going to step down from SCOTUS for health issues… only to retract it hours later. That rag makes the Nat’l Enquirer look *good*. LOL

Oh good grief… monitoring some news reports and they are talking about the Alaskan show. Much to Ivan’s disapointment, it’s a documentary piece or series on Alaskan life, the wildlife, etc. Nothing to do with the family so many love to hate. LOL


So, help me to understand this now.

Palin is making the rounds on the Hollywood circuit promoting a reality show about Alaska and Alaskan life….A show that will, if successful, promote the State of Alaska….probably giving The Last Frontier an economic boost in the process….but that is a “bad” thing in Ivan’s eyes.

What a dolt.

Well, unless Ivan wants to do several laps of the backstroke, that’s the way I get it. You might want to add that a young teen mom, doing public service announcements about the realities of teen pregnancies also falls into the category of being a bad mom… LOL

Public service announcements…. Generally the celebrity studio time is donated, and the incidentials, such as airfare, hotel, some per diem, are the extent of the compensation. But I have no objections if they get paid for their time either. The amount of money voice over talent gets paid in the commercial world is astronomical. Ah yes… unions. I wore a union hat for over a decade. Lost a lot of work time and incurred vast hardships thru two WGA strikes as well. That was enough “union” for me. ta ta tinsel town

@Ivan: “plus two public service announcements about the realities of teen pregnancy”

And the problem with her doing PSAs for teen pregnancy is ….? How can you ask someone who has never faced life event to talk about that event? At least she is trying to do something positive with it.

I agree that she should focus on her child but what harm is doing the PSAs?
Liberals were the ones who painted her as the face of teen pregnancy. Its a n effect liberals will hate they created.

For me, I could care less what Palin does if it involves hollywood/acting and the like. I don’t follow the actors/actresses. I don’t care who is sleeping with whom.
Get on set, do your job and make the film I want to see enjoyable.

I simply do not get why YOU and others are following her as you do. Are your lives really that boring? That all you have time to do is put as a TOP PRIORITY is to keep up with the Palins? Seriously!!

If she 100% gave up politics from this day onward, I would bet that 10 years from now, there would be looney libs rubbing their hands together and complaining about everything they do. Sad really.

First there was Bush derrangement syndrome(BDS). Now, that has been replaced with Palin derrangement syndrome(PDS) (or take 1st place over BDS)

In short, Ivan … get out … help some needy families or something. Think of all the positive you could do instead of waiting for the next Palin exclusive!

I hate Gore but I darned sure don’t sit here every day wondering what he is up to.
(Right now he is dodging all the people who have GW questions for him *grin*)

Comment by BRob moved to thread by Mata


Hawk —

I had to handle something . . . new lawsuit. Now I am back and I will address you and simpleton. . . er Chihuahua.

Little dog —

What I find so offensive about you misappropriating the pictures of the civil rights protesters is that you are comparing Black people protesting Jim Crow to conservatives losing a vote in the Congress. One involved individuals taking on terrorism at the risk of their very lives; the other is about people who lost a fair election not having their way because . . . well, beccause they lost the election. Add in the fact that the conservatives who you are comparing the protesters too OPPOSED WHAT THE PROTESTORS WERE TRYING TO DO! So how the hell do you get off comparing people who risked their lives for the anti-segregation cause to those who actually opposed their efforts? That is what is so offensive about your pictures.

And another thing: anyone who reads what I posted would understand full well what I think about your implication — that me saying the majority cons should “know their place” is the same as what the civil rights protesters faced when they were risking their lives opposing the conservatives in the South who would have preferred that Blacks stay under heel. But in case you didn’t get it, let me put it this way:

The loser cons who complain about majority rules voting on health care, having lost the election and lost fair votes in the House and Senate, and who are about to lose another vote under the same fair rules that they have in the past used in identical fashion, are not fit to lick the sh*t stained boots of any of the Freedom Riders or the lunch counter protesters. How’s that?

Hawk —

I am more than happy to stay with the here and now. If you think what Harry Reid said about Obama (when he was explaining why he supported him running for president) is the same or worse than Trent Franks’ comments, you are Reason No. 68 why the GOP still looks like a Klan meeting. The whole Bob Byrd thing is rather hilarious but telling: you best examples of “racism” in the Dem Party involve what one member did 60 years ago and what another member said when talking about the man he wanted to be the first Black president of the US . . . the same guy the former Klan leader mentored in the Senate. That’s the best you have . . . sad . . . .

Comment by Aye Chihuahua moved to thread by Mata



What I find so offensive about you misappropriating the pictures of the civil rights protesters is that you are comparing Black people protesting Jim Crow to conservatives losing a vote in the Congress.


That is not at all the comparison that I was making.

You made the statement that those in the minority should “remember our place” or “find another place to live”. I simply asked you if you would give that same advice to those in the photographs.

A simple question which, by the way, you have still failed to answer.

Mata, Mata, Mata . . . still singing the same old song. Confusing party labels with ideology. Let me break it down this way:

favored civil rights acts — Liberal Dems, liberal Rs., moderate Dems, moderate Rs. Along with unions, Socialist, Communists, and Black Power nationalists.

opposed civil rights acts — Conservative Dems, conservatives Rs, Nazis, Klansmen, White Citizens Council, Mississippi Sovereignty Commission, John Birch Society.

* * * * *

The conservatives chose their side; the liberals and the moderates chose the other. This is history and no amount of spinning and “Bob Byrd” cracks will change that.

When the time came to take a stand on Jim Crow, the cons sided with Bull Connor and the Klan. ’nuff said!

Mata —

If I am talking about a minorty political bloc knowing its place, then you throw up a picture of people who risked their lives supporting something that that minorty bloc vehemently opposed, you ARE comparing not only the two groups, but also the risks and travails they faced standing up for what they believed in.

Goodman, Cheney and Schwerner died for their cause. You cons, if you lose, will just cut nastier commercials next fall. Comparing the two is simply a denigration of the protestors (who the cons opposed) and an undeserved exhaltation of the whiney cons. That is what is so patently offensive.

MATA on 32 you gave me a good laught bye

@billy bob and @billy bob:

If you hear me singing, you are still on your hallucinogens, bubba. I’ve not addressed this subject with you once on the other thread.

Secondly, I “threw up” no pictures, tho you do tend to make a body extremely nauseous. I am MataHarley. You are having that conversation with Aye Chihuahua.

Do not drag me into your slime battles. You and the gutter offer no appeal.

@Ivan: “plus two public service announcements about the realities of teen pregnancy”

And the problem with her doing PSAs for teen pregnancy is ….? How can you ask someone who has never faced life event to talk about that event? At least she is trying to do something positive with it.

Nice, a little creative editing in your “selective quote.”

Come back, Mr. ESL student, when you find the part about the reality show.

Now is she saying she shouldn’t have gotten pregnant? Is getting pregnant “bad”? I’m confused on the need to tell women about this.

Ivan, I think you can simply quit at being “confused”. And I might add, a tremendously nosy busybody.

26 major civil rights votes after 1933, a majority of Democrats opposed civil rights legislation in over 80 percent of the votes. By contrast, the Republican majority favored civil rights in over 96 percent of the votes (http://www.yale.edu/ynhti/curriculum/units/1982/3/82.03.04.x.html), so please explain how dems/liberals were the ones at the forefront of civil rights?

Maybe that’s why BO’s handlers chose to make him the 1st black president using the Democratic Party. It was payback time.

LIAM a COALITION of liberal Democrats and Republicans passed those civil rights acts. That was back when Republicans had both liberals and conservative wings to the party as did the Democrats. The Republicans have thrown out all of their liberals. Now only conservatives remain.

The cultural meanings of, “Conservative” and “liberal” up to the late 70’s was vastly different than they mean today in reality. A “liberal” in the Republican party since 1865 up to around 1960’s focused on civil rights for all Americans, but were typicaly held constraint in fiscal policy (aka economical conservative). Today, that type of person isn’t deemed liberal anymore as standing up and safeguarding the civil liberties of all Americans is now the Status Quo which defines what a “Conservative” is in a certain issue (here being civil rights).

Today’s Society misunderstands various words even in the Consitution and the Bill of Rights, such as, “Welfare” for example relating to monetary payments when it hardly ment that.

Make sure you read your labels:

The army is going back to go forward with an old yet new camo pattern called Multicam. Multicam was used in the Future Force Warrior project. It was rejected for UPC which the army now uses. It will now be issued to troops for the August deployment to Afghanistan.

The British beat the U.S. army to the punch by buying a similar pattern, called Muli-Terrain, from the same company that makes Multicam.

Airsoft players and hunters have been using Multicam for years. It was even featured in a Transformers movie.

Gregory_Dittman, I have been through 5 uniform changes so far, patterns, hot, cold climate adaptions and different fabrics as well. The next “deployers” will be issued the new stuff before I get the “New” worn off my last purchase of ACUs. Every time it changes the Enlisted get “issue” and I buy mine unless there is a direct exchange.

Money to burn, I reckon.